Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, general developmental kindergarten "ABVGDEYKA"

Entertainment by fire safety for older children preschool age:

“Every little child should know this from the cradle!”

Prepared by the teacher


Chikileva S. V.


Target: formation in children of a conscious and responsible attitude to the implementation of fire safety rules. Equip yourself with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to act in extreme situations.


1. Educational

  1. To give children the idea that fire can be a friend, but it can also be an enemy.

2. Developmental

  1. Develop the ability to realistically assess possible danger.
  2. Help children remember fire safety rules.

3. Educational

  1. Foster a sense of caution and self-preservation.
  2. Cultivate feelings of gratitude to people who help us in difficult situations.

4. Practical

  1. To instill practical skills in children’s behavior in the event of a fire.
  2. Teach basic steps to extinguish a fire.


Educator: Dear guys! Today we will talk to you about fire, fire. Have you seen the fire of a fire, the light of a candle, the flame of logs burning in the stove?

Please tell me what fire looks like.(Children's answers) That's right, fire is bright red or orange, it's very hot. The flames are constantly in motion, they tremble and tremble. Smoke curls around the fiery flame. No wonder they say: “fire cannot live without smoke!” Guess the riddle:

The red bull lies on the ground,

The blue bull reaches for the sky

Right! The red bull is fire, and the blue bull is smoke. Well done!

And here is the light itself. (showing an illustration of fire)

Ogonyok brought us the first task - solving riddles. Do you like to solve riddles? Listen carefully. Whoever guesses correctly gets a chip.

1. He is beautiful and bright red, but he is burning, hot, dangerous (fire)

2. A small horse, instead of a mane - a light (matches)

3. A crane with a boom is rushing on a large machine so that any fire can be extinguished by a machine (fire truck)

4. If smoke billows, flames beat in tongues, and fire is everywhere, and heat is a disaster - (fire)

5. He gives warmth and light, you don’t need to joke with him, no! (fire)

Educator: Well done, they guessed all the riddles correctly and earned chips.

Task 2: (Analysis of situations)The teacher invites the children to look at the illustrations. Children look at the illustrations and discuss what could cause a fire.

Educator: Well done guys, you know so much!. The next task is to finish the phrase: I will start the phrase, and you will finish it. Listen carefully!

One, two, three, four, who has a fire in... apartment.

A red glow ran, someone with matches... played

The table and the closet burned down at once, who was drying the clothes... above the gas

The flame jumped into the foliage, who was burning near the house... grass

Who threw strangers into the fire... items

Smoke suddenly rose in a column, who didn’t turn it off... iron.

What should you kids do? Remove the plug from... sockets

A coal fell on the floor, a wooden floor…. burn-through

Don’t sit, don’t wait, don’t stand, but pour on the fire... water.

If everything is in smoke, put on... mask

I saw smoke - don’t yawn and firefighters... call.

Remember every citizen, firefighter number... 01

Educator: Well done! And it’s true, you need to be careful with fire, otherwise a fire may happen. And now we will all warm up together and do some physical education.

Educator: If the flames curl

The smoke is pouring out in a column,

“Zero – one” we dial,

And who will we call?..(children's answers)

Listen to the poem the guys will tell you. It's called "We are firefighters."

The car is bright red

We are rushing forward

The work is hard and dangerous

Waiting for us firefighters.

The piercing howl of a siren

Can stun

We will be both water and foam

We put out the fire

And people in trouble

Can we help?

We will fight the flames

We are both day and night.

Educator: Today the fire brigade arrived to celebrate our holiday.


Fire rules

Know without hesitation

Fire rules

Observe strictly!

Rule one applies to everyone,

This rule is the most important!

Both on the street and in the room

You guys remember!

Don't touch the matches - there is fire in the matches!

2. Rule two can be easily remembered:

Be careful with electrical appliances!

3. Rule three.

Don't go near the stove in the kitchen.

First you will grow up to be like your mother.

Presenter - Do you want to compete like firefighters?

Game team competitions:

  1. Firefighters are coming to help. / Children stand in teams, one after another. There are pins in a row in front of them. Each team is given a small fire engine on a string. Children take turns running around the pins like a snake, carrying the car by the string, trying not to knock over a single pin. Whose team is ahead?
  2. Steeplechase. / To save people from a fire, firefighters have to overcome various obstacles. Now you, like real firefighters, will also overcome obstacles and save the pins that stand behind the benches. Benches are being installed. 4 pieces in front of each team. The children run one by one, crawling under one bench at the bottom, climbing over the top of another, etc. Which team is ahead?
  3. Firefighters extinguish the fire. / Each participant has a balloon tied to their leg (preferably red, simulating fire). Children, without touching each other with their hands, must “put out the fire” (pop the balloons) of the other team. Whose team is ahead?

Presenter - Thank you Ogonyok. We will be happy to be friends with you and always follow fire safety rules.

Entertainment scenario according to fire safety rules “Caution, fire!” (for children of senior preschool age).

Karakozova Mlada Vebertovna, teacher of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 14 of a general developmental type", Syktyvkar, Komi Republic.

Description: The material was developed for children of senior preschool age. The scenario may be useful to teachers of older preschool children and parents. It is recommended to take place in a music room.

Integration of educational areas:“Socialization”, “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Safety”, “Reading” fiction", "Artistic creativity", "Music".

Target: strengthen the foundations of your own life safety.

- to form children’s understanding of situations that are dangerous to humans and ways of behavior in them;
- expand children’s knowledge about sources of danger in everyday life (gas stove, iron);
- develop the ability to seek help from adults;

Preliminary work:
- conversation with children about the causes of the fire;
- examination of plot pictures on the topic: “Causes of fire”;
- looking at pictures about the profession of a firefighter;
- reading fiction: S. Ya. Marshak “Cat House”, “Fire”, K. Chukovsky “Confusion”, A. N. Tolstoy “Fire Dogs”; G. Lebedev “Fire Truck”; B. Zhitkov “Fire”;
- solving riddles about fire, smoke, fire; “fire” proverbs and sayings;
- drawing by children on the theme: “Me and Fire”, application “Fire”, plasticineography “Bonfire”;
- theatrical game “Don’t touch the matches, there’s fire in the matches!”;
- didactic game“Flammable items”, “What is useful in case of fire?”;
- role-playing game “We are firefighters!”;
- information stand for parents “Caution, fire!”;
- consultation for parents “What children of senior preschool age should know about fire safety rules.”

- on the multimedia screen there is a picture of a fireman putting out a fire;
- a large box of matches (the box itself is made from a large box, and the matches are made from thick sticks, at the end of which foam rubber, painted brown, is attached);
- magnetic board, pictures on fire safety rules; magnets;
- matter of red and blue, model of a fire (made of foam rubber, painted with gouache);
- models of a house, stove; 2 pipes, broom, sieve, lantern, barrel, bucket, ladle;
- children's costumes: a fire costume for a boy (two red plumes, bloomers and a red hat, an orange blouse); 2 costumes of foxes, a butterfly, a cat, a cat, a chicken, masks of 2 hens, a whale, 2 ruffs, 2 frogs; a rooster, a pig, a goat, the caps of two rooks;
- soft large cubes with letters (P, O, Zh, R, G, N, b, O, A);
- 2 children's irons, tables with thick fabric, doll clothes.

Progress of the event: The entertainment is held in the music room, children of the three older groups, teachers and musical director. Participants in the entertainment sit in the auditorium (after speaking, they sit down in their seats). In the middle of the music room there is a bonfire decoration. To the right of the fire is a house.

Presenter:- Hello, guys! Today we have gathered to talk about very important things. And what will be the main topic of our conversation, you have to guess:

He's ready for lunch
Do you see how many languages ​​there are!
Quickly eats wood in the stove,
Heating the bricks!
Don't touch him with your hand,
It might bite... (fire).

An audio recording of “Sabre Dance” by A. Khachaturian is played.

A boy in a fire costume with plumes runs out into the middle of the music hall and dances to the music around the fire.

I am fire! I'm a friend of the guys!
But when they play tricks on me,
Then I become an enemy
And I burn everything around!
I am stronger than everyone in the world,
I'm braver than anyone in the world,
I'm not afraid of anyone
I will not submit to anyone!

Presenter: Fire is a long-time friend of man; many useful things are accomplished with its help. Let's remember together where a person cannot do without fire? (When preparing dinner, while working as blacksmiths and welders.) The life of ancient people largely depended on fire. In order to keep warm in their caves, they made a fire and fired pottery, which they then used for cooking. Many useful deeds are accomplished using fire in the life of a modern person. But we will now find out which ones:

Children go out and read poetry:

And without good fire
You can't get by even a day!
He is a reliable friend of us:
The cold drives away, the darkness drives away,
He's a welcoming flame
Raises it like a flag!

Everyone needs a good fire,
And for that, honor to him!
What warms up the guys' dinner?
Cuts steel and bakes bread!

Fire is hope in the cold!
Like a true friend
Hastens to the rescue:
And you will never freeze!

Presenter:“But it happens that fire can turn from a faithful friend into a merciless enemy and destroy in a matter of minutes what has been created over many years of hard work. Let's see how this happens.

Children from the first senior group show an excerpt from S. Ya. Marshak’s fairy tale “The Cat’s House.”

Mistress and Vasily,
Mustachioed old cat
Not carried out soon
Neighbors to the gate.
Word by word -
And again the conversation
And at home in front of the stove
The fire burned through the carpet.
One more moment -
And a light light
Pine logs,
Enveloped, enveloped.
Climbed the wallpaper
Climbed onto the table
And scattered in a swarm
Golden-winged bees.
The cat Vasily has returned,
And the cat follows him -
And suddenly they started saying:
- Fire! We're on fire! We're on fire!
With a crash, a click and a thunder,
There was a fire over the new house,
Looks around
Waving his red sleeve.
As the rooks saw
This is the flame from the tower,
They blew the trumpet
The cat's house is on fire!
The cat's house caught fire
A chicken is running with a bucket,
And behind her with all his might,
A rooster runs with a broom,
Piglet - with sieve
And a goat with a lantern.

Presenter:- That's how it happens. Therefore, you need to be very careful with fire. Where does fire come from? (light with matches).

The presenter shows a large box of matches.

Here it is, this cramped house!
A hundred sisters huddle in it.
And any of the sisters
It can break out like a fire!

Presenter:- Tell me, is it possible to take matches for children? (No). Why? (this is not a toy, there may be a fire). Yes, that's right!
Presenter:- Let's see what happens if children play with matches.

Children from the second senior group act out a scene from K. Chukovsky’s poem “Confusion.”

And the chanterelles
We took matches
Let's go to the blue sea,
The blue sea was lit.
The sea is on fire,
A whale ran out of the sea:
"Hey firefighters, run!
Help, help!"
Two little chickens came running,
Watered from a barrel.
Two ruffs swam
Watered from a ladle.
The little frogs came running,
They watered from the tub.
They stew, they stew, they don’t put out,
They fill it up - they don’t fill it up.
Then a butterfly flew in,
She waved her wings,
The sea began to go out -
And it went out.

Don't touch the matches
There is fire in matches!

Presenter: Oh, someone is rushing towards us!

The audio recording is played: D. Shostakovich “Dance”.

Children from the third senior group come out in bunny costumes.

Children:- A magpie flew to us and told us that the children here were talking about fire. We also want to tell you something, my mother told us. We will tell you how to use a gas stove correctly.

You can't leave it in the apartment
The gas is on and burning.
Otherwise friends,
You will have to regret it bitterly!

Not allowed over a gas stove
Dry wet clothes!
You yourself know which one
A big fire threatens the ignorant!

Presenter:- Thank you, bunnies! You helped us a lot! And now I invite you all to play.

Game No. 1.“Who can iron the laundry faster?” 2 teams compete, 10 people per team (at the end of the game, remind the children to “turn off” the iron).

Game No. 2.“Guess the riddle and spell the answer.”

Hisses and gets angry, afraid of water.
With a tongue - and does not bark, without teeth, but bites! (fire)

Who is dangerous to the whole area
On a hot day, in a crazy blizzard?
Who will leave us homeless,
Without a coat in severe frost? (fire)

I helped put out the fire
I made money there... (burn)!
But my family is proud -
I saved my neighbor's cat!

Game No. 3. Name “Fiery” proverbs and sayings.

Game No. 4. Game “Stomp, clap” (if you can perform the said action - they clap, if you can’t do it - they stomp).

I know now, friends,
That you can't play with fire! (clap)

Matches burn merrily
I will play with them. (stomp)

Kolya ran behind the house,
There he plays with a fire. (stomp)

He's dangerous, Lena knows
The iron no longer turns on. (clap)

Tanya and Nina are playing,
The gas is lit on the stove. (stomp)

Klim saw: the house was on fire,
Boy "01" calls. (clap)

Presenter:- Well done! Now let’s remember everything we talked about today, let’s talk about fire safety rules.

To avoid fires,
Children need to know a lot!

If you are alone in the apartment
Be careful with... (by fire)
You better not touch the matches,
Then yours will not burn... (house).

It's not always a friend
Electric… (iron).
Even though he strokes the kids
And shirts and pants,
But remember friends
What should you play with him... (it is forbidden)!

Very difficult brothers
Gas-electric stove.
Be careful with her
There's a fire from her... (possible).

And at the dacha, near the stove,
Don't play with... (by fire).
The coal fell on the rug,
And then everything will burn... (house).

You have to be smart with fire.
Learn it, fire, laws.
He should become your friend -
Learn to be polite with... (by fire)!

Presenter:- Thank you everyone! You know so many things!

Olga Karimova

Target: Give children an idea of ​​the benefits and dangers of fire.


Strengthen children's knowledge about dangerous situations, causes of fire and rules of conduct in case of fire;

Develop speech, curiosity, memory, logical thinking;

Foster initiative and independence in verbal communication with others;

Enrich the vocabulary of pupils;

Develop children's ability to navigate problem situations.

Materials and equipment: soft animal toys according to the number of players, hoops according to the number of teams, models of fire extinguishers according to the number of teams, paper or artificial flowers, multimedia equipment for showing a presentation.

Progress of entertainment:

Ved. Guys, today we have gathered to talk about very important things. And what will be the main topic of our conversation, you can guess for yourself.

He is a friend of adults and children.

But when they play tricks on him,

He becomes an enemy

And it burns everything around. (Children's answers).

Ved. That's right, it's fire. (SLIDE 1) Fire is a long-time friend of man, with its help many useful things are accomplished. The life of ancient people largely depended on fire. In order to keep warm in their caves, they made a fire. (2) Pottery was fired on fire (3). Fire is needed for the work of blacksmiths (4), welders (5), for cooking dinner (6). (The story is accompanied by a slide show).

Many useful deeds are accomplished using fire. But it happens that fire can turn from a faithful friend into a merciless enemy.

How do fires occur? (Showing slides with fire hazard situations, children’s answers. (7, 8, 9, 10) The last slide is a fire in the forest (11)).

Fires that are lit in the forest pose a very great danger. People sometimes forget to put out the fire and then, fanned by the wind, sparks fly over long distances, and this can cause a fire.

A magpie flies in.

Magpie: Trouble, trouble!

Wolf and fox early in the morning

We chose a clearing in the forest

And they lit a big fire.

But trouble suddenly crept up.

Everything around was on fire!

Ved. What a nightmare, it turns out that animals don’t know fire safety rules in the forest?

Magpie: They lit a fire in the forest,

We sat and went.

But the fire was not put out,

Ved. Well, how can it be? Guys, what should the wolf and the fox have done? (Children's answers). But they forgot to put out the fire, and this is how the fire broke out.

Dance of fire.

Ved. Children, we definitely need to help the forest and its inhabitants. Who puts out the fires? (Children's answers). Today we have three teams of firefighters. Let's welcome them.

Team presentation.

Team "Young firefighters".

Motto: Even though we are short, height has nothing to do with it. We are always ready to help adults fight fire!

Command "01".

Motto: Every citizen knows: firefighter number "01".

Team "Firefighters".

Motto: I saw smoke - don’t yawn, call the fire department!

Ved.(12) Very often, when firefighters arrive at a fire, before putting out the fire, they carry out rescue operations.

1st relay race “Saving animals”.

Opposite each team on the opposite side of the hall are hoops, “burning fields”, with animals (stuffed toys) in them. Players take turns running to the clearing, taking one toy, and returning to the team.

Ved. Well done! All the animals were saved. (13). Now we need to put out the fire. What does a firefighter need to put out a fire?

Assignment to the teams: Each team is shown a slide, and among the items on the slide they must choose the one that will be needed when putting out the fire. (14 – 19)

2nd relay race “Let’s put out the fire.”

Each team is given a fire extinguisher, the players take turns running to the hoop clearing, running around it (putting it out) and returning to the team.

Poetry.(Staging of an excerpt from S. Marshak’s poem “Fire”).

Game with fans.

We'll play a game with you. If I do the right thing, you clap, if I do the wrong thing, you stomp.

I know now, friends, that you can’t play with fire. (clap)

Matches burn merrily, I'll play with them (stomp)

It's dangerous, we all know, we don't turn on the iron without adults. (clap)

I ran behind the house, there I play with fire (stomp)

Now I know everything for sure: I don’t play with fire anymore (clap)

Ved. We all made an effort

And we put out the fire,

It was hard, hard

But skill and dexterity

Saved us from disaster. (20)

Guys, we put out the fire, but it destroyed a lot of plants in the forest. Let's put the forest in order and first plant flowers there.

3rd relay race “Let’s plant flowers.”

Near each team is a basket of flowers. Players take turns taking a flower from the basket, run to the clearing hoop, “plant” the flower and return back.

Ved.(21) Guys, you did great, you completed all the tasks and saved the forest and its inhabitants. Let's remember the fire safety rules once again to prevent trouble. (22)

Poetry. (about fire safety rules).

Final song. (V. Sinenko “So that our house, the one in which we live, does not burn.”

Publications on the topic:

A flame will ignite from a spark” Project on fire safety within the framework of Fire Safety Month Author of the project: teacher Bazaleeva.

"Forest Tale". Fire Safety Scenario“Forest Story” Characters: Author, 1st Frog, 2nd Frog, 1st Beaver, 2nd Beaver, Hare, Little Hare, Bear, Fox, Squirrel.

Summary of GCD on safety “On fire safety rules” Types of activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive, motor Objectives: Educational: consolidate knowledge about dangerous objects.

Summary of entertainment in the middle group on fire safety “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy” Objectives: To develop children's knowledge about fire safety rules. Give children an idea of ​​the benefits and dangers of fire. Develop the concept of being.

Script for a theatrical performance on fire safety “Fire in the Teremka” This development is designed to demonstrate both a theatrical performance by children of senior preschool age and a puppet show.

Fire safety entertainment for children 5-7 years old with presentation

"Masha and the Bear - fire safety"

Target: Expand and systematize children’s knowledge about fire safety.


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the benefits and dangers of fire.

2.To consolidate children’s knowledge about dangerous situations and causes
occurrence of fire and rules of conduct in case of fire;

3. Reinforce fire safety rules.

4. Learn to dial number 01 on a telephone and talk to the fire department on duty;

5.Expand children's vocabulary on the topic of fire safety;

Preliminary work: Conversation on the topic “Fire Safety”, examination of illustrations about the causes of fire, fire safety; learning fire safety rules, poems about a fire truck.

Equipment: an interactive board for displaying a presentation, a telephone, a fire extinguisher, a toy fire truck, matches, an image of a fire, a red balloon, cut-out pictures on the topic, cards depicting flammable objects, an audio recording from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”, a fire truck signal, costumes for Masha and the Fireman Bear.

Vocabulary: fire truck, fire extinguisher, fire hose, pump.

Progress of the lesson:

An audio recording from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" is played.

Educator: Guys, do you know where this music comes from?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Today our guest is Mashenka from the cartoon.

Masha: Very good afternoon! Guys, Mishka asked me a riddle, but I can’t guess it, can you help me?

I fry, steam and bake,
I can be in everyone's home.
People are many, many years old
I bring warmth and light.
I'll burn you - don't touch me.
I call myself...(Fire).

Masha:- Guys, how can you make fire?

Children: Matches, lighters.

Masha: Yes, yes, yes, yes. Why do we need fire?

Children: To keep warm, cook food, burn garbage, etc.

Educator: I think it smells like smoke. Did you guys feel it? Look, there's smoke coming out. There must be a fire there? What do we need to do?

Children: Call the fire department by phone.

Masha: That's right, you need to urgently call the firefighters. We go to the phone.

Let's dial the number! Guys, what is the number? (Slide 3).

Children: 01

Masha: I'll play with the phone! (Slide 4)

Educator: Guys, is it possible to call 01 in vain?

Children: It’s impossible, because if a fire truck responds to a false call, it will be late for the real call and the house will burn down.

Masha:(Slide 5) I dial the number. And now... What should I do, guys, tell me?

Children: It is imperative to indicate the address so that firefighters know where to go.

The teacher invites the child to dial a number and say into the phone: “Come, we have a fire, the Yolochka kindergarten, the Sun group.” Gagarin Street, 36.”

A fire truck siren is heard (audio recording).

Masha: Hey! Watch out! Fire engine! Give Way!

Firefighter Bear arrives in a fire truck (toy fire truck) and puts out the fire.

The teacher draws attention to the fire truck.

Educator: Look how unusual the car is (shows a toy fire truck). Who guessed what it's called?

Children: Fire engine.

Educator: Why do you think it is called that?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, from the word “fire” it is called a fire engine, and the people who put out the fire are firefighters.

Educator: Why is the fire truck red? How does a fire truck drive, fast or slow? Why?

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, think and tell me, is it possible to use a fire truck for other needs? Why?

(Slide 6) The teacher summarizes the children’s answers: “A fire truck is a machine special purpose. It is always red so that it can be seen from afar. Red is the color of fire. The fire truck is moving quickly to put out the fire and save people.”

Educator: When a car drives down the road, you can not only see it, but also hear the siren. Why do you think it sounds so loud? (Fire truck horn - audio recording).

Children's answers.

Educator: It is correct that other cars hear the sound signal and give way to the fire truck. Guys, who knows a poem about a fire truck?

The car is red,
There is a siren and bright lights.
Always ready in it;
Hoses, ladder, water!

If there is a fire somewhere,
And the heat of fire is dangerous -
They give way to her!
Everyone knows this rule.

Heroic calculation
He performs a difficult service!
Their phone number is "01"
Every citizen knows.

Educator: Bear, what do you have in your fire truck?

The fireman bear shows objects and invites the children to repeat:

Bear fireman:(Slide 7) This is a fire extinguisher that contains special foam. (Slide 8) I also have special hoses, which are called “sleeves”. (Slide 9) A pump pumps water into the hoses. If the fire is on a high floor, then a folding ladder helps to get inside the burning house and save people (Slide 10).

Educator: When people forget to handle fire carefully, it becomes deadly. A fire is not an accident, but the result of incorrect behavior. Therefore, it is necessary that every person be careful when handling fire and exercise caution.


Educator: Now we will play the game “If there is a fire.”

Children stand in a circle. The teacher has a red balloon in his hands. The player must quickly say the last word of the poetic line and pass the ball to another.

Educator: One, two, three, four

Who has a fire Child: In the apartment. (Pass the ball)

Educator: Smoke suddenly rose in a column

Who didn't turn off Child: Iron (Ball Pass)

Educator: A red glow ran

Who with matches Child: Played (Passing the ball)

Educator: The flame jumped into the grass

Who was burning the house? Child: Foliage. (Pass the ball)

Educator: Who threw it into the fire?

Unfamiliar Child: Objects. (Pass the ball)

Educator: Every citizen remembers

This number is Child: Zero one (Ball Pass)

Educator: I saw smoke - don't yawn

And firefighters Child: Call them!

A firefighter bear inspects the place and finds out the cause of the fire.

Bear fireman: Masha, were you playing with matches?

Masha:(Slide 11)

Bear fireman: All children should know that matches are not a toy for children!

Masha: I wanted to turn on the gas and make jam for you (Slide 12).

Bear fireman: Children are not allowed to turn on the gas without an adult! There might be a fire!

Masha: So this is what the cause of the fire is!

Masha: Now I’ll hide, you won’t find me! Whoever didn’t hide, it’s not my fault!

Bear fireman:(Slide 13) Remember! If there is a fire, you cannot hide, it is dangerous for your life.

Masha: Yeah! I remember.

Bear fireman:(Slide 14) They left the iron on and left. Did you turn on the iron? (addresses the children).

Children: No!

Bear fireman: And who?

Educator: It was probably the Goat who was ironing the clothes, then went into the forest and forgot to put the iron away. And the kids - the mischievous ones - turned on!

Bear fireman: Don’t you know that children should not turn on the iron or any other electrical appliances without parental permission!

Masha: So this is what the cause of the fire is!

Masha: Guys, is it possible to light a fire in the forest? (Slide 15). I remember how Mishka helped put out a fire in the forest. I'm such a fighter!

Bear fireman: You can’t light a fire in the forest, remember, guys!

Masha: A! Here is another reason for the fire!

Bear fireman: All children should know that it is forbidden to make fires, set fire to garbage or dry grass on the street, in the forest, in the park (Slide 16).

Masha: Bear, do you remember how we celebrated? New Year and our Christmas tree almost burned down (Slide 17).

Bear fireman: All children should know that sparklers, candles and crackers are not toys for children!

Masha: That would be so much fun!

Bear fireman:(Slide 18) All children should know that fireworks and firecrackers are toys for adults only!

Educator: I suggest you remember the fire safety rules (Slide 19):

Do not pick up or play with matches and lighters;

Do not approach the gas stove;

You cannot light a fire in the forest;

Do not turn on the iron or other electrical appliances for children;

Sparklers, candles and crackers, fireworks and

firecrackers are not toys for children;

In case of fire, call 01.

Educator: I offer you a game

Who smelled the burning smell,

Reporting a fire?

“It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”

“It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”

Who doesn't light fires?

And he doesn’t allow others?

“It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”

Who is from little sister

will he hide the matches unnoticed?

“It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”

Which one of you is playing with fire?

Morning, evening and afternoon?

No, not us!

Educator: Now let's play the game "Guess it"

What kind of cramped, cramped house is this?

A hundred sisters huddle in it.

And any of the sisters

It can break out like a fire!

Don't joke with your thin sisters... (matchsticks).

The house is a glass bubble,

And a light lives in it.

During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,

The light bulb will light up with a bright flame.

It curls, wriggles,

(smoke) rushes into the sky.

It hangs and is silent, but if you turn it over, it hisses.

And the foam flies (fire extinguisher).

Hisses and gets angry

He is afraid of water.

With tongue, and not barking,

No teeth, but bites.

He eats everything but doesn’t get enough,

And if he drinks, he dies? (fire)

A coal fell to the floor -

Wooden floor lit

Don't look, don't wait, don't stand

And fill it with (water).

Masha: And now we will move a little and play the game “Fire - Water”.

The presenter is selected at will, either by counting or in another way. When the presenter says loudly: “Fire,” everyone begins to squat; when he says: “Water,” everyone begins to jump. The presenter tries to confuse the players, sometimes repeating the same word in a row, changing the intonation, making movements corresponding to a different word.

Bear fireman: Now we will check how you distinguish between objects that pose a fire hazard and simply dangerous objects.

The game is called "Flammable items».

Children are given cards that depict flammable objects and simply dangerous objects. For example: matches, candle, iron, knife, sparklers, stove, saw. You need to remove the card with the image of an object that does not pose a fire threat.

Educator: Masha and the Bear say goodbye to us.

Masha: It's time for us guys to leave, and you follow the fire safety rules so that the fire truck never comes to kindergarten. Guys, remember that you can’t joke with fire (Slide 20).

Bear fireman: All children should know that whoever is not careful with fire can cause a fire! Remember that it is easier to prevent a fire than to extinguish it. Goodbye!

Teacher and children: Goodbye! See you again!

Chudinov Valery Alekseevich

born in 1942, professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Management in State University Management, Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Sci. In 1967 he graduated from physics. Faculty of Moscow State University, speaks German and English languages. Has more than 120 publications. Scientific interests - Slavic mythology and paleography. Since 2002 - Chairman of the Commission on the History of Culture Ancient Rus' Council for the History of Culture under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Latest printed monographs: Sacred stones and pagan temples of the ancient Slavs. 2004, 619 pp. Runitsa and the secrets of the archeology of Rus'. 2003, 425 pp. Mysteries of Slavic writing. 2002, 527 pp.

Main achievements: Deciphered the Slavic pre-Cyrillic syllabary - runica, stress on the first syllable and read more than 2,000 inscriptions to date. He proved the presence of three types of writing among the Slavic peoples - Cyrillic, Glagolitic and Runic. The presence of three of their own types of writing among the Slavic peoples is an unprecedented phenomenon in the history of culture and shows that the Slavs had the highest spiritual culture in ancient times....