If your company uses foreign-made goods in its daily activities. then this processing is intended for you! There are no regular tools in the Accounting Department for automatic selection of customs declaration numbers. You have to fill it out manually. The presented processing will automatically select customs declaration numbers into documents in accordance with the selected strategy by pressing one button.

You are responsible for generating statistical reporting.

Our company has developed the following practice for advance reports. At the beginning of the month, employees were overexpended according to expense reports. Over the course of a month we carry out additional advance reports, i.e. overspending increases. At the end of the month, the company pays off accounts payable to employees. Are there any violations in our actions?

When checking advance report it may be revealed that the employee spent more money than was issued to him. If the overexpenditure is justified, then the organization must reimburse it (Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, instructions approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated August 1, 2001 No. 55).

Situation: is it possible to make an entry about compensation for overexpenditure (details of the expense cash order, for which payment was made) accountable amounts to the employee’s advance report after its approval*

The period during which an organization must compensate an employee for overspending is not limited by law.

External 1C report for analyzing debt by debt maturity

Good day, dear readers of the SoftMaker.kz blog. Today I am posting an external 1C report for working in the 1C: Accounting 8 configuration, which is used to analyze accounts receivable and accounts payable according to the terms of the debt. The archive contains two report files for Accounting for Kazakhstan, edition 2.0 and for the Russian configuration Enterprise Accounting, edition 2.0.

The principle of operation of the report “Analysis of receivables and payables by debt terms” is the same as in the document “Act of reconciliation of mutual settlements”, which carries out all mutual settlements with the counterparty, that is, takes into account all sales, all receipts and payments.

Overdue debt control.

In progress economic activity Often (especially recently) contracts with counterparties indicate the maximum number of days for deferred payment or delivery, as well as sanctions in cases of exceeding these terms. Therefore, there is a need to quickly control deferred payments or deliveries. In the 1c Accounting 8 program, it is possible to conduct mutual settlements with detail down to the document; in this case, you can obtain the necessary information about the terms of the debt using the reports included in the program.

However, the method of keeping records of mutual settlements with detail down to the document has a number of inconveniences.

Report 1C 8. 2 Accounts receivable from the company Correct decisions

Description: Accounts receivable/payable report. Indispensable for companies selling goods with deferred payment and conducting mutual settlements under contracts “in general.” To calculate days from the date of shipment/delay, the algorithm for posting payment using the FIFO method is used. Customizable algorithm for obtaining the payment date. Configurable latency control periods. The groups “Days overdue”, “Days from the date of shipment” are calculated using the weighted arithmetic average.

Overdue debt report

1. Sales managers. Report on overdue accounts receivable with debt documents. You can group counterparties by any properties and details of the counterparty. In addition, debt documents can also be output with any additional information about them (if this information is stored in them). In addition, you can immediately generate a letter to the counterparty indicating the terms and amount of the debt, as well as debt documents.

Debt report

Currently, a fairly common form of shipment of goods is deferred payment. The company receives a deferred payment from the supplier and provides a deferred payment to customers. Thus, the company needs to organize accounting for deferred accounts payable and receivable. Standard configurations of 1C: ENTERPRISE 8 provide the ability to maintain such records only if the counterparty agreement states “Keep according to documents of settlements with counterparties.”

Report on overdue accounts receivable

Analysis of accounts receivable is very important in any company, because “receivables” is a matter of minutes cash or, so to speak, set aside money. In connection with this, enterprises are conducting permanent job to reduce it, or rather to transfer debt into real money.

Accounts payable and receivable are an inevitable consequence of the operation of an enterprise. The first indicates the debts of the organization to other companies, the second - the debts of enterprises to the organization. Such obligations arise when the payment terms lag behind the time of receipt of the goods. They are included in payments between enterprises. Debts must be recorded. This is necessary for the proper organization of the company’s work and payment of taxes.

Drawing up a report on accounts receivable

The report must be prepared in two stages. First, you need to complete a summary of accounts receivable, and only then can you begin the main part of the work.

Formatting a summary

The summary is compiled for management purposes. It concerns all existing obligations of creditors. It includes the following data:

  • Information about the buyer and seller;
  • Payment terms;
  • Information about the subject of obligations (product);
  • Payment date according to the agreement.

This is just a basic list of information. Additional information may be included in the document, if necessary. The responsibility for preparing the summary lies with the finance department. It is compiled based on the following data:

  • Product sales agreement, which is the subject of obligations;
  • Invoices, invoices, indicating the fact of purchase and sale;
  • Documents, confirming payment for the goods;
  • Cards by accounting documents , where information about the operation performed is indicated;
  • Inventory acts;
  • Accounting documents with financial statements.

The summary will be useful to sales staff. It is used to optimize credit policy and work with clients. According to its data, it is possible to set payment limits that are beneficial for the company, which will reduce the risk of late payments. Based on the reports, the solvency of clients is determined, on the basis of which they are ranked.

The responsibility for preparing the summary lies with the finance department.

Report preparation

A report on the amount of debts receivable is a document that involves bringing together all summaries. It displays the number of loans provided for a certain period, the volume of deferred payments. Responsibility for document execution falls on the financial department or company managers. The frequency of compilation can be different: once a week, once a month.

Data on debt in reporting is grouped. The basis for grouping may be the following criteria:

  • Product type;
  • Buyer group;
  • A group of sellers.

The report, the basis of which is accounts receivable, has the following forms, depending on the type of debt:

  • Liabilities in the form of cash;
  • Obligations in the form of barter;
  • Overdue obligations in the form of barter exchange or in money.

Standard information that should be included in the report:

  • Data about the product, the buyer;
  • Repayment terms (there is a special grouping for them, for example: up to a month, more than a year);
  • Interest accrued.

The document also indicates difficulties in collecting obligations, if any. This is the basic information that needs to be provided. However, the document may contain additional information if necessary. For example, an indication additional information typical for barter transactions.

The reporting document, the subject of which is accounts receivable, is used by the financial department to organize the competent collection of obligations and determine the credit policy.

The report allows the legal department to determine the scope of debt collection work. Based on the document, the accounting department monitors the receipt of payments from debtors.

A reporting document on accounts receivable allows the company's management to:

  • analyze production dynamics,
  • adjust purchase volumes.

Preparation of documents for accounts payable

Before you can create a report related to accounts payable, you must also complete a summary. Its execution is almost similar to the execution of a document on accounts receivable. Data about the product, the client, and the concluded agreement are also indicated here. The paper is prepared by the financial department.

After completing the summary, you can begin to compile reports. The report relating to accounts payable is a summary document. It includes data on purchases with deferred payables or outstanding obligations. Responsibility for its preparation falls on the financial department.

As in the option with receivable payment, documents are divided into groups depending on the form of payment: barter transactions, payments in the form of cash.

A document regarding payables is used to control debt repayment, track the timing of accounts payable, plan the outflow of enterprise funds, and analyze purchasing policies.

What to do when it occurs? The procedure for dealing with overdue payments is outlined in one of our articles.
Accounts receivable valuation report along with valuation methods.

How to use reporting?

A document on creditor and debtor payments allows you to track the status of settlements with partners and employees of the enterprise at any time. This is mandatory for carrying out management activities and planning credit policy. The Payables and Receivables report helps you monitor the following functions:

The document is mandatory for the operation of the enterprise. This is not just a formality, because on the basis of this paper, key management decisions are made, general indicators companies. It helps prevent a crisis situation and promotes competent organization of activities based on clear indicators.

The document is mandatory for the operation of the enterprise.

Budget organization system

The budgeting system is a component of the 1C: Enterprise program. It was created to create a budget. However, it is possible to perform the required reporting based on it. To do this, it has the following functions:

  1. Formation of forecasts regarding the financial condition of the enterprise based on the analysis of available data;
  2. Obtaining financial reports and management balance sheets based on objective indicators, which allows you to analyze profits and compare them with previous indicators;
  3. Comparison of budgets;
  4. Performing analysis for existing deviations;
  5. Correlation of indicators for different periods;
  6. Comparison of debts of debtors and obligations to creditors over three time periods, analysis of the final amount.

The system allows you to create reports of any type, where all additional data will be specified, if required. It is possible to form a structure indicating deadlines. The program contains formulas for calculating these indicators.

The 1C program is a convenient tool for an accountant, with which you can quickly obtain the required:

  • analysis,
  • graphics,
  • structures.

Reporting document on different types debt management is a guiding beacon for all organizations. It promotes fast work and informed decision making.

Watch the video on how to prepare reports on accounts receivable in the 1C program:

The document must be drawn up in those organizations that have a credit policy or debts to creditors. Before compiling it, you need to complete a summary.

Reporting is a summary document from which the overall picture can be extracted. The frequency of its preparation depends on the individual needs of the organization. For example, a paper can be prepared once a month. You can arrange it using the 1C program.

When a company operates in the B2B wholesale segment, there is almost always a need to sell goods on credit. Sooner or later, a permanent counterparty asks for an installment payment or a discount, citing a lack of working capital. In order not to lose a client in a competitive market, sales managers inevitably meet him halfway. Why not? After all, the partner has warehouses with goods and bank accounts; the buyer company cannot disappear without a trace.

Management debt accounting

Companies that have proven themselves to be reliable payers receive preferences in the form of an increase in their credit limit. However, sometimes the system fails and the “delay” reaches critical levels. Especially when things on the market for the goods offered by the company are not going well. Then the management of the supplier company needs to track the dynamics of debt obligations. Standard capabilities of 1C: Trade Management version 11.0 allow you to generate a report on overdue accounts receivable. We will consider this procedure in our article.

1C Trade Management edition 11.0
A software product created to improve the efficiency of a trading business. Includes the following components:

  • CRM module;
  • Sales management module for various profiles;
  • Procurement management module;
  • Inventory tracking unit;
  • Control unit cash flows;
  • Cost accounting module, including taxes;
  • Module for monitoring and analyzing trading activities

The 1C Trade Management software package, edition 11.0, is equipped with an intuitive interface and allows you to instantly generate the desired report. First, we’ll talk about how to set limits on accounts receivable in the program itself, and then we’ll look at how to view accounts receivable in 1C.

You can avoid one-time costs for purchasing a license for 1C - trade management. Now 1C allows its partners to sell the product by renting a workplace without a one-time payment for a license (on so-called cloud servers). The subscription fee is calculated for each user separately and is charged monthly. The offer is aimed at those users who would like to evaluate the work of the program and its usefulness in business and are not yet ready to overpay for a license.

Setting up “confidence limits” for contracts

In order to minimize possible losses when working with a new client, we will set him a credit limit within the limits of the agreement. There is a high probability that contract management is not yet enabled in the system. Then nothing will work with setting limits. Therefore, first we will make sure that the necessary settings are already present in the system. Through the menu (you can get there through the red icon with a yellow border in the upper left corner of the window) we go to “NSI and administration”. We are interested in the sub-item “Settings of sections” - “Sales”.

Open the top sub-item “Wholesale” in the list:

In the abundance of settings that opens, we are only interested in two checkboxes:

  • Put “Agreements with clients”;
  • If not already checked, you should also check the “Customer Orders” checkbox.

Now we move on to setting limits on shipments and limiting debt under newly created contracts. Note also that you can edit the “credit limit” and the ban on shipments for overdue debts under existing contracts. The procedure is no different.

In the “Master data and administration” menu, in the “Master data” section, select the “Partners” sub-item:

Let's set a contract limit for our new client - the Ikar company from Moscow (as they say - all coincidences are random):

From the context menu by right-clicking the mouse, select the “Edit” item - in the Russian version “Edit”:

Go to the “Agreements” tab and select “Create” - “Create”:

Since we are not currently interested in information directly related to the contract, let’s go to the “Calculations” tab. Here we can set the amount of debt at which to stop shipment and prohibit shipment if there is an overdue debt:

Overdue debt settings

To find out who owes us and for what period, we first need to establish the categories of debtor enterprises in days from the date of delivery.
First of all, log into the database using an account with Administrator rights.
We are interested in the “Research Data and Administration” section; a list of categories and their sub-items opens. Click on the “Enterprise” sub-item in “Configuring system parameters”:

Select the “Organizations” tab:

In the drop-down list, select the lowest item “Setting debt classification”. The Debt Intervals window will open:

Here we can see the intervals by which the system classifies debtors:

  • “Easy”, when the recipient of the goods “forgets” to pay within a couple of weeks;
  • “Heavy” - no payment for more than 60 days (and unlikely to happen).

You can edit the lower limit of each period. It is also possible to delete several periods and set the intervals to start over:

We have set up a debtor classifier. Let's move on to the main topic of our story - how to view accounts receivable in 1c.

Types of reporting by debtors

The system has several types of debt reports. Go to the menu through the icon and select the “All reports” subsection:

In the search field, enter “Debt” and click the search button:

We are interested in the following reports:

  • "Customer debt";
  • "Analysis of debt by maturity."

To open the “Customer Debt” report, click the “Open” button in the upper left corner:

In the dialog box that opens, click “Generate”:

The plate will clearly display:

  • In the first column is the name of the client (clickable, you can view the date of conclusion of the agreements and general information about the debtor);
  • In the second, the system will issue the debt.

Using the top tab, we will return to all reports and also generate the “Analysis of debt by maturity” report:

In the window that appears, optionally specify the organization for which we will perform the unloading and the period. By default, when you click the “Generate” button, the program will search for all debtors:

The result is a table with the % of total debt for each company, as well as the debt interval.

We looked at setting limits and generating accounts receivable reporting for 1C trade management. Using this tool, company managers can timely monitor the dynamics of debt growth and track its structure by client.

The 1C company has prepared a set of anti-crisis reports* that help managers and company executives conduct express analysis financial situation at the enterprise. The set of reports will be part of the release 1.6.11 "1C: Accounting 8" and will be available as a new section on the function panel. In this article, methodologists from the company 1C tell you how the head of an enterprise can control overdue debt using a special report included in the kit.


Crisis of confidence - the first stage of financial crises

* You can familiarize yourself with other materials on anti-crisis topics.

Since the beginning of the 30s of the last century, more than seventy serious global economic cataclysms have been described. Most of them are characterized by two main stages.

  • The first stage is “panic” or “crisis of confidence”. It occurs after the bubble of overvalued assets bursts and usually lasts relatively short time - from one to six months. Some assets lose value, others are converted into cash, gold and other “eternal values”; everyone stops trusting each other. First of all, the demand for “non-essential” goods (luxury goods, expensive durable goods) is reduced, but the consumption of basic products - bread, potatoes - decreases slightly.
  • At the second stage, which lasts on average from six months to 3 years, the panic gradually subsides, the economy recovers, but at the same time there is a reassessment of the prospects for the development of industries, borrower ratings, etc. That is, the structure of the economy after the crisis becomes different, than it was before him.

One of the main concerns of any manager during a crisis of confidence is the operational, daily control of customer debt. At the same time, the manager is interested in who owes the company, how much he owes, whether the debt is overdue, whether the amount of debt changes over time (it grows or falls), etc. As a rule, company managers require a daily summary of the status of overdue debt and " "manually" manage it - change the terms of contracts, change the terms of payment under the contract or the volume of credit lines, introduce penalties for late payment for their products (works, services), etc.

The set of anti-crisis reports released by 1C has introduced the ability to quickly monitor customers' overdue debt and form a clear picture of the changing situation. This opportunity will allow even a small enterprise that does not have qualified financiers on its staff to simply and reliably receive information about the main problem of the first stage of the financial crisis.

To control “delays” we set a deferred payment for buyers

In order to create a picture of the overdue debts of buyers of products (goods, services) of an enterprise using the 1C: Accounting 8 program, it is necessary to enter deferred payment conditions for buyers. To do this, in the processing Setting up accounting parameters on the Settlements with counterparties tab, a common deferment of payment accepted by the company is set for all buyers, for example, 15 calendar days (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1

If the manager for a specific buyer decides to increase or, conversely, reduce the deferred payment, this decision can be recorded in a specific Counterparty agreement. How to do this is shown in Figure 2 (in the example, the deferred payment for the Yuzhny market is increased from the standard 15 days to 30 days).

Rice. 2

No additional analytical work related to deferred payments is required. The accountant of the enterprise, as before, continues to record the facts of economic activity in 1C: Accounting 8, and the manager at the same time gets the opportunity to form a management picture of overdue payments.

Is the cabbage sour?

Professional companies operating in the debt market know well how important it is to control overdue debt. Collection agencies that buy (at a discount) bank debts on consumer loans evaluate, first of all, the “age” of the debt and the dynamics of its change in order to understand whether “the cabbage has gone sour.” To accurately assess the likelihood of debt repayment, debt business professionals use complex automated scoring systems. The set of anti-crisis reports "1C: Accounting 8" includes a report showing the manager the status of customers' overdue debt and its change over time. It clearly shows which of the buyers are “paying off” their overdue debt, and for whom, on the contrary, it is growing (see Fig. 3). It is precisely the work with these customers who do not fulfill the terms of the contract that the manager will pay special attention to in the future.

Rice. 3

Thus, the information obtained using the report presented above allows the head of the enterprise to see the big picture without resorting to the services of professional financiers or complex automated scoring systems.

Thus, the set of anti-crisis reports for "1C: Accounting 8" includes the tools necessary for the operational control of overdue debts of customers.

For convenient analysis of the status of settlements, a pool of standard reporting is provided. Let's look at the main ones.
1. Report Customer debt- shows the current state of calculations. What is the debt now, for what amount is the shipment planned, for what amount is expected to be paid:

2. Report Statement of settlements with clients- shows a detailed analysis of mutual settlements. Change in debt for the period and current balance of payments:

3. Report Client payment discipline- shows overdue debt from clients for the period. How often, for how many days, and which clients delay payment:

4. Report Customer debt by maturity- analysis of customer debt broken down by debt intervals:

Question 9.31 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. The "Debt to Customers" report allows you to analyze:
  1. Actual debt
  2. Planned debt
  3. Overdue debt
  4. Options 1 and 2
  5. Options 2 and 3
  6. Options 1 and 2 and 3

Verified. The correct answer is fourth. As discussed above, the report also shows overdue debt, so in fact the correct answer is number six.

Question 9.32 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. The "Statement of settlements with customers" report allows you to analyze:

  1. Actual debt
  2. Planned debt
  3. Overdue debt
  4. Options 1 and 2
  5. Options 2 and 3
  6. Options 1 and 2 and 3

The correct answer is the first, see above for analysis.

Question 9.34 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. The report "Statement of settlements with customers" allows you to analyze debt in currency:

  1. Management accounting
  2. Regulated accounting
  3. Mutual settlements
  4. Options 1 or 2
  5. Options 1 or 3
  6. Options 1 or 2 or 3
Verified. The correct answer is number six, all currencies are available:

Question 9.33 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. Overdue debt can be analyzed in reports:

  1. Payment discipline of clients
  2. Customer debt by maturity
  3. Statement of settlements with clients
  4. Options 1 and 2
  5. Options 1 and 3
  6. Options 1 and 2 and 3
Verified. The correct answer is the fourth, see above for analysis.