As a rule, Tarot cards in divination are not very fond of answering questions that require a simple and monosyllabic answer “yes” or “no”, but sometimes we need just such an answer, especially if we need to make a choice and make the right decision.

This will help truthful and accurate fortune-telling online "Yes - No" on Tarot Vargo, which is recommended to be used in cases where detailed predictions are not required, but you just need to find out the answer to the question.

Being a very flexible predictive system, with a certain approach and correct interpretation, Tarot cards will give not only the answer to the question "yes" or "no", but also a hint of what needs to be done to get the desired result.

Online fortune-telling "Yes - No" can be used an unlimited number of times. The only condition is that it is not recommended to ask the same question twice.

If you didn’t like the answer you received, or you considered it inaccurate, try fortune telling later, formulate the question differently, or refer to a simpler predictive system and swipe.

Think of a question and choose a card

Jester card. There is no exact answer, the result is unpredictable. Things will not turn out the way you think now. To get what you want, you need to try something new or start from scratch. In this situation, a non-standard approach will help. You may need to take a step into the unknown. Trust your intuition and follow the signs sent from above.

Map Mag. Most often the answer is “yes”. To get it, you need to be active. Your passivity and inactivity will lead to the answer "no". Now you have every opportunity to get what you want. Show your mind, ingenuity and all your skills.

High Priestess card. The answer is uncertain. If you listen to your intuition, the answer is yes. If you are guided by logic and do not pay attention to the inner voice, the answer is “no”. The card advises to wait, go with the flow or take the advice of a wise woman.

Empress card. The answer is yes. Now it is very important for you to make broad gestures towards other people and gratefully accept the gifts of fate. Live an abundant life and give the world your love.

Emperor card. The answer is yes. However, if you are hesitant about the question, the answer is probably no. The situation requires clear planning and perseverance in achieving the goal. It may be worth enlisting the support of an influential person.

Card of the High Priest. For questions of a spiritual nature, the answer is yes. To material questions - in most cases - "no". In the question, you should adhere to certain moral values, take the advice of an older person, or look for an answer in spiritual sources.

Lovers card. Most often, yes. There is some duality or alternative in the situation. The card advises you to follow the path that your heart tells you.

Chariot card. After difficulties, you will achieve victory. The answer is "yes" if you don't quit halfway through. When it comes to travel, you have to go. The card advises to act decisively, keep the situation under control and, if necessary, go on a road or travel, literally and figuratively.

Strength card. The answer is yes. If you act too aggressively and persistently, thoughtlessly waste energy, indulge your instincts, the answer is no.

Hermit card. To questions about marriage, close relationships, money, the answer is no. To questions about purpose, solitude, knowledge - “yes”. The card advises you to solve the issue alone, to go your own way in solving it, to look for the meaning of what is happening inside yourself.

Wheel of Fortune card. The answer is yes, but there may be some mystery hidden in the situation. In your question, some event must occur, in which fate itself intervenes, and very little will depend on you. Circumstances will change. Ask the question again, wording it differently or specifying details. Often the Wheel of Fortune indicates luck and fortune.

Justice card. Most often - "yes" if you have acted honestly before, "no" - if you have behaved unfairly in a situation. To even out the situation, you will need a stage of weighing all the pros and cons, as well as an objective assessment of the issue.

Map of the Hanged Man. At this stage, most likely "no". Unexpected difficulties or difficulties may arise. You may feel in limbo. You need to do a soul-searching and return to your true purpose.

Death card. The answer is no, things will change many times over. It is necessary to consider not the situation, but the options for solving it, or to formulate the question more precisely. Perhaps the information is closed - at the moment you should not know it. There may be a period of stagnation or a feeling of stopping life, but this is necessary for change, transformation and resolution of the issue.

Card Temperance. The answer is "yes", but a little later, or not in the way we would like. Set this question aside for the time being and try different approaches later. Higher powers will take care of the fulfillment of your ideas.

Devil card. To questions about the material sphere and relationships - the answer is "yes", but with a warning about "free cheese". It can mean the confusion of the situation, the unknown. You are probably wishful thinking.

Map Tower. The answer is no. For questions about real estate - usually "yes". The card symbolizes limitations and unforeseen circumstances leading to total destruction.

Star card. The answer is yes, but a little later, or you need to try. Sometimes not in the way you think. Everything will come true if you believe in it. In this case, you are guaranteed support higher powers. The card advises not to stand still in achieving your dreams.

Moon card. Map of the unknown. The question is asked incorrectly or the situation is unpredictable. If the question is about women, the answer is yes. Your question is accompanied by some inner fear or doubt. In the situation there are moments of some self-deception or deception on the part of others.

Sun card. The unequivocal answer is "yes". No matter how circumstances develop in the present, a happy and successful development is expected for you in the situation.

Court map. The answer is yes, but it will take some effort. In any case, the card symbolizes transformation and change, which will eventually bring long-awaited changes and a happy stage in life. Often warns of fateful moments.

Map World. The answer is “yes”, if you go peacefully, or are ready to expand your horizons and opportunities, travel, travel a long distance.

There is a very simple tarot divination - yes or no. It provides an unambiguous, simple and understandable answer to any question. Fortune telling is great for beginners, but it will be interesting for more experienced fortune tellers.

In the article:

Divination for Tarot cards - yes or no

The Tarot layout "Yes - no" refers to the simplest divination options. As it is easy to understand from the name, it aims to get a clear and understandable answer to any question. Fortune telling on the Tarot "Yes - no" is suitable for any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. So you can get an answer to a question related to relationships, work and any other matters.

Divination by Tarot "Yes - no" for relationships is a good way to get accurate information about the feelings of a partner. The main thing here is to know what question to ask. You can get a yes or no answer with Tarot at any time and even anywhere if you have a deck with you.

For fortune-telling on Tarot cards "Yes - no", you need to interpret only 1 card. No complex combinations of cards among themselves, no analysis of all the cards lying on the table. Shuffle the deck and lay it out on the table, then choose one card. You can guess both on the whole deck, and only on the minor or major arcana - choose the option that you are more used to or, on the contrary, you want to master.

Fortune telling on the Tarot - yes or no, the meanings of the minor arcana

The meaning of the cards in Tarot divination "Yes - no" should be interpreted depending on the position in which the card is. It is either straight or inverted. Be sure to account for this difference in card reading.

Figure cards have individual interpretations. For example, all Aces, regardless of their position and suit, answer “yes”. Pages indicate that it is too early to talk about the answer, perhaps the events have not yet formed, and everything can change a few more times.

Knights always give a positive answer. FROM kings and queens somewhat more complicated:

Queen of Wands and Cups- Yes.

Queen of Swords and Pentacles- No.

King of Wands and Pentacles- Yes.

King of Swords- No.

King of Cups- both answers are possible with equal probability, it all depends on luck.

Wands in a straight position

- uncertainty, no answer.

Troika- Yes.

Four- Yes.

Five- No.

Six- no to questions about money and material values, otherwise the answer is yes.

Seven- no, but stay with your own.

Eight- Yes.

Nine- No.

Ten- No.

Wands upside down

deuce- No.

Troika- no, but not final.

Four - neither yes nor no, the onset of the event is not fully.

Five- no or yes, but against your will.

Six- No.

Seven- No.

Eight- Uncertainty, possible delay.

Nine- No.

Ten- No.

Fortune telling on the Tarot - yes or no, the meanings of the Cups in the upright position

- Yes.

Five- No.

Six- Yes.

Seven- No.

Eight- uncertainty, connection with everyday routine actions.

Fortune telling on the Tarot - yes or no, the meanings of the Cups in an inverted position

deuce- if the question is about stopping something or parting with a partner, the answer will be yes. In all other cases, the answer is no.

Troika- Yes, but you will not be happy with a positive answer to your question.

Four- No.

Five- no or yes, but without achieving the goal.

Six- no changes, everything will be as it was always.

Seven- No.

Eight- No.

Nine- No.

Ten- no or yes, but not completely.

Fortune telling on the Tarot - yes or no, the meanings of straight Swords

- No.

Four- uncertainty, the cards offer the fortuneteller to think for himself.

Five- No.

Six Yes, if you put in the effort.

Seven- no, but if you do not attract attention, you will remain with your own.

Eight- No.

Nine- yes, and your bad premonitions will be justified.

Ten- No.

Tarot Divination - Yes or No, Meanings of Reversed Swords

deuce- No.

Troika- No.

Four- no, but if so, then only under duress or urgent need.

Five- No.

Six- neither yes nor no, the situation is stopped.

Seven- No.

Eight- No.

Nine- uncertainty, while the fear of the fortuneteller interferes with seeing the answer too much.

Ten- No.

Tarot yes or no - meanings of Pentacles upright

- there is no exact answer, as it will change several more times.

Troika- Yes.

Four- Yes.

Five- No.

Six- Yes.

Seven- yes, but the results will not be as pleasing as we would like.

Eight Yes, but there will be many difficulties.

Nine- Yes.

Ten- Yes.

Tarot Yes or No - Meanings of Pentacles Reversed

deuce- No.

Troika- yes, but the results will not be too encouraging.

Four- uncertainty.

Five- No.

Six Yes, but it will cost you dearly.

Seven- yes, but many difficulties are expected.

Eight Yes, but with great effort.

Nine- No. A positive answer is also possible, but then the result will not be as significant as you expected.

Ten Yes, but not to the full extent.

Yes or No - Tarot Major Arcana Meanings

does not give a precise answer to the question asked. This is a map of uncertainty. The inverted Jester indicates a positive answer, but with some conditions and pitfalls.

Straight Mage- yes, inverted - no. It should also be interpreted Empress and Emperor, as well as Justice and Court.

Priestess cannot answer the question, because the fortuneteller does not know something or does not take into account an important point of the question. If it is upside down, the answer is yes.

Hierophant in a direct position answers positively to all questions of a spiritual nature. If you asked about something material, the answer is no. The Reversed Hierophant does not know the answer and needs to ask the question in a different way.

lovers- yes, but if they are turned upside down, there is a possibility of a negative answer. It has the same meaning Star.

Chariot answers positively, but puts a condition - do not quit the process halfway through. If the question was about a trip, it should take place, go well. Inverted Chariot - yes, but later. If the question was related to travel or transportation, the answer is no.

Hermit gives a positive answer if the essence of the question was purpose or knowledge, as well as what you would prefer to do alone. To questions related to money, relationships and especially marriage, he answers in the negative. The interpretation of the inverted Hermit depends on the essence of the matter. If he is about a meeting - yes, about reconciliation - yes, but you will not be happy, about work - yes, but there is nothing special to rejoice about, about housing or health - no.

direct Wheel of Fortune answers positively. Inverted - too, but only if the question concerned the continuation of something or an old business. If the question is about something new, the answer is no.

Strength- Yes. Reversed Power - no, but if the question was about stopping something, the answer would be yes.

Hanged- no, if the card is upside down - yes.

Death always answers in the negative. But if it is upside down, and the question was about diseases, then the answer may be yes.

Moderation says that the answer is yes, but everything will not be as we would like. An inverted card often answers in the negative, but sometimes it is “yes” with conditions that the fortuneteller will not like.

Straight Devil answers positively to all material questions, but warns that free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Inverted Devil - the answer is no. In both cases, the Devil can say that you are asking the wrong question or thinking the wrong way.

Tower answers in the negative, with the exception of questions about real estate. If it is reversed, all values ​​are reversed - questions about real estate have a negative answer, and all others have a positive answer.

Moon does not give a definitive answer almost always. Only if the question was about a woman, the answer will be yes.

Sun gives a positive answer in any case as well as World.

In general, with this simple divination you can quickly get an answer to the question asked, but its formation should be approached carefully to avoid ambiguous interpretations. As with other fortune-telling, it is not recommended to ask the same question again.

In contact with

Such a simple fortune-telling virtual divination yes/no, in fact, cannot be called primitive. It all depends on how difficult the question will be given to cards, dice, coins or other magical items. Even tossing a coin on heads / tails, which is common in everyday life, is already a kind of answer from the world of your subconscious.

If you believe - and really there is everything that you sincerely believe in! - into the theory of the non-randomness of those signs that fortune-telling gives, then the hint will also be sincere.

Almost all online fortune-telling systems contain a yes-no section, except, perhaps, which gives detailed predictions for hexagrams, and which offers a list of questions and formulates answers. Let's focus on the most popular divination online yes/no for free:

Popular divination Yes No

  1. Card layouts. They are like games - and many, playing solitaire games like "Kerchief" or "Spider", do not even formulate before starting the question. And in vain. Maps are a sacred thing that preserves the memory of centuries. And virtual cards are also in this row. Let's take, for example, the well-known and very simple layout "Pharaoh" or "Stoss" (the famous "three, seven, ace" from A. Pushkin's "Queen of Spades"). At first glance, there is no system, but according to the theory of probability, it turns out that the deck can give an answer. ?Let alone such complex solitaire games as Mary Stuart. According to a beautiful legend, it took shape with Mary only on the day of her execution.
  2. - also an excellent predictive system. True to divination yes no online was true, a certain approach is needed. Questions like “how do I do this?” or “what might happen if…?” obviously not suitable here. To get a specific answer - positive or negative - you need to formulate the question correctly. In this Tarot divination, a clear question is conceived, then one card must be selected from the deck, which will answer yes or no. In addition, she (her interpretation) briefly describes the situation. And since the meanings of the cards are “general”, only your insight will help to adapt the explanation for yourself.
  3. Seems interesting and not hackneyed guessing yes-no using a pendulum. It has been known since time immemorial. Such a device can be purchased in esoteric stores. You can also design it yourself from improvised materials: for example, by threading a thread through a ring, you will get your own divination pendulum. We hold it above the table in a stationary state and ask a question, having previously decided in which direction you have yes, and in which direction you do not. Such work is, of course, a conversation with the subconscious. You need to be focused and not be distracted by extraneous thoughts, focusing on your question, which should be as clear and specific as possible. If your attitude is not serious, then the pendulum may give the wrong answer.

The question of choice with its eternal "to be-not to be" has always stood before all people. Serious, fateful questions or unpretentious - it does not matter here. It is important that it is not in vain that fortune-telling “yes-no” invented by many (if not all!) Nations for thousands of years is a desire and an opportunity to get a hint. And modern technologies make it possible to do so for free.

10.03.2015 Category: ,

Fortune telling on cards YES NO. This is a very old divination used by fortune-tellers and gypsies. Fortune telling on cards Yes No, will help you find out the answer to your question using a regular deck of cards. Fortune telling on cards YES NO. What you will need: For fortune-telling Yes / No on the cards, you will need a regular deck of playing cards. You can limit yourself to […]

How to conduct free online divination on our website. To get the right result, you need to tune in well, it is best to retire and ask the cards to answer your question. After preparation, click on the deck with the left mouse button and hold it until you feel an internal impulse, then release the mouse, the system will automatically finish the shuffle and display the shuffled cards on the computer screen, after which you yourself (following the prompts) will be able to choose the number of cards required for fortune telling.

Description of online divination, the purpose of free divination. Fortune telling online for free - Yes or No is designed to help the fortune teller in getting the right answer. After conducting it, we will know the answer to any correctly posed question, that is, a question that can be answered from the category of either "Yes" or "No". The beauty of this alignment lies in the fact that intermediate answers are also possible, which is more likely - a positive decision or a negative one. The scope of this divination is extremely wide and therefore it enjoys well-deserved popularity among fortune-tellers. The principle of its interpretation is based on the fact that Maria Lenormand attributed certain values ​​to the cards, which were either positive or negative, or were of a neutral nature, and based on this, the more negative cards the fortune teller took out, the less likely the answer "Yes" became.

The method of fortune telling online for free. To conduct a free divination, you will need a deck of cards by Maria Lenormand. The essence of the alignment is to count the "bad" and "good" cards that will fall out in the process of conducting it. Conditionally bad cards include - COFFIN, CLOUDS, MOUNTAIN, SNAKE, SPIDER, BROOM, OWLS, FOX, TOWER, RATS, CROSS. If these cards fall out, the hope for a positive answer melts with each such card, that is, if there is one negative out of the three cards drawn, then the answer "Yes" is generally possible, although problematic, if there are two such cards, then the hopes for a positive answer are practically no, although there are some microscopic chances, in the event of three negative cards falling out, the answer "Yes" is impossible even theoretically. A deck of cards must be carefully shuffled, then move part of them with your left hand towards you and spread the entire deck face down on a flat surface. Next, take out three cards from any place on the layout and count the number of positive and negative cards and draw a conclusion about the answer given to you by the cards. To conduct fortune-telling online for free on our website, click on the deck of cards located below on the page.