Do you want to make a delicious berry pie with curd filling? I present to your attention a shortcrust pastry pie with frozen blackcurrants; it can be prepared all year round, because both fresh and frozen berries can be used for the recipe. Delicate shortbread dough, aromatic filling of cottage cheese and black currants make the baked goods especially tasty and aromatic.

The finished berry pie must be cooled completely and then cut into portions, otherwise the shortbread dough may crumble. If you use frozen currants, they must first be thawed at room temperature so that they do not make the pie filling liquid.

Ingredients for shortcrust pastry

  • 180 g butter
  • 280 g flour
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 100 g sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 egg

Ingredients for filling

  • 250 g black currant berries;
  • 300 g sour cream
  • 100 g cottage cheese
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar (10 g)
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour
  • 1 egg

Cooking steps

In a deep bowl, combine the sifted flour, salt and baking powder.

Add grated butter. Grind the dough into fine crumbs.

Then add sugar to the dough and beat in a chicken egg, following the recipe for a pie with frozen currants.

Knead the dough until it becomes homogeneous. Wrap it in cling film and leave it in the refrigerator for an hour to cool the dough and make it easier to work with.

Preparing the filling for the pie

In a separate bowl, mix two chicken yolks and granulated sugar. Using a mixer, beat the mixture until smooth.

Add sour cream to the mixture and mix the ingredients with a mixer.

Add cottage cheese and starch to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly using a mixer.

Separately, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form.

Add whipped egg whites to the curd cream.

Forming and baking in the oven

Distribute the chilled shortcrust pastry over the pan, forming sides. Prick the dough with a fork so that it does not deform during baking.

We will bake it at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.

Then take the crust out of the oven and fill it with curd filling.

Currants are a favorite summer berry, ripening on the bushes in our dachas. It is imbued with sunshine, vitamins and a unique aroma. When at our own dacha the branches of the bushes begin to become heavy with ripe berries, we remember all the possible recipes for its use and preparation. You can eat the berries fresh, you can make jam for the winter, or you can bake a delicious pie with currants and please the whole family with a delicacy.

This time I will share with you several different recipes for making currant pie. You can make different pies each time and easily use the entire currant harvest. And if it’s already the cold season, frozen berries, which we buy in the store or freeze ourselves in the summer, are also quite suitable.

Shortcake with currants

The biggest problem I encountered when baking currant pies using various recipes is that the berry releases a lot of juice into the dough. That's why currant shortbread pie is one of my favorites. The dough is quite dense and does not spread due to leaking juice and you get a delicious crumbly pie with almost whole berries inside.

To prepare the pie you will need:

  • wheat flour - 3 cups,
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup + 1 tablespoon,
  • butter or margarine - 180 grams (1 pack),
  • chicken egg - 1 piece,
  • baking soda + citric acid - 1 teaspoon each (can be replaced with baking powder or baking powder),
  • currants - 300 grams,
  • cinnamon - 1 teaspoon,
  • starch - 1 teaspoon.


1. To prepare shortcrust pastry, first soften the butter. Mix it with sugar and egg until smooth and soft.

2. Sift the flour, add baking powder and mix them.

3. Add the flour to the bowl with the butter and sugar and mix with your hands until you get a thick, homogeneous dough. This dough first crumbles and seems too dry, but gradually the butter begins to melt and softens it, turning it into some kind of clay or plasticine. This is exactly the consistency we need.

4. Divide the finished dough into two parts. One should be slightly larger than the other. Wrap both pieces of dough in cling film or place in separate bags. Place the smaller part in the freezer, and just put the larger part in the refrigerator for one hour. The dough should cool and harden again.

5. After an hour, take most of the dough and roll it out to the size of the pan in which you will bake the pie. If this fails, then the dough can be immediately placed on the bottom of the pan lined with parchment paper and smoothed out with your fingers to a uniform thickness.

Form walls from the dough so that the filling remains inside the pie and does not burn to the pan. Currants have this tendency.

Prick holes in the bottom of the dough with a fork to prevent it from puffing up with an air bubble.

6. For the filling, prepare the currants in advance. It must be washed and dried so that no excess moisture remains. Then mix it with starch, cinnamon and sugar. Starch is needed so that the flowing juice thickens and does not spoil the dough. You can replace cinnamon with vanillin or vanilla sugar, which will also give you a very wonderful taste.

Add sugar at your discretion, but less than a tablespoon. How much sugar you put in the berries will determine how sour or sweet the currant pie will turn out in the end. If you don't like it too sour, add 3-4 tablespoons of sugar.

7. Place the berry filling on the bottom layer of dough and smooth it out.

8. Remove the second piece of dough from the freezer and unwrap it. It will be quite hard, but not stone-like. Now grate it on a grater, holding it directly over the pan with the future pie. The dough pieces will fall unevenly, leaving small holes.

This type of pie is also called grated, precisely because of this technique.

You don’t have to use a grater or freeze the dough, but simply crumble the top layer with your fingers, covering the filling with large lumps. Similar pies are even sold in stores, but they are usually made with jam.

9. Place the future currant pie in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. It bakes for about 40-45 minutes. But be sure to monitor its readiness, because different stoves work differently and the time may change.

The cooking time will also depend on the thickness of the pie. The thicker it is, the more time it will take and vice versa.

Remove the cake from the pan only when it has cooled, otherwise you risk breaking it.

Now the shortcake with currants can be cut into pieces and served with tea. Bon appetit!

The second version of currant pie in my arsenal is prepared on the basis of the same shortcrust pastry as the first. The whole difference will be in the filling. This pie will be filled with sour cream and cottage cheese. This most delicate filling will definitely find its place in your menu. Currant berries will drown in a soft, sweet curd soufflé. Consolidation!

To prepare the dough you will need:

  • flour - 3 cups,
  • butter - 180 grams,
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • baking powder for dough - 1 teaspoon.

For the filling:

  • currants - 300-350 grams,
  • high fat sour cream - 250-300 grams,
  • cottage cheese - 100-150 grams,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • sugar - 1 glass.

Preparing a pie with currants and sour cream filling:

1. First prepare the dough. To do this, mash the butter and sugar. This can be done with a fork or a whisk. If desired, even a mixer will do, the main thing is that the sugar is evenly mixed with the butter.

2. Add the egg to the butter and stir again.

3. Sift the flour and mix with baking powder, but only if you use dry powder for this. If you extinguish soda with vinegar, then add it to the liquid part of the dough.

4. Mix the flour and egg oil part together. knead a tight, thick dough. It should be dense, homogeneous and not spread. Wrap it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

5. At this time, prepare the filling for the currant pie. Rinse the berries with water and dry to remove moisture.

6. Mash the cottage cheese if you have soup. Then, mix it with egg and sugar. You can beat them a little with a mixer so that the lumps are better mixed and the mass becomes fluffier.

7. After this, add sour cream; mix it well, but do not beat it. The filling for the berries is ready.

A little secret. If you are worried that the filling will remain too liquid during baking, then add 1-2 tablespoons of flour or starch to it; this will practically not affect the taste, but it will keep the mixture well in the finished pie.

8. Roll out the chilled dough with a rolling pin and cover the bottom and sides of the pie pan. You should get a kind of bowl for the liquid filling. Poke holes in the bottom with a fork. Don't worry, the filling won't leak out.

9. Place the currants in the dough form, and then pour the sour cream and curd mixture on top of them. Make sure that it does not go over the edge of the dough.

10. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. The pie is baked for 40 to 50 minutes depending on thickness. The main indicator of readiness is the browned edges of the dough and the “hardened” filling.

The pie can be removed and cut into pieces only after it has cooled well, then the filling will not spread.

This yummy can even replace a cake at a family celebration. Treat your guests and enjoy summer pie with the whole family.

Open puff pastry pie with currants

If there is not a minute to spare, guests are on the doorstep or hungry household members are already knocking spoons on the table. I use proven recipes for baking puff pastry. Fortunately, you can now buy ready-made frozen dough in almost any store. Currant pie made from puff pastry turns out no worse than from shortbread. In some ways it’s even better.

A good yeast puff pastry will be soft, fluffy and airy, and the pie will turn out very tender. The preparation time will take noticeably less, because you no longer need to knead the dough.

To prepare you will need:

  • puff pastry dough - 1 package,
  • currants - 200 grams,
  • sugar - 0.5 cups,
  • starch - 1 tablespoon,
  • vanilla sugar,
  • egg for brushing the pie.


1. The main thing in preparing this pie is to remember to defrost the dough in advance. Puff pastry defrosts from half an hour to an hour, depending on the ambient temperature. Do not put it in a warm place like a radiator, the dough will swell.

On one of the packages of frozen dough, I once read instructions for defrosting the dough in the microwave, but I never tried this method. Perhaps you have had this experience.

2. Prepare the pie filling. To do this, mix washed currants with sugar, a pinch of vanillin and a spoonful of starch. You should get something like berries dusted with sugar and no excess liquid.

3. Roll out the soft dough a little so that it is of a size suitable for the baking dish.

I usually get a rectangle of dough, from which I cut a square and put it in a mold, leaving small edges, which I then fold over the berries. And I cut the trimmed part into strips, they will come in handy a little later.

4. Place the dough in a pan greased or covered with parchment paper. Fold back the edges.

5. Place the sugared berries on the dough and spread in an even layer. Place strips of remaining dough on top in the form of a braid. Fold the edges of the dough over.

6. Lightly beat a raw egg and brush it over the edges and strips of pastry on top of the pie.

7. The pie is baked in the oven at 180 degrees from half an hour to forty minutes, depending on its thickness. Keep an eye on the dough; the puff pastry cooks quite quickly. Once browned, carefully poke the edge of the cake with a wooden toothpick and check for doneness. The toothpick should not be damp.

Homemade blackcurrant pie

black currant- a berry that not everyone loves, but everyone has heard about how healthy it is.

In the summer, like it or not, you have to make jam and compotes from it

Well, if you have not just a lot of currants, but a lot, then the easiest way out is to freeze them for the winter. This recipe is for those who have stocked up in the summer black currant and with the arrival of cold weather I was faced with the question: where to use all this frozen wealth now?? Now is the time to take it out of the refrigerator and bake it. home blackcurrant pie . It’s worth trying once - and your family will never let you forget how delicious you can bake pies!



400 g flour
250 g butter at room temperature
200 g granulated sugar
5 eggs
2 tsp. baking powder
Zest of one orange
1/2 tsp. vanilla paste or a few drops of vanilla extract*
5 tbsp. l. milk
300 g frozen blackcurrants
2 tbsp. l. almond slices

For the glaze:

180 g powdered sugar
a few drops of vanilla extract
1 tbsp. spoon of orange juice
2 tbsp. spoons of Cointreau liqueur


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.

2. Grease a baking tray, line it with baking paper and grease it with oil.

3. Mix butter and granulated sugar in a bowl, sift flour and baking powder into it.

4. Add eggs, orange zest, milk, vanilla concentrate - mix everything and beat with a mixer. You should get a homogeneous airy dough.

5. Gently stir two-thirds of the currants into the dough.

6. Pour the dough into a baking tray, spread the remaining currants on top and sprinkle with almond slices.

7. Bake for 45 minutes (or until done). Readiness can be determined using a toothpick (it should come out dry from the pie). Cool the pie on a wire rack. Once cooled, place on the prepared dish.

8. For the glaze: Pour powdered sugar into a small bowl, add vanilla concentrate, orange juice and Cointreau, mix until smooth. Pour glaze over cooled cake.

BY THE WAY: The pie can be baked not only with black currants, but also with cherries, and in the summer - with fresh berries. If you use a special rectangular pan with a removable bottom, the finished cake can be easily removed.

Currant pie is a very profitable thing, especially in my case.

Judge for yourself - summer is just around the corner, but the freezer is still filled with berries. It seems like they’ve been brewing infusions with compotes all winter, but for some reason there are still last year’s cherries and a solid supply of black currants left.

We will urgently destroy it, there are two suitable recipes for this, which complement each other - a kind of tandem. The first is an open pie filled with black currants, and the second is lemonade made from the same darling. I immediately have a kilo of berries for these goodies. Today I’ll give you the recipe for the pie, but I want to highlight the drinks separately, so I’ll tell you about the lemonade tomorrow.

Recipe for open currant pie


  • flour – 250 g (2 tbsp. 200 ml with a slide);
  • butter – 125 g;
  • powdered sugar – 20 g;
  • black currant – 600 g;
  • whole milk – also 75 ml;
  • condensed milk – 75 ml;
  • water (very cold) – 6-8 tbsp. l.;
  • potato starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar - for sprinkling;
  • salt – 1 pinch.

Cooking time: 2 hours;

number of servings: 8;

cuisine: Russian.

How to make a pie

1. Immediately scatter the frozen berries in a layer on napkins so that they thaw and dry well; there is no need to put excess moisture in the currant pie. If the berries are fresh, just wash and dry.

2. Measured the flour; if you don’t have scales, then 250 g of flour is about two glasses (200 ml glass) with a good slide.

3. Sift the flour into a bowl.

And I had the butter in the freezer for about an hour (I put it there on purpose). The main thing here is that you need to do everything quickly enough, so I had to call a junior novice photographer for help so as not to be torn between the camera and the test.

4. Quickly grind the butter into flour using a coarse grater.

5. Rub flour and butter into crumbs with your hands.

6. Mixed with powdered sugar and a pinch of salt. By the way, 20 g of powdered sugar is about a quarter of a 200 ml glass.

7. I made a funnel in the mixture and poured 6 tablespoons of very cold water into it. Knead the dough with a spoon.

8. Then I kneaded it with my hands so that all the crumbs gathered into one ball. In the process, I added another spoonful of water.

9. No need to knead for a long time. As soon as the ball was formed, I wrapped it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

I cooked it in that hour and also quickly hid it in the refrigerator behind a pot of borscht so that I could live until the pie.

10. Turned on the oven and preheated it to 230 C° (approximately, I don’t have a thermometer at all). Lightly dust the table with flour and roll out the dough to a thickness of 3-5 mm.

11. Rolled it onto a rolling pin and transferred it to a mold (I have a springform mold with a diameter of 26 cm).

There should be enough dough for sides 2 centimeters high. To make them more beautiful, I cut them with a curly knife and pressed the rest all over the cake.

12. Pricked the dough with a fork so that the cake would not deform.

13. Cover the crust with parchment paper and add a layer of peas so that the crust does not swell and turns out even (you can use rice or beans).

14. Placed in the oven for 10 minutes. Then he took out the paper with whatever was poured there, down with it (the peas will still come in handy, don’t throw them away). Mixed milk with starch and condensed milk, stirred well.

15. Placed berries on the crust and poured milk mixture over it.

16. Put it back in the oven for about 30 minutes (plus/minus 5 minutes) - you need to make sure that the crust is baked and the filling is not too wet.

Well, my currant pie is ready. Sprinkled with powder.

Thin, crumbly dough, sweet and sour filling with a taste of condensed milk - wonderful!

I’ll bake this pie a couple more times, and the freezer will be ready to receive the new harvest. , of course, we’ll cook it, and then...

All the best and see you again!

Black currant was known back in Ancient Rus'. Skilled housewives used it to prepare pies, jams, syrups and special currant wine. Before the advent of currant wine, mash was made - a low-alcohol drink obtained as a result of fermentation.

The fragrant leaves were (and continue to be) added to tea, meat, and even used for pickling to add a special aroma. And how many berries the guys ate raw, simply plucked from the bushes!

The benefits of blackcurrant and features of its selection and storage

Today, many people know currants as an extremely healthy and low-calorie source of vitamin C and potassium. Its energy value is only 63 kcal per 100 g, of which 82 g is water. The berry contains some B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorus, as well as organic acids and sugars.

It is famous for its diuretic and diaphoretic properties; in folk medicine, the berries are recommended for use for certain gastrointestinal diseases, colds and scurvy.

If you decide to buy currants from hand, then you should pay special attention to the berries. They should be large and dense, rich black in color, without stains or traces of moisture. Do not choose an over-ripe or under-ripe product and do not be too lazy to check not only the top berries, but also the bottom ones, so as not to find a spoiled product at home.

Overripe berries begin to ferment, so they can be easily distinguished by their sugary smell.

It is best to store currants in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed jar at a temperature not exceeding 0°C, after sorting them out, clearing them of branches, rinsing them and drying them thoroughly. Under these storage conditions, the fruits remain fresh for up to 3-4 weeks; you only need to open the jar once a day for ventilation.

If you want to preserve healthy berries for the winter, you can can them or make jam, dry them or freeze them. The last two methods allow you to preserve the greatest amount of nutrients; in addition, the fruits do not lose their aroma and sour taste. This will be especially useful for those who would like to pamper their family and friends with fragrant pastries all winter.

Blackcurrant pie - cooking features

Black currant is a hassle-free berry for chefs that won’t cause any trouble even for beginners. If stored correctly, it will not lose either taste or smell and will require minimal effort when cooking: wash and, if necessary, defrost it. You can adjust the amount of sugar in recipes yourself, making the dish more sour or sweet.

Pie dough can be anything: shortbread, puff pastry, unleavened, sour cream, yeast, even muffin dough is suitable. The pie itself can be open or closed, with sprinkles or chocolate or caramel poured on top. It all depends only on your imagination.

Just remember: you can only use well-dried berries. If the currants are fresh, wait half an hour until all the moisture has drained; if they are frozen, then first put them in cold water so that they melt, and then dry them like regular ones.

If the recipe calls for eggs, butter, or any foods stored in the refrigerator, be sure to take them out first so they are warm.

Unusual recipe for blackcurrant pie

Simple blackcurrant pie - recipe

This airy pie is very similar to charlotte.

For it you will need:

  • 5 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 2 tbsp. currants (fresh or frozen)


  1. Turn the oven to 180 degrees and prepare a deep ovenproof baking dish. You can use silicone, glass, non-stick or ceramic molds.
  2. First you need to grease it with soft butter or line the bottom with baking paper to prevent the dough from sticking.
  3. Take a large bowl (you can use a glass salad bowl to avoid splashes), break the eggs into it, add sugar and beat until foamy. Beat for a long time, at least 3-5 minutes, until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Next, add flour a little at a time and knead into a thick, liquid dough. If you doubt that the dough will rise, then add 1-2 tsp. baking powder or slaked soda.
  5. At the very end, add the currants, mix everything so that the berries “drown”, and pour the dough into the mold.
  6. Then place the blackcurrant pie in a preheated oven and try not to open the door for the first 20-30 minutes.
  7. You can check the readiness of the pie with a match or a toothpick: pierce the pastry closer to the center and see if there is any batter left on it.
  8. The total cooking time depends on the cookware you choose and the stove itself. If its power is low, you can set the temperature 10-20 degrees higher.

Once the cake turns golden and a toothpick comes out clean, remove the cake, cover it with a towel and leave to cool for a few minutes. The dough will “shrink” a little and separate from the walls without loss.

Delicious blackcurrant pie, how to cook, recipe

A slightly more complex recipe for a simple pie with blackcurrant and kefir.

If you have an unnecessary glass of kefir left in the house, you can put it to work by making a pie with berries.


  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. kefir
  • 1.5 tbsp. sugar (some of the sugar can be replaced with vanilla, but do not overdo it: 1-2 tsp will be enough, otherwise the smell of vanilla will overwhelm the whole taste)
  • 100 g butter
  • 1 tsp baking powder or slaked soda
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 200 g black currants


  1. Turn on the oven to 180 degrees, prepare a greased baking dish and start cooking.
  2. Pour kefir into a bowl, add sugar and stir.
  3. Melt the butter until liquid in the microwave and pour into kefir, add eggs and mix thoroughly until smooth.
  4. Add baking powder to the dough. If you don't have it, scoop up some baking soda and, holding a spoon over the dough, drop vinegar or lemon juice onto it. The soda will hiss and turn into foam - this is slaked soda. Drip carefully so as not to pour out too much.
  5. Now it's the turn of the flour. After adding it, the dough should be thick and viscous. Lastly come the berries.
  6. The pie takes 40-45 minutes to prepare; you should not open the oven for the first half hour: because of the cold air, the dough will settle and not rise.

You can check readiness with a toothpick. When ready, remove the dish and place it in a warm place to cool. Only after this can it be removed.

Beautiful blackcurrant pie - recipe

The main difference between this pie is that the berries do not need to be mixed with the dough. They will stay on top and crisp up nicely.


  • 1 tbsp. heaps of flour
  • 1.5 tsp. baking powder or 1 tsp. soda
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 100 g butter
  • 0.5 tbsp. milk
  • 3 tbsp. powdered sugar
  • 400 g currants

You can also use a little vanillin or vanilla sugar to add a new taste.


  1. Set the oven to 180 degrees, prepare a baking dish and mixer. Beat eggs with sugar until foamy, add melted butter, milk and vanilla (optional).
  2. Separately mix flour, salt and baking powder, add the resulting mixture little by little to the dough, mixing thoroughly. Make sure that there are no dry lumps left. If the dough is not liquid enough, add a little milk, but if it is too liquid, flour will come to the rescue.
  3. Pour the dough into the mold, level the surface, place the berries on top in a thick layer and sprinkle them with powdered sugar. Cook for 40-45 minutes, remove after cooling.

Shortcrust pastry pie with black currants - step-by-step recipe

This is probably the most famous blackcurrant pie, which was extremely popular and loved in the Soviet Union. The shortbread dough from which the base will be made is one of the simplest and most unpretentious, so you don’t have to worry about the result. Prepare the following foods.


  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. sugar (+3 tbsp for sprinkling)
  • 200 g butter
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tbsp. starch
  • pinch of salt
  • 500 g berries


  1. Remove the butter in advance so that it becomes soft. There is no need to heat it in the microwave; the structure should remain dense.
  2. Mix flour, baking powder and salt. In a separate bowl, mash the sugar with the eggs until the sugar is completely dissolved. Please note that there is no need to whisk this time: use a spoon or whisk.
  3. Add the butter to the eggs and mix until smooth, best done with your hands.
  4. Gradually add flour and mix into the dough with your hands. It should turn out plastic, but crumbly - like plasticine made from sand. Add flour very carefully: if there is too much, the dough will fall apart, if there is too little, it will remain sticky and will not bake.
  5. Divide the finished dough into two parts, wrap in cling film and place in the refrigerator or freezer for 40-60 minutes.
  6. Turn the oven on to 200 degrees and grease the pie pan with butter. While the dough is hardening, mix the remaining sugar with starch and berries. This will be the filling of the pie.
  7. Pull out one piece of frozen dough - this will be the base for the pie. It can be made in two ways: If you kept the dough in the freezer, you can grate it on a coarse grater and cover the entire bottom with it. If the dough has been in the refrigerator, it would be better to roll it out with a rolling pin and carefully transfer it into the mold. You can bend the edges a little so that the filling does not leak out.
  8. Once the dough is distributed, pour the filling on top and take out the second part of the dough. It needs to be grated and distributed evenly over the pie. Don't be afraid if there is not enough dough to form an even layer - the powder serves more of a decorative function.

When everything is ready, put the blackcurrant pie in the oven and forget about it for 40-50 minutes. When the crust is browned, you can remove it. Be sure to cool the baked goods before, otherwise you risk getting burned.