Form of conduct: conversation with elements of dramatization.


To give a general idea of ​​the historical development of philosophical reasoning about the essence and purpose of man in this world;

Help the children get an idea of ​​such concepts as virtue, true good, pleasure, and the purpose of human existence.


Select a group of students who will present the philosophical views of different eras on this topic.

Help the children search for additional literature and work to highlight the main and significant points in the works of various authors.

Select portraits of scientist-philosophers to demonstrate them through an epidiascope.

Due to the fact that the test questions touch on certain aspects of the children’s state of mind, it is more delicate to prepare and conduct anonymous testing, and discuss the results individually with a psychologist.

Part one.

"The Wise of Eternity"

Teacher: Guys, wise philosophers from past centuries came to visit us. A problem that has long troubled the minds of mankind and is the topic of our conversation today is the essence and purpose of man in this world. Let's listen to the thoughts of wise men and try to comprehend their statements, refracting them through the centuries. Let's discuss these views and find out whether they are in tune with your ideas.

Aristotle (384-322 BC)

The great ancient Greek thinker, educator of the largest commander of the ancient world, Alexander the Great

That man is a social being to a greater extent than bees and all kinds of herd animals is clear from the following: nature does nothing in vain; Meanwhile, only man, of all living beings, is gifted with speech. The voice expresses both sadness and joy, therefore it is also characteristic of other living beings (since their natural properties are developed to such an extent as to feel joy and sadness and transmit these sensations to each other). But speech is capable of expressing what is useful and what is harmful, as well as what is fair and unfair... This property of people distinguishes them from other living beings: only humans are capable of perceiving such concepts as good and evil, justice and injustice.

Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536)

Outstanding humanist, Renaissance

Man is a kind of strange animal, consisting of two extremely different parts: a soul (anima) - like some kind of deity (numen) and a body like a dumb beast.

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

French mathematician, physicist and philosopher

The essence of human nature is movement. Complete rest means death.

How empty the human heart is and how much impurity there is in this emptiness!

Man was undoubtedly created to think; This is his main dignity and the main task of life, and his main duty is to think decently. And he should start by thinking about himself.

But what are people thinking? It’s not about this at all, but about dancing, strumming a lute, singing a song, writing poetry, playing rings, etc., fighting, achieving the royal throne, and not for a minute thinking about what it is: to be a king, to be a man.

The greatness of man lies in his ability to think. Only thought elevates us, and not space and time, in which we are nothing. Let us try to think with dignity: this is the basis of morality.

Love of fame is the basest quality of a person and at the same time the most indisputable proof of his high dignity, for, even possessing vast lands, good health, and all essential goods, he does not know contentment if he is not surrounded by the respect of his neighbors. Above all, he values ​​human intelligence. Honor is a person’s cherished goal; he will always irresistibly strive for it, and no force will eradicate the desire to achieve it from his heart.

A person should not equate himself with either animals or angels, and should not be ignorant of the duality of his nature. Let him know what he really is.

Robert Owen (1771-1858)

Great English thinker, utopian socialist

Student: What is a person?

Owen: An organized being or animal that has mental and moral properties and abilities and exhibits an attraction to some objects and antipathy to others.

Student: How is it different from other animals or known organized beings?

Owen: Because he is endowed with mental and moral abilities superior to those of all other animals; thanks to this he can subject to his power, therefore he is the master of animals.

Student: How did man originate?

Owen: There are no facts yet on the basis of which any person could give a reasonable or satisfactory answer to this question. At present, it is useless to consider this issue, and the only correct solution is that man, as well as all other organized beings, owes his origin to a force unknown to him... Every being conforms to the general and individual laws that exist for it kind.

Student: What does a person’s happiness consist of?

Owen: In pleasant sensations or moderate satisfaction of all his natural needs.

Student: What is a person’s misfortune?

Owen: In painful sensations or in the fact that the needs arising from his physical or moral abilities are not satisfied.

Ludwig Feuerbach (1804—1872)

Outstanding German philosopher of the 19th century.

A person has a special purpose only as a moral being, that is, as a social, civil, political being.

Man himself chose this destination for himself, based on his nature, his abilities and aspirations.

Anyone who does not designate himself for something does not have a designation for anything.

We often hear that we do not know what purpose a person has. Anyone who thinks like this transfers his own uncertainty onto other people.

He who does not know what his purpose is, has no special purpose.

Maxim Alekseevich Antonovich (1835-1918)

Russian democrat-educator, follower of N. G. Chernyshevsky and N. A. Dobrolyubov. Contributor to Sovremennik magazine

What is the purpose of human existence? What is the task or mystery of human life?

Many wise minds and many respectable heads have worked on this issue.

The most natural and irrefutable answer to the above question is that man exists in order to exist, lives in order to live.

The goal of human existence is a full, reasonable, pleasant life, in a word, natural.

Unfortunately, such lofty words as “life”, “pleasantness”, “pleasure” are completely vulgarized by misinterpretations and abuses. A good life usually means luxury, the opportunity not to be embarrassed by the most absurd desires; Pleasures mean revelry, gluttony, drunkenness, voluptuousness, etc. To acquire the means for such a life, everything is considered permissible: meanness, fraud, all kinds of dishonest deeds, servility, trafficking in body and soul, treason, betrayal, etc. So if you ask some scoundrel why he loved the blessings of life, then, according to his concepts, honor and conscience are not at all among the blessings of life.

Such a good life is contrasted with an unpleasant, morally reasonable life, far from pleasure, full of deprivation and self-denial. Is this fair? Is it really possible that rational virtue not only does not constitute a natural need of human nature, but is not even in harmony with it? No, virtue is life, one of the needs and aspects of life.

A reasonable person acts honestly and selflessly, because this is required by his mind, his convictions, his feelings, in a word, his entire moral nature, which receives high pleasure from satisfaction; Otherwise, he cannot act, because otherwise he would feel hell within himself, inexorable reproaches of conscience, and would endure pain and suffering from dissatisfaction with his moral nature.

The source of pleasure for an honest and moral person is in himself, while for a dishonest rich man it is outside, in random, transient circumstances, and inside he, perhaps, endures a whole hell, and he is tormented by his conscience, the voice of which he cannot drown out with gluttony, drink drunkenness and drown out with all kinds of sensual pleasures.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev (1874-1948)

Russian philosopher of the 20th century.

The problem of man is the fundamental problem of philosophy. Even the ancient Greeks realized that a person can begin to philosophize only by knowing himself.

Man is a creature dissatisfied with himself and capable of outgrowing himself. It depends on the natural environment, and at the same time it humanizes this environment, introduces a fundamentally new beginning into it. The creative act of man in nature has cosmogenic significance and means a new stage of cosmic life.

Human nature is dynamic and changeable.

Part two, "Discussion"

The teacher suggests discussing issues that philosophers of different eras raised in their speeches:

1. How does a person differ from an animal?

2. What is “virtue”?

3. The concept of “pleasure” in your mind.

4. What is more important - mental or material wealth?

5. What is the purpose of a person in your understanding?

6. What goals does a morally harmonious person set for himself?

7. What thoughts of philosophers resonated in your heart, in your idea of ​​the essence and purpose of man in this world?

Aphorisms about life

An aphorism is a novel from which everything superfluous has been deleted.

M. Genin

The task of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to live in accordance with the internal law that you recognize.

M. Aurelius

Life is not about living, but about feeling that you are living.

Life teaches only those who study it.

Don't envy someone who is stronger and richer. Sunset always follows dawn.

Treat this short life, equal to a sigh, as if it was given to you on loan.

O. Khayyam

Aphorisms of O. Wilde

How stupid it is to talk about “inexperienced and ignorant youth.” I respectfully listen to the opinions of only those who are much younger than me. The youth are ahead of us; life reveals its newest miracles to them.

Life is too serious a thing to talk about seriously.

Most of us are not us. Our thoughts are other people's judgments; our life is mimicry; our passions - quote.

There are only two real tragedies in life: one is when you don’t get what you want, and the second is when you do get it.

There is nothing complicated in life. We are the ones who are complex. Life is a simple thing, and what is simpler in it is also more correct.

If you want to enjoy life, you should be serious about something.

Life is just a bad quarter of an hour, consisting of wonderful seconds.

Life gives a person, at best, one single unique moment, and the secret of happiness is to repeat this moment as often as possible.

Life is the best theater, but it’s a pity that the repertoire is very bad.

When you look back at life, so vibrant, so full of experiences, filled with moments of such hot frenzy and joy, it all seems like some kind of dream or dream. What is the unreal if not those passions that once burned like fire? What is incredible if not something you once fervently believed in?

What is the impossible? What I once did myself.

Whoever approaches life as an artist, the brain replaces the soul.

The world has always laughed at its tragedies, because that is the only way to bear them. Accordingly, everything that the world has always taken seriously belongs to the comedic side of life.

It is very easy to change others, but it is much more difficult to change yourself.

O. Wilde

What is the result of life? It makes terribly little sense.

V. Rozanov

Only participation in the existence of other living beings reveals the meaning and basis of one’s own existence.

M. Buber

Whether life is worth living or not is the only serious question.

Only one thing is inevitable - death, everything else can be avoided.

A. Camus

To break is more effective than to resist,

Breaking is more romantic than saving.

Renouncing is more pleasant than insisting,

And the easiest thing is to die.

N. Matveeva

Everything is determined by what you are looking for in life, and also by what you ask of yourself and others.

S. Maugham

He who does not go forward goes back: there is no standing position.

To live means to feel and think, to suffer and to bliss, any other life is death.

V. Belinsky

To achieve your goal, efficiency is needed no less than knowledge.

P. Beaumarchais

He who hobbles along a straight road will outpace a runner who has lost his way.

F. Bacon

Only when we reach the goal do we decide that the path was correct.

P. Valerie

If you set out for your goal and stop along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​that barks at you, you will never reach your goal.

F. Dostoevsky

To be just one step away from the goal or not to get closer to it at all is essentially the same thing.

G. Lessing

Anyone who has been led to a goal has no right to consider that he has achieved it.

M. Ebner-Eschenbach

If the ship does not know which pier it is heading to, then no wind will be favorable to it.


The smartest thing in life is still death, for only it corrects all the mistakes and stupidities of life.

V. Klyuchevsky

I'm not afraid of death. So, life is mine!

V, Shukshin

Life is a harmful thing. Everyone dies from it.

The first condition of immortality is death.

Life takes up too much time for people.

E. Lec

The most precious thing a person has is life. It is given to him once, and he must live it in such a way that there is no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly, and so that, when dying, he can say: all his life and all his strength were given to the most beautiful thing - the struggle for the liberation of humanity.

N. Ostrovsky

The higher a person’s mental and moral development, the freer he is, the more pleasure life gives him. Life is not at all such a simple and easy thing that one could pray to study and comprehend completely according to the instructions of one’s parents and government textbooks.

D. Pisarev

We must live in such a way that we do not fear death and do not desire it.

L. Tolstoy

Life is a matter of time.

V. Reznikov

Life is a rough thing. You set out on a long journey, which means that somewhere you will slip, and get kicked, and fall, and get tired, and exclaim “I wish I could die!” - and, therefore, you will lie.

There is one thing we have no right to complain about life: it holds no one.


Life is a toy so stupid that it is given only to babies.

B. Manville

You all want to be honest about life. But life is such a pig, it will cheat you anyway.

K. Izhikovsky

If you want life to smile at you, first smile at life yourself.

D.E. Smith

To die means to join the majority.

Petpronius Please blame my death on my life.

G. Mamkin

Tomorrow never comes; lasts forever today. It is not the future that will be closed by death, but the ongoing present. There will be death not tomorrow, but someday today.

G. Landau

Life is short, that's understandable; but compared to what?

A. Maurois

It’s impossible to live like this, but we don’t know how to live any other way.

B. Krutner

Life and death walk side by side, but know nothing about each other.

E. Meek

Part three. “Are you living in harmony with yourself?”

Psychological testing


Turn into yourself.

Look inside yourself.

Marcus Aurelius

The guys are offered a psychological test of 15 questions. The questions must be answered “Yes”, “No”, “I don’t know”.

Test questions:

1. I am quite pleased with myself.

2. Sometimes I am bothered or stressed by conflicting thoughts and feelings about people or events.

3. I can make my own decisions regarding my personal life.

4. I like to imagine various situations in which I behave completely differently than in life.

5. Apart from minor mistakes, I have nothing to blame myself for.

6. I often have the feeling that I myself don’t know what I want.

7. I know my body so well that I understand when minor ailments are caused by my internal conflicts or mental discord.

8. I am very sad that I will never achieve an ideal state of my own personality.

9. Instead of exploding and getting angry, I can conduct mental (internal) dialogue and talk to myself even when the problem causes conflicting opinions or feelings.

10. Sometimes I react to certain (some) situations differently than I would like.

11. There are things in which I deeply believe. And such values, in the name of which I would do more than I can now determine.

12. I am always in a hurry, I don’t have enough time, or I take on tasks that exceed the capabilities of one person.

13. I know how to support myself in difficult situations, and when I have the opportunity (time, place, etc.), I allow myself to “get over it.”

14. I believe that today the world has changed so much that good and evil have become something relative.

15. Often, when I hear other people’s critical assessments of myself, I agree with them out loud, although in truth I don’t think so.

Calculation of results

The answer “Yes” to questions 1, 3, 5,7, 9, 11, 13 is 10 points.

The answer “No” to questions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15 is 10 points.

Answers “I don’t know” – 5 points.

Count up your points.

100-150 points

Your answers show not only that you live in harmony with yourself, but also that you know yourself and can trust yourself. You seem to have a valuable ability to find a way out of difficult situations, both personal and relating to relationships with people. You know how to be a source of strength and support for yourself even when other people call your strength a weakness.

50-99 points

Obviously, you do not live in complete harmony with yourself. You have a lot of doubts and dissatisfaction with yourself. Your answers indicate the existence of some barriers to full acceptance of your own personality. If you tried to accurately assess your capabilities and at the same time show more tolerance towards yourself (you are a thinking person, but also a fallible one), then perhaps life would bring you more satisfaction.

0—49 points

Do you know the reason why you don't love yourself so much? Your answers indicate an almost complete lack of self-acceptance and agreement with yourself. But no matter what, be a friend to yourself. To do this, count how many prejudices and stereotypes you already have when thinking about yourself. Don't torture yourself with imagination exercises. Start doing what you want most, even if it comes with risks or is hindered by your inner fear.


The teacher sums up the lesson:

Thanks to the guys who acted as philosophers, emphasizing that they not only prepared interesting messages, but also sincerely tried to convey them to the audience, choosing the main and significant points of this topic;

He expresses the idea that the information received helped many children who had not thought about or found it difficult to pose such, at first glance, simple, but, on the other hand, very deep philosophical questions;

Notes the discussion, which was active and showed that the topic of the essence and purpose of man in this world has always worried the minds of mankind, and that it is very relevant today;

The questions posed in the test will help children think about themselves and objectively relate their thoughts and actions to the world around them.

Main conclusion

Man is the only creature who is aware of his mortality. A person asks himself painful questions: what does he live for? Is there any meaning in life?

In Christianity, earthly life is interpreted as a time of “salvation of the soul,” overcoming hereditary sin, and a way of uniting a person with God.

Atheistic concepts claim that the meaning of human life is in life itself.

However, a person needs spiritual and moral criteria for his life position. It’s not enough for him to just live; he wants to live “for someone” and “in the name of something.”

A person lives in society among people, close and distant, and it is in relationships with these people that his real chance for immortality and a stimulus for hope lie. In society, he is given the opportunity to fulfill himself, gain appreciation, gratitude, and leave a memory of himself. Great scientists, composers, artists, inventors, poets, fighters for freedom and happiness of mankind live forever in our lives. Their memory is eternal.

But not only great people leave memories of themselves. Everything good, kind, and moral that man has created remains with his neighbors and is not lost.

A person as an individual realizes his creative potential in his actions. He continues to live in his children, grandchildren, descendants.

Topic: Cool hour-parable “I am among people.”

Goal: development of social sensitivity, skills of mutual understanding between people.

1. introduce students to the concept of “culture of peace” and reveal its components;

2. show the importance of education in the formation of a positive self-concept in students, a positive attitude towards people around them;

3. continue to develop students’ communicative skills

Design: projector, laptop, video “River of Life”, presentation, soulful melody, 2 drawn fires, words on cards, 4 candles (hope, peace, faith, love), poster with the theme of the lesson, green peas, sheet with a picture of a man.

Class progress

    Teacher's opening speech

A soulful melody sounds. (1 slide)

Good morning. Today we will spend an unusual class hour. I hope that you will actively reason, discuss, and put forward your opinions. An even, calm tone, attention to each other, and mutual support will strengthen our relationship. And I would like to light a candle, since I hope, then a candle of hope.

The 1st candle of hope is lit

Today our class hour is a parable. (2 slide)

What is a parable? (short edifying story in allegorically, containing moral teaching). We will have a serious conversation about what a person should be, about his attitude towards people.

I'll ask you to come to me. Extend your palms. I put peas in them and ask you to look at them carefully.

(3 slide)- Tell me, what do these peas look like? (Children's answers.)

(4 slide) The pea is similar to our planet Earth, this is exactly how it is seen from space.

Have a seat. Now let’s close our eyes and fantasize, think about what each of you can see on this small copy of planet Earth.

(5 slide) A recording of the noise of wind, sea waves, thunder, lightning, and raindrops sounds.

What did you imagine, what did you see? (Children's answers.)

Summary: Just as various natural phenomena occur on earth, man also encounters social natural phenomena among people.

2. Introduction to the topic.

A man among people. Consider the diagram-map (words divided into 2 sectors “I”, “people”) (6 slide)

Guys, who knows how many such “I”s live on Earth? (Children express their guesses.)

There are five billion inhabitants on our planet. That's a lot. But every person is a whole world.

Can a person live alone? Why?

Who do we see on the planet next to us?

(Students express their opinions).

What would you mean by the concept “I am among people”?

(Friends, family, relatives, school and classmates, neighbors, people around us).

A diagram appears on the board: Friends, family, relatives, school and classmates, neighbors, people around us.

Are we all alike?

(Somewhat similar, but we will not find two completely identical people. Everyone strives to become better).

We emphasized that there are 5 billion people on Earth, and they all have enough space, sun, air, water and food. Why do you think people fight with each other? (Children's answers)

Summary: There are two worlds: the world of love, kindness and the world of vulgarity and stupidity. Each person must decide for himself what kind of world to live in, what kind of world to build.

Corrective exercise:

The envelope contains a task (distribute into groups and explain):

Group 1: 3 things that are unreliable in life (power, luck, fortune), 3 things that should not be lost (peace, hope, honor);

Group 2: 3 things that destroy a person (wine, pride, anger), 3 things that define a person (work, honesty, achievement)

Which world is easier to live in? (in a world of love and goodness)

The 2nd love candle is lit (for students)

Summary: It depends on you how your relationships with people will develop. People have always tried to develop universal rules relationships people.

(7 slide) Read the Bible quote: “Do not do to other people what you would not want them to do to you.”

Why do people know what to do, but do the opposite?

Let's think: what am I, what is good about me and what would you like to improve? (Children think.)

Summary: There are no perfect people, but there is something good in every person. It is very important to learn to see this goodness not only in yourself, but also in the people around you. Don't treat people the way you wouldn't want them to treat you.

Sacrificial fires.

You probably noticed that there are bonfires burning in our class (2 bonfires are drawn on the board, lyrical music is playing / (8 slide)

These are not just bonfires - these are “bonfires of sacrifice.”

Why do you think they were called that?

What does the word “sacrifice”, “donate” mean? (students look for the meaning of words in an explanatory dictionary)

This means giving up something, giving something as a gift “free of charge!”

Each flame represents a person’s sacrificial act for the sake of

someone else.

Think about how and what you have sacrificed or are going to sacrifice for

your family, your parents, your loved ones? (children select the children’s actions in each flame of the sacrificial fire).

What do your parents and loved ones sacrifice for you? (choose words from the flames of the parents’ actions)

1 fire – children: friends, interests, toys, dreams.

2 fires - parents: career, desires, work, free time, health, life.

Now compare, whose fire burns brighter?

To whom should you give your gratitude and love?

Could the situation change? How? When? (children's statements)

Summary: Therefore, it is necessary to listen to the advice of elders. They are wiser and more experienced.

Read the proverbs and explain:

“An old tree can live a long time only by relying on a young one.”

“Before the elders there is silence, before the wise there is obedience, to have friendship with equals,

with the younger ones - friendly agreement."

Let's light the 3rd candle so that faith in ourselves and our loved ones will always accompany us.

The 3rd candle of faith is lit (for students)

How to find out about a person in general (by his deeds, actions), yes, but this can only manifest itself in society.

How can a person know himself? (in society, in comparison with other people).

What do you need to do to become an interesting person? (Remember more funny stories. Read a lot. Watch educational programs. Learn to make all sorts of crafts.)

How to build character? Try to answer this question by continuing the sentence: “Character education is ... (eradicating bad character traits, developing good ones, getting rid of bad habits, mastering any activity to perfection ....)

Everything that we have just listed is called self-education and requires constant effort of will.

What does educated mean? (observing the rules of decency).

Signs of a well-mannered person.

Exercise: in front of you there is a little man drawn on a piece of paper. Let each of you give him a sign of a well-mannered person (arrows are drawn from the little man in different directions and students take turns writing down the characteristics of a well-mannered person)

(Project protection)

Look, almost everything in a person is intended for himself: the eyes are for looking, the mouth is for absorbing food, everything is needed for oneself, except for a smile. A smile is intended for other people to make them feel good and happy with you.

In your opinion, what should a member of our class team be like?

Summary: That is, a well-mannered person is a moral person. And a moral person is thoughtful, there is peace within him. If a person is not calm, then he becomes angry and desperate. It's the same in the world. It is easier and happier to live on a peaceful Earth, just like in a peaceful society.

The “Calm Candle” is lit

Pay attention to the words of a wise Chinese proverb:

“The wise man seeks faults in himself, the unwise – in others.” Explain.

It is very important to remember that any action has a consequence or result!

Know how to apologize to people in a timely manner, because you and I live in a society among people. Living in society means presenting yourself, paying attention, first of all, to yourself and your actions. All People are very different. And in order to live next to them, you must be able to behave in such a way that everyone feels good, pleasant, and comfortable with you. Then it will be easy for you to get along with others.

Politeness and good manners have been valued for a long time.

(9 slide) Even in the time of Peter 1, there was a book about the culture of behavior “An Honest Mirror of Youth”, in which there were the words: “It is not unprofitable to be polite, but worthy of praise, and it is better when they say about someone: he is polite, a humble fellow, than when they say about whom: he is an arrogant fool"

If you follow these rules, you can avoid conflicts and achieve success in society. There are such subtle and gentle, strong and courageous, unbending concepts - the honor and dignity of the human person.

Soon you will leave the school walls. Some people set specific goals and will achieve them, while others will be content with “what life gives me, that’s what I will use.” Watch the video parable “River of Life”

Watch the video parable “River of Life” (10 slide)

What does this parable teach?

Who do you think is the river? What is she facing? How can you survive among people?

Exercise “Complete the sentences”

Participants use cards to complete the sentences:

I really want my life to have...

I'll know I'm happy when...

To be happy today, I (do)...

Summary: In life, a person often encounters beauty and meanness, joy and sorrow, love and betrayal. You can define the purpose of your existence in different ways, but every person should have one rule of life - you must live your life with honor and dignity. Guys! We live among people, and therefore perform moral actions towards each other and towards all people.

(11 slide) A melody sounds

Let's look again at the pea that each of you received at the beginning of class. Did you manage to save it? It was difficult to do this: the pea could get lost or break into pieces. It is also difficult to maintain good relationships in a team. To do this you need to be very careful and thrifty.

I want you to learn to cherish the peace within yourself. If you feel lonely, take your pea, look at it, remember our conversation today. Maybe you will feel a little happier and calmer. I wish that a candle of hope, love, faith, and tranquility always burn inside you (going to the candles).

Teacher: Natalya Igorevna Smetanina, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 56, Artyomovsky


Goals: cultivate respect for oneself, for other people, and form a civic position.

Equipment: tape recorder, statements about a person, whatman paper for group work (3 pcs.),

lotto (3 pcs.), glue, sheets of “human social roles”, pens, questionnaires, gifts.

Class progress

Organizational moment. The class teacher introduces those present. All students are seated in groups. Group leaders are appointed in advance. On the projector screen is the topic of the class hour (SLIDE 1).

Class teacher: When man appeared, he was awarded intelligence, the ability to master and art. Man began to get food, make beautiful things, build houses, etc., and today our task is to figure out who this man is, what his mission is on planet Earth. It is known: how many people, so many opinions. I would like to find out your position on this issue.

Tape recording:

Living in the twentieth century

In his own country,

I want about a person

Talk simple.

Opening the sheets of newspaper,

I'm thinking evil:

Definition is

Where did it come to us from?

Leading: A person is already born into the world as a human being! Banal truth?!

Class teacher: So what is a person? What concepts does this word include? (shows diagram - SLIDE 2).

H man

individual organism individuality personality citizen

All these concepts apply to every person. Let's first try to understand the concepts of “individual”, “organism”, “individuality”.

Lotto game

On the table of each group there is a Whatman paper with one of these concepts and a lotto card in the envelope.

(Homo sapiens, digestive system, head, height, weight, arms, single, gait, appearance, natural being, belonging to the human race, legs, voice, handwriting, heart, circulatory system).

In 5 minutes, each group needs to select and paste onto whatman paper cards that fit the given concept and reveal its essence. After finishing the work, each group must explain why these particular cards were taken.

1st group Human individual.

Homo sapiens, a single, natural being, belonging to the human race.

2nd group. Man-organism.

Head, arms, legs, heart, circulatory system, digestive system.

3rd group. Man-individuality.

(Group commanders explain why they chose these particular concepts.)

Class teacher: Thanks to all groups.

Leading: I want to reach everything

To the very essence.

At work, looking for a way,

In heartbreak.

To the essence of the past days,

Until their reason,

To the foundation, to the roots,

To the core.

Always catching the thread

Fates, events.

Live, think, feel, love,

Complete the opening.

(B. Pasternak.)

Class teacher: Let us continue our work to deepen and expand our understanding of man. Every person born is naturally included in the life of society. Society is all of humanity in its history and perspective. In society, relationships develop between people. In different life situations, the same person plays different social roles in society.

There are sheets of paper in front of you, now we will undertake Brainstorming. I suggest you write for one minute, without conferring: what social role you play in different life circumstances. Express your social self.

"Brainstorm"(1 min). Son, daughter, student, customer, pedestrian, etc. Discussion of answers.

Class teacher. We have not named all social roles. Most of us perform in the same social roles. But everyone stands out from the group of people with their uniqueness, their special qualities, each of us is an individual.


Be with people.

And I have the right to say here:

Joy - pooled,

Grief - pooled,

So that vanity does not eat the soul,

How rust eats iron.

So that your thoughts do not die out,

Like a puddle at the first frost,

Be with people.

So the corn will blossom from the cornfield.

So swim with the waves in splashes.

Don't put anyone in trouble.

Don't celebrate orgies next to grief,

Don't count on someone else's harvest.

Pasha himself, himself and this one,

Pull out the weeds yourself.

And not a cloud of fear.

And any misfortune will dissipate,

Like autumn leaves in the wind.

Class teacher: What is personality? (SLIDE 3)

(children answer)

Summarizing answers: “Personality” is a very ambiguous word. This concept expresses the most important thing that is inherent in a given person - the totality of his internal properties as a social being, such as the traits of the mind, soul, behavior, what he loves, values, how he treats others, whether he knows how to firmly keep his word, whether he is independent or malleable to someone else's will. Man and personality are not synonymous. A person cannot yet be a person (for example, a newborn), but a person is always a person, and no one but a person can be a person. Personality is unique, just like a person. Personality is a person as a carrier of consciousness. Individuals are not born, but become individuals under certain social conditions. Depending on many life circumstances, a person may or may not become an integral, respected person in society. What qualities should a person have who can be called an integral, harmonious personality? A literary crossword puzzle will help you answer this question.

Crossword(SLIDE 5)

Questions for the crossword:

1. The mind is frivolous and stubborn.

He is quick and too bold in his judgments.

No, the man is not so white,

And, again, not so black.

2. If people respect you,
They are often asked to give them advice,

And a lot of people know you,

So, he won...

    The goal of creativity is dedication,
    Not hype, not success.

    Controls himself among the confused crowd,
    Always bears responsibility for those
    Who believes again, in defiance of the Universe,
    Success in you and in your business.

    Your love is comparable
    With what in the present?
    She is comparable to fire,
    Forever burning.

    There are many shades for the eyes:
    There is no unconditional color in people,
    No guilty person is a stranger to goodness,
    And the righteous sins a hundred times.

    That person is always happy.
    Who will set a noble goal in life?
    Who lives his short life for people,
    That will leave a deep mark on the earth.

Homeroom teacher(after filling out the crossword): Do you agree that these are the traits that are inherent in a complete, harmonious personality? People who renounce their interests for the sake of society and other people, and show determination and fortitude, enjoy special authority. Such people are called strong people, strong personalities. It is thanks to them that society develops. And strong personalities are not always famous people. For example, in Stalin’s times there were individuals who were not broken by prisons and camps, who withstood all the tests, did not betray their comrades, remained faithful to their ideals, values, principles, did not renounce their actions, did not betray themselves.

Each of us is an individual, each has his own positive qualities, and if everyone could apply them to the fullest, then our society would improve morally.


Youth! Take it with you on the road

The most cherished dream;

For people there is mental anxiety,

Hearts are hot and thoughts are beautiful,

Wisdom of feeling

Resilience in the storms of life,

Courage in everything and to the end,

Loyalty to a friend

Devotion to the fatherland

The name of a citizen and a fighter.

Class teacher: A citizen is a person who owns rights. The word “citizen” is used in various senses: firstly, it is residents of a country who have the right of citizenship. Secondly, from ancient times to the present day, it also has a deeper meaning associated with human rights, his freedom and responsibility. In Ancient Greece, not many people could be a citizen; it was an honor. Not every free person was called a citizen, let alone slaves. The citizen had important rights in both personal and political life. But he also had serious responsibilities: first of all, to obey the laws and defend the fatherland.

Who is a citizen today in our country?

This is a person who has rights and responsibilities, obeys the law and is responsible for his actions. Every person in society should have his own civic position. And a civil position is impossible without political, moral and legal culture. I want to offer you several situations that need to be discussed from the point of view of the civic position of all the characters and you.

Situation 1. A teacher discusses with a student the issue of his smoking outside of school.

    Is this a personal matter for everyone? Why?

    Do you have the right to smoke in a public place? Why?

    Does it harm others and yourself? How?

    What civic position does he take? What laws
    violates rights?

    What harm does it cause to the state?

    What should be the civil position on this issue?

Situation 2. Two students are talking about something during a break. One swings on the teacher's chair and breaks it. The friends agree not to tell anyone about this. The teacher notices that the chair is broken and begins to ask about what happened. Having not received an answer from the class, he collects money for a new chair.

    Did the student have the right to take the teacher's chair? Why?

    What right is violated here?

    Should a person, if he is a respectable citizen, confess to his crime? If it should, then how and with what consequences?

    As we see in this simple example, it is not just one person who is being punished, but an entire class. It turns out that the innocent are punished; is it capable of awakening conscience?

    What will be the attitude towards this person in the class if classmates later find out who the real culprit is?

6. What should this student do to correct the current situation?


Class teacher. I hope that our conversation about the civic position of each schoolchild is not over, and that you will think about it again when you find yourself in other, most likely, more difficult life situations. And let each of you choose your own right decision. And let everyone ask themselves these questions more often:

Why love and hate?

Grow flowers and see stars?

Why lose, why seek,

Why remember the past?

Why do all the living live?

What is the meaning of life?

What is its law?

And it gives me no rest,

To my childish head

One single question:

Why was I born and raised?

Open extracurricular activity

in group 15 TMT

on topic

"Being Human"

Class teacher Galina Nikolaevna Odintsova

Target. Discuss the most important, most pressing problem of all times and peoples, the problem: what a person is, what he should be.

Tasks. - Form an active life position.

Learn argumentation, evidence, tolerance for another point of view.

Teach your heart and soul about kindness and humanity.

Form. Discussion.

Progress of the lesson

1 .Introduction.

Today in our lesson, let's be together!

After all, at the center of the discussion is the name by which everyone is named!

But how often do we think about this?!

2. Statement of the problem, formulation of the topic

The teacher suggests listening to the beginning of the song “Traffic Light” by V. Leontyev

“Indeed, our life passes in the flashing of days, speeds and lights... We run, and in the rhythm of running we see the world, each other abruptly, fleetingly, instantly... We do not want or cannot stop. Or maybe you should stop and think about yourself, about your actions, look at yourself from the outside: at your words, thoughts, deeds... And, perhaps, thereby getting closer to the truth about one of the most important problems; WHAT IS MAN? But, alas, how difficult it is sometimes to STOP! We're in a crowd, we're in a hurry!

The curse of the century is haste,

and a man, wiping off sweat,

rushes through life like a pawn,

caught up in time pressure.

They drink hastily, they love hastily,

and the soul descends.

They hastily beat, hastily destroy,

and then they repent, hastening.

But at least once in the world,

when he sleeps or boils,

stop like a horse in soap,

sensing an abyss at the hooves.

Stop halfway

trust the sky as a judge,

think - if not about God -

at least just about myself.

Under the rustle of decaying leaves,

under the locomotive's hoarse scream

understand: the one who runs away is pathetic,

stopped - great.

Sweeping away the dust of vanity and vanity,

finally remember eternity

and holy indecision

will pour into your feet like lead.

There is strength in indecision

when on the wrong path

forward to the false luminaries

you hesitate to go.

Trampling on someone's face like leaves,

stop! You are blind, like Viy.

And the best chance to stop

Do not kill with the madness of haste.

When you walk briskly towards your goal,

like steps, bodies,

stop, you who have forgotten God, -

you walk on your own!

When anger pushes you

to the oblivion of your own soul,

to the dishonor of a shot and a word,

don't rush, don't do it!

Stop walking blindly

O population of the Earth!

Freeze, flying from a Colt bullet,

and a bomb is in the air, freeze!

O man whose name is holy,

raising your eyes upward with prayer,

amidst decay and debauchery

stop, stop!

E. Yevtushenko


Working with a fragment of the painting “Diogenes Searching for Man”

Discussion: what kind of person was Diogenes looking for? ( One speaker from each group)

Students say that he was probably looking for a good person, capable of a good deed; a non-boring person with whom you could talk; real, humane; some kind of his own, understandable, person without beauty...

A slide is presented with questions for extracurricular discussion.

3 .Main part

Discussions are offered in groups on different situations and topics:

So what is beauty?...( Discussion about beauty, internal and external, imaginary and real, which will “save the world”) - 1st group

Belarusian belief about a good-bad person ( About yourself or about another; altruism and egoism) - 2nd group

Live with duty when it's full( about the meaning of human life, about the place of man in this life) - 3rd group

-Parable about the fight between two wolves (problem of choice) (task common to all groups).

Everyone chooses for themselves
A woman, religion, a road.
To serve the devil or the prophet -
Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves
A word for love and for prayer.
A sword for a duel, a sword for battle -
Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves:
Shield and armor. Staff and patches.
The measure of the final reckoning
Everyone chooses for themselves

4. Conclusion-reflection

So what kind of person is he? What does it mean to be human? by group cluster or syncwine )

In this case, the following thoughts came to mind:

How simple and how difficult it is to answer the question,

Find your bearings in this human world.

And, having been the creation of God, do not forget,

To become a Man, it’s not enough for them to be born!

Slide + words by O. Khayyam

“A person is like a mirror, the world has many faces:

He is insignificant and he is immeasurably great!

Slide “You can live differently in life...”

So what does it mean to be human?!– EVERY MAIN QUALITY.

Be person - What This Means ?
want , If near crying ,
fair in everyone deeds ,
divide suffering .
person - mean be kind ,
people attentive be higher ,
word or rather , V thoughts cleaner .
more modest V their desires ,
good V breakups .
To people
give respect , affection ,
Not tantrums , shock And shake up .
creep before the strongest ,
be servile before the smartest .
You or With ranks -
before god equal We With you .
same on light No excuses :
How many
it brings suffering !
Human defiles soul -
To people
such Human Not needed !
Not became You like this freak ,
, sick help , orphans .
Not offend old people :
after all you will When - That that's how it is .
their Not eat it speeches -
same V this sinners We With you !
given person ,
So that
fulfill their from century to century .
You're right
, Not are right God you will judge ,
By affairs to you yours will .
person - What This Means ?
To many
think about it , Not otherwise



  • Contribute to the formation of a moral and ethical culture, positive character traits; bring children to the understanding that conscious improvement of a person is a good deed.


  • Develop the ability to communicate with people, analyze your actions and evaluate them; the ability to make choices consciously.


  • Foster mutual respect, kindness, politeness; moral responsibility for one's actions.

Equipment: green and red cards for the game; cards “heart”, “crybaby”, “indifference”; individual cards.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Introductory part.

Class hour let's start now

And we'll have a conversation

About important words

Dear, brave,

Labor and strict,

Modest and poor.

I am a man! Can everyone on Earth say that about themselves?

Before answering this question, tell me, what, besides external signs, should a person have? ( a person must have good and pure thoughts, good character qualities, a kind and loving heart, an educated mind, he must do good deeds, a person must be humane)

M.M. Prishvin wrote wise words about the importance of what you just said: “Everything beautiful on earth comes from the sun, everything good comes from man.”

The beauty of nature exists thanks to the warmth and light of the sun, and everything good that exists on Earth was created by good people. Bad things are done by bad people who are not worthy to bear the proud title of man. People, when they want to encourage someone to become better, say: “Be a person!” (“Become human!”). That is, they call for you to manifest everything that you talked about. Thus, we call a person not a body, not an external appearance, but that inner world, that inner person, which we do not see, but which manifests itself in everything that a person does.

Let’s answer the question: can everyone say to themselves “I am a human being!” ( no, only those who are kind, have a loving heart, good character qualities)

Tell me, what will we talk about during the class hour, what topic will it be on? ( about the need to help those who are in difficulty; about the ability to make friends; respectful attitude towards elders; about kindness and a loving heart; about politeness; about performing noble deeds without demanding anything in return).

That is, we will try to answer the question: what does it mean to be... ( a real person). This will be the topic of our class hour. We will talk about those human qualities that help each of us make friends, find mutual understanding, and become a real person.

Doesn't come cheap

Happiness on difficult roads.

What good have you done?

How have you helped people?

This measure will measure

All earthly works.

Maybe he grew a tree

Are you in your city?

Or under the snow powder

Are you saving someone's life?

Doing good things for people -

Make yourself look better!

If you like the class today, you will take something useful and necessary for yourself, pick up a card with a heart; if not, then a crybaby. And whoever remains indifferent is an empty piece of paper.

2. Main part.

To do good to people, you must first of all be a polite person, because... “Politeness” is one of the most important qualities of a well-mannered person. Until the 16th century, “vezha” meant “expert”; this is someone who knows the rules of decency and the form of expressing good attitude towards people. Sometimes guys behave rudely; it seems to them that in these cases they are acting like independent, independent and almost adult people. Listen to A.L. Barto’s poem “Confession” and say what rules of politeness can be learned from it.

1 student

Come find out, come understand,

He all in one unfortunate day

Almost brought me to tears.

His name is - he stands like a stump,

It's like he's grown into the ground.


Be careful, don't drink raw water,

A neighbor advises.

One glass, then another

Andryusha drinks in response.

Come find out, come understand,

What happened to the guy about eight years old?


Will you come for lunch at 3 o'clock, -

His mother told him.

He muttered: - I know myself,

And he showed up at 5.

Well, what's wrong with you, Andryushenka?

And the son confessed to her:

When I don't listen to you

I look more mature.

Guys, do we have people like Andryushka in our class?

Children:- No.

(Study gets up and says):- Maybe I should be like Andryushka?

Children: - Egor, be human!

Guys, what rules of politeness can you name after listening to this poem? ( no need to be rude; don't cause trouble, don't offend anyone; be attentive to people). Can the author A.L. Barto be called a real person? ( Yes; after all, through the example of other children, she teaches us to be attentive to others, listen to the advice of elders, and do only good deeds).

1slide- So, let’s read the rules of politeness in unison.

* Be attentive to people.

*Don't be rude.

* Do not cause trouble or offense to others.

A disrespectful attitude towards people is a sign of poor upbringing. Not only boys, but also girls are ill-mannered, angry, and rude to their parents, their comrades, and complete strangers. Listen to A.L. Barto’s poem “Lyubochka” and tell me, what kind of person should you be?


Who doesn't know Lyubochka? Everyone knows Lyuba.

The girls will gather in a circle at the holiday.

How Lyubochka dances! Best of all friends!

Both the skirt and the ribbon in the braid are spinning.

Everyone looks at Lyubochka, everyone is happy.

But if you come to this Lyubochka’s house,

There you will hardly recognize this girl.

She screams from the doorway and announces as she goes:

I have a lot of lessons, I won’t go for bread!

Lyubochka is riding on a tram - she doesn’t take a ticket.

Pushing everyone apart with his elbows, he makes his way forward.

She says pushing: - Ugh! How cramped!

She says to the old woman: - These are children's places.

Well, sit down,” she sighs.

Blue skirt, ribbon in a braid.

This is Lyubochka in all her glory.

Sometimes girls can be very rude

Although they are not necessarily called Lyubs.

Guys, do we have people like Lyubochka in our class?

Children:- No.

(the student gets up and says):- Maybe I can be like Lyubochka?

Children: - Egor, be human.

Guys, what kind of person should you be? ( be hardworking and responsive; help kids, respect elders; do not insult people; help those who find it difficult).

Slide 2:- Let’s read it in chorus, remember it and be the same.

* Help someone who is having a hard time.

* Be hardworking and sympathetic.

* Respect your elders, help your kids.

* Do not insult people either in word or deed.

Respect your elders, your comrades. What is respect? (a friendly attitude towards a person). Respecting a person means:

* be ready to help him;

* talk politely;

* sit at the same desk in class;

* play together during breaks;

Now let’s play a little and find out your knowledge of the magic words. Think about what conclusion can be drawn? We answer in unison.

Game "Dictionary of magic words".

  1. Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word...( Thank you).
  2. The old tree stump will turn green when it hears...( Good afternoon).
  3. If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom …(Thank you).
  4. A polite and developed boy speaks while meeting …(Hello).
  5. When you are scolded for pranks, say...( sorry, please).
  6. In both France and Denmark they say goodbye...( Goodbye).

What conclusion can be drawn? ( always be polite).

Let's read in chorus. 3 Slide

* Be polite in word and deed.

Guys, do we have children in our class who don’t know magic words?

Children:- No.

(Study gets up and says):- Can I be such a person?

Children:- Egor, be a polite person.

Tell me, can a polite person be evil?

Children:- No.

Why? (learn the answers).

Of course not. After all, politeness is real when it is sincere, natural, which means it is next to kindness, a friendly attitude towards each other, towards all living things. It’s not for nothing that the Russian folk proverb says, “It’s good for those who have a good heart.” After all, kindness helps people live.


It’s not at all easy to be kind,

Kindness does not depend on height.

Kindness does not depend on color.

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

Kindness does not age over the years,

Kindness will warm you from the cold.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Adults and children rejoice.


Thin threads circled the earth

Threads of parallels and green rivers.

Reach out your hand, reach out your hand

Warm with a word, caress with a glance,

A good joke even melts snow.

A gloomy person will become kind and cheerful.

Guys, do we have angry, rude children in our class?

Children:- No.

(the student gets up and says):- Could I be like this?

Children:- Egor, be a kind person.

Slide 4:

  • Be kind.
  • “Sow what is reasonable, good, eternal...” - the poet N.A. Nekrasov once said. These words can be a great motto for you.
  • Give joy and smiles. Let's now smile at each other and sing V. Shainsky's wonderful song “Smile”.

The song “Smile” is performed.

To do good, you must first of all possess it. Each person has their own path to kindness. It is not given to us from birth, it is not inherited. You must try hard, day after day, to cultivate kindness in yourself. Kindness begins with loving people. Breathe in with your heart, do not lose the joy of love, the power of goodness.

5 slide:


Good people, nothing will cool us down,

And don’t slam open doors.

We will be kind, and the world will be kinder,

We will be kind, and life will be kinder.

Perform a miracle, extend your hand.

A person must believe in friendship.

It's so wonderful to be with you

The unfamiliar gloomy man smiled.

Having done good, enjoy the fact that another person feels good and comfortable. “They don’t seek good from good,” says a Russian folk proverb. It would be good to learn to sincerely give kindness, without expecting any benefit or response. If you learn this, you are a real person.

3. Final part.

Now let’s check how much you have learned and how much you remember the rules of a well-mannered real person. I will name the situation, and you will determine whether the actions in it were polite, well-mannered or not. If yes, raise the green card; if no, raise the red card. We work in pairs.

Game "Polite - Impolite."

  • Say rude words.
  • To offend the little ones.
  • Play with your younger sister or brother.
  • Say hello when you meet.
  • Push, don't apologize.
  • Help an elderly person cross the road.
  • Pay for travel on the bus.
  • Wash the dishes at home, go to the store.
  • Complain about others.
  • Do not give up your seat on the bus to an adult.
  • Say “thank you.”

Well done, they have learned the rules of good manners well. Should a real person only be polite, kind, and good? (study answers)

Remember the work of S.Ya. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero”. Who is this work about? (about a simple guy who saved a girl during a fire)

Why does the author call him a hero? (having seen the fire, he rushed to the aid of a complete stranger; he suddenly appeared and disappeared the same way, without expecting gratitude or beautiful words addressed to him; not everyone is capable of this)

What can you say about this guy? What is he like? ( brave, daring, modest)

So what should a real person be like? There are pieces of paper in front of you, underline the words that characterize a real person ( ind. Job) Examination 6 slide.

What are you like in life? Give examples of your current actions? (study answers)

I wish each of you to grow up to be a good, polite, kind, real person.

7 slide:

8 students

Wherever the wind blows, so will the clouds.

An obedient river flows along the bed.

But you are human, you are strong and brave.

Make your destiny with your own hands.

Go against the wind, don't stand still.

Understand that there is no easy road.

Now they don’t trust miracles as much as before.

Don’t hope for a miracle, command your own destiny.

In the suffocation of cities in our troubled age

Feel the breath of nature

A real person is capable

In love with a state of freedom.

A real person is not rich in money,

He doesn’t know how to see an idol in them.

The treasures of the soul are his priceless treasure,

Which will never become scarce.

A real person knows how to give

And that’s why he becomes richer.

A real person will not lose heart

Solving complex problems in life.

A real person only does good deeds,

Rejecting petty passions.

A real person cannot do evil.

And that’s why I wish everyone happiness.

I would like to know your opinion. If you liked the class hour and learned a lot of useful things for yourself, then pick up a card with a heart. If not, then a crybaby. And whoever remained indifferent to what we talked about is an empty piece of paper. 8 slide(small conversation about choice).

I want to thank you for listening and trying to understand what you heard, for your help. When I say “thank you” ( on the board “I give thanks”), this means that I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart. Try to thank people for all the good things they do to you. I hope that each of you will be a real person and give only joy to those around you.

Slide 9:

I would like to end the class hour with the words of the great Russian writer K. G. Paustovsky “A person must be smart, simple, fair, brave and kind. Only then does he have the right to bear this high title - man.”

Literature used.

T.V. Volkova “The Science of Being Human”, Volgograd, 2008. (materials for classroom hours grades 1-4).

  1. I.V. Persidskaya, G.A. Fonova, N.V. Lobodina and others. “Classroom hours in elementary school,” 2007.
  2. O.E. Zhirenko, E.V. Lapina, T.V. Kiseleva “I am a citizen of Russia” (class hours on civic and patriotic education).
  3. S.Ya.Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero” (excerpt).
  4. Y.L.Barto “Lyubochka” (excerpt).