real estate object (non-residential premises) in a person acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as " Subtenant", on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of, hereinafter referred to as " Tenant", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter " Agreement”, about the following:


1.1. The Tenant undertakes to provide the Subtenant for temporary possession and use of the non-residential premises specified in clause 1.2 of the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Object), and the Subtenant undertakes to accept the Object for sublease and pay rent for it. The consent of the lessor, who is the owner of the Property, to sublease the Property by the Tenant was received and presented to the Subtenant before the parties signed the Agreement.

1.2. The object has the following characteristics:

  • property: part of a non-residential premises with a total area of ​​sq.m., located at the address: ;
  • cadastral number;
  • purpose: non-residential;
  • Object area sq.m.
  • The facility is provided with electricity, allocated power consumption up to kVA.
The Site Plan is an integral part of the Agreement (Appendix No. 2).

1.3. The actual transfer of the Object is carried out according to the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate (Appendix No. 1), which is an integral part of the Agreement.

1.4. At the time of conclusion of the Agreement, the Property is not encumbered by a pledge or other rights of third parties, except those known to the Subtenant. The Subtenant is aware of all restrictions (encumbrances) of the Property.

1.5. The property is subleased for use in commercial activities Subtenant, hereinafter referred to as “Permitted Use”.


2.1. The tenant is obliged:

2.1.1. Transfer the Object to the Subtenant within days from the date of signing the Agreement according to the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate (Appendix No. 1), which is signed by the Parties and is an integral part of the Agreement.

2.1.2. Ensure the Subtenant's unhindered use of the Property, as well as unimpeded access to the Property along roads passing through the Tenant's lands.

2.1.3. Accept the Object from the Sublessee under the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate within days from the date of termination of the Agreement.

2.2. The subtenant is obliged:

2.2.1. Accept the Property from the Tenant within days from the date of signing the Agreement according to the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate, which is an integral part of the Agreement (Appendix No. 1).

2.2.2. Timely and fully pay the Tenant the rent, as well as other payments established by the Agreement and subsequent amendments to it.

2.2.3. Use energy resources rationally and economically.

2.2.4. Do not carry out any work related to changes at the Facility without the written consent of the Tenant appearance Object, work affecting the soil cover, laying utility lines, construction of buildings and structures. To obtain approval, submit for consideration to the Tenant: projects for the reconstruction or construction of utilities, buildings, structures; estimate; work plan; project for reclamation of disturbed lands. If the Tenant discovers unapproved changes in the appearance of the Facility, unauthorized buildings, alterations or laying of utility networks, changes in soil cover, these must be eliminated by the Subtenant, and the Facility restored to its previous appearance at the expense of the Subtenant within a period determined by the unilateral order of the Tenant.

2.2.5. Participate in the maintenance and restoration of roads to the Facility in a share corresponding to the frequency of use and load of vehicles of the Subtenant, its clients (partners) and the area of ​​the occupied Facility.

2.2.6. When carrying out commercial activities at the Facility, comply with the rules and regulations of its operation (use), as well as generally accepted norms of business turnover and business ethics.

2.2.7. Ensure the safety of engineering networks and communications located at the Facility, taking into account their normal wear and tear.

2.2.8. The activities specified in clause 1.5 must be coordinated with inspection and control authorities and other organizations performing supervisory functions, including in the area of ​​activity of the Subtenant.

2.2.9. Comply with the requirements of the legislation in the field of the Subtenant's activities at the Facility, bear all costs associated with this and bear full responsibility for compliance with technical, fire, environmental and sanitary standards and regulations, as well as comply with the instructions of regulatory authorities caused by the actions (inaction) of the Subtenant. Ensure safe operation of electrical equipment at the Facility in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. If the Tenant is held liable due to the fault of the Subtenant, the latter is obliged to reimburse the Tenant for expenses incurred.

2.2.10. Ensure that the Subtenant's employees, as well as persons temporarily visiting the Facility, comply with the Tenant's In-Facility, Access and Security Rules, which are annex to this agreement (Appendix No. 3).

2.2.11. Maintain the Facility in proper sanitary, environmental and fire safety condition. Do not litter the Facility and the territory adjacent to the rented Facility with household and/or industrial waste, garbage. The Parties have established the Subtenant's area of ​​responsibility for maintaining cleanliness and order within the rented Property and 5 (five) meters from the perimeter boundaries. To comply with the requirements against fire safety install containers at the Site for collecting production and consumption waste. If the Tenant discovers violations of the terms of this paragraph, the Tenant calls a representative of the Subtenant to draw up an inspection report. If the representative fails to appear, the act is drawn up unilaterally. Based on the results of the inspection, the Tenant issues an order to the Subtenant indicating the deadline for eliminating the violations.

2.2.12. Notify the Tenant in writing one month in advance about the vacancy of the rented Object due to the expiration of the Agreement, or upon its early termination.

2.2.13. Immediately notify the Tenant of any damage, accident or other event that has caused (or threatens to cause) damage to the Property and promptly take all possible measures to prevent the threat of destruction or damage to the Property.

2.2.14. Do not enter into agreements or enter into transactions that may result in any encumbrance or alienation of the Property without the written permission of the Tenant.

2.2.15. Provide representatives of the Tenant, as well as representatives of service and monitoring organizations, with unhindered access to the Facility to inspect it and verify compliance with the terms of the Agreement.

2.2.16. Use the Property for the Permitted Use.

2.2.17. Conclude an agreement for the removal of production and consumption waste (at the expense of the Subtenant), a copy of which must be provided to the Tenant at month period from the date of entry into force of this agreement. In case of failure to comply with the requirements of this paragraph, the Tenant has the right to collect a fine from the Subtenant in the amount of the monthly rent.

2.2.18. Transfer the Object to the Tenant according to the acceptance certificate within days from the date of termination of the Agreement.

2.3. The tenant has the right:

2.3.1. Inspect the Property at any time in agreement with the Sublessor.

2.3.2. Demand the elimination of violations committed by the Subtenant regarding the use of the Facility in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

2.4. The subtenant has the right:

2.4.1. Make separable improvements to the Property in agreement with the Lessor.

2.4.2. Demand elimination of violations of the terms of this Agreement committed by the Tenant.


3.1. Rent is calculated from the moment the Parties sign the Acceptance and Transfer Certificate of the Object until the actual return of the Object by the Subtenant under the Acceptance and Transfer Certificate.

3.1.1. The rent is established for the Facility with the utility networks, equipment and communications located on it (in it) as a whole, in the form of fixed monthly payments. The amount of rent is calculated based on the amount existing at the time of conclusion of the Agreement land tax and if this tax increases, the rent is subject to a proportionate increase in an indisputable manner.

3.2. The total rent for one month is rubles, including VAT - 18%.

3.3. The subtenant is obliged to pay rent payments no later than the date of the paid month in cash and/or by bank transfer. In the absence of an invoice issued by the Tenant, the Subtenant calculates the payment amount independently.

3.4. Payment of rent for the first and last months of the Agreement is made within days after signing the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate (Appendix No. 1).

3.5. Payment for services provided by the Tenant at the request of the Subtenant (territory cleaning, road clearing, garbage removal) is made on the basis of invoices issued by the Tenant within banking days from the date of invoice. In case of non-payment of the invoice on time, the application is liquidated.


4.1. A party that fails to fulfill or improperly fulfills its obligations under the Agreement bears liability under the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For violation of the terms specified in clause 3.3, clause 3.4 of the Agreement, the Tenant has the right to collect from the Subtenant a penalty in the amount of % of the amount of the overdue payment for each day of late payment.

4.3. In case of violation of the period specified in clause 3.3 of the Agreement, the Tenant has the right to collect from the Subtenant a fine in the amount of % of the amount of the monthly rent provided for in this agreement.

4.4. For violation of the deadline specified in clause 2.1.1 of the Agreement, the Subtenant has the right to collect from the Tenant a penalty in the amount of % of the monthly rent for each day of delay in the transfer of the Object.

4.5. For violation of the deadline established by clause 2.2.18 of the Agreement, the Tenant has the right to collect from the Subtenant a penalty in the amount of % of the monthly rent for each day of delay in the transfer of the Object.

4.6. Payment of penalties and interest does not relieve the parties from fulfilling their obligations in kind.

4.7. If the Subtenant violates the terms specified in clause 3.3, clause 3.4 of the Agreement, the Tenant has the right to suspend the Subtenant's access to the Facility until the latter repays the outstanding payments and pays the penalty.

4.8. Responsible for ensuring fire safety is the head of the Subtenant or another person appointed by the head of the Subtenant, who bears administrative and criminal liability for violation of fire safety rules.

4.9. In case of violation of the conditions specified in clause 2.2.11 of this Agreement, the Tenant has the right to collect from the Subtenant a fine in the amount of rubles for each violation.

4.10. If the Sublessee fails to comply with the Lessee's instructions issued in accordance with clause 2.2.11 of the Agreement, the Lessee has the right to eliminate the violations on its own, with subsequent reimbursement by the Sublessee of the costs incurred by the Lessee, based on rubles per square meter.


5.1. The agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing.

5.2. The contract is concluded for months.


6.1. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under the Agreement if this failure was a consequence of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement as a result of extraordinary events that the parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures. Changes in market conditions, as well as other economic factors (with the exception of blockades and embargoes) do not apply to such events.

6.2. Upon the occurrence and termination of the circumstances specified in clause 6.1 of the Agreement, the party under the Agreement for whom it is impossible to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement must immediately notify the other party in writing.

6.3. If force majeure circumstances continue to operate for more than days in a row, the Parties conduct negotiations in order to identify acceptable alternative ways of fulfilling the Agreement and reach an appropriate agreement.


7.1. The Agreement may be amended or terminated at any time by agreement of the Parties.

7.2. The Tenant has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement out of court in the following cases:

7.2.1. The Subtenant uses the Property in violation of the terms of the Agreement.

7.2.2. The Subtenant worsens the condition of the Property.

7.2.3. The sublessee once violates the deadlines for making payments provided for in this agreement in full for a period of more than calendar days, or twice within one calendar year makes payments stipulated by the Agreement not in full.

7.2.4. The subtenant fails to fulfill the conditions of clause 2.2.1 of the Agreement within the prescribed period In cases of unilateral out-of-court termination of the contract specified in clause 7.2.1-7.2.4 of this paragraph, the Agreement is considered terminated from the moment the Subtenant receives the relevant notice from the Tenant about termination of the Agreement. The moment of receipt by the Subtenant of such notice is determined no later than days from the date of its sending by registered mail to the address specified in the Agreement.

7.3. The Agreement may be terminated by the Subtenant unilaterally out of court:

7.3.1. If the Object, before its transfer, turns out to be in a condition unsuitable for use for its intended purpose established by the Agreement;

7.3.2. The Tenant violates the obligations provided for in clause 2.1.1 of the Agreement for more than one month in a row.

7.4. The contract may be terminated by the parties unilaterally out of court (clause 3 of Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) in the absence of guilty actions of the other party with a warning about this to the other Party no less than calendar days in advance.

7.5. If the Subtenant violates the terms of transfer of the Object after termination of the Agreement, the commission appointed by order general director The Tenant accepts the Object independently and draws up an act of acceptance and transfer of the Object. In this case, the Tenant is not responsible for the Subtenant's property located at the Facility.


8.1. On all issues not regulated by the Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.2. All disputes that may arise from the Agreement or in connection with it must be resolved, first of all, through negotiations. If the Parties do not reach an agreement, disputes will be resolved in Arbitration Court.

8.3. This agreement is drawn up and signed in two copies having equal legal force, one for each party.

8.4. Any changes and additions to the Agreement are valid only if they are in writing, signed by authorized representatives and certified by the seals of both parties.

8.5. All notices under the Agreement are drawn up properly and sent to the address specified in the Agreement.

8.6. The parties are obliged to maintain confidentiality with respect to information that has become known to them as a result of the conclusion and execution of the contract. The confidentiality conditions do not apply to information that cannot be classified as a trade secret and is also intended by its nature for use by third parties.

In essence, such an agreement can be considered as the provision of specific property or part of it to those who rented it, to another person (subtenant) for use for any payment and for any period.

In this design, the primary tenant effectively becomes the lessor for said other person. Typically, the ability to sublease is provided for in the earliest lease agreement.

The institution in question is one of the most common and widely applicable in practice due to its ease of mobility for regulating relevant legal relations.

Let's look at some important aspects of this agreement.

In order to avoid all sorts of problems and risks, it seems necessary to remind you that you have the right to sublease an item only with the consent of the lessor, expressed in writing.

As noted above, it can be contained either in the primary or in a separate agreement. This condition serves to ensure the interests and rights of the owner.

Please also note that the prohibition on potential subletting contained in the primary agreement is legally void.

The term of the agreement you are interested in should not exceed the term of the primary agreement that establishes the lease. If you extend the last of these contracts for an indefinite period, you can do the same with the first.

In order to prevent various potential force majeure events, conclude the document in question exclusively in writing. At the same time, you can also take advantage of its notarization, which, of course, is not necessary, but can further protect your rights and interests in the event of any unpleasant controversial situations.

Please also note that the agreement you are interested in, if its duration is more than one year, entails mandatory state registration. Of course, you can bypass this rule by specifying a time period of, for example, 11 months.

The information that should be reflected in the contract in question

  1. designation of the place and date of the transaction;
  2. details of the parties, as well as representatives (if any);
  3. an indication of the subject of such agreement;
  4. rights and obligations of the parties;
  5. amount and procedure of payment;
  6. validity period;
  7. additional conditions are stipulated, for example, the possibility of changing such an agreement, the method of resolving possible disputes, etc.
  8. signatures of the parties.

Let us draw your attention to some more important aspects that you need to keep in mind when entering into legal relations regulated by the agreement in question.

In situations where the primary lease agreement terminates, the sublease immediately terminates.

If, through your agreement with the other party, you provide for the automatic extension of the lease agreement, this circumstance does not entail the same process regarding sublease.

When you want to establish an indefinite nature for both types of legal relationships mentioned, and then want to terminate them, remember that you have an obligation to do this at least three months before the proposed termination of any of the two contracts discussed in this article.

Below is a standard form and a sample sublease agreement, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

For many entrepreneurs starting their own business, the primary issue is the acquisition of non-residential premises in which the office will be located, production or other business facility.

Purchasing real estate involves large financial costs, which not everyone can afford. In this case, renting becomes the solution. There are several types of such transactions, one of which is a sublease agreement.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides a definition of this concept. According to the text legislative document, sublease is a certain type of legal relationship in which the rights to use real estate are transferred to a third party on the basis of an agreement.

In other words, a person renting premises from the owner cedes the rental property to the so-called subtenant (for a certain time), and with him all the rights and obligations specified in the main lease agreement.

Only the transaction for which a sublease agreement has been drawn up is considered legal, and the counterparties are the tenant and the subtenant.

The tenant can rent out the entire property or part of it. Most often this is what happens. It is more profitable for the owner to rent out the entire premises, and in cases where part of the property remains unused, the tenant attracts third parties.

This relieves him of some of the financial obligations, and renting becomes more profitable for all parties. The only difficulty arises when distributing shares in paying for utilities. This point must be discussed separately (since the obligations to pay for them lie with the tenant).

The legislation does not provide for the conclusion of a free sublease agreement.

Features of the agreement on the transfer of real estate for sublease

The law does not prohibit an increase in rent when subletting real estate. Some entrepreneurs specialize specifically in subleasing, making a profit from reletting premises in parts, or in full, and using this as the basis of their business.

When applying for a job, a certificate of no criminal record may be required. There are instructions for obtaining it.

The term for which the sublease agreement is concluded can be any, but not exceeding the term of the main agreement with the owner. When changing the lease agreement (extension, termination), the corresponding changes must apply to all subcontracts.

The execution of a sublease agreement cannot occur before the main rental document has been concluded between the owner and the tenant.

If the document is valid for no more than 365 days, there is no need to register it with Rosreestr. The same applies to extended contracts. If the document is valid for more than a year, it must be registered at the Rosreestr branch at the location of the property.

The current document can be terminated early either at the request of the tenant included in the main lease agreement or at the request of the owner of the non-residential premises.

These points must be specified in the sublease document indicating all the conditions for early termination and the documents required for this.

If the agreement is not concluded for a specific period, then its termination must be accompanied by a written warning to all participating parties within a period of at least 90 days.

In any case, concluding a sublease agreement will protect both parties from controversial issues that arise in any commercial relationship, even between close relatives. You should not rely on the integrity of tenants and subtenants; it is better to draw up the document once and avoid possible misunderstandings.

For more information on how to draw up a sublease agreement for non-residential premises, watch this video:

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 615 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the tenant has the right, with the consent of the lessor, to sublease the leased property. A standard sublease agreement for non-residential premises cannot provide that the tenant has the right to transfer property to a third party without the consent of the landlord. This right should be enshrined in a separate clause in the agreement between the landlord and the tenant. If such a condition is provided for in the text of the document, additional obtaining of the lessor’s consent to sublease the leased property is not required.

The procedure for drawing up a sublease agreement for non-residential premises in 2019

The subject of this agreement is non-residential real estate. Non-residential premises are a part of a building used for non-production, office, trade, household and other purposes of a production and non-production nature.

Most often, a sublease agreement for non-residential premises includes a description of all the characteristics of the item: type of structure, address, area, brief description etc. This can be done both in the text of the document itself and in the appendix to it.

Parties to the agreement

The law of the Russian Federation does not impose any special requirements on the subject composition of a standard sublease agreement for non-residential premises. Any legal entity, individual entrepreneur, as well as capable individuals can act as a subtenant or tenant.

Features of a sublease agreement for non-residential premises between legal entities: sample

Organizations may enter into an agreement between themselves on the assignment of rights to leased property if:

  • the sublessor has received written permission to lease the property to a third party from the owner;
  • the sublease period does not exceed the lease term of the property;
  • the parties agreed on the essential terms of the transaction.

To draw up a sublease agreement for non-residential premises between legal entities according to the model relevant for 2019, use our online service. We guarantee that the templates presented on the site fully comply with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Transaction Form

A sublease agreement for non-residential premises is concluded according to a standard model in simple written form by drawing up a single document signed by the parties (regardless of who is a participant in the relationship - a legal entity or a citizen, and for what period the agreement is concluded - short or long).

Duration of the sublease agreement for non-residential premises

According to Part 2 of Clause 2 of Article 615 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a sublease agreement for non-residential premises cannot be concluded for a period exceeding the lease term. The conclusion of a lease agreement by the landlord and the tenant for a new term on similar terms does not entail an extension of the sublease agreement for non-residential premises. In this case, a new document must be signed.

If the lease and sublease agreements for premises provide for symmetrical conditions on the extension of the agreement for a new term, then the sublease agreement for non-residential premises will be extended. However, it must be taken into account that if, as a result of such an extension, the validity of the lease and sublease agreement exceeds one year, then their state registration will be required.

Early termination of the lease of non-residential premises entails the termination of the sublease agreement for non-residential real estate concluded in accordance with it. In this case, the subtenant has the right to rent the real estate that he rented from an intermediary (Article 618 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).


Sample appendices to a sublease agreement for non-residential real estate:

  • description of the rented property;
  • rental payment schedule;
  • cadastral passport of the premises;
  • certificate of state registration rights to the premises (or an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate – for objects for which ownership was registered from January 1, 2017);
  • act of acceptance and transfer of premises;
  • additional agreement;
  • protocol of disagreements;
  • Protocol for reconciliation of disagreements.

You can download documents in Word or PDF format.

Non-residential premises

Hereinafter referred to as , in the person acting on the basis of ,

collectively referred to as the Parties, and individually - the Party,

Subject of the agreement


In accordance with the terms of the Agreement, it undertakes to provide non-residential premises (hereinafter referred to as –) for a fee and for temporary use. specified in the Property Description (Appendix No. to the Agreement), which is an integral part of the Agreement.


Owned by right of lease in accordance with lease agreement No. dated (hereinafter referred to as the Lease Agreement), concluded between and (hereinafter referred to as – ). This Agreement is concluded with the consent of .


Used for the following purposes: .


The Agreement comes into force from the date of its state registration and is valid until, and in terms of settlements until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations under the Agreement. Failure to comply with the requirement for state registration of the Agreement entails its invalidity.


The rental period is established by the Parties in Appendix No., which is an integral part of the Agreement.


The Agreement shall terminate in the event of termination of the Lease Agreement.

Rights and obligations of the parties




Provide in the manner and on the terms of the Agreement.


Transfer in the manner and under the terms of the Agreement in accordance with Appendix No.


Guarantee that it will not be claimed from due to the presence of any rights to third parties on the date of conclusion of the Agreement and/or during the entire term of the Agreement.




Return in proper condition in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.


Ensure safety from the moment of transfer until return.


When using, comply with the requirements of legislation on fire safety, safety precautions and environmental protection.


Comply within the prescribed period with the instructions of regulatory authorities and instructions on taking measures to prevent and eliminate situations arising as a result of activities and threatening the safety of the company.


Immediately notify of any damage, accident or other event that has caused or threatens to cause damage, and promptly take all possible measures to prevent, prevent and eliminate the consequences of such situations.


Provide representatives with unhindered access to inspect it and verify compliance with the terms of the Agreement.


In case of early termination of the Agreement on the grounds specified in the Agreement, immediately return it in proper condition.



At any time, check the safety, condition, and use of it in accordance with its intended purpose.


Provide written instructions, binding on implementation, regarding the adoption of measures to prevent and eliminate situations arising as a result of improper use that jeopardizes safety.


Notified of the requirements specified in paragraph. 3.4.1 of the Agreement or of his intention to eliminate the defects at his expense, he may immediately replace what was provided or eliminate the defects free of charge. If satisfaction of the requirements or deduction of expenses for eliminating deficiencies from the rent does not cover the losses caused, he has the right to demand compensation for the uncovered part of the losses.



If deficiencies are discovered that completely or partially prevent the use of your choice:

Demand that the defects be eliminated free of charge, or a proportionate reduction in the rent, or reimbursement of their expenses for eliminating the defects;

Directly withhold the amount of expenses incurred by him to eliminate these shortcomings from the rent, having previously notified him of this;

Request early termination of the Agreement.


Carry out inseparable improvements, redevelopment and re-equipment only with written consent.


In the case when produced at the expense of own funds and with the consent of the improvements, inseparable without harm to, is deprived of the right to compensation for the cost of these improvements.


The parties agreed that the obligation to produce at their own expense overhaul lies on .


The parties agreed that the obligation to maintain it in good condition, carry out routine repairs at its own expense and bear maintenance costs rests with.


The parties agreed that the registration of the Agreement with the registration authority is carried out by.


The costs of registering the Agreement with the registration authority are borne by .

Transfer procedure


Lease and return are formalized by bilateral acceptance certificates signed by the Parties or authorized representatives of the Parties. The acts specified in this paragraph of the Agreement are an integral part of the Agreement.


Failure of one of the Parties to sign the acceptance certificate under the terms of the Agreement is considered as a refusal, respectively, to fulfill the obligation to transfer, and - to accept.


The risk of accidental loss (damage, spoilage) is borne from the date of rental until its return.

Payment procedure


Obliged to pay rent for use in the amount, manner and within the time limits established by the Agreement.


Pay rent for use for the entire rental period in accordance with the terms of the Agreement by prepayment in the amount of () rubles, incl. VAT % in the amount () rub. The remaining part of the rent in the amount of () rub., incl. VAT % in the amount of () rubles is paid no later than banking days from the date of expiration of the lease term established by the Agreement.


Payment method under the Agreement: transfer cash in foreign currency Russian Federation(ruble) to the current account. In this case, the obligations regarding payment under the Agreement are considered fulfilled from the day the bank writes off funds from the account.

Responsibility of the parties


The Parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement in accordance with the Agreement and the legislation of Russia.


The penalty under the Agreement is paid only on the basis of a reasonable written request of the Parties.


Payment of a penalty does not relieve the Parties from fulfilling their obligations under the Agreement.


Responsibility :


In case of untimely transfer or part of it for rent, he undertakes to pay a penalty based on a percentage of the cost of the untimely transferred for each day of delay, but not more than percent.


3.1.2 , 3.1.3


In case of non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of the obligations provided for in paragraph. 3.5 Agreement, pays a fine in the amount of rubles. for every such case.


Responsibility :


In case of untimely return or part thereof, he undertakes to pay rent for the actual time of use and penalties based on a percentage of the cost of the late return for each day of delay, but not more than percent.


In case of late payment of rent, it pays penalties based on a percentage of the amount of unpaid (late) rent, but not more than interest.


In case of non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of the obligations provided for in any of paragraphs. 3.2.6 - 3.2.9 Agreement, pays a fine in the amount of rubles. for every such case.