Pregnancy is an important period in a woman’s life. Many of them are interested in the following questions: is it possible to conceive a child, will there be an effect on the fetus, and is it possible to develop infertility against the background of the inflammatory process.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder that occurs in acute and chronic forms. Today, every fifth woman has this diagnosis, and the second has suffered from its symptoms at least once in her life. A pregnant girl is most sensitive to this pathological process. And, naturally, many are interested in the effect of cystitis on pregnancy and the possibility of becoming pregnant if it is present. There are several ways to infect the female body:

  • ascending;
  • descending;
  • hematogenous;
  • lymphogenous.

The most common is the ascending route, which occurs with concomitant infectious processes of the genitourinary system. In second place is the hematogenous mode of infection, which transfers microorganisms from chronic purulent foci. Also, the development of the inflammatory process in the bladder is affected by decreased immunity, the presence of bad habits and hormonal dysfunction, which can manifest itself in the form of thrush and endometritis.

Does the disease interfere with fertilization?

You should not plan a child if there is even a mild stage of development of the disease. There is a high probability of becoming pregnant with chronic cystitis; it does not affect fertilization. But at different stages there is a negative impact on both the fetus and the mother.

If the inflammation of the organ was caused by an infection that is sexually transmitted (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas), then there is a clear obstacle to the process of conception. In this case, complete eradication of the infection is mandatory, and then the woman can become pregnant.

Bladder inflammation and infertility

It is, of course, possible to get pregnant with cystitis; infertility is quite rare. This situation is possible when the infectious process spreads to neighboring organs - fallopian tubes, ovaries, adnexal apparatus.

Chronic salpingitis (infection of the fallopian tubes) leads to the formation of adhesions. What will be the consequences? The fertilized egg will not be able to penetrate the uterine cavity, and an ectopic pregnancy may begin, which requires surgical intervention. And this, in turn, reduces the chances of subsequent fertilization by 50%.

A postcoital test is used to detect tubal patency. With its help, the mucus of the cervical canal is examined to answer the question: can you conceive a child or not.

Is it necessary to plan a child with cystitis?

Before you start planning for a child, you need to Both men and women should be thoroughly examined for the presence of acute and chronic diseases. This also applies to the detection of cystitis during conception. You need to heal, boost your immunity, and make sure that your body is ready for the stress of bearing a fetus. Only after this can we say that both the child and the mother will not feel any discomfort.

Early bladder inflammation

Inflammation of the bladder during pregnancy most often occurs in the early stages. This is due to a decrease in the girl’s immune defense against pathogens. There are four signs of the disease. These include:

  1. Passing a small amount of urine when the desire is strong enough.
  2. Pain that is characterized as mild, accompanied by a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen and lower back. The pain may be severe and urinary incontinence may occur.
  3. Bloody staining of urine.
  4. Possible variant of the disease: an increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels (38-39 0 C).

These symptoms are characteristic of acute inflammation. The chronic stage has the same set of complaints, but with less intensity and the presence of periods of exacerbation. In the first weeks, the disease is not as dangerous as the medications used to treat it.

It is during this period that the child is highly susceptible to the effects of drugs, as a result of which incurable developmental defects can develop, and the expectant mother can give birth to a stillborn fetus. Therefore, treatment must be approached with caution.

What are the dangers during pregnancy?

Inflammation of the bladder is dangerous due to its complications. If it lasts for a long time, the infection can penetrate the upper urinary tract and provoke the development of pyelonephritis. This is a disease that can directly affect the development of pregnancy and a woman’s health. In this case, serious treatment with antibiotics is required, which the fetus is not always able to withstand, and there is a high probability of its death.

The infection has the ability to penetrate the placental barrier from the mother’s body into the child’s body. In this case, phenomena such as premature placental abruption or infection of the fetus are inevitable.

Methods of treatment and prevention

Treatment depends on the stage of pregnancy. In the early stages, doctors prescribe “soft” drugs that are unable to penetrate the placental barrier and provide direct action for the fruit. Unfortunately, there are very few such drugs in the medical arsenal. Antibiotics of the cephalosporin group are most often prescribed. These include:

The higher the generation, the better the effect will be. But you don’t need to immediately treat the disease with the latest drugs; you need to start therapy with lighter ones medicines. Drotaverine is used to relieve pain.

You can try traditional methods treatment. Cowberry is usually prescribed to pregnant women, as it has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. Inflammation can be relieved by fruit drinks made from cranberries, which have the property of lowering body temperature.

  • a ban on wearing tight clothing and, in particular, underwear;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • avoiding prolonged abstinence from going to the toilet;
  • eliminating all kinds of bad habits;
  • compliance proper nutrition(exclude fried, salted, smoked, spicy);
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

It must be remembered that prompt consultation with a doctor is an important step in the diagnosis and treatment of bladder inflammation. Only a specialist can help you quickly forget about such a problem as cystitis. Self-medication is dangerous for the expectant mother and baby. Inflammatory process in the bladder is a disease that can seriously affect the development of the fetus and its birth. Therefore, future parents should carefully monitor their health.

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Cystitis is one of the common diseases of the urological system. Both women and men can experience this disease. Children are also not protected from this disease. However, due to certain factors, representatives of the fairer sex are most susceptible to cystitis. The question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with cystitis and whether it is dangerous for the child remains relevant among women, therefore, in order to prevent complications, the problem must be resolved in a timely manner.

Cystitis does not affect conception

Cystitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the bladder. As soon as its first symptoms are detected, a woman should immediately visit a doctor. This is especially true if there is a question about future conception, since the disease can negatively affect the course of pregnancy. During the period of planning conception, a woman needs to undergo an appropriate examination in advance and, if chronic diseases are identified, begin to properly treat them.

Cystitis itself does not affect conception. If a woman encounters him, this does not mean that fertilization will not occur.

In this case, the question arises whether this will negatively affect the child’s health. Chronic inflammation is insidious in that its signs are sometimes difficult to recognize, but after conception, cystitis can manifest itself acutely, which will create many problems.

You can get pregnant with cystitis if the disease has not developed into a more severe form and there are no pathologies in the kidneys and appendages.

In this case, it will not be easy to conceive a child due to the fact that adhesions form in the fallopian tube. That is why it is important to visit a urologist in a timely manner so that he can prescribe appropriate therapy. Only after complete recovery can you plan your pregnancy.

Untreated cystitis contributes to the development of infections in the genitourinary system. The most common of them are chlamydia, gardnerella, ureplasma, and mycoplasma. To get rid of them, do not, which contain synthetic substances and can harm the fetus.

What symptoms should an expectant mother pay attention to?

When planning a pregnancy, a woman must pay attention to discomfort and other changes in her body.

We need to pay attention to changes in the body

You will need medical help if the following symptoms appear:

  • Constant urge to empty the bladder;
  • Burning sensation when urinating;
  • Presence of traces of blood in the urine;
  • Cloudy urine with a pungent odor;
  • Discomfort in the pelvic area;
  • Temperature changes.

When it exceeds 10 days, the woman needs to undergo a kidney diagnosis by ultrasound. An advanced form of the disease can develop into an ailment such as pyelonephritis, which poses a great danger if conception is planned.

It is important to plan your pregnancy in advance

If a woman is planning a pregnancy or early, when it is still completely unknown whether she is expecting a child, she is being treated with drugs in the form of antibiotics, this can cause the death of the embryo, or lead to problems with the development of the baby after he is born.

It is important for the expectant mother to plan her pregnancy in advance. To do this, she needs to undergo various tests and find out whether she suffers from infectious or bacterial diseases. Such measures will help prevent problems from arising during pregnancy.

Cystitis does not interfere with conception, but infections that provoke the appearance of the disease can penetrate the barrier of the placenta and accompany its early detachment. Intrauterine infection of the embryo is also possible.

If the inflammation is severe, it can impair the blood supply to the fetus. All this significantly worsens the child’s health.

Often, a woman who is in late pregnancy may be diagnosed with cystitis. At this stage, all the main functions of the fetus have already been formed, therefore to the expectant mother may prescribe medications that are not dangerous for the baby.

Prevention of cystitis during pregnancy

Preventive measures during pregnancy will help prevent complications from occurring. It is important for a woman to follow simple hygiene rules and not get too cold.

  1. The expectant mother needs to wash herself with warm water twice a day. For this procedure, you can use baby soap.
  2. During pregnancy, it is preferable to wear underwear made from natural fabrics. It is important that it is comfortable. Synthetic thongs should become taboo during this period.
  3. A pregnant woman should always dress appropriately for the weather, since hypothermia is a common cause of cystitis.
  4. In some cases, cystitis makes itself felt if the immune system is weakened. To prevent this, you need to provide your body with vitamins and lead healthy image life.
  • You need to empty your bladder every 2-3 hours, even if there is no urge to pee. The vagina is a place where microbes actively multiply. If trips to the toilet are postponed, the proliferation of microorganisms that are destructive to the genitourinary system is inevitable.
  • A pregnant woman's menu should include healthy products of natural origin. and during this period you need to refuse. Smoked and spicy foods should also be prohibited.
  • If pregnancy proceeds without complications, expectant mothers need to do 20 special gymnastics, which will prevent stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.

Cystitis is a serious disease, so the approach to its treatment must be competent. Pregnant women need to be careful with them, as they can harm the unborn baby. When faced with such ailments, a woman should immediately seek help from specialists who will provide appropriate treatment and prescribe safe therapy.

Insidious inflammation makes many girls worry: is it possible to get pregnant with cystitis? Family planning is under threat. How to carry a baby to term, what is the danger of cystitis during pregnancy? The answers can be gleaned from the article.

Is it possible to get pregnant with cystitis?

When planning a pregnancy, a woman should listen to all the changes in her body. It is difficult to get pregnant with advanced cystitis. At this stage, inflammation can affect the kidneys, ovaries and appendages. Advanced cystitis can provoke the appearance of adhesions in the fallopian tube. Here you will need the help of a urologist.

Only after being under the supervision of a doctor can you find out for sure: Can you get pregnant with cystitis? or not. During treatment, taking all necessary medications, you should carefully listen to the doctor’s recommendations and strictly follow them. Taking antibiotics before pregnancy can prevent and prevent its development.

Like any disease, cystitis has an impact on conception. Taking medications affects both the woman’s body and the fetus. You can get pregnant during cystitis if you take into account some rules:

  • When washing daily, use warm water and neutral pH;
  • Refuse the bath in favor of a shower;
  • Avoid any hypothermia;
  • You can’t stand it if you want to go to the toilet;
  • Try to eat more natural foods;
  • Move more.

Tight underwear can provoke, since pressure on the pelvis leads to inflammation. If you adhere to the above rules, you can get pregnant during cystitis and carry a healthy baby. Pregnancy planning is carried out after various tests to detect cystitis.

Why is cystitis dangerous during pregnancy?

With severe inflammation there may be cystitis is dangerous during pregnancy, as the blood supply to the fetus may be disrupted. In this case, the embryo can become infected through the blood. Late gestation is less dangerous; by this time all the most important systems of the fetus have been formed. During this period, take certain pharmacological drugs that will not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Untreated cystitis serves as a fertile ground for bacteria of the genitourinary system. Cystitis during pregnancy is dangerous, because infections such as ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia, and gardnerella develop. They negatively affect the fetus. Cystitis often occurs after intimacy. If conception occurs with it, it occurs, which is often treated with antibiotics, which can harm the embryo. Protracted cystitis gives reason to check the kidneys with an ultrasound: pyelonephritis may develop, which is a serious threat to pregnancy.

Cystitis affects pregnancy due to the presence of infections that cause it. They penetrate the placental barrier. As a result, premature detachment of the placenta is possible, and the embryo may become infected. The following points should cause concern:

  • Presence of blood in the urine;
  • Increase in temperature;
  • Pressure in the pelvic area;
  • Burning in the ureter;
  • Cloudy urine;
  • Unpleasant smell.

Cystitis also has a negative effect on pregnancy at a later stage. Long-term inflammation of the endometrium can trigger premature labor. If you manage to carry the pregnancy to term, there is a danger of the baby ingesting pathogenic microbes during a long passage through the birth canal. In this case, the child’s body becomes intoxicated and dangerous infectious diseases develop.

Pregnancy after cystitis

After successful treatment of cystitis by a urologist, you can plan a pregnancy. Pregnancy after cystitis should not take place without a systematic examination to detect relapse. If the disease remains untreated, then there is a risk of developing other forms of infection. Some of them require mandatory antibiotics for treatment, and this is very dangerous for the embryo.

It is much safer to be completely treated first than to endanger yourself later and put your baby at risk. Cystitis and pregnancy are compatible if you assess the situation sensibly and take the prescriptions correctly. Pregnancy after cystitis should begin with multi-stage preparation, including:

  • Taking essential vitamins;
  • Complete laboratory diagnostics;
  • Mandatory treatment of chronic diseases.

A healthy lifestyle is an essential condition for a planned pregnancy. Preparing for pregnancy in advance will help avoid adverse consequences associated with the disease. Reproductive function is also preserved.

Video playlist about cystitis (video selection in the upper right corner)

Is it possible to get pregnant with cystitis? Many women are interested. Actually, yes, but before conception it is better to cure all diseases associated with the genitourinary system. Cystitis can occur in women, men, and even children.

In most cases, the disease is detected in women and girls (this is due to the structure of the genitourinary system). With cystitis, inflammation of the bladder occurs. The disease causes a woman to feel pain when urinating. An untreated disease can provoke dangerous complications, so it must be treated comprehensively and competently.

How does cystitis affect pregnancy?

It should be noted that with this disease it is necessary to urinate on time. If you frequently delay urination, blood infection will occur. If a woman suspects that she is sick, she should consult a doctor, he will prescribe comprehensive treatment. You will first need to undergo diagnostics. In fact, any illness has a bad effect on pregnancy. In this regard, before planning conception, it is necessary to cure chronic and acute diseases.

With cystitis, conception is possible: it does not affect such processes. However, the disease can have a negative impact on the health of the unborn child. If not treated in a timely manner, it becomes chronic, in this case symptoms are less pronounced. During pregnancy, the body is vulnerable and more prone to dangerous illnesses. It is important to note that exacerbation of cystitis during pregnancy entails many problems. If a woman has a severe form of the disease and the inflammation has affected the kidneys, appendages or ovaries, it will be more difficult to get pregnant. The advanced form of the disease leads to changes in the fallopian tube: pathological adhesions form on it.

If you identify the first signs of cystitis, you should consult a doctor, then treat this disease and only then plan a pregnancy. As a result of the diagnosis, the specialist will be able to clarify the clinical picture of the disease. If you do not treat it, microbes will progress in the genitourinary system. Mycoplasma, ureaplasma and other harmful microorganisms may appear. If pathogens are identified, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics, which contain many toxic substances. Such medications have a bad effect on the health of the woman and her unborn baby.

Course of the disease

You should be alert if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • frequent urge to urinate, with urine released in small quantities or not at all;
  • pain and stinging when urinating;
  • the presence of blood in urine, the presence of an unpleasant odor;
  • discomfort in the pelvic area;
  • elevated body temperature.


If these symptoms bother a person for several days, an ultrasound is necessary. It is worth considering that infection with cystitis often spreads to the kidneys, resulting in an even more complex disease - pyelonephritis. This pathology during pregnancy is more dangerous than cystitis. If a woman is treated with antibiotics, the vital functions of the embryo will be disrupted and the baby may be born with pathological abnormalities. When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo tests in a timely manner, thus it will be possible to detect an infectious disease in time and subsequently treat it.

In most cases, cystitis does not affect the possibility of conception, but bacteria that enter the mother’s body can harm the baby. If inflammation is pronounced during cystitis, the fetus may suffer: a harmful infection will reach it through the blood. Cystitis on later not so dangerous: in this case, the fetus has already formed organs. Treatments intended for the mother will not harm the baby.

Inflammatory processes in the reservoir cavity of the bladder are considered the most common problem in the practice of urologists around the world. Cystitis is so common among women that for many, especially during reproductive age, it has become a familiar and everyday disease. Therefore, for most young women, the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with cystitis is very relevant.

Before answering this question, think about what causes the disease. There are many reasons for the development of inflammatory reactions in the bladder tissues - pathogenic flora, inflammatory processes in organs adjacent to the uterus and bladder, sexually transmitted infections and many associated and provocative factors. How do you think the baby will develop against the background of an infection “walking” through the body?

During the acute clinical course of cystitis, inflammatory reactions develop directly inside the reservoir cavity of the bladder, affecting its mucous lining, without going beyond the urinary bladder organ. Therefore, nothing prevents the advancement of sperm and successful fertilization and the formation of a zygote (fertilized cell). It is possible to get pregnant during cystitis, but is it worth it?

To ensure a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby, before planning a pregnancy it is necessary to eliminate all problems associated with inflammatory processes, whether in the bladder or in other organs. It is advisable to identify the cause of the inflammatory process as soon as possible and undergo a course of treatment.

If the problem is related to a sexually transmitted infection, both partners should be treated.

Only timely relief of the source of inflammation will prevent the disease from entering the chronic phase and will protect the desired pregnancy from “unexpected surprises” in the form of complications.

Is pregnancy possible with chronic cystitis?

Whether cystitis affects conception in a chronic clinical course depends on the duration and severity of the disease. Nature decreed that a woman’s reproductive organs are anatomically located next to the bladder. With a long chronic course of the disease, it is quite possible for them to be involved in the inflammatory process, with the development of pathological changes that affect the process of conception, which is due to:

  1. A change in the structure of cervical mucus makes it more viscous, which reduces sperm motility (impaired penetration).
  2. An increased risk of disturbances in ovulation function, which is manifested by failures in the release of cells ready for fertilization from the ovary into the cavity of the fallopian tube.
  3. Changes in the internal lining of the uterine cavity (endometrium), as a result of which it becomes impossible for the zygote to attach to the walls of the uterus.
  4. The development of adhesive formations in the fallopian tubes, creating an obstacle to the formation of a zygote. An examination will show whether cystitis prevents you from getting pregnant in this case, but even after cystitis is cured, the possibility of pregnancy remains in question until the adhesions are removed surgically or by blowing out the tubes.

In addition to the above factors, various infections of the female reproductive organs (chlamydial, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, gardnerellosis) may well be a consequence of the chronic course of cystitis. Therefore, if pregnancy is desired, the disease should not be started.

Timely examination and adequate therapy is a good chance for a favorable pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Sometimes it can take years to completely eliminate the disease. The chronic clinic of cystitis periodically alternates with periods of remission and exacerbation. In such cases, pregnancy is planned for the period of remission, and if successful, the entire pregnancy should be under the supervision of a doctor, in order to avoid exacerbation of cystitis and prevent its negative impact on the development of the fetus.

Cystitis and infertility

Cystitis itself is not a dangerous disease, and with timely diagnosis it can be easily treated. Fear, due to its unpredictability, is caused by an advanced disease. The consequences of an untreated long-term recurrent inflammatory and infectious process in the bladder can be complicated by the development of temporary or permanent infertility. Especially when the infectious process spreads to the appendages - it is complicated by inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis), or inflammatory damage to the fallopian tubes (salpingitis).

Let's consider several main factors linking cystitis with infertility. This:

  • Violations in hormonal background, due to long-term inflammatory reactions in the urinary bladder organ, causing, and therefore problems with conception. With an unstable hormonal background, functional changes in the ovaries are disrupted, leading to unstable maturation of eggs and, in the overwhelming majority, to the development of infertility and early menopause.
  • In addition, the development of sexually transmitted infections caused by chronic cystitis without timely treatment in 70% of women reproductive age lead to infertility.
  • The first step to failure of reproductive functions is obstruction of the fallopian tubes. In 20% of women, both those who have given birth and those who have not, complete or partial obstruction develops as a result of associated chronic inflammation.
  • Long-term inflammatory processes lead to the formation of numerous rough synechiae in the cavity of the tubes, provoking changes in the menstrual cycles in the form of a decrease in menstrual blood loss, delay in regulation (menstruation), up to their complete cessation (amenorrhea), which in itself makes conception impossible.
  • There is also chronic cystitis. A woman’s strong feelings can disrupt reproductive function. It is difficult to solve such a problem without the participation of a specialist. Constant tension prevents pregnancy and this is a known fact. And this happens, often because of the woman’s guilt for the inability to get pregnant, although in 70% of cases, the culprits of infertility are men, as numerous studies have shown.

But the opposite picture is also noted, when cystitis is one of the signs of hormonal imbalance, manifested by an imbalance of microflora in the genitals. Or cystitis itself developed as a result of an already existing inflammatory process in the appendages. In this situation, cystitis is a complication of the initial pathology and has nothing to do with the development of infertility.

In urological practice, disorders in reproductive functions in women due to cystitis are rare. Women usually, in a timely manner, and the problem is successfully solved therapeutically, which cannot be said about men. They do not like to be treated, so chronicity of cystitis often ends with inflammation moving to the prostate and urethral canal.

Urethritis and prostatitis have a detrimental effect on the vital activity of the male reproductive gamete (sperm). In addition, inflammation can spread to the area of ​​the spermatic cords. Long-term inflammatory reactions in their cavity provoke the development of scars and adhesions that prevent the free passage of sperm. Ultimately, all these negative processes become the cause of temporary or permanent failure of the demographic functions of men.

No matter how much you want, you cannot forget about cystitis. Persistent frequent movements, which bring not a feeling of relief, but discomfort and pain, will sooner or later force us to undergo treatment, despite our reluctance. And let it be timely so that you don’t have to regret it in the future.