If you have That Girl in your life and you are ready to confess your love to her, congratulations! Although saying those three words is not easy, they will show her how deep your love is and help take your relationship to the next level.


Part 1

Preparing for a declaration of love

    Rehearse. Confessing love is not easy, especially for the first time. If you are very worried, think about what you will say to her in advance, and this will give you confidence. Decide what exactly you want to tell her and rehearse your confession. Instead of a simple “I love you,” you can go a little further. For example:

    • Tell your girl why you love her.
    • Tell her when you fell in love with her.
    • Let her know how much she means to you.
    • Decide whether you want to simply say how you feel or make a dramatic romantic gesture.
  1. Choose a time and place. Agree, confessing your feelings to someone is a rather intimate moment. You will surely strive to make everything go away in the best possible way. Choose a place where no one will stop you from talking about your feelings. Perhaps it will be associated with some pleasant events that happened to you. Also, choose the right time.

    Don't be too sure that she loves you too. Get ready not only to confess your love, but also to hear her response. Ideally, she will say, “I love you too!” However, the reality of life is that we don’t always hear in response what we want.

    Part 2

    Declaration of love
    1. Tell:"I love you". When you are alone with her and feel that the right moment has come, gather your courage and say: “I love you.” Look into her eyes, smile and say these words. You don't have to wait for the perfect moment or stage your confession spectacularly - just be sincere.

      Show her that you love her. In addition to declaring your love, show the girl that you care about her. After all, actions speak louder than words! Support her: go to competitions in which she participates, write her notes with words of encouragement, help her achieve her goals. Here are some more ways to show your love:

      • Always treat her with respect and kindness. Don't disrespect her or abuse her trust.
      • Do everything you can to please her. For example, if she's had a hard day, give her flowers or some other way to cheer her up.
      • Don't offend her. If someone bullies your girlfriend, stand up for her.
    2. Write her a letter declaring your love. While some find it easier to put their feelings into words by saying “I love you,” others find it easier to put them on paper. Write a beautiful love letter. When the time is right, hand her your letter along with a small gift or place it in her hand at the end of the date.

      • You can write a simple short note, a heartfelt love letter, or a touching poem.
      • You should not send SMS or a message in the messenger with the words “I love you”, “I<3 тебя» или «ЯТЛ».
    3. Let her answer. After the girl has heard or read these three short words, give her time to think and respond correctly to them. When she is ready to give you an answer, she should have all your attention. Listen carefully and respond correctly. Let's hope she says, "I love you too!"

      • Don't demand an immediate response from her.
      • Don't tell her how you expected her to react or feel.

    Part 3

    Is this love?
    1. Are you trying to impress her? If you like a girl, you will do everything possible to get her attention. You may be trying to impress her by doing risky things or helping others. Or perhaps you are trying to impress her with your abilities and talents, such as playing a musical instrument or being good at sports.

      • If your actions are now dictated by a hidden desire to please a girl, most likely you love her.
    2. Do you think about her constantly? If you love a person, you constantly think about him. Do you notice that your thoughts keep returning to her throughout the day? Do you want to know if she thinks about you too?

      • If your thoughts are only about her, then most likely you love this girl.
    3. Do your feelings for this girl motivate you to become a better person? If you are in love, you will try your best to become a person who is worthy of this girl. You might try to improve your grades or behavior, or start working or going to church.

      • If you're doing everything you can to become a better person for this extraordinary girl, then chances are you're in love with her.
    4. Do you want this girl to be happy? If you are in love, you will do everything possible to make the girl you like happy. If she has difficult exams coming up, you can offer to help her with her preparation, checking her answers, or helping her with household chores. If a girl gets sick, you will take care of her and bring her what she needs. If she has had a hard day, you will try to cheer her up and help her relax, laugh and forget about her problems.

      • If you spend time and energy making her happy, chances are you love her.
    5. Be confident before you talk about your feelings. Three little words “I love you” mean a lot in our lives. After you talk about your feelings, your relationship with your girlfriend will change radically, for better or worse. Before confessing your love to a girl, answer the following questions:

    • Try not to get too nervous and just be yourself.
    • When you say “I love you,” you must be firm in your feelings.
    • Practice in front of the mirror many times.
    • Don't get distracted. Let all your attention be directed to her.
    • If she doesn't say "I love you" back, don't worry. She may simply not be ready to confess her feelings to you.
    • Tell her how you feel and wait for her to respond.
    • Don't rush her to answer. A girl needs time, so be patient.
    • Be confident and control yourself.
    • When you see her, take a deep breath and smile. This will show her in advance that you like her, and perhaps calm your own nerves.
    • Don't be upset if she says she doesn't feel the same way.


    • Don't overuse the phrase "I love you." This deprives it of significance and makes it trivial.
    • Never lie
    • Understand the difference between love and lust.
    • Be prepared for the fact that her reaction to your confession can be anything.

What could be more beautiful and desirable in the world than love? After all, it is this feeling that makes you soar in the skies, forgetting about all problems and worries. But no matter how strong the feelings, sometimes it is so difficult to express them in words, choosing and saying everything necessary and important about your feelings.

You can confess your love to the girl you like in an original and beautiful way thanks to the confessions presented on the pages of our website. Only we have collected the warmest, sensual and beautiful confessions not only in prose, but also in poetry and romantic wishes. Or maybe you are a tremulous girl who is afraid to be the first to tell a young man about her feelings? Then our declarations of love will help you take this important first step in your life, thereby subtly hinting about your pure and romantic feelings for the only one.

Let declarations of love become a milestone for you that will resolve your future relationships, give them certainty and confirm your mutual desire to be together forever.

It happens like this, you love a young man or a girl, and he (she) also guesses about it, but does not dare to take the first step. But even when you decide to take this first step and confess your feelings, the second question arises: “How to beautifully confess your love?”

How often do we want to hear words of love from the lips of a loved one. And how rarely do we ourselves tell our loved ones and loved ones about our feelings...

How often tender, kind words burst from the heart. And you are ready not just to talk - to shout about your love! But your loved one is far away at this moment...

And sometimes love just tears your soul apart. Because you love, but you don’t know if it’s mutual. Are you worried, embarrassed, afraid to admit - what if your love is not accepted, what if now is “not the right moment”? And you wait, postponing “until a more convenient opportunity.” And the person you love feels the same and is just as shy, waiting for an “opportunity.” But the opportunity still doesn’t come. And then suddenly you realize that it’s too late to say anything...

The most appropriate moment to declare your love is the moment when you feel love! Stop waiting! Take every chance, every opportunity to talk about your feelings!

Declare your love to the whole world! Tell your loved ones how much you love them! Give your loved one your warmth, tenderness and affection!

Confess your love, say “I love you!” or just kind words to your loved one right now! And get recognition in return!

You are my happiness, my heart, my life! I love you!

I love you for your incredibly beautiful eyes that look at me with tenderness and care. I love you for your hot body, which warms me at night. I love you for your hot kisses that intoxicate me!

I love you, and I want the whole world to know about it, but at the same time it was our little secret. I want to read you like an open book, but at the same time try to unravel the secret that is hidden inside you...

Today I met a girl who I really liked. We talked for a long time, walked around the city together, and then I even walked her home. And then I realized that I love her very much and want to be with her always.

You have no idea how dear you are to me! During the day I meet many different girls passing by me, but none of these girls will ever excite my heart like you, only you can do it! All my life I have dreamed of a girl like you... Affectionate, smart, beautiful, gentle, the list is endless. You are incredibly unique among all the girls I have ever seen. You are the only girl I want to be with forever.

Every morning, as soon as I wake up, the first thing I think about is you. I think about you during the day, and before I fall asleep, and even in my dreams. And if I suddenly wake up at night, then I think about you again, after which a smile appears on my face, because I know that I will definitely dream about you, and I know that soon I will see you in reality. And when I see you, I will breathe in the smell of your hair, look into your beautiful eyes, touch your tender lips, feel your heartbeat and your warm breath.

Even though not much time has passed since we met, I am completely sure that I want to live my whole life with you, besides, I can’t imagine it without you. And believe me, with me you will be the happiest girl in this World, I will protect you from all adversity and problems, I will do everything so that you do not know sadness and sadness, I will do everything so that you always smile the way you do now!

I love you so much that you can’t even imagine!

What is love? Each person gives this word its own special “content”. For some, love is an unbridled passion, for some it is an endless series of romantic events, for others it is unthinkable, crazy actions. The moment when you appeared in my life became an amazing discovery for me - I understood what love is for me. From the first day we met, tender, bright feelings trembled in my chest, intensifying with every call, message, and meeting. Now I can draw a clear line between the feeling of sympathy, falling in love and the feeling of love that I feel for you.

I love you! My love is not a dream or a fairy tale. My love is something intangible, it is a unity of souls. It cannot be measured by the number of our meetings, any of your actions, gifts and other romantic nonsense. I love every feature of your face, every moment of our sometimes short meetings. Know that my feelings do not depend on whether you are nearby, they will not cool down, even if we are separated by thousands of kilometers. First of all, spiritual closeness is important to me, but when you are far away, I often close my eyes and feel you nearby, your intermittent breathing, your gentle voice and the dune touches of your strong, courageous hands.

You are my air. I want to live for you. It is important for me to know everything about you, about your experiences and dreams. I will be grateful if you allow me to share every moment of your life with you, no matter whether it is sad, full of sorrows, or joyful. You are everything to me! Before we met, I could not even imagine that it was possible to know a person so well, and at the same time feel that there was still so much unsolved about him. With you, every “I love you” sounds like the first time. I love the feeling when you are near, because with you you don’t have to hide behind a mask, you can be yourself, talk about any topic.

My feelings for you cover me completely, give me the strength to become better every day, to work on myself, to develop spiritually and physically. You discovered a new person in me, a new potential. Next to you I feel free, you don’t put restrictions and boundaries on me, you give me the opportunity to make my own decisions. I can't help but love you and myself when I'm around you.

I love you! But I don’t want to shout about our love, I want it to be our little secret. I cannot know what lies ahead, but I know for sure that my love does not depend on what is happening in the outside world. I will fight for our relationship, for our love. You are the meaning of my life. I will be infinitely happy if you share my feelings.

You are a wonderful and very dear person to me. I really want you to be happy, and I will be grateful to you if you allow me to take part in this.

I keep you very carefully in my heart... every look of your beautiful eyes, every word that your angelic lips uttered, every second that we were close. You have completely and completely filled my soul and heart... and my heart can’t live without you... I love you baby!

You are my happiness, my heart, my life!
I love you!

I'm sorry, but I can't find any kind words.
I just want to say that I love you.

My sweet baby. I love and adore you. I think that even the most beautiful confessions still do not reflect your angelic beauty and tenderness, love and affection. I love you!

If one day the day comes when there is no place left in my heart for you, it will be the darkest day of my life. Then there will not be a drop of joy left in him, and life will lose its meaning. I love you.

I will give you the dawn, the moon and stars, moonlight. And a breath of breeze, as gentle as the touch of lips. I will give myself to you because I love you!

You warm my soul, you illuminate my life, with you I’m like in a happy dream, you are a miracle, I love you!

Declaring your love to a girl is an exciting and important step in the life of any guy or man. A declaration of love to your wife is a touching reminder of your feelings, which can add more warmth and romance to family life. These confessions can sound equally beautiful both in prose and in poetry. However, in both cases it is important that the confession be beautiful and sincere, as in these confessions.

The main reason that people are in no hurry to confess their love, especially when they are not sure of reciprocal feelings, is the fear that the object of their adoration may laugh at the confession.

We are afraid that a failed attempt will “destroy” us. The cause of fears, as a rule, goes back to childhood or adolescence, when people are more relaxed in communication and share their emotions more freely. However, this also makes them the most vulnerable. The teenager trusted someone, but they did not understand him, or, even worse, they shut him out, thus causing psychological trauma. This bitter experience is carried over, alas, into adulthood. People are becoming much more careful in expressing emotions. Most of us prefer not to talk about our feelings, but to keep them to ourselves,” psychologist Polina Bochkareva explains the situation.

Also, if we are talking about men, then their low emotionality may be associated with upbringing. Boys are most often told: “Don’t cry,” “Don’t complain,” “Be patient.” Representatives of the stronger sex are taught to suppress emotions from childhood. Many learn the lesson so well that in the future they begin to be reproached for insensitivity.

Looks can't replace words

On the other hand, closedness and isolation are bad companions in relationships. Sometimes to dot all the i’s. This is especially true for women's confessions. Young ladies often endow men with supernatural powers and believe that men should guess that they are loved “by their smiles and glances.” Nothing like that, psychologists say. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity may put a completely different meaning, different from yours, into “shooting with your eyes” and treating yourself to home-baked goods. A man may think that you are just flirting with him or that you decided to feed him in a friendly way. And do not take reciprocal steps towards rapprochement. And the lady perceives this inaction as a sign that she is not at all interested in the man.

It’s better to take a risk and openly express your feelings in order to clarify the situation, advises Polina Bochkareva.

Of course, it’s impossible to talk about any “rules of recognition” in love. However, there are some general tips. For example, when confessing your feelings, do not laugh. I understand that this may be a kind of defensive reaction, but this will ruin the whole thing. The person to whom you are trying to say perhaps the most important words in your life will simply think that you are joking. Second: try to speak confidentially and softly in order to win over your interlocutor and assure him of the seriousness of your intentions. Thirdly, - advice mainly for girls - do not try to “prepare” a man for a conversation with the phrase “I need to talk to you seriously.” Young people are afraid of these words more than anything else in the world,” explains the psychologist.

Just don't offer to remain friends!

You also need to be able to react to recognition correctly. Otherwise, you may hurt the confessor's feelings. Ideally, of course, you, blazing with reciprocal passion, inform your admirer (admirer) about this. Although, psychologists say, this also turns out to be difficult to do, since completely different fears are “turned on”: “What if nothing works out for us”, “Are we really suitable for each other or does it just seem so”, etc.

If you do not experience reciprocal feelings, you need to thank the person for his recognition - after all, for modern homo sapiens he accomplished almost a feat - admit that you cannot reciprocate. Refusal is, of course, difficult to survive, but it will at least bring clarity to the situation. A person will not console himself with empty hopes, but will try to switch his attention to someone else.

For God's sake, don't offer to "stay friends." This phrase is not only hackneyed and therefore commonplace, it also insults the feelings of the one who opened his heart to you. According to the psychologist, such a proposal is still a refusal, but a veiled one.

People often resort to this “unique” phrase simply because they don’t know how to say “No.” This is a problem for many. You need to learn to refuse. This will make life easier for both yourself and others.

And finally, the third scenario. You really can’t sort out your feelings and don’t understand how much you like the person who just declared your love. Then it’s worth asking for time to think. It’s better not to delay thinking about it - a day, maximum two, after which you’ll be the first to return to the conversation and inform about your decision. If you don't do this, you are essentially turning on the dynamo.

The worst thing is when the question remains open, and then you have to be at a loss and suffer from uncertainty,” emphasizes Polina Bochkareva.

How to prepare a girl for confession?

Modern society has so desecrated the word “love” that you can no longer believe it when they say it to you sincerely. We are accustomed to everyone defending their own interests, without taking into account the desires of their partner. Normal human relationships, which start from the head, then go down to the lips, and only then lower, have become a fairy tale. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere, they want to snatch everything at once, and then love exhausts itself, and the relationship ends as quickly as it began. But, nevertheless, in this society there are guys who dry their heads over how to confess their love to a girl, and not how to get her into bed. By the way, this also applies to you, dear ladies. We use each other equally. But, based on practical experience, we can say that hearing cherished words is pleasant at any age and even for the most cynical people.

How to tell a girl about your love so that she remembers this moment for the rest of her life?

First, prepare her for this. Otherwise, the surprise may cause an ambiguous reaction. Choose some romantic place: the best place is where you experienced a lot of emotions together and were truly happy. Before you confess your love to a girl, make sure that you are alone and no one is bothering you. It would be nice to coincide such an event with some date: her birthday, Valentine's Day, March 8, the anniversary of a relationship or acquaintance. In such a place, and even under the influx of memories from past days, you will immediately understand how to tell your girlfriend about love. This may sound pathetic, but I advise you to listen in your heart. It certainly won't let you down.

How to talk about feelings?

Start by starting a conversation about your relationship. Focus on how much she means to you. Mention how the relationship started. Girls really appreciate this (since there is an opinion that guys don’t even remember key dates). And most importantly: compliments, compliments, compliments. You know that girls love with their ears. How to confess your love to a girl without compliments? No way. Don't just tell her about her beautiful eyes or smile - it's so predictable and cliched. Your beloved will definitely not be impressed. Tell her you love her laugh when she wrinkles her nose or raises her eyebrow. The main thing is to say what you love, not what you like. Pay special attention to the qualities that she values ​​in herself. And, of course, physical contact is important: take her hand, hug her around the waist, run her through her hair, put her hand on your heart.

Look into the eyes of your chosen one. And don't look away! Otherwise she will think that you are indecisive. When all the previous steps have been completed, the question of how to confess your love to a girl will no longer scare you so much. The atmosphere will be so exciting that the desired words will fly out of your mouth. After that, wait for her reaction. If she's positive, give her a kiss or a hug. Kissing is a more intimate process, but a tight hug instills trust and a sense of calm. This is just a general recognition scheme! And each case is unique in its own way!

Instead of a conclusion

Don't prepare your speech in advance. Because it will sound insincere because of your worries: have you said everything, have you forgotten anything? The best words are those that come out of emotion. So you tell her how you feel at the moment!

You liked the girl, did you decide to tell her about it? Have you been communicating with your loved one for a long time, and now there is a need to confess your feelings? Yes, many young people have a hard time declaring their love. Doubts begin to overcome: is it worth talking about this at all? Will the girl appreciate it? What words to choose?.. In fact, everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. You can easily confess your love to a girl correctly if you do it with all your heart and approach the task creatively. Don’t be afraid of original and bold decisions - after all, you will win the girl’s heart, impress her, and leave bright emotions! Let your recognition be remembered for a long time.

Your goals: why confess?
It’s great if you have a good idea of ​​why you need this declaration of love. Of course, a declaration of love and a marriage proposal are not the same thing. However, you should remember that by speaking directly about your feelings, you take on a certain responsibility. Several options for the development of events are possible.
  1. Harmonious. You love a girl, you want to honestly tell her about it. You do not exclude the possibility that in the future you will become one family and are planning a long-term relationship. In this case, your declaration of love is truly honest and sincere, you will not deceive your beloved.
  2. Traditional. You yourself don’t yet know exactly how close this girl is to you. You like her, but you can't think ahead. It's hard to imagine what your relationship will be like even in a couple of months. But you want to attract her attention, achieve certain steps, make a favorable impression. Therefore, you confess your love. Please note that not all girls are smart and experienced enough to understand all the intricacies of male logic. When a girl hears the word “love,” she immediately adds to herself “eternal.” Of course, you may then be surprised and logically say that you did not talk about marriage. However, a young girl is capable of perceiving your confession this way. Try not to let your loved one down and not push her to do rash things. Then you yourself will not find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. First, sort out your feelings.
  3. Realistic. You know for sure that you will not start a family with this girl. In fact, your feelings are not so deep, and love for you is an easy and non-binding flirtation. Of course, in such a situation it is better not to confess love at all. True, if people know each other well, the girl has similar views as you, you can easily tell her about your feelings. Just don’t forget to clarify exactly how you envision your future relationship. Even if a girl looks bold and daring, she can still dream in the depths of her soul about that same “eternal love.” Just speak about everything directly and then you won’t make a mistake.
Having understood yourself and your feelings, you can safely begin to prepare for a declaration of love.

We confess our love to a girl correctly: the nuances of confession
The best option would be to do this: consult with an inventive and intelligent girl who knows not only you well, but also your beloved. She could give you very valuable and relevant advice, taking into account your individual characteristics. Of course, such a girl should be a reliable friend. True, you still will not be immune from a subjective view of your relationship. What if your friend simply starts to dissuade you from confessing?.. Let's consider here several excellent options for declaring your love to a girl and important nuances. Completely objective.

  1. Sincerity. Remember that the main thing in your declaration of love is sincerity, and not beautiful but cold words. The most beautiful phrases will seem too strict and “lifeless” if you do not put real feeling into them. The same thing you feel for a girl.
  2. Atmosphere. The environment around you will play a big role. Pay attention to how it is created in theaters, clubs, and the circus. Agree, an opera would look strange in a nightclub setting, and a circus performance in a philharmonic hall. You need to choose the most suitable place to declare your love. It shouldn't be too noisy or crowded. It’s great if the atmosphere itself is conducive to romantic feelings and confessions - then she will become your “assistant”.
  3. Mood. It's better not to confess your love to a girl when she's not in a good mood. If she just told you about an angry teacher, an abusive friend, or just complains about a headache, your words will not have the desired effect. There is no need to “console” with a declaration of love. This is a serious matter. Wait until your girlfriend is in a good mood.
  4. Details. Pay attention to details. For example, you found a good cafe and have already decided to confess your love to a girl there. But she didn't like the menu. Or a waitress. You should immediately get your bearings and start looking for another place. Remember that your loved one should not be distracted or annoyed by anything when you tell her about your feelings.
  5. Your appearance. Of course, you don't have to wear a designer suit or tailcoat when you go on a date and want to confess your love to a girl. But your appearance should still correspond to the seriousness of the moment. It is important to take care of yourself, look neat, a little formality won’t hurt either. For example, if you usually wear sports-style clothes, you can wear trousers and a T-shirt and a nice jumper for this occasion. In general, it’s great if a girl notices that you’ve “dressed up” a little. She will really like that they tried for her.
Considering all the subtleties, it’s time to choose a way to declare your love.

We confess our love to the girl. Several ways to win her heart
You can choose a more traditional way of declaring your love or choose the original path. Just remember that you need to take into account the character and tastes of your girlfriend. A calm and homely girl may be frightened by recognition at a bird's eye view, and the flight itself risks leaving a negative impression. A romantic confession on a bench in a shady alley is not very suitable for an active girl. It’s better to focus on your beloved’s temperament and use your imagination.

  1. Romantic date in a cafe or restaurant. To do this, it is better to choose a place that is not very crowded, where you will not be distracted by noise or bright light. Recognition in a cozy atmosphere, at a table, is quite traditional, but does not lose its relevance. Just try to give it a special flavor. Give the girl a souvenir, something cute and touching. Flowers, jewelry, toys and sweets in beautiful boxes always remain in trend.
  2. Confession in nature. It could be a park, a lake, a beautiful alley. Here you can easily surprise a girl by presenting her with a bright bunch of balloons, a huge bouquet, or offering to launch a glowing flashlight together. Speak, act, please.
  3. Love is in the air. When your girlfriend is not very afraid of heights, you will certainly be able to capture her imagination by offering to take a romantic hot air balloon flight. Are you already high enough? It's time to take out your gift and say the main words! They will definitely make the right impression.
  4. Two people in a boat. If you like to swim as a couple, a lake or river is also a great place for recognition. This day will definitely be remembered.
  5. Letter. There is another option. Write a letter. Real or virtual. A big message or a short message on the phone. You can record an entire appeal on video and send it by email or publish it on the Internet. True, you will not be able to observe the girl’s reaction to your confession.
Remember that girls have a more subtle mental organization than guys and they pay attention to everything that may seem “trifle” to representatives of the stronger sex. Open up space for creativity, be sincere! The girl will certainly appreciate it and she will like your declaration of love.