The image of a “cold”, that is, insensitive girl who acts solely in her own interests (in other words, a bitch) is becoming increasingly popular. Women strive for independence, and therefore try in every possible way to get rid of the purely feminine qualities that interfere with them: sincerity, vulnerability, dependence on a man, pity, etc. How to get closer to the cherished standard of the Snow Queen? We will talk about this now.

Traits of a Cold Lady

  • Independence
  • Determination.
  • Uncompromising
  • Selfishness.
  • All-consuming love for one's own Self.
  • Increased sense of self-esteem
  • Waywardness
  • Authority
  • Commercialism
  • Determination, etc.

But at the same time, a real spicy “cocktail of bitchiness” is obtained only when a woman has, in addition to the qualities listed above, also intelligence, intelligence, and a sense of humor.

We act on the contrary

You don’t need to graduate from the Faculty of Psychology to understand what is needed to develop the character of a tough, purposeful lady who is alien to the emotionality characteristic of ladies. After all, you just need to create the image of an average woman and then do everything exactly the opposite.


An ordinary woman will admire her man and talk about her love for him, write and call several times a day, take care of him, court him, worry about quarrels, etc.

When thinking about how to become cold, first of all reconsider your attitude towards the opposite sex. Don’t show that a man has touched your heart and you need him, don’t call or write to him first (and don’t always answer his calls and letters). Let him know that you are not going to cook/wash/clean for him or will only do it when at will, at a time convenient for you. Make your own appointments at a time convenient for you. Avoid quarrels and showdowns - cold women do what they want without stooping to the level of scandals. Don't show him your weaknesses. Allow yourself to flirt with other men. And most importantly, don’t be afraid to lose it. At the same time, in the intimate sphere it would be better to show the exact opposite character, otherwise the man will leave you before you show him all your audacity and independence.


A cold lady rarely has friends, since not everyone can stand her character. With those with whom you decide to maintain relationships, be as discreet as possible. Don't be frank. Have clear beliefs and principles and do not deviate one step from them. Don't help, don't do favors, don't communicate when you don't want to.


A cold woman is focused on success; she doesn’t care about anything else. Be a leader, be decisive, do not give in to provocations, do not enter into conflicts, do not regret. You should be indifferent to the opinions of your colleagues about your person. Accept negative statements or complaints addressed to you with a smile. Regardless of any obstacles, just do what you think is necessary in order to achieve the desired position/project.

Only a self-confident woman can be considered the first beauty and become an object of universal admiration and adoration. Self-confidence is not a gift from God, but is developed in early childhood.

If the parents made any mistakes in raising the girl, namely, they stifled her with their authority, did not allow her to take initiative, metaphorically speaking, “clipped her wings,”

then there is a high probability that the child will grow up to be an insecure woman, capable of repeatedly overstepping her pride, for example, for the sake of her beloved man. Such women suffer from altruism in relation to the people around them or become embittered, always grumbling obese aunts. Fatal flaws in upbringing can be compensated for in future adult life by independently cultivating self-love. Women who respect and value themselves are often called women are bitches- society, especially the male class, is still shocked by women's independence. Here are some tips on how to become a confident woman or:

Principles and laws of a woman who is a bitch

First of all, set your priorities, because it is the priorities of a woman who is a bitch that distinguishes her from other beautiful representatives. Think about whether you feel comfortable fulfilling any requests from loved ones and relatives. Evaluate their attitude towards you and if you feel that it smacks of trivial exploitation, or understand that their requests are being imposed against your will, then feel free to assert your right to refuse. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to break down and start screaming. Simply learn to say “no.”

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Do you want to become a bitch woman?

This means that your main commandment is beauty and health in the first place. Think about yourself everywhere and always. A moderately selfish attitude towards others who “happen to sit on their heads” is not forbidden. Don’t cancel your trip to the beauty salon if your adult son gets it into his head to buy something with that money. mobile phone newest model. Own interests women are bitches should be a priority. Self-care, healing procedures and relaxation are top priorities for any self-respecting lady. To avoid family conflict, explain to your son that you can earn money for a phone on your own.

Lifestyle of a woman bitch

Are you attracted to the lifestyle that a female bitch leads? This means that a career and independence are mandatory for you. The higher position you hold at work, the more independent you are from your husband and other men. It's not even a matter of financial means, but how much you are able to devote time to yourself and your interests. A successful career is titanic work. Your time and youth spent on work will be rewarded with more than an invaluable sense of self-realization, a sense of the status of a business woman, your own importance and indispensability in professional circles. Men admire strong women.

Limiting personal space for yourself and your loved one is a must for a woman who is a bitch. Take care of time for your hobbies, for fulfilling your cherished dreams, for harmless hobbies like yoga or knitting. Expand your horizons! Conquer new heights in cooking, embroidery or handicrafts, jump with a parachute, learn to drive a motorcycle or a car, in a word, live life to the fullest.

A bitch is not an evil, cruel and selfish woman who constantly drips on her man’s brain. Insidious and vengeful, envious and malicious, striding towards her goal over corpses. This is a smart, successful and happy woman. There are even special courses on stervology that teach how to become a bitch. We offer a short training. How to become a bitch, tips for beginners

An extraordinary woman is the dream of every man. She's just too tough for one. And others, weaker and unconfident, are content with ordinary, standard ones. A bitch is a bright woman, a “dear” woman. Requiring careful treatment. Not with whining and skating, but with all your actions, with all your appearance. How to become a bitch? Impromptu conversations with a psychologist.

Who am I?

Why do you need a man?
- Why? I'm lonely. I want someone to be close.
- Get a dog...
- I want to get married. Regular sex... Waking up next to your beloved man... Feeling his care...
- What exactly do you want? A husband is one person. A lover is a different hypostasis. Who do you need? Daddy man or boy? Do you want to take care of him yourself or accept his care?
- Are these different things?
- Yes. What can you offer the ideal man?
- Like what? Myself.
- And what? What's special about you? What are you like?
- Mmmmmm...

The most common women's answers to common questions are demonstrated. Many women don't know what they want, who they want. The bitch knows exactly what she needs. What does she expect from a man? What can he offer in return?

From the story of a business coach:

“They invited me to a large company to work with the team. First day. Employees gather at the conference table to discuss production processes. I'm watching.

Almost all women arrive early and try to sit down so as not to disturb anyone. Take up minimal space. The men come later. They confidently sit down at the negotiating table. Place the documents in a way that is convenient for them. They don’t look around: did I disturb anyone?”

A woman underestimates herself. Afraid of being misunderstood. To disturb someone. And, what’s worse, he doesn’t know what she is like. Doesn't value himself. Until a woman understands herself, she will not be able to change her life. And cannot influence others. The bitch has no such problems.

Do it the way I want

How tired of everything! To get your husband to do something around the house, you need to argue. It is not enough to ask once to take out the trash. You need to repeat it five times! More often than not you have to carry it yourself.
- For what? Let it stand. How it stinks, it will endure...
- Mine doesn’t do anything around the house at all.
- What should he do?
- At least something... At least hammer a nail or re-glue the wallpaper... Help me somehow...
- You yourself don’t know what he should do. What do you want from a man?

Analysis of situations.

The most common mistake women make is whining and whining, swearing and hysteria. The bitch will not repeat her request more than once. That's enough. She is fluent in the art of manipulation. Moreover, the man will think that he decided everything on his own.

A bitch will never stoop to whining and hysterics. The woman in the first situation made two obvious mistakes. Firstly, she did his own work for her husband. Secondly, I frayed the nerves of both myself and my husband. What would a bitch do? “Darling, I prepared one of your favorite dishes for dinner. It's a surprise. While I warm it up, please take out the trash.”

A man needs to clearly know what they want from him. Are you waiting for a mink coat for your birthday? You secretly hope that he will figure it out. And your loved one brings another diamond ring... You bite your lips out of resentment and can barely hold back your tears. How insensitive he is! I didn't guess your wish!

Is he a psychic? Should he have guessed about the mink coat? The bitch skillfully directs the situation in the direction HER needs. She doesn't leave anything to chance. That's why he gets what he wants.

I can be different

You liked the man in the cafe. What will you do?
- Well... I'll show him my interest with my eyes. I'll smile at him.
- Yeah... And at this time someone else, bolder and more attractive, will approach him. And you will continue to wait...
- Tired of groveling all the time! I want to become a boss myself!
- Fine. Imagine that from today you are a director. Show me.
- Mmmm... Sidorov, come to my office. Why are you late today?.. I can’t do this right away. No preparation.

But a bitch can. It may be different. At work - as a boss. At home - a loving wife and mother. Even with different men – different. She is sensitive to recognizing "mama's boys" and "rich daddies." And it adapts. The bitch knows how to become a good lover or a caring mother.

Moreover, the bitch does not lose herself in any situation. Her behavior is always sincere. She will not allow herself to be controlled or humiliated. But he won’t humiliate others either. This is beneath her dignity.

The situation in the cafe.

The bitch knows how to take what she wants. She has an impeccable command of flirting techniques. Knows how to take the situation into his own hands. And arrange everything as if it was the man who was “framing” her. And not her.

"Dear" woman

Are you beautiful?
- Yes, sure.
- Why is your hair stale?
- Is it possible to have sex after the first date?
- Why not?! Both were overcome by passion. He definitely won’t forget the night with me.
- Maybe. But he won’t call you to the registry office either.

A bitch is a “dear” woman. Not the one whose fingers are strewn with bruliki. And not the one who dresses in boutiques. A “dear” woman is a well-groomed woman, impeccable in terms of neatness, style and taste. A “dear” woman requires careful treatment of herself. Like a very valuable work of art. No one will drop masterpieces on the floor. Even by accident.

A self-respecting woman will never go to bed with a man after the first date. She loves and values ​​herself too much.

Self Confidence

This quality can be most clearly demonstrated by the typical behavior of a real bitch:

“You men (women) can discuss me here as much as you want. Scream at me with foam at the mouth and prove that you’re right... In the meantime, I’ll go have a smoke.”

Honey, you've been away all day. Either you are at work, or with friends. We don't go anywhere. I miss you.
- … (silence).

Or: “We’ll definitely go next time.”

The next time, as you understand, does not come for a long time. This trick doesn't work with a bitch. Busy at work? So what. I have a swimming pool, a gym, a meeting with a friend, a masseuse... Are you spending the evening with friends? Good luck. I go to a club, to a beauty salon, to the theater with a friend... The bitch is never bored. She always has something to do, an activity, a hobby. She does not depend on the mood and employment of her man. She is self-sufficient and successful. And a man is interested in such a woman.

The husband will never hear whining from a bitch. More like: “Honey, I bought two tickets to the premiere of a new film. Do you remember you wanted to watch it? Don't stay late at work. Let's go to the cinema in the evening."

1. Everything that a person hunts for in his life inevitably escapes.

2. The women for whom men climb walls are not necessarily anything special. Very often they simply don’t care about these men.

3. A man perceives a woman as a mental challenge only if he is not sure that she belongs to him one hundred percent.

4. Sometimes a man does not call deliberately to see your reaction.

5. If you start showing your addiction, it turns a man off. But if there is something he can't get, a man will go crazy until he gets it.

6. A man always treats you exactly the same way you treat yourself.

7. Consider yourself a gift from fate, and then a man will believe it.

8. The most important difference between a good woman and a bitch is fear. The bitch demonstrates in every possible way that she is not afraid to be left without a man.

9. If there is a choice between dignity and maintaining a relationship, a bitch will always put her own dignity above everything else.

10. When a woman does not give in to courtship right away, when she is inaccessible and rebellious, a man wants to conquer her even more.

11. The inability to achieve something close gives rise to a desire that must be satisfied.

12. A man has a great sense of which woman he can turn to with requests at the last minute.

13. Your conditions indicate whether you have the choice and ability to maintain your own identity. You immediately make it clear who you really are: a doormat or the girl of his dreams.

14. If you start to overprotect a man, he becomes defensive and looks for escape routes to protect his freedom.

15. When a woman demands too much from a man, he avoids commitment with all his might. Let him give you what he is willing to give freely and without coercion. And then see what it really is.

16. A bitch always leaves enough space for a man so that he is not afraid of ending up in a cage. And then... he goes out of his way to lure her into the cage.

17. If you tell a man that you are absolutely not going to rush into a relationship headfirst, he will make every effort to get you to change your mind.

18. Always let a man understand that he is free and free in his actions. And then he will relax and remove his defenses.

19. Most of all, a man pays attention to whether a woman is too emotionally dependent on him.

20. He should feel that you are with him by choice, and not out of necessity. Only then will he perceive you as an equal partner.

21. If a man has to wait until a woman agrees to go to bed with him, he will not only perceive her as a real beauty, but will also have time to appreciate her.

22. Sex and “spark” are not the same thing.

23. Before sex, a man is unable to think soberly, but a woman remains clear-headed. After sex, everything becomes the other way around. The man gains a clear mind, and the woman loses her head.

25. A man intuitively feels when sexuality is based on self-confidence, and when on dependence. He knows when a woman uses sex to get a man attached to her.

26. Bad habits form much faster than good ones because good ones require conscious effort. Anticipation drives these efforts.

27. If you pull the sexual plug at the last minute, a man will consider you a liar and a deceiver.

28. If he makes you worry, make worry your guide.

29. A real man in his dreams sees a woman who truly loves sex.

30. As soon as a woman begins to compete with another woman, she puts herself down.

31. When that “spark” appears in a relationship, there is only one key left to the lock.

32. Let a man think that he has everything under control. He will automatically start doing what you want because he always dreams of being a “king” in your eyes.

33. By tenderizing the male ego with soft paws, you will not allow a man to even try to use his power for aggressive purposes.

34. If you look tender and feminine, a man will awaken the desire to protect and protect you. When a woman behaves aggressively, the instinct of competition awakens in a man.

35. If a man treats a woman like a doormat, he will let her pay for dinner on the very first date. And she will never become the girl of his dreams for him!

36. The appearance of power is for the public, but real power is visible only in personal relationships. And only real power is important, not visible power.

37. If you let a man feel like a man, he will want to protect you, he will want to give you the whole world.

38. When a woman demonstrates that she can do literally anything, she has to do everything.

39. A man does not react to words. He only reacts when you refuse to communicate with him.

40. Don't talk about "relationships" too long or too often. You will eliminate the element of novelty and mystery, and a man will quickly get bored with this.

42. When you are always happy, and a man feels that he is always free and can leave of his own free will, he understands that he is very lucky.

43. If you allow a man to ruin your plans, you create a void in your life. To fill it, you begin to expect and demand more and more from your partner.

44. Most women are desperate to get from a man what they should give to themselves.

45. A woman seems more confident to a man when he fails to force her to abandon her own interests, because they are no less important to her than he is.

46. ​​As soon as a woman begins to strive to satisfy all the criteria presented to her by a man, she immediately lowers the standard of the relationship.

47. By demonstrating to a man that he is your everything, you thereby jump through the hoop every time, like a trained poodle.

48. Try not to get caught up in the quicksand. If you lose control of your own life, your relationship is doomed.

49. Complete submission and dependence often have a negative impact on the development of relationships. The man sees an opportunity to have his cake and eat it too. But as soon as you stay out of his reach, he will begin to try his best to please you.

50. A good girl sacrifices too much, making the main goal of her life to satisfy the needs of a man, and not her own.

51. If you jump into the ring at the first request, your relationship with a man is unlikely to be successful. Show character, and relationships will become much easier and will not require the slightest effort on your part.

52. When you nag a man, he stops hearing you. But when you speak with your actions, he pays attention to you.

53. When a man takes a woman for granted, he constantly wants to make sure that she is still with him.

54. When routine becomes predictable, a man is more likely to love you the way he once loved his mother - and the chances of him taking you for granted will increase significantly.

55. A negative attitude is also an attitude. It allows a man to feel that you are in his power - exactly where he wants you to be.

56. By treating a man simply as a friend, you force him to play according to your terms. He wants a romantic relationship, but he needs to remain a pursuer.

57. A short distance combined with self-control will make a man worry about losing you.

58. A man takes a woman for granted when he is interested in her, but does not have the slightest desire or incentive to change the usual course of things.

59. When you nag a man, you turn into a problem for him, and he tries to disconnect from you. But when you don't nag, he has to solve his problems.

60. If you shift men's responsibilities to someone else and openly admire this person's abilities, the man will immediately want to do them himself.

61. When you nag a man, he feels your weakness.

62. A man considers an emotional woman too accessible.

63. Just as a familiar routine breeds boredom, somewhat aloof behavior often earns respect from a man.

64. He forgets what he liked about you... until you remind him.

65. Many women talk a lot simply out of nervousness. Men often mistake this behavior for insecurity and dependence.

66. If you talk to a man about feelings, he perceives this conversation as work. And when he stays with a woman, he doesn’t want to work, but to relax.

67. By forcing a man to constantly talk about feelings, you become dependent in his eyes, and then he loses respect for you. And when a man loses respect for a woman, he pays even less attention to her feelings.

68. At the beginning of a relationship, you should only pay attention to how often a man communicates with you, since he can hide his emotions for quite a long time.

69. A man treats a woman in the same way as he treats other men. He plays the tough guy because he doesn't want to appear weak or desperate.

70. For men, the element of surprise in and out of the bedroom is very important. Surprises excite men.

71. Don't repeat the same things in the bedroom day after day. Diversify your sexual menu so that your relationship does not turn into a predictable routine for you.

72. Most men do not respect women who are too obedient.

73. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and express your own opinion. This will not only help you gain a man's respect, but sometimes it can also turn him on.

74. Men often automatically assume that a bitchy woman is much more creative and relaxed in bed, while a good girl is modest and boring.

75. When a man falls in love, he gets out of his usual rut and doesn’t even notice it. For this woman he is ready to do something that he would never do for anyone.

76. He will never respect you as a person if you are not able to stand on your own two feet financially.

77. You must show that you will not tolerate disrespect. And then the man will treat you with respect.

78. You must remain the master of your own life - with or without a man. He should never feel like you are completely at his mercy.

79. When a man treats a woman like a little girl or sister whom he is obliged to take care of, his passion weakens. He doesn't want to make love to his sister.

80. The ability to choose your lifestyle and be treated by other people is what gives you strength and power.

81. In relationships of any kind, the same situation arises. When someone does not contribute anything to the common pot, such a person begins to be treated without respect.

82. Financial dependence is no different from emotional dependence: in both cases, the man is sure that you are in his complete power.

83. No matter how beautiful a woman is, she cannot win the respect of a man with her appearance alone. The appearance is attractive, but only female independence turns a man on.

84. If a man is very concerned that you do not sit on his neck, it means that he is not too passionate about you and your relationship does not mean anything to him.

85. People demonstrate respect for themselves simply by their ability to independently cope with their own problems.

86. The more independent you are from a man, the more interested he is in you.

87. If you make your desire to get something too obvious, some people may be tempted to constantly dangle a carrot in your face.

88. When changing your usual routine, you should not be there when a man expects it. The man does not respond to the words. He only reacts to the lack of contact.

89. Never reward bad behavior.

90. A man will never respect a woman who bends over backwards just to please him.

91. If a man doesn’t give you an exact time, don’t agree to a date.

92. In order for a man not to get fed up, you must not let him understand that you have already solved this problem for yourself. By changing your “availability mode”, varying your predictable routine, you will constantly keep a man on his toes and remain a mental challenge for him.

93. When you start laughing, you begin to heal.

94. You can achieve much more with humor than with a straight face.

95. A man feels that he has won and conquered a woman when she is ready to eat from his hands. And at this moment he begins to get bored.

96. The tension that arises in a relationship with a bitchy woman makes men feel slightly in danger. The man feels a little insecure because it is impossible to reach such a woman.

97. A woman who agrees to everything, who gives much more than she receives, gives a man the impression that she believes in him more than in herself. Men regard this behavior as a sign of weakness, not kindness.

98. Be independent and do not pay attention to those who try to somehow limit your freedom.

99. For real strong people do not explain why they want respect for themselves. They simply do not associate with those who do not treat them with due respect.

100. Your most attractive personal quality is personal dignity.

Don't be happy about the call when he should be happy that you answered it.
Don't make concessions if it infringes on your interests.
Don’t cancel your entire day’s plans because he “comes once a month anyway.”
Don’t wait for a call in the middle of the night, even when you’re getting sleepy, turn off your phone and go to bed.
Don't fall in love with eyes that know how to blatantly lie to your face.
Don't be sad when he doesn't call you, but he's online all night.
Don't cry when he forgets your birthday.
Don't think that he has changed since he started showing more attention because you have a new friend...
Don't cry when it seems to you that he doesn't love you anymore.
Don’t re-read his messages when you quarrel to make it easier.
Feel free to put an end to it.
The one who needs it will make sure that you don’t have to push your interests into the background.
The one who needs it will come at least every day.
Anyone who needs it, despite being busy, will find 5 minutes a day to hear you.
The one who needs it will call early and ask you not to go to bed, because he will call you back.
The one who needs it will not lie, if only because he has nothing to hide.
The one who needs it won't let you sit online all night.
The one who needs it will not only not forget about your birthday, he will spend it with you.
The one who needs it will not allow you to make a new acquaintance.
The one who needs it will not give a reason to think that he no longer loves.
The one who needs it will not hang up until everything is cleared up and you make peace.
The one who needs it will know by heart what you did/are doing/will do today.
He will always be there, even if there are kilometers between you.
He will be confident in you and will give you the same.
Because he really needs it.
Don't hang out with a loser.
Not the only pebble on the beach. Comments: 4

01/14/2011 at 19:53 Blog

The truth about bitches. 5 lessons of stervology

What does it mean if you are told “bitch”? Perhaps this is a compliment? What makes a woman a woman, at the sight of whom men cry at the same time from happiness and pain - they know that they will not feel so good with any woman, and they also know that their heart is already at the seams. Comparing historical facts, literary sources and personal experience, I was once again convinced that they idolize bitches, not sheep.
And on this occasion I am going to tell you several lessons, consisting of theoretical and practical parts.
Lesson one or “I” - the first letter in the alphabet

Some men consider the word 'bitch' to be a dirty word. This is because they are powerless. Representatives of the stronger sex consider literate women and girls who know their worth well to be bitches. So we will use this term for the sole purpose of accustoming our ears to it and not being offended if someone calls you that.

A bitch is not at all a disheveled girl in worn-out jeans who nags her boyfriend for an extra bottle of beer and inflicts petty executions on her girlfriends. Oh no! This is a girl of the highest standard - special, exotic, luxurious. And the most interesting thing is

that in each, absolutely each of us there lives a bitch.

A bitch begins with boundless self-love. She can't help but love herself. If she begins to treat herself badly, then her entire radiant appearance will deflate like a punctured balloon. Dear girls! The first step on the path to happiness is the ability to love yourself without offending others! If you want to be a queen always and everywhere, then remember: you have no right not to love yourself. To cultivate narcissism, you don’t need to be born the daughter of Rockefeller and look like Claudia Schiffer. In order to love yourself, you need to learn to live today, now, this minute.


You promise that you will never think this way again:

Tomorrow I will lie in the bathroom, tomorrow I will finally take off my jeans and put on a skirt that has been languishing in the farthest corner of the closet for three months, tomorrow I will go to the hairdresser, and perhaps the day after tomorrow, with oohs and aahs, I will still get ready for shaping. You will promise that there will be no more foggy tomorrows, only joyful today. Where are you - the most long-awaited guest, the best client, the most charming girlfriend. And forget, forget about everyone. At least until you get used to the idea that you are wonderful and good without any additions or corrections. When this happens, you may well give your loved ones a piece of your love.

Lesson 2: catch your luck, that is, Pumpkin!

You probably remember the fairy tale where Cinderella, thanks to a pumpkin, turned from a downtrodden little scoundrel into a first-class bitch who throws away expensive shoes and forces the unfortunate prince to crawl on his knees and try on her shoe for all the young ladies in the city. In general, the moral of this fable is this: your combat arsenal should always include only the best and most fashionable. You'll have to try hard with your clothes. But the result is worth it: first of all, you will know WHAT you are wearing. You will always be ready for unexpected turns of events: if you suddenly fall in love, if you are suddenly invited to a wedding (as a bride), then you will never have to bite your elbows because now you are wearing the wrong panties, the wrong boots and not the same stockings.


First, you need to critically examine your entire wardrobe: from your jacket to your underwear. Everything that does not cause delight in you needs to be sent to the trash bin or by mail to the village of a second cousin (preferably a fourth cousin) somewhere in the village of Zakhukhaevkoe (or a more decent one). Before you start updating your wardrobe, go to our expensive stores and find out exactly what suits you, what is fashionable, what will go with what. Let this be only three things, but what ones! When you go shopping, don’t take your girlfriend with you - usually they persuade you to buy what they want, and not what really suits you. As for makeup, you have to approach it individually, so I can’t say anything. But remember: the price of both cosmetics and clothing does not guarantee quality, so see for yourself.

Lesson 3: Hunting Super Bison

So, when you have prepared mentally and physically for the role of a bitch, then it’s time to go after the super bison, that is, real men. As you know, simply bison, they are men, are an endangered species, and super bison, that is, real men, are generally something from the realm of fantasy. But we are not looking for simple ways, are we? So where do urban bison graze? In the area of ​​your interests. And these are all kinds of exhibitions about virtual whirlwinds, bars, motorcycle clubs, saunas, men's clothing stores, office equipment stores and car dealerships. You have two huge advantages over other girls who are not bitches. Firstly, they are sure that men themselves will come and catch them in nets, like a fisherman, so they will never appear in the male zone of interest. And secondly, all the guys will be simply paralyzed with delight: they have long been tired of lonely bachelor parties, and the appearance of a beautiful girl who can distinguish a bumper from a trunk and at the same time wears translucent shirts, like a UFO phenomenon. Only beware of cunning bitches like you.


You were noticed, as his glances, smiles, and words indicate. Answer him in the same way - interested looks, smiles, words. Just no mediocre ones: “I don’t know. Well, what can I tell you?” You don’t know what it’s like to blush, turn pale and giggle stupidly. Act as if you had already known for a long time that he would come up to you to meet you. Intrigue with a sharp word, a clever quote, or your curls that you so gracefully straightened. Always end the conversation first. If you played your role flawlessly, then to the phrase: “I have to go,” he will respond with an invitation to a date.

Lesson 4: How to tame a wild mustang?

When you congratulate yourself on your first bitchy victory, don’t think that this is the same happy ending. It's too early to wallow in bay leaves. The hardest part is yet to come. You need to tame him so that he doesn’t even think about his freedom until you throw him out the door, and then he, like Eugene Onegin, exclaims: “Hateful freedom!” And then there will be letters with blurry lines and bouquets of red roses in front of the door every day. Bloodthirsty? And, in my opinion, it’s very nice.


First, speak up. About him, his merits, talents, prospects, suits, about his computer and cats. Secondly, listen. His thoughts about His talents, about His prospects, suits and cats. If you real woman, you will be able to ask the right questions, even without understanding anything about the subject he is hotly discussing. Try not to yawn and, as much as possible, concentrate on one representative of the male tribe. At least at this moment. Look like a sincere and understanding, but not compassionate mommy. Third, look him in the eye. Silently. For a long time. Passionately. Calling. Fourth, hide your past, even if your friend was the first cloned man on Earth. Boys are jealous. And never ask him about past loves. Girls are jealous too. Why compare how he loved that one and how he loves you now? Everything for the first time, the very first time. Fifth, never engage in emotional striptease. Be frank, but don't lose your mystery. He shouldn't get to know all of you. As soon as you stop teasing his imagination, he will wag his tail and slip away, no matter how you look at him, no matter how silent you are, no matter how you seduce him. Sixth, please re-read all the above points again. And try to remember them better, so that when you put them into practice, you don’t look at the cheat sheet like a careless seventh grader.

Never be white, affectionate and fluffy like Snow White. I'm good. Sounds like an excuse. All this nonsense that the way to the heart is through his stomach is completely unjustified. When you get married, then it will most likely make sense. And now these boys are not looking for a universal food processor, not a psychoanalyst, not an Emergency Nurse, but a Girl. If you think that he will appreciate that you neglected lectures for his sake, quarreled with your parents, stopped eating chocolate, walk in high heels and don’t sleep at night, then you are deeply mistaken. After eating your pancakes, he will say; "Nerd!" - and will go in search of something more peppery. And he will be right. It's better to be the worst person in the world than a dandelion girl.


If, when he sees you, his eyes no longer burn with the flame of love, then you can conduct an experiment. So, he should come, and you have prepared a surprise for him. Candles, champagne, candies, pineapples and strawberries, two wine glasses. Cigarette bulls. You meet him a little drunk, drunk and damn beautiful. His eyes sparkled again; “Who was it?” - “Oh, an acquaintance!” - and not a word more... the fool will scream, and you will understand how wrong you were about him. Smart, and then your happiness will catch the hint on the fly. He will become attentive, seductive, but you don’t give in. You must again become a prize for him in the fight against an unknown opponent. And only when he - pitiful, in love, exhausted - asks for mercy, can you graciously caress him. Because you really love him...

Comments: 14

01/19/2011 at 21:24 Blog

Bitchy expressions!!!

1) I will play adult games with you if you like to lose...
2) Have you been called an Angel? Or maybe you're just a miracle in feathers? 3)
Before you say that your life is chocolate, make sure it is chocolate...
4) The devils carefully examined my soul, then politely returned it back, and ran to wash their hands!
5) Of course, I know that this is not modest, but God forbid everyone is like me!))
6) The brain consists of 80% fluid. And not only is it sluggish, many people haven’t been specifically topped up yet...
7) If I fall, don't laugh you idiot, make a wish, a star has fallen
You don’t need to kiss my feet - I’m not proud... I’ll wipe them on you myself...
9) I would save the world, but I’m already in my pajamas...
10) When you are beautiful, plus you have brains, you can trip over the stacks of.....
11) He: girl, it seems to us that we are on the same path. She: I don’t think so, I don’t give a fuck!
12) If you feel guilty, the main thing is not to turn around, stand there and leave.
13) Pay attention - SKIRTINTH...And remember - this is exactly your level!
14) Beautiful girl always evokes the idea that she has someone. As a result, it either does not go to anyone, or to someone who is not capable of any thought.
15) “I want a guy who’s like, “Ah!”, and all around him: “Oh, fuck...”
16) Find my conscience and I will say that I am guilty))
17) I'm so smart! I'll go buy myself something for this)
18) I look and think, you’re a healthy closet, but the mezzanine is empty
19) I can’t remain faithful for long, it quickly deteriorates
20) I love flirting, I love to smile, say and hear compliments, leave light traces of hope in the hearts of men... But know, I haven’t cheated on any of my boyfriends...
21) Treat me like a child, control me, teach me... I will kick, get angry, disobey, but if you succeed...... I will stay with you forever……….
22) I will live the way you are embarrassed!
23) Anyone can offend me... but not everyone has time to apologize
24) So what if the wind is in your head?! But the thoughts are always fresh...
25) If I live, I will see, if I live, I will know, if I live, I will take into account
26) A woman should belong to the man who will solve problems and not create new ones.
27) I know about my complex character... I don’t care!... You can either love me or hate me. Both of these suit me completely.
28) Don’t destroy my nerve cells, my nervous tigers live in them...
29) I want to turn away from the path of debauchery... But there are not enough turns
30) My thin heel trampled your soul...Do you care? You will marry a cow...You will watch TV and drink beer. And I continue to live the same way... BEAUTIFUL!
31) I don’t talk to strangers in bed.
32) They say that everything passes, Well, go ahead, pass already, you are blocking my future
33) Stupid girls drunk call their ex, smart girls call their future!
34) Where can I get to you? It will take a very long time to go down...
35) I understand that the house should be cleaned and there should be something to eat. I just don’t understand, what does this have to do with me?
36) wonderful girls don’t lie on the road. they need to be taken away from idiots who don’t value them..]
37) I’m a very polite girl... and even when I send a person to three places, I always call back and worry... did he get there successfully!)))
38) There are a lot of missed messages on our mobile phone, simply because the bag is big and too lazy to look for it
40)Thank you for having me..
41) don’t follow him, it flatters him, take care of yourself, love yourself so much that you become envious
42) My whim is your problem)))
43) Don’t trust your lips that say “go away”, but believe your eyes that ask you to “wait”
44) At night I cry, screaming in pain. And in the morning I get up, put on heels, a dress, a smile and move on with life...
45) If beauty saves the world, then all hope lies only in me!
46)My body is your reward, and my character is your punishment.
47) It’s better to look good than to cook well
48)Forget you? What you! I would like to remember you first.
50) it’s probably very cynical to lie in bed with a man and say to yourself: “I’m sleeping in a new place, I dreamed about the bridegroom”