When it comes to alcoholic beverages, they are associated with alcoholism and certainly not with medicine. However, they can still be beneficial and help treat many diseases. But it is worth remembering that alcoholic drinks as medicine can only be used strictly following the dosage. Also, such methods of drug therapy have a lot of contraindications and limitations. Alcohol can only be used if the person has not previously been dependent on it. In addition, it is definitely contraindicated for the treatment of children, adolescents, patients diabetes mellitus and pregnant women.

If a person has even the slightest bit of uncertainty about whether he can resist taking larger doses of alcohol, such treatment is definitely not for him. Remember that drinking alcohol over time causes the body to require more of it. Therefore, under no circumstances should you lose self-control and vigilance when using alcohol as a medicine.

When taking medications, you should not consume any doses of alcohol at the same time, as they can completely distort the medicinal effect.

Remember that vodka and alcohol are completely empty drinks and do not contain anything useful. Various fruits and herbs, on the basis of which rubs and tinctures are prepared, can fill them with healing power. In this form, alcohol promotes accelerated delivery beneficial properties herbs into body tissues. To understand the benefits of alcohol, it is worth getting acquainted with the recipes in which it appears.

Treatment of respiratory organs:

- Sore throat, bronchitis and colds can be treated by gargling with eucalyptus or calendula tincture. Dilute a teaspoon of tincture in a glass of warm water.

Get rid of for ulcerative sore throat Kalanchoe tincture with vodka will help. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:10 and gargle.

- For the treatment of acute respiratory infections or influenza You should drink the following mixture at night: 50 grams of warm wine and warm mineral water, a pinch of cinnamon and a tablespoon of honey.

- Pneumonia treated with this remedy: Mix a glass of red wine with a tablespoon of honey and a pinch of lemon balm and thyme. Place the container on the fire and heat, but do not boil. After the medicine has cooled, drink it in small sips and go to bed.

- As an antipyretic you can use the following composition: For a glass of white wine, take a tablespoon of linden honey and lemon juice, and also add a pinch of ground nutmeg. Mix thoroughly, then leave for an hour. Drink one tablespoon strained four times a day.

- To treat a runny nose take propolis tincture and mix it with freshly squeezed beet juice, maintaining a 1:2 ratio. Place the resulting product in your nose up to four times a day.

- Treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Half a liter of red wine infused with two handfuls of rose petals will help cure chronic heart failure. You need to insist for two weeks, and take 50g once a day.

- For the treatment of hypertension mix 150g of sugar and natural liquid honey with 100g of finely chopped aloe and 300g of dry red wine. Mix all this thoroughly, leave for 24 hours, then strain and take for a month and a half. The recommended dosage is a tablespoon three times a day.

Another cure for hypertension: mix a couple of glasses of freshly squeezed beet juice with one and a half glasses of cranberry juice and the juice of one lemon. Add a glass of vodka and 250g of natural liquid honey to this mixture. This remedy should be taken three times a day in the amount of a tablespoon.

- Treatment of varicose veins. Crush six horse chestnuts and pour half a liter of vodka. Leave for two weeks in a place protected from light. Take thirty drops strained three times a day. Continue treatment for one month.

- Organ treatment gastrointestinal tract . Taking 150g of dry red wine daily will help you cope with gastritis with low acidity. It should be consumed, divided in half, morning and evening. The best time to take it is half an hour before meals.

- Cure diarrhea A mixture of oak bark, galangal root and marshmallow will help. Pour 30g of this mixture into a liter of red wine and heat it up. Drink one teaspoon hot at intervals of an hour.

- Diuretics and choleretic drugs. Take 25g of birch buds and fill them with half a liter of 90% alcohol. Thaw for two weeks in a place protected from light. Take one teaspoon up to three times daily. The dose should be taken after meals.

- When sluggish gallbladder pour a couple of tablespoons of barberry leaves with one hundred grams of vodka. Leave for two weeks, then take 30 drops, diluting them in a glass of water. Take three doses a day, the course of treatment is half a month.

- For the treatment of joints. Mix vodka and honey in equal proportions. Make compresses with this mixture at night, after heating it.

Finely chop one immortelle bulb and add alcohol, maintaining a ratio of 1:5. Leave for two weeks and use to rub sore joints. This tool will help cope with gout.

Remember that successful treatment is possible only if the dosage and rules for taking medications are strictly observed.

Ekaterina, www.site

Fighters for a sober lifestyle say that drinking alcohol is harmful in any dose and leads to terrible diseases. Scientists who have conducted research on the effects of alcohol on the human body for many years do not agree with them. They were able to prove that in small doses, high-quality alcohol has a positive effect on a person’s mental state and is a prevention of many diseases.

Statistical confirmation of the benefits of alcohol is a study conducted by Dutch doctors in the city of Zutphen. For 40 years, scientists observed the lives of 1,373 residents of this town, born in 1900-1920.

In the group of subjects who took no more than 20 grams of pure alcohol per day, the relative mortality index was 36% lower than in the group of complete abstainers. In moderate drinkers, researchers found a 34% reduction in mortality from cardiovascular disease. Another interesting pattern is that people who drank wine lived 3.8 years longer than others.

Correct conclusions

1). A daily dose not exceeding 20 grams of pure ethyl alcohol per day can be considered acceptable. In terms of our traditional alcoholic drinks, this is approximately 50 ml of wine or 0.5 liters of beer. There is no point in counting the amount of vodka; people don’t drink it in such small portions.

In Russia, drinking alcohol in small doses every day is not accepted; we need a different counting system, for example, in weeks. Multiplying 20 grams by 7 days, we get 140 grams of pure alcohol. In terms of drinks, this is 350 grams of vodka (cognac, whiskey, etc.), 1 liter of wine or 3.5 liters of beer. This is exactly how much alcohol a healthy adult who has no contraindications to drinking alcohol can drink per week.

2). Wine is recognized as the healthiest (at least harmless) alcohol. This drink is best to drink to prevent many diseases. The wine must be of high quality, made from grape juice.

Many of the wine drinks and bottled wines that we sell are really harmful, but alcohol has nothing to do with it, it’s all about chemical additives. This also applies to other types of alcohol. Only small doses of high-quality alcohol are harmless.

The healthiest alcoholic drink is wine

Alcohol helps in the prevention of the following diseases:

  • stress;
  • disturbance of brain activity;
  • colds;
  • osteoporosis;
  • lymphoma;
  • kidney tumor;
  • angina pectoris;
  • hypertension;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke.

Attention! Self-medication may be dangerous, consult your doctor.

Hello, dear readers! Let's raise today a sensitive topic that worries many, but the truth that is often kept silent about. So, under the gun, well-known alcohol, the benefits and harms of its use. Did you think that alcohol is equally harmful to everyone?

That an alcoholic is an unemployed, degenerate person? That if you drink moderately you will still become addicted? Are the mortality statistics from alcohol addiction a fiction? Let's try to find out if this is so!

Peculiarities of perception

Scientists have found that susceptibility to alcohol and its tolerance directly depend on the nationality of the drinker. Thus, the European genotype of consumers of alcoholic beverages experiences a surge of strength and euphoria while drinking, and the harmful consequences of such libations occur many years later.

It should be understood that such consequences are inevitable with active consumption of alcohol-containing drinks. They usually manifest themselves in health problems in the form of:

  • liver cirrhosis;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • polyneuritis or polyneuropathy;
  • amnestic syndrome.

But the Asian genotype (Japan, China) experiences symptoms of poisoning and intoxication after small doses of alcoholic beverages. This is due to accelerated metabolic processes and the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, which in Eastern people is quickly transformed into acetaldehyde.

Maybe that's why eastern countries rarely seen in ratings of the most alcoholic. Remember that terrible hangover feeling that grips your body the day after drinking? Oriental man experiences the same sensations even while drinking alcohol! That is why concern for health occupies him more than thoughts of relaxation.

Workaholic vs alcoholic

The opinion that an alcoholic is an unemployed person aimlessly wasting his life has been refuted quite recently. The stereotype was debunked by harsh statistics, according to which a person engaged in the work process from 50 hours a week, which is slightly more than a standard working day or 6 days working week suffers from alcohol addiction more often than others.

The study was conducted by New Zealand scientists over 30 years on a group of enthusiasts born in 1977. The conclusion is simple: the more intensely a person is involved at work, the more often he has the need to relax. And what if alcohol is the most effective in this matter!

Russian scientists conducted similar studies, the results of which were not encouraging. Constant stress, the frantic rhythm of megacities and workload lead people to regular consumption of alcoholic beverages. Moreover, susceptibility to such unloading is recorded more often at the age of 25 to 45 years.

Addiction comes from childhood

In Russia everything is somewhat different. Alcoholism in the country has become significantly younger, which has caused concern and much controversy in scientific circles. Studying the phenomenon of rampant drunkenness, scientists came to the conclusion that alcohol addictions can form in childhood.

And we are not talking here at all about the genetic theory of its origin. It's all about eating habits. Thus, the traditional diet of bottle-fed infants necessarily contains kefir, which contains alkaloids in small dosages (the alkaloid salsolinol is one of the causes of alcohol dependence).

Kvass is also nothing more than a natural fermentation product and contains small doses of ethanol. Consumption of these drinks is unlikely to lead to addiction; there is no evidence of this, but it can develop eating habits.

Drinking culture

Alcoholism itself is not such an ancient diagnosis, although the history of alcoholic beverages goes back to ancient times. If we consider it as poison, then it is worth remembering that poison in small dosages only brings health benefits. Moderate intake of alcoholic beverages:

  • trains blood vessels;
  • helps slow down the aging process;
  • increases concentration and reaction speed;
  • prevents colds.

We are talking about high-quality alcoholic drinks, mainly wine and vodka. In addition to ethanol and alkaloids, alcoholic beverages contain naturally occurring antioxidants that are beneficial to health.

Alcoholism cause of death

In the literal sense, alcoholism can kill many years after the decision to take part in an alcohol marathon. Why does propaganda never tire of declaring that mortality from alcohol is increasing every year? It's all due to overuse.

  1. Poisoning with alcohol and surrogates.
  2. Murders and crimes.
  3. Accidents and breakdowns.
  4. Strokes and heart attacks.
  5. Suicides.

According to WHO, alcohol sends more than 2.5 million people in the world to the next world every year! Russia annually sees off 0.5 million citizens from alcohol poisoning alone.

A little about the benefits

Branded by medicine and elevated to the status of an evil of universal proportions, alcohol can actually be quite useful.

Pure vodka is an excellent antioxidant; it also removes toxins from the lungs of people working in industries where the air is polluted. It has a beneficial effect on digestion, controlling cholesterol levels. It does an excellent job of lowering blood sugar levels, which is also beneficial for health.

In combination with salt, it copes well with stomach upsets, with garlic it cleanses blood vessels and improves tone, and with hot pepper it becomes a preventative against acute respiratory infections. In addition, many herbal tinctures are made based on alcohol, but at the same time they only bring health benefits!

Bottom line

To summarize, I would like to talk about personal observations. My body is very sensitive to alcoholic products, and knowing this feature, I do not abuse it. But I can’t deny myself the pleasure of having a glass of cognac or tart wine or drinking vodka on occasion.

If we consider alcohol solely from the point of view of benefits, you need to clearly understand at what point your blood vessels dilated, you received a positive charge and stop. Try to introduce an aperitif into your diet, as a glass of strong drink before a meal has long been called. It not only awakens the appetite, but also prepares the stomach to meet food!

You will be surprised to know that moderately drinking people are much less susceptible to various health problems than outright abstainers. And the long-livers of the Caucasus with adolescence drink natural wines made from local grape varieties.

Very soon I will write an article about the healthy daily intake of alcohol. I'm sure it will be interesting. Subscribe to my blog updates, share useful information on social networks and don’t forget to leave comments! The blog vinodela.ru takes care of your health!

Until we meet again, Pavel Dorofeev.

Everyone knows about the dangers of drinking. However, almost nothing is known about its benefits. But in fact, alcohol has long been used in folk medicine. It is a well-worn truth: what is poison in large doses can become a panacea in small quantities. So, what can be cured with your favorite drinks, and how?

Let's start with something simple. A chilled decanter, viscous “Aqua Vita”, pouring like oil into a tall glass only from the freezer... The author’s great weakness. Or maybe, on the contrary, strength? What will help cure “ocovitis”?

“Whiskey is the most popular of all remedies that do not help against a cold.”

Jerry Vale

It turns out that there is a lot! Pure vodka, 25-30 grams per day, is drunk, for example, by people forced to breathe polluted air - it removes toxins from the lungs. A small “dinner” pile curbs cholesterol levels, and therefore, theoretically, can prevent the development of heart and vascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes. Vodka lowers blood sugar levels, which also reduces the risk of diabetes.

Many classic folk medicines are made from vodka mixtures. If you have an upset stomach, knowledgeable people advise drinking vodka with salt and/or pepper - a couple of pinches per glass. Garlic tincture will improve tone, cleanse blood vessels and reduce the risk of catching a cold in the winter.

And pepper is traditionally recommended as a remedy for influenza and acute respiratory infections - for this you can use store-bought, home-made alcohol, or quickly mix regular vodka with a mixture of black, red pepper and paprika. Personally, at the first sign of a cold, I drink a glass of this cocktail before bed and in 70% of cases I wake up almost healthy.

“The truth is in the wine” - almost everyone knows this old saying. But modern scientists completely disagree with him; they claim that the most terrible enemy of humanity is alcohol.

What is alcohol

And really, do alcohol have any advantages? What is this? Alcohol in its pure form is ethyl alcohol; it can be obtained from any sugar by fermentation. Ethanol is quickly absorbed into the blood, in just 5-10 minutes, and it immediately has an effect on nervous system.

Most often, people like this state, they feel confident, easy and comfortable; alcohol provokes a false sense of happiness. All problems fade into the background, and it seems that you can fully enjoy life.

But do not forget that alcohol is a narcotic substance, and its use in any case is associated with great risks. Now more and more people are turning to specialists for help in order to get rid of

Not everyone tolerates drinking the same way. One will be happy and have fun, while the other will end up in the hospital with severe intoxication. So the benefits of alcohol are very doubtful.

Alcohol metabolism

How quickly the first effect appears, and how quickly the substance is completely eliminated from the body, depends on several factors. But to drink or not to drink, it’s better to decide in advance.

  1. The influence of general metabolism and genetics is quite strong. For example, how active the thyroid gland is or the rate at which certain enzymes are produced in the liver that are responsible for breaking down ethanol.
  2. Age plays a significant role. Oddly enough, alcohol is slowly draining out of young people. The weak activity of ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase) is to blame for this; it is what makes acetaldehyde from alcohol. The paradox is that when there is too much ADH, it threatens intoxication, since in this case it is already slowly broken down with the help of ACDH (acetaldehyde dehydrogenase). Elderly people are also at risk. Everything is much simpler here, the volume of water in the body and the liver itself decreases. So teenagers and old people get drunk faster.
  3. Gender and weight are also very important. These two factors are interrelated. It is not without reason that it is believed that female alcoholism is the most dangerous.

After all, women are most often smaller than men, and even though the rate of elimination is the same, you need to remember that the lower the weight, the higher the peak effect of intoxication. After one hundred grams of vodka, a person weighing 60 kg will be much drunker than a 100-kilogram strong person. The one who is lighter will even have higher ppm. How much alcohol you can drink without harm directly depends on a person’s weight.

4. The degree of intoxication is also affected by how full the stomach is. A hungry person will get drunk much faster, and getting an ulcer in such a situation is a piece of cake. But drinking and under good snack may lead to an unexpected situation. After a rich, fatty lunch, alcohol takes longer to be absorbed, but it is still absorbed. A person does not get drunk for a long time and still drinks a lot. And when alcohol reaches the blood, you become very drunk and for a long time.

5. We must remember that intoxication is stronger in the morning than in the evening.

6. Various substances. Those that act on the GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) system enhance the effect of alcohol, but norepinephrine, on the contrary, makes it weaker.

Different dosages

Many people believe that alcohol in small doses is even beneficial, is this true? Indeed, the effect of intoxication depends very much on how much you drink. 20 ml of alcohol per person weighing about seventy kilograms has a strong psychostimulating effect. He will become cheerful, talkative and quite active. If you translate this into understandable doses, you get about 60 ml of vodka or a bottle of beer.

But if you drink more than 30 ml, then this dose affects the GABA system, and here there is no need to talk about the advantages of alcohol at all. There is noticeable dullness. A person’s behavior becomes inadequate; now a lot depends on upbringing and promiscuity. As the dose increases, it becomes more and more difficult to control yourself. So best recommendations In terms of alcohol consumption, it means drinking as little as possible.

Alcohol effect time

Here we need to return to metabolism again. Many factors influence how long alcohol lasts. If you average all the indicators, you get a rather rough result. This is approximately 7 grams per hour. That is, if the dose is 20 mg of alcohol, then it will come out in three hours.

Alcohol begins to take effect within a few tens of minutes. Here, too, everything depends on various factors.

Seven grams per hour is a rather relative figure. If the stomach is full, then the indicator decreases. Especially if the person’s weight is above average. If the body is trained, then the alcohol will come out a little faster, due to the fact that more anabolic hormones are produced, namely they increase blood volume.

All the pros and cons

The benefits and harms of alcohol have been debated for many centuries. Fans of the “green snake” are finding more and more advantages, but research by modern scientists refute almost all of them. Ultimately, to drink or not to drink is a personal decision for each person.

Relaxing effect

Indeed, sometimes alcohol acts as an antidepressant. If consumed in moderation, it will help you relax and relieve tension. But here it’s all about volume. In order to relax and not overdo it, a couple of glasses of natural wine or a glass of high-quality strong alcohol is enough. And if you choose the right snack, you can fully enjoy the taste of both the drink and the dish.

Causes cirrhosis of the liver

Excessive libations negatively affect the entire body. But alcohol deals the strongest blow to the liver. And most often the consequences are truly terrible. Liver cirrhosis is a very serious disease in which healthy cells of this organ die on their own, and fibrous tissue appears in their place. Naturally, the liver will no longer function normally.

Reason for getting closer

If most of the people in the company are strangers to each other, then a small amount of alcohol will work as a connecting link.

And speech in in this case It's not about mass drinking. In order to relax and overcome the threshold of embarrassment and awkwardness, a glass of wine or a bottle of beer is enough.

Hangover syndrome

Often, after drinking fun drinks, your condition in the morning leaves much to be desired. A hangover cannot be called a benefit of alcohol. Most often this is severe dehydration, a terrible headache, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the eyes. Usually a person spends the whole day in torment and trying to get rid of painful symptoms.

French paradox

There are constant debates between scientists here. The French prefer fatty foods and drink wine every day, but people of this nationality are least likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Either red wine in small quantities is really beneficial, or this particular nation has some kind of immunity to such diseases.

Negative effect on the digestive system

When drinking alcohol, intoxication of the body almost always occurs. Naturally, this cannot help digestion in any way. Dehydration also causes your metabolism to slow down. The only thing that can be advised in this situation is that, along with alcohol, you need to drink as much clean water as possible.

The benefits and harms of alcohol can be debated endlessly. One thing is clear: if you drink alcohol, then only high-quality alcohol and in small quantities.