Scientists say the use of frankincense essential oil could revolutionize cancer therapy. Treatment with it gives an excellent effect and is safer for the patient than.

the site asked the chief immunologist of Kyiv, Fyodor Lapiy, to comment on the possibility of using essential oils in the treatment of oncology and other diseases.

Immunologist, Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Clinical Immunology

Difficult to comment similar methods treatments that do not have a solid evidence base. As for oncology, the use of insufficiently proven methods of therapy is fraught with dashed hopes for a cure and a tragic loss of precious time. Herbal medicines, including essential oils, are indeed used in the treatment of many diseases as an aid. However, doctors in each individual case are very careful in their selection, taking into account the quality and possible allergic reactions, which can only worsen the condition of the patient, whose immune system is already weakened by the disease.

However, his foreign colleagues have a slightly different point of view. Thus, researchers confirm the advisability of using some essential oils in the treatment of various diseases, including cancer. They have been found to have powerful antioxidant properties and can stop the spread of cancer by killing cancer cells.

The connection between the frequency of physical vibrations and human health

Electrical tension in human cells was discovered by two-time Nobel Prize winner for cancer research, Dr. Otto Warburg. And Robert O. Becker, MD, wrote in his book “Electricity of the Body” that everyone human body, like its organs, have a certain frequency of electrical vibrations that can be recorded.

These vibrations occur during muscle contraction, blood movement through vessels, heartbeat, and also in cells where all physical processes are accompanied by movement. The frequency of vibration depends on the speed and intensity of this movement - the faster the movement, the higher the frequency. A healthy human body has a frequency of electrical vibrations of 62 - 78 MHz, and during illness this frequency decreases to 58 MHz. At the same time, it turned out that emotional mood also affects these indicators. For example, negative thoughts reduce the frequency by 12 MHz, and positive thoughts increase it by 10 MHz on average. Based on these indicators, the health status of its organs can be determined.

At the moment, scientists have no doubt that certain frequencies can prevent the development and even destroy the disease. They believe that substances with high frequencies destroy diseases with lower frequencies.

Essential oils in the treatment of cancer

The head of the department took part in the study agriculture at Eastern Washington University, Bruce Tanio of the Tanio company, which developed a calibrated frequency monitor (CFM) to measure the frequency of essential oils. It was also used to check the change in the vibration frequency of the human body when applying essential oil. At the moment, there are two such monitors: one in the essential oils laboratory, the second at Johns Hopkins University.

The frequency of 100% therapeutic grade essential oils is in the range of 52 - 320 MHz.

For example: ​

    Peppermint - 78 MHz,

    Angelica - 85 MHz,

    Juniper - 98 MHz,

    Sandal - 96 MHz,

    German Chamomile - 105 MHz,

    Mirra - 105 MHz,

    Lavender - 118 MHz,

    Ravensara -134 MHz,

    Immortelle oil - 181 MHz, Frankincense - 147 MHz,

    Rose oil - 320 MHz.

Scientists have studied the ability of some of the most popular essential oils to fight cancer. In particular, the activity of frankincense, ginger, mint, jasmine, grapefruit, lavender, thyme, chamomile, cinnamon and rose oils against cancer cells was tested.

"Cancer begins when the DNA code in the cell nucleus is damaged. Some essential oils seem to reset the cell. They can 'tell' the cell what the correct DNA code should be," says the immunologist.

Choose only high-quality oil

There are many essential oils on sale that are diluted with alcohol, other additives, or obtained synthetically, which are useless in the treatment of oncology. Only oils of 100% therapeutic purity have a healing effect. In addition, when using them, it is necessary to maintain a certain proportion of each of the oils, changing the combination of drugs every week.

Chamomile oil has healing properties in the fight against a very wide range of diseases. A study published in the journal Industrial Crops and Products found that it had the highest antioxidant activity compared to the oils of thyme, lavender, winter thyme, sage, rosemary, French tarragon, mint, sweet and bitter fennel.

As for oncology, in laboratory conditions it was found that chamomile oil can kill up to 93% of cancer cells. For breast cancer, you can use not only chamomile oil, but also cinnamon, jasmine and thyme oils. But the most effective was thyme oil, which can lead to the death of up to 97% of breast cancer cells.

Frankincense oil is a real cancer killer

Frankincense oil contains compounds called monoterpenes that help destroy cancer cells at the very beginning of their development. They are also effective in the progression of the disease. Therefore, incense is an ideal remedy for fighting cancer at any stage of the disease.

"Frankincense separates the cancer cell's 'brain' - the nucleus - from the 'body' - the cytoplasm, and closes the nucleus to stop the replication of corrupted DNA codes," says Dr. Suhail.

According to him, the use of incense can revolutionize the treatment of cancer. Traditional treatment with chemotherapy negatively affects not only the tumor, but also healthy cells, weakening the patient. And treatment using frankincense oil destroys only cancer cells without damaging healthy ones.

Appeal to traditional methods and means in the treatment of malignant neoplasms - a completely understandable desire to get an additional chance of getting rid of a deadly disease, as well as to minimize the consequences of official treatment: chemotherapy, radiation, surgery. It is these capabilities that traditional healers endow with black cumin oil, one of the most popular means of alternative phyto-oncotherapy. The secret of the popularity of the extract of essential oils from the seeds of the world-famous spice is simple: the drug looks absolutely harmless in comparison with tinctures of fly agaric, aconite and other powerful plant poisons. Is this really true?

Black cumin is a ubiquitous plant of the Apiaceae family, the seeds of which are rich in essential oils, vitamins, proteins and microelements. Since ancient times, cumin has been used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. In particular, black cumin oil can be found in the list of drugs recommended for the treatment of various forms of cancer.

Due to the widespread use of spices for a variety of purposes, there is no need to independently procure medicinal raw materials, however, if desired, this is not difficult to do: meadow honey plant has a wide geography, including growing everywhere in the Caucasus, Crimea, the Mediterranean and Central Asia.

Meet black cumin

It is easy to find black cumin among the meadow flowers: the stem of the flowering plant, 30–80 cm high, is topped with elegant “umbrellas” of white, pink or purple-red color. The root system of black cumin is tap-type, a powerful, fleshy root reminiscent of celery or parsley root.

By late autumn, seeds in dense capsules ripen in the inflorescences of plants of the 2nd year of life. When exposed to air, they turn black - hence the name of the plant.

Various types of black cumin are found in the Arabian Peninsula, India, Egypt, and the southern United States. The plant is also known under the names of chabre, nigella, Roman coriander, cumin, cumin, Indian cumin, cumin, etc.

  • Cumin can be found in any national cuisine. They bake bread with it, sauerkraut, salt lard and prepare hot dishes. The oil obtained from the seeds is used to prepare liquid spices and sauces.
  • Cosmetologists actively use plant essential oils to create anti-aging creams, tonics and other care products for aging skin.
  • Black cumin oil is used in the treatment of a huge number of diseases due to its powerful anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties.

Black cumin oil is produced industrially in various ways, most often by pressing (cold pressing) seeds.

Like any other vegetable oil, the richest in minerals and other beneficial substances is first-pressed black cumin oil. The color of the finished product is greenish-brown, it has a characteristic pungent aroma and a bitter-tart, astringent taste.

It should be noted that not all plants produce the same oils. chemical composition. The most effective medicinally are the esters of black cumin, which grows in the north of the African continent. Cumin seed oil, cultivated in Turkey and Syria, is rich in nutrients, milder in taste and less potent when used as a medicine.

History of the use of cumin essential oils for medicinal purposes

The first mentions of the healing properties of cumin seed oil appeared 3000 BC in the chronicles of the ancient Greeks and Egyptians.

The great Ibn Sina (Avicenna) wrote about the ability of black cumin oil to increase immunity (“vitality”) in his works. His follower Dioscoredes actively practiced drug treatment 100 years BC.

Centuries-old experience of using the drug in Indian folk medicine(Ayurveda) has proven its high anti-inflammatory and wound-healing activity, beneficial effect on the processes of digestion, respiration, urination, etc.

Doctors Ancient Egypt Black cumin oil was used as an antidote for poisonous snake bites, and also as an anthelmintic. In addition, it was mandatory to be part of cosmetic oils and incense used by Egyptian women. In the famous tomb of Tutankhamun, among jewelry, clothes and other things necessary for the afterlife of the pharaoh, scientists discovered a vessel with black cumin oil.

The Bible describes the method of obtaining and the miraculous properties of cumin oil, and the Prophet Mohammed called it “a remedy for all ailments except death,” as mentioned in the Koran.

Black cumin oil: a storehouse of nutrients in the service of modern herbal medicine

Black cumin oil is part of pharmacological products produced by pharmaceutical companies in the countries of the eastern region, as well as the USA, France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy.

The inclusion of cumin essential oils in preparations of the most diverse effects is explained by the huge number of vital elements included in their composition. These include 15 amino acids, including 8 essential ones, as well as the “elixir of youth” – glutathione.

Here in large quantities PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) are present - the “building material” of cell membranes, or rather their structural components - phospholipids, involved in all the most important processes of the life of body tissues. Two of the PUFAs - modifications of linoleic acid W6 and W3 - cannot be independently synthesized in the human body and play a key role in the prevention of stroke.

Black cumin oil is rich not only in healthy proteins and fats, but also in easily digestible sugars, namely monosaccharides: glucose, xylose, arabinose and rhamnose.

In this “storehouse of useful substances” you can also find a set of important microelements: calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, etc.

In addition, the oil extract contains vitamins A, E and B, due to which it is included in the well-known dietary supplement produced in the USA - the antioxidant “Nigellone”.

Thus, black cumin oil is a real “natural pharmacy”, the possibilities of which have been used by traditional healers for centuries, and over the last few decades by professional herbalists.

Black cumin seed oil extract helps with the following diseases and symptoms:

  • Spasm of heart vessels (angina pectoris). When the heart (coronary vessels) spasm, they narrow, as a result of which the myocardium (heart muscle) suffers from a lack of oxygen, and the patient may develop a heart attack. A glass of hot tea, to which a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of black cumin oil have been added, drunk on an empty stomach before bed, reduces the tone of the heart vessels and prevents the development of myocardial infarction. During the treatment process, the patient not only disappears all the symptoms of angina pectoris (pain and heaviness behind the sternum, under the scapula, in the left shoulder, shortness of breath, etc.), but also the electrocardiogram normalizes.
  • Increased body temperature (hyperthermia). Just 7 drops of caraway oil in a glass of regular tea or tincture medicinal herbs– mint, anise, coriander or parsley, which must be drunk on an empty stomach three times a day for a week, will help you forget about the exhausting low-grade fever. If body temperature rises sharply to high values ​​(more than 38 degrees Celsius), rubbing with oil will help get rid of the heat back sides shins and forearms, as well as the forehead and cervical region.
  • Inflammatory processes in the liver and gallbladder(acute and chronic hepatitis and cholecystitis). To restore the normal functioning of the cells of these important organs, you need to take 5 drops of black cumin oil in willow leaf tea.
  • Inflammation of the spleen (splenitis) and other disorders of its normal functioning. Most often, splenitis occurs in combination with acute or chronic inflammatory diseases of the stomach and pancreas. Inflammation leads to deterioration of immune defense and disruption of hematopoietic function. Taking a mixture used to treat the liver, or a combination of black cumin oil with dill tincture, will help restore the functioning of the spleen. Another working folk recipe: a mixture of fig jam and honey (1 tablespoon each) and 7 drops of cumin oil diluted in a glass of hot water. If the spleen is enlarged (splenomegaly), black cumin oil (7 drops) is stirred in a glass with radish decoction with the addition of honey.
  • Colds with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (larynx, trachea, bronchi). Used in the form of inhalations. To obtain a solution for inhalation, mix a tablespoon of black cumin oil in a glass of boiling water.

  • Vascular disorders. Daily intake of a teaspoon of cumin oil mixed with a tablespoon of honey and crushed garlic (1 clove) helps prevent the development of diseases of the circulatory system. The course of treatment is 5 days. Alternative option– regular daily intake of 5 drops in a decoction of thyme or mint (1 glass).
  • Bone pain. Complaints of pain in the bone area very often occur in women during menopause and menopause. In addition, such symptoms are characteristic of bone marrow dysfunction. In these cases, traditional healers recommend taking boiled onions mixed with cumin oil, but before starting treatment, it is recommended to undergo a thorough examination and determine the cause of the ailment. Otherwise, the result may be exactly the opposite. Below we will talk about possible problems when using cumin oil in these and other cases.
  • Rheumatic processes. The following scheme helps with rheumatism. It is recommended to eat 5 cloves of garlic on an empty stomach. After an hour, you need to drink a glass of cinnamon tincture, to which 5 drops of black cumin are added. In addition to taking the tincture orally, it is useful to rub sore joints and muscles with a mixture of cumin and mint oils.
  • Bronchial asthma. You can use cumin oil with great caution during attacks of bronchial asthma, as well as for its prevention. In these cases, both pronounced relief of the condition and a sharp increase in allergization are possible. For asthma, chest rubbing and inhalation are used in the morning and evening.
  • Eye diseases. Traditional medicine recommends that people with deteriorating vision, as well as a tendency to increase eye pressure (glaucoma) or with the first signs of developing cataracts, wipe their eyelids and temples with cumin oil before going to bed. At the same time, it is recommended to take 7 drops orally in a glass of hot drink, preferably carrot juice.
  • Memory impairment. Daily morning reception A glass of hot mint tincture with honey, to which 7 drops of cumin oil is added, stimulates brain function, improving memory.

And this is a far from complete list of health problems for which treatment with black cumin oil is indicated. In particular, in folk medicine it is actively used to remove warts, lose weight, and stimulate lactation in nursing mothers. It is also believed that cumin oil helps break up large stones in urolithiasis, helps get rid of impotence, remove worms, etc.

The powerful anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating potential of “healthy” black cumin oil, it would seem, can completely replace “harmful” synthetic drugs in the treatment of a huge number of diseases. Why doesn't this happen? Why is an effective plant extract used in official medicine ONLY in auxiliary treatment regimens? Why in some cases the use of a healing drug is not only undesirable, but also contraindicated, especially if we're talking about about the treatment of cancer?

It turns out that in reality everything is not so simple. Very often, “harmless” essential oils can do more harm than good. More on this below.

But first, it is necessary to briefly talk about the official studies of the activity of black seed oil in the treatment of various diseases.

Scientific evidence of the effectiveness of black cumin oil

It should be said that, unlike the absolute majority folk remedies, recommended in alternative cancer treatment regimens, black seed oil has been studied in laboratory and even clinical settings.

In particular, specialists from the Cancer-Immunobiology Laboratory, based in Southern California (USA), confirmed the ability of cumin essential oils to stimulate the hematopoietic activity of the bone marrow.

In addition, various studies have shown the high activity of cumin oils in stimulating the functioning of the immune generator - the thymus gland.

The German doctor Peter Schleicher conducted a fairly large-scale clinical experiment (more than 600 volunteers), establishing the positive effect of the phytoextract on the course of allergies of various forms. The use of black seed oil in his allergy treatment regimens resulted in cures for 70% of patients.

Bangladeshi scientists who studied the anti-inflammatory properties of black cumin oil evaluated them in comparison with the effectiveness of the five strongest modern antibiotics, which turned out to be significantly lower than the bactericidal effect of the plant extract.

At first glance, the results of scientific research prove the validity of including cumin oil in treatment regimens for cancer patients (stimulation of the thymus gland and bone marrow), as well as people suffering from allergies or inflammatory diseases of various types. However, there are no such recommendations and cannot be: the dosage of active elements in plant essential oils is always different and it is almost impossible to predict their effect on the body of a sick person. Therefore, black cumin oil is added ONLY to vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, which are used as AUXILIARY treatment EXCLUSIVELY when there are no direct contraindications for their use.

Contraindications and restrictions for the use of black cumin oil

Caution - allergies!

It must be remembered that any essential oils can cause severe allergic reactions. This has a direct bearing on black cumin oil: taking the drug can both relieve allergies and promote their occurrence in people who have not previously suffered from allergic diseases.

Attention! Before using the oil for the first time, be sure to test for individual sensitivity by rubbing a small amount of it into the back of your forearm. If redness, rash and itching appear at the site of application of the oil, its further use in any form is strictly prohibited! In severe cases (especially when taking cumin oil orally), anaphylactic shock may develop, accompanied by blurred vision, sweating, loss of consciousness, and convulsions.

Organ and tissue transplantation is a direct contraindication for taking black cumin oil

IN in this case the highest immunostimulating activity of cumin oil will contribute to the rejection of the transplanted organ.

Remember! After such operations, including after a bone marrow transplant to a patient with blood cancer (myeloblastic leukemia), taking any immunomodulators is strictly prohibited!

Use of black seed oil in cancer treatment: reasons for serious doubts

Treatment of cancer patients with black cumin oil is not used in official medical practice for the following objective reasons: once inside the body, it comes into conflict with chemotherapeutic agents, and also negates the effect of radiation therapy.

Thus, the use of cumin oil during the course of cancer treatment using official methods actually causes harm, not benefit.

In addition, the powerful stimulating effect of the drug on the hematopoietic activity of the bone marrow, which decreases in the vast majority of cancers, causes an effect comparable to the effect of spurring an exhausted horse with a whip, which first speeds up the run and then falls down dead.

The point is that exhausted bone marrow cancer patient is already working at the limit of his capabilities, constantly producing special blood cells to fight cells cancerous tumor. Therefore, additional stimulation, as a rule, ends in its complete depletion and fatty degeneration. The same applies to stimulating the secretory activity of thymus cells.

Other contraindications for the use of cumin oil

Black cumin oil can sharply reduce blood glucose levels, so taking it simultaneously with insulin injections or antidiabetic tablets is unacceptable.

In addition, “harmless” oil is contraindicated for pregnant women, as it can cause miscarriage, especially in the first three months.

Features of the action and storage of black cumin oil

You must be prepared for the fact that at the beginning of treatment with black cumin oil, all chronic diseases may worsen due to the activation of the immune system. These exacerbations are considered normal and, as a rule, do not require additional drug correction in the first two weeks.

Caraway oil should be stored in a dark bottle in the refrigerator. It is advisable to avoid contact with metal objects: use a plastic spoon for dosing and close the bottle with plastic stoppers.


  • Black cumin oil is a unique storehouse of vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on human health.
  • The use of the product requires caution due to the high likelihood of developing allergies and other side effects.
  • Treatment with black cumin oil for cancer is not recommended by official medicine, as it can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the main therapy and a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition.

Traditional medicine has been popular for many centuries. This is no coincidence, because she can cure even the most serious diseases. Of course, in order for treatment to have the maximum positive effect, it must not be started at the last stages. This is not to mention the correctness of the patient’s diagnosis. Among all folk remedies, it deserves special attention frankincense oil for cancer. In this article we will look in detail at useful properties and use of frankincense oil against cancer in oncology.

Useful properties

It should be noted that the oil we describe in this article is extracted from a tree called frankincense. This remedy is surrounded by many stories and legends. But in reality there is a fact that frankincense oil against cancer is very a powerful drug. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. The oil kills almost all harmful bacteria in the human body.

It also promotes rapid healing of skin wounds, cracks, burns, etc. The drug is considered indispensable in the treatment of diseases associated with the human lymphatic system. Since the product is able to eliminate lymph stagnation. For cancer in the early stages, this drug can significantly slow down the growth of cancer cells.

How to take frankincense oil for cancer

According to scientists in the fight against oncological diseases, frankincense essential oil can completely rid a person of cancer cells, but this is only if the disease is in the early stages.

Frankincense essential oil for oncology can be taken for all types of cancer. Scientists have proven that frankincense oil helps suppress cancer cells and inhibit tumor growth. It should be noted that this oil can be taken both internally and externally. But be careful - you need to use only 100% natural oil, not in a diluted form. For internal use, it is recommended to take 3 drops of oil per day. Treatment must be carried out for one month. It is also worth noting that this treatment will be successful only if emulsifiers such as honey, syrup, and jam are present. Natural, homemade fatty cream can also be used as an emulsifier.

It should be noted that in addition to frankincense essential oil, it is recommended to use the following essential oils for cancer: thyme, cloves, cinnamon, sage. It’s even better to combine oils with each other.

To treat many diseases, including cancer, you can use frankincense oil in the following ways:

  • Aroma lamp. This method of treatment is carried out by pouring 4-6 drops into an aromatic lamp for 20 square meters. It is recommended to dilute the oil in water. Spray the oil for 20 minutes.

  • Add to cream and ointment. To give the cream a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to add it to the cream in a ratio of 4-5 drops per 15 grams of cream.

  • Use as a carrier oil medicine. It must be mixed in a ratio of three drops per teaspoon.


So, as with any method of treatment, there are a number of contraindications when using frankincense essential oil. Treatment with this drug is not recommended in the following cases:

  • for psoriasis,

  • for Parkinson's disease,

  • during pregnancy and lactation,

It is also not recommended to use frankincense oil as a treatment in case of individual intolerance. It is prohibited to carry out therapy with this method for diseases such as sclerosis, gastric ulcer and hypertension.

Remember, in order not to harm your health, before starting therapy, you must always consult with your doctor. It is also recommended that when treating with herbs, it is necessary to carry out a test. This is done in order to avoid unwanted allergic reactions.

from here

Traditional medicine has been popular for many centuries. This is no coincidence, because she can cure even the most serious diseases. Of course, in order for treatment to have the maximum positive effect, it must not be started at the last stages. This is not to mention the correctness of the patient’s diagnosis. Among all folk remedies, it deserves special attention frankincense oil for cancer. In this article we will look in detail at useful properties and use of frankincense oil against cancer in oncology.

Useful properties

It should be noted that the oil we describe in this article is extracted from a tree called frankincense. This remedy is surrounded by many stories and legends. But in reality there is a fact that frankincense oil against cancer is a very powerful drug. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. The oil kills almost all harmful bacteria in the human body.

It also promotes rapid healing of skin wounds, cracks, burns, etc. The drug is considered indispensable in the treatment of diseases associated with the human lymphatic system. Since the product is able to eliminate lymph stagnation. For cancer in the early stages, this drug can significantly slow down the growth of cancer cells.

How to take frankincense oil for cancer

According to scientists in the fight against cancer, frankincense essential oil can completely rid a person of cancer cells, but this is only if the disease is in the early stages.

Frankincense essential oil for oncology can be taken for all types of cancer. Scientists have proven that frankincense oil helps suppress cancer cells and inhibit tumor growth. It should be noted that this oil can be taken both internally and externally. But be careful - you need to use only 100% natural oil, not in a diluted form. For internal use, it is recommended to take 3 drops of oil per day. Treatment must be carried out for one month. It is also worth noting that this treatment will be successful only if emulsifiers such as honey, syrup, and jam are present. Natural, homemade fatty cream can also be used as an emulsifier.

It should be noted that in addition to frankincense essential oil, it is recommended to use the following essential oils for cancer: thyme, cloves, cinnamon, sage. It’s even better to combine oils with each other.

To treat many diseases, including cancer, you can use frankincense oil in the following ways:

  • Aroma lamp. This method of treatment is carried out by pouring 4-6 drops into an aromatic lamp per 20 square meters. It is recommended to dilute the oil in water. Spray the oil for 20 minutes.
  • Add to cream and ointment. To give the cream a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to add it to the cream in a ratio of 4-5 drops per 15 grams of cream.
  • Use as a carrier oil medicine. It must be mixed in a ratio of three drops per teaspoon.


So, as with any method of treatment, there are a number of contraindications when using frankincense essential oil. Treatment with this drug is not recommended in the following cases:

  • for psoriasis,
  • for Parkinson's disease,
  • during pregnancy and lactation,

It is also not recommended to use frankincense oil as a treatment in case of individual intolerance. It is prohibited to carry out therapy with this method for diseases such as sclerosis, gastric ulcer and hypertension.

Remember, in order not to harm your health, before starting therapy, you must always consult with your doctor. It is also recommended that when treating with herbs, it is necessary to carry out a test. This is done in order to avoid unwanted allergic reactions.

Indian frankincense essential oil - application


Frankincense oil perfectly purifies indoor air. By influencing consciousness, it makes breathing smooth, organizes thoughts, relieves stress and depression, creates an elevated mood, fills with energy and raises overall tone, creates a feeling of well-being and peace.

Psychiatry. Frankincense (like resin) was very actively used by our first psychiatrists in St. Petersburg. Why? On the one hand, because frankincense is an active antidepressant, on the other hand, it is frankincense oil that passes through the blood-brain barrier and reduces brain swelling, thereby reducing seizures. In addition, Frankincense Oil improves blood supply to the brain, thereby combating dizziness.

Frankincense oil is currently the most active pulmonary antiseptic. Frankincense oil has an effect on the respiratory center and balances proper, even breathing. Remember what psychologists say when we are under stress: “Start counting, breathe evenly, in and out.” So, without this command, frankincense oil, on a subconscious level, begins to regulate your correct, deep breathing. It is the depth of breathing that has enormous meaning during our proper, productive sleep.

There is a certain frequency at which our brain follows a constant frequency of sound that slows down. So, frankincense oil, when taken orally, has the effect of transforming your insomnia, your unproductive sleep, into correct sleep. And tunes it to the alpha frequency. It restores the brain to operate at the correct frequency. Please note that we not only adjust proper breathing, but also work on the lungs and remove infections from them.

Substances with a high frequency destroy diseases with a lower frequency. The frequency of therapeutic essential oils starts from 52 and reaches 320 MG c,

  • Rose Oil – 320 MHz
  • Immortelle oil - 181 MHz
  • Incense - 147 MHz
  • Lavender - 118 MHz
  • Juniper - 98 M

What makes the 147 MHz frequency unique is that it is acceptable to everyone and has a high degree of security.

Without a doubt, some frequencies can prevent the development of human disease and other frequencies can suppress the disease. Robert O. Becker, M.D., author of The Electric Body, confirms that the human body has an electrical frequency and that much can be learned about human health from it.

Dr. Otto Warburg, a two-time Nobel Prize winner and laureate for cancer research, discovered that human cells have electrical voltage.

Nikola Tesla said that if we could eliminate some of the external frequencies that interfere with our bodies, we would be more resistant to disease.

In Ayurveda, it is believed that each person is born with a certain share of his energy, this energy is stored in the kidneys. This is an innate energy that is given to you, which cannot be touched. Therefore, take care of your kidneys, especially for boys, because this is where the potential for reproduction and childbearing comes from. It is the kidneys that are responsible for the emotion of fear.

Pulmonology. But you and I can only acquire energy from outside through the lungs. Only through the lungs does frankincense oil have a powerful effect on us; it cleanses our lungs. At the same time, incense synchronizes our sleep, produces serotonin and, most importantly, it also produces oxytocin. This is an amazing hormone, this is the same hormone of love and happiness. If you affectionately call your loved one “bunny,” at that moment you produce oxytocin.

Obstetrics and gynecology. On the other hand, oxytocin, in obstetrics, contracts the uterus. Frankincense oil is well used in childbirth (improves the efficiency of contractions), effective in uterine bleeding. And most importantly, frankincense oil works great for postpartum depression in women.

Immunology. Now Israeli medicine is moving to preclinical diagnostics and studying forms of cancer. And already at the level of immunology, immunity, they are trying to solve this problem. Our health directly depends on the immune system.

Frankincense oil effectively suppresses the growth of cancer cells and is an active agent that stimulates their death. Also effective against drug-resistant cancer cells.

World-famous (therapist, psychologist, oncologist) Dr. Ihaliakala Hew Len believes that frankincense oil effectively suppresses the growth of cancer cells and is an active agent that stimulates their death.

The active ingredients in frankincense oil (triterpene acids) activate immune cells, priming them to destroy cancer cells.

Studies have shown that the most favorable period for using frankincense oil is the onset of the disease before using traditional methods before treatment. Although it interacts favorably with chemotherapy, the effect is worsened.

The active components of Indian incense are terpene b - boswellic acids, which have pronounced anti-inflammatory activity.

Boswellic acids inhibit the synthesis of leukotrienes and 5-lipoxygenase, as well as leukocyte elastase in the body. All this blocks the cascade of inflammatory reactions.

Using frankincense oil before any type of treatment helps keep cancer cells at bay. Frankincense treatment can only eliminate cancer cells and leaves others untouched. This is the same method that works before. And what does it show us before? Biopulsar is a device for measuring the energy of the energy fields of the human body.

The aroma of incense can seriously change life for the better: it harmonizes a person with himself and the world around him, awakens patience and thoughtfulness, and frees him from bad thoughts. This is the most strong remedy aura protection.

The article uses materials from the speech of Dr. O.V. Nekhoroshkova.

*Blood-brain barrier - regulates the penetration of biologically active substances from the blood into the brain, prevents the entry of foreign substances, microorganisms, and toxins into the brain.