Every girl sooner or later thinks about children. Unfortunately, today science is not able to determine in advance how many children and what gender of the baby a potential mother will give birth to. This question has become something like a sacred mystery, a riddle, from which it breathes miracle and unknown. However, our ancestors knew a wonderful way to reveal any secret: divination.

There are various fortune-telling to find out the number of children and even their gender.

There are a lot of ways to carry out fortune-telling for children, moreover, without even turning to fortune-tellers! The main methods by which true divination on the number of children, you need to know by heart.

Fortune telling with a thread and a needle

One of the most popular methods of how to tell fortunes for children at home. In this fortune-telling, you will need the help of a friend, since it is not recommended to guess in this way on your own.

Divination order:

  1. Take a white or red silk thread, no more than ten to twelve centimeters long.
  2. Thread the needle and ask a friend to gently lift the thread over your palm so that the needle is still.
  3. Wait until the needle begins to oscillate on its own.
  4. Count the number of vibrations, and also pay attention to their shape.

IMPORTANT: The needle must not touch the palm of your hand, as touching it may give an incorrect result.

Deciphering fortune-telling is quite simple. How many children there will be is indicated by the number of vibrations, their gender is indicated by the shape of the vibrations. If the needle oscillated left and right - there will be a boy, if during the oscillations it described a circle - a girl.

Divination by date of birth

Numerology is one of the oldest sciences in the history of mankind, and therefore a lot of fortune-telling is connected precisely with numbers. There are several numerological methods to determine how many babies and what gender you will have. Let's consider two of them.

First way

To determine your number, you need to find the sum of all the numbers of your date of birth and add to the resulting number the number of children your parents have (that is, the number of brothers and sisters + you).

Let's look at an example. Let's say your date of birth is 03/12/1997, you have two sisters and a paternal half-brother. Thus, your number is: 1+2+0+3+1+9+9+7=41=4+1=5 (by date) and 2+1+1= 4 (by the number of children in the family). Result: 5+4=9.

  1. 1 - Women with this number are destined to become a mother of many children. Work is unlikely to bring them happiness, but family affairs will go like clockwork. Most likely number of children: five.
  2. 2 - This number shows that you will not be able to have many children. After the birth of the first baby, which will pass easily, you are unlikely to be able to conceive and bear the second. If you want to have a second child, you will have to turn to artificial insemination and preservation of the fetus. Most likely number of children: one.
  3. 3 - Troika involves the development of two situational scenarios. First: the birth of a single baby at a fairly late age. Second: the infertility of you or your chosen one. The decision to adopt a baby from an orphanage will not bring you happiness, you will experience difficulties in family life. Most likely number of children: zero.
  4. 4 - You will become the mother of a boy and a girl, between whom there will be an age difference of about five to six years. Most likely number of children: two.
  5. 5 - Your number promises you to be the mother of twins or even triplets, most likely girls. Most likely number of children: three.
  6. 6 - You are destined to be a mother of three. Two of them will be born before the age of thirty, but the third will appear only by the age of forty. Most likely number of children: three.
  7. 7 - You are not destined to have children. It will become a burden for you and your loved ones. Enjoy being alone. Most likely number of children: zero.
  8. 8 - The birth of the first two will be easy, but you will not be able to give birth to the third. Most likely number of children: two.
  9. 9 - You are unlikely to be able to give birth to children on your own. However, the use of artificial insemination will help you easily become pregnant, endure and give birth to a healthy boy. Most likely number of children: zero.

Did you see the number 9? Most likely, you will not be able to give birth on your own and artificial insemination will help you

Second way

The result of fortune-telling depends not only on your "childbearing" number, but also on the "childbearing" number of the potential father of your babies. Therefore, for divination, you must use two dates - your date of birth and the date of birth of your partner.

Let's give an example of calculating the "childbearing" number. Let's say your date of birth is 12/10/1985 and your partner's is 01/15/1984. Thus, your "childbearing" number: 1+0+1+2+1+9+8+5=27=9, and your partner: 1+5+0+1+1+9+8+4=29 =11=1+1=2.


  • if your "childbearing" number is significantly greater than your partner's, your firstborn will be a boy;
  • if your "childbearing" number is significantly less than your partner's, your firstborn will be a girl;
  • if the "childbearing" numbers differ by no more than two, then it is almost impossible to determine the sex of the firstborn, since there is a high chance of error;
  • if these numbers are the same, then your couple will not be able to have a joint child.

Divination by stones

If you are wondering, “How many children will I have and will I have children at all?” You can ask the stones. The features of divination on stones are outlined below. This method is not similar to guessing by date of birth.

This divination is quite simple and does not require much time. For divination, you will need a container of water, ten stones and a marker. Write numbers from zero to nine on the stones with a marker and dip them in water. Try to arrange the stones at the bottom so that they do not overlap each other.

Over time, the water will erase the numbers from all the stones except one. The remaining figure is the number of heirs that you will have.

Card reading

Divination by cards is one of the oldest methods of divination. To get a prediction, use a deck of Tarot cards.

Tarot cards are one of the oldest divination methods.

Take the deck in your hands and ask your question as clearly as possible (the Universe loves specifics!), For example: “How many children will I have, full name?”. You can ask questions both out loud and to yourself.

Then pull out three cards from the deck and start reading them from right to left (you can find the meaning of each card both in the deck itself and on the Internet).

  1. The first card is your past.
  2. The second card is your chances of having a baby, what you are doing right or wrong for this today.
  3. The third card is the direct answer to your question.

Divination by hand

For adherents of palmistry, this section tells how to tell fortunes by the number of children by hand.

  1. Turn your right hand palm up and carefully look at the lines under the little finger. The number of lines indicates the number of children future mother. If the line is long - a boy will be born, short - a girl.
  2. The severity, clarity and thickness of the line indicate the health of the child. The clearer the line, the more lucky the child will be with health. If the lines are poorly expressed, have breaks, the child will be weak and prone to illness.

As you know, the lines on the hand can change throughout life just like the fate of a person. By making drastic changes in your life, you can also change the fate of your descendants, so for accuracy it is worth doing such fortune-telling once or twice every five years.

Divination with matches

Fortune telling is quite simple, but it only allows you to find out the gender of the firstborn. To carry it out, you will need matches and a bowl of water.

Divination plan:

  1. Fill the bowl with water.
  2. Light one match and let it burn out completely.
  3. Dip the burnt match into the water.
  4. If the match remained floating on the surface - there will be a girl, if it drowned - there will be a boy.
  5. Please note: if the match did not burn out completely the first time, fortune telling should not be repeated. The universe is not ready to give an answer right now.

Fortune telling on coins

For divination, you will need a handful of coins of the same denomination.

  1. Take them in the palm of your hand and ask out loud: "How many children will I have?".
  2. Flip coins and count the ones that landed tails.
  3. It is their number and exactly the number of children that you will have (it should be borne in mind that we are talking not only about native children, but also about adopted ones).
  4. To find out the gender of future children, leave only those coins that fell tails and, taking them again in the palm of your hand, ask: “What gender will my children be?”.
  5. Flip the coins.
  6. The number of girls is indicated by coins that fell tails, boys - by eagles.

This method is not able to tell about the future of babies, their health, character, but it is quite accurate.

This is the most pleasant divination.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is considered the most enjoyable

To begin with, it is worth preparing strong coffee to taste (but in no case add milk or cream). When brewing coffee, mentally ask yourself questions like: “Will there be children?”, “How many will there be?”, “What gender?” etc.

  1. Sip your coffee slowly while continuing to ask the same questions. It is important that no one distracts you from your thoughts, so choose a time when no one is at home and turn off your phone.
  2. When one or two sips remain to the bottom of the cup, shake the coffee clockwise and turn the cup over. Wait a few minutes (1-3) before inverting the cup.
  3. After turning, look carefully for traces of coffee.
  4. How many round spots, so many boys you will have.
  5. The number of oval footprints indicates the number of girls.


Many girls are interested in knowing how many children they will have, their gender, whether the children will be healthy, what awaits them in the future. Looking into the future is sometimes just necessary.

In the article, we examined common methods of divination for children, including: fortune telling on cards, stones, coins, using a thread and a needle, by date of birth.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with such petty fortune-telling: they cannot harm the child in any way. However, you should not get carried away with this and try to find out the fate of the child, as this can only change it for the worse.

The results of fortune-telling are conditionally divided into divinations concerning personal life, professional success, living conditions and plans. Divination for children is popular with men and women of a certain age, they are ready to continue the race, they are preparing to take strong relationships to a new level.

Divination for the future

The number of children, as well as the age of the girl at the time of the wedding, are the most exciting questions. Christmas fortune-telling at home, predictions for major Orthodox or pagan holidays are still in great demand. Girls like to guess personal life when they still do not have a reliable man. They are happy to learn the details of a future relationship.

Reasons for the popularity of divination:

  • they give hope for a good future;
  • men are able to get important advice from cards;
  • if men are looking for clues, then guarantees are important for women - through decoding the cards they receive, they are convinced of the love of their partner, they learn that they will have children;
  • folk fortune-telling helps to find out the gender of the kids.

To find out the future, use simple home divination.

Number of babies

The number of children and their gender are not decisive factors. If the family has been planning replenishment for a long time, the chosen fortune-telling is more like a formality, and not a source of additional information.

Predictions will also come in handy if the couple wants to know their joint fate. It is important for them whether there will be children or not, whether the life together will become prosperous.

A special alignment held on a certain day does not indicate the number of marriages and relationships in the family. Short divinations give an answer to only one question: the number and gender of the baby. Home methods involve the use of sites, divination on real cards, bones or runes, the use of special folk divination on a ring or candles.

Divination online

The number of children can be found through the sites. If the family is already waiting for the birth of the baby, then future parents resort to the help of the simplest and most popular Internet fortune-telling “Yes - no”. It is based on divination by one Tarot card. A fortuneteller asks a question to himself or aloud, and then chooses a card.

Fortune telling on the number of children using such methods is carried out only by pregnant women. They need to ask one question: “Will I have a boy?”, And then perform several actions.

For the accuracy of the results, the procedure is repeated several times.

Divination for children on the Internet are as follows:

  1. With the help of Tarot cards or the Lenormand deck, you will be able to see the future of the family.
  2. Through ready-made schemes it turns out true attitude partner.
  3. Guessing for children is also allowed when the fortuneteller is still only hoping for marriage.

Benefits of online divination

The main advantage of fortune-telling is minimal costs. The fortuneteller chooses a convenient time and place to make a deal. At home, you do not need to wait a while before taking. An Internet deck is useful at any age. By the way she interprets the cards, chooses their meanings, a person understands himself, own desires. At any age, fortune-telling allows you to get a hint.

card prediction

Fortune telling on the number of children on the cards is the most successful option. To do this, take the classic Tarot.

To find out the number of children, use the following layouts:

  • Lenormand cards;
  • guessing "Yes - no";
  • prediction "Question - answer";
  • "The secret that is hidden from me?" on tarot.

To get an answer to the question "Will there be a child?" choose the Lenormand deck. From it take an arbitrary card. The most favorable predictions are given by the major arcana. In the "Yes - No" scenario, one card is chosen. Preliminarily, the fortuneteller asks the question: “Will I have children soon?” or “Will I become a mother next year?”

Divination by the gender of the child according to the "Question - Answer" scheme on Tarot cards operates on a similar principle. The online scheme “The Secret That Is Hiding from Me” suggests posing the question in a different form. The fortuneteller says: “What is my fate hiding, how soon can I feel the joy of motherhood?”.

ring prediction

To tell fortunes on the number of children, an ancient ritual is used. It is held late at night and without witnesses. It is suitable for young girls who have not yet met husbands. Christmas or a big Orthodox holiday is the most suitable day for divination.

Fortune telling on the sex of the child by the wedding ring is carried out after marriage. If the ring hits an even number of times - there will be a girl, an odd number - a boy. Use and numerical value: in this case, the girl comes up with the rules on her own.

The number of babies (one, two, three) cannot be verified exactly. The engagement ring plays a different role: it talks about probability. A woman has the opportunity to give birth to a child, but she should not let things take their course. For divination, take any vessel. The higher it is, the better. The vessel must be transparent and without edges. Who will be born is judged by a personal wedding ring. You can not take someone else's wedding attribute.

First of all, a woolen thread is wound around the finger, and a ring is threaded into it. The woman is focusing on the question. If she wants to know about the number of babies, then she needs to say the following words: “Will I have one baby?”. After that, the ring is lowered into the vessel so that it does not touch the water. Over time, the ring sways and begins to beat against the walls of the glass. The woman counts the blows.

Divination decoding

To understand who will be born, the number 12 is subtracted from the obtained value. The remaining figure indicates what the gender of the child will be. An odd number of strokes means that a female child will be born, an even number - a male. To understand how many kids a family will have, fortunetellers look at the last number of the row. If it is a multiple of two, the couple will have more than two babies, if it is not a multiple, one.

Gender of the child

Divination for a child is carried out with the help of knuckles. To do this, choose dice or special runes. If the ring tells about the number of babies, then to determine the sex, you will have to correctly formulate the question.

Determination of the sex of babies give such predictions:

  • "Yes or no" on the bones;
  • fortune-telling on runes;
  • technique with one cube;
  • divination on the runes of Odin is able to tell who the first or second child will be.

The first, second, third baby should always be welcome. Divinatory attributes feel the mood of a person and, with a negative message, give distorted information.

Prediction on the bones

Divination for children "Yes or no" involves the use of one bone. She is chosen at random. She gives exactly how and when to expect an addition to the family.

Rune magic will also help. To do this, take a set of basic tablets. They make it possible to see the conditions for the birth of a new family member.

Not so long ago gained wide popularity, takes its origins in ancient times. Immediately after the invention of numbers, people noticed that each of them has not only mathematical, but also magical properties.

After studying them for many centuries, it is safe to say that life among numbers has a huge impact on the fate of a person. And the most important number is the date of birth, which largely determines the future.

How to determine how many children will be?

It is not difficult to calculate the treasured number that will reveal for an inquisitive girl the secret of how many children will call her mother.

To do this, you need to add up all the numbers that make up the date of birth, and add to the result the number of children your parents have, including yourself. In this case, it is necessary to take into account everyone - extramarital and from previous marriages, both mother and father.

When a two-digit number is received, its components are added again, until reaching a total of one number.

For example, if the date of birth is October 13, 1990, and there are 2 children in the family, the calculation will look like this: 1+3+1+0+1+9+9+0+2=26, 2+6=8. Means, the magic number 8 is the determining number of children. It remains only to see: how many children will I have?

Divination Number Values

    "one"- You are destined to have many children, but it is possible that for this you will have to go through trials - survive a frozen or miscarriage, have an abortion for medical reasons.

    Even if at the time of fortune-telling you share the beliefs of child free or prefer a career to arranging a family hearth, after the appearance of offspring you will have to reconsider your views.

    It is motherhood that will give true happiness and the feeling that you have realized in life. Importantly, numerology predicts that all your children will be born from one man, and this will ensure a strong family and well-being.

    "2"- There will be one child, but with some effort on your part, perhaps more. It will be easy to conceive, endure and give birth to the first child. And with the next pregnancies, problems are possible due to poor health.

    Enhanced supervision and assistance from doctors will be needed, both during planning and in the future. It is possible that a child born as a result of hard work will be spoiled and cause a lot of trouble.

    "3" How many children you have is up to you. Most likely the appearance of one child in adulthood due to the long-term choice of a partner.

    The absence of a reliable man in life or a combination of circumstances in which you will have to postpone planning a baby for later all the time will greatly affect the number of children. You will be able to give birth to more than one only with a strong desire and going against fate.

    The option of infertility of a beloved man is not excluded., which can lead to a difficult moral choice - to get a divorce and look for another, to take a child from an orphanage, or to turn to the services of a surrogate mother.

    "four"- You will have two children of different sexes with a significant difference in age. Between their birth will pass from 5 to 8 years. But, despite this, the brother and sister will love and support each other throughout their lives.

    They will also give happiness to parents: the mother will admire the beauty of her daughter, and the father will be happy to pass on his knowledge and skills to his son.

    Do not rush and try to reduce the time between pregnancies: fate will give a second child just when the whole family will be as ready for this as possible both morally and materially.

    "5"- you will become mother of many children, and one of the pregnancies will end in the birth of twins or triplets, especially if there have already been such cases in the family. They will also have older or younger siblings.

    It is highly likely that due to your amorous and fickle nature children will be born from different fathers and with a big difference in age. But this will not bear any consequences for their psyche. In your large family, everyone will be happy and friendly with each other.

    "6"- Fate promises you three children. The first two pregnancies will be early, up to 30 years. And the third child will turn out already in adulthood, perhaps even after 40.

    It is possible that he will be the fruit of late love and a second marriage. Fortunately, this will not affect his health and the attitude of older brothers or sisters towards him in any way - their love for the baby will be limitless.

    "7"– Yours to yourself and unwillingness to change the usual course of life are so great that you may not have a baby. And if he is born, then, unable to give up your goals and freedom, hand him over to be raised by your parents or relatives.

    Perhaps this will have to be regretted at a more mature age, when entertainment fades into the background. But no matter how little you invest in your baby, he will always answer you with sincere love.

    "eight"- you will be born two children. You will probably think about the third, but do not dare because of various factors: age, health concerns, disagreements with your husband, unstable financial situation.

    Although, with the desire and a small share of determination, you there is every opportunity to become a mother of many children. Motherhood will not be a difficult task, pregnancies will be easy, and children will grow up obedient and calm.

    "9"- It is possible that you it will not be possible to give birth to a child, or there will be one, conceived with the help of artificial insemination. But you can become a wonderful mother for a baby from an orphanage, and not even one.

    Moreover, you will love the adopted child no less, and maybe more than your own. This is where the danger lies: you need to learn how to give warmth to all children who need it equally, and then peace and harmony will reign in the family.

    Forecast accuracy

    If the result is far from your expectations, do not panic. You can change your destiny if you do not go with the flow, but take purposeful actions for this.

    In addition, scientists specializing in numerology have not yet come to a consensus whether all children predicted by numbers are relatives and born. According to some versions, the number of children is independently born and born babies.

    According to others, these figures include abortions, miscarriages, as well as conceptions that should have occurred., if this were not prevented by modern means of protection.

    Another opinion, which has its followers, is that the total number of children includes godchildren and nephews for which the woman is the second mother.

    Therefore, do not take numbers to heart - better analyze the situation and do everything possible to get the desired result and the birth of as many children as you want.

Such a serious question - when will I get pregnant, worries mature women, for whom family and conception come first.

It is very relevant for those who do not immediately get a child. Fortune telling, of course, is not the surest way to find out the time of conception, but it is a psychologically correct move to calm down and move on to the active actions necessary for the onset of pregnancy.

"Grandmother's" recipes and signs

Our grandmothers were wise, they did not have any fortune-telling on the Internet, offering to get an answer to any question online. They used methods proven by the people for free to bring the moment of pregnancy closer.

In order not to guess, but to know for sure, young women who are tormented by the question “when I get pregnant”, knowledgeable people advise:

  • In advance, before the onset of conception, buy all sorts of baby things: a rattle, a cap.
  • Visit places of pilgrimage. The Mother of God has always been considered the patroness of motherhood, and among the saints - Joachim and Anna, Fevronia and Peter.
  • Get a ficus in the house, take care of it carefully - you will quickly become pregnant.
  • Willow is also a fertile plant for conception, it is worth keeping in the house.
  • Seek help from herbs. In Altai, for example, a red brush grows, which will help you get pregnant.

  • If suddenly someone gives you a product with pearls, you don’t need to guess, it’s a great sign, there will be a child soon.
  • Care and care for other people's children. You can even adopt a child. And there usually your own is not far off.
  • You will be warned that conception is coming soon. Usually, houseplants grow rapidly or bloom those that have not pleased with flowers for a long time.
  • If you have adopted a homeless kitten, you do not need to ask when the pregnancy will come. Soon. It is especially good if he himself came.
  • You need to eat such foods that have become symbols of pregnancy and conception: all grains, nuts, eggs and caviar, drink milk.

It is more often to be in the company of pregnant women, it is better if they are relatives. If you try on the things of those who are already pregnant, stroke them on the stomach, drink from their cup, sit on an armchair or chair of a pregnant woman. These are all good harbingers of pregnancy for you, but this should not happen intentionally, but spontaneously.

Spell to Christmas

The simplest Christmas divination for pregnancy is to go to bed with a question in my head - when will I get pregnant. Then evaluate the sleep response.

In Christmas time, they tell fortunes for everything, and even for children. For example, there is such fortune-telling on water. You can take a simple glass with a flat bottom, pour holy water into it, put a ring in it (married - engagement, unmarried - any that you always wear).

Leave the glass overnight in the cold, and in the morning look at the ice in the glass.

  • If it is completely smooth, you will not get pregnant this year.
  • If there are depressions in the ice, this is for the daughter.
  • On the contrary, tubercles, protrusions - to the birth of a son.

If you don’t have time to give birth before the next Christmas time, then conception will happen for sure.

Fortune telling with a wedding ring (those who are married) and with a needle (those who are girls) is also suitable for everyone. On holy night, hang a ring or needle on a woolen thread and hold it over your left palm. You certainly cannot do such fortune-telling online.

  • Will not move - do not expect an addition this year.
  • He walks in circles - to his daughter.
  • From side to side - to the son.

On the night before Christmas, tell fortunes like this: write the names of the months on the leaves and put them under the pillow. When you wake up in the morning, draw one at random. What month is indicated - in that conception is possible.

You can do divination by pulling objects. Usually they wrap it in cloth, paper, and then put a coin (for money), a ring (for marriage), a small onion (for tears), a nut (for prosperity), bread (for abundance) in an opaque bag.

And you add something there that would symbolize pregnancy, a small children's toy or little thing. Pull out - be a child.

Other fortune-telling for pregnancy

1. You can guess from dreams, they will indicate an early pregnancy. The most common dream for conception is fish. Other images favorable to conception are jewelry, eggs, newborns, milk, a cradle.

2. Remember which of your relatives had many children in the family. If such a relative is alive, visit her with gifts and gifts. If she is no longer in this world - prepare a wake, call the family. Mentally ask her and all kinds of blessings.

3. If a pregnant woman suddenly comes to your wedding - an exact indication that soon you will be pregnant. It is also good if a pregnant woman came into your house by accident, for example, she made a mistake with an apartment - a very good sign.

4. We noticed an apple tree that will give a lot of fruit this year - appease it, tie a beautiful ribbon or some kind of decoration, take care of it.

However, first of all, you should take care of your husband. Instead of wasting time on online classes, it’s better to spend a romantic evening with your loved one. Author: Maria Serova

Previously, people without modern technology could quite accurately determine the gender of the unborn child. Over the hundreds of years, mothers have begun to notice certain "features" that indicate the birth of a girl or a boy. And oddly enough, even now, with methods such as ultrasound, many women resort to fortune-telling to determine the sex of the child, while the predictions are very accurate.

The thing is that you should not fully rely on only one method described below. The most accurate result is shown by a combination of several divination methods. Even if one of the signs turns out to be false, the others will point to this error.

In this article, we have collected only really working methods of divination for the gender of the unborn child. This list includes such methods as: using a wedding ring, by blood type, using a sewing needle and many others. We have also collected the best folk signs that indicate the gender of the child, by the way, many of them have been proven by science. It is best to try several fortune-telling methods at once, this is how you will get the most accurate result!


The most common medical method to help determine gender is ultrasound, affordable, painless, harmless to the mother and fetus.

  • All peoples had various options for divination, allowing you to find out the gender of the unborn baby.
  • In ancient Egypt, for this they took the urine of a pregnant woman and poured it over grains of wheat and barley. FROM
  • it was read that if wheat sprouted first, then the parents had to wait for the girl, but if barley sprouted first, then a boy would be born.
  • Some fortune-tellers determined the sex as follows - they asked the pregnant woman to show them her hands.
  • If a woman stretched out her hands with palms up, this meant that she would soon have a girl, if her palms were pointing down, then a boy should be expected.

On the basis of some signs and ancient beliefs, it was possible to determine the sex of the unborn child according to the state of health of the pregnant woman. For example, if in the first three months a woman is very sick, then a boy should be born to her. The pigmentation that appears on the face is an omen that the girl is expecting a girl.

Among the people, there is even a definition of such a phenomenon on this occasion, it is believed that if during pregnancy a woman in any form becomes less attractive, then her unborn daughter takes her beauty. The most interesting thing is that even modern doctors are in no hurry to refute this ancient theory, in their opinion, a girl in the womb can really “take away” her hormones, which in turn negatively affects her appearance.

In some nations, the sex of the unborn child was able to determine the shape of the belly of the pregnant woman. The so-called "sharp" belly testified that a boy would be born soon. The rounded and wide shape of the abdomen predicts the birth of a girl.


At present, fortune-telling on the gender of the unborn child can be perceived as an old folk rite, acquaintance with the traditions of the people, fun, but not as a reliable source

This is an ancient type of divination, which was very popular among various peoples of Europe, including the Slavs. To determine the sex of the unborn baby, you need to pass a thick woolen thread through the ring and hang it in the form of a pendulum over the belly of a pregnant woman.

If the pendulum swings back and forth at the same time, then you will have a boy, the circular movements of the ring indicate that a girl is waiting for the birth in the stomach.

Another fortune-telling is carried out according to the same principle, in which the pendulum must be held over the palm of the woman in labor, the only difference is that in this case the readings are interpreted exactly the opposite - circular movements indicate a boy, and girls from side to side.


Modern women, like women of the past, want to know the term of the expected pregnancy, the date of birth and the sex of the unborn child. In addition to various fortune-telling on the sex of the child, there are also all kinds of rituals that allow you to conceive a child of the desired gender. Modern science makes it possible to carry out such fertilization, for this doctor separates the spermatozoa into male and female, and conceives. This method has many disadvantages, the most important of which is the high complexity, and hence the extremely high cost, not every couple can afford such a procedure.

The same technology is used in situations where one or both parents are carriers of hereditary diseases. Using this technology, it is possible to identify and remove diseased spermatozoa and leave only healthy ones.

It is much easier even before pregnancy to tell fortunes on the gender of the unborn child, find out who will be born to you, and if this does not triple you, make some changes.


Pregnancy, especially the first one, is a turning point in the life of every woman, therefore, among all types of predictions, fortune-telling for children remains relevant. For this divination, you will need a new needle, which has never been sewn before, and a long white thread.

  • Thread the needle, thus making a kind of pendulum.
  • Grasp the thread with your right hand, and raise your left hand and hold it with your palm up.
  • Now bring the needle over your left hand and lower and raise it three times so that it passes between your palm and thumb. After that, bring it to the center of the palm and follow the behavior of the pendulum.
  • Circular movements mean that you need to wait for a girl, movements from side to side - predict the birth of a boy.

This method should only be used if you have not yet given birth, are not pregnant or have had an abortion, as it shows the gender of your first child.
You can also repeat this procedure in order to find out the gender of the second, third, etc. children.

If at some point the needle freezes and does not move over your hand, this means that the previous one was your last child.


You can find out the sex of the child by the date of ovulation and the date of conception of the child. It's no secret that a woman is only able to get pregnant during a certain period of her own menstrual cycle. Based on knowledge of your physiology and your internal clock, you can easily predict the gender of your unborn baby. Moreover, you can calculate male and female days, with their help you will not only predict, but also be able to independently decide what gender your baby will be.

Modern science knows that male spermatozoa are carriers of XY chromosomes, and have a shorter activity time than female ones. That is why during ovulation the probability of conceiving a male child is maximum.


Fortune telling with a pendulum on the floor of a child

Working with a pendulum is a universal magical technique. This magical tool easily picks up vibrations and communicates the truthful answer with the help of vibrations. Of course, the fortune teller should be very attentive and calm: watching the movement of the pendulum is sometimes quite tiring. two types of predictive rites of this type can be performed:

  1. Fortune telling on the gender of a child by a needle is the most common ritual. You will need to retire, best of all in the evening. The thread should be threaded through the needle, the ends tied into a knot - the pendulum is ready. A woman needs to open her palm with the back side down, while protruding her thumb. It is necessary to “dip” the needle three times into the space between the hand and thumb, and then move the pendulum to the middle of the palm. If he walks around, a girl will be born. Moving back and forth portends the birth of a boy. A frozen needle indicates that a woman will not have children.
  2. Fortune telling on the gender of a child with a wedding ring is the second way to find out about future children. The ritual is identical to the previous one. The only difference is in the pendulum: not a needle is used, but a woman's wedding ring (unmarried people can work with a mother's ring or just their favorite jewelry). How many times the pendulum will change the nature of the movements, so many children should be expected in the future. Even little girls can make a prediction in the palm of their hand. Sometimes it is practiced on men: the results are usually accurate.

But there is a method of working with a pendulum that is suitable only for pregnant women. Fortune-telling is carried out on the floor of the child above the stomach: you need to hold a ring or a needle suspended on a thread above it. The results in this case are directly opposite to those given above: circular movements indicate a boy, oscillations back and forth or left and right indicate a girl.

By urine and milk

The ritual is intended exclusively for pregnant women. Many women prefer to perform the ceremony when all the households go on business: the required predictive actions are quite unusual and even somewhat intimate.

You will need:

  • a small old saucepan, which is not a pity;
  • milk;
  • own urine.

It is necessary to put the container on the fire, pouring both liquids into it. If the milk curdles, turning into a thick kefir-like mass, you should expect a girl. The absence of changes indicates the imminent birth of a boy. Fortune telling on the sex of the child in milk and urine is recommended to be carried out at a gestational age of 10-11 weeks: the results will be most accurate. Some women note that the ritual turns out to be untrue, while others say that it is one hundred percent hit.

Fortune telling on playing cards on the gender of a child

Performing predictive rites on the cards is a purely personal occupation. The values ​​​​are interpreted based on the experience of the fortuneteller, therefore there are no strict rules here. But if a woman has never performed serious layouts before, she can use in a simple way to find out the gender of her unborn child.

You should concentrate on the question and alternately draw one card from the shuffled deck until one of the following falls out:

  • eight tambourine or worms - predicts the appearance of a girl;
  • eight clubs or peak - speaks of the birth of a male heir.

Winter divination on the child's gender with a ring and a glass of water

The ritual can be performed both by pregnant women and by girls who are just thinking about the possibility of having a baby. You will need:

  • pure water;
  • bulk glass without chips;
  • own ring (if any, then engagement).

It is necessary to fill the glass with water, throw the jewelry there and set the container in the cold. See the results in the morning. If there are more bumps and protrusions on the frozen surface, then the next child born to a woman will be male. And vice versa: recesses and depressions indicate the appearance of a small heiress.

Any guessing on the sex of the child is just an attempt to lift the veil of secrecy over the miracle of childbirth. A baby that appears can always surprise its parents by refuting the results of not only predictive rituals, but even medical examinations.

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This method of determining the sex of a child has come down to us from ancient Egypt.

  • Local priestesses took two bowls.
  • Barley was poured into one of them, wheat into the other.
  • They took the urine of a pregnant woman and moistened the grains with it.
  • If wheat grains were the first to germinate, then it was believed that a girl would be born, if barley - a boy.

Some fortune tellers ask the pregnant woman to show them her hands to determine the sex of the baby. If a woman shows her hands palms up, then a girl will be born. Outstretched palms with the back indicate that you can expect a boy.

Many try to determine the sex of a child by the appearance of his mother. It is believed that if a woman is expecting a girl, then her appearance worsens, age spots and pimples appear, hair begins to fall out and quickly becomes dirty. They say that all beauty passes from mother to daughter. And if a woman becomes more beautiful during pregnancy, her skin becomes smooth and silky, her hair becomes thick, then most likely it will be a boy.

This way to find out who will be born is not denied even by doctors. It's all about restructuring hormonal background pregnant woman. The opinion of doctors boils down to the fact that a girl in the womb "takes" certain hormones for herself and this affects the woman's appearance.

Many try to determine whether a boy or a girl will be born by the shape of the abdomen. If the belly of a woman is small, sharp, and when viewed from the back, then the waist is visible - there will be a boy. If the belly is rounded and the waist line is not visible, then most likely the woman will give birth to a girl.

Also, about how a woman’s pregnancy proceeds, you can say a child, what gender will be born. Knowledgeable people say that a woman who is expecting a boy suffers from toxicosis for the first three months. The rest of the pregnancy goes without any problems.

The old way

The sex of the child can be determined with the help of a wedding ring. This type of divination on the gender of the unborn baby has been known since ancient times. It was used not only by the Slavic peoples, but also by the peoples of European countries.

Its principle is quite simple. For divination, you need a wedding ring and a thick thread. The thread is threaded into the wedding ring and hung over the belly of the pregnant woman. If the ring moves back and forth, it is believed that there will be a boy, if the ring makes circular movements over the woman's stomach, then it is worth waiting for the girl.

Approximately the same divination is with the use of a pendulum. It is also swung over the belly of a pregnant woman, only the results are interpreted the other way around. If the pendulum swings back and forth, then this is the appearance of a girl, and if it moves in a circle, wait for the boy.

With a sewing needle

Our ancestors were able to determine the sex not born child with a simple sewing needle. They took a new needle, which they had never used, and an ordinary white thread. A kind of pendulum was made from a needle and thread. The needle was held motionless by the tip of the thread above the palm. Then it was lowered three times and raised between the palm and thumb. After that, the pendulum was installed in the center of the palm and its movement was monitored.

The movement of the needle to the side meant that you need to prepare for the birth of a boy. If the needle makes circular motions, then there will be a girl. Only a woman who is expecting her first child, who has not had abortions and has not had pregnancies, can use this type of fortune-telling on the sex of the unborn child.


Such divination was common in Russia in Siberia. The woman went into the river and tried to catch a live fish with her hands. After she managed to do this, they looked at the brought catch on the shore. If the name of the fish was feminine, for example, trout or pike, then a girl was expected to be born. If a woman managed to catch a perch or a crucian, then they believed that a boy would be born.

Now, of course, such radical methods for determining the sex of a child are not used. But now they believe that before learning the news about pregnancy, a woman dreams that she is fishing. It is advisable to remember this dream. And already from the name of the fish caught in a dream, expect either a girl or a boy.


The essence of this divination is as follows. A pregnant woman approaches the first passer-by and asks him to name any letter from the alphabet. If the letter in the alphabet is even, then it is possible to be born a girl, if it is odd - a boy. Another kind of such fortune-telling is that a pregnant woman is asked for a name. If she calls a man's name, then she is expecting a boy, if a woman's - a girl.


When it became possible to determine the blood type of a person, they began to notice that by what type of blood the parents have, it is possible to determine the sex of the unborn child. But this theory has not been confirmed. After all, very often children of different sexes are born from the same parents in the family.

Another well-known theory is that female blood is renewed every three years, and male - every four. In order to find out the sex of the unborn child, you need to divide the woman's age by 3, and the man's age by 4. If the result of the division is less for a woman, then a girl will appear in the family, if a man has a boy.

Many parents use this method to determine the sex of the child even at conception. this method of determining the sex of the unborn child has a high probability of coincidence.


  • If a pregnant woman leans on meat food, sausage and pickles all the time, then she is expecting a boy, a pregnant woman is surrounded by cakes, sweets and pastries all the time - there will be a girl;
  • He starts eating bread from the crust - a boy will be born. Loves the crumb of bread - a girl should be born;
  • If the skin on the hands during pregnancy becomes rough and even cracks, then a male child is likely to appear, and if it becomes soft and tender, then it is likely to give birth to a girl;
  • By the mood of the pregnant woman, you can find out who she is expecting. If she is irritated and behaves nervously throughout the entire pregnancy, then they believed that a girl would be born, and if the mood of the expectant mother was excellent for all nine months, a girl would be born;
  • A girl's heart beats much faster than a boy's;
  • A woman pregnant with a girl mostly sleeps on her right side, with a boy - on her left.

You can believe in divination and try to find out who will be born. But at the same time, I would like to advise you not to take their results too seriously. After all, if you expect a child of a certain gender and all fortune-telling confirms that it is a boy or a girl who will be born, and when a child of the wrong sex is born, emotional stress arises. It does not matter who is born, a boy or a girl, it is important to love the child with all your heart and wait for his appearance as a miracle.


Fortune telling boy or girl

Prepare a needle, thread a white thread into it. Take the thread with your right hand. Turn your left palm up, move your finger to the side. Pass the needle between the left palm and thumb three times in a row, and then lift the needle half a centimeter above the left palm. The needle will begin to swing like a pendulum, or walk in a circle. If the needle is spinning, it will be a girl; if it staggers from side to side, then it is a boy. This divination will indicate the gender of the first child. Repeat fortune-telling and find out what gender the second child will be. When the needle stops moving, freezes in place, then there will be no more children.

This fortune-telling can also be carried out by those people who have children, you just need to keep in mind that the needle will show, starting with the first child: by showing the one that already exists, the next time the needle will show the one who will be born.

On the number of children on the stones

You can tell fortunes for future children using water and stones. This method of divination will help to get answers to any questions, in particular, about children.

  • To perform the ritual, you will need some pebbles and a black marker.
  • Label the stones with different numbers, from 0 to 5.
  • If the inscriptions on the stones look fuzzy, then you can write them on tiny pieces of paper and then attach them to the stones.
  • Thus, you have stones with numbers, and now they need to be immersed in a bucket of cool water. Start observing the condition of the stones.

Over time, the numbers drawn with the marker will be erased, and the paper will peel off. You should concentrate on the last remaining number, which will indicate how many children you will have. For example, if from the available values ​​you can see the only stone with a number, this number will show you how many children you will have.

Water to the rescue

You will need a mug (cup, glass, glass, water container). A glass is the best.

  • In the evening, before going to bed, pour water into a glass, and then put a ring in it.
  • Then place the glass in the cold, you can in the cold, on the street.
  • As soon as the water in the glass is covered with ice, have another person bring you a glass.
  • Consider the surface: it is from it that you can recognize the number of children.

Depending on how many tubercles and hills on the surface - so much you need to wait for sons, how many dimples or depressions - there will be so many daughters.

Numerological divination on the gender of the child

If you believe in numerology, and you want to calculate who you will have a boy or a girl, then it will be very easy to do. To do this, you need to know the maiden name and first name of the future mother, the last name and first name of the father of the child, and the month of conception.
First, find the numerical value of the mother of the child. To do this, write the full name and maiden name of the pregnant woman and add the numbers corresponding to the letters using our table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
And Y To L M H O P R
Kommersant S b E YU I

For example:

  • ElenaMalkina - 6+4+6+6+1+5+1+4+3+1+6+1=44
  • Find the numerical value of the father's first and last name in the same way.
  • For example:
  • GudkovBoris - 4+3+5+3+7+3+2+7+9+1+1 = 45
  • Now let's find the numerical value of the month. For example, the month of conception is March.
  • March - 5+1+9+2=17

For the final numerological calculation, we add the resulting three numbers 44 + 45 + 17 = 106, and divide the result by 7, we get 15.1428 ... Next, we round the number to an integer using the mathematical method, in our case we get 15 integers.

The result of fortune-telling is such that if you get an even number, you are expecting a girl, if it is odd, then you will have a boy.

Tip: In any fortune-telling and scenario, do not forget that even a modern ultrasound examination is wrong. But for the sake of interest, you can tell fortunes and then check how true the signs and fortune-telling of our ancestors are, because before there were no modern technologies, and the midwives knew who the pregnant woman was waiting for.

But in the life of every pregnant woman, the main task is to give birth to a healthy, strong and glorious baby, so that they bring you joy, happiness and love.


colored braid

For this prediction, you will need the help of the oldest woman in the family. Most likely, it will be a grandmother, who must cut 15 woolen threads of red, blue and yellow color 30 cm long and weave a braid out of them, without fixing it either at the bottom or at the top, so that the thread can be easily pulled out. Now the expectant mother is blindfolded and given this braid - let her pull. If it pulls out red, it will be a girl, if blue, it will be a boy, and if yellow, it will be twins.

Magic egg

It is necessary to boil an egg and put it in the middle of the table, in the corners of which it should be laid out on a landscape sheet. On the first write - a boy, on the second - a girl, on the third - twins, on the fourth - Mr. X. Now spin the egg and see where its sharp side points, there will be an answer. If it stops between the corners, then the answer will be in the nearest corner in a clockwise direction.

chain and ring

The pregnant woman should take her chain, preferably gold, which she constantly wears (if she is not used to wearing it all the time, then she must not remove the chain from her chest for at least three days so that it is saturated with her energy). Now wrap the ring with a chain, saying boy-girl-boy-girl, etc., until the whole ring wraps around. The last word will be the answer, who the woman is waiting for.

True pillow

This fortune-telling is reminiscent of Christmas, when girls put leaves with written male names under their pillows. Now we need to prepare a few notes where a boy is written, and a few - a girl. Put them under the pillow at night, and in the morning, without getting out of bed, stick out the first one that comes across, it will be the answer.

Puppet divination

If your family already has an older child, but still playing with dolls, then you can ask him for help, otherwise look for the baby, and no matter what gender, the boys will also help. Give the child a baby doll and two shreds - pink and blue. If it wraps in blue, then you carry a boy under your heart, if pink - a girl, if it wraps in two, then there will probably be twins.

Magic button

We take five buttons of red color and five - blue, as well as one yellow or green, only necessarily the same in size and shape, mix them in a satin, self-sewn bag several times, now we pull out the first one that comes across, put it on the table, mix the bag again, pull it out , without looking, and also put on the table, and in last time we are manipulating.

Now we look at what happened: all three red ones are definitely a girl, all three blue ones are a boy, respectively, if there are several colors, then the answer is which color is more. But if two blue and green / yellow fell out, then there will be two boys, two red and green / yellow - girls, red, blue and green / yellow - a boy and a girl.

card divination

Shuffle the deck of cards, now put them face down, shift one at a time, if the king falls out first, then there will be a boy, if the lady is a girl. The option is that you have twins if the cards went one after another, so after the first look at the second - if the king again, two sons will appear in your life in the near future, two ladies are girls, and if the lady and the king - expect a son and a daughter .

bowl of water

It is necessary to pour water into a cup and drink from there, now hang your own wedding ring on a string. Hold it over a bowl of water and watch how the ring will spin - circles - a girl, a pendulum - a boy.

Of course, for some, fortune-telling to determine the sex of a child is just entertainment, and someone blindly believes in this prediction, but be that as it may, the most important thing is that your baby develops correctly and is healthy, regardless of his gender.


What can be pricked

Divination by a needle can be called very effective and accurate. You need to thread a white or red thread into the needle, then grab the tip of the thread with your right hand, and substitute your left hand, palm up, under the tip of the needle. The needle should not touch the palm, it should hang a couple of centimeters from it. At this time, you need to start thinking about the gender of the child, you really want to know him.

The needle will begin to sway and by these swaying you can find out what gender the child will be born. If the needle swings in a circular motion, then the birth of a girl should be expected, and if the needle moves in a pendulum type, then a boy is likely to be born.

With the help of your spouse

Any divination on the gender of the unborn child is an interesting activity, but divination with the help of a ring is especially interesting and truthful. Such divination by the sex of a child by a wedding ring has been known for a long time, it is used when a woman already has a tummy. The wedding ring is hung by a thread and brought to the belly of the pregnant woman.

If the ring begins to describe circles, there will be a girl, and if the ring moves back and forth, then you need to expect an heir.

Determination of the sex of the child by the date of birth of the parents

There is fortune-telling on the sex of the child by the date of birth of the parents, which is offered by many sites. There are special tables where the dates of birth of both parents are entered and then the result appears.

Determining the sex of a child is a complicated matter, but fortune-telling can help here and very often it turns out that the results of such fortune-telling are correct.


Baby to order

  • This is a modern method for determining the sex of children. It allows you to find out who will be born even before the conception of a child. The essence of this method is to reject spermatozoa of an undesirable sex, as well as sick and affected by hereditary diseases. The number of fertilized eggs can vary from one to four.
  • Therefore, with this method, a woman at the beginning of her pregnancy may not know how many children she will have at birth. After all, not all eggs survive with this method. It is used only for IVF - fertilization.
  • This procedure is quite expensive due to the complexity of its implementation. It is not available to every couple. And getting what you want in one attempt is quite difficult and cannot guarantee a 100% result.

By time of conception

The female body is designed in such a way that it cannot accept sperm to fertilize an egg on any day of the menstrual cycle. This is possible only on specially designated days. Each woman is unique. They depend on the moment the mature egg is released, which is ready to meet with the sperm.

By correctly calculating the day of a possible conception, you can get pregnant, as well as find out the sex of the child. Scientific studies have shown: The closer the date of conception of a child to ovulation, the greater the likelihood of having a boy.

More precisely, the sex of the child can be determined if the exact date and time of ovulation and conception is known. It can be recognized with a more detailed ultrasound examination.

With the help of blood

  • The first way is as follows: It is based on the periodic renewal of blood from future parents. Male blood is capable of renewal every four years, while female blood is renewed every three years. By calculating who has younger blood, you can find out the sex of the unborn baby. If the mother's blood is younger - there will be a girl, and if the father's blood - a boy.
  • The following blood technique is not effective enough, but some people also use it. It is based on a specially designed table. It can be found in specialized literature or on Internet sites. It compares the blood type of both parents and determines the sex of the unborn child.

Gender of the child according to popular belief

  • In some sources, you can find this method: Determining the sex of the baby by the presence of toxicosis in the expectant mother at an early stage of pregnancy. They say that toxicosis accompanies a pregnant woman waiting for a girl. She also takes away her attractiveness from her mother. Therefore, the expectant mother has all sorts of rashes on her face, swelling in her body, and so on. Those who like to eat salty and meat products were predicted to have a son, and they are drawn to a girl for sweets.
  • The shape of the belly of a pregnant woman can also help in determining the sex of the baby. A sharp and barely noticeable belly from the back indicates that a boy will be born. A round belly, spreading to the sides, indicates that there will be a girl.
  • The boys in the mother's stomach behave violently, and the girls weakly give any signs.
  • Which of the spouses is older in age, the same sex will be the baby.

All these folk signs can tell you about the future baby. But they are inaccurate.. If you look at them from the side of medicine, then some of them can be explained from a scientific point of view. The sex of the child does not depend on the shape of the mother's abdomen. It is her anatomical structure body. And the presence of frequent fetal movements indicates a lack of oxygen or other pathology. It is likely that the woman is missing fresh air and just go outside or look out the open window.

Diet affects the unborn baby

There is a way in which you can predict the birth of a son or daughter. It lies in the nutrition of the expectant mother. If both parents follow a special diet, you can achieve the birth of a child of the desired sex. Some sources say that this method is eighty percent reliable.

  • The boy's diet should consist of meat products, potatoes and citrus fruits. As little as possible, it should contain lactic acid products and cottage cheese.
  • For the birth of a daughter, it is recommended to eat vegetables, dairy products and sweets. Meat products are not recommended.

The sex of the unborn baby can be determined with a needle. A thread is threaded into it and brought to the mother's stomach. Keep the needle still. If the movement of the needle resembles a circle - a girl will be born, if up and down - a boy. The needle will also predict the number of children you will have in marriage.

Future mothers are trying in every possible way to find out who will be born to them, the number of children and so on. Some of them also resort to fortune-telling on cards, turn to fortune-tellers for help.
