Why do tastes change so much with age? Do you have it too? Such semolina porridge, which I hated in childhood, is now very delicious dessert, especially if served with fruit and jam. Today I want to offer not just a recipe for semolina porridge, but with two features.

  1. We will cook on powdered milk. I think that you also don’t always have fresh milk in the refrigerator.
  2. Absolutely other technology preparations different from traditional ones, which one hundred percent guarantee porridge no lumps, which is important.

This is how I have been preparing semolina for many years. Almost everyone (judging by Internet records) recommends powdered milk dilute with water, that is, make it liquid, put on fire, bring to a boil and then pour in semolina in a thin stream. Where are the guarantees that there will be no lumps and that the milk will disperse and not be flakes?

I have my own method of preparing semolina porridge with milk powder, and I hope that it will be useful to someone...

So, pour the dry milk into the pan where the porridge will be cooked.

Add semolina to it.

Add sugar and a pinch of salt. I add a lot of sugar, since the porridge is more of a dessert than a porridge.

Now I pour in cold water and beat everything with a blender. Add a little water first to avoid splashing, and then add the rest of the water. Since the water is cold, the lumps instantly break up and do not brew like in hot water.

All that remains is to put the pan on low heat, stirring, bring to a boil and cook until tender. I never cook semolina for more than 5 minutes. What kind of porridge do you want - thin or thick? You can safely add water during cooking if the porridge, in your opinion, turns out to be thick.

Semolina porridge prepared with dry milk is ready.

At the end, add butter and any additives: fruit, jam and chocolate sauce.

P.S. Why don't we love her so much as children? :)

Semolina porridge is the first association with childhood. Not all young housewives now know what semolina porridge with milk is - the recipe becomes necessary when children appear.

The first question that interests many: why is it better to cook with milk rather than with water? Milk semolina is more nutritious, healthier and several times tastier. Semolina porridge with milk is a source of easily digestible protein, carbohydrates and calcium.

It is easy to prepare, since the recipe for semolina porridge requires only 15 minutes of time spent. Properly cooked tender semolina is loved by children and adults. It is prepared with water in cases of allergies, intolerance to milk protein or to reduce calorie content. For children, porridge is cooked in milk; for infants, it is diluted with water.

So how to cook this useful product? There are many recipes for making semolina porridge with milk. In order to get delicious semolina porridge, you need to know the proportions of the products. Otherwise, the dish may turn out too thick or, conversely, liquid.

The correct ratio of cereal to milk should be 1:6 - 1:8. If necessary, milk is diluted with water 3:1. Sugar and salt are added to taste.

Recipe for cooking in a slow cooker

A multicooker is now considered an attribute of a modern kitchen in many young families. Therefore, let’s first consider the method of cooking in a slow cooker.


  • milk - 3 multi-glasses;
  • water - 2 multi-glasses;
  • cereal - 0.5 multi-cups;
  • sugar - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt - a pinch or 1/3 tsp. (to taste).

Depending on the functions available in the multicooker, there are 2 cooking methods.

1 way

Pour milk and water into the bowl, turn on the “Stew” or “Steam” mode for 8-10 minutes. Separately mix sugar with cereal. After boiling, add the cereal and sugar in a thin stream, stirring constantly.

This will prevent lumps from forming. Salt. After 2 minutes, turn off the multicooker and leave the “Warming” mode. In 10 minutes everything is ready! The oil can be added to the bowl or directly to the plate. Children love it when there is a yellow butter sun in the center of the plate.

Method 2

Mix semolina with sugar and salt in a bowl. Carefully pour in the liquid, stirring so that there are no lumps. Turn on the “Stew” or “Milk porridge” mode. After about 30 minutes, the appliance can be turned off on its own.

There is a little trick: to prevent the milk from “running away”, grease the inner walls of the multicooker with butter just above the level of the resulting mixture.

If you need a thinner consistency, you can take more milk (4-5 multi-glasses).

Cooking method on the stove

Delicious semolina porridge: classic recipe

How to cook semolina porridge if you don’t have a multicooker at home? Our mothers and grandmothers cooked delicious milk semolina simply on the stove. There's nothing complicated about it. You just need to know all the features:

  1. To prepare liquid semolina porridge, you need to take the dishes higher, because When milk boils, it begins to form high foam and “run away.” Therefore, it needs to be boiled over low heat and stirred periodically.
  2. It is better to cook in a thick-walled saucepan (cauldron) or in stainless steel or fire-resistant ceramic dishes. It is not recommended to use enamel cookware, because... it may burn. It is advised to first pour cold water over the pan or throw a piece of ice at the bottom, then nothing will burn.
  3. To prevent lumps from forming, add semolina in a thin stream and stir continuously.


  • milk - 0.75 l;
  • water - 0.25 l;
  • semolina - 0.5 tbsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter -20 g.

The cooking technology is as follows.

Bring the stabilized milk to boil over low heat, stirring occasionally. Separately mix semolina with sugar and salt. You can add sugar and salt directly to the boiling mixture.

There is an opinion that this makes the dish tastier. When the foam begins to rise, stir and begin to carefully pour in the cereal in a thin stream. Be sure to continuously stir the resulting mixture! This prevents the formation of lumps, which children do not really like. Cook for 2-3 minutes, turn off, cover with a lid for a few minutes, the cereal will swell slightly. Add oil to taste.

You can delight your children with a smiley-face mug: to do this, we draw funny faces from bright jam or syrup right in the plate.

How to cook semolina porridge with dry milk?

Semolina porridge with milk powder


  • powdered milk - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • cereal - ¼ cup;
  • sugar - 0.5-1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - a pinch or ¼ tsp;
  • butter - to taste.

Before cooking, dilute the milk powder in a small amount of water, gradually adding it to the required consistency. Further, the cooking technology does not change. You can mix dry powder with cereal, sugar and salt.

Pour into boiling water in a thin stream. Cook for 2-3 minutes. (on the stove) or leave in the “Keep Warm” mode for 10 minutes in the slow cooker. Add oil to taste.

To enrich the taste and vitamin-mineral composition, it is recommended to add fruits, dried fruits, jams, syrups, ground raw berry mixtures, oatmeal and corn flakes, candied fruits, and raisins. Raisins and dried fruits, pre-washed, are added after boiling. Leave in the “Warming” mode for 15-20 minutes. for swelling. Add butter before serving.

Semolina porridge with milk: recipe with fruits

Grease the inner walls of the bowl with butter. Pour 1 liter of milk, add sugar and salt to taste. After boiling, add, stirring, 0.5 tbsp. cereals Turn on the “Milk porridge” or “Stew” mode for 15 minutes.

At this time, heat the apple and banana cut into slices with sugar and a small amount of water in a frying pan until caramelized. Put butter in the finished dish and place the cooked fruit on top.

Enjoy your childhood memories!


  • 0.3 cups semolina;
  • 3 spoons of sugar;
  • 5 tablespoons of milk powder;
  • 500 ml water;
  • salt;
  • oil as desired.

Cooking method

  1. Take a saucepan; it must be empty and dry. To be sure, wipe the inside with a towel.
  2. Now add milk and semolina, add sugar and salt. Stir the dry mixture until all lumps disappear.
  3. Now pour in cold water in a thin stream and stir. It is convenient to use a whisk for this.
  4. It's time to put the porridge on the stove. Heat until boiling, stir occasionally and do not leave.
  5. As soon as the mixture boils, boil for three minutes.
  6. Turn off the heat, add oil, let stand covered for a few minutes until the dish reaches the desired consistency.


You definitely didn’t know this, watch the video...

Semolina porridge can be cooked not only with plain or powdered milk. Delicious dish made with baked milk. By the way, you can also season any porridge with ghee. Down with boring and monotonous breakfasts!

Calorie content

The calorie content of such porridge will be about 125 kcal per 100 grams.

There are many myths and legends about milk powder, claiming that most of the dairy products we consume are made from it. Let's figure out what this product is, what beneficial properties what it has and where it is used, as well as how to make milk from milk powder using water.

What is powdered milk, what does it consist of and what types does it come in?

Powdered milk is a natural product in the form of soluble powder, obtained from drying normalized cow's milk V special purpose drying is to reduce the mass of the finished product and increase its shelf life. As you know, powdered milk does not require special storage conditions at low temperatures and has a longer shelf life (3-6 months) than natural milk, which tends to quickly sour. It is especially convenient to use the powder in regions where it is not possible to obtain fresh natural milk. And this is the type that is convenient to use in cooking.

How to properly dilute powdered milk?

Liquid milk can be made from milk powder by adding a certain amount of water. The concentrate can be consumed as a drink or added as an ingredient in the production of other products, both in dry and liquid form. Until the advent of special sports nutrition Powdered milk was the main source of protein in bodybuilding. There are several varieties of dry concentrate - whole, low-fat, dry buttermilk, whey, mixtures, but more often only 3 types are used, which differ only in the percentage of fat content and some substances:

  • whole (550 kcal);
  • low fat (373 kcal);
  • instant.

Add as much water as you need, most often it is 2-3 tbsp. l. milk per glass of liquid.

What are the benefits of powdered milk?

Powdered milk contains about 20 essential proteins and amino acids, a significant amount of calcium, which promotes the growth and strengthening of bones, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, iodine, and sulfur. This product contains much less cholesterol, so it is often used in production baby food. Further in the article we will look in detail at how to make milk, baked goods and even cosmetic masks and much more from milk powder, and in what proportions to mix the components.

Powdered milk is widely used in industry in the production of dry cereals and infant formula, ice cream, baked goods and other confectionery products. Let's consider several options for home. To obtain 1 glass of milk, you need 5-6 teaspoons of dry powder (20-30 g) diluted with warm or cold water (about 200 ml). The water should be boiled, 45-60 degrees. This proportion is needed to make it 2.5 percent. How to make milk with higher and lower fat content from milk powder? Accordingly, you need to add more or less water. The resulting product should also sit for some time; it can be brought to a boil. You can then cover it with a lid and let it brew. The sour substrate can be used to make cottage cheese, baked goods, porridges and soups.

The benefits and harms of powdered milk

Now we know how to make milk from milk powder. Moreover, many say that in taste and smell it is not inferior to pasteurized natural one. However, it is unlikely that a person who has tasted real fresh village milk will agree with this statement. But as for chemical composition, then any concentrate of dry milk powder will give a head start to the real thing. Powdered milk contains more than 20 amino acids, vitamins (vitamin B 12 is especially useful for people suffering from anemia, vitamin A, which promotes vision, vitamin D), useful substances - potassium for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, calcium, which helps strengthen bones. Plus, powdered milk contains a much lower number of allergens, which is why it is often used to prepare infant formula. The harm of such milk can occur in people with individual allergic reactions or using it if stored incorrectly (if elevated temperatures and humidity). In addition, failure to follow the preparation technology, when a person does not know how to make milk powder at home correctly, can even lead to poisoning.

Disadvantages of powdered milk, conclusion and conclusion

The disadvantages include the high fat content of the product. If the daily norm is exceeded, metabolic processes may be disrupted and excess fat may be deposited. Also, this product is not recommended to be consumed before bed or after training in the morning, since the casein it contains requires several hours to digest. It is important to correctly consider the proportions when talking about how to make milk from high-fat milk powder, since it contains a lot of cholesterol, which can lead to atherosclerotic damage to the heart and blood vessels. Thus, powdered milk is a very useful and convenient product that can be easily converted into liquid state, take with you on the road or to work, easy to store. You just need to be extremely careful with its excessive use.

Tasty, sweet, warm semolina porridge - wonderful and nostalgic associations with childhood. Everyone knows about the magnificent medicinal properties This porridge is therefore recommended to be eaten not only by children, but also by adults, but in moderation. There are many recipes for this delicacy. It is boiled in milk and water. If you know good recipe, then you can easily prepare high-quality, airy, light and unusually delicate dessert. You can make a gorgeous pudding from semolina porridge, which is no worse than the famous Italian panna cotta.

Semolina porridge with milk powder is not a fiction, but a completely feasible task. This milk porridge is not inferior in taste to that prepared with regular milk. Semolina is used as an original powder, added to casseroles, dumplings with cottage cheese, cheesecakes, and also based on it, an incomparable semolina porridge without lumps is prepared.

If you urgently need to prepare this dish, but there is no milk on hand, then there is an excellent alternative. The optimal way out of this situation is airy, melt-in-your-mouth semolina porridge with milk powder, which can be prepared in a matter of minutes.



1. Having prepared all the necessary components of this recipe, you can begin to directly prepare the porridge. If you use this type of milk, then the cooking is slightly different from the traditional method. To prevent milk from curdling, it is better to dilute it in water. First of all, add the milk powder into the pan.

2. After this, you need to add semolina. The specified quantity of products in the recipe is designed for one serving. If you need to prepare a dish for a larger number of people, increase the dosage of ingredients, taking into account the proportions.

3. In the next step, add salt and sugar. If desired, add less sugar to make the dish less sweet.

4. On final stage pour in distilled water. Mix the ingredients thoroughly using a blender.

5. Place the pan on the stove, the heat should be minimal. Do not forget that the semolina must be stirred constantly, so it will not burn. Bring to a boil and simmer for five minutes.