Hall Manly

Occult human anatomy

Manly Palmer Hall

Manly Palmer Hall

USA, 18.3.1901 - 1990

Born in Peterborough (Canada). In 1904 he moved to the USA with his parents. From his youth he became interested in the occult and mysticism, subsequently was a member of the Theosophical Society and the American Federation of Astrologers, joined the Masonic lodge and the Rosicrucian Society. In 1922 he published his first book, Initiated by the Flame; six years later the famous work “An Encyclopedic Exposition of Masonic, Hermetic, Kabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolic Philosophy” was published. In 1934, Hall founded the Society for Philosophical Research, where he lectured regularly (it was estimated that by 1940 he had given over 7,000 lectures). In 1956, the book “Secret Societies of America” was published, after which Hall fell silent for a long time. Only in 1986 was the work “The Hermetic Roots of American Society” published. In total, Manly Hall published more than 50 books and several hundred articles during his life.

Chapter I. The human body in symbolism

Scripture says that God created man in His Image and Likeness. This is stated not only in the Christian Bible, but also in all the sacred writings of almost all enlightened peoples. The Jewish patriarchs taught that the human body is a microcosm - or a small cosmos, created in the image of the Macrocosm or great Cosmos. This analogy between the finite and the infinite is considered one of the keys by which the secrets of Holy Scripture are revealed. There is no doubt that Old Testament is a guide to physiology and anatomy for those who are able to read it with a scientific approach. The ancient sages personified the functions of the human body, the qualities of the human mind and the qualities of the human soul and weaved a magnificent drama around their relationship. To the great Egyptian demigod, Hermes, humanity should be grateful for the law of analogy. The great Hermetic axiom said: that which is above is like that which is below, and that which is below is like that which is above. The religions of the ancient world were all based on the worship of Nature, and in a degenerate form this has survived to this day under the guise of phallism. Worship of the parts and functions of the human body began in the later Lemurian period. In the era of the Atlanteans, this religion gave way to the worship of the Sun, but the new religion introduced into its teaching many of the rituals and symbols of the previous faith. It has become a custom among all nations to build temples in the shape of the human body. The Jewish sanctuary, the great Egyptian temple at Karnak, the religious buildings of the Hawaiian priests and Christian churches built in the shape of a cross are examples of this. If the human body is placed with outstretched arms in the shape of any of these buildings, then the elevation of the altar occupies the same position relative to the building as the brain occupies in the human body.

All priests of the ancient world were anatomists. They recognized that all the functions of nature are reproduced in miniature in the human body. Therefore, they used man as a guide and told their disciples that to understand man is to understand the universe. These wise men believed that every star in the sky, every element in the earth and every function in nature is represented in the human body by a corresponding center, pole or activity.

This relationship between outer nature and inner human nature was hidden from the crowd and constituted the secret teachings of the ancient priesthood. In Atlantis and Egypt they took religion much more seriously than they do now. For these peoples it was the essence of life. The priests had complete control over millions of ignorant people who were taught from childhood that these majestic patriarchs in long robes were the direct messengers of God; and people believed that any disobedience to the orders of the clergy brought the punishment of the Almighty upon the head of the disobedient one. The existence of the temple depended on its secret wisdom, which gave its priests power over the forces of nature and a significant superiority in knowledge and wisdom over the ignorant crowd they led.

These sages knew that religion contains something much more significant than just the chanting of mantras and hymns; they believed that only those with actual knowledge could progress along the path of salvation. scientific knowledge occult functions of one's own body. The anatomical symbolism which they developed in order to perpetuate its understanding has reached modern Christianity, but the keys to it seem to have been lost. For those engaged in the study of religions, a tragic situation is created: they are surrounded by thousands of symbols incomprehensible to them; but even sadder is the fact that they even forgot that these symbols once had some other meaning than the naive interpretation they themselves composed.

The concept that has taken root in the minds of Christians that their faith is a single, true, inspired doctrine that came to retinue without parents is extremely unreasonable. A comparative study of religions shows without any doubt that Christianity borrowed its philosophy and ideas from the religions and philosophies of the ancient and post-flood pagan world. Between religious symbols and allegories belonging to ancient world long before the advent of Christianity, there are several that we would like to draw your attention to. The following Christian symbols and concepts come from pagan religions.

The Christian cross comes from Egypt and India; triple miter - from the Mithraic religion; the shepherd's staff - from the Mysteries of Hermes and from Greece, the Immaculate Conception - from India; The Transfiguration is from Persia and the Trinity is taken from the Brahmins. We find the Virgin Mary, as the Mother of God, in twelve different religions. There are more than twenty crucified Saviors of the world. The church bell tower is a modification of the Egyptian obelisks and pyramids, and the Christian devil is a slightly modified Egyptian Typhon. The more you delve into this issue, the more convinced you become that there is nothing new under the sun. A conscientious study of the Christian religion proves beyond a doubt that it represents an evolutionary development of primitive teachings. Just as there is an evolution of physical forms, there is also an evolution of religions. If we have accepted and introduced into our doctrines the religious symbolism of almost forty nations, then this obliges us to at least partially understand the meaning of the myths and allegories we borrowed, even if we were more ignorant than those from whom we took them.

This book is dedicated to the task of clarifying the relationship that exists between the symbolism of the ancient priests and the occult functions of the human body. First of all, we must understand the premise that all scriptures are sealed with seven seals. In other words, one must have seven interpretations in order to fully understand the meaning of those ancient philosophical revelations that we call Holy Scripture. Scripture did not intend to be historical. Anyone who takes it literally understands only its smallest meaning. It is well known that Shakespeare in his dramas, for dramatic purposes, brought together the characters of people who were actually separated from each other by centuries; but Shakespeare wrote not history, but drama. The same is true of the Bible. Scripture hopelessly confuses historians with contradictory chronological tables, and most historians will remain so until Doomsday. Scripture provides excellent material for arguing over its meaning, as well as a field for puzzling over the meaning of individual terms and the probable location of unknown cities. Most of the biblical cities that guidebooks now point to were named hundreds of years after Christ by pilgrims who assumed that these cities stood somewhere close to those mentioned in the Bible. All this may be convincing evidence for others, but for a thinker the conclusion is undeniable that history is the least important part in Scripture.

Just as Buddha in India only transformed the views of the then Brahmins, just as Jesus gave a new face to the faith of Israel and gave his disciples and the world a teaching based on what already existed before. But He transformed it according to the needs of the people around Him and the problems facing the European peoples. The Essenes who raised Christ were of Egyptian or Hindu origin and His religion took the best of what came before Him. The speeches preserved from Him are allegorical to a large extent and immersive. common man into a whole sea of ​​mysteries incomprehensible to him, which was done, however, not without a purpose, because if Shakespeare allows himself liberties in relation to history in order to present basic truths, then it seems that the historians of Jesus took the character of a person as the basis for great drama. He becomes the hero of a story sealed with seven seals, and those Christians who have studied symbolism can extract from this story the key to the true Christian mysteries. They will then understand that Scripture is an eternal history that does not belong to any nation or people, but is the tale of all nations and all peoples. For example, it is remarkable that when studying the life of Christ in the light of astronomy, he becomes the sun, and his disciples become the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Between the luminaries we find scenes of His ministry, and in the retrograde movement of the equinoxes - the story of His birth, growth, maturity and death for the sake of people. The chemical substances tormented in the retort also tell us about the life of the Teacher, because with the key to chemistry, Scripture becomes another book. In this special work, however, we will deal only with the relation of these allegories to the human body.

Manly Palmer Hall

Manly Palmer Hall

USA, 18.3.1901 - 1990

Born in Peterborough (Canada). In 1904 he moved to the USA with his parents. From his youth he became interested in the occult and mysticism, subsequently was a member of the Theosophical Society and the American Federation of Astrologers, joined the Masonic lodge and the Rosicrucian Society. In 1922 he published his first book, Initiated by the Flame; six years later the famous work “An Encyclopedic Exposition of Masonic, Hermetic, Kabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolic Philosophy” was published. In 1934, Hall founded the Society for Philosophical Research, where he lectured regularly (it was estimated that by 1940 he had given over 7,000 lectures). In 1956, the book “Secret Societies of America” was published, after which Hall fell silent for a long time. Only in 1986 was the work “The Hermetic Roots of American Society” published. In total, Manly Hall published more than 50 books and several hundred articles during his life.

Chapter I. The human body in symbolism

Scripture says that God created man in His Image and Likeness. This is stated not only in the Christian Bible, but also in all the sacred writings of almost all enlightened peoples. The Jewish patriarchs taught that the human body is a microcosm - or a small cosmos, created in the image of the Macrocosm or great Cosmos. This analogy between the finite and the infinite is considered one of the keys by which the secrets of Holy Scripture are revealed. There is no doubt that the Old Testament is a manual of physiology and anatomy for those who are able to read it with a scientific approach. The ancient sages personified the functions of the human body, the qualities of the human mind and the qualities of the human soul and weaved a magnificent drama around their relationship. To the great Egyptian demigod, Hermes, humanity should be grateful for the law of analogy. The great Hermetic axiom said: that which is above is like that which is below, and that which is below is like that which is above. The religions of the ancient world were all based on the worship of Nature, and in a degenerate form this has survived to this day under the guise of phallism. Worship of the parts and functions of the human body began in the later Lemurian period. In the era of the Atlanteans, this religion gave way to the worship of the Sun, but the new religion introduced into its teaching many of the rituals and symbols of the previous faith. It has become a custom among all nations to build temples in the shape of the human body. The Jewish sanctuary, the great Egyptian temple at Karnak, the religious buildings of the Hawaiian priests and Christian churches built in the shape of a cross are examples of this. If the human body is placed with outstretched arms in the shape of any of these buildings, then the elevation of the altar occupies the same position relative to the building as the brain occupies in the human body.

All priests of the ancient world were anatomists. They recognized that all the functions of nature are reproduced in miniature in the human body. Therefore, they used man as a guide and told their disciples that to understand man is to understand the universe. These wise men believed that every star in the sky, every element in the earth and every function in nature is represented in the human body by a corresponding center, pole or activity.

This relationship between outer nature and inner human nature was hidden from the crowd and constituted the secret teachings of the ancient priesthood. In Atlantis and Egypt they took religion much more seriously than they do now. For these peoples it was the essence of life. The priests had complete control over millions of ignorant people who were taught from childhood that these majestic patriarchs in long robes were the direct messengers of God; and people believed that any disobedience to the orders of the clergy brought the punishment of the Almighty upon the head of the disobedient one. The existence of the temple depended on its secret wisdom, which gave its priests power over the forces of nature and a significant superiority in knowledge and wisdom over the ignorant crowd they led.

These sages knew that religion contains something much more significant than just the chanting of mantras and hymns; they believed that only those with actual scientific knowledge of the occult functions of their own body could progress successfully along the path of salvation. The anatomical symbolism which they developed in order to perpetuate its understanding has reached modern Christianity, but the keys to it seem to have been lost. For those engaged in the study of religions, a tragic situation is created: they are surrounded by thousands of symbols incomprehensible to them; but even sadder is the fact that they even forgot that these symbols once had some other meaning than the naive interpretation they themselves composed.

The concept that has taken root in the minds of Christians that their faith is a single, true, inspired doctrine that came to retinue without parents is extremely unreasonable. A comparative study of religions shows without any doubt that Christianity borrowed its philosophy and ideas from the religions and philosophies of the ancient and post-flood pagan world. Among the religious symbols and allegories that belonged to the ancient world long before the advent of Christianity, there are several that we would like to draw your attention to. The following Christian symbols and concepts come from pagan religions.

The Christian cross comes from Egypt and India; triple miter - from the Mithraic religion; the shepherd's staff - from the Mysteries of Hermes and from Greece, the Immaculate Conception - from India; The Transfiguration is from Persia and the Trinity is taken from the Brahmins. We find the Virgin Mary, as the Mother of God, in twelve different religions. There are more than twenty crucified Saviors of the world. The church bell tower is a modification of the Egyptian obelisks and pyramids, and the Christian devil is a slightly modified Egyptian Typhon. The more you delve into this issue, the more convinced you become that there is nothing new under the sun. A conscientious study of the Christian religion proves beyond a doubt that it represents an evolutionary development of primitive teachings. Just as there is an evolution of physical forms, there is also an evolution of religions. If we have accepted and introduced into our doctrines the religious symbolism of almost forty nations, then this obliges us to at least partially understand the meaning of the myths and allegories we borrowed, even if we were more ignorant than those from whom we took them.

This book is dedicated to the task of clarifying the relationship that exists between the symbolism of the ancient priests and the occult functions of the human body. First of all, we must understand the premise that all scriptures are sealed with seven seals. In other words, one must have seven interpretations in order to fully understand the meaning of those ancient philosophical revelations that we call Holy Scripture. Scripture did not intend to be historical. Anyone who takes it literally understands only its smallest meaning. It is well known that Shakespeare in his dramas, for dramatic purposes, brought together the characters of people who were actually separated from each other by centuries; but Shakespeare wrote not history, but drama. The same is true of the Bible. The Scriptures hopelessly confuse historians with conflicting chronological tables, and most historians will remain so until the Day of Judgment. Scripture provides excellent material for arguing over its meaning, as well as a field for puzzling over the meaning of individual terms and the probable location of unknown cities. Most of the biblical cities that guidebooks now point to were named hundreds of years after Christ by pilgrims who assumed that these cities stood somewhere close to those mentioned in the Bible. All this may be convincing evidence for others, but for a thinker the conclusion is undeniable that history is the least important part in Scripture.

Hall Manly

Occult human anatomy

Manly Palmer Hall

Manly Palmer Hall

USA, 18.3.1901 - 1990

Born in Peterborough (Canada). In 1904 he moved to the USA with his parents. From his youth he became interested in the occult and mysticism, subsequently was a member of the Theosophical Society and the American Federation of Astrologers, joined the Masonic lodge and the Rosicrucian Society. In 1922 he published his first book, Initiated by the Flame; six years later the famous work “An Encyclopedic Exposition of Masonic, Hermetic, Kabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolic Philosophy” was published. In 1934, Hall founded the Society for Philosophical Research, where he lectured regularly (it was estimated that by 1940 he had given over 7,000 lectures). In 1956, the book “Secret Societies of America” was published, after which Hall fell silent for a long time. Only in 1986 was the work “The Hermetic Roots of American Society” published. In total, Manly Hall published more than 50 books and several hundred articles during his life.

Chapter I. The human body in symbolism

Scripture says that God created man in His Image and Likeness. This is stated not only in the Christian Bible, but also in all the sacred writings of almost all enlightened peoples. The Jewish patriarchs taught that the human body is a microcosm - or a small cosmos, created in the image of the Macrocosm or great Cosmos. This analogy between the finite and the infinite is considered one of the keys by which the secrets of Holy Scripture are revealed. There is no doubt that the Old Testament is a manual of physiology and anatomy for those who are able to read it with a scientific approach. The ancient sages personified the functions of the human body, the qualities of the human mind and the qualities of the human soul and weaved a magnificent drama around their relationship. To the great Egyptian demigod, Hermes, humanity should be grateful for the law of analogy. The great Hermetic axiom said: that which is above is like that which is below, and that which is below is like that which is above. The religions of the ancient world were all based on the worship of Nature, and in a degenerate form this has survived to this day under the guise of phallism. Worship of the parts and functions of the human body began in the later Lemurian period. In the era of the Atlanteans, this religion gave way to the worship of the Sun, but the new religion introduced into its teaching many of the rituals and symbols of the previous faith. It has become a custom among all nations to build temples in the shape of the human body. The Jewish sanctuary, the great Egyptian temple at Karnak, the religious buildings of the Hawaiian priests and Christian churches built in the shape of a cross are examples of this. If the human body is placed with outstretched arms in the shape of any of these buildings, then the elevation of the altar occupies the same position relative to the building as the brain occupies in the human body.

All priests of the ancient world were anatomists. They recognized that all the functions of nature are reproduced in miniature in the human body. Therefore, they used man as a guide and told their disciples that to understand man is to understand the universe. These wise men believed that every star in the sky, every element in the earth and every function in nature is represented in the human body by a corresponding center, pole or activity.

This relationship between outer nature and inner human nature was hidden from the crowd and constituted the secret teachings of the ancient priesthood. In Atlantis and Egypt they took religion much more seriously than they do now. For these peoples it was the essence of life. The priests had complete control over millions of ignorant people who were taught from childhood that these majestic patriarchs in long robes were the direct messengers of God; and people believed that any disobedience to the orders of the clergy brought the punishment of the Almighty upon the head of the disobedient one. The existence of the temple depended on its secret wisdom, which gave its priests power over the forces of nature and a significant superiority in knowledge and wisdom over the ignorant crowd they led.

These sages knew that religion contains something much more significant than just the chanting of mantras and hymns; they believed that only those with actual scientific knowledge of the occult functions of their own body could progress successfully along the path of salvation. The anatomical symbolism which they developed in order to perpetuate its understanding has reached modern Christianity, but the keys to it seem to have been lost. For those engaged in the study of religions, a tragic situation is created: they are surrounded by thousands of symbols incomprehensible to them; but even sadder is the fact that they even forgot that these symbols once had some other meaning than the naive interpretation they themselves composed.

The concept that has taken root in the minds of Christians that their faith is a single, true, inspired doctrine that came to retinue without parents is extremely unreasonable. A comparative study of religions shows without any doubt that Christianity borrowed its philosophy and ideas from the religions and philosophies of the ancient and post-flood pagan world. Among the religious symbols and allegories that belonged to the ancient world long before the advent of Christianity, there are several that we would like to draw your attention to. The following Christian symbols and concepts come from pagan religions.

The Christian cross comes from Egypt and India; triple miter - from the Mithraic religion; the shepherd's staff - from the Mysteries of Hermes and from Greece, the Immaculate Conception - from India; The Transfiguration is from Persia and the Trinity is taken from the Brahmins. We find the Virgin Mary, as the Mother of God, in twelve different religions. There are more than twenty crucified Saviors of the world. The church bell tower is a modification of the Egyptian obelisks and pyramids, and the Christian devil is a slightly modified Egyptian Typhon. The more you delve into this issue, the more convinced you become that there is nothing new under the sun. A conscientious study of the Christian religion proves beyond a doubt that it represents an evolutionary development of primitive teachings. Just as there is an evolution of physical forms, there is also an evolution of religions. If we have accepted and introduced into our doctrines the religious symbolism of almost forty nations, then this obliges us to at least partially understand the meaning of the myths and allegories we borrowed, even if we were more ignorant than those from whom we took them.

This book is dedicated to the task of clarifying the relationship that exists between the symbolism of the ancient priests and the occult functions of the human body. First of all, we must understand the premise that all scriptures are sealed with seven seals. In other words, one must have seven interpretations in order to fully understand the meaning of those ancient philosophical revelations that we call Holy Scripture. Scripture did not intend to be historical. Anyone who takes it literally understands only its smallest meaning. It is well known that Shakespeare in his dramas, for dramatic purposes, brought together the characters of people who were actually separated from each other by centuries; but Shakespeare wrote not history, but drama. The same is true of the Bible. The Scriptures hopelessly confuse historians with conflicting chronological tables, and most historians will remain so until the Day of Judgment. Scripture Provides Great Material

Chapter V

Occult embryology

The great Lord Vishnu has already appeared in the world nine times to save His people. His tenth birth is soon to take place. His nine appearances are closely related to the nine main changes that take place in the human embryo before birth... Vishnu was born for the first time from the mouth of the Fish. Then He came out of the turtle's body. Later He appeared as a boar, then as a lion, then as a monkey. And after a series of changes He appeared as a man. I mentioned a little earlier that a scientist had compiled a table showing the affinities of the human brain with various animals during the period before birth. This scientist followed the list of incarnations of Vishnu exactly, although he did not suspect that he had combined Eastern occultism with Western embryology.

The cosmogonic myths of almost all peoples are based on embryology. It is assumed that the formation of space occurred in the same way as the formation of man, but on a larger scale. For example, in the Vishnu Purana we are told that creation took place in the womb of Mount Meru. The space was surrounded by large mountains and cliffs (chorion). The universe was created from water and floated on a great sea (amniotic fluid). The gods came down the stairs (umbilical cord). Four rivers flowed through the new country, as recorded in Genesis. These are the blood vessels of the umbilical cord. This is how the story develops. There is a wonderful relationship. Someday a new science will be based on the law of analogy. This will be a greater achievement in science than all the scientific speculation for centuries.

One can be almost certain that the story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden is based on embryology and that the womb is the original Garden of Eden. In symbolism it is depicted through “O”. The point in the circle is the original seed, and so on until you want to continue the analogy. The Egg of Brahma is the history of the cosmic embryo and embryology is the basic science of creation.

In embryology we also have a very interesting repetition of the passage of the human race through different types nature. Here we find, at a certain period, Hyperborean creatures. In others, we see a primitive Lemurian man, later an Atlantean, and finally an Aryan. We strongly recommend that all students of occultism study this subject with special care. Science knows that all life on this planet came from water. The human embryo is surrounded by water during all the initial stages of its growth and in it we see the history of the evolution of all things.

Gender did not appear on the planet until the third race. It does not appear in the fetus until the third month.

That the human embryo repeats its passage through the lower kingdoms of nature is one of the strongest proofs of evolution, especially since it shows conclusively that man could not have been created immediately in the adult state. Consequently, he went through cosmic embryology; and in fact, it is still in a fetal state and will not be born into the human race until you become a man in the true sense of the word, which will happen after many millennia. He is now precisely at the stage when he must become truly human.

The nine-month period before birth has long been taken into account in symbolism. Nine is considered the number of a person, due to the nine months during which the body is in a state of preparation. The perfect number is supposed to be twelve, so that at present man is born three months before his completion. The gradual unfolding of the human race will take place through ever greater development in the period before birth until the final birth becomes its consummation. All experience and growth will take place in the embryonic stage.

A person is not born immediately. We can say that he is born by degrees. Consciousness works outside the body, dealing with plastic substances until the time of vitalization, when it takes possession of the body from within and begins to form a certain amount of individuality from the materials surrounding it. During the birth of a person, his physical body is born and the process of crystallization begins, which does not stop until death. A person begins to die from the moment of his birth and the measure of life is the necessary interval for this. In the seventh year the vital body begins to act especially strongly and this is the most significant period of growth. Parents then begin to experience difficulties. This is the time when clothes have to be produced in both length and width. Children grow up like weed, because they literally repeat their vegetable existence, as before they repeated their mineral state. Around the seventh year of life, the child begins to create life essence within his own body. Before this, he lives off the vital forces secreted before birth by the laryngeal endocrine glands. In other words, he maintains his life by what he took from his parent. At about seven years old he begins to work for himself. He does this all the time, and if young people could only collect reserves of their energy and preserve them until old age, at what age would we wonderful world lived!

Between the ages of twelve and fourteen, in the temperate zone, the liver begins to function and the body of emotions is born. During these teenage years, the young man comes face to face with his main problems. Emotions begin to run riot. Consciousness repeats its animal existences. It can truly be said that these are the days of carefree love. These years are often filled with big mistakes. More lives were lost between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one than at any other time in life. It is especially noted that among the primitive races that came into contact with our system of education, there is a turning point at about fourteen years of age. Up to this point these children are at the head of their class and are extremely outstanding in their abilities, but as soon as animal nature takes possession of them, they completely fail so far as their education is concerned. Every schoolteacher who has taught foreign children can attest to this phenomenon among some nations. There are many examples of the loss of mental functions with the birth of the astral body. During these years of emotional rebellion, parents must manage their children with tenderness and firmness, otherwise the day will come when these same children will turn on their parents and blame them for their ruined lives.

Between 19 and 21, depending on climatic conditions, the mental body takes power and we say that the individual has reached the age of majority... He is then allowed to vote, his father gives him a gold watch and sends him out into the world to seek his fortune. Not one person in a million knows why 21 is considered the age of majority, but every occultist knows the reason. Spiritual consciousness, the true "I am", does not come into control of one's new bodies until the age of 21. Until this time, it is controlled exclusively by the lower centers of feelings. That is, life progresses through seven-year cycles. As an example of this, we know that the 28th year is the period of secondary physical birth, the 42nd year is the period of secondary emotional birth. During these years, people who are otherwise completely normal often become sentimental. The 49th year marks the beginning of a new period of mental activity and the next 7 years are the golden years of thought. These are the years of philosophical reason, the years that crown life. And so on - cycle after cycle - and if a person survives, he can move through his second, third and fourth childhood.

Few people realize that they are made up of mineral, plant and animal elements. Bones are literally minerals, hair is a plant that feeds on the waves of life ether emanating through the skin, while within each individual there are thousands of small crawling, clinging, moving creatures that make a whole zoological garden out of us. The ancient Scandinavians, realizing this, wrote many legends about small creatures that live in humans. The famous statue of Father Nile shows him covered with small human figures representing the attributes and functions of man. Man is a vast topic to study, but we make very little use of this guide of ours. The writings of all nations are filled with anatomical data in the guise of cities and localities that do not exist anywhere except within man himself. The twelve gates of the holy city are the twelve openings of the human body. Like the twelve teachers of wisdom and the twelve schools of philosophy, these openings are divided into two divisions of seven and five. There are seven visible holes and five sealed holes in the human body.

One of the Greek philosophers told his students to clearly distinguish that there are six holes leading into human brain and there is only one leading from the human head, and that one leading from the stomach. Therefore, the student had to listen twice (once with each ear), look twice (once with each eye), smell twice (once with each nostril), but speak only once and what he said would come out of his stomach , not from the brain. This advice is still good.

The Jews used the human head as a favorite symbol to express divine attributes, calling it the "Great Face." The two eyes related to the Father, because they are organs of consciousness; both nostrils to the Son, because they are the sense organs and also the conductors of prana, the life force in the ether. The lips symbolized the Holy Spirit, the one who sends out the spoken word and shapes the world. The seven vowels that were born from the mouth were the seven Spirits before the Throne, and also the Vials and Trumpets of Revelation. They acted as an army of voices to create in the seven worlds and all nature was created by their creative power. Few people understand the magnificent symbolism contained in the human head and how it has been used by the Holy Scriptures.


Attached to this article is a treatise which was published separately several years ago, but was out of print and could not be obtained for three years. It bears directly on the subject of anatomical symbolism, showing how the principles laid down in the preceding pages reveal themselves when applied to the various problems of the present day.

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The sun, its physical and occult (subtle material) nature “Question 9. Is the solar corona an atmosphere of any known gases? And why does it take on the radiant appearance observed during an eclipse? Answer. Whether you call it chromosphere or atmosphere, it

In this chapter we will talk about some of the physical centers that serve for the active manifestation of the hyperphysical (spiritual and mental) powers of Man. In total, five such centers should be distinguished, having the most important symbolic and occult-anatomical significance:

1. Brain. 2. Heart. 3. Spinal column. 4. Facial organs. 5. Belly.

The brain is an instrument for the manifestation of thought and, accordingly, the Spirit in the human body.

The three main qualities - Reason, Wisdom and Crown - are manifested in it as follows: Crown, Pure Spirit (KETHER) - pineal gland. Wisdom, Spirit of the Soul (SHOKMAH) - right hemisphere of the brain (perception of quality through the right eye). Mind, Body Spirit (BINAH) - left hemisphere of the brain (perception of quality - through the left eye).

Here it is important to once again emphasize the role of brain structures in the thinking process: the brain is not an independent producer of thought, but only its conductor in the human body. That is, it is not the physical parameters of the brain that influence spirituality, but spirituality determines the state of the brain. And if we have a physical fact (for example, damage to some brain cells, as a result of which a Person loses memory), this does not mean at all that we also have a corresponding spiritual fact.

The phenomenon of memory loss occurred here from the fact that true - hyperphysical - memory does not meet support at the corresponding physical point - in the affected brain cells, and therefore information from true memory does not penetrate the physical brain, cannot be transmitted to it.

According to the same law, all the memory of a Person and, in general, all brain structures of thought, affected by a certain external physical influence (for example, a strong blow, a concussion), will automatically and completely be restored with the transition of this Person to a different material state, that is, after his physical death.

The heart is a symbol of the soul, and sephirotically its center.

You can often hear characteristics like: hard-heartedness or a heart of stone, but most accurately, perhaps, a cruel person is characterized by the popular definition - “heartless.” The Occultly Cruel Man has no heart at all. What is meant here is not the physical fact of the presence or absence of the heart Sephiroth, but the spiritual one. Let us remember the sephiroth of the heart - PESHAD (fear of God, repentance).

And if a person who does not have a heart center in the spiritual sense turns to an adept of Magic for help and, thus, is completely unable to repent (either on a conscious or subconscious level, does not want to change himself), showing him the door is one of the soft forms of theurgic censure, which can well be expressed in the words: “I shake the dust from my feet.”

It’s a different matter if the Sephiroth of Repentance in this Person is sleeping and needs to be awakened (it is very important to learn to correctly distinguish between these two states!), then the operator not only can help, but also has no right to refuse such a Person help. “Let not the hand of the giver fail,” Christ said two thousand years ago...

The heart is a very sensitive organ, highly susceptible to strong emotional shocks and experiences, therefore, when determining the cause of the disease, it is necessary to find out in detail the history of the patient’s emotional life and, accordingly, determine the relationship of this life with the main mental organ - the heart.

The spinal column, which encloses the spinal cord, is the most important agent of planned communication human body, the visible embodiment of the Middle Pillar; its role in the functioning of the physical body, as well as in the distribution of vital and energetic functions of the mental body, is global.

Its thirty-three vertebrae, which reliably hide the spinal cord (the main physical conductor of thoughts, emotions and energy into the body), were called by ancient magicians “thirty-three steps of wisdom.” For Wisdom is acquired only through ascent from the lower Centers of Consciousness (located sephirotically closer to the base of the spine) to the higher ones.

With the help of the spinal cord, the organ of the Spirit - the brain - pumps additional information from the physical world through the sensory system and accordingly gives its orders to the body how to react to these sensations.

“The purpose of all these numerous stations (meaning the centers of the spinal cord - Z.A.) is to replace, whenever possible, the central bureau - the head,” says Dr. Papus.

We will correct the respected occultist and doctor of medicine in one thing: an attempt to independently replace any of the centers of the spinal cord with the corresponding function of the brain can be undertaken by this center only in the event of a spinal injury that prevents the passage of a signal from the brain, for example, to the area of ​​Sephiroth IESOD... Then - again, for example - the lumbar spinal cord, “without receiving instructions from above,” in its own way tries to solve the problem facing it.

It is also incorrect to assign the spinal cord the role of an inert intermediary between the brain and the functions of the physical body.

The truth is this: different parts of our body (nerve centers, organs, every small cell) have independent thinking!

Recent research at the DNA level has convincingly proven that every cell of our body has complete and perfect “knowledge” of what is happening in the entire body - from the top of the head to the tips of the toes. Each cell is a microcosm (small cosmos), existing in the great Cosmos of a single organism, and is its likeness reduced many times, just as Man is a reduced likeness of the Creator.

This means (and this is a truth that will soon also be officially recognized and proven) that each cell of our body at its own level is capable of making independent decisions. Later, in connection with some practical methods of occult treatment, we will illuminate this ancient esoteric idea more fully.

It is reasonable and natural to assume that if the so-called “thinking cell” belongs to the central nervous system(manager), then its capabilities and tasks are wider than those of any of the peripheral cells. Different nerve centers have different powers and different levels of independence, but all of them, without exception, obey the brain, just as each cell of the brain obeys the pineal gland - this Crown of Magicians of our brain; and the pineal gland itself is only a physical conductor, an antenna that receives “waves” - the words of the Great Being, called by the Teachers “THE ONE THAT IS”.

In essence, the “substitution” that Dr. Papus talks about is nothing more than the replacement of a conscious action with an impulsive or reflexive one.

The reasons here are:

1. There is no need for purposeful work of consciousness.

For example: you burn yourself on a hot kettle. To reflect on this fact while continuing to hold your hand on the teapot is absurd; Instant information processing and instant response are required n. the level of an unconscious impulse sent to the hand by the brain through the spinal cord.

2. The information entering the consciousness is so primitive that it cannot be processed by it.

A striking example of this can be seen in modern discos. What's happening in in this case? The “musical” (we put this word in quotation marks, since the main property of music is HARMONY) signal enters consciousness in this case through the auditory nerve. But this information has nothing to do with conscious thinking: it does not require that it be thought about, that it be realized, therefore it is “outside the competence” of the brain: it transmits it to the lumbar region of the spinal cord, to the area of ​​physical localization of Sephiroth IESOD, to the department that deals with the management of the legs and genitourinary system. There this information is concentrated, regrouped by IESOD-om and “formulated” by it in the form of a whole series of unconscious reflex movements. In this way, the so-called “acoustic reflex” is created - a phenomenon caused by the extremely low sephirotic level of the incoming acoustic signal.

The “acoustic reflex” is dangerous because the information associated with it, penetrating into the lumbar spinal cord, releases a complex of negative energies hidden there, Sephiroth IESOD’s own “psychic sediments” and “poisons” and, through the nervous and energetic activity of the body, saturates others with these destructive energies centers and organs. It is useful to remember that information can heal, but information can also kill.

The three main tasks of the spinal cord and spinal column can be formulated as follows: Implementation of communication between the manager and the controlled principle (between the Spirit and the body). 1 Rationalization of the manager’s activities in relation to the managed (through the implementation of reflex functions).

Distribution of spiritual, intellectual and emotional-sensory information coming from outside and arising inside (in the depths of our Spirit and soul).

Regarding the latter, it is important to say: the spinal column copes with this essentially irreplaceable function through the distribution of flowing information across its three main thickenings-centers, which are responsible, respectively, for information of a mental, astral and physical, or instinctive nature. In turn, under the jurisdiction of these "large departments" are seven important nerve centers, which will also soon be: "covered and studied by orthodox medicine; these centers are the physical projection of the seven corresponding centers of the Middle Pillar, incorrectly called chakras.

When we say that the head is the spiritual center of the human body, we should make a clarification: it is also the key to all Plans and parts of the body.

This key role is carried out with the help of the facial organs - centers for distributing all information coming from the surrounding world along three Planes: spiritual, mental and physical.

The “physical” organ of the face is the mouth, the exponent of the soul is the nose, and the “spiritual” organs are the eyes and ears. This is not difficult to verify with minimal skill in occult reasoning.

Obviously: the information that the mouth receives from the outside world is of a physical nature (to put it simply, it is food), and therefore it enters the corresponding “physical” center of our body - the stomach.

The information entering the nostrils is sensual, since it is primarily our emotional perception that works on it, drawing our own (on a strictly mental level) conclusions: whether we like or dislike a particular smell, a combination of aromas. And when a feeling comes to a certain decision, it also expresses itself emotionally. For example, when a negative emotion enters the subconscious ( unpleasant odor) the muscles of the face reflexively contract, as if wanting to block the access of such information to the body - the face contorts. Also, the nose is directly connected with the lungs - the organ in which the purely spiritual Sephiroth HESED and PESHAD manifest themselves. Therefore, we can say that the nose belongs to the soul...

The ears are perhaps the most versatile of all facial organs. Being a “spiritual” organ in most of their activities, they are nevertheless capable of actively interacting with both bodily-instinctive and mental centers. This is explained by the extremely wide range of information that sound signals can carry: from a cry caused by a painful sensation, from street foul language and the threatening growl of a disturbed dog - to the music of Mozart, the singing of Corelli and high prophetic words...

But still, in their ideal purpose, the ears are the organ of the Spirit. Auditory information requires logical comparisons and reflection. Therefore, it goes directly to the brain.

The eyes could be called the organs of “reason and wisdom” of human spiritual self-awareness, if most people had it... Visual information, more than any other, requires that it be thought about, that its information be compared with each other, serving the correct conclusions. It is not without reason that in all centuries, in relation to spiritually narrow-minded people, the Prophets used the harsh epithet - “blind!”

Therefore we say: whoever, blinded by the devil, loves himself above God and his neighbor, cannot say: “My eyes have seen...” - for he is deprived of sight and has no eyes. With fingers as light as a dream, he touched my eyes. The prophetic eyes opened, Like those of a frightened eagle. And I heard the trembling of the sky, And the heavenly flight of angels, And the underwater passage of the sea reptile, And the vegetation of the valley of the vine A. Pushkin. "Prophet"

The center of the “physical” Man is the stomach, undoubtedly a very curious and symbolically ambiguous group of organs. This ambiguity lies in the fact that the physical body of a Man can be viewed from two positions that are radically opposite to each other in meaning, which we will call the positions of seduction and realization.

By the position of seduction we mean such a view of the human body, according to which it serves as a point directing the involution of Man, contributing to his spiritual degradation. Since all destructive and selfish actions, all the so-called “acts of exoteric Satanism,” in general, everything that is bad and condemned by wisdom is committed in the name of the body, for its best structure and to provide it with the greatest benefits.

But this position is secondary, because initially Man was created spiritual and free from evil: this is evidenced by the second position - realization. Here the physical body of Man is considered as an object of realization of pure Spirit on Earth.

The stomach, which processes the materials entering it into vital force (and thereby ensures the existence of the body), is a system controlled by consciousness: the quantity and type of these materials depend on our choice (for example: fruit juice or alcohol; to eat or overeat). The evolution or involution of consciousness depends on the correct human choice, as well as on the reasonable attitude of the individual towards his stomach.

The abdomen, as a center intended for the transformation of matter, has at its disposal four important parts: the genitourinary system, stomach, liver and intestines.

Sephirotically, they are distributed as follows: the reproductive system is under the control of IESODa, but GOD and NETCAH are also involved in its management, since depending on the level of evolution of the individual, it can take on a purely physiological, sensory-emotional or spiritual significance.

The Liver belongs to the Sephiroth NETCAH (Victory), subplane "Corporeal Spirit". As we found out, this is a victorious, “militant” organ that stands guard over our body and protects it from harmful excesses, toxins and poisons. Therefore, astrologically, the liver is closely related to the influences of Mars.

Here also: gallbladder, right kidney and duodenum.

To the Sephiroth of GOD we include the stomach, pancreas, or pancreas, and spleen.

Finally, the intestines, which perform purely “material” work, are controlled by the Sephiroth IESOD.

It is worth noting how the deep symbolic meaning of the word “belly” is reflected in the Russian language through the etymology of the word “animal” - after all, esoterically this word means a creature that lives to satiate its belly; and obtaining food for him is the principle of action, or his information capacity.

The English etymology is no less interesting: the word “animal” is read in English as ANIMAL, which, of course, comes from the Latin ANIMA - soul. Here, of course, the instinctive soul is meant, and symbolically this fully corresponds to the Russian etymological scheme.

For comparison, let us turn to the etymology of the word “Man” in Russian and English.

In the Russian version, breaking the word into two parts, we get “chelo” and “century”, or “the eternity of thought”, “the eternity of what one thinks with”; "Eternity of the Spirit". IN English This corresponds to the word MAN (Man) or - MEN (people) with its Latin root: MENS, or - thought, Spirit.

Thus, by thinking occultly, one can trace echoes of esoteric wisdom and discover knowledge of occult anatomy in the language and mythological structures of many peoples.

Let us ask ourselves: have we, with the help of this kind of classification of occult knowledge, come closer to solving the riddle about the place, essence and duty of Man on Earth?

Every word, even a spiritual word, written or spoken, remains a word until it is caught up by the Spirit. When this is accomplished, then the seeker of Truth can say: “I have approached Knowledge.”

Knowledge of occult anatomy is no exception here, since, first of all, it is spiritual Knowledge, which requires an appropriate approach and attitude. Let us not forget that a student of Sacred Therapeutics becomes one who has the appropriate way of thinking, will, aspirations and goals.

The path to Truth is possible only through the Mind of the Universe. And the task of humanity is to perceive this Truth, but for this, each person must transform into a completely different being, into a being filled with goodness and love for everything that exists in the Universe. Great scientists of all times saw in natural patterns Divine laws - unchangeable, given once and for all. Aristotle believed: “...The study of the human soul and the contemplation of the greatness of God is much more important than the study of the material world.” Thomas Aquinas said: “There is a certain eternal law, namely reason, existing within the Consciousness of God and governing the entire Universe.” Giordano Bruno, in a dispute with the Inquisition about the uniqueness of humanity on Earth in the Universe, said that God is so omnipotent that He could not create only one humanity, that He created a great many inhabited planets in the Universe and humanity on them. Descartes wrote about “...the laws that God put into Nature.” Newton considered his highest goal scientific work collecting evidence of the existence of “...laws prescribed to Nature by God.” According to Newton: “...God created material particles, the forces between them and the fundamental laws of motion.” He said that the entire Universe was set in motion by God and is still moving like a well-oiled mechanism. Pascal was perplexed: “If man is not created for God, why is he happy only in God? If man was created for God, why does he resist God so much?” Einstein was tormented by the question: “What choice did God have when He created the Universe?” Arthur Compton, a physicist and Nobel Prize winner, wrote: “For me, faith begins with the fact that a higher intelligence called the Universe into existence and created man. It is not difficult for me to have this belief, since it is undeniable that where there is a plan, there is reason. The order of the Universe testifies to the truth of the most majestic statement: “In the beginning is God.” Hawking is the largest modern physicist, devoted his life, as he himself writes: “to unraveling God’s plan during the creation of the Universe.” The spiritual and worldview side of these great scientists is unknown to most modern people, because it was carefully disguised and removed from scientific publications.