Bleeding from the genital tract during pregnancy is a very dangerous symptom, especially in early stages. This clinical sign may be the first signal of the development of many pathologies.

What causes blood to appear during pregnancy?

During its intrauterine development, the fetus shares a common blood flow system with the mother. This feature is inherent in nature. In the first months of its development, the baby does not yet have its own blood vessels that would provide its body with the necessary nutrients and oxygen. They will appear a little later.

At the beginning of pregnancy, a very important process occurs in the embryo, which doctors call organogenesis. During it, the child begins to develop all the vital organs and systems. During this period even minor impacts can lead to very dangerous consequences for its further growth and development.

During a normal pregnancy, a woman should not have bleeding from the genital tract. The appearance of blood on underwear is a warning sign. In some cases, it may indicate the development of dangerous pathologies that may threaten the development of the embryo.

In the first weeks

The appearance of spotting and spotting at 4-5 weeks of intrauterine development of the fetus may indicate its successful implantation to the uterine wall. Usually at this time, a woman may have droplets of scarlet blood on her underwear. This symptom becomes truly frightening for many expectant mothers, since they are not yet aware of their new status.

6-7 weeks of pregnancy is, as a rule, the time of the first visit to the doctor. During this period, the woman stops menstruating, which leads her to consult a specialist. After a gynecological examination, the expectant mother may experience slight bleeding or isolated blood clots. There is no need to be afraid of this. This symptom will disappear on its own in a couple of days. In this case, doctors only It is recommended to limit physical activity and stay calm.

After intercourse

The appearance of blood in 7-8 and subsequent weeks of pregnancy may occur after sexual intercourse. In this case, damage to the vaginal mucosa occurs, which leads to the appearance of a small amount of blood on the underwear. Many mothers are afraid of this symptom. There is no need to be afraid of him. During pregnancy, you just have to choose the most gentle positions used during sexual intercourse.

After transvaginal ultrasound

The first transvaginal ultrasound is usually performed at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. It is necessary to identify pathologies in both the developing baby and his mother. This study is carried out as prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist who monitors a woman during the entire period of her pregnancy.

After this procedure, some women may also experience bleeding from the genital tract. Usually it is expressed insignificantly and disappears on its own after a few hours. In certain situations, an ultrasound examination can be performed earlier - at 9-10 weeks of pregnancy.

The appearance of drops of blood on underwear after a transvaginal ultrasound is most often an independent symptom. Usually this condition occurs without pain. A woman may only experience slight discomfort in the genital tract after the examination. It also disappears quite quickly within a few days.

Hydatidiform mole

Hydatidiform mole is a pathology that also leads to fetal death. It is characterized replacing the embryo with connective tissue. Unfortunately, researchers have not yet found the reason for the development of this pathology. This condition does not pose a threat to a woman’s life. The fetus dies.

Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous pathology, which usually manifests itself as severe bleeding. This pathology usually manifests itself in women during the first trimester of pregnancy. The extreme degree of this condition is rupture of the fallopian tube where the fertilized egg is located.

The beginning of the development of a tubal pregnancy is practically no different from the usual one, which occurs in the uterus. The woman also has a positive pharmacy test for hCG, heaviness in the mammary glands appears and a change in mood occurs. All these signs are caused by altering hormones that begin to be produced after conception.

The only peculiarity of this pathology is that the embryo is not implanted into the uterine wall, but remains in the tube. Such fetal growth is not provided for by nature, and therefore has no further development. This causes the woman to start bleeding heavily, which leads to further miscarriage.

This condition usually causes numerous adverse symptoms in a woman. Some patients even lose consciousness. The intensity of the pain syndrome can be very pronounced. To reduce pain, the administration of painkillers is required, preferably parenterally.

In this case, it is impossible to do without timely hospitalization. Delay in transporting to hospital can lead to the development of extremely dangerous complications. At the hospital, doctors remove all components of the fertilized egg from the epididymis. Quite often the entire fallopian tube is removed.

"Frozen" pregnancy

“Frozen” pregnancy is another pathological condition that can develop in the early stages of pregnancy. Quite often it appears in the second or third month from the moment the baby is conceived.

This pathology is characterized by the fact that The embryo, under the influence of any reason, simply stops developing fully. This can be determined using special hormonal tests, as well as ultrasound.

During pregnancy termination, a woman's symptoms begin to change. She feels much less pain in the mammary glands. In some cases, she develops pain in the abdomen, which only increases over time. This condition is also characterized by an increase in temperature. Usually its values ​​do not exceed 37.5 degrees.

Cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is one of the most common pathologies in the female population. It can occur even in women who have not given birth. Numerous factors lead to the development of this pathology.

Many cervical erosions Doctors try to treat even before conception occurs. This therapy makes it possible to achieve epithelization of the mucous membranes and reduce the risk of possible complications during pregnancy. However, this does not always work out.

Many expectant mothers find out that they have this pathological condition only during pregnancy. In this case, any traumatic effects can contribute to the release of blood from the genital tract. These include: ultrasound, deep gynecological examination, sex, injuries, infections.

As a rule, doctors during pregnancy with cervical erosion are guided by expectant management, limiting the possibility of surgical treatment. If it is impossible to do without such therapy, then it is carried out only for strict medical indications.


Polyposis occurs quite often in women. Many expectant mothers neglect the importance of treating this pathology before pregnancy. This is absolutely false! The background changing under the influence of hormones promotes the growth of polyps, which can lead to their infection and even tearing off. Such situations are usually accompanied by bleeding.

Its severity depends on how large the detached formations were. Quite often, this pathology appears at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy. It is still worth treating polyposis before pregnancy, since this is a rather long process that requires mandatory time for rehabilitation.

Varicose veins

Varicose vessels are another pathology that leads to the development of bleeding from the genital tract. Usually its severity is moderate.

This pathology is also accompanied by the development of other causes. In some women, varicose veins can also be seen on the legs. Rupture of the thin varicose wall of the uterine blood vessel leads to the leakage of blood from the genital tract.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases can also lead to the development of erosive forms of pathologies. When exacerbating, they are accompanied various types bleeding.

During pregnancy it is essential immunity decreases, which leads to the activation of many venereal diseases , as well as their rapid development. Treatment in this case is carried out jointly with a venereologist. Drug therapy may be required to eliminate adverse symptoms.

Spontaneous abortion

Spontaneous abortion is another, no less dangerous clinical situation. Usually it occurs against the background of complete well-being. The woman experiences severe pain, localized mainly in the lower third of the abdomen. The pain can also spread to the anal area, as well as to the thighs. The pain syndrome is usually unbearable. A woman may moan or scream in pain.

If the bleeding is massive, she may also faint or lose consciousness. The woman experiences severe dizziness and general weakness rapidly increases. IN in this case emergency hospitalization is required.

In this case, it is impossible to do without removing the fertilized egg from the uterus. This procedure is performed by gynecologists. After the operation, the woman is given recommendations and prescribed medications.


Intensity of expression clinical signs may be different. This largely depends on the situation that caused the bleeding. The severity is also determined by the amount of blood lost.

There are a number of clinical situations where losses become chronic. This usually happens if a woman has any diseases of the reproductive organs.

Many infectious pathologies and erosive processes occurring in the uterus can also lead to the development of bleeding. In this case, blood accumulates between its layers and the future developing placenta. As a rule, in this situation, a woman only notices the appearance of drops of blood on her underwear.

Persistent spotting causes her to develop an anemic condition, accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin. This condition has a detrimental effect on the intrauterine growth of the fetus, and can also lead to the formation of a number of defects and developmental anomalies.

Quite often it happens that bleeding from the genital tract begins in pregnant women after taking a bath or hot shower. This is caused by a strong expansion of blood vessels under the influence of high temperature.

Various traumatic impacts or intense physical exercise. Some women have reported that they experienced vaginal bleeding after lifting heavy objects.

In some cases, blood appears on underwear when visiting the toilet. In this case, it is imperative to determine the source of bleeding. If blood is released directly during urination, the cause may be related to pathologies of the kidneys or urinary tract. Often exacerbation chronic cystitis leads to the appearance of blood streaks in the urine.

Heavy bleeding leads to severe anemia of the woman. This even manifests itself in changing it appearance. The skin becomes pale and cold to the touch. Lips turn blue. The area under the eyes and the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle become gray in color.

The woman begins to feel her heart rate increase. It becomes more difficult for her to breathe. This is how the lack of oxygen manifests itself, which is caused by anemia due to severe blood loss.

When a fetus dies in the womb, a woman experiences pain in her abdomen. Its intensity increases every minute. For some women, even taking painkillers and antispasmodics in this condition does not lead to improvement in well-being. The severity of the condition is progressing every minute.

The critical degree of development of disorders is loss of consciousness. Before this, a borderline disorder usually develops - “clouding” of consciousness. The woman begins to feel dizzy, the sense of space is lost, and “spots” may flash before her eyes. Already when these symptoms occur, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Delay in such a situation is very dangerous.

What to do?

If a woman starts bleeding from the genital tract, this is an absolute indication to see a doctor. As a rule, emergency doctors suggest hospitalization for all pregnant women. This should be done without fail.

In the hospital, doctors will be able to determine the cause that led to the development of bleeding, and will also be able to provide a full range of all necessary assistance.

The appearance of blood clots during pregnancy - this is a reason for an unscheduled visit to your obstetrician-gynecologist. You should not delay consultation. It often happens that the expectant mother is simply afraid to see a doctor, thereby exacerbating the development of the pathology.

It is important to remember that complications of many pathological conditions can be prevented only by consulting a doctor in time.

When bleeding begins, it is very important to remain calm. You need to call an ambulance immediately. It is better for the woman to have someone close to her. This will allow her to be calmer and less nervous.

It is very important to ensure an influx fresh air into the room. To do this, be sure to open the window or window.

In case of heavy bleeding, you need to put a regular pad in your underwear, which a woman uses during menstruation. There is no point in walking around the apartment. It is better to put the woman on a bed or sofa. At the same time, you can raise your legs a little.

You should not wash or shower if bleeding starts. Hot water can only worsen all symptoms. If a woman feels dry and very thirsty, you can offer her a drink of water. This will make her feel a little better.

Close relatives should prepare medical documents before the ambulance arrives. You will need a passport, an outpatient card and a compulsory medical insurance policy. The arriving doctors will most likely suggest that the woman be hospitalized due to the severe severity of her condition.

Only in case of non-dangerous pathologies will the woman be left at home. In this case, you should definitely visit your obstetrician-gynecologist the day after such an incident.

In the next video you will learn whether bleeding in early pregnancy is normal.

Pregnancy is an important physiological process that occurs in the body of every woman. Most girls in the first weeks of gestating an embryo do not even imagine that a new life. One of the main changes in the body that signals the presence of a fetus in the uterus is the stop of menstruation. But you should not assume that there cannot be any discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy. Often, during the fifth week of gestation, discharge of various colors (mostly brown) and consistency occurs. The causes of these formations from the vaginal organ can also be very diverse. Some of the discharges are normal, while others are pathological. What kind of discharge occurs at 5 weeks of pregnancy and what to do if it occurs? Let's figure it out.

Before you learn about the features of discharge during pregnancy in the fifth week, you should thoroughly learn what signs indicate the presence of a fetus in the womb of a woman during the five-week period.

TO early signs pregnancy include:

  • increase in size of the uterine body (you can determine it yourself in front of a mirror);
  • frequent urination;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • vomit;
  • morning sickness;
  • mild headaches;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • causeless irritability;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • a sharp increase or complete disappearance of libido.

But these signs may not always appear during a five-week pregnancy, because they depend on the individual characteristics of each girl’s body. The onset of pregnancy may occur without any symptoms.

Causes of discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy for the expectant mother is a reason for happiness and joy, but the body itself experiences severe stress. All major organ powers female body are aimed at preserving the embryo in the womb and fully bearing a healthy baby. Therefore, if you find small scarlet or brown spots on your underwear, you should not panic. You should calmly consult a doctor and explain the entire situation.

There are cases when a woman is still menstruating in the fifth week of gestation, and at such moments the expectant mother is not yet aware of the pregnancy. Many experts argue whether this is actually bleeding during menstruation, or whether such discharge is considered a normal feature of pregnancy. Currently, this phenomenon is called “color pregnancy.” This is not considered any deviation, but to reassure yourself and confirm pregnancy, you should definitely visit a gynecologist.

The main causes of discharge during the five-week period of pregnancy include:

1. Pathological placental abruption.

If the expectant mother is concerned about heavy bleeding in the fifth week of pregnancy, found in her underwear, she should immediately consult a gynecologist, since this phenomenon is considered abnormal and can harm the health and even the life of the child.

2. Restructuring of hormonal balance.

When pregnancy causes changes in a woman's hormonal balance, a pregnant lady may notice light brown to dark brown spotting. If such formations do not cause unpleasant sensations in the form of unbearable itching and hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the genital organs and the skin of the labia, there is no need to worry.

3. Diseases whose etiology is trauma to the genital organs.

Trauma to the genital tract and erosion of the cervix of the uterine organ can also contribute to the occurrence of discharge. In this case, the color of the secreted secretion can be: brown, light pink and scarlet.

4. Infections of the female reproductive system.

Discharge with unpleasant itching, a repulsive odor and continuous pain may indicate the addition of an infectious disease. The color of the secreted secretion during an infectious course can be:

bright white;

A curd-like, bright white discharge is produced when the vagina is infected with a fungus. The weak immune system of a new mother is not able to prevent infectious agents, so the addition of thrush pathogens does not cause much difficulty. But, unfortunately, it is not advisable to use medications that aggravate the functioning of the fungus, as this can have a bad effect on the health of the unborn child.

white with a yellowish tint;

In such secretions white more than yellow. As a rule, such formations from the vagina are accompanied by a disgusting odor and severe itching in the female genital area. The cause of white-yellow discharge is a violation of the vaginal microflora.


If the fluid released has yellow, this means that the vaginal walls are affected by a staphylococcal infection. This is very dangerous for the baby, since if the pathogen enters the body of the uterus and the embryo itself, serious disturbances in the development of the child can occur. Yellow discharge in the fifth 5th week of pregnancy can be quickly treated without complications, provided that the diagnosis is accurately made and appropriate therapy is prescribed.


Red discharge most often occurs due to damage to the cervix, or more precisely, erosion. As a rule, erosive inflammation is accompanied by an infectious course. This pathological condition, like other diseases, poses a threat to the development and life of the fetus. Due to the softened and inflammatory neck, the risk of infection of the embryo is very high, so you should not allow further development

spread of erosion of the cervix of the uterine organ. When found bleeding at 5 weeks of pregnancy, urgent consultation with a specialist and possible hospitalization is advisable.


Brown discharge in the 5th week of pregnancy is considered a deviation only if the pregnant woman suffers from pain in the perineum and lower abdomen, itching and hyperemia in the labia. Such discharge is accompanied by the smell of rottenness, acid and fish.

You should know that heavy discharge can pose a threat to the unborn child. In severe cases of illness, many doctors recommend early termination of pregnancy.

Brown discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy forces the expectant mother to be vigilant and careful. If there are additional signs of a possible infectious disease (pain, hyperemia, increased itching), you should consult a doctor in order to diagnose and make an accurate diagnosis.

During the first trimester of gestation, the presence of brownish discharge should alert a pregnant woman.

According to statistical data, it is the 5th and 6th weeks of pregnancy that are characterized by frequent freezing of the fetus in the womb; this process is reported abundantly brown discharge from the vaginal area.

Another important reason for brown discharge during early pregnancy is the development of an ectopic pregnancy. If the pregnancy in the ectopic tube is not terminated in time, it can rupture and cause internal bleeding. Many women, by postponing going to the gynecologist for this problem, seriously worsen their health. Thus, the lack of urgent surgical intervention can lead to the death of a pregnant woman.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

If we're talking about about pathological discharge, then going to the doctor should not be postponed in the following cases:

  • 1. Brown discharge at five weeks of pregnancy, formed with the presence of a bad odor, pain in the lower abdomen and worsening general condition(fatigue, drowsiness, apathy).
  • 2. Thick white, yellow and greenish discharge accompanied by noticeable discomfort in the external genitalia.
  • 3. Brown discharge in the fifth week of pregnancy, the duration of which is accompanied by short pauses. This phenomenon most often occurs during frozen pregnancy.
  • 4. Copious light brown discharge report the presence of the embryo in the fallopian tube.

It should also be remembered that in addition to discharge from the reproductive system, the following symptoms may indicate pregnancy disorders:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • excessive sleepiness;
  • nausea;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • irritability;
  • apathy.

You should not ignore the signs of pathology and self-medicate, because if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, you can protect yourself from negative consequences and the development of severe complications.

In order to timely identify or refute a gynecological illness at an early stage of pregnancy, you should contact a specialist who will refer the pregnant girl to a certain series of studies, identify the disease at an early stage of development and prescribe competent treatment.

As is already known, the first stage of treatment of discharge during pregnancy is a diagnostic examination of the patient.

Diagnostic examination includes:

1. Inspection of external and internal organs reproductive system.

Conducted by a gynecologist. This procedure examines the integrity of the external genitalia. The next step is to examine the woman’s internal organs using a gynecological speculum. The condition of the mucous membrane of the walls of the vaginal organ and cervix is ​​assessed. If there is discharge, the gynecologist evaluates its smell, color, quantity and consistency. During an examination by a gynecologist, a preliminary diagnosis can be made.

2. Palpation.

After the examination, the gynecologist palpates the lower abdomen, thereby determining the location of the uterus itself, the ovaries, the duration of a possible pregnancy, and the location of the fetus.

3. Laboratory research.

During an examination on a gynecological chair, the doctor takes a certain amount of biological material ( epithelial cells and mucus secreted by the vagina) to identify the causative agent of a possible infection. Next, the collected material is planted on a nutrient medium and kept at a warm temperature for a certain time. With the active growth of microorganisms, it is possible to accurately determine the presence of the disease in a pregnant patient. In some cases, the pathogen is identified by staining the material with special diagnostic dyes.

4. Ultrasound diagnosis of the reproductive system of a pregnant girl.

Using an ultrasound of the reproductive system at 5 weeks of pregnancy, you can determine the cause of red, pink and brown discharge. Placental abruption, abnormal positioning of the fetus, frozen pregnancy and other types of pathologies can only be detected exclusively with the help of ultrasound diagnostics. This type of research helps to identify the disease at an early stage and prevent complications for the child and mother.

Approximately 20% of women continue to menstruate during the first months of pregnancy. Bloody discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy may not always indicate a threat of miscarriage. Obstetricians call this phenomenon “washing the fetus.” Usually this happens quite rarely, since in a woman’s body with the onset of pregnancy, the hormone progesterone increases, which eliminates menstruation.

Menstruation differs from discharge with the threat of spontaneous abortion in consistency, color, and duration. However, if pregnancy is confirmed and spotting continues regularly, you should consult a specialist for advice.

Brown discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy

If the 5th week of pregnancy occurs with brownish discharge, this may indicate a threat. Discharge may be associated with detachment of the ovum; in this condition, it is extremely important to prevent miscarriage in a timely manner. If the discharge is accompanied by severe pulling or cutting pain in the lower abdomen, you should urgently call ambulance, before her arrival, complete rest is necessary, as this indicates that a miscarriage has begun, otherwise a spontaneous abortion will be almost impossible to stop.

If the doctor suspects a threat of miscarriage, he will refer the woman for an ultrasound examination and a blood test for hCG levels. If hCG levels are low, the woman is urgently sent to the hospital, since low levels of this hormone indicate that the pregnancy is progressing with pathologies and the body may reject the fetus.

However, brown discharge in a pregnant woman in the fifth week does not always indicate pathology. Minor discharge in the early stages of pregnancy are considered a natural process that should not frighten a woman much. In the early stages of pregnancy, a complete restructuring begins in a woman’s body, both at the physiological and hormonal levels. Discharge in a pregnant woman may appear during the process of fixation of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, while small pieces of the mucous membrane may be torn off and discharged from the vagina. This kind of discharge can be light or dark brown, bright red. As a rule, the discharge is scanty, occurs with minor spasms or is completely painless. But in any case, a consultation with a gynecologist will not be superfluous to make sure that everything is fine with the child and the development process is proceeding normally.

Bloody discharge

Heavy bleeding is quite an alarming signal for a woman. In addition to the threat of miscarriage, heavy bleeding in the early stages can be associated with an ectopic pregnancy, cervical pathology, or an infectious disease.

The 5th week of pregnancy, during which bleeding begins, can first be interrupted by a spontaneous miscarriage. Usually, when there is a threat, the discharge lasts for several days, intensifying every day. In this case, you need to seek medical help as soon as possible. If you experience severe pain below, you can take a no-shpa tablet; you should definitely go to bed and ensure maximum peace. IN modern conditions provided on time medical care allows you to maintain pregnancy.

Also, one of the reasons for heavy bleeding in a pregnant woman is an ectopic pregnancy, when the fertilized egg is fixed outside the uterus. It should be noted that often an ectopic pregnancy and the symptoms that accompany it begin when a woman is not even aware of her pregnancy.


Painful sensations in the lower abdomen or back, before or during bleeding, indicate the body’s rejection of the fetus and spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

In this case, you need to go to the hospital, even if you do not plan to keep the child.

The 5th week of pregnancy increases the risk of spontaneous miscarriage in women with increased level male hormones in the body (masculine figure, increased growth of body hair, etc.), excess weight. Such women are recommended to register with the antenatal clinic as early as possible.

Menstruation at 5 weeks of pregnancy

The 5th week of pregnancy is usually the period when a woman learns about her situation. The first signs of pregnancy are usually the absence of menstruation, but sometimes situations arise when an already pregnant woman continues to have spotting.

In some cases, bleeding in pregnant women is not due to an ongoing miscarriage. In more than 20% of cases, pregnant women continue to have relatively normal menstrual flow. There is a lot of controversy about this condition, the discharge has a wide variety of names, but this happens and in this case nothing depends on the woman. In some cases, a woman finds out about her pregnancy in the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that every month, at the usual time, she experiences discharge similar to menstruation. In obstetric practice, this phenomenon is called “washing of the fetus” or “color pregnancy.”