Another name for this wonderful plant is chocolate tree. When cocoa butter is pressed from its fruits (necessary for the production of chocolate), the final by-product becomes cake, also commonly known as cocoa powder. It is widely used for making desserts, sweet pastries and drinks.

As you might guess, one of the advantages of cocoa powder is its reduced fat content. According to nutritionists, in order to fully evaluate the effectiveness of the product, you should drink cocoa at least twice a week.

Does cocoa increase or decrease blood pressure? Scientists cannot give a definite answer to this question. If you drink two liters of strong cocoa per day, you can abnormally increase your blood pressure (blood pressure). With moderate consumption of the drink:

  • the vascular endothelium is renewed, participating in the regulation of their ability to contract;
  • increases the elasticity of artery walls, which reduces the risk of spasms.

The latter is also influenced by the fact that cocoa contains less caffeine than coffee.

According to scientists, cold cocoa is better at treating hypotension, and hot cocoa is better at treating hypertension. The effect can be enhanced by adding appropriate spices - cinnamon, vanilla.

Ignoring possible insomnia, it is recommended to drink cocoa at night to treat increased intracranial pressure.

Cocoa on an empty stomach prevents the formation of blood clots, which reduces the risk of stroke in chronic hypertension.

To summarize, we can say that drinking cocoa at high or low blood pressure is completely harmless. However, it is not recommended to combine it with tablets to regulate blood pressure.

Video on the topic:

The benefits and harms of cocoa for bodybuilding athletes

Cocoa is predominantly carbohydrates rather than proteins. It contains many essential amino acids, in particular tryptophan. It has been proven that tryptophan deficiency leads to decreased muscle tone and the body's inability to absorb proteins from food.

Bodybuilders are advised to treat themselves to cocoa before or after meals containing legumes, fermented milk, poultry or fish.

Cocoa contains high levels of:

  • vitamins B9 and B2;
  • magnesium and phosphorus;
  • vitamin E.

Thanks to them, as well as other biologically active substances of the product, you can:

  • increase physical endurance, which reduces the likelihood of injury during exercise;
  • improve training performance;
  • reduce pain after exercise;
  • speed up muscle gain.

Cocoa regulates energy metabolism, which means that muscle fibers will not be “burned” during exercise.

It is known that thanks to cocoa, even with a significant increase in muscle mass, the risk of pathogenic changes in its structure is reduced.

Video on the topic:

The benefits and harms of cocoa for the heart

The flavonoid epicachetin present in cocoa has a positive effect on the heart:

  • strengthens the muscle;
  • normalizes heart rate and the ability to pass blood under high loads;
  • improves oxygen supply to the organ.

Naturally, it is also important that cocoa lowers blood sugar and cholesterol.

According to scientists from Tokyo, drinking 5 cups of cocoa per week reduces the risk of heart attack by 28%.

We must not forget about the antioxidant compounds of cocoa. Thanks to them, heart cells renew themselves better and age more slowly.

Although cocoa is generally good for the heart, it is important to note that for many serious diseases (for example, arrhythmia), moderation is needed with it to avoid worsening the condition.

New research proves that chocolate milk Helps quickly and effectively restore performance after training. One of the best exercise recovery drinks may already be in your refrigerator, according to new research presented at the American College of Sports Medicine conference. A series of 4 studies found that chocolate milk aided muscle recovery better than specialized carbohydrate sports shakes.

Experts agreed that two hour break post-exercise is an important part of a sports regimen, even though it is often neglected. After strenuous physical activity, this period of post-workout recovery is absolutely necessary for active people at all levels of athletic training - to make the training as effective as possible and maintain performance for subsequent visits to the gym.

New research proves that drinking low-fat chocolate milk directly after exercise can help your body preserve, compensate and replenish the spent energy resources of muscle cells for rapid recovery of the body. What's more, drinking low-fat chocolate milk after a grueling workout can help prepare your muscles for further exercise. In particular, scientists have discovered the following benefits of drinking chocolate milk:

  • Formation of muscle tissue- A biopsy of the muscle tissue of 8 runners of average physical fitness was performed immediately after training. The results showed that after drinking 500 ml skim milk The runners had increased protein synthesis in their skeletal muscles—indicating that the muscles were ready to regenerate and repair—compared to drinking carbohydrate-based sports drinks with the same number of calories. Researchers recommend drinking chocolate milk as an economical alternative to other sports drinks for skeletal muscle recovery after strenuous exercise.
  • Replenishment of energy reserves of muscle tissue- After exercise, it is important to compensate for glycogen, which is responsible for restoring the athlete’s performance and regenerating his muscle tissue. Researchers found that drinking 500 ml of low-fat chocolate milk, which contains a mixture of carbohydrates and protein (as opposed to sports drinks containing only carbohydrates), increased muscle glycogen levels within 30-60 minutes after exercise.
  • Ensuring the growth of new lean muscle mass- Athletes run the risk of muscle breakdown (myopathy) after exercise, when the body's demands increase to the maximum. Researchers found that drinking low-fat chocolate milk after exercise was more effective in reducing signs of myopathy than drinking carbohydrate sports drinks.
  • Performance during subsequent training sessions- Ten trained cyclists of both sexes pedaled for an hour and a half, with 10 minute intervals between runs. They then rested for 4 hours while being offered one of three drinks immediately after the race and 2 hours later: low-fat chocolate milk, a carbohydrate drink of the same calorie content, and a control drink. When the cyclists completed a subsequent 40 km ride, their cycling time was significantly reduced after drinking chocolate milk compared to the carbohydrate and control drinks.

Why chocolate milk?

The combination of carbohydrates and high-quality protein in chocolate milk has led researchers to focus for the first time on the drink's potential health benefits for athletes. The combination of carbohydrates and proteins in chocolate milk itself has a ratio that has proven to be the most effective for recovery. What's more, research shows that chocolate milk contains the optimal combination of carbohydrates and protein to replenish the energy reserves of depleted muscles, while the protein helps rebuild lean muscles. This study further demonstrates that milk can be as effective a drink as some commercial cocktails. sports nutrition, helping athletes restore performance and replenish the spent energy resources of muscle cells.

Milk also helps replenish fluids in the body and replace electrolytes, including potassium, calcium and magnesium, which are excreted from the body through the sweat glands and which are essential for both professional and amateur athletes. Moreover, chocolate milk is rich in nutrients, which is also an advantage over traditional sports drinks. No other drink contains such a variety of vitamins and minerals.


  • Lunn WR, Colletto MR, Karfonta KE, Anderson JM, Pasiakos SM, Ferrando AA, Wolfe RR, Rodriguez NR. Chocolate milk consumption following endurance exercise affects skeletal muscle protein fractional synthetic rate and intracellular signaling. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2010, vol.42, pp.S48.
  • Karfonta KE, Lunn WR, Colletto MR, Anderson JM, Rodriguez NR. Chocolate milk enhances glycogen replenishment after endurance exercise in moderately trained males. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2010, vol.42, pp.S64.
  • Colletto MR, Lunn W, Karfonta K, Anderson J, Rogriguez N. Effects of chocolate milk consumption on leucine kinetics during recovery from endurance exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2010, vol.42, pp.S126.
  • Ferguson-Stegall L, McCleave E, Doerner PG, Ding Z, Dessard B, Kammer L, Wang B, Liu Y, Ivy J. Effects of chocolate milk supplementation on recovery from cycling exercise and subsequent time trial performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2010,vol.42, pp.S536.

Many bodybuilders are interested in knowing how dark chocolate affects the body. Is it useful or not? And the answer, it turns out, is simple - certainly useful. But first things first. It should be said right away that when you are tired and overworked, chocolate will not only become a tasty treat, but will also lift your overall mood.

Useful properties of chocolate

Due to the presence of sugar and fat in chocolate, the content of two main neurotransmitters in the body increases: ephedrine and serotonin. Low levels of these substances have been found to cause feelings of depression and anxiety. When there is a sufficient amount of these substances in the body, the person begins to feel good.

Also, when eating chocolate, a person actually heals himself. Scientists have conducted studies trying to find the relationship between the presence of healthy fats in the body and the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

As a result of these experiments, it was proven that stearic acid, which is part of chocolate, has no effect on cholesterol levels. This made it possible to remove this product from the list of potentially dangerous for the heart. Thus, even if you eat a bar of chocolate, the body will not be harmed, but will only improve your mood. Cholesterol levels will also remain the same.

Chocolate contains a huge amount of antioxidants, including flavonol and flavonoid. It has been experimentally established that these substances have cardioprotective properties. Thanks to them, blood viscosity decreases, the walls of blood vessels dilate, which significantly improves blood flow.

In addition, antioxidants help maintain normal blood pressure. If we talk about antioxidants, then most of them are found in cocoa powder, which generally turned out to be one of the most valuable products due to the absence of sugar and low calorie content. But right behind it comes dark and bitter chocolate. The dark contains the most large number flavonol, twice as high as that of milk.

Chocolate and sports

A special study on the amount of antioxidants in various foods was conducted by Dr. Jung Lee. For the experiment, he chose cocoa powder, green and black tea, and red wine. As a result, cocoa powder unconditionally took first place, beating out the “silver medalist” - red wine - by more than two times. Black tea contains the least amount of antioxidants.

The effect of flavonoids, which dark chocolate contains, on the athlete’s body was also studied. The experiment involved more than 20 people who consumed one slab of the product daily for two weeks. Then, for two weeks, the athletes participating in the experiment adhered to their usual diet, excluding only vitamin and mineral supplements and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from the diet.

As a result, it was proven that under the influence of flavonoids, blood flow significantly improved. It is also worth noting that chocolate is also useful for weight loss, due to the presence of a large amount of proanthocyanidins.

Is chocolate harmful?

Based on all the research, we can say with confidence that eating chocolate will only benefit the body. But it should be remembered that the product contains quite a lot of fat and sugar. In addition to it, fish, nuts, seeds and other foods are also sources of antioxidants.

It is also worth remembering about cocoa, which contains practically no fat and sugar. But if you happen to be a chocolate lover, then you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure.

Video about the benefits and harms of chocolate:

There is too much wonderful food in the world that is difficult to give up in favor of healthy eating. For many, goodies are the most important thing in life, including chocolate.

Some people periodically adhere to proper nutrition and temporarily lose weight, but eventually return to their original weight due to sugar cravings.

It's hard to believe, but dark chocolate, unlike other confectionery products, may even help you lose weight. But how is this possible?

The Power of Epicatechin

Dark chocolate contains a magical ingredient called epicatechin. This natural chemical compound belongs to the group of flavonoids and is found in high concentrations in cocoa beans. Flavonoids improve health and performance. How darker chocolate and the less processed it is, the more flavonoids it contains.

As for milk chocolate, it mostly consists of sugar, so it does not have beneficial properties inherent in dark chocolate.

Recently, experts have been actively studying the effects of epicatechin on health. Research has found that it is a powerful antioxidant and may reduce the risk of stroke, cancer and certain metabolic diseases such as diabetes.

A Harvard Medical School researcher has found that Kuna Indians living in Panama have little risk of cardiovascular disease due to regular consumption of cocoa-based drinks.

In addition to being found in dark chocolate, flavonoids are also available as a dietary supplement.

Let's talk in more detail about the benefits of flavonoids for the body.

Increased blood flow and nitric oxide synthesis

Long-term endurance training is not everyone's cup of tea. However, we all need to be active to keep our bodies in good shape. If you like to exercise, you can treat yourself to chocolate!

Epicatechin stimulates vasodilation, or widening of blood vessels. As a result, blood circulation is activated, blood pressure is reduced and athletic performance is improved. Thus, by including dark chocolate in your diet, you will get the maximum benefits from your workouts.

In addition, flavonoids increase the level of nitric oxide in the blood, suppressing the activity of enzymes that destroy them.

Nitric oxide is useful to an athlete because it stimulates the formation of satellite cells that repair damaged muscle fibers after intense training.

The importance of this process increases as the body ages, because as the body ages, the body produces fewer and fewer satellite cells, causing muscle tears to take longer to heal.

Dark chocolate has one more property that will surely interest adults with a sweet tooth: flavonoids act on the body like Viagra!

Strengthening muscles and accelerating weight gain

Muscle growth is regulated by a peptide called myostatin. It limits the growth of muscle tissue to prevent hypertrophy (overdevelopment of the organ). By suppressing the action of myostanin, it is possible to significantly accelerate muscle mass gain, but artificial drugs with a similar effect do not yet exist.

Athletes often use anabolic steroids in pursuit of rapid muscle growth, but their abuse can result in serious hormonal disorders.

Myostatin has an antagonist - follistanin. It interrupts the signals that myostanin sends to the nervous system. These two regulatory proteins interact to achieve homeostasis (internal balance). As a result, muscles grow, but more slowly than athletes want.

According to the results of a recent study, flavonoids stimulate the synthesis of follistatin, as a result of which the counteraction of myostatin weakens naturally, without the use of anabolic steroids.

Regulating Blood Glucose Levels

Insulin is one of the key hormones if we're talking about about gaining muscle mass or burning fat. It displaces glucose from the bloodstream and triggers protein synthesis in muscle cells.

Constantly increased level Insulin in the blood provokes insulin resistance, and the hormone loses its regulatory properties. This can lead to a number of serious diseases such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Epicatechin increases insulin sensitivity and helps the hormone lower blood glucose levels. In turn, proper functioning of insulin provides the athlete with rapid recovery and weight gain.

Increased stamina

This property of flavonoids requires additional confirmation, as it was revealed during animal experiments. In particular, an experiment conducted by scientists from The Journal of Physiology showed that a daily dose of epicatechin significantly increased the endurance of rats.

The animals coped with more intense physical activity and remained active longer. In addition, rats showed increased endurance even without exercise, as long as they continued to be given a flavonoid supplement.


During intense exercise, the body loses a large amount of fluid as a result of active sweating, reducing blood volume, which is important for receiving oxygen to muscles and organs, and the supply of electrolytes necessary for muscle contraction.

Rehydration plays a huge role in the body's recovery after exercise. And here a natural question arises: need to drink after training, so as not to harm the body.

In our article we will look at what drinks you should not drink after a workout and why.

What not to drink after training

1. Sports drinks

Sports energy drinks- this is nothing more than a mixture of salt, sugar, water and dye. Very often, you can find other ingredients in the drink that are credited with energy and fat-burning properties. Most often it is guarana, caffeine, yohimbine, etc. Manufacturers claim that drinking the energy drink will give you a boost of energy and replenish all fluid losses. In a sense this is true. Sugar, as a 100% carbohydrate, is indeed a source of energy for the body, but its effect is unstable and ultimately only harms health. After a quick splash your energy level falls, and the body does its best to balance the toxic effects of sugar.

The beneficial effects of other additives may also raise doubts: the effects of guarana on the body have not yet been fully studied, and, for example, caffeine is a diuretic, i.e. a drink containing it will not saturate the cells with moisture, but, on the contrary, will work towards dehydration. Additionally, sports drinks contain a lot of refined salt. This is done to replenish what the body has lost through sweat. However, the salt that is added to sports drinks- Not best way restore sodium levels. In large quantities, it can only cause damage to the body, in particular damage the arteries.

2. Alcohol

Another drink that should not be consumed after training is alcohol. The main problem is that it slows down the recovery process by inhibiting the functions of the hormones that are normally involved. Alcohol reduces the production of the male hormone testosterone and protein synthesis, which prevents muscle building. But on the contrary, it increases the production of estrogen, which is responsible for fat deposits. Exercise stimulates the production of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase, which helps break down fat. But just 40 g of strong alcohol almost completely inhibits the production of this enzyme. Add to this the increased appetite that alcohol causes, and you will understand that drinking alcohol not only ruins your workouts, but also causes significant harm.

3. Carbonated drinks

Sweet carbonated drinks, as well as sports drinks, contain large amounts of sugar. We have already written above about the harm sugar causes to the body. Sugary carbonated drinks are also bad for the heart. Sometimes phosphoric acid may be used in carbonated waters. It can usually be found in cheap sodas. If you don’t want to wash calcium out of your body, increase bone fragility and worsen your health, give up this drink.

Many people like to drink sparkling mineral water; it seems tastier than regular water. It all depends on the physical activity and the reaction of your body. Due to the carbon dioxide content, sparkling water can cause belching, flatulence or bloating. Also, due to the presence of gas, it takes up more space in the stomach compared to regular water. You can drink soda after exercise if your body tolerates these types of drinks normally. If you are unaccustomed to drinking a new type of liquid, it is necessary in small quantities, monitoring the reaction of the digestive system.

4. Packaged juice

The harm of packaged juice can be compared to carbonated sweet drinks. A glass of reconstituted orange juice contains as much as 5 tsp. Sahara. With regular use of such a product, there is a risk of developing diabetes mellitus increases several times. In addition, packaged juices do not contain the vitamins and healthy fibers found in fruits. Nutritional value The fruit is lost when you juice it, and you end up consuming pure sugar in the form of fructose. Many manufacturers do not skimp on adding various stabilizers and aromatic components to the juice in order to embellish the taste of the concentrate from which the drink is made.

5. Coffee

There is a lot of talk about the benefits of coffee: this drink increases energy levels, gives vigor, and restores strength. Coffee accelerates the removal of lactic acid from muscle tissue. It is this acid that causes nagging muscle pain after training. Caffeine can partially relieve this effect. This positive side coffee. But, in addition to the benefits, drinking caffeine after a workout can also cause harm. Caffeine interferes with the reloading of glycogen into the muscles and liver and the taking of protein for muscle repair. In addition, caffeine has cardiovascular and nervous system stimulating effect. After training, the whole body is in good shape. Therefore, additional stimulation of the body with caffeine increases the load on the entire body as a whole. This can be dangerous, especially if you have problems with the cardiovascular system.