Do potatoes make you fat?

What makes potatoes high in calories and dangerous for your figure?

Method of preparation: frying, heating boiled potatoes in vegetable or animal fats.

This includes baking with butter; it is better, of course, to do it in water. Cooking dishes with meat or products containing a lot of fat. For example, stewed potatoes with pork. Remember, the figure really doesn’t like the combination of carbohydrates and fat, this is immediately put aside in reserve.

Boil in the peel, bake in the peel, simmer in water, cook soups with lean meat or fish. Forget completely about chips, even homemade ones, about French fries and pies with potatoes and meat!

Adding sauces, excess amounts of salt, sour cream, mayonnaise, milk, dressing with vegetable oil, butter or adding lard, sausage and other semi-finished products that contain a lot of hidden fats.

Weight in in this case influence fatty foods and a combination of fats and carbohydrates, as I mentioned above. Moreover, the calorie content of the dish increases significantly with such seemingly harmless additives.

If mashed potatoes - then with water, boiled potatoes - then with non-starchy vegetables. Can't eat without sour cream? Then, for the first time, replace it with Varentsy or Ryazhenka. If you can’t do without semi-finished products, then at first, in order to gradually wean yourself off, replace them with lean meat, fish and no more than 50-100 grams.

Drinking water, milk and other drinks.

You shouldn’t drink food at all, especially not potatoes and especially milk. Get rid of this habit!

Excessive use

As with everything there should be moderation. Think about it, we don’t eat 100 grams of potatoes at a time. One plate of potatoes or mashed potatoes can weigh 300. 400, and sometimes 500 grams. it all depends on the size and habits of its use. And if during the day you still allow yourself sweets, bread, or dessert, then the carbohydrate limit will be exceeded. and as a result, everything is stored in the form of fat reserves.

It is better to eat potatoes in the first half of the day, before 15:00, and preferably 13:00. The portion should be reasonable. And it’s better to eat potatoes no more than 2-3 times a week. The daily daily requirement is up to 300 grams and should be consumed in the correct form.

The body needs carbohydrates, so it is better to eat a serving of potatoes than 1 piece of cake, pastry or other sweets. Potatoes are a fruit of nature!

I eat potatoes no more than 2 times a week, and sometimes no more than 1 time a month, it all depends on the requests and real needs of the body (not appetite)

I can cook soups without potatoes; I replace them with brown rice, durum wheat pasta, pearl barley, and other vegetables. Depends on my mood.

I never eat fried potatoes, I don’t boil potatoes without skins. I bake it in its skin, after washing it first, boil it in its uniform, add it naked only to soups and stews. I really like to peel and boil young potatoes in their skins and eat them that way. By the way, baked potatoes are lower in calories, only 90 kcal per 100 grams, which is even less than boiled rice.

If I stew potatoes with meat, then I choose lean varieties of chicken and fish fillet. I eat in the morning, or at lunch until 15:00. In the evening it is better to eat fish and a fresh salad.

On the day when I eat potatoes, I don’t eat bread at all, and I refuse homemade baked goods, even dietary ones. Believe me, you won’t suffer at all from this.

I don’t season it with butter, sour cream or anything else. I make fresh vegetable and green salads for it. Aromatic greens go well with potatoes - cilantro, basil, parsley, dill, etc. It harmonizes with beetroot, there is generally little fat in it, but it’s tasty.

At the holiday table I generally ignore potatoes, since there are already enough dishes on the table. You can eat potatoes on a regular day.

Do potatoes make you fat? No, if you cook and eat it correctly, and yes, if you do it unconsciously and don’t know what exactly leads to weight gain.

This question has still not found a clear answer among scientists. Why?

Some researchers believe that the starch contained in tubers allegedly creates a film on the intestinal walls and makes it difficult to digest food. Others express the exact opposite opinion. In particular, the director of the Center for Nutrition and Experimental Carcinology in Montpellier (France), Henri Joyot, is convinced that potatoes are undeservedly discredited. People get fat not from this product, but from butter and even vegetable oil. In order for the carbohydrates contained in potatoes to be converted into fats in our body, we need to eat 3.5 kilograms of tubers per day. And starch promotes digestion, activates the exchange of bile acids and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.

Professor of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania (USA) Joe Vinson supports his French colleague and believes that many people who decide to lose overweight, after all, it’s in vain to refuse healthy potatoes. Much depends on how to prepare this product. If you do not fry potatoes, but bake them without using butter or vegetable oil, mayonnaise or fatty sauce, then the calorie content of the dish will be quite low. Vinson and his colleagues recruited 18 patients with obesity and high blood pressure. For a month, the experiment participants included 6-8 medium-sized purple potatoes with skin in their diet twice a day. And this had no effect on the weight of the participants, but their blood pressure decreased.
Although all these people consumed purple potatoes, which are different high content antioxidants, scientists suggest that white-skinned tubers have the same effect on the body.
How do you usually cook potatoes? You probably peel it and then put it in a saucepan or frying pan. And thereby depriving yourself of potassium and magnesium - microelements necessary for normal heart function.
What do you do after boiling jacket potatoes? That's right, pour the broth into the sink. In vain! Scientists from the German Institute of Nutrition consider potato broth to be a universal remedy and even call it “Hippocrates’ broth,” which, together with potatoes boiled to a puree, has high alkalizing properties.
This decoction is useful for patients suffering from arthritis. Typically, a potato drink is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon and before bed.
Cordial drink
You can also prepare a decoction for the heart. To do this, add 0.5 liters of water to the peels of 4-5 clean potatoes and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, filter and drink 0.5 cups half an hour before meals.
By the way, potatoes and juice from them are recognized natural medicines for many diseases: upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, burns, eczema, etc.
American scientists have found that potatoes are the healthiest vegetable in children's diets. But only if it is stewed, boiled or baked. If a child is given a potato dish during lunch, then during the day he will consume more fresh and healthy vegetables, which will undoubtedly benefit his health.
Adam Drewnowski and his colleagues from the University of Washington (USA) compared the nutritional value and cost of various food products in the United States and came to the conclusion that potatoes are the cheapest source of potassium. What can we say about Belarus! According to dietary guidelines released in 2010, the daily human need for potassium is 4.7 mg, and the diet of most Americans (and Belarusians too!) does not have enough of this element. Other fruits and vegetables containing large number potassium, are almost twice as expensive as potatoes, so many people simply cannot afford them.
“Meanwhile, one baked potato has 145 calories,” he says about nutritional value second bread, general practitioner Nina ISHCHENKO. - One cup of boiled, sliced ​​potatoes has 114 calories. By including potatoes in your daily menu, you will be able to provide your body with essential amino acids, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins.
However, even this useful product, like potatoes, can pose a health hazard to people if they are fried or the tubers are made into potato chips, Polish researchers say. These products are dangerous for the stomach and heart. They contain acrylamide, a substance that has previously been linked to an increased risk of cancer and nervous system disorders.

1 kg of boiled peeled potatoes supplies the body with:

  • proteins - 20 percent
  • carbohydrates - by 40
  • vitamins B1 (thiamine) and PP (nicotinic acid) - by 60
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - by 30
  • vitamin C and potassium - by 200 percent
  • magnesium and phosphorus - by 50
  • iron - by 60
  • calcium - by 20 percent.

By the way
This year, 106 thousand tons of potatoes were harvested in Belarus, which is 38 percent more than planned. There will be enough potatoes for everyone.
However, even such a healthy product as potatoes can pose a danger to human health if you fry them or make potato chips from the tubers, according to Polish researchers. These products are dangerous for the stomach and heart. They contain acrylamide, a substance that has previously been linked to an increased risk of cancer and nervous system disorders.

Somehow, many people’s favorite potatoes were abruptly removed from the list of healthy foods. Yes, we know that potatoes are all carbohydrates. But firstly, carbohydrates are also needed, and secondly, in addition to carbohydrates and your favorite taste, potatoes have many more useful things. Just a great set of vitamins: C, B 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, A, E, PP, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, chromium, iodine, copper, zinc, selenium and many others. And by the way, regarding the amendment:only 77 kilocalories per 100 grams, which is not so much. So, you won't get better from eating potatoes if...

1. Don't eat potatoes for dinner.

The ideal time for potatoes is lunch, dinner. Dinner never!

2. Serving no more than 3 pieces and without bread!

Get used to it. If you eat around 300 g, you will get 48 g of carbohydrates. It won't hurt you. But when you add carbohydrates by adding potatoes, a slice of bread or a cookie for dessert, the fat immediately goes to your sides, waist and stomach.

3. Bake, cook potatoes in a slow cooker or boil them in their jackets, forget about french fries.

In order to preserve the beneficial substances contained in potatoes as much as possible, it is advisable to bake or boil them. Place potatoes in boiling water. This way more vitamins are retained. It’s best to boil it in the skin or bake it in the oven. Potatoes in a slow cooker turn out very tasty, especially if you choose not very large ones and season with rosemary, aromatic salt (for example, Himalayan), add 1 tbsp. spoons of olive oil for 300 g of potatoes, a clove of garlic and set the “baking” mode for 30 minutes. Fried and fried are taboo. This is exactly what makes people grow old, get sick and get better.


4. Eat with vegetables and herbs.

We agreed that we eat to enjoy potatoes, and not to gain weight? Instead of a cutlet, chicken or a piece of lard, give yourself sauerkraut, boiled beets or stewed cabbage.

5. Eat potatoes 2 times a week.

Give up the habit of taking and frying potatoes every time you feel sad or “would like to eat something”... If you eat a dish of potatoes 2 times a week, then you will stop yearning for them while on a diet, and excess weight will not will appear.

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