It is very difficult to find a factory product that does not contain food additives among its components. Especially if we're talking about about sweets: in candies, cookies, waffles there are sure to be a lot of dyes, flavors, stabilizers. And in chocolate - E476. What is this, is there any food additives serious harm to the body, is it necessary to look for alternatives without it?

Food additive E476 in chocolate: main characteristics

Polyglycerin or lecithin of animal origin - such a substance is hidden behind the code “E476”. In many countries around the world it is officially allowed to be added to food products, but how justified this is is worth finding out. To obtain polyglycerol, vegetable oils are processed: castor or soybean, and neither of them is particularly beneficial for the body. Some countries may use genetically modified plants, but Russian producers, as officially stated, do not do this. However, this does not add any special advantages to polyglycerin.

Food additive E476 is a stabilizer used to add viscosity and thickness to mixtures.

If we talk directly about the introduction of the E476 additive into chocolate (the effect on the body, harm and precautions will be discussed later), then here it is necessary to increase the required melting temperature, which has a beneficial effect on the ability of the finished product to be stored. At the same time, polyglycerin is absolutely tasteless, but has high rate fat content, therefore it is perfect for replacing cocoa butter (even if there is no word about it on the packaging), which allows the manufacturer to significantly save on creating chocolate.

Especially often, the E476 additive is added to chocolate, which is made with fillers, since this increases the streamlining of the bar. And some manufacturers are even trying to win over consumers by claiming that they are increasing the benefits of chocolate by replacing some of the cocoa butter with vegetable glycerin. How reasonable is this?

The fact that polyglycerin has been approved in most countries of the world could indicate the harmlessness of this substance, but studies have shown the opposite. Excessive consumption (which is easy to achieve if you often purchase factory products of poor quality - not just chocolate) leads to:

  • hepatomegaly – pathological enlargement of the liver;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • digestive problems;
  • metabolic failures (which is already fraught with obesity).

That is why it is advisable to avoid chocolate containing the E476 additive for elderly people and children, as well as for persons suffering from diseases of the stomach, intestines, and hepatobiliary system. The same applies to any confectionery products that contain polyglycerin. If possible, experts advise choosing chocolate that contains a safer analogue of polyglycerol - this substance under the code E322.

The clear advantages of the E476 supplement include the rare occurrence of allergic reactions when it enters the body, as well as its non-toxicity.

The harm of the E476 additive is beyond doubt, but some experts (and, of course, manufacturers of chocolate using it) claim that it also has positive aspects. For example, polyglycerol lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, while simultaneously increasing hemoglobin, and also promotes better absorption of fatty acids.

Conflicting information about the effect of the food stabilizer E476 Polyglycerol, polyricinoleates on the human body causes a lot of controversy among specialists. However, due to the predominance of negative consequences and significant harm of the food stabilizer E476 Polyglycerin, polyricinoleates for human health, its use in industrial food production is prohibited not only in our country, but also in neighboring Ukraine. By the way, in EU countries this additive is still used for these purposes.

Meanwhile, the distinctive properties of the food stabilizer E476 Polyglycerol, polyricinoleates make it possible to classify it as a stabilizing agent that is used to maintain the required level of viscosity and improve the consistency of human food products.

The method for producing polyglycerol is chemical in nature. Thus, as a result of the interesterification of ricinol acids, the necessary additive is formed, which is often called lethicin of animal origin. In addition, food stabilizer E476 Polyglycerol and polyricinoleates can be obtained from modified plant raw materials. The most commonly processed oil for this purpose is castor oil, which is extracted from the seeds of the African castor oil plant.

In the food industry, the special properties of the food stabilizer E476 Polyglycerin, polyricinoleates are necessary in the process of making chocolate, when this additive is used as an emulsifier. As is known, chocolate with a high percentage of fat has very good flow properties. That is why, to reduce cocoa butter consumption, E476 is often added to low-fat chocolate, which gives the finished product the necessary properties.

In addition, food stabilizer E476 Polyglycerol, polyricinoleates is included in some types of mayonnaise and margarine. The additive is found in certain types of ready-made soups and sauces. By the way, lecithin is considered the optimal, but more expensive alternative to polyglycerin.

Harm from food stabilizer E476 Polyglycerin, polyricinoleates

After conducting a number of studies and test methods to identify possible harm food stabilizer E476 Polyglycerin, polyricinoleates for human health, it was established that the substance is not an allergen. It is not toxic, and also does not have the ability to cause various types of skin irritation, even with direct contact with this substance.

However, according to some data, with excessive consumption of food products containing E476, an increase in the size of such internal organs like the liver and kidneys. In addition, the harm of the food stabilizer E476 Polyglycerol, polyricinoleates can manifest itself in disruption of metabolic processes in the human body. Therefore, people with stomach diseases, as well as young children, should take this supplement with extreme caution.

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Emulsifier E476 in chocolate and its effect on the body

Over the past years, the most responsible sweet lovers have been concerned with the question of how the E476 additive in chocolate affects the human body. Trying to maintain their health, many consumers are afraid to eat such confectionery products. This happens because the final point in the dispute between scientists has not been set.

Be careful: some manufacturers, instead of the alphanumeric designation E476, use the following name: polyglycerol polyricinolineate (or the abbreviation PGPR).

The additive in question, which is often found in chocolate products, is permitted in our country and the EU countries, approved by international organizations fighting for healthy eating. However, its chemical origin, based on the combination of components not intended for food consumption, raises serious doubts. To defeat them, you need to become more familiar with this problem.


An emulsifier or stabilizer, such as the E476 additive, is designed to replace the natural oils of some products. To find out what it is, it is worth considering its production process.

The chemical reaction between ricinoleic acid and glycerin produces a substance called polyglycerol (or animal lecithin). Its function is to replace natural oils, which give viscosity to the product and connect all its ingredients.

E476 is also obtained from castor oil or castor oil. The additive has such an astringent effect that it can connect practically incompatible components. These are, for example, oil and water. Manufacturers take advantage of this to save on expensive natural ingredients. The result is a product similar in taste to the original at the lowest cost.


Emulsifiers E476 are very popular among manufacturers. Today, production equipment is equipped with special equipment that provides for the use of such substitutes. Otherwise, it would be impossible to produce such a huge amount of products (including chocolate) every day. This is why high-quality chocolate costs many times more. In addition to chocolate products, E476 is used to make many food products.

  • canned food, pates, caviar from zucchini and eggplant;
  • margarines, spreads, mayonnaise;
  • sauces, ketchups, gravies;
  • curd desserts, chocolate spreads;
  • ice cream and even baby food.

In order not to harm your body, you must carefully read the composition on the label of all products, and especially those listed above. The daily dose of the E476 supplement should not exceed 7.5 milligrams per 1 kilogram of a person’s weight.

Useful, harmful emulsifier

It is not yet clear how to relate to this additive. To clarify the picture, it is necessary to listen to the conclusions of experts who have found out what the harm and benefit of E476 are.


The inventors of this supplement claim that they act for the benefit of humans. They explain this by saving people from excess fat. In times of widespread struggle with excess weight, this alternative, in their opinion, is timely. In addition to solving this issue, E476 performs the following functions:

  • increases human immunity, strengthening the body's defenses;
  • normalizes hemoglobin levels (thus reducing the risk of anemia and anemia);
  • provides chemical assistance in the breakdown of harmful fatty acids, helping the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lowers cholesterol levels, which prevents blood clots and vascular contamination;
  • fights toxins that enter the human body.

In addition, the emulsifier in question practically does not cause allergies in adults.

Scientists agree that the E476 supplement cannot be called safe. Clinical studies have shown that the stabilizer can cause a number of undesirable consequences:

  • provokes metabolic disorders, which leads to excess body weight or unnecessary loss of kilograms;
  • when used systematically, it leads to an increase in liver volume, which can lead to complex diseases;
  • has an unfavorable effect on the kidneys, can provoke the formation of stones or sand;
  • affects endocrine system, may cause disruption of the thyroid gland;
  • may cause allergic reactions in infants.

None of the scientists have yet taken upon themselves the courage to defend the benefits of this emulsifier. And at the same time, no one can dare to declare a categorical ban. The conclusion suggests itself. If you can pay more and are willing to read the label, it is recommended to use natural products.

Chocolate without such controversial additives as E476, when consumed in moderation, can work wonders. It improves performance and mood, regulates the functioning of internal organs. Improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels. There are fasting days and three-day chocolate diets. However, even the highest quality chocolate should be eaten wisely. Unfortunately, this is not always possible for those with a sweet tooth.

Food additive E 476: description, use, effect on the human body

One of the most common additives is E 476, which is included in many confectionery products. It belongs to the group of emulsifiers, thickeners or stabilizers.

E 476 is used not only in the food industry, but also in the cosmetics industry to give the product a uniform consistency and ductility. The additive itself is a tasteless and odorless chemical compound.

The full name of the additive is polyglyceryl polyricinoleate (PGPR), or polyglycerol.

The emulsifier consists of condensed fatty acids: ricinoleic acid and polyglycerol esters (glycerol).

Description of product action:

  1. 1. After entering the human body with food, most of the additive undergoes enzymatic breakdown in the intestines.
  2. 2. During the breakdown of polyglycerol, polyricinoleic acid and polyglycerols are formed.
  3. 3. The first is absorbed in the small intestine and undergoes metabolism in the liver.
  4. 4. After absorption, the latter enter the bloodstream and are then excreted in urine (or feces) in small quantities.

Eating a small amount of chocolate, which contains polyglycerol, does not affect metabolic processes in the intestines. However, large doses of the emulsifier can stimulate intestinal motility (cause a laxative effect) and have a hypnotic effect after entering the blood.

This substance is used in the chocolate and cosmetics industries to provide the following qualities:

  • giving a uniform consistency to the product;
  • improved spreading;
  • decrease in viscosity;
  • reduction of friction between solid particles of ingredients.

Due to the low cost of the additive, it is used as a replacement for the emulsifier E 322 (soy lecithin) and cocoa butter. The latter is a rather expensive product, and its use is unprofitable for manufacturing companies.

The ability of polyglycerin to provide the same viscousness and flow of chocolate or sauce as if the product contained natural cocoa beans makes the emulsifier a worthy analogue of cocoa butter in the confectionery industry. In the cosmetic industry, this additive eliminates the risk of developing side effects associated with the abundance of fat in products.

Data on the effects of polyglycerol on the body are quite contradictory. Studies have shown that the E 476 additive has the following qualities:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • no toxicity.

Its benefit lies in the fact that the additive does not cause allergic reactions when consumed orally in large quantities. The lack of toxicity is due to the rapid decomposition of the substance and its disposal from the human body within 24 hours without accumulation in the internal organs.

Positive effects include:

  • Reducing the amount of fat in the product. This leads to less of them entering the human body with food containing this additive.
  • No inflammatory processes. When using cosmetics containing E 476, the pores are not clogged and the skin does not become inflamed.
  • No irritation upon direct contact with human skin. This allows the use of cosmetics with E 476 even for people with multiple allergies.

E-476 – food additive: description of properties

Food additives, without which almost no food product today can survive, have been debated since their inception. Flavorings, dyes, preservatives - perhaps they would not arouse such obvious suspicion if they had more understandable names instead of letter designations. In particular, what do we know about the e-476 additive? Does it pose a danger to humans?

Description of food additive e-476

This element belongs to the group of emulsifiers, stabilizers - substances that change the viscosity of the product with which they are combined. In this case, the consistency is not affected, only the density increases. The stabilizers category includes all additives with indexes from 400 to 499.

  • The common name for element e-476 is polyglycerol polyricinoleneate. May be indicated: polyglycerol polyricinolineate, PGPR. An alternative name is animal lecithin, although the veracity of this phrase is questionable.
  • The source of polyglycerol is plant substances that have undergone modification: these are esters that are softened by the fatty acids of castor oil, obtained in turn from castor bean seeds.

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In turn, castor oil has long been a laxative, as well as poisonous plant. And, despite the fact that the harm of E-476 has been scientifically confirmed, this food additive is approved in European countries and in Russia by applications to SanPiN and research by the FSA (UK Food Standards Agency). As a result, there is still debate about its real effect on the body: a number of manufacturers assure that polyglycerin is absolutely safe.

It has been proven that it does not belong to the category of allergens and GMOs, but can cause metabolic disorders. Of course, if it is used rarely in reasonable (minimal) portions, there is nothing to be afraid of, however, what to do if it is too often found in store-bought food products?

Where and why is E-476 present?

Most often, unscrupulous manufacturers include polyglycerin in chocolate and any chocolate-containing products, so as not to incur additional costs for completely inexpensive cocoa butter, especially if it is a white or milk version, where often there is not even a smell left from real chocolate, and everything is overwhelmed by the oily “soap” "taste and aroma. This same element allows you to get a thinner glaze than when using cocoa butter. It is known that Nestle and Hershey adhere to a similar policy.

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Much less often, e-476 is found in mayonnaise and margarine, in ready-made dry soups and broths. But if soy lecithin is indicated on the package, you don’t have to worry about your health: it is a more expensive and high-quality analogue of polyglycerin. It is also possible to use polyglycerin in cosmetology, but here questions about its effect on the body do not arise.

Should I avoid the additive E-476? Taking into account the fact that today it is found in almost any chocolate (according to an analysis of the composition of Alpen Gold, Rossiysky, Korkunov, Nestle), with the exception of Ritter Sport, Merci, Laima, from It is necessary to either refuse chocolate completely, or carefully study the list of ingredients so as not to come across E-476. The same goes for mayonnaise and butter.

The effect of E476 in chocolate on the body is controversial. There is an opinion that chocolate has a detrimental, harmful effect on human body. In the process of studying the influence of chocolate, scientists were able to provide information about its benefits. It is important to note that we are talking about a high-quality, natural product. This can be determined according to the percentage of cocoa beans in the treat. You can eat the product on which the mark starts from 70 percent. If the figure is 90 percent, then it is elite, the best. It is not surprising that dark dark chocolate is considered beneficial. As for the amazingly delicious white and milk chocolate bars, they are useless.

Health benefits of dark chocolate

The effect of chocolate on the human body is priceless, as evidenced by the research of many scientists and nutritionists.

Properties of the treat:

Antioxidant. The product contains large number antioxidants that protect a person from free radicals. These, in turn, contribute to cell damage. Such radicals cause aging and cancer. That is why it is useful to eat foods that are rich in antioxidants. If you periodically eat dark natural chocolate, you can avoid cancer and premature aging.

Healthy heart. Chocolate has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. By eating it at least twice a week, you can get rid of high blood pressure, improve blood flow and prevent the formation of blood clots. Everyone's favorite delicacy prevents the development of atherosclerosis, which is manifested by hardening of the arteries.

Blood sugar control. Dark chocolate keeps blood vessels strong and healthy, protects against diabetes mellitus second type. It contains flavonoids, which reduces insulin resistance. Therefore, cells can function fully by using insulin wisely and efficiently. Due to the fact that it has a low glycemic index, there is no risk of a spike in blood glucose.

Excellent state of brain activity. There is an increase in blood flow to the brain and heart, and cognitive functions are noticeably improved. Dark chocolate warns and prevents stroke and myocardial infarction. Thanks to certain chemical compounds, the natural product improves mood and cognitive health. The composition contains phenylethylamine, which is produced by the human brain during the period of love.

Source of minerals, vitamins. Chocolate contains a large list of minerals and vitamins that can maintain normal human health. When the percentage of cocoa beans is high, the composition contains:

  • iron – protects the body from iron deficiency anemia;
  • copper, potassium – prevent the development of stroke, heart and vascular diseases;
  • magnesium – reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, fights high blood pressure.

Thus, the benefits of dark chocolate are obvious. However, many people are sure that the E476 it contains is harmful. Is this really so, it’s worth looking into.

The Hidden Threat E476

Stabilizer E476 is lecithin of animal origin. Most countries allow the use of a stabilizer, explaining that it is not capable of causing harm. In fact, such an additive is known as polyglycerol, which can be dangerous and pose a health threat.

To date, there is no direct evidence that the supplement can cause harm. It is important to note that after the active use of E476, it began to be produced from special plants that had undergone genetic modification.

According to studies, E476 does not cause allergies. The additive can cause excess weight, enlargement of the liver, failure of the kidneys and metabolic processes of the body. Research shows that products with such additives most often cause disturbances in the digestive processes.

Advice! If a person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, ulcers, constipation, it is better to avoid products containing E476.

There is a safe substitute for polyglycerol, which is actively used in the food industry. It is called soy lecithin - E322.

Effect of the additive

E476 stands for the following: “E” is the European nutritional standard, “476” is a type of food additive. Absolutely all types of “E” are subject to tests, which are carried out in laboratories. The subjects are animals, and then people. If the reaction is negative and there are consequences, the additive is included in the list of prohibited substances, so their use is unacceptable.

The additive is used to preserve a certain viscosity and consistency of food products. To produce chocolate, polyglycerol and polyricinoleate are needed, which act as an emulsifier. This trick allows you to reduce cocoa butter consumption.

An emulsifier significantly worsens the quality of chocolate and reduces its final cost, so manufacturers strive for this. Additive E476 is present in many products, for example: margarine, ready-made sauces and soups, mayonnaise, confectionery and ice cream.

It is important to note that labeling such as e476 indicates the presence of lecithin in the composition. In turn, lecithin has a positive effect on the brain and heart, restores damaged cells, etc. Scientists have proven that a lack of lecithin greatly affects the intellectual abilities of children.

As for the soy substitute, it is known that it has the following properties:

  • fight against toxic substances;
  • reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in human blood;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes better absorption of fatty acids in the intestines;
  • increases hemoglobin levels.

Thus, natural dark chocolate is very healthy and essential for health. As for E476, we can say that if you don’t abuse it and know when to stop eating chocolate and products made from it, nothing bad will happen.

One of the most common additives is E 476, which is included in many confectionery products. It belongs to the group of emulsifiers, thickeners or stabilizers.

E 476 is used not only in the food industry, but also in the cosmetics industry to give the product a uniform consistency and ductility. The additive itself is a tasteless and odorless chemical compound.


Food additive E 476 is a product of processing castor oil or castor bean seeds. Another option for creating E 476 is also to obtain it through the processing of genetically modified products (GMOs).

The full name of the additive is polyglyceryl polyricinoleate (PGPR), or polyglycerol.

The emulsifier consists of condensed fatty acids: ricinoleic acid and polyglycerol esters (glycerol).

Description of product action:

  1. 1. After entering the human body with food, most of the additive undergoes enzymatic breakdown in the intestines.
  2. 2. During the breakdown of polyglycerol, polyricinoleic acid and polyglycerols are formed.
  3. 3. The first is absorbed in the small intestine and undergoes metabolism in the liver.
  4. 4. After absorption, the latter enter the bloodstream and are then excreted in urine (or feces) in small quantities.

Eating a small amount of chocolate, which contains polyglycerol, does not affect metabolic processes in the intestines. However, large doses of the emulsifier can stimulate intestinal motility (cause a laxative effect) and have a hypnotic effect after entering the blood.


This substance is used in the chocolate and cosmetics industries to provide the following qualities:

  • giving a uniform consistency to the product;
  • improved spreading;
  • decrease in viscosity;
  • reduction of friction between solid particles of ingredients.

Due to the low cost of the additive, it is used as a replacement for the emulsifier E 322 (soy lecithin) and cocoa butter. The latter is a rather expensive product, and its use is unprofitable for manufacturing companies.

The ability of polyglycerin to provide the same viscousness and flow of chocolate or sauce as if the product contained natural cocoa beans makes the emulsifier a worthy analogue of cocoa butter in the confectionery industry. In the cosmetic industry, this additive eliminates the risk of side effects associated with the abundance of fat in products.

Useful properties

Data on the effects of polyglycerol on the body are quite contradictory. Studies have shown that the E 476 additive has the following qualities:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • no toxicity.

Its benefit lies in the fact that the additive does not cause allergic reactions when consumed orally in large quantities. The lack of toxicity is due to the rapid decomposition of the substance and its disposal from the human body within 24 hours without accumulation in the internal organs.

Positive effects include:

  • Reducing the amount of fat in the product. This leads to less of them entering the human body with food containing this additive.
  • No inflammatory processes. When using cosmetics containing E 476, the pores are not clogged and the skin does not become inflamed.
  • No irritation upon direct contact with human skin. This allows the use of cosmetics with E 476 even for people with multiple allergies.

Seeing ingredients labeled “E” in products, semi-finished products and finished products, consumers begin to doubt the quality of the product. One such additive is soy lecithin, or E476. Many people try not to buy products with this component. Of course, the absence of any chemical additives is preferable, but in some cases you cannot do without them. In order not to worry in vain, it is worth getting to know each other better.

What does the “E” marking mean?

Thanks to media activity, people have become more attentive to what they eat. Increasingly, in stores you can see buyers who check not only the expiration date of the selected product, but also its composition. At the same time, consumers are most interested in the presence of food additives labeled “E” in the list of ingredients. As a rule, the presence of such additives forces the buyer to refuse the product.

In fact, the presence of “E” elements is not necessarily an indicator of low quality of the product. For example, E476 is a common stabilizer. This auxiliary component is designed to increase the viscosity of the product, improving its consistency.

The letter “E” only indicates the European standard, and the numbers are the code designation of a specific additive. There are a lot of them, and not all of them are approved for use in the food industry. After the substance passes laboratory tests, tests on animals and humans, the final verdict is made. Then the reagent is added to the list of permitted or prohibited substances. Of course, it is impossible to remember all the acceptable drugs, so to be safe, you can download the list and save it to your phone, since the lists of E-elements are freely available.

E476 in the food industry

Additive E476 is officially included in the so-called “white” list. According to experts, it is absolutely harmless to humans and can be contained in food. Of course, only if its volumes are insignificant.

Soy lecithin is synthesized during processing vegetable oils, for example, castor. The substance is a colorless mass of fatty texture that does not have a specific smell or taste. Most often, E476 can be found in the following products:

  1. . The presence of the substance allows you to reduce the cost of cocoa butter. The quality of the products is noticeably reduced, but the price remains low. Confectioners have noticed that chocolate, which contains the food additive E476, is characterized by increased fusibility and streamlining. This mass interacts best with various fillers.
  2. , tomato sauces, about half of the cases contain soy lecithin. It gives the product a more appetizing appearance and reduces its cost.
  3. Ready-made soups also often contain E476. Especially if they are offered by a manufacturer with a name that has not yet been promoted.
  4. Ice cream and confectionery, ready-made desserts.

Interesting fact
Products Russian production, which contains soy lecithin, deserves more trust than imported analogues. The fact is that domestic soybeans are produced without the use of GMOs, which cannot be said about foreign products.

It turns out that the E476 food additive is used to reduce the price of the products offered. It replaces expensive ones or improves the consistency of semi-finished and ready-made dishes. The presence of soy lecithin in expensive products should be alarming. Either the manufacturer hides the real composition of the product, or unjustifiably inflates the price.

Benefits of soy lecithin

Oddly enough, the E476 food additive also has positive properties. For example, a substance can be useful to the body as a building material. Lecithin restores damaged cells by delivering nutritional components to them. Observations have shown that lecithin deficiency can provoke inhibition of mental development in children.

In addition, E476 can have the following effects on the human body:

  • the level of “bad” cholesterol decreases;
  • the immune system is strengthened, the hemoglobin level increases;
  • the intestines are cleansed, due to which its mucous membrane begins to more actively absorb fatty acids;
  • Toxins and metabolic products are removed from tissues.

Another undeniable advantage of the E476 food additive is the fact that it does not accumulate in tissues and does not decompose into toxic compounds during processing. Within a few days after consumption, all components of the supplement will be eliminated from the body. True, there is no guarantee that during this time they will not have time to cause harm
With all this, the positive effect of artificially obtained lecithin has not yet been fully proven. It is difficult to determine the dosage in which it must be administered to the body to obtain the results shown. Finally, it is not known in what quantities it is found in certain foods. And it is not always possible to understand what origin the food additive E476 was used in the production of a particular item.

Harm from food stabilizer E476

As for the negative impact of the additive on the human body, nothing concrete can be said here either. Direct evidence has not yet been provided that E476 in any dosage can adversely affect health. Still, when purchasing and consuming products with soy lecithin, you should remember the following:

  • E476, obtained from GMO soybeans, can have absolutely any properties. And its effect on the body can lead to the most serious problems. In this case, violations will occur at the molecular level, which is fraught with irreversible changes.
  • Although E476 is not a substance that provokes food allergies, it can cause liver enlargement and kidney failure.
  • Statistics show that dietary supplement may be linked to pathological set excess weight up to obesity.
  • It has been proven that food products containing E476 provoke disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. For this reason, products with lecithin should not be used by people with existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The constant presence of soy lecithin (primarily obtained through genetic engineering) in the diet can negatively affect the quality of metabolism. Processes will slow down, which will affect the overall condition.
  • Children under 12 years of age should be given products with E476 on the label with extreme caution.

On the one hand, lecithin is useful, on the other hand, its artificial analogue can be fraught with danger. Disputes on this issue continue, but for now each consumer must determine the degree of risk and make a decision about the possibility of consuming such food products.

Safer analogues of soy lecithin

All experts agree on one thing - it will be better if the composition of food products includes not E476, but E322. This is plant lecithin, which is considered safer than its soy “counterpart”. It is allowed almost everywhere. It has been proven that the substance does not have a negative effect on the human body. True, recently conflicting information has appeared on this chemical compound.

As a summary, we can say that it is better to eat pure, natural products that are not subject to long-term storage. To be sure of expiration dates and the absence of preservatives, it is better to prepare the dishes yourself; semi-finished products obviously contain more harmful substances. Mainly, clean products are necessary for children, whose bodies are rapidly developing and absorb any substances like a sponge. However, moderate consumption of foods with E-elements is quite acceptable for an adult.