Recently, this type of entertainment has become more and more popular. Many consider it stupidity, many call it cruelty and the result of idleness, and for some it's just fun and nothing "personal".
Prank (literally translated from English) means "prank". The most common definition in our time sounds like this: a prank is a prank (increasingly a telephone prank), when the prankster (the person who organized the prank) pretends to be another person or acts as an anonymous person and interacts with the “victim”. The goal of the prankster is to confuse the victim, piss him off, provoke the most unexpected reactions and actions. In the West, prank is often referred to as a "practical joke". This means that the "prankster" performs a certain physical action, as opposed to spoken and written jokes. For example, a prankster may hang a bucket of water over a doorway and wait until the victim enters the room, which means he puts humor (sometimes quite nasty) into practice.

There are many types of prank:

  • "Hardprank" is a type of telephone prank, during which the victim must reach a hysterical state. There is always obscene language here, and the victim, who exposed the pranksters, always threatens to kill them.
  • "Lightprank" - the purpose of such a prank is to involve the victim in a prank game: just to laugh together, discuss crazy ideas and chat.
  • "Radioprank" is a very hard kind of prank, as in the first case. Pranksters call radio stations and have absurd dialogues with the presenters on the air, unbalancing them.
  • "Technoprank" is a kind of prank when the prankster makes an "audio cut" from the phrases and answers of the previous victim and "scrolls" the recording into the handset to other victims. With proper cutting, the victim gets the impression that she is in dialogue with a living person on the other end of the wire.
  • "Prank journalism" - created with the aim of obtaining information that is not available to others. Such recordings of a provocative nature are always published in the media.

An important point in a telephone prank is that the conversation must always be recorded.

So, do you still think pranking your dorm roommate is pretty witty?
And how do you like such pranks?

MIT students have turned the 88-meter Green Building on their campus into a real Tetris! Four years of planning, 2 months of sleepless nights - all to make the impossible possible. Through a sophisticated wireless communication system and controlled LED lights, talented engineers transformed the building's 153 windows into falling blocks of color.

In 1962, the Swedish Television Network's April Fool's holiday broadcast was remembered by viewers for a long time. The presenters announced that today everyone can watch the usual black and white broadcast in color. Just pull a pair of nylon stockings over the screen!
“Technical expert” Kjell Stensson explained to the audience in the smallest scientific detail that in order for the result to be even better, it is necessary to turn your head from side to side when viewing. Needless to say, the thousands of viewers who believed this looked a little silly, just a little.

Or remember the prankster antics of the famous hippie billionaire, the founder of the Virgin Group Corporation - Richard Branson. First, he once simulated the robbery of the apartment of one of his friends, leaving the apartment with a rout, fingerprints and a broken door. Secondly, he designed a flying saucer, in which he rose over London. However, that evening it was windless and quiet on the streets, which caused the plate to hang in the air. When a crowd of onlookers and perplexed police gathered at the scene, and the plate sank to the ground, an alien really came out of it! As it turned out later, Branson took a humanoid suit with him, just in case, which came in handy for him.

If you have good feeling humor, inventive and confident that your friends will understand everything - feel free to embody your most stupid ideas and do not feel sorry for anyone! However, do not go too far, otherwise you can joke about serious revenge or crime.

Who are pranksters? Surely everyone likes to laugh at a good joke. Unfortunately, there are jokes that can bring the person being played to anger and even hysterics.

The so-called prankers work on such a reaction, which we will talk about now.

"Prank", translated from English, a joke or prank. Today, pranksters are people who engage in telephone hooliganism..

Usually they make anonymous calls and use the method of joking in the direction of the victim, trying to evoke a spectacular reaction from her. The brightest conversations are laid out on the network for everyone to see.

At the moment, there are only eight types of prank:

1. Hard- a telephone conversation in which the prankster tries to bring the interlocutor to hysteria, anger and rage, showing the worst sides of the victim chosen for the prank.

2.Radioprank- one of the varieties of hard prank. Radio prank is a prank played live on radio stations where the hosts of programs become victims.

3. Light- the most harmless kind of prank. In the case of the “light” version, the prankster simply communicates with the interlocutor on various topics, trying to make him laugh and cheer him up.

4. Technoprank- skillful handling using cuts from previously recorded conversations with a previous victim.

Proper editing of the conversation of the previous victim allows you to create the impression that the new victim is talking to a live person directly.

5. mirror prank- a correctly mounted recording of the victim, who, when calling again, does not understand that he is talking to himself.

6.Prank conference- with connecting several victims to the conversation at the same time. Usually on initial stage victims begin to swear among themselves. As a result, having understood the situation, they simply hang up.

7. Prankmix is a whole art that involves the ability to correctly put music on phrases or quotations of a conversation.

8. Prank journalism- is rather not entertaining, but informational. This type of prank involves finding out certain information, often of a secret nature.

The first prankster is considered to be Nikita Bogoslovsky, who learned to joke on the phone as a child. Finding in the phone book the man Angel Angelov Angelovich, he called and asked to call the Devil Chertovich.

Many years later, Nikita again stumbled upon this addressee and repeated the old joke, hearing in response “Are you still alive, you bastard?”.

The Western prankster is different from the Russian one, since in the West the leading role in the conversation belongs to the prankster himself. For example, the Frenchman Remy Gaillard gained fame for his video, where he imitated Rocky Balboa.

The comedian ran along the cash register tape and used a carcass in the meat products department as a punching bag.

The most aggressive and crazy prankster is Bam Marger. Antics in his show sometimes end in injury.

In one of the issues, he turned his parents' house into a skate park and destroyed the entire living space, plunging his relatives into deep shock and uncontrollable rage.

Almost every one of us can become a victim of pranksters.. Usually these are people who lack a sense of humor and have high self-esteem. Those who are good are the least likely to fall for the prankster's bait.

It is impossible to get the desired reaction from such people in most cases. This means that they simply become uninteresting to the initiators of the conversation.

Both ordinary people and celebrities and even presidents fall victim to prankers. Pavel Globa, Mikhail Boyarsky, Sergey Dorenko and many other celebrities fell into the clutches of the "masters of the word" more than once.

It would seem that the well-mannered and calm stars threatened and were not shy in terms of the point guard.

One of the exceptions is Wasserman, who more than once turned the conversation in the direction he needed, and already pranksters became victims of his jokes.

The most popular pranksters in Russia are Lexus and Vovan. The latest high-profile prank was carried out by Vovan, who introduced himself as Vladimir Putin and had a conversation with Elton John about gay rights in Russia.

The most difficult thing is to get the numbers of the presidents of various countries. However, Vovan and Luxus do not care. They managed to play the president of Turkey. The guys introduced themselves as Petro Poroshenko and found out from the Turkish president plans for an attack on Syria.

However, later the deputies of the head of the Ottoman state announced that there was no such conversation and the record was not real.

The only president whom Vovan managed to "get" runs Belarus. Vovan introduced himself to Alexander Lukashenka as the son of Yanukovych and asked for political asylum for his father.

This act offended Lukashenka so much that he instructed the special services to catch Vovan. However, this was not crowned with success.

How do pranksters manage to get personal numbers of presidents? They do not give out this information, so at the moment this method remains a mystery. Some even claim that the phone numbers of the pranksters are "leaked" by the special services.

The essence of prank is fun. With such an unusual method, pranksters entertain themselves and those around them.. There are also cases of custom-made prank for a monetary reward, but this is not welcome in the circle of "specialists".

It is impossible to punish a telephone joker. The minimum of what shines for him is an article for petty hooliganism. In more frequent cases, victims simply do not file complaints with the police themselves.

Pranksters have their own rules. They do not call those in poor health or the elderly. These two categories are immediately excluded from the list of hooligans.

So how not to become a victim of pranksters? And everything is quite simple. Those who calmly react to any joke on their part, or also become a comic participant in the conversation, usually quickly annoy their unwitting interlocutors.

You should not succumb to the slightest provocations from the caller, and then you definitely will not get into the network.

Have you ever played a prank on someone on the phone? If you also have successful experience in this business, you will no doubt be called a prankster. What is a prank? How do pranksters live?

What is a prank?

Prank (translated from English means "leprosy, prank, joke") - a telephone trick, a practical joke. In turn, the prankster is the same telephone bully who makes a call to his addressee and, by joking, tries to evoke in him the necessary emotion and a vivid response. Often, recordings of such a phone call become public, as pranksters post particularly successful pranks online.

Depending on the severity of the desired emotions, on the intensity of passions, prank can be of different types. The victim of a "heavy" ("hard" prank) will be driven to anger, rage, or hysteria. “Light” (“light” prank) aims to make you laugh, talk heart to heart, cheer or just laugh with your telephone interlocutor. With a “soft” (soft) prank, the victim is brought to an angry state, but she is still able to control her emotions. Radio or TV presenters can also play live, here we will talk about “radio prank” or “teleprank”. Technoprank uses the replay of some victims of the prank to play pranks on new victims. There are cases when pranksters deliberately connect a conference call (prank “conference”), and thus several victims participate in a heated conversation. But the intensity of passions fades as soon as the interlocutors begin to figure out who is who. If the recordings of telephone pranks are quite original, successful and fall into talented hands, “prankmix” works are born from the cut parts of the prank, superimposed on some kind of music.

There is also a commercial prank - during the broadcast, the DJ plays his addressee at the request of a listener. The purpose of such a prank is to cheer, to joke. In addition, at the end, the DJ reveals all the cards: he calls the radio station, his name.

There are also national characteristics prank. For example, in Russian prank leading role take the victim. And they try to anger her, to evoke bright, stormy emotions. The English-language prank provides for the leading role of the prankster himself, and the victim is only brought to confusion and misunderstanding.

Who becomes a victim of prank?

The most favorite addressees of pranksters are arrogant people, devoid of a sense of humor, individuals with high self-esteem and a sense of self-righteousness.

People who react passively to the prankster or treat the whole conversation with humor are not interested in the phone bully, so such individuals will be significantly deprived of attention.

If you don’t want to be in the place of the prankker’s victim, don’t succumb to provocations. Keep quiet, do not be nervous, ignore - and you will quickly get bored with a bully.

Many cultural figures and well-known politicians have already fallen under their sparkling pranks.

They use the telephone as their weapon, and practically can influence the currents of World politics. What are these people? Meet! Prankers!

Who is this?

The word "pranker" has English roots. On English language"prank" sounds like "prank". Prankers were born along with such an outstanding invention as the telephone. The peak of popularity of pranksters came in the seventies of the twentieth century, when it became possible to record conversations on miniature audio cassettes.

Pranksters are very fond of playing famous politicians and actors, as well as other people who are constantly in sight. There are also pranksters who like to play pranks on ordinary people on the streets, which brings a lot of fun to those around them. Prankers can split into several groups. These include:

  • Pranksters who act out famous people for a certain fee. The services of these pranksters are mainly in demand in any political battles, or to discredit any media personality. In their work, pranksters often face a sharp rebuff from the "victim";
  • The second group of pranksters includes people who do this, which is called for "fan". The pranksters of this group enjoy pranks. Also, their activities are to the liking of the mass public;
  • The third group of pranksters includes people who aim to expose unscrupulous politicians and other powerful personalities. The pranksters of this group extract information hidden from everyone and put it on public display.

Who provides phone numbers to pranksters?

This aspect is the most difficult in the activities of pranksters. Getting a victim's phone is sometimes a very difficult task.

Basically, pranksters transform into sincere fans, or into journalists of popular agencies. In most cases, all sorts of tricks give a positive result, and the prankster still manages to get the coveted phone number of the victim.

There are also multiple internet resources, where pranksters exchange useful information related to a particular public figure, and also provide each other with phone numbers of famous people.

Abroad pranksters life is much easier. In developed countries, there are a lot of very detailed online directories in which you can find a lot of useful information for organizing pranks.

There are many companies that can provide a prankster with all the necessary information for money. These firms are professionally engaged in the extraction of information, they even have a license for their activities. These include private detective agencies, which in their arsenal have a fairly extensive database of famous people.

Among the pranksters can also be attributed to people who just like to fool around on the street, thereby amusing passers-by and other onlookers. Street prankster pranks are pretty harmless, but they also require certain prank skills. From street "pranks" fun to everyone, including the "victims".

Technical equipment of pranksters

Often, pranksters need very strong technical and technological support. So for this lesson, arrogance and self-confidence is not enough.

In the old days, pranksters were very fond of playing their victims with assistance of public telephones, but at the beginning of the 21st century, such machines practically disappeared from the streets of cities. It was difficult to trace the call from the phone of the machine, which made the prankster almost invulnerable.

At the end of the last century, they began to come into fashion caller ID, which also made life difficult for the pranksters. Telephone companies provided a “number hiding” service for a fee, but potential victims were reluctant to talk to an “unidentified” subscriber. With the advent of the Internet, the era of prosperity has come for pranksters.

These days, they live much easier, as new means of communication are being introduced, on new data transfer protocols. IP-telephony is becoming very popular now. Today, it is also not easy to trace a pranker's call, as it passes through many nodes and servers that are scattered around the world.


The activities of pranksters, although not particularly welcomed by the Legislation but not strictly prohibited. They play those people whose reputation is slightly "tarnished". The activity of pranksters sometimes makes it possible to solve some urgent problems, and also gives a lot of pleasure to the audience.

Quality pranks cause a lot of laughter and laughter is known to prolong life. Laugh to your health!

This is an evil prank, bordering on rudeness, for which you can get in the face. Word prank- English, it can be translated as "mocking prank." The one who runs such pranks is called... that's right, prankster! Sit down, five! Oops, I stuck gum on your chair. Nothing, mom washes off, sit on.

Prank calls are especially popular with pranksters. Of course, because it is difficult for the subscriber at the other end of the wire to clean his face. So these vovans call all sorts of celebrities (don't ask me where they get their numbers) and introduce themselves, for example, as FSB generals. After that, the recording of the conversation is leaked to the Internet. So-so jokes, karoch. And in general, the prank does not have to be done over the phone: whoever woke up at least once in a pioneer camp with a face smeared with toothpaste will understand.

Did you find out where the word came from, its explanation in simple terms, translation, origin and meaning.
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