Many young families quite often face the problem of separate housing. Not everyone wants to live with their parents, and renting someone else’s premises is becoming more and more difficult every year. And the point here is not in the process itself, but in the cost of such a home. Tenants, trying to earn extra money, set high prices by the standards of the average Russian family, so young people have to look for other optimal options for resolving their problem.

It’s good when there are relatives “in reserve” who can provide an apartment for the newlyweds, but not everyone is so lucky. It is precisely for such cases that the government of the Russian Federation introduced the federal target program “Housing” in 2011 and extended it until 2020. Within the framework of this program, there is a subprogram called “Providing housing for young families” (“Young Family”). It is assumed that this The subprogram will operate from 2015 to 2017.

By taking advantage of the subsidy provided, residents of the Russian Federation will be able to purchase housing at a favorable price (below the market price). Thus, a young family will significantly save their budget and direct the remaining funds in the right direction.

Purpose and main conditions of the program

All government programs of this type have 2 main goals:

  1. Support for low-income citizens.
  2. Increase in construction volumes in the Russian Federation.

By significantly reducing the market price of housing, it will be possible to significantly improve the living conditions of some families due to the fact that they can afford this property. Initially, the maximum cost per 1 square meter should not exceed 30 thousand rubles, but after the program began to function, this price soared to 35 thousand rubles in certain regions of the country. This jump is primarily due to rising prices for building materials, labor costs and the cost of land.

The main and, practically, the only condition of the “Young Family” program is that the location of the future home is determined by representatives of local authorities. They also approve the developer’s company, all the necessary documents, and the plans according to which the house will be built. In 2014-2015, all the main work was carried out, and at this stage, houses on the designated areas are already being built.

Already by July 1, 2017, 25 million square meters of housing will be ready for delivery, which are located in 67 subjects of the federation. In addition, each project must be located with a developed infrastructure, and if there is none, then by the time the project is commissioned, all necessary buildings (parks, hospitals, kindergartens, kindergartens, shopping centers) must be within walking distance.

Another important condition concerns the cost of housing. It should not be higher than 80% of the cost of apartments in the city. Price control is carried out on the basis of federal law, in particular the provisions for determining the procedure for valuation activities in Russia.

Who can count on assistance under the program in 2017

Program participants are:

  • newlyweds without children who have citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • newlyweds with one child or more, where at least one of the spouses has citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • single-parent family with one child or more, where the parent is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The requirements for participants are as follows:

  • Spouses (or parent) must have a permanent official place of work. Their age should not exceed 35 years (both at the time of submitting documents and when approving the list of beneficiaries);
  • Applicants have their own housing, but it is small for comfortable living (less than 18 sq.m. per person). Here it is understood that the value of all property and income in total must be less than the maximum permissible standards that are established by local authorities. This figure is different in each region, based on housing prices and the standard of living of the population.
  • The house in which the participants live is in disrepair and is subject to demolition or reconstruction.
  • Families with minor children (two or more) who are holders of maternity capital. This assistance should be aimed directly at the purchase of economy-class housing.
  • The family must be recognized as having many children.
  • The applicant is a combat veteran or belongs to another social class (it all depends on the instructions of the local administration).

An important factor in receiving social assistance is the income of all family members. In total, it should not be less than the amount that would allow you to take out a mortgage loan from a bank to buy an apartment. This rule continues in 2017. The local municipality sets its own income limit, taking into account the average interest rate on a loan and the cost of living.

This program also involves the use of other social assistance. The most popular at the moment is pooling maternity capital and obtaining a mortgage to purchase an apartment.

List of documents for filing an application

During the operation of this program, many people ask the question: “What documents and certificates are required to get on the waiting list?” Despite the fact that this list is quite extensive, not much time will be spent collecting it. The main documents should be:

  • work record book of the spouses with certified copies, where the current place of work will be indicated;
  • copies of the organization's charter;
  • passports of each family member;
  • birth certificate of children, as well as a certificate for receiving assistance “Maternity Capital”;
  • marriage certificate;
  • documents confirming the ownership of housing that the family uses at the time of submitting the application;
  • certificates from organizations indicating the number of registered persons and the status of the personal account for the living space where the family lives;
  • income certificates;
  • valuation of personal property;
  • military ID;
  • certificate of participation in the state mortgage-savings program for obtaining housing (for military personnel);
  • application in 2 copies.

Subsidy amount

The amount of financial assistance provided by the state directly depends on the size of the family and the presence of children in it. Each payment is calculated individually, so it is difficult to give the exact amount. But we can give some principles for this calculation:

  1. For young families without children – 35% of the cost of purchased housing.
  2. A family with children can count on a subsidy of 40% of the purchased apartment.

Federal cities assume a slight reduction in this interest rate. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, a childless family receives 30%, and parents with children – 35% of the cost of housing.

Where to contact those interested

To participate in the program, the family must come to the local government authorities at their place of registration. This could be the city's real estate department or the city administration's housing policy department. In general, more detailed information is provided on the website of the real estate department.

Once the application is accepted by an administration employee, it must be reviewed within 10 days. After this, the applicant receives a letter indicating whether his application was approved or not. If the answer is yes, the family receives the right to join the queue and is given a certificate confirming the fact of receiving the subsidy.

This certificate will be valid only for two months, so during this time you need to use it - take the certificate to the bank so that it opens a blocked account. All funds from this account can be used only for specific needs specified in the agreement.

Implementation of the program in 2017

Anyone who wants to participate in the Young Family program is concerned about how quickly their application will progress and whether they will still be able to get their home. Despite the fact that the work is not progressing as quickly as desired, several families have already received the coveted keys to brand new apartments. Therefore, we can say with confidence that this program is operating successfully, and most importantly, its implementation is controlled at the federal level. It is worth noting that about 70 billion rubles have been allocated for the Young Family.

"Pitfalls" of the program

  • Every year the number of participants increases, and the queue grows accordingly.
  • The priority direction is the construction of housing for the middle class, and not the purchase of new ones.
  • Families with a regular income receive assistance.
  • The maximum mortgage amount does not exceed 2.2 million rubles.
  • The program does not allow the purchase of secondary housing.
  • Until the family pays off the mortgage loan, it is not the full owner of the home.

Provided as one-time cash payments families. Money can be spent for the purchase or construction of your own home. They will cover part of the costs. Recipients of the payment will have to pay the remaining amount from their own funds.

The Young Family program in the Moscow region is developing rapidly. The region provides for co-financing of obligations to recipients of payments from the federal budget. That is, social payments for housing are provided from the state treasury, the regional budget and municipal funds.

  • In 2016, 98.9 million and 310.7 million rubles were allocated for it. from the federal and regional budgets, respectively. 341 families received the right to a one-time payment.
  • In 2017, 66.7 million rubles will be allocated from the federal treasury for the program. and much more - from the regional budget.
  • It is planned to provide the right to receive payments to 341, 620, 640, 303, 300 families, respectively, in 2017-2021.

Housing programs for young families in the Moscow region

The Moscow region is one of the largest regions of Russia in terms of population. New housing is being actively built here, but it is not always available to young people. Young families often have no savings, the down payment is quite high (from 20%), and loan rates are impressive (on average 13%). A national program collectively called “Young Family” is designed to help young people solve housing problems.

In the Moscow region, as in the vast majority of regions of the Russian Federation (including Moscow), the program operates on three levels at once. It is provided by a number of documents that are formally independent. But in fact they complement and continue each other, working for the same goals.

  • On federal level there is an initiative , which is part of the state program “Housing” for 2015-2020. It is regulated by Decree No. 889 of August 25, 2015 and a number of other documents. In addition to the Moscow region, in 2017 it applies to another 73 regions of the Russian Federation.
  • On regional level a subprogram with the same name as the federal one is relevant: “Providing housing for young families”. It operates within the framework of the local state program “Housing” for 2017-2027. Regulated by Decree No. 790/39 of October 25, 2016.
  • On municipal level There are programs developed and adopted in individual municipalities. A city or district is allowed to participate in the state program if it has its own existing subsidy program and allocates funds for payments to youth. The distribution of regional funds to municipalities for 2017 can be found in Resolution No. 161/8 of March 14, 2017.

All three types of programs (federal, regional and municipal) function comprehensively, therefore, those who wish to participate in them submit only one application to the responsible body.

Who is eligible to receive a subsidy (conditions of participation)

As in other regions of the Russian Federation, in the Moscow region people can participate in the program complete and single-parent families, in which the age of each spouse does not exceed 35 years. Registration, citizenship, need for improved housing conditions, income level and other factors are also important. To qualify for payment, you must:

  • Need improved living conditions, confirm this with documentation.
  • Have sufficient income. No matter how sad it is, a family with minimal income and no savings will not be provided with social benefits. It is necessary that applicants have funds to cover that part of housing payments that the state subsidy will not cover.
  • Permanently reside in Moscow region.
  • Have not previously received any of the payments to improve living conditions for a young family in any region of the Russian Federation. The budget subsidy for housing can only be received once.

For reference

There is one more factor to consider. For a family to qualify for the payment, it does not have to have children. But at least one child must be with a single parent and with spouses, one of whom is not a citizen of the Russian Federation. Large families have a much better chance of receiving a subsidy, since they are placed first on the list of applicants.

How much social benefits are provided?

The subsidy is provided from the consolidated budget (federal, regional, municipal). She covers only part of the cost of housing, the rest will have to be paid from your own funds. Along with payment you can use maternity capital. The amount of social payments is (in % from the estimated cost housing):

  • 30% - for a childless family;
  • 35% - for a complete or single-parent family with at least one child;
  • in case of repayment of a loan or cooperative share - no more than the balance thereof;
  • +5% - additional payment for families in which a child is born after inclusion in the program. Also applies to adopted children.

The calculation of the payment amount is based on the norm of the total living area for a family of a certain size. It does not depend on the price of housing under the contract and is done as follows:

  • Taken area norm for a family. It is 42 m² for a family of 2 people and 18 m² for each member of a family of 3 or more people (54 m² for three, 72 m² for four, etc.). Family members who are not citizens of Russia are not taken into account.
  • The calculated area is multiplied by the installed standard cost per square meter on municipal education. The latter cannot be more than the average market price of 1 m² of housing in the Moscow region. In the 2nd quarter of 2017, the average market price per square meter in the Moscow Region was 54,479 rubles.

Where to apply for the Young Family program in the Moscow region?

The Ministry of Construction Complex of the Moscow Region is responsible for the implementation of the program. But you need to submit documents and an application for participation in the program to local governments. That is municipal administration. Opening hours and the exact location of the reception can be clarified by calling the telephone numbers listed on the website.

The administration compiles lists for municipalities and submits them to the relevant ministry. The latter’s task is to form general lists for the Moscow Region, redistribute the federal and regional budgets and select those who will receive the payment.

The program participant is issued a special certificate valid for 7 months. It must be submitted to a bank participating in the program within two months.

How to use the subsidy under the Young Family program

The social benefits received can be used for purchase or construction residential property. It must be located on the territory of the municipality of the Moscow Region from whose budget funds are allocated. Buying a home is allowed on primary or secondary market any legal or physical persons The size of the apartment/house must be no less than the standard area for a family of a certain size.

Full list of purposes for which subsidies are allowed:

  • Purchasing residential premises.
  • Payment for construction contract work to an organization that builds a private residential building for the customer (recipient of the payment).
  • The last payment towards the share contribution for members of the housing cooperative.
  • The down payment for a loan or credit, including a mortgage, for the purchase or construction of housing.
  • Repayment of debt and interest on a previously issued housing loan.

A residential property purchased or built with the investment of budget money must meet sanitary and technical requirements. He must fit for year-round use. After purchasing a home, it must be registered as the property of all family members. Apartments under loan obligations may only be registered in the name of the loan recipient.

Many young spouses spend a very long time in conditions that are far from the best financial situation.

Buying your own home, providing everything a newborn needs, paying for kindergarten and school supplies is a heavy burden that falls on the shoulders of all parents.

To improve the demographic situation, the state is trying to provide all possible support to young families.

Some social programs involve only indirect measures, while others directly help both parents and children.

Legislative regulation

Legislation The Russian Federation puts forward the following requirements for a potential participant in a housing program aimed at financial support for young spouses:

Spouses who joined the program in 2019 can count on receiving preferential social subsidies in the amount of 30% of the cost of purchased housing.

State assistance to rural families

One of the main responsibilities of the state is to ensure a decent standard of living for citizens. First of all, this is material support regarding the purchase of your own home.

  • a one-time benefit dedicated to the birth of a baby (RUB 16,759.09 - increases annually). Receipt of the payment can be made by any of the parents/guardians at their official place of work or at the social security department in accordance with their registration.
  • RUB 655.49 if a woman is registered during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • 4512 rub. monthly for 140 days (70 before the birth of the baby and 70 after) if the woman was fired from her job due to the fact that the enterprise was liquidated or the individual completed its activities.

State assistance may vary depending on the region of residence, so information about the required payments must be clarified locally.

Benefits and payments for families with many children

By-law – Presidential Decree dated 05/05/1992 defines a “large family”. In accordance with it, each regional government must make an independent decision regarding large families and choose its own form of support for this category of citizens. Some activities are generally accepted and applied in all regions of the country.

A young family with many children has the right to the following state aid:

In addition, a large young family can count on:

  • free provision of medicines to children under 6 years of age, in accordance with a doctor’s prescription;
  • provision of free travel on intracity and intradistrict transport;
  • admission of a child to kindergarten out of turn;
  • free meals at school and vocational school;
  • free provision of school and sportswear;
  • free entry to an exhibition, museum or other cultural event once a month.

How to get help

To become a participant in programs aimed at improving housing conditions, a family must bring the following to the Municipal Property Management Committee or multifunctional center: documents:

  • original and copy of the passport of each family member;
  • a copy of children's birth and marriage certificates;
  • an extract from the house register;
  • certificate of registration at the place of residence;
  • cadastral passport;
  • a document confirming the fact that the family needs improved living conditions.

Obtaining a certificate in accordance with the Maternity Capital program, the following procedure is assumed:

  1. Writing an application (the standard form is available at any branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation);
  2. Providing the following package of documents:
    • Passport of the parent/guardian;
    • the applicant;
    • Birth certificates of children;
    • Confirmation of Russian citizenship (issued by the passport and visa service);
    • Documents confirming the person’s right to receive a certificate in the event that it was not the mother of the children who came to receive it.

The procedure for receiving other benefits and allowances due to young families can be found at the place of residence, for example, in a multifunctional center, as they may vary depending on the region.

Regional assistance

Rostov region invites young families to take advantage of the conditions of subprograms that provide government support for improving living conditions and providing affordable and comfortable housing.

List of social support:

  • budget subsidies that repay part of the interest on loans and borrowings for the construction and purchase of housing;
  • budgetary financial assistance, through which you can pay off debt on a housing loan in the event of the birth (adoption) of a baby;
  • subsidies for the purchase (construction) of housing, which can be applied for by a young doctor or an employee of a profession in shortage in the healthcare system.

Young families living in Moscow and St. Petersburg, can also participate in the federal Affordable Housing program. In addition, the capital supports the development of a regional municipal project that expands opportunities for improving living conditions.

The following financial government assistance is provided:

  1. Citizens registered as needing improved housing conditions can receive subsidies.
  2. A special program provides for the purchase of an apartment from the city at 10% per annum. The loan term is 10 years. In this case, the down payment is partially repaid by the state (from 10 to 20%).
  3. A needy family can rent an apartment on preferential terms for 5 to 10 years.

St. Petersburg is implementing its own subprogram, which allows citizens to receive an interest-free loan for 10 years on the following conditions:

  • the first payment + 30% of the cost must be paid immediately;
  • the remaining amount must be repaid within 10 years.
  • Only those families who have lived in the region for at least 10 years can take advantage of these conditions.

Validity period of the state program “Young Family” in Krasnodar region started back in 2010.

Local authorities focus their assistance in several areas:

  1. A young family can receive targeted cash subsidies for the purchase of housing. The amount of support depends on the area and size of the family and varies from 450 to 900 thousand rubles.
  2. The project actively attracts commercial banks to cooperate, which should provide young people with the opportunity to receive preferential mortgage lending (reduced rates, mortgage repayment through government subsidies, etc.).

The end of 2012 was marked by the introduction of significant changes aimed at ensuring that Russians did not seek mortgage lending, but financed housing construction on their own. Thus, the list of grounds for receiving payments under a construction contract, shared construction or purchase and sale has expanded. In addition, a ban was introduced on payment from government subsidies for housing purchased on the secondary market and contributions under loan agreements.

About preferential mortgage lending for young families, watch the following video:

The level of social development of a state can be determined by the standard of living of two categories of the population: pensioners and youth.

First of all, the most important issue for the state is the demographic issue, and in particular the increase in the birth rate. An important place in solving this problem is given to young families. In the Russian Federation, a program to help young families has been developed and is being fruitfully implemented.

“State program young family 2017-2020”

The Young Family program started in 2010. Over the period from 2010 to 2015, more than three hundred thousand young families in Russia expressed a desire to take part in it. The program has been extended and is currently running until 2020.

The program is aimed at creating favorable conditions for young people to purchase their own housing. After all, purchasing your own home for young couples is the most important issue in life.

Most young people do not have their own home after marriage and live in rented apartments for a long time. The implementation of the program has already allowed more than thirty thousand young families to purchase their own real estate.

The main goals of the “Young Family State Program”

The main goals of the “State Program for Young Family 2017-2020” are:

  • Material support by the state for citizens with low income.
  • Encouraging young people to create new families in Russia.
  • Increasing birth rate in the country.
  • Accelerating the development of the construction industry of the Russian Federation.

Schematically, the implementation of the program can be represented as follows:

It allows young married couples in Russia, under certain conditions, to receive government assistance when purchasing their home.

Criteria that must be met to directly participate in the program:

  • When applying to join the program, participating young citizens must be under 35 years of age.
  • Mandatory registration of both spouses at the same place of residence is required.
  • Applicants are required to document that they need to improve their home.

Under what circumstances will a young family be considered as a program participant:

  • Lack of own housing.
  • Lives in emergency premises or the house where the family lives is planned to be demolished.
  • The area per family member is insufficient according to the standards regulated in the region.
  • The family must have a total income that is enough to pay for the purchased housing, taking into account the subsidy.

You definitely need to know: When you plan to join the “Young Family Program 2017-2020”, you must take into account that it will be possible to take out a mortgage on a home only when the subsidy has been issued.

What subsidy is available under the Program?

Amounts of subsidies that can be received under the youth family program:

  • Two family members - six hundred thousand rubles.
  • Three family members - eight hundred thousand rubles.
  • Four or more - one million rubles.
  • Large families can purchase living space entirely at state expense.

The “State Young Family Program 2017-2020” assumes that each married couple that takes part in it has sufficient personal savings to partially pay for the housing purchased under the program.

Very important: The subsidy can only cover a third of the total purchase price.

The couple must find the rest of the funds on their own:

  • From your savings.
  • Having received a loan from a bank.

The program applies to the purchase of living space in newly constructed real estate properties. A list of them is compiled at the local level.

How the program works in 2017-2018

In 2017-2018, the composition of its participants is significantly expanding to include single parents, childless families and married couples who, by the time they joined the program, were able to have only one child. International families can now also participate in the project, but one of the spouses must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. In this case, he will be the recipient of the subsidy.

As before, the first priority recipients of subsidies will be married couples with more than three children.

To obtain information about the specifics of the youth family program, you must visit the Office of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund at your place of residence. Here you will also need to provide the entire list of necessary documentation.

After you submit all the documentation, the decision to recognize your family as a participant in the program is made by local authorities within ten days.

The final point is the issuance of a certificate. It can be used:

  • When purchasing real estate directly, paying part of it.
  • If you have taken out a mortgage, you can use these funds to pay off part of it.

List of documents required to participate in the program

Before visiting the government authorities responsible for joining your family to the “State Young Family Program”, you must prepare an extensive list of documentation.

Documents required to participate in the state youth program:

  1. Birth certificates for children.
  2. Work book - for those who are employed.
  3. For those liable for military service - a military ID.
  4. Passports of everyone over eighteen years of age.
  5. Marriage certificate of a married couple. (Not necessary for single mothers or fathers).
  6. Information from the bank that you have a bank account.
  7. Confirmation of how much family members earn (certificate 2-NDFL).
  8. If you plan to buy a home on credit, you must provide bank information about the history of previous lending to your family members.
  9. Confirmation of the amount required to purchase a home, if it is not taken out on credit.
  10. If anyone in your family receives social assistance, you must provide documentary evidence of this.
  11. Family composition data.
  12. Documents on ownership of real estate owned by family members.
  13. Provide details of where the family lived during the five-year period.
  14. Confirmation that the family has been placed on a waiting list for housing by the relevant government agency.
  15. If you are participating in other programs, you must provide proof of this.
  16. Application for participation in the “State Young Family Program 2017-2020”. Served in two copies. The application must be completed using the approved form, which can be obtained from the website.

The implementation of the state youth program allows not only to solve the housing problem of many family units in our society, it also gives a large-scale impetus to the development of our construction industry. In turn, this is the creation of new jobs, improvement of the housing infrastructure of cities, and, as a result, acceleration of the overall development of the Russian state economy as a whole.