During menopause, a woman's body undergoes major changes. In particular, hormones change during menopause. This is due to the decline of reproductive function, the ovaries stop producing eggs, and the gonads do not reproduce hormones. It is as a result of hormonal imbalance that symptoms of menopause appear - instability of menstruation, hot flashes, irregular emotional state.


Changes during menopause cause discomfort in women and lead to a loss of self-confidence. However, you can prepare for the onset of this period in advance. If you regularly take hormone tests, you can find out approximately the time of the onset of menopause.

Hormonal changes

Every woman is born with a certain number of eggs in her ovaries, and when they run out, menopause occurs. An egg is produced by the ovaries approximately once a month, and if fertilization does not occur during the ovulation cycle, it is excreted along with menstrual flow.

At what age does menopause occur? This indicator is individual for each woman. Most often this is observed after 40, when too few eggs remain in the ovaries, and reproductive function declines. However, this process occurs gradually, and it is accompanied by the following symptoms of premenopause:

In addition, during menopause, a woman may become insecure. Indeed, as a result of metabolic disorders, the appearance skin, nails and hair. Wrinkles appear, hair turns gray - all this brings a woman closer to old age.

The effect of menopause on hormone production

Hormonal levels during menopause undergo serious changes. The synthesis of many hormones is disrupted, which leads to serious consequences for the body.


In particular, the synthesis of hormones belonging to the group of estrogens (female hormones) is disrupted. First of all, the synthesis of estradiol, the most active hormone among this group, slows down. When its quantity reaches a critically insignificant level, menstruation stops - menopause occurs. After the very last menstruation, the production of this hormone stops altogether. Now the main estrogen is estrone, but it is less active compared to estradiol. Therefore, its protective properties are much lower.

As a result of the fact that estradiol in a woman’s body decreases during menopause, problems with the thyroid gland appear. It produces worse the hormone calcitocin, which is necessary to maintain bone mass. Therefore, during menopause, a woman may develop osteoporosis.

However, male hormones are still synthesized in a woman's ovaries. Therefore, some patients may experience excessive body hair. However, androgens are also very important during menopause - they prevent heart disease.


Progesterone production occurs after a mature egg leaves the follicle. However, during menopause they fade away reproductive functions, and the number of released eggs is significantly reduced. If a lack of progesterone is observed in another period, before the onset of menopause, this is regarded as a pathology. Lack of this hormone leads to infertility. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor its level throughout your life.

During menopause in women, from about 45 years of age, a noticeable decrease in progesterone levels begins. This is a male hormone that performs important functions in the female body. In particular, it is necessary for normal conception and gestation of a child, as it contributes to the formation of the placenta. Therefore, even if women become pregnant during menopause, the child may be born with abnormalities due to insufficient amounts of hormones in the mother’s body.

Hormonal treatment for menopause should include taking both estrogen and progesterone medications. If you take only female hormones during menopause, this can lead to serious consequences. This therapy often causes cancer or stroke.

In order for a woman’s health to be normal, hormone levels must be adjusted. For this, special medications are prescribed, and the patient must adhere to a special diet.

Why do a test for female hormones?

What happens during menopause? Every woman during menopause experiences hormonal instability, resulting in the cessation of menstruation. However, in premenopause it is necessary to take a hormone test. After all, the absence of menstruation can be a sign of serious pathologies that are dangerous for a woman. There is a certain norm of hormones during menopause, and if deviations from it are observed, the patient requires special therapy. And the treatment of menopause symptoms also depends on what level of hormones is observed in the body.

Types of analyzes

Disorders during menopause (depression, hot flashes, etc.) are associated with hormonal imbalance. And to improve a woman’s well-being, special treatment is required. Before prescribing it, the doctor takes a blood test for hormones. And it comes in several varieties:

  1. Analysis for the level of estradiol concentration. Premenopausal women are tested 6-7 days after the end of their period. If menopause has already reached the stage of menopause, when menstruation has stopped, the test is taken at any time. To get the most accurate result, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after 20 days. Before taking tests, you should not have sex or expose your body to increased stress. You should not take contraceptives, because after this the level of hormones in the blood rises. The material for analysis is taken from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach. The norm of estradiol during menopause is 54 pm/ml. Elevated estradiol can be a symptom of various diseases, for example, cervical fibroids.
  2. Blood test for the hormone progesterone. Taken before the expected date of menstruation. You can donate blood in the morning or after lunch, but be sure not to eat for at least 5 hours beforehand. The hormone norm during menopause is no more than 0.64 nmol/l.
  3. FSH analysis. FGS is a hormone that stimulates the follicles, due to which the process of egg release is accelerated. It is produced by the pituitary gland and controls the process of estrogen formation. If there is a sufficient amount of estrogen in the blood, the concentration of FGS is low. But the level of FGS during menopause increases to critical levels, as the amount of estrogen decreases. The norm for FGS in menopause is from 25 to 100 mIU/ml.
  4. Analysis for LH. This is a hormone involved in ovulation. When it increases in the blood, the level of FGS decreases during menopause. The normal value of this hormone in the blood is 16-54 mIU/ml.

It must be taken into account that tests are necessary not only when a woman feels unwell. Every patient over 40 must donate blood to check the level of hormones in her. After all, after menopause and during it, serious diseases may appear, which are most effectively treated in the early stages.

With the onset of premenopause, irreversible changes begin in the female body, which often manifest as unpleasant symptoms. The lack of sex hormones has a detrimental effect not only on the appearance, but also on the general well-being of patients. During this period, hypertension appears, headaches and chronic fatigue may develop, but the most unpleasant symptom is hot flashes.

Today, doctors advise taking estrogens during menopause to relieve severe symptoms. Let's consider what drugs based on them exist.

Types of female hormones

Women produce 2 types of sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone. The first, in turn, has three forms - estradiol, estrone and estriol. These substances are responsible not only for a woman’s ability to bear children, but also for all metabolic processes in the body, which is why during the period of age-related adjustment, patients may experience disruptions in all organs and systems.

Taking estrogen during menopause helps to compensate for the deficiency of reproductive organs that occurs due to the decline of ovarian function. However, it is not recommended to take estradiol in its pure form. This substance can provoke the degeneration of cells into a malignant form and the growth of various neoplasms.

Today, estriol is used for hormone replacement therapy in premenopausal women. This form is much safer, but when prescribing medications based on it, it is extremely important to calculate the correct dosage. With an increased content of estriol, side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness and general malaise may occur.

In the second phase of menopause, the level of progesterone in the body also drops. This substance is responsible for bone density, emotional stability and weight correction. With a lack of progesterone, the patient may notice the growth of unwanted hair, weight gain, dry skin, etc. However, an excess of this substance can lead to undesirable consequences, namely depression, obesity and digestive disorders. Progesterone can only be prescribed by a doctor after clinical blood tests.

Important! Only a doctor should select a medicine with estrogens during menopause, based on test results and the general well-being of the patient!

What substances are missing during menopause?

Hormone levels in women change during menopause. In the first phase, the level of estradiol in the body begins to decrease, but it still prevails over the amount of progesterone. During this period, there are irregularities in menstruation and the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms of menostasis.

In the second phase of menopause, estradiol continues to rapidly decline, but progesterone also decreases. During this period, weight gain, the development of osteoporosis, and problems with the heart and vascular system begin most often.

In the third phase of menopause, the production of female hormones stops completely. At this time, the appendages and uterus completely fade away, they decrease in size. These organs no longer perform their functions, and the woman enters the postmenopausal phase.

Treatment with hormonal agents of synthetic or natural origin is advisable only in the first two phases of menostasis. When the uterus and ovaries stop working completely, estrogens in tablets are no longer needed, because by this time the body should already adapt and adjust to a new mode of operation.

How to delay the onset of menopause and reduce its manifestations?

Starting from the age of 40, every woman notices how her body changes. First, minor harbingers of ovarian failure appear, such as rare disruptions in the menstrual cycle, increased irritability and the first wrinkles. It is at this moment that patients need to think that age-related changes may soon occur and it is time to take measures to minimize its manifestations.

To prolong reproductive function, and therefore youth, there are several effective methods. At the first stage, when the menstrual cycle is still present, you can delay the onset of menostasis by adjusting your diet, giving up bad habits and changing your lifestyle. Experts have proven that patients who do not drink alcohol, play sports and adhere to healthy eating much later they encounter menopause, and its course is characterized by mildness and the absence of severe symptoms.

At later stages, drug therapy is required, when such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • Tides.
  • Pressure surges.
  • Headaches.
  • Heart pain.
  • Dryness of the vaginal mucous membranes, etc.

Preparations containing estrogen during menopause can only be prescribed by the attending physician after a thorough examination and appropriate diagnosis. Today, there are several groups of medications that contain natural or synthetic substances that compensate for estradiol deficiency during menopause, and therefore significantly alleviate its manifestations.

Menopause and estrogens: drugs, herbs, products

Before applying any measures to increase sexual substances in the body, you need to determine their level through a clinical blood test. With the onset of perimenopause, estradiol levels decrease and can range from 53 pg/ml and below. If the level drops below 10 pg/ml, artificial replenishment of the substance is required, because at such levels, menopause is especially difficult.

Stabilizing hormonal levels may include:

  • Natural hormones for women during menopause.
  • Synthetic drugs.
  • Folk recipes.
  • Special diet.

Types and effects of phytoestrogens on menopause

In nature, there are several types of foods rich in... First of all, these are food products that are available to every consumer; analogues of female reproductive substances are also contained in some herbs.


It is recommended to eat right and include natural foods in your diet long before menopause. Already at the age of 30, every woman should understand that proper nutrition is the key to prolonging youth, beauty and health. Among the products with high content natural estrogen hormone can be distinguished:

  • All types of legumes.
  • Parsley, celery and leafy vegetables.
  • Carrots, garlic, asparagus.
  • Whole grains.
  • Fermented milk products.
  • Vegetable oil (mostly olive oil).

Regularly including in your diet foods containing natural female hormones during menopause can delay the onset of menostasis and alleviate unpleasant symptoms.


They will also help in the fight against the manifestations of menostasis. folk recipes based on decoctions medicinal herbs. Phytoestrogens are found in the following plants:

  • Shepherd's purse.
  • Hawthorn.
  • Siberian ginseng.
  • Red clover.
  • Borovaya uterus.
  • Red brush.
  • Sage.
  • Parsley.

Based on these herbs, you can prepare decoctions, teas, tinctures and baths. All of them, when used regularly, effectively relieve menopausal symptoms.

Important! Even plant phytoestrogens during menopause can only be taken after consultation with a gynecologist, because they can also have side effects.

The main drugs with estrogens during menopause

Today, to treat the manifestations and complications of premenopause, two main types of medications containing necessary substances are used: hormonal and non-hormonal drugs. These medications can be produced in the form of tablets, ointments, dragees, drops, etc.

Hormonal drugs

Hormonal medicines effectively compensate for the lack of estradiol and relieve the main symptoms of menopause. However, these medications have a lot of contraindications and side effects, and therefore it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage and schedule prescribed by the attending physician. The most popular hormone-containing products in our country are:

  • Preparations with estrogen for menopause: Estradiol, Ovestin, Estrofem, Presomen.
  • Preparations containing estrogen and progesterone: Norkolut, Divina, Klimonorm.
  • Vaginal suppositories: Utrozhestan, Vagifem, Ovestin.
  • Ointment with estrogen: Premarin, Ovestin.
  • Gels: Divigel, Dermestril, Menorest.
  • Plasters: Menostar, Klimara, Estraderm.

Throughout life, the female body undergoes global restructuring more than once. One of these periods is the age limit of approximately 50 years. By this point, reproductive function gradually fades, estrogen, which is responsible for tissue elasticity, bone strength, hydration of mucous membranes, and healthy functioning of the heart and blood vessels, becomes reduced. Other sex hormones also change in quantitative terms, which cannot but affect the full functioning of the body.

Age-related changes after 50 years

A decrease in estrogen production by the ovaries entails changes throughout the body. Sudden changes cause the appearance of the so-called menopausal syndrome, which is accompanied by:

  • Hot flashes to the upper body, chest, face, shoulders several times during the day. For some, they happen up to 30-50 times a day.
  • Sweating. Hot flashes often result in profuse sweating and chills, which can cause significant inconvenience (the need to change clothes more often). Sweating at night can worsen the quality of sleep, and subsequently affect your well-being and increased fatigue during the day.
  • Anxiety, headaches, nervousness, mood swings. Now, more than ever, hormones control emotions, causing the mood to change from inspired to the exact opposite of depressed and sad.
  • Vaginal dryness, painful sensations during sexual intercourse. Estrogen is no longer enough to maintain the previous elasticity of the vaginal walls and a sufficient amount of natural lubrication of the mucous membranes.
  • Urinary incontinence with sudden movements, coughing, laughing. Muscle tissue is no longer able to provide proper tone, including to the bladder.
  • Osteoporosis. The most dangerous complication caused by changes in hormonal levels.

These symptoms may appear with varying severity or not appear at all for various reasons. To understand what is happening in a timely manner, you need to take a blood test during menopause.

Analysis of hormones during menopause

Hormonal indicators reliably show whether menopause has begun.

Deterioration in health requires immediate medical attention. Self-assessments and attempts to make a diagnosis can lead to the development of severe diseases that can only be treated in the early stages. What a woman mistakes for the beginning of aging may turn out to be a disease that has nothing to do with age.

The norm for the hormones FSH and LH during menopause is considered to be their ratio of less than one.

Therefore, after 45 years, if there are complaints, the gynecologist can send you for hormone tests. To understand whether menopause is occurring, it is enough to determine:

  • Follicle stimulating hormone (FHS). Produced by the pituitary gland to stimulate the production of estrogen by the ovaries. IN reproductive age the FGS level is low, in menopause - above 20 IU/l.
  • Luteinizing (LH). Affects the maturation of eggs, the possibility of fertilization, and the formation of the corpus luteum. Also becomes elevated. The FGS/LH ratio is also taken into account. It becomes below 1.
  • Estradiol during menopause drops to 35 pmol/l.

The picture of the tests will help to correctly assess the need for taking hormonal drugs and select treatment.

Hormone replacement therapy

It is important to understand that the concept of “best medicine” does not exist. Under no circumstances should you start therapy on your own without consulting an experienced gynecologist.

Today's market includes more than 50 hormone replacement therapy drugs. However, only a qualified doctor can decide on the need for their use.

The answer to the question of how to replace hormones during menopause is obvious. If we're talking about about replacement, and not about symptomatic treatment, then hormone replacement therapy is necessary. It has both many advantages and its contraindications.

HRT preparations contain artificial substitutes for estrogen and progesterone (sometimes only the first). The method is the most effective today. Thus, the frequency of strokes, heart attacks, and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system decreases, the state of the nervous system improves significantly, the tone of the pelvic floor and bladder is preserved, and the symptoms characteristic of menopause disappear.

However, it should be understood that HRT is a serious intervention in the functioning of the body. If used incorrectly, the damage caused can be disastrous. Before determining the need and dose, the doctor will definitely send the patient for examination. Usually prescribed:

  • cardiogram and blood pressure control;
  • examination by a mammologist and mammography;
  • blood tests;
  • cervical smear;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis;
  • osteodensitometry.

The duration of the appointment is determined by the doctor, also based on the presence of complaints and examination indicators, which must be repeated periodically. In the absence of contraindications, HRT can be used for a long time, up to 5-8 years. The reason for discontinuing treatment is often that women are tired of ongoing menstruation.

Medicines can be prescribed orally (tablets, capsules), intramuscularly (injections), transdermally (in the form of creams, ointments, gels), vaginally (suppositories).

Treatment with estrogens is not prescribed if:

  • suspicions or occurrence of pregnancy;
  • a malignant tumor in the mammary glands, uterus, cervix or the risk of its formation;
  • circulatory disorders, including varicose veins and related diseases;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  • previous strokes, heart attacks;
  • liver diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc.

A diagnosis of breast cancer in close relatives is also a signal that it is impossible to use HRT.


An alternative to replacement therapy is therapy with herbal products. With mild symptoms of menopause, phytohormones are quite capable of improving well-being without having any serious side effects.

The prescription of herbal preparations and dose calculation are also carried out by a doctor and are based on test results. Natural medicines contain estrogens similar to those in women and help support a woman during the period of adjustment, improve the condition of the skin by increasing its elasticity, normalize blood circulation, and improve the quality of sleep.

Condition of the female body and lifestyle

Regardless of whether you take artificial or phytohormonal drugs, general condition the body is closely related not only to age, but also to the kind of life you live. Environment, nutrition, mobility, work activity, mood and much more have a significant impact on sensitive hormonal levels, which change several times even within one day.

Living in such a way as to maintain and prolong your health as much as possible is important at any age. At 20-30 years old, nutritional deficiencies, lack of sleep, overwork, smoking, etc. they are not yet acutely reflected on the face and well-being, but, having crossed the 45 mark, it is worth seriously reconsidering the attitude towards your body. Taking care of yourself is what distinguishes beautiful, healthy, well-groomed women from everyone else.

Therefore, to prevent changes during menopause from turning into a serious hormonal imbalance, use the following levers of influence on the body.

Nutrition adjustments

No matter how much you would like it to be otherwise, metabolism slows down over the years. This easily leads to the appearance excess weight, which is no longer as easy to get rid of as in my youth. Additional kilograms are not only a deterioration in appearance, but a serious burden on the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, digestive system and the emergence of new diseases.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to exclude overeating in advance, especially in the evening, large number flour, fatty, fried, sweet. And vice versa, fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, lactic acid products, vegetable oil Instead of creamy ones, they should take a confident place in the daily menu. It is advisable to completely or partially replace coffee and strong tea with herbal infusions, for example, chamomile, mint, lemon balm, thyme, rose hips, clover, etc.

In addition, many products contain plant hormones, which will provide additional support during a difficult transition period. Estrogen-containing products include: soy, lentils, rice, beans, flaxseed and sunflower oil, nuts, apples, pears, grapes, carrots, onions, dill.


The importance of water cannot be overestimated. All organs and systems depend on a sufficient amount of it. Lack of fluid affects the blood, the free movement of nutrients, the removal of breakdown products and toxins. Thick blood affects the condition of the veins, which are already prone to varicose veins in older people. Skin deprived of fluid becomes dry and flabby. Whatever method is chosen to normalize hormonal levels, water plays a very important role. Therefore, in order to feel cheerful and look young, the daily volume of fluid you drink should not be less than 1.5 liters.

Sports and outdoor activities

Excessive stress in older age is useless, but short jogging, yoga, fitness, gymnastics, or gym under the guidance of an experienced instructor are definitely useful. Active movement:

  • helps improve blood circulation and metabolism;
  • relieves unwanted stagnation in tissues;
  • improves complexion and skin condition;
  • has a beneficial effect on joints and spine;
  • lifts the mood;
  • promotes the production of natural hormones.

If your health does not allow you to actively take up physical exercise, you can start with walking in the fresh air. The effect will be almost the same, and the advantages will be additional relaxation, good sleep, the opportunity to be alone with yourself, to feel your own needs more deeply.

Getting adequate sleep and planning your rest

Hormonal changes - load on nervous system. Therefore, right now it is most important to fully relax and rest. Don't skimp on sleep. At night, the body restores its strength, replenishes energy reserves, and normalizes many subtle and important processes. Chill fresh air, a comfortable bed is a must in the bedroom. If you can’t get enough sleep in the morning, don’t delay going to bed in the evening.

Daily plans and routines must certainly include dedicated time for rest. Not random 10 minutes, but planned 1-2 hours every day. You can do something that gives you pleasure, take a walk in the park, lie down, listen to pleasant music, etc. Severe symptoms will subside and, perhaps, hormone therapy will not be needed if you allow the body to recover on its own without overloading it with work and everyday problems.

Communication with loved ones, interesting people, sources of inspiration

Mood swings, fears about health and approaching old age are not so scary when there are caring relatives and friends nearby. For communication, you should choose those who will fill you with joy and faith in the best. These could be young people or those who, having lived for decades, have not lost a keen interest in life. Communication with depressed people, who are sure that there is nothing good around, life has passed, etc. will contribute to an additional deterioration of the already unpleasant menopausal syndrome.

Timely visit to the doctor

To eliminate false fears, and sometimes to promptly detect the onset of diseases, periodic visits to specialized medical specialists are necessary. In addition to the gynecologist, this could be a mammologist, endocrinologist, phlebologist, cardiotherapist, dentist, psychologist. Knowing that you are okay definitely impacts your overall emotional balance and quality of life. Timely treatment of untreated diseases will certainly be successful.

Take care of yourself and it is quite possible that the question of how to balance hormones will never become vitally important to you. If you need a free consultation or an appointment with a specialized specialist, follow the link.

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It is extremely important for women to know everything about their health - especially for initial self-diagnosis. This rapid test will allow you to better listen to the state of your body and not miss important signals in order to understand whether you need to see a specialist and make an appointment.

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth



Verified information

This article is based on scientific evidence, written and peer-reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

For many women, it is much more difficult to cope with the hormonal changes that the female body undergoes with the onset of menopause. While some representatives of the fair sex experience only mild discomfort, many, on the contrary, complain of a whole range of unpleasant symptoms that significantly worsen their quality of life.

In all countries, in order to facilitate women's well-being, it is customary to carry out hormonal treatment during menopause, which involves taking medications containing synthetic analogues of hormones that are necessary for the woman's body. In the medical field, this method is called hormone replacement therapy.

As a rule, the deterioration in well-being that women experience during menopause is inextricably linked with a decrease in the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body.

Synthetic analogues will help “deceive” the body. Unfortunately, this type of therapy is not suitable for everyone, as it has a number of contraindications, including:

  • thrombophilia of an acquired or hereditary nature;
  • chronic diseases affecting the biliary tract;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • severe form of diabetes mellitus;
  • various autoimmune diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • oncological diseases, among which the leading role is given to breast and uterine cancer;
  • endometriosis.

You should only take hormones during menopause strictly as prescribed by your doctor, because many serious diseases can get worse during replacement therapy. Only a qualified specialist, guided by the results of the conducted necessary tests, will be able to accurately determine , what hormones are needed during menopause, as well as the optimal duration of treatment and dosage. A woman undergoing hormone replacement therapy is required to undergo the necessary examination by a gynecologist at least once every 6 months.

Estrogen and progesterone are the main female hormones. During menopause, the female body urgently needs to replenish the deficiency of these hormones. The production of hormones occurs in the ovaries, the functionality of which sharply decreases with the onset of menopause. In such conditions, hormone replacement therapy becomes appropriate.

The onset of estrogen production occurs during the early stages of puberty. female body and ends only with the onset of menopause. The first signs of the onset of estrogen production are represented by an increase in the size of the mammary glands and the active development of girls.

It is from sufficient production of estrogen by the ovaries in adolescence The normal formation of the female body depends. A whole complex is assigned to estrogens important functions to ensure the full functioning of the entire female body. IN in this case we are talking about:

  • protecting blood vessels and preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques that contribute to the development of atherosclerosis;
  • ensuring sufficient skin hydration and elasticity;
  • general regulation of water-salt metabolism;
  • renewing bone tissue and ensuring their strength.

An important hormone, which is present in certain quantities in both the female and male body, is progesterone. In some periods, there is an absence of this hormone, which is considered normal. We are talking about the first years after the onset of menstruation and menopause. In other cases, against the background of progesterone deficiency, serious pathological changes occur in the body.

As shown medical research, progesterone is entrusted with the function of preparing the uterus for the conception of a child, balancing an unstable emotional state and reducing excessive female activity.

Normal output breast milk after the birth of the child, these sex hormones are also provided. During menopause, women face a deficiency of progesterone, which results in a deterioration in mood and general well-being.

Hormone replacement therapy: negative aspects of treatment

It has long been known that hormonal levels require a responsible approach to correcting them, because any wrong decision can have irreversible consequences. Thus, replacement therapy is also dangerous due to the following side effects:

  • weight gain;
  • swelling;
  • headaches;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • stagnation of bile, as a result of which the organs of the digestive system suffer greatly.


In addition, it is important to consider that replacement therapy can lead to exacerbation of existing diseases. Therefore, if ailments are identified that are direct contraindications for HRT, the woman is prescribed phytoestrogens - plant hormones for women. During menopause, only such methods can achieve relief of well-being.

Video about hormones during menopause

In the life of women at a certain age, somewhere around 50 years old, a physiological period occurs called menopause. This condition can also be called menopause, menopause or menopause. This period can bring a lot of problems, in particular, hormonal imbalance. During menopause, female hormones (estradiol, progesterone, etc.) are often contained in the body in quantities different from normal.

Therefore, when the first symptoms of such a malfunction appear, you should undergo an examination, as well as tests that will reflect the main indicators.

Hormones in women during menopause

So, during menopause Mandatory hormonal changes occur in the body of women, represented by deviations from accepted norms. Often, during menopause, a malfunction occurs, manifested by a deficiency of estrogen (in particular, estradiol). If certain symptoms appear, women should get tested.

In case of hormonal imbalance, doctors prescribe, in order for the indicators to be normal, a course of taking medications containing synthesized or natural components, for example, steroid hormones. Modern hormonal therapy is represented by a huge number of medications that are prescribed to women during menopause to relieve symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

Drugs that are prescribed to women for hormonal imbalance due to menopause can be divided into two main categories:

Only based on the results of the tests performed and what symptoms of hormonal imbalance a woman has, a medication is prescribed, indicating the dosage and course of treatment.

Control correct amount Women need hormones, for example, testosterone and progesterone because they are responsible for the production of FSH and LH. Their production is carried out by the body to protect against heart disease, blockage of blood vessels, and a failure can lead to a lot of problems in the body.

Progesterone, testosterone and estradiol are sex hormones that have a significant impact on a woman’s condition.

After menopause, women must undergo tests to monitor their amount in the body. This is due to the fact that deviation from the norm leads to an increased risk of developing heart disease.

As a rule, during menopause, striking symptoms of hormonal imbalance and lack of the required amount of estradiol, progesterone, testosterone and prolactin appear. The most common symptoms are:

There are several methods to control the amount of prolactin, estradiol, testosterone and progesterone in the body. First you need to visit a doctor, take tests and compare the results with established standards. After this, the doctor will prescribe a course of therapy to eliminate the symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

Hormonal imbalances during menopause

For different women The normal levels of testosterone, progesterone, prolactin and estradiol may differ slightly, but a failure can be determined by a significant deviation from traditional indicators.

On initial stage hormonal imbalance during the physiological period in question in women, the following points can be noted:

LH and FSH can also be called important hormones. What symptoms indicate a lack of LH and FSH? The answer is quite simple - LH and FSH have a connection with all of the above hormones and, accordingly, similar symptoms of their deficiency. FSH and LH influence the secretion of androgens and estrogens. The amount of LH and FSH can only be determined after testing.

The level of LH and FSH during menopause can be significantly increased; in particular, it has been proven that after changes in the menstrual cycle, the level of FSH and LH increases approximately 5 times. Normal indicator FSH and LH after the onset of menopause are within 40 mIU/ml.

Testosterone, estradiol, progesterone and prolactin are sex hormones that, as a rule, are produced in much smaller quantities after the onset of menopause. In some diseases, the level of prolactin and progesterone, on the contrary, can increase significantly. However, hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body is a purely individual process, and only a doctor can determine which hormones decrease after the onset of menopause in a particular patient.

Research and restoration of hormonal levels

With age-related changes in a woman’s body, there is a possibility of a hormonal explosion, which leads to discomfort. To avoid it, the following tests may be prescribed after the onset of menopause:

  1. Blood test for follicle-stimulating hormone. Determining the level of FSH and LH allows you to understand which estrogens in the body are in excess or deficiency.
  2. Separate studies to determine the level of estradiol, progesterone and other hormones.

After the onset of menopause, deviations may affect individual or all hormones. Therefore, the doctor should order tests to determine which sex hormones are causing the discomfort or physiological changes.

Once abnormalities are identified, treatment should be prescribed. An important point It can be said that just a few years ago doctors refused to prescribe medications that could affect hormonal levels. This was due to numerous studies, the results of which indicated the adverse effects of drugs on the body. However, some changes in healthcare have determined that the patient, if necessary, to relieve pain or discomfort, can decide whether or not to use drugs, taking into account certain risks. As for the treatment itself with hormone replacement therapy, scientists are constantly arguing about its advantages and disadvantages.

When a woman contacts her, the doctor can determine which medications are most suitable and advise the patient indicating the risks and side effects.