The Chinese have long noticed that periods alternate, intricately intertwining characteristics. They compiled their knowledge into a treatise known as the Chinese Zodiac. To understand its nuances, let's look at an example. Here, 1992 - what animal? How is it characterized and, most importantly, different from others? How does it affect people born during this period?

1992 is the year of whom according to the horoscope?

Let's start with the fact that the Chinese horoscope forms a combination of twelve animals with four elements. But that's not all. Further, any sign obtained from this plexus is painted with a certain color, giving the period additional features. So, if we consider the year 1992, what animal it is, its elements and color, we get the answer: Monkey, water, black. There are only three signs. But these are the key symbols, based on which all other characteristics for 1992 are created. The eastern horoscope allows you to describe those who were born during this period, what it will bring to other people, how to spend it, and so on. Let's look at the gifts and pitfalls of the year.

Personality characteristics

The Monkey imparts its own characteristics to those whose birth dates include 1992. Whatever animal you take, there are generally accepted characteristics. Thus, a monkey in our imagination is associated with cunning, energy, some

To a certain extent, people born during this period adopt such qualities. Only they are strengthened by the element of water, as explained in the Chinese horoscope. 1992 gave the world purposeful individuals (this is not from a monkey), restrained and very talented. They are friendly and have every opportunity to become the life of the party. They treat professional activities responsibly, perform their duties quickly, skillfully, observing deadlines and standards. They value knowledge. They study all their lives, sparing no time and energy. The horoscope claims that there are no other people who are as capable of achieving goals as those who were given life in 1992. What animal's horoscope can rival such extraordinary characteristics? But not everything is so wonderful. These people also have negative traits (like everyone else).

What should these individuals be wary of?

It is clear that 1992, no matter what kind of monkey it is, will throw several not-so-pleasant “gifts” into the character of its “offspring.” The most difficult thing to overcome is the rejection of criticism. This is where the negative monkey traits come into play. A person believes that he is his own authority. There is no other opinion for him. Therefore, he can only treat favorably those who support him. He perceives criticism as a personal insult. How so, he knows better what to do! Therefore, the answer to the question: “1992 is the year of which animal?” can be supplemented with the following characteristic: smart, but irreconcilable.

By the way, they have the right to do so. Because they don’t shift responsibility for their decisions onto someone else’s shoulders.

About compatibility

It is impossible to consider and not touch upon the issue of his interaction with others. When you ask yourself the question of which monkey is 1992, compatibility comes out to one of the first places. The fact is that it is complex and multifaceted. Abstractly, it can be imagined as a metallic black river flowing powerfully along its bed. How to interact with such a person? What can be done to prevent this directed flow of meaningful energy from being crushed by its inexorable force? The Chinese believe that these people should consider relationships with the Horse and the Rat as promising. Alliances with the Tiger, Ox or Dog can become very problematic. And another question about 1992, what animal (compatibility is meant) does he not tolerate? Who won't get along with at all? It turns out that there are none. The Black Monkey, strengthened by the element of water, makes a person quite flexible. He gets along more or less with everyone, although intimacy can only be deep with the above-mentioned

About the profession

It is believed that there is no specialty or area of ​​activity where these Monkeys would not be successful. The fact is that intelligence is combined with dexterity and cunning. They can become excellent advertisers. Especially in this age of the Internet. If perseverance is cultivated in this person’s character, then all other natural data will be enough for him to build a career in diplomacy. He is smart, and his intellect is flexible and strives for constant self-improvement (by nature). These Monkeys have innate artistic abilities, which they do not realize until they are very old. It is completely normal for them to play different roles. Children born during this period should be aimed at a career where they will have to constantly move and learn new things, otherwise they will “wither away.”

About communication

A very important point is how a person knows how to build a conversation and generally contacts with others. Those whose year of birth falls in Monkey are masters of communication. And it’s not even that they convey their thoughts perfectly and listen perfectly to their interlocutor. They also have perfect memory, which helps them in making contacts. They always know how to remind about themselves in time with a greeting card or a topic expressed by a thought. What hinders them is arrogance, which must be overcome. The fact is that the Monkey can at one moment, under the influence of his mood, destroy everything that he has worked long and painstakingly on. Regrets cannot mend what is broken. You'll have to start your work again. And you just had to hold your tongue so as not to offend a significant person.

How will their lives turn out?

In childhood and adolescence, these people are real lucky ones. Everything works out for them. They receive as much affection and attention as is necessary for harmonious development. Difficulties overtake these Monkeys in the middle of the journey. At this time, chaos associated with the organization of your personal life or career is possible. And it's not about them. It is simply necessary to solve certain problems related to spiritual growth. At this time, these people need help. They themselves will not think of asking for support. Their old age will be quiet and calm. The Chinese horoscope warns that they may die in a foreign land, far from loving hearts.

What kind of parents are they?

People born under the sign of the Water Monkey are slightly indifferent to children. This applies to both men and women. No, they will not throw their offspring to their grandmothers, but they will not shake over them, moved by every step. It is best for them to perform parental functions based on friendship. Then you can build strong partnerships with children and not lose their affection and love. Monkeys are generous but selfish. They need to realize and accept this trait of their character. But, despite a certain alienation, their offspring are very proud of their parents, often becoming their right hand in the family business.

Special Features

Naturally, the Monkey endows his charges with a zest, without which they could not get what raises many of them to the peak of fame (to one degree or another). This trait is magnificent, subtle. Their jokes are so sophisticated and charming that many people fall under the spell. Sometimes this humor becomes evil, turning into sarcasticness. But friends forgive, and Monkeys are not inclined to pay attention to everyone else. Moreover, mental creativity, expressed in humor, helps their professional activities.

Often they can earn more with masterful play on words than years of painstaking work. Women born under the sign of the Water Monkey are endowed with the charm of harmonious maturity. People immediately pay attention to them, trying to “look into the soul.” There is a certain magnetism in these seemingly modest girls.

If a person born in 1992 appears in your circle of friends, then take a closer look at this still young person. Most likely, it will seem to you that he is a quiet and hard worker, destined to spend his whole life in the shadow of someone else's glory. This is not true at all. It’s just that these people are not inclined to open up to everyone they meet. The time has not yet come when their main goal will begin to take on visible features. Rest assured, they are already working on it. If you manage to become their trusted representative, you can eventually receive dividends that are not inferior in size to those paid by large corporations. It’s worth putting up with their intrusiveness and sometimes annoying causticism. The heyday of these individuals will be in 2020, that is, it will coincide with the time of prosperity of Russia!

So, having dealt with 1992, we can draw the following conclusion. This is the period ruled by the Black Monkey, who is under the influence of water. This is a complex and multifaceted sign. People who are lucky enough to come under his influence will live a bright and eventful life.

In Chinese ancient tradition, there are five basic elements: fire, metal, earth, wood and water. The ancient Chinese believed that the generation of the five elements gives rise to everything that exists in heaven, on earth and in man. Each element has its own special character, which determines its interaction with other types of elements. The element of fire is studied, earth is collected, metal is compressed, water sinks down, and wood expands upward. The interaction of the five elements determines the balance in nature, in our everyday space and in ourselves.
Each year is controlled by one of the five elements, influencing the character and destinies of people.
The strength of influence of each element affects differently at different times of the year, with the exception of the Earth, whose influence persists throughout the year. The strongest influence of Wood appears in the spring, Fire - during the summer. Metal - in autumn and Water - in winter.

Elements of the Year of the Monkey. Each of the elements has a number of initial characteristics and is associated with special colors and shapes.

02/12/1956 - 01/30/1957 (element fire, color red)
01/30/1968 - 02/16/1969 (element earth, color yellow)
02/16/1980 - 02/04/1981 (element metal, color white)
02/04/1992 - 01/22/1993 (element water, color black)
01/22/2004 - 02/08/2005 (element wood, color blue)
02/08/2016 - 01/27/2017 (element fire, color red)

Wood Monkey years of birth: 1884, 1944, 2004.
This is a Monkey that lives in trees. She is smart and caring. The Wood Monkey is very fickle. Once carried away, she can demonstrate valuable business qualities and even generate ideas, but at the slightest difficulty her enthusiasm fades. She can get carried away again just as easily, and even adventurers have no difficulty in capturing her attention. These are very hardworking people with great creative potential. They know how to get out of different situations and find optimal ways to solve problems.

Metal Monkey years of birth: 1860, 1920, 1980.
This is a very independent Monkey who is both restless and indecisive. The Metal Monkey has a strong will, is independent, resilient and self-confident. Despite her independent character, she loves society, which also accepts her, appreciating her for her wisdom, kindness and care. She loves money and knows how to manage it wisely, and often earns it with her talents. The Metal Monkey is a gambler, and often emerges victorious, much to the dismay of others. But she understands perfectly well that it is necessary to have something for a rainy day. Often you only worry about yourself.

Fire Monkey years of birth: 1896, 1956, 2016.
This is a Monkey who lives in an orchard. The stars say that she can become rich and powerful, but at the same time she is doomed to work hard because she cannot remain idle. The Fire Monkey is full of vitality and diverse interests, and her rich imagination often distracts her from useful and necessary matters. She is very curious and skillfully uses her awareness to achieve what she wants. She enjoys success with the opposite sex, however, she is usually faithful to her partner. These people always seek professional recognition. They are passionate, expressive and not indifferent to the opposite sex.

Water Monkey years of birth: 1872, 1932, 1992.
A smart and graceful Monkey, very understanding and sociable. However, he changes his views too easily. She needs to try to do only one thing at a time. Perhaps she will have a good opportunity to intermarry with a very rich family, thus gaining reputation and power. The Water Monkey is more disciplined than other types of Monkeys and does not waste time on trifles. It is not typical for her to let others in on her plans, partly because she cannot stand criticism. She gets along well with people and knows how to convince them. Sometimes Water Monkeys hide their true feelings, but are still very popular with friends, as they know a lot about human relationships.

Earth Monkey years of birth: 1908, 1968, 2028.
This is a mountain monkey. She is smart and adventurous and cannot sit still. Her life is exciting and she has a good sense of business. She can become both rich and powerful at the same time. The Earth Monkey is less sociable than other types of Monkeys, calm and balanced. Without haste and fuss, he achieves a lot - both in society and in his chosen profession. She is patient and tries to solve problems from a scientific point of view. Perhaps this explains their desire to continue their education and subsequently engage in scientific research. On the other hand, Earth Monkeys are characterized by harshness and directness, which significantly complicates their relationship with people.

People born in 1932 and 1992 were born in the year of the Black Water Monkey according to the calendar.

The energy of the year of the Black Monkey is Yang - a symbol of active masculinity.


Typically, this sign gives people tall stature, a thin build, rather weak legs, luxuriant hair, and allergy-prone skin. Their face is round, as are all their facial features. The look of such a person is clouded, they seem to be thinking about every word, and perhaps this is really the case.

Character and personal qualities

Intelligence is fully inherent in the Water Monkey. Most representatives of the sign have a sharp mind, dexterity, inner strength that commands respect, discipline, and ingenuity. They have an extremely negative attitude towards criticism.

The Black Water Monkey is secretive and strict on the outside, but good-natured and peaceful on the inside. He loves traveling very much. The positive character qualities of the Monkey also include patience and sincerity. They make excellent friends and devoted spouses.

A partner married to a Black Monkey will feel protected and calm.

A negative feature of these people is some indecisiveness, evasiveness in communication, and pettiness. Hot temper, willfulness, and capriciousness often interfere with their lives, destroying friendships and love relationships.

Suitable areas of employment

Such people prefer moderation in everything. This often helps them achieve their goals and move up the career ladder.

Despite their outward secrecy, those born in the year of the Water Monkey cannot live without society. Communication is a very important process for them. In addition, all their lives they are sincerely interested in everything around them. This gives them experience for their field of work. Ideal for them would be the work of a psychologist, sociologist, or philosopher.

Born in the year of black, a person acquires the gift of persuasion, which helps him throughout life. Defending his point of view is not a problem for him. Lawyer, lawyer are also good options for the ape man.


People born in the year of the Black Monkey prefer winter to summer. During the cold season, they feel much more comfortable and rarely get colds. But they should pay more attention to their organs such as the kidneys and bladder.

In nutrition, preference should be given to legumes and fish, despite the fact that Black Water Monkeys cannot imagine their life without salty food.

Video on the topic

On February 8, 2016, the Year of the Fire Monkey came into its own. The monkey most often evokes positive associations if you imagine it in a circus ring or on the shoulder of a beach photographer. A funny animal easily copies human behavior, which involuntarily makes you smile. So are the representatives of this sign.

Possessing external attractiveness, they can easily get into the opponent’s position and win him over to their side. However, the smart, charming Monkey always knows exactly what he wants.

What 2016 will be like for each of the eastern horoscope signs will depend on their activity, creativity and degree of enthusiasm, because the Monkey does not tolerate boredom and stagnation in business. You must be prepared for lightning-fast changes, new acquaintances, and travel. This sign favors those who are ready to move towards their goal, be it moving, moving up the career ladder, or getting married. A fire sign promises dramatic changes in life if you purposefully move towards these changes.

Those who are not ready for them may not feel the presence of the Monkey’s influence in their life. Perhaps this will be a negative impact in the form of deterioration in health, which astrologers advise paying close attention to in 2016. Of course, the fact that it is a leap year also bothers many people. But everything depends on our attitude to this fact. It must be said that all previous years of the Monkey were also leap years. Since the Monkey is unpredictable and its actions are often chaotic, one can equally observe both positive and negative trends in different advents of this sign.

Thus, 1956 was marked by a thaw after Stalin’s rule, in 1944 the blockade of Leningrad was broken, in 1980 in Moscow and in 2004 in Athens the largest modern Olympics were held. In 1812, the war with Napoleon broke out; experts tend to compare 1860 with today's actions of France regarding Syria. In 1968, massive student riots broke out in France. The year 1992 fell on the post-Soviet perestroika era, when global economic changes began. Whether they were favorable at that time is a moot point. All this only confirms that you need to be prepared for the changes and vagaries that the year of the Fire Monkey promises.

Video on the topic

The characteristics of those born in the year of the Monkey are very contradictory. These people can create or destroy. Their fate depends on what facet of their personality they show to the world.

The Chinese calendar consists of 12 cycles, each of which corresponds to a specific animal. The Monkey occupies ninth place in the eastern horoscope, located between the Goat and the Rooster. She is part of the first triad of the zodiac. This sign is patronized by the male energy Yang and the constellation Leo. Eastern astrology suggests that each animal rules over the year once every 12 years. Thus, Monkeys were born in 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016. The next year of the Monkey is 2028.

Video “Monkey: characteristics of the sign”

This video describes the zodiac sign Monkey according to the eastern horoscope.

Features of nature

At first glance, the Monkey may seem simple. However, this is a misleading impression. In fact, she is a multifaceted nature. Her keen mind makes her a first-class strategist. A good memory allows you to remember the necessary information, extracting maximum benefit from it. There are no hopeless situations for her.

A person born under this sign is a clever manipulator. He always gets his way by acting on hidden levers. Without malicious intent, he can play against the rules in order to achieve his goal. Thanks to his powers of observation, he has a good understanding of people.

This is a very inquisitive nature that constantly strives to try something new. He often changes professions, trying to find himself in a particular field. She likes to be the center of attention. She has a cheerful, easy-going character, an excellent sense of humor, and has many friends.

The lack of restraint inherent in people of the ninth sign often leads to sudden changes in mood. Due to excessive emotionality, they are straightforward and intolerant. Those born this year should not be offended - they are vindictive and vindictive. This year's person is selfish by nature. He does not accept it when something does not go according to his plan, he likes to command. Can easily change his mind without thinking about others.


The ninth sign of the eastern calendar gives a man multiple talents. Ambition and resourcefulness are traits that help you achieve success in any field. This is an unprincipled careerist who can use “dirty” tricks. He is savvy and knowledgeable. He can handle finance, politics, trade or diplomacy. Having chosen his calling, he can become famous.

Relationships with a Monkey man are almost always doomed to failure. This is a frivolous, selfish nature, incapable of love. If the couple does work out, the representative of the sign will establish a strict dictatorship in it. He will show aggression, morally suppress his partner, and demand love for himself. This behavior of a man is influenced by hidden complexes and lack of internal harmony.


The Monkey Woman has a balanced, even character. It is characterized by harmony and excellent taste. Those born under this sign are endowed with an attractive appearance, gentle, and caring.

This is a very touchy nature. Doesn't tolerate criticism. You won't be able to force your opinion on her. The independent character makes the Monkey invulnerable to suggestion. She is very cunning and inventive. Approaches assigned tasks with originality. This personality is bursting with ideas, which he immediately begins to implement. Often gives up what he starts halfway through.

The representative of this sign loves noisy companies and cannot imagine life without entertainment. Its main feature is posing. The behavior of the Monkey is not limited by any boundaries. In relationships, such a woman is fickle. She easily commits betrayal. To save the family, she may try to keep the man with children. However, her maternal feelings are poorly developed.


The fate of the Monkey depends not only on the year and date of birth, the five main elements also leave an imprint on a person’s character:

  1. The Wooden Green Monkey is original and eccentric. Will behave provocatively in order to gain everyone's attention. She does not have willpower, and therefore follows her desires. Constantly trying to change the world for the better. The element makes her ambitious and vain. Wood Monkey Years: 1944, 2004, 2064.
  2. The Earthy Yellow Monkey strives for peace and comfort. He tries to achieve harmony in everything and has excellent taste. The Earth makes the Monkey thrifty and economical. She will not refuse advice or financial assistance. In relationships, she values ​​freedom, but will not forgive her partner’s betrayal. Years of the Earth Monkey: 1908, 1968, 2028.
  3. The Metal White Monkey is a pronounced careerist. She is purposeful, and in order to achieve success in her professional field, she is ready to make any sacrifice. Possesses leadership qualities, excessive boasting, and lack of punctuality. Has a tendency to frequent mood swings, which makes her unpredictable. Years of the Metal Monkey: 1920, 1980, 2040.
  4. The Fire Red Monkey has an indefatigable imagination, curiosity, and loves to travel. Its main features are cunning and resourcefulness. Thanks to them, she successfully moves up the career ladder and is stress-resistant. However, she periodically needs rest or a change of scenery. Years of the Fire Monkey: 1956, 2016, 2076.
  5. Some astrologers call the Water Black Monkey Blue. She is emotional and knows how to sympathize. The relationship with her will be long-lasting, filled with passion. Pays a lot of attention to herself and her health. Changeable in mood, loves comfort. Water endows this sign with exorbitant cunning and the desire to find profit everywhere. Years of the Water Monkey: 1932, 1992, 2052.


The Monkey has strong organizational skills. She is sociable, restless, and does not like routine work. The strength of the ninth sign is the gift of persuasion. Such a person will easily achieve success in areas related to advertising or trade. Many celebrities were born under this sign.

Those born this year always finish what they start. However, he does this by breaking all the rules. Innate resourcefulness allows the Monkey to find the shortest ways to solve a problem. On this basis, the team is not always friendly towards her. She is capable of deception and illegal actions in order to achieve her goal. Will always seek benefit or personal interest, often at the expense of others.

It is almost impossible to catch a representative of this sign in a lie. A resourceful, resourceful nature will help him remain unpunished.

Monkey in relationships and love

People born under the sign of the Monkey are charming and sociable. They easily find a partner. Relationships with this sign will be successful only if the Monkey works hard on himself. Otherwise, the couple will be mired in constant scandals.

A suitable partner for the Monkey is the Rat. The signs are extremely compatible with each other. They have similar views, are inquisitive, and have broad erudition.

An alliance with the Dragon will be no less successful. Partners in such a tandem are dependent on each other, which only makes the relationship stronger.

The Monkey and the Snake are so different that their couple will be filled with conflicting emotions. However, over time, passion and hatred will subside, and the relationship will degenerate into a strong and lasting union.

A tandem with a Rabbit will work out provided that the partners do not burden each other with household chores.

The union of the Monkey and the Dog has a right to exist. If the Dog takes off his “rose-colored glasses” and the Monkey stops being cunning, such a relationship will lead to a strong family.

A tandem of two identical signs is unlikely. However, if the relationship develops successfully, such a union will be filled with emotions, passion and sensuality.

The Monkey can develop a relationship with the Rooster. At the same time, she should moderate her sarcasm towards her partner.

Pig is a good match for the ninth sign. Both partners have a sharp mind and an innate sense of humor.

A relationship with a Goat will very quickly bore the active and emotional Monkey. They are too ordinary for her. These signs are only capable of friendship.

It will be impossible to find a common language with the Tiger. Having completely different characteristics, partners will constantly reject each other.

An alliance with the Ox will be unsuccessful. The monkey will not tolerate superiority over itself.

The horse will not give his partner the necessary romance and ease in the relationship. Therefore, such a tandem will not be successful.

The life of people born in the year of the Monkey is filled with bright events and impressions. They treat it like an exciting game where they must win. To be the first everywhere and in everything is the main goal of the Monkeys.