Every girl dreams of hearing the cherished words from her beloved: “Marry me.” But sometimes it happens that you need to push a man to take such a serious and responsible step.

Women often find themselves in relationships in which they feel insecure. The desire to find stability is quite understandable - it is security and confidence in mutual feelings. How can a woman avoid such a fate - to gently push a man to make a vital decision and force him to marry? A few good tips will help you cope with the task.

How to get a man to propose marriage: tips, methods

Sociologists say that, unlike women who consider themselves married in any relationship, men who build open relationships tend to consider themselves bachelors. This situation is beneficial for men, but extremely inconvenient for women.

In addition, any relationship must develop. Most men in this case try to avoid this topic, and if the conversation cannot be avoided, they try to assure the woman that the absence of a stamp in the passport does not affect their relationship. A woman, in fear of losing her lover, agrees to such a role. Sometimes this situation lasts for years, the couple may have children, but the man is in no hurry to change anything.

So what to do:

  • Refusal to cohabitate– the very first condition that a woman who wants to live in an official marriage must set to a man. Men tend to be clear - they need to set their priorities before starting a relationship. This way the man will understand that the woman does not intend to enter into a relationship without commitment. And this will save the woman from frivolous candidates. However, you should not take the initiative on the first date - this can scare off any man. It should be taken into account that men are quite prudent in such matters and do not make spontaneous decisions - they part with freedom for a good reason.
  • If the chosen one doubts the sincerity of feelings, you should not expect him to make a decision at lightning speed. This does not mean that a woman is indifferent; a man needs more time. It is necessary for him to accumulate convictions - she is the one and only chosen one. The main thing is that deliberation should not drag on for years; a woman needs to set limits for the allowed time. Statistics show optimal timing– from 2 to 4 months. During this period, it is better for a woman to meet a man on neutral territory, choosing a convenient time for dating. You can’t be intrusive, it’s better to create a lack of communication, but remember the natural male instinct of a hunter. It is important to find the right balance here - a man should miss you, and not think that he is being neglected.
  • A man may not realize that you want to get married. If you already live together, then he believes that this is enough and does not even think that something else needs to be done. Create a romantic atmosphere in the evening, prepare dinner and then have a heart-to-heart talk with your significant other and tell them that you want a wedding. The game of silence does not suit men in any way; they take hints hard or pretend that they do not understand. And the sign of your silence indicates that you are satisfied with everything. To achieve something, you need to act and talk about it.

  • Personal space necessary for both partners. If this happens, the couple is already living together, but the official marriage has not been concluded - the reason may be fears of losing the remnants of their freedom. Often, having started living together, a woman tries to establish careful control over a man: a leading role in everyday matters, regulated communication with friends, financial restrictions. This behavior scares a man away, suppresses faith in own strength. The created feeling of “parental control” does not allow a man to show the authority of the head of the family. For a woman, such tactics are disastrous - excessive responsibility for decision-making leads to emotional burnout. Having taken a masculine position, a woman loses her femininity and ceases to please a man. A man tries to avoid communication with a woman and, what’s even worse, resumes his search for a life partner. Give the man complete freedom, don’t ask anything, act indifferent. And then, while walking with friends, he will begin to wonder what you are doing at this time. Then go ahead and ask for an offer.
  • Show me to the chosen one, what he may lose if the relationship continues to be unofficial. For example, go to your mother for a month, don’t call for a couple of days. Make him miss you and think about you. If he feels the same need for you as you do, then expect a pleasant and long-awaited surprise upon your return.
  • Partners must give to each other opportunity to take initiative– freedom of action to a reasonable extent is capable of establishing a trusting relationship between lovers. A woman needs to engage in self-development, and not spy on a man. But one should also not go to extremes; freedom should not separate the interests of partners. It is necessary to observe the measure, otherwise it can lead to a cooling of feelings. It’s good if a woman manages to make friends with her future husband’s circle of friends, where he spends his free time from her - this will help calm her own doubts, find positive aspects. It is necessary to convince a man that by getting married he will not lose his self-sufficiency and the people dear to him.
  • Make your loved one jealous. Show that other men like you and are interested in you. Go to some party or meeting in a chic dress with an open neckline, go to a restaurant with best friend or a former classmate, casually bring home a bouquet of flowers, but do not admit that you bought it yourself. When your chosen one starts to get jealous, hint to him that it’s time to propose. Or he himself will understand that he can lose you and decide to take this step first.
  • Allies– any environment of a man that has a direct influence: family and friends, friends, neighbors, colleagues or simply those whom he admires, can force a man to propose marriage. Does the young man listen to his mother's advice? Then act through it. Meet the groom's parents. Create a good impression in front of your future mother-in-law, and then your loved one will be in your “pocket.” But remember, it is very important to prepare thoroughly for the meeting. Find out as much information as you can about the mother's preferences and tastes. Choose an appropriate outfit, preferably a modest suit or dress. When visiting, behave in a non-provocative manner and speak correctly about yourself. Give his mother a small gift based on her hobbies. Casually tell her how deliciously you cook, what a wonderful son she raised, and that you come from a decent family. By creating a positive impression of yourself in the eyes of your parents, you will enlist their support and very soon you will move from the status of a girl to the role of a wife.

  • If a woman manages to please people and win allies, a man will certainly appreciate it. As practice shows, the opinions of those closest to them play an important role in influencing a man’s choice and desire to start a family. It’s good if these are strong married couples who, by their example, can provoke a man to take decisive action.
  • The desire to meet the expectations of his environment and their approval of the candidacy will push the man, and the marriage proposal will not be long in coming. In this case, it is important for the woman to hint to those around him about her readiness to legitimize the relationship between her and her partner. Just don’t be overly persistent; a woman needs to understand that such allies may be critical of her desires and be wary, which will affect her relationship with her partner. In this case, you should show delicacy, hint, not show increased interest, with a sense of dignity.
  • Family values- films, books, life situations with similar themes that can force a man to propose marriage. You can use any methods that contain a mention of happy family relationships and the clear benefits of marriage. Funny stories about some old acquaintances who have benefited from family life can also be used. It is better if mutual friends or relatives tell this story - the information will become more meaningful for the man. Watch a film about family values ​​- dream together out loud about the future of a joint family: home, furnishings, children, pets, common holidays. This helps a man discover common goals, visualize a family - the woman will direct plans and hopes for joint implementation.
  • Financial issue– a woman who is financially independent, has a higher status, should not advertise her wealth to a man. It so happens that men do not like to give primacy to women, especially when it comes to money matters. You can understand this - the desire to be a provider, not a prey. You shouldn't reveal the price of things every time you shop. A man may be afraid that he will not be able to provide for such a “dear woman” and will prefer to see a woman more comparable to his income as his wife. In a joint household, it is better if the man allocates the necessary part of the money for running the household. You can’t take every penny or criticize a man for having an insufficient budget, it will be difficult.
  • An intelligent woman will always support and help a man find additional sources of income. A man is more likely to propose to a woman who is not wasteful and knows how to manage a household and is able to manage the budget correctly. Therefore, if a man is forced to hide part of the money or does not give it at all, because of the woman’s requests, he is constantly in debt or disappears at work, you should think about it - perhaps he is in no hurry to legitimize the relationship due to financial insolvency. Such a woman does not give confidence. A man is afraid of going broke and losing his stable position in society. The downside can be a woman’s stinginess: refusal of marriage can be caused by the experience of not achieving self-realization in such a union, fear of greed and poverty. A man will most likely believe that in such a marriage he will not achieve the desired results, and his house will not be a full cup.

  • Pregnancy- one of the common methods to force a man to propose. This method is very controversial, since it depends on how strong the partner’s desire was to have children. Life situations show that this only applies to those men who were previously married and divorced due to the lack of children in it. With others, this tactic does not work as well as we would like. Even if a woman managed to marry a man, the marriage would soon break up. In order for a woman to despair of such a method, she must clearly know about the man’s intention to have offspring. It should be noted that often, wanting to have a child, after his birth, men continued to make empty promises, remaining in their previous bachelor status. Considering the above, the conclusion suggests itself: it is possible to marry yourself through pregnancy, but it does not bring happiness.
  • Important dates– holidays or any significant events. You can use the opportunity and make a man propose marriage on a specific date, for example: Valentine's Day, the date of birth of one of the partners, on the day of family and marriage. The chosen one believes in fortune telling and horoscopes - resort to the services of an astrologer or fortune teller to determine favorable days.
  • Trips– a romantic trip can have a beneficial effect on the chosen one so that make a man propose marriage. Many travel agencies provide special tours. A trip to an exotic country will relax a man in the company of his beloved woman and help him make the right decision. The main thing for a woman is not to miss the opportunity to show herself in the best light. During the trip, you should not remind a man about everyday difficulties, work - try to talk about positive aspects, how to have a good rest as a couple.
  • If a man still doesn’t take the initiative and doesn’t propose, don’t be upset; perhaps this will happen upon arrival home. The atmosphere of a real “honeymoon” should be present for the entire period of the trip - the man will want to repeat the pleasant moments after the wedding. Photos brought from the trip must be placed in the home interior, beautifully decorated and presented to your lover - let the photographs be in the field of view as a reminder of a pleasant vacation together, evoking in a man positive emotions associated with his beloved. The desire to retain pleasant feelings will lead to marriage.

  • Limit a man in intimate relationships. Tell him that he is not your husband, and you no longer want to maintain such a relationship without a stamp in your passport, and you do not want to remain a single mother. But such a technique sometimes becomes dangerous, because the partner may find another passion. And most likely, this is for the better; you will immediately understand that this person is not yours.
  • Promise your guy that when you get married, everything will be different. Your life will become brighter, you will have a real family, you will cook delicious food, and spend less money. Describe all the advantages of married life. But do not forget to answer for your words when your betrothed proposes marriage.
  • Make an offer yourself. Put on a suit, buy a ring and during a romantic dinner ask him if he is ready to become your husband. to yours young man he will feel uneasy and most likely he will ask you about it himself. Well, or vice versa and you did everything in vain.
  • Last resort– should be applied if none of the methods worked. Here it is necessary to take into account that such statements should not sound like blackmail and should not be confirmed by inaction. And this is always risky - the partner may become confused and end the relationship altogether. If the relationship has reached a dead end and the woman is not very comfortable in it, then it’s worth a try. For this it is necessary clearly state your desire to end such unpromising relationships, state the motivation for your action: not the desire of the chosen one to get married, doubts about his desire to have a family, children, and a common life. And point out a way out of the situation, namely that this problem can only be solved by legalizing the relationship.
  • It is important not to fall for your partner’s persuasion that an official marriage does not affect the sincerity of his relationship, that you need to wait a little while another unsolved problem is solved; by succumbing, a woman risks going back into the vicious circle of an open relationship and forever remaining in that status of uncertainty. in which she is now. It must be remembered that men are characterized by clarity, so this is what you need to demand from him. The man’s answer should be clear – “yes” or “no”. If a man refuses to give a comprehensive answer, it is better to end the relationship.

If you think about the seriousness of these tips, then ask yourself: “Is it possible to force a man to propose?”, “Will something good come out of this?” The most important thing in marriage is happiness and mutual understanding, respect of both partners. And any infringement or coercion of a person to do something gives the opposite effect. A man who is not ready to get married will most likely simply not behave like a husband and believe that he should do nothing to create a strong family, including in the home.

A woman needs to understand - does she need a man who needs to be forced to marry? This is unnatural and has nothing to do with a happy marriage. In a happy union, relationships are built on compromises and mutual agreement, and not on manipulation and tricks. Marriages built on insincere desires are not particularly durable.

A man who understands that he did not marry for love will sooner or later take it out on his wife. Such a husband will be completely unprepared to fulfill the obligations imposed by his wife, which will lead to divorce. It is possible to use these methods only on the condition that a woman needs to finally decide on her choice of partner - is he worthy of her attention or is it not worth wasting time on such a chosen one.

Video: We force a man to get married

The relationship between a man and a woman is a normal phenomenon, but the process is quite complex. In the process of building a fairly strong relationship, both participants become closer and closer to each other. Probably one of the first important stages of a successful relationship is marriage. It is believed that all girls are only dreaming and dreaming of quickly putting on a beautiful white dress and exchanging golden wedding rings with their boyfriend, sealing strong ties with a signature on an official state document...

Probably, indeed, most of the fair sex certainly desire such a turn of events in their lives. These girls and women are patiently waiting for their cherished hour, when they can joyfully shout “Yes! I agree!” But, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to enjoy this moment of true happiness and has to wait quite a long time. In this case, the lady has the following questions: “Why am I not being offered marriage?”, “How to encourage a man to propose?” Have you also faced such a difficult situation in your life and you don’t know your man at all, you don’t understand why he is so slow and you want to speed up the process of your rapprochement? This article on how to get a man to propose was written especially for you! We wish you pleasant reading!

Understand your desires

As strange as it may be, before you push a man to propose, you really should understand your desires. What do you want from this marriage and why do you need it? Do you want to get married because all your friends have already put on a wedding dress? Do you want to have a certain status as a wife in society? Do you want constancy, certainty and some kind of guarantee of a strong relationship? Listen to your inner voice and think about how you frame the question in your mind. Do you want to know how to get a man to propose, or how to get him to propose to you as his wife? If you chose the last option, then you are thinking completely wrong. If you want a normal marriage, you should not force a man to propose to you. This is a completely extreme case of action... First, we will act differently.

Light hints a la “look at our friends’ weddings!”

This option is perfect for those whose friends have already begun to tie the knot. When a vivid example of newlyweds appears before your eyes, it becomes much easier to deal with the question of how to push a man to propose marriage. Hint more often, give examples and remember the weddings of your friends. More often, but at the same time unobtrusively. Just a few words about the beautiful will be enough wedding dress your friend and a dreamy question “into the void” about what your wedding dress will look like. Perhaps your man will also begin to imagine some plans and even imagine you in a white dress... In any case, this will remain in the subcortex of his consciousness. And a smart man will also understand where this sudden conversation is leading... If this plot does not suit you, let's move on to the next plan of action and find out how to push a man to propose marriage!

Watching a wedding-themed movie

Why don't you two sit down on a soft sofa in the evening after a working day, taking with you various goodies, and watch a movie? After all, the fact that the film turns out to be a wedding comedy or something else in the same spirit is a pure coincidence. While watching the film or after that, you can ask your loved one a question: “How do you see our wedding?”

Of course, your man will most likely be a little shocked by this question at first. Don't worry, this is a normal reaction. Well, if your loved one has really started to wonder what that day will be like, this good sign. You manage to lead him to similar thoughts... At first, some people may be stubborn, but try again with naive eyes and ask him to think about how it will be. Imagine this. If a man persistently avoids such a conversation and is somehow irritated by this, then here he should turn to the advice of psychologists. They will be discussed below.

What do psychologists say?

How to encourage a man to propose? The psychologist's advice is that you and your lover should just talk frankly about this topic. Without any flamboyant quarrels, scandals and everything else. This option is most suitable for those women who really think that their man is afraid of something or is otherwise wary of the fact that your relationship may be registered at the state level. The conversation should start with the words: “Darling, it seems to me that you don’t want to make our relationship official. Just tell me why?”

Your tone and your appearance must be calm. You must make it clear to your man that you are only in the mood to talk calmly and “in an adult way” with him without any quarrels. The further plot of the conversation depends only on the answer that follows from your man.

What should you do if he is afraid that after the wedding you will restrict him more?

Calm him down. Promise that your relationship will not change in any way. You just need the status of his wife to feel more confident, more protected. To make you believe more in the depth of your relationship, explain to him that such a step to the next stage means to you that he is really serious about you and is not going to leave you. Of course, everyone understands in advance that after the wedding you will really begin to limit him in some way, because, most likely, many of his habits will simply not correspond to his new status as a loving husband... But now all this is not important. You can return to this topic only a few months after your wedding. For now, prove to him that his usual life will not suffer in any way after your engagement.

"Twice for the same rake? No way!"

How to encourage a man to propose if he has already been married? Most likely, his last marriage was not entirely successful and that is the only reason why now he cannot afford to make the same “mistake”. First, you should find out why he thinks marriage is bad. Why did his last marriage break up? Compare yourself and his last wife, if possible. Consider whether you could end your marriage for the same reason that his last marriage ended. Prove to him that everything will be different with you, and that you are different. If you already have a fairly strong and serious relationship with this man, then know that all is not lost.

Do you live together but are not married?

How to encourage a man to propose if we live together? Nowadays, many couples decide to move in together long before the wedding. This allows you to get to know each other better and seriously think about whether you are ready to spend the rest of your days with this person. After this, a man should not have any problems with fear of marriage. But if for some reason he is still hesitant to propose and all previous methods do not help you, go to extreme measures. Pack your things and move to your parents, to a friend, to a hotel in case of emergency! Tell him that you can't live like this anymore. And until he decides to take an “important” step forward, you want to live in a different place from him. Tell him that you will wait until he gathers his thoughts and decides to propose. But time is not rubber... After all, the clock is ticking, your years are also ticking, but this relationship is still standing still. Which means it's time to change something.

Tricky way

When your man asks you for some advice or something like that, show him your right hand and ask him if he sees the ring on your ring finger. He may not understand at first, but will eventually answer that he doesn't see it. Answer that this is a sign that you are not his wife, which means, based on your status, you are not able to give him wise advice and so on. At first it will be perceived as a joke. But if you repeat this method more often, then believe me, it will work...

That's probably all. We wish you good luck, a beautiful wedding and a happy family life!

Hello, dear readers. Today I want to raise the topic of marriage, and in particular talk about what to do to get a man to propose. In such a situation, you can act rashly and mess things up, which can ultimately lead to separation.

Why yes why

First, let's talk about why you need this. More than half of the fair sex dreams of getting married. Some people are taught this in childhood that they can only become happy after marriage. Others believe in the value of family and want to create their own reliable and strong unit of society.

Why do you need marriage? To just start a family and check a box. Or maybe all your friends have already gotten married, but you still haven’t. Another option is that parents force it. Or you have a feeling inside that if you don’t find a husband, then life is not a success.

The most appropriate answer to the question why do you need a wedding is - I love this person and want to live with him all my life. Everything else is just a farce and a game. Believe me, when you find the right person, the issue of marriage will be resolved by itself, and you will not have to come up with options on how to drag a man to the registry office. I cannot say whether this will happen soon. Everything is in your hands.

When you find out the reason for your idea to get married, you will understand how to behave and what to do.

I believe that happy and harmonious relationships do not require any manipulation from both partners. When a girl thinks about how I can get him to propose, something is going wrong.

Can I make offers myself? Of course you can. Today's world has changed its attitude towards women so much that you have the right to propose yourself. When you feel that the moment has come, but your partner for some reason does not take the next step, you can absolutely calmly take it first.

To begin with, I would suggest you talk to your beloved man and find out his attitude towards family life. Perhaps you have a completely opposite opinion. Without this conversation, it is difficult to understand what to do next, how your relationship will develop, and what you can expect in the future.

Time frame

How long before a man should propose to his beloved? There is no answer to this question. Each couple comes to this at a different time. I know two couples with completely opposite situations. In the first case, the guys have been living together for more than ten years and don’t even think about getting married. They are satisfied with everything and they are happy. And in the second case, the guys moved in together two months after they met, and six months later they got married.

There is no clear answer to this question. Everyone decides for themselves when the moment of a new stage in the relationship should happen. But what I can say for sure is that the time of your living together must pass. If you don’t know what a person is like in everyday life, then things can be very difficult for you later. The couple should just live together, try, practice, let’s say.

How to understand that your lover is going to propose? Perhaps he began to talk more often about family relationships? Or you found a receipt from a jewelry store, or maybe his friend spilled the beans. If you know your partner well, then you will definitely feel it. Men are more straightforward than women. He will find the right moment and propose to you. He won't play hide and seek or anything.

Various options

There are different ways to bring a man down the aisle. If you believe in otherworldly things, then magic and conspiracies are open to you. Be aware of the consequences. Nothing happens for nothing. When you purchase something this way, you definitely have to pay. And I'm not talking about the money you'll pay for a session. Be very careful, or better yet, don’t get involved in such things at all. The price may be too expensive.

Alternatively, you can play it open and just give an ultimatum. They say, either get married or break up. In this case, always remember that the situation may turn against you, and the young man will choose to separate. When you do this, consider all possible outcomes. If you are going to give an ultimatum, then it must be done in such a way that you will benefit from any decision.

How to gently push a man to a decision? Remember that the male sex does not understand hints well. They don't play with hints, reading between the lines, or anything like that. They are more used to directness. Therefore, the most effective way will be conversation. Without pressure and coercion, without quarrels and scandals. A quiet and calm conversation on the topic of your happy future together.

It's impossible to be prepared for everything

The first thing you should be prepared for is that a young man will propose and then change his mind. If you are playing the game of “drag a man to the registry office,” then you need to be prepared for this first of all. After all, when a person does something against his own will, there is a high probability that sooner or later he will realize everything that is happening.

When you are forced to do something, how do you feel? With what emotions do you perform this task, which did not come from you at all? Things don't get done under pressure. Will you be able to live happily and know that the man you love proposed not because he wanted to, but because you forced him?

In the world of technology, you need to be prepared for the fact that your spouse can propose via SMS. There is nothing criminal about this. If you have any preferences on the subject of the proposal, it is best to express them directly to your man.

Remember that men do not have a third eye and cannot guess what you want. Women want their lovers to surprise them, to do what they want, to please them. And the best thing to do would be to tell him what you want.

I hope you will be happy with your lover. If you found interesting thoughts for yourself in my article, be sure to share with others on social networks.

Happy future to you!

If you are of the opinion that it is the man who should propose marriage, I agree with you. But a woman should push him to this decision. In order for the relationship to end and continue with a wedding [here, after all, everything is just beginning], you will have to work on this.

It is noteworthy that for the first time a man can hug and kiss a woman only with her permission. For any action towards you, a man needs a signal, a kind of “green light”. Then he will begin to act and take initiative.

Today I will tell you about How get a proposal from a man.

Call a tow truck

It is quite possible that you have been living with a man for a long time and are waiting for a proposal from him. Why doesn't he do it? Don’t rush to accuse him of indecisiveness and the fact that “he’s happy with everything anyway.”

It is quite possible that the obstacle to marriage is the woman herself. You don't give it the green light. Perhaps, contrary to your words, he simply does not feel your readiness and confidence in him - the signal is weak, the quality luminous flux low..

Think about it, maybe you first need to evacuate all your, excuse me, mental trash, acquired over many years and including remnants of past relationships? ..

From theory to practice

How to get a proposal from a man?— Follow three basic rules:

1. Get rid of irritation and resentment. Change your mind about your man. If you love him and accept him as God intended him to be, then stop showering him with complaints when you discuss him with your friends. If you don’t like him, then why are you living with him? Suitcase in hand and forward to new happiness.

If you don't leave, it means you need him. In this case, show respect and get rid of negative beliefs regarding ALL men. As a rule, such thoughts are firmly anchored in the subcortex and restrain the lover’s impulse to ring you.

How to get rid of negative limiting beliefs about the opposite sex? — You can try it yourself with the help of meditation. If you can’t do it yourself, it’s already work in the .

2. Set standards and requirements for a man. If you initially positioned yourself in such a way that you can be treated and treated as you please, then believe me, a man will get everything he needs from you and at the same time avoid responsibility.

Tell your man that it is important for you to have the status of an official wife, and not a cohabitant. This is the moment of identifying common values ​​and outlooks on life, which further determine the success of the relationship and the strength of the marriage. This is the time to adequately assess your partner and set priorities.

If he loves you, he will soon propose to you - believe his word. If not, let him go. Perhaps he just needs to “lose” you for a while in order to understand his true feelings.

3. Show your man perspective. We humans don't do anything just like that. It is important for a man to understand what he is owed for his work.

The best reward that every man dreams of when deciding to marry is LOYALTY, SUPPORT AND GREAT SEX

You need to give him confidence that you are capable of giving him this. I talked about how to do this in my webinars. We opened access to these not so long ago. If you take the time to watch them, you will be able to significantly improve your relationship and get what you want.

If a relationship “gets stuck” at one level, it is the woman’s fault. It may sound cruel, but it is true. Or she makes herself dependent on the actions of a man [Why me?! - Let Him!] and nothing happens, or does not act as consciously and systematically as it should be done. Special tactics are needed here. And knowledge is important. You've already heard that relationships are hard work, haven't you? ..

It’s better not to prolong strained relationships

In order to make a man want to get married on you, what matters is How you yourself think about the development of relations between a man and a woman.

First, don't let him delay in making a decision to make his intentions towards you clear.

Secondly, don’t be afraid to voice the “conditions” for the continuation of your relationship - wedding ring and wedding. If your union is valuable to a man, he has already made his choice in your favor - he will treat your healthy and fair desire to enter into a legal marriage with understanding and respect.

There is no need to be afraid that you will lose him. Beware of losing yourself and your dignity in his eyes by agreeing to “what they give”, sacrificing your moral principles. A real man, YOUR man, whom you may not have met yet, will appreciate them.

Third. Adhering to the opinion that at least some man is better than no man, it is “some” man who will be with you.. This question already lies in the plane of your personal perception of yourself and requires strengthening your self-esteem.

And one last interesting thing...

The most cherished dream of many girls is a marriage proposal from a loved one. And there is nothing wrong with that - the desire to have a stable relationship, family and children is absolutely natural for both women and men.

But what if you are already ripe for such a step, but your loved one still doesn’t propose? In such a situation, you need to take matters into your own hands. To force him to marry, you will have to resort to small tricks, and the www.site knows which ones. You just have to choose the most suitable method applicable to your relationship. But first, let's talk about the situation as a whole.

What to do if a girl forces you to get married, but the guy doesn’t want to?

It's simple - stop forcing it. As you know, for every action there is a reaction. Therefore, if you are from that category of girls who literally force you to propose, resorting to blackmail, reproaches or entreaties, then you will achieve exactly the opposite effect. Not only do you force a man to zealously resist with such active pressure, at least just out of principle, but you also expose yourself in an unfavorable light.

Therefore, the statement that no one will force a man to marry, no matter how wonderful the candidate is, is very true. It’s impossible to force, but it’s very possible to push. But only on the condition that your chosen one has nothing against marriage as a whole. If he constantly emphasizes that marriage does not make sense to him, that it is just a stamp in his passport, then there is a high probability that, unfortunately, no advice on how to force a man to marry you will help. If such a topic comes up from time to time, then it’s worth trying your luck.

4 effective strategies on how to ring a guy

So, how to persuade a guy to get married? Here are 4 possible behavior options for girls who have a decent chance of success.

Option for creative people

If your boyfriend is quite jealous and does not tolerate competition, then you can remind him that you have enough fans without him. You will show him that he is not the only one who can lay claim to your heart.

You can organize an active correspondence with someone on social media. networks. There is no need to start a real affair on the side; ask a friend or friend to help you. The main thing is to do it demonstratively. Do not part with your phone, look there all the time and smile, pretend that you are in the clouds. It would be good if, when you are together, several messages with compliments are displayed on the screen.

According to research in psychology, this tactic is one of the best ways to force a man to marry you, because most representatives of the stronger sex have a highly developed possessive instinct. He will not tolerate competition with others, but the most reliable way To make a girl yours is to give her an engagement ring.

Option for housewives

If you are one of those who are ready to spend energy, nerves and time on maintaining home comfort, then your strategy on how to force a man to get married is to create an ideal life for him. So perfect, as if you had successfully completed a course on how to become an ideal wife.

This means to "provide" for it. delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner, make sure that his shirts and trousers are always ironed, that the house is clean and comfortable. If you know how to knit or sew, then create something for him or at home. Be sure to provide emotional comfort. Be aware of his schedule and preferences, take an interest in his affairs, help with something if possible.

There is a high probability that the man will appreciate your concern and will not want it to ever disappear from his life. But at the same time, your man should be home-loving himself, at least a little. If he is a party animal or an extreme person, then there may be the opposite effect; he may consider that he is plunging into a routine with you.

Option for risk-takers

This is the most radical method of how to force your man to propose marriage to you. Create a life for yourself in which there is no place for him, while at the same time giving him complete freedom of action. That is, you should always be busy in the evenings and on weekends. Meet with friends, visit your parents, go to dancing, fitness, programming courses, etc. Never pick up the phone when it calls you. Call back a few hours later under the pretext that you were busy.

This will show him that you can do just fine without him. Eventually he will feel like you are slipping away. And in this case, he will either want to win you back once and for all by proposing, or he will understand that he likes his freedom more than time with you. And even if this is the second case, you will check him and realize that he does not have strong feelings for you.

Option for modern

This method can easily be classified into the category of how to force your beloved man to propose. But it may be effective. Make an offer yourself. Sometimes a man may simply be indecisive or not confident enough that you really want to get married and will say yes to him. Therefore, if you are sure that your guy is the one, throw away prejudices and take the first step yourself.

Another common way to push a man in the right direction is to get pregnant, but the Svadebka.ws portal does not recommend that you resort to it. A man who was forced to marry a pregnant woman, in most cases, takes such a step not out of great love, but out of an increased sense of responsibility. This will not make your family happy. On the contrary, over time, this may become one of the reasons for divorce, because he was forced to marry you.

“Hard” cases: how to force a common-law husband and a “busy” husband to marry?

“Severe” cases include only two, but very common cases:

  • When you live in a civil marriage for a long time, but he doesn’t ask you to get married.
  • When you are in a relationship with a married man.

Why are they heavy? Because here none of the strategies may work. If a man, living with you and leading a common life for more than two or three years, did not want to legalize the relationship, then there is a high probability that no matter how you try to force your common-law husband to marry, you may not succeed. But this, of course, does not prevent you from trying one of the strategies. Just be prepared for the fact that there may not be a positive result if you have been living in a civil marriage for a long time.

The same applies to married men. 99% of them are not looking for a replacement for their wife, but are craving entertainment. Because even if a man has stopped loving his wife, he still may not leave her, since they can be connected by children. Think about whether your beloved is worth the hassle of trying to achieve him. If the answer is yes, then go back to the beginning of the article and try one of the methods, but remember that instant success is the same as in the case of common-law husband, don't wait!