At 22 weeks it is already so active that it is possible not only to clearly feel it, but even to guess what the baby pushed with and what position he is now in. However, the risk of miscarriage still remains, so it is important to know how the baby grows and what is necessary for its full bearing.

Fetal development at 22 weeks of pregnancy

The growth of the child’s brain slows down somewhat and the development of tactile sensations begins. The baby likes to touch himself and everything that surrounds him, he loves to suck his finger and play with his hands. The weight of the fetus at 22 weeks reaches 420-450 grams and if childbirth occurs ahead of schedule, there is a real chance of his survival. The child is very active, he can change his position several times a day.

At 22 weeks of pregnancy it fluctuates between 27-28 cm and continues to increase steadily. The baby sleeps a lot, and his activity, as a rule, occurs at night. This is why mommy may have trouble sleeping and needs more rest during the day.

A fetus at 22 weeks of gestation already has the ability to distinguish loud and sharp sounds, and the eyes are so developed that the child can turn towards a light source, for example, during an ultrasound. He is also able to express his emotions about the psychological state of a woman.

The anatomy of the fetus at 22 weeks of gestation involves the formation of future teeth, almost fully formed lips and the pancreas at the stage of development. The fetal heartbeat is already clearly audible at 22 weeks, which can be recorded using ultrasound. There is a fully formed spine, and the child’s body is covered with original down. The ever-increasing size of the fetus at 22 weeks leads to an increase in the load on the lower back and spine. A woman is recommended to wear special underwear and devote more time to rest.

Ultrasound of the fetus at 22 weeks

It is at this time that the study examines the condition and quantity amniotic fluid, the presence or absence of malformations is determined, and the maturity of the placenta and umbilical cord is determined. Doctors are also interested in fetometry of the fetus at 22 weeks, which will provide the necessary information about the correct development of the baby in the mother’s womb.

Do not be alarmed if the baby is in an uncomfortable position for childbirth. Very often, the transverse presentation of the fetus at the 22nd week changes due to its activity. You may have to do pregnancy exercises. It is she who often helps to change the breech presentation of the fetus at the 22nd week.

The 22nd obstetric week is the 20th week from conception - the embryonic period of pregnancy, as well as the 22nd week from the beginning of the last menstruation. If you haven't had your second routine ultrasound yet, the deadline is this week! In the following weeks, the ultrasound will no longer be so informative.

Child sizes

What happens to the child

The baby gets to know the world around him - he constantly feels his face, tummy, and the walls of the uterus surrounding him with his fingers, making his first discoveries. In response to a loud sound, a sharp call or mother's excitement, the baby may make a dissatisfied grimace. In moments of calm, he sucks his thumb, while developing muscles that will be useful to him for extracting milk from his mother’s breast, immediately after birth.

The baby is in constant noise. For association, imagine that you will be sitting in a noisy company in the loudest place. This is the background a baby hears every day. Noises are created by: heartbeat, how blood moves through the vessels, the work of other organs. However, these sounds create a feeling of comfort and security for the baby, so don’t worry!

Good to know

Every mother is interested in how her baby hears her. When you speak, sound waves travel throughout your body. Passing through the spine and pelvis, they are transmitted to the child. By the way, he not only hears your voice, but also feels its vibration.

What does a child look like?

Your baby already looks like a very, very small newborn. At 22 weeks of pregnancy, the nose and lips acquire clearer outlines. He already has complete eyes, although the pigmentation of the iris is still missing. The baby finally acquired his own facial features.

He loves to move his lips, wrinkle his forehead, stretch his lips into the semblance of a barely noticeable smile. The child opens his mouth - he swallows a certain amount of amniotic fluid to train his gastrointestinal tract. Eyelashes appear around the eyes. The germinal fluff (lanugo) becomes more noticeable. The fetus's skin is still a little wrinkled, like an old man's, but right now the baby is becoming cuter and cuter every day. Simultaneously with the accumulation of adipose tissue, facial features become rounded and more and more resemble a newborn baby.

Your baby is the size of... corn! Now his weight is about 470 grams, size 270–280 mm, heartbeat 120–160 beats/min.

Fetal development

  • At 22 weeks, the active growth of the baby’s brain slows down. The stage of intensive development begins in the sweat glands and tactile sensations. The fetus studies itself and everything that surrounds it by touch. His favorite pastime is sucking fingers and grabbing everything he can reach with his hands. He is already more or less consciously turning his head.

  • The baby still has enough space in his mother’s belly, which he takes advantage of by actively changing his position and kicking his mother in all available places. In the morning he can lie with his butt down, but by night it’s the other way around, which is felt by a pregnant woman as movements and tremors.

  • The child's eyes are already open and react to light - if you direct the light to the anterior abdominal wall, he will turn to its source.

  • The baby sleeps most of the time - up to 22 hours during the day. Moreover, in most cases, the baby’s periods of wakefulness occur at night.

  • The bones of the fetus strengthen and become stronger. Inorganic compounds (for example, calcium) actively accumulate in them. By the 22nd week of pregnancy, the spine is fully formed. All vertebrae are clearly visible in it, as well as the ligaments that hold them in the desired position relative to each other.

  • The baby's pancreas, which is responsible for producing hormones, continues to develop.

  • The first signs of the formation of future teeth are already visible in the gum area.

  • The establishment of neural connections is in full swing. The neurons of the brain are formed.

  • At 22 weeks of pregnancy, the surface of the baby's brain, which was previously smooth, begins to form wrinkles. This formation of depressions and elevations in the brain continues until the 34th week of pregnancy, when the baby's brain already has sufficient surface area to form space for all brain cells.

  • The liver begins to produce enzymes that convert indirect bilirubin, which is toxic to the body (formed during the breakdown of hemoglobin), into harmless direct bilirubin, which is excreted from the body. If a child is born prematurely, then his liver is not yet able to completely neutralize indirect bilirubin. And it has a toxic effect on the newborn’s body, which requires treatment.

  • Reacts to loud sounds and remembers voices. If you put your palm on your stomach, you may respond with a push.

  • The 22nd week of pregnancy is the period of formation of taste buds on the baby’s tongue. He can already distinguish sweet from bitter. The child reacts to the food his mother takes. When the mother eats spicy seasonings, the baby winces (the taste buds in the mouth are also already functioning), and when he eats sweets, he swallows amniotic fluid.

  • The baby's intestines work actively and push meconium into the colon area. The digestive system absorbs amniotic fluid and other substances that enter the body with them.

What happens in a woman's body

The uterus extends beyond the navel. The belly at the 22nd week of pregnancy does not yet bother you very much, the size of the uterus is such that its fundus is determined above the navel, about 2–4 cm. You may experience discomfort due to stretched uterine ligaments, this is pain on the sides of the abdomen, but the longer the period pregnancy, the less often this will occur. Your body adapts to carrying a baby. The size of the abdomen at this stage of fetal development largely depends on the position of the child and the tone of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. If the baby lies across the uterus, the tummy will appear lower, and this rule will work until the end of pregnancy. The growing uterus is supported by strong abdominal muscles, which is why the belly becomes noticeable later in first-time mothers.

The permissible weight gain per week is 300–500 grams; exceeding these figures may indicate edema. The danger of fluid retention in the body is swelling of the placenta and deterioration of its blood supply, and, therefore, deterioration in the nutrition of the fetus.

Spider veins can also appear on the skin - this is a result of increased levels of estrogen in the blood during pregnancy. More often expectant mother may notice them on the skin of the face, neck, chest and arms.

A constant increase in the abdomen leads to stretching of the skin. Often you may experience an itching sensation. To avoid stretch marks on your skin, you should take care of regularly moisturizing it.

From week 22, Braxton-Higgins contractions may occur; they are irregular, do not cause pain, and are not accompanied by bleeding.

Discharge at 22 weeks of pregnancy remains moderate, light or light gray, with a slight sour odor.

With a significant increase in load from the beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother often notices varicose veins on her legs. A manifestation of varicose veins in pregnant women can be, for example, hemorrhoids, which causes a lot of trouble for a woman.

Hemorrhoids often accompany pregnancy or occur after childbirth. Hemorrhoids are dilation and swelling of blood vessels near the anus, outside and inside it. It occurs due to increased blood flow in the pelvic area due to the increased weight of the uterus. Hemorrhoids usually worsen towards the end of pregnancy. With each subsequent pregnancy it becomes more severe.

If you do not take action, varicose veins will go very far, resulting in complications for the health of the expectant mother, so it is necessary to prevent this disease as early as possible.

Enlargement and darkening of the nipples and areolas. Nipples and areolas - pigment circles around the nipples - become larger and darker, small bumps on the areola itself - glands that produce substances to fight bacteria and lubricate the skin - become more prominent. Veins become visible through the skin of the chest.

Some pregnant women note that their sexual desire has increased, and erogenous zones became more sensitive. The reason lies in the increase in blood supply to the genitals while waiting for the baby. Expectant mothers notice that sexual sensations have become more vivid, and some women experience orgasm for the first time during pregnancy.

Good to know

Remember that sex is contraindicated if there is a threat of miscarriage, placenta previa, isthmic-cervical insufficiency and some other complications.


The belly is not that big yet. Its size depends on the natural constitution of the mother, on the position of the fetus, on whether this is the first pregnancy or not, on the tone of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. If the baby lies across the uterus, the tummy will appear lower and wider until the very birth, if the baby does not turn.


Now you may notice that your weight is steadily increasing - you are adding about 225 grams per week. You will also notice that your appetite increases too. You can occasionally treat yourself to ice cream, but if you constantly crave high-calorie foods, try to find a healthy replacement.

During pregnancy, you can keep a diary and then give it to your son or daughter when they grow up. You can even take it with you to the hospital to record your feelings immediately after giving birth. Journaling will help you document your feelings and emotions during your pregnancy.

You should definitely pay special attention to the nature and frequency of the baby’s movements. True, you shouldn’t be fanatically zealous and listen to yourself every second: the main thing is to record the baby’s movement in the morning and evening hours. Please note that the frequency of movements may also indicate certain inconveniences experienced by the baby. So, excessively frequent movements may indicate, say, insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus. The absence of movements during the day also becomes an alarming sign, with which you should definitely go to see a doctor.

It is important to walk correctly, stand correctly, sit and lie correctly - everything matters. The load on the spine and lower back is constantly increasing, you increasingly feel the heaviness of the “load”, fatigue in your legs, swelling and other complications may have already appeared. Do not cross your legs; try to raise your legs a little higher than usual while resting. You need to sit and lie on hard, flat surfaces, without falling into a chair or mattress.

A pregnant woman at 22 weeks may still experience back pain. In order to eliminate painful symptoms, a woman needs to reconsider all types of load that she bears during each day. Perhaps the pain is due to the fact that the expectant mother still wears high-heeled shoes or actively works, completely forgetting about rest. However, a woman needs to relearn how to sit, stand up, and even sleep, choosing the right postures and reducing the load on her back.

To prevent varicose veins, a woman at 22 weeks of pregnancy should wear loose-fitting clothes. You should avoid tight underwear, tight jeans and leggings, because these things can squeeze your legs under the knees and in the groin area. You should not sit with your legs crossed - this interferes with blood circulation, which also provokes the development of varicose veins. A pregnant woman should lie down several times during the day, but not on her back, but on her side, placing a bolster or blanket under her legs to elevate them. On the recommendation of a doctor, in case of severe varicose veins, the expectant mother can bandage both legs in the morning using an elastic bandage and wear special tight socks. If varicose veins progress even after childbirth, with very large vascular lesions, a woman may be prescribed surgical treatment of the disease - removal of the affected areas of the veins.

If you have hemorrhoids, avoid constipation. Eat foods rich in fiber - vegetables, wholemeal bread, lactic acid products; drink more water. If necessary, you can take a mild laxative. Secondly, sitz baths help a lot. Thirdly, you can use special suppositories that are available at the pharmacy without a prescription. If hemorrhoids are causing you severe pain, consult a doctor. Sometimes, as the disease progresses, surgery is required, but such cases are extremely rare during pregnancy.

When the first stretch marks appear, lubricate your skin with moisturizer. This will help prevent the formation of new ones and prevent existing ones from becoming even more noticeable. A contrast shower will help increase skin elasticity. Alternate warm and cool water. Do not use very hot or too cold water!


The appearance of bloody discharge at 22 weeks of pregnancy requires an immediate response. Separation of blood from the genital tract is an unfavorable symptom in any case. So, spotting may indicate a premature onset of labor; usually, abdominal pain or the presence of regular contractions will also indicate it. The appearance of blood may also be associated with abruption or placenta previa - doctors classify both phenomena as critical and, if present, insist that the pregnant woman be hospitalized. Urgently seek treatment medical care should also be used when watery, transparent discharge appears in increased quantities. Significant transparent watery discharge is evidence of leakage of amniotic fluid. By the way, water can leak in small quantities, in moderate portions, still creating the effect of “wet panties.” But even then, a doctor’s consultation is necessary: ​​violation of the integrity of the membranes is dangerous due to intrauterine infection of the fetus.

What else is dangerous during this period of pregnancy:

  • hypertonicity of the uterus,

  • diabetes mellitus in pregnancy,

  • varicose veins.

By the 22nd week of pregnancy, the uterus begins to train in preparation for childbirth: single “warm-up” contractions occur, which are called Braxton-Hicks contractions.

Braxton Hicks contractions are called false contractions. They are quite different from the contractions that take place during childbirth.

Good to know

These contractions are usually painless and irregular, varying in duration and intensity. They do not cause the cervix to dilate.

See what differences exist:
At first, it can be easy to mistake Braxton Hicks contractions for true contractions, especially if this is your first pregnancy. If you have more than 6 uterine contractions in one hour, last at least 30 seconds, and do not go away when you start walking, call your doctor.


Starting from the twenty-second week of pregnancy, you need to increase your visits to antenatal clinic. If in the first half of pregnancy you visited the doctor once a month, now you will have to go for an examination twice, unless additional tests are prescribed.

An obstetrician-gynecologist will examine you, measure your blood pressure, your height, and weight. He will also take the usual measurement of your abdominal volume. Will analyze the level of the uterus and listen to your baby's heartbeat. Why is all this needed?

  • Weight measurement - too much weight gain during pregnancy leads to the development of complications. Also, excess weight may indicate the development of gestosis.

  • Measuring blood pressure - elevated blood pressure may indicate arterial hypertension, gestosis and other complications of pregnancy.

  • Measuring the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen - if their size lags behind the norm at this stage, it indicates a disruption in the course of pregnancy.

  • Listening to the fetal heartbeat using an obstetric stethoscope. Normally, the doctor hears a rhythmic and clear heartbeat of the baby.

As for tests, at week 22 you may have to donate urine and blood to determine the level of sugar in your body, the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and protein in the urine.

Good to know

A general urine test is necessary to identify kidney and bladder diseases, as well as gestosis (a complication of pregnancy, manifested by the appearance of protein in the urine, edema and increased pressure).

Your doctor may advise you to have a glucose screening test. This is a standard test to evaluate the presence of gestational diabetes.


At week 22, it is still possible to perform a second screening ultrasound if you did not have time at week 21.

All organs of the fetus are clearly visible and the specialist carefully evaluates their shape, size, and excludes the presence of defects.

If an ultrasound is performed for the first time after the first screening, which you performed at week 12, this time you will receive not only information about the condition of the fetus, but also a small surprise - information about the sex of the baby. Finally, you will know what color clothes you will need to buy for your baby.

Fetometry (fetal size) is normal

  • BDP (biparietal size). With an ultrasound of the fetus at 22 weeks of pregnancy, the biparietal size is 48–60 mm.

  • LZ (fronto-occipital size). Ultrasound of the fetus at 22 weeks of pregnancy shows 64–76 mm.

  • OG (fetal head circumference). With an ultrasound of the fetus at 22 weeks of pregnancy, the head circumference corresponds to 178–212 mm.

Normal dimensions of long bones on ultrasound

  • Femur 35–43 mm.

  • Humerus 31–39 mm.

  • Forearm bones 26–34 mm.

  • Tibia bones 31–39 mm.

Good to know
The main purpose of performing an ultrasound at 22 weeks is to identify malformations of the baby. In particular, the full development of the child at this stage of pregnancy is assessed, work internal organs, sufficient oxygen, as well as fetal activity.

When performing an ultrasound of the fetus at 22 weeks of pregnancy, the main structures of the brain are studied. The cerebellum and its internal structure - the cerebellar vermis - must be examined to exclude a serious malformation - Bud-Chiari syndrome. Enlarged ventricles of the brain indicate hydrocephalus. Normally, their size does not exceed 10 mm in transverse projection. An ultrasound scan of the fetus at 22 weeks of pregnancy finally clarifies the presence and normality of the structure of all brain structures, since by this time the final organic formation of the nervous system occurs.

In addition to the brain, a mandatory position for examination is to study the integrity of the spinal cord and fetal spine. Ultrasound of the fetus at 22 weeks of pregnancy using volumetric imaging using 4D ultrasound clearly and clearly excludes developmental anomalies in this area. The mother herself sees that everything is fine with her child. It is important to perform an accurate assessment of the spine using 4D when elevated level alpha-fetoprotein in the mother’s blood during prenatal screening in the second trimester (“triple test”).

The doctor also evaluates the structure of the placenta for possible anomalies in location, pathologies, degree of maturity, and so on. Finally, the quality of blood flow in the vessels of the uterus and umbilical cord is assessed.

If developmental defects incompatible with life are identified, parents have the opportunity to decide to terminate the pregnancy, since up to 22 weeks inclusive, termination of pregnancy is regarded as an abortion, and from 23 weeks onwards - as premature birth, when the child is required to nurse.

The 22nd week of pregnancy arrives. The movements in the lower abdomen finally stand out against the background of other processes occurring in the body. Now they can no longer be confused with a banal rumbling or bloating. You and your baby have already passed half the development path, and the most difficult and responsible part of it. This period of pregnancy is characterized by an increasing need for iron. And the most important and interesting thing is what happens to your precious baby, how he grows and develops.

Week 22 - how many months?

The 22nd week of pregnancy continues. Movements in the lower abdomen become not only obvious, the baby is already trying to play with you, and you can guess the time of activity and rest. This is the calmest and most cloudless period of the entire pregnancy, the baby is not too big yet, and the mother feels at ease, there is an opportunity to lead a full, active life. But at the same time, regular movements let you know that life is developing inside you. It's the second week of the sixth month of pregnancy - not much time remains before maternity leave.

The belly has already increased significantly, now the mother needs to buy special clothes in which she will be comfortable. But at the same time, the tummy is not yet so big that it interferes with tying shoelaces or leading a normal lifestyle. It's time to think about special products for moisturizing the skin, since constant tension can lead to tearing.

The fetus during this period

The doctor wrote on the card that the 22nd week of pregnancy had begun. Movements in the lower abdomen at this stage are one of the factors indicating the correct development of the child. If you have not yet felt the slightest movement of the baby, the doctor will definitely prescribe an additional examination to assess the condition of the fetus. The phase of active growth of the baby and his preparation for life outside the mother’s tummy begins.

Transforms and appearance your baby. His hair begins to grow, his eyebrows are clearly visible. The hair is still colorless, since melanin has not had time to appear. The baby begins to actively explore the world around him and himself. He bends his legs and arms and moves them. This is exactly what a mother feels at 22 weeks of pregnancy. Movements in the lower abdomen are nothing more than a manifestation of this activity. Now the baby can already suck his finger, and the development of the brain allows him to make a choice: tilt his head or raise his finger to his mouth. The baby's vision and vision are actively developing - this will allow him to explore the world after birth.

Fetal ultrasound

The second scheduled ultrasound marks the 22nd week of pregnancy. Movements in the lower abdomen provide the doctor with information to adjust the due date, and the examination will allow you to calculate the expected date of birth as accurately as possible. In addition, the ultrasound specialist examines the fetus for possible To complete the conclusion, the doctor determines the parameters of the baby’s body and the ratio of its parts. This examination usually marks the 22nd week of pregnancy. The photo of your ultrasound can be framed until the first photo of the newborn appears.

Fruit size

Your child is still very young, but every day he will change and grow. This is the 22nd week of pregnancy, photos of the fetus show a real little man with somewhat angular shapes. Its height from the top of the head to the tailbone is about 16 cm, and to the heels - about 25 cm. That is, inside you there is a creature the size of a large banana. Only from this moment can the child’s growth be fully assessed; before this, small bent legs were not taken into account. The weight of your baby is approximately 300 g. Despite its miniature size, all the most important organs and systems are already formed and are able to function fully. True, he has practically no chance of surviving birth at the moment.

The heartbeat can now be easily heard using a regular tube through the anterior abdominal wall of the pregnant woman. The first stage is completed - the formation of the lungs, now the baby begins to take the first episodic breaths. This moment characterizes the 22nd week of pregnancy. An ultrasound photo can capture the moment when the baby inhales and swallows. This is an excellent workout for the intestines, which are already starting to work. The result will be raw stool called meconium. This is a black, viscous mass that will begin to be released from the intestines in the first days after birth.

Fetal development

If you're 22 weeks pregnant, your baby's size has already reached its first major stage. The brain is almost completely formed, its intensive growth is slowing down, now it reaches a weight of about 100 g. The brain contains a full set of cells, now it’s time to improve reflexes. The endocrine glands actively begin to develop, sweat glands are activated, the size of the heart increases, and calcium deposition continues. Surprisingly, there is another indicator that characterizes the 22nd week of pregnancy. The size of the fetus is still quite small, but the spine is already fully formed.

Woman at 22 weeks

You have already had an ultrasound. Based on the results, the doctor confirmed that she was 22 weeks pregnant. The development of the fetus is all that mothers care about today. But it is equally important to know what is happening to your own body. Now you've reached the halfway point. This is a significant milestone; then time will fly even faster, bringing the due date closer every day. Now the top of the uterus is located at the level of the navel, and gradually it will rise even higher. Making sure you're getting enough iron is now a real must. This is required by a growing baby, the placenta and a constant increase in the amount of blood. Surely your gynecologist will prescribe it for you as soon as you reach the 22nd week of pregnancy. The development of the fetus occurs by leaps and bounds. Now there are increased demands on women's nutrition. We will talk about this a little later, but for now we will continue to discuss the feelings of the expectant mother.

Changes at 22 weeks

By this time, every woman has accumulated many questions, almost all of them are related to the development of the baby and the upcoming birth. Therefore, it is worth enrolling in a maternity course as soon as your pregnancy reaches 22 weeks. The photo of the fetus still shows the blurry outlines of the little man, but very soon he will grow up, so it’s worth preparing in advance. You have about 14 more weeks to fully prepare for childbirth.

In the meantime, it is becoming increasingly difficult to sleep. This is quite understandable from a physiological point of view. The first difference is that you started snoring. This is due to hormones that cause the nasopharynx to swell. There can only be one way out - sleep on your side or half-sitting. Another violation is observed: as soon as a woman lies down, the attack of heartburn intensifies. The solution is again the same - put more pillows under your head.

Cramps are another one unpleasant symptom, which appears when pregnancy is 22 weeks. A photo of the fetus is the only thing that can bring moral relief. After all, you are not suffering in vain. The cause of cramps is usually banal - muscle protest against excess weight which you have to wear. Try rubbing your feet with special balms at night, taking warm baths, taking different positions, placing pillows under your feet. You will have to experiment until the end of the term, because for now you are only 22 weeks pregnant. The size of the fetus will only increase, causing more and more physical discomfort, but also joy from the approaching meeting with a miracle.

Feelings during this period

The most interesting period is the 22nd week of pregnancy. Now you can judge what is happening to the baby not only by the results of an examination by a doctor. From now on, you constantly feel his movements; he not only warms up by pushing his mother, but also sends her certain signals. So, for example, a child’s activity may mean a requirement to turn down the loud music. But there are also more alarming signs. Too frequent and sudden movements of the baby can mean a lack of oxygen, and the absence of movement for more than a day is an ominous symptom. This opens the period of communication with the baby at the 22nd week of pregnancy. You can now feel what is happening with your child like never before, because he responds to your touch and invitation to interact.

If you have reached this period, then most often this indicates that the pregnancy is developing normally. Week 22 is the time when mothers need to pay close attention to their own health, especially the genitourinary system. Pregnancy most often provokes an exacerbation of diseases such as cystitis and pyelonephritis. This can have very serious consequences, so it is necessary to undergo regular examinations and take urine samples. Alarming symptoms are severe swelling, excruciating thirst and insignificant urination.


The doctor will definitely send you for examination to assess the development of pregnancy (week 22). As usual, you will need to donate blood, from which doctors will determine your sugar level, the number of leukocytes and red blood cells. The second ruler will be urine. Especially alarming symptom- this is the presence of protein in it, this can lead to gestosis, a dangerous complication. To prevent it, the doctor regularly weighs you, measures your abdominal circumference, and checks for edema.


Normally, they do not change throughout pregnancy. This is still the same moderate light discharge with a sour smell. If they suddenly change their color and smell, become greenish and bubbly or yellow, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. It is especially important not to delay medical help if blood appears in the discharge. A timely visit to the doctor will prevent the situation from worsening.

Sex at 22 weeks

The 22nd week of pregnancy is not a reason for a lack of intimate life. When the parents are close, the movements of the fetus usually subside; it seems to freeze so as not to interfere with mom and dad being alone. Perhaps he is calmed by the rhythmic movements and hormones produced by the mother at this moment. But poses that promote strong compression of the abdomen are not recommended. Don't forget that there are now three of you.

Women's nutrition

The 22nd week of pregnancy imposes special restrictions on the diet. How many months will it take before you can afford unhealthy but delicious foods! After all, there is still a long time ahead breast-feeding. But motherhood is worth it, so you have to be patient. Now you need to monitor your weight, which means your food should be extremely healthy and natural. Try to minimize white bread and pastries, sweets, smoked foods and semi-finished products in your diet. You need protein, so you can eat lean meat and fish, dairy products, as well as vegetables and fruits in unlimited quantities. Proper nutrition- This is the key to the normal development of a child. Have an easy birth!

The time has come when the expectant mother consciously carries her baby and at the same time maintains her figure. At the 22nd week of pregnancy, fetal development is in full swing - my mother’s tummy has grown noticeably, which she is especially pleased with.

The 22nd obstetric week is the 6th month of pregnancy. During this period, a significant increase in circulating blood occurs in the body of the expectant mother. In this regard, the blood supply to the organs of the woman, child and placenta improves.

Hormonal levels continue to change. This, together with a lack of microelements, leads to bleeding gums. At week 22, hemoglobin in the blood of the expectant mother may be reduced, which sometimes causes dizziness and weakness.


At 22 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus has also grown and is now located 2–3 cm above the navel. A large accumulation of water in the body often leads to edema. In this case, the doctor will tell you what to do.

Fetus at 22 weeks gestation

The baby's development enters a new phase, the formation of systems and organs is completed. Undoubtedly, the baby still has a long time to reach full maturity, but the body is already functioning normally. But when giving birth at this time, the situation can be tragic, because the baby is not yet ready for independent life. At week 22, the fetal size is 28-29 cm.

His brain continues to form and weighs about 100 g. Convolutions appear. The spine completes its development: bone structures deposit calcium, vertebrae and intervertebral discs form. Therefore, at 22 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development requires the mother to pay close attention to the amount of calcium she consumes.

The baby’s heart has become even larger, and now dad can hear its beat, pressing against his wife’s tummy.

Now the baby’s nails and hairs, eyelashes and eyebrows are growing. The hairs are still transparent, but they can already be seen on an ultrasound. Nervous system The baby continues to improve, and now his movements are fully conscious.

The baby is increasingly playing with the umbilical cord, leg or other hand. If the mother places her palm on her stomach, the baby will move closer to her. And, on the contrary, in bright light the baby will try to hide.

Fetal movements at 22 weeks of pregnancy

The baby continues to actively push, because there is still a lot of space in the mother’s belly. A woman may feel fetal movements at 22 weeks of pregnancy at night. If the baby lacks oxygen, he begins to move more actively. Also, if the expectant mother is stressed, the baby may hide for a while and not bother the woman with her movements.


The belly at the 22nd week of pregnancy continues to grow, but its increase does not yet cause significant discomfort to the expectant mother. It is advisable at this time to purchase clothes for a pregnant woman, in particular, underwear, pants, and loose blouses.

In no case should things put pressure on the stomach, pelvis, chest, or interfere with bending, sitting, or doing other work. At week 22, it is important to pay attention to caring for the skin of the abdomen. Fast growth leads to skin itching, stretching of tissues and the appearance of stretch marks, which are difficult to get rid of after childbirth. For prevention, you should moisturize your skin daily.


During the 22nd week of pregnancy, weight increases, and the belly of the expectant mother grows rapidly. Normally, at each visit to a specialist, a woman adds 300-500 g.


The woman is still quite active: getting carried away by a certain activity, she can forget about her position. Now the expectant mother is easy to climb due to increased blood flow.

Feelings of nausea or vomiting at 22 weeks of pregnancy indicate the onset of late toxicosis. There is nothing wrong with this, but if there is constant vomiting, the expectant mother should tell a specialist about the problem.

At 22 weeks of pregnancy, not every woman feels movements: sometimes the expectant mother can feel her baby for the first time at 24 weeks. However, it is better to discuss this issue with a gynecologist: if a specialist listens to the baby’s heartbeat, then there is no need to worry.

The expectant mother's breasts are still swollen, colostrum is secreted from it: the baby will feed on it for the first days after birth.


A growing belly causes a shift in the center of gravity, as well as pain in the back and lower back. Normally, pain at 22 weeks of pregnancy is mild, but if it causes significant discomfort or is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, you should consult a specialist. The cause of severe pain is the tone of the uterus, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis or other diseases of the genitourinary system.

Abdominal pain may be associated with poor digestion. If it is cramping, then the threat of miscarriage should be excluded.

Now the expectant mother is less and less afraid of problems and is becoming more convinced that the baby will be born on time. However, she needs to keep a few guidelines in mind.


Nutrition at 22 weeks of pregnancy should be light, otherwise the woman will experience heartburn and many other unpleasant moments. You need to eat little and often, eat as much as possible healthy products. You should still eat cereals, vegetables and fruits (preferably raw). It is mandatory to consume fish, legumes, and lean meat.

No matter how much a woman would like to eat sweets, she should refrain from them: chocolate and sweets quickly lead to extra pounds, which can harm delivery.


At 22 weeks, a woman may experience bleeding gums. In this regard, she needs to purchase a vitamin-mineral complex, having received the approval of a specialist in advance.

The doctor will prescribe additional vitamins if the expectant mother’s body requires it.


Many expectant mothers experience a blossoming of their intimate life: they are so captivated by new sensations that the future dad may worry about the condition of the baby.

However, some women experience late toxicosis at this stage, so their intimate life will not be entirely joyful. If you are carrying twins or have certain problems during pregnancy, the specialist will recommend abstaining from sex at 22 weeks of pregnancy.

Physical activity

Now the expectant mother should not study dangerous species sports, running. Special exercises for pregnant women recommended by a specialist are sufficient.

Slow daily walks are useful, the time of which depends on the woman’s condition. If the expectant mother has been swimming, she can continue after consultation with a specialist. If you have uterine tone, your doctor will recommend that you avoid visiting the pool.

Medicines and medical procedures

As before, the expectant mother should be wary of taking medications. In this matter, she must rely on her gynecologist.

With ARVI on 22 obstetric week Pregnancy specialist will recommend medications appropriate to the severity of the disease. For mild colds, treatment with homeopathy and herbal remedies is possible.

Possible problems at week 22: frozen pregnancy, oligohydramnios, uterine hypertonicity

During this period, the expectant mother is still faced with unpleasant moments. The most dangerous of them is a frozen pregnancy at 22 weeks. If a woman does not feel any movements, then this is not yet a reason to think about the bad. However, if the doctor does not listen to the baby’s heart, then the expectant mother will need to undergo an ultrasound.

It will determine exactly what condition the baby is in at 22 weeks of pregnancy. But you can’t immediately tune in to the bad; sometimes the gynecologist cannot listen to the heartbeat because, for example, the baby has turned away.

If there is bleeding, there is not a minute to lose: you must call the ambulance, otherwise the consequences may be irreversible.

Often, at the 22nd week of pregnancy, oligohydramnios is diagnosed in expectant mothers. The doctor's recommendations in this case will depend on the overall picture of the course of pregnancy. In some cases, hospitalization is necessary, and sometimes the expectant mother is prescribed medications.

Another problem at this stage of pregnancy is uterine hypertonicity. When it appears, the expectant mother’s belly becomes hard. This condition is dangerous: it can lead to premature birth. To prevent this from happening, the specialist will recommend taking Magnesium B6 and other medications or suggest hospitalization.


A woman should pay attention to the color of the discharge. If they have a brown, red or green tint, then do not hesitate: a specialist will decide what to do in this situation.

Normally, discharge at 22 weeks of pregnancy is transparent, white or yellowish. A woman should not be afraid if their volume has increased: this is quite natural for such a period.

Ultrasound and tests at 22 weeks of pregnancy

Now the doctor asks to attend a consultation every two weeks, and before each visit the woman needs to take a urine sample. As before, the specialist measures the expectant mother’s blood pressure, takes measurements of the abdomen, and listens to the baby’s heartbeat with a stethoscope.

What should the baby be like now? Ultrasound standards at 22 weeks of pregnancy are as follows:

  • BPR – 48-60 mm;
  • LZ – 64-76mm;
  • Exhaust gas – 178-212 mm;
  • Coolant – 148-190 mm.

Features of IVF pregnancy

The specialist prescribes an ultrasound at 22–23 weeks of IVF pregnancy to assess the fetoplacental complex. You also need to undergo some tests to rule out health problems in your baby.

Otherwise, pregnancy proceeds as usual, and very soon the threat of miscarriage will become much less.

Multiple pregnancy

Now the expectant mother’s belly is larger than when carrying one baby, although the size of each fetus at 22 weeks of pregnancy is smaller. The woman begins to get tired quickly and suffers from frequent back pain.

The babies actively move in mom’s tummy, which sometimes causes her discomfort. Otherwise, pregnancy with twins at 22 weeks proceeds without any special features.

Video of the twenty-second week of pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy continues into the 22nd week - usually the calmest and most cloudless period of bearing a baby. The 22nd week of pregnancy becomes the 2nd week of the 6th month, the baby continues to develop systematically, which is associated with further growth and an enlargement of the abdomen.


At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the belly has already increased significantly; now you cannot do without special clothing - loose and comfortable. But, although the interesting position cannot be hidden from strangers due to the rather large belly, the belly is not yet so large as to prevent mommy from bending over, tying her own shoelaces, and sitting down and getting up freely. As the belly continually expands, the skin begins to stretch, which can be accompanied by itching. Now the main thing is to sufficiently moisturize the skin with the help of special products that will help avoid the appearance of stretch marks.

Uterus at 22 weeks of pregnancy

The growth of the abdomen is accompanied by a constant enlargement of the uterus, in which the development and growth of the baby continues. The uterus at 22 weeks of pregnancy is quite large: it is located approximately 2 cm above the navel and rests against the diaphragm, and therefore a woman may experience some problems with inhalation and exhalation. At the same time, the uterus puts pressure on the stomach and intestines, which can lead to difficulty digestion and problems with bowel movements.

By the 22nd week, the expectant mother may also sometimes feel irregular light contractions, which are not accompanied by any particular painful sensations. They do not pose any threat: these are the so-called Breston-Higgins training contractions, through which the uterus at 22 weeks of pregnancy “prepares” for the upcoming birth. However, in any case, you should listen carefully to contractions: there should not be more than 10-15 of them during the day and they should not be accompanied by severe pain. If the uterus contracts regularly at the 22nd week of pregnancy, and contractions are characterized by severe pain, you should immediately call a doctor: most likely we will be talking about premature birth.


At 22 weeks, it is advisable to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist, who will “perform” the usual manipulations of measuring abdominal circumference, blood pressure, and weighing. You will also need to determine the height of the uterine fundus and listen to the fetal heartbeat.

In addition, tests at 22 weeks of pregnancy may include sampling urine and blood for research - to determine the level of sugar in the mother’s body, the presence of protein in the urine, the number of leukocytes and red blood cells. It is also possible that the woman will undergo another ultrasound examination at 22 weeks.


An ultrasound at the 22nd week of pregnancy becomes the second planned ultrasound, during which the doctor examines the fetus for possible malformations and assesses the degree of development and functioning of internal organs. At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the coccygeal-parietal size is no longer decisive in terms of determining the norm in the development of the baby. Instead, during an ultrasound at 22 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor determines the parameters of individual parts of the baby’s body and their normal relationship.

In addition, the specialist also evaluates the amount and transparency of amniotic fluid, determines the presence or absence of high or low water, and determines the condition of the placenta and umbilical cord.

Fetus at 22 weeks gestation

At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus reaches 430-500 g and its height is already as much as 28 cm. The good news: if for some reason the pregnancy is terminated early, the baby born during premature birth is considered viable and may well be delivered.

The baby’s brain is already practically formed: its intensive growth stops, the brain contains a full set of cells and can weigh up to 100 g. Against this background, the fetus’s reflexes are improving and becoming more complex: he no longer only sucks his finger, but can already tilt his head towards it , leaning forward.

The baby's sweat glands begin to develop at an active pace, the size of the heart increases, and calcium deposition in the bone tissue continues. At the same time, the fetal spine is now fully formed - it has all the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

Also, the first vellus hairs, also called lanugo, have already appeared on the baby’s body. Their purpose is to retain vernix lubrication, which covers the baby’s entire body and protects it from abrasions and the aquatic environment. By the time lanugo is born, the crumbs will disappear from the skin, and birth lubricant will make it easier for it to pass through the birth canal at the time of birth.

And now, while there is still enough time left before the birth, the baby is already moving and moving with all his might in his mother’s belly. And such activity of his certainly cannot but please mommy.


It is these sensations - the sensation of stirring from within a new life - that become one of the happiest moments in life for a woman. And the baby’s movement is now quite noticeable: he pushes on his tummy, rests against the walls of the uterus with his arms and legs.

Moreover, the fetus not only “warms up” in this way, but also, quite possibly, gives the mother a certain signal: for example, turn down the music too loud. After all, at this stage the baby is already very sensitive to loud sounds or bright light, and his dissatisfaction is quite noticeably made known by active movements. In addition, frequent movements of the fetus may indicate that the baby is not receiving enough oxygen, and by moving, he is trying to make the heart beat faster and quickly move oxygenated blood throughout the body.

However, you shouldn’t worry too much about monitoring your baby’s movements; it’s enough to record the baby’s activity in the morning and evening hours. In addition, the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness of the fetus does not always coincide with the mother’s schedule - sometimes, for example, he becomes overly active during rest or wakes up the mother with movement early in the morning.

If fetal movement is not observed for a day or more, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Pain at 22 weeks of pregnancy

The most common pain at 22 weeks of pregnancy is pain in the lumbar region and back. These are the problems that women most often encounter as their belly increases and their center of gravity shifts. To avoid painful sensations, it is necessary to regularly unload the spine and strengthen the back with the help of special gymnastics exercises for pregnant women. You definitely need to give up heels, preferably when sitting on a chair, place a special stand under your feet and be sure to choose a chair to sit on with a straight, hard back. It is not recommended to stay in a sitting position for more than an hour: every hour of sitting should be “rewarded” with a walk or a set of gymnastics exercises for pregnant women.

But you should also know that lower back pain can also indicate some health problems. Thus, prolonged pain at 22 weeks of pregnancy in the lumbar region can be a symptom of pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, and therefore require mandatory consultation with a specialist.

An equally unpleasant disease is hemorrhoids, which often affects pregnant women and is also accompanied by painful sensations. Hemorrhoids occur due to enlargement of the uterus and compression of blood vessels under its weight, as a result of which the outflow of blood in the pelvic area worsens. Hemorrhoids are treated by adjusting the diet (food should contain a sufficient amount of fiber, which improves intestinal motility), and pain symptoms are relieved by using suitable suppositories, the choice of which should be entrusted to a professional.

Abdominal pain that appears during the 22nd week of pregnancy does not bode well in any case: if your stomach hurts during this period, you should urgently seek help from a supervising doctor. It is quite possible that abdominal pain is associated with digestive difficulties, but at the same time, it may also indicate a threat of pregnancy failure. Usually in such a situation, in addition to painful sensations in the abdomen, a woman can also observe an increase in discharge, the appearance of blood in it, and leakage of amniotic fluid.


Normally, the nature of the discharge does not change by the 6th month of gestation: discharge at the 22nd week of pregnancy should be moderate, light and with a slightly sour odor. If the discharge turns green or yellow, the discharge has cheesy clots or mucus, you should be examined for the presence of infection and be sure to apply the treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor.

You should immediately call an ambulance if spotting appears at 22 weeks of pregnancy: such discharge indicates the likely onset of premature labor. Also, discharge of blood from the vagina can be a sign of placental abruption if the detached area is located close to the church canal (with abruption in other areas there will be no blood, but pain in the abdomen is felt). Bloody discharge, among other things, may indicate both placenta previa and its marginal location, which can be detected during the next ultrasound examination.

It is necessary to see a doctor urgently if the discharge at 22 weeks of pregnancy is significant, watery and has a light translucent tint. Most likely, in this case we are talking about leakage of amniotic fluid, and the discharge is not always significant - amniotic fluid can leak in small portions.

Sex at 22 weeks pregnant

Sex at 22 weeks of pregnancy is not only not prohibited, but even encouraged - physical intimacy will only benefit the couple. Of course, unless there are any special contraindications from the supervising doctor. Sex at 22 weeks of pregnancy cannot harm a baby in any way: the baby is reliably protected by the membranes and amniotic fluid.

What’s even more pleasant is that right now a woman’s sexual desire and sensitivity are increasing significantly. The fact is that just at this time, against the background of increased blood flow in the body, the blood supply to the genital organs of the expectant mother also improves. And it is not surprising that it is in the second trimester that many women even experience orgasm for the first time.


Your weight at 22 weeks of pregnancy should continue to be closely monitored. After all, the mother’s well-being at this stage is excellent, her appetite is not only improved, but even intensified, and therefore there is a risk of “overdoing it” with weight before the onset of labor. In general, until the end of pregnancy, the additional weight should be approximately 11-16 kg; weight at 22 weeks of pregnancy is usually acceptable within the limits of plus 8 kg to the woman’s initial weight before pregnancy. And further weight gain should occur by approximately 300-500 g weekly.


Since weight must be controlled responsibly, it is advisable to adhere to the developed diet, and still choose healthy and natural foods. For the full development of the small organism inside mommy, you will need protein - lean meat and fish, and dairy products are suitable sources. The same dairy and fermented milk products will be a suitable source of calcium. Fresh vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, kefir and yogurt will help improve intestinal motility and avoid problems with bowel movements, as well as the development of hemorrhoids.

It is advisable to limit your consumption of sugar and sweets, products made from white flour: rich in “fast” carbohydrates, they contribute to unwanted weight gain and increase glucose levels in the body, which can lead to the development of pregnancy diabetes. In turn, salt consumption must be significantly limited, since salt retains water in the body and leads to the development of edema.

Often the second trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of iron in a woman’s body and the development of anemia against this background. For prevention iron deficiency anemia considered useful buckwheat porridge, beef liver, dried fruits, pomegranate.

It also doesn’t hurt to agree with your doctor on the advisability, and sometimes even the necessity, of additional vitamin-mineral complexes for pregnant women. Which drug, in what dosage and for how long the expectant mother will need it is up to the doctor to decide after examining the results of regular tests.