A fracture is a bone injury that disrupts its integrity.

Fractures occur due to some diseases associated with a decrease in bone strength, but most often they are traumatic in nature and occur due to falls, road accidents, or other sudden effects of significant mechanical force on the bone.

There are two types of fractures:

  • Closed, in which when the bone is damaged, the skin is not damaged;
  • Open, characterized by skin rupture, severe bleeding and a high risk of infection.

Symptoms of fractures

The main symptoms of closed fractures are:

  • Severe or shooting pain in the bone area;
  • Distinct bone deformity or abnormal mobility of any segment of the limb;
  • Severe pain when moving or limitation of movement.

Open fractures are characterized by additional symptoms - wounds with arterial, venous, mixed or capillary bleeding, which can be expressed to varying degrees. In this case, the broken bone is usually exposed to a greater or lesser extent.

Most often, the condition of victims with a closed fracture is satisfactory, while multiple open fractures may be accompanied by traumatic shock.

First aid for closed fractures

First aid for closed fractures is to fix the limb. At the same time, the pain of the victim’s sensations will depend on its quality.

A splint is placed on the damaged bone according to general rules. At the same time, you should not wrap the damaged area very tightly, so as not to disrupt active blood circulation. In cases where there are no means for applying a splint, the injured arm can be “hung” on a scarf, and the injured leg can be bandaged to the healthy leg.

Also, when providing first aid for fractures, ice should be applied to the injury site. This will help reduce swelling and reduce pain and the likelihood of developing a hematoma.

First aid for open fractures

First of all, when providing first aid for open fractures, it is necessary to treat the skin around the wound with an antiseptic solution and apply a sterile bandage.

Since an open fracture of a limb is usually accompanied by heavy bleeding, it may be necessary to apply a hemostatic tourniquet.

When providing first aid, one should not try to completely correct the existing deformities of the limb, much less reduce bone fragments protruding on the surface into the depth of the wound, so as not to infect the wound, and also not to damage the nerves and blood vessels and not to cause a new attack of pain in the victim.

First aid for broken ribs

Signs of a rib fracture include pain when moving, coughing, breathing or sneezing.

When providing first aid for fractured ribs, to reduce shortness of breath, the victim should be placed in a semi-sitting position. Typically, a broken rib without internal damage does not lead to serious health problems and the victim can be transported to a hospital or emergency room by car.

If you have any of the following symptoms indicating damage: internal organs, should be called immediately ambulance:

  • Difficulty breathing that feels like suffocation;
  • Discharge of red foamy blood;
  • Increased thirst and disorientation.

First aid for a spinal fracture

A spinal fracture is one of the most dangerous injuries, since as a result it can damage the spinal cord, which leads to the development of paralysis of the legs or all limbs. Symptoms of a spinal fracture include severe pain in the spine and an inability to turn or bend your back.

When providing first aid for a spinal fracture, the victim should be laid on his back on a hard surface. If the victim is lying on his back during a spinal injury, he should not be lifted by his legs and shoulders so as not to damage the spinal cord. In this case, a board or other hard surface should be carefully placed under the victim, without lifting him from the floor. You can also turn him onto his stomach, making sure that the torso does not bend when lifting.

Transportation to the hospital is allowed only on a solid stretcher, and any available materials can be used for this purpose - a door, a wooden board or boards.

First aid for fractures of the lower extremities

Fractures of the lower leg and ankle are the most common fractures of the lower extremities. As a rule, swelling increases in the area of ​​the fracture immediately after the injury, and the fracture itself is accompanied by severe pain.

When providing first aid, the injured leg must be placed in the correct position by first removing the shoes.

For immobilization, you can use any available means - ski poles, boards or rods, which are placed on the inner and outer surface of the leg. In this case, two joints should be fixed at the same time - ankle and knee.

A knee fracture is extremely painful and is often accompanied by deformity. When providing first aid for fractures, do not try to straighten the knee by force. The victim must be placed in the most comfortable position for him and the fixation strengthened by placing blanket or fabric rolls around the injured leg.

First aid for fractures of the upper limbs

Signs of an arm fracture include pain along the bone, an unnatural shape of the limb, swelling, and atypical mobility in places where there is no joint.

To provide first aid, you should apply splints or “hang” your hand on a scarf to your neck, and then bandage it to your body. You can also apply cold to the injury site.

If the bones of the hand are broken, to provide first aid, you should bandage it to a wide splint that covers the hand from the middle of the forearm to the end of the fingers. The fingers should remain relaxed and slightly bent, and a wad of cotton wool or a bandage should first be placed in the palm of the injured hand.

First aid for jaw fractures

A jaw fracture is usually accompanied by a change in the contours of the soft tissues of the face and difficulty speaking. Typically, when providing first aid for a broken jaw, a bandage is not placed around the head. In case of such a fracture, the victim must be taken to the hospital, while the damaged jaw should be supported with cupped palms.

First aid for a broken collarbone

Signs of a clavicle fracture are acute pain in its area and pronounced swelling.

To provide first aid, place a small wad of gauze, cotton wool or some soft material in the armpit and bandage the arm bent at the elbow at a right angle to the body. You can also put ice or a towel soaked in cold water on the damaged area.

Despite the fact that our bones are strong and can withstand a certain pressure, their fractures, i.e. damage is very common. Such violations of the integrity of bone tissue can vary depending on the complexity - complete or incomplete, closed and open, with or without changes in the form of displacement. If a problem arises, you cannot do without the help of doctors, so you should contact a traumatologist as soon as possible. in case of fractures, it will help prevent complications and improve the condition of the victim before the doctors arrive.

How to determine whether a bone is broken or not

The speed of detection of a fracture is the key to proper treatment and quick recovery. Such damage may be indicated by:

  • intense pain in the area of ​​injury;
  • violation of the joint shape or bone structure;
  • loss of limb functionality;
  • excessive mobility of the arms or legs;
  • audibility of crunching in bone fragments during palpation.

There are also external signs of damage. These include swelling in the soft tissues located above the fracture, as well as the appearance of hemorrhages. If the damage is open, the wound will be lacerated and bone fragments can be found in it.

If a child is injured, it is necessary to ask him to move a limb or finger. If there is pain or difficulty making a movement, a fracture is confirmed. However, you can reliably verify this type of damage using x-ray results.

First aid for open and closed fractures

If you meet a victim with a fracture, then you need to take three main actions:

  1. For complete immobilization, fixation is performed by applying a splint or splint. Cardboard and flat boards can be used. The splint is not applied directly to the skin. There should be at least one layer of fabric or other soft material between it and the body.
  2. The bandage should be secured with a bandage.
  3. If possible, apply ice to the damaged area.

If damage to the limbs occurs, the bandage for fixation should be applied to cover 2 or more joints on both sides of the fracture site. If the anatomical features do not allow the installation of a splint, then the bone is fixed to the body, as, for example, if the collarbone or finger is damaged.

Victims with a hip fracture are not moved, but left in a horizontal position. Problems with the pelvic bone require placing the person on his back in the frog position. If the ribs are injured, then bandage the chest with a height at the level of exhalation.

A spinal fracture becomes a serious problem. In this case, it is necessary to lay the victim with his back on a leveled plane and immobilize him. When already in a horizontal position, the board is slipped under the person without moving the body.

In case of an open fracture, it is important to comply with the following conditions:

  • you cannot insert bone fragments yourself;
  • the wound is treated with an antiseptic;
  • if intense bleeding is observed, it is stopped by applying a tourniquet;
  • a sterile bandage is placed on the wound;
  • the damaged area is immobilized.

It is sometimes difficult for young patients to tell where they feel pain. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine the condition of the victim and identify the location of the fracture.

The sequence of action is similar to that for injuries to adult patients. Since they are not very resistant to pain, after immobilizing the damaged part of the body, you should immediately consult a doctor.

First aid for sprained limbs

Appears as a result of injury to the limbs, due to a sharp muscle contraction, after physical impact, or when parents excessively stretch the child’s arm. The injury is accompanied by a specific pop and the appearance of pain with limited movement. Articular deformation is observed, swelling appears.

In the process of providing assistance you need to:

  1. Immobilize the limb using a splint on the joint.
  2. Apply cold, excluding heat and compresses.
  3. Pain relief with an analgesic.
  4. Treat the bruise with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

The main condition effective treatment fracture is to promptly consult a doctor for medical help. After the manipulation, medications with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and decongestant effects are prescribed. At the next stage, the patient is often sent home, where folk remedies can be taken to speed up recovery.

Common Mistakes

There is an important rule in providing first aid - do not harm the victim. The following mistakes should be avoided:

  1. If an accident occurs or a person falls from a height, then you should not touch him or move him unnecessarily.
  2. You cannot set dislocations or return bones to their original location.
  3. When immobilizing, remember that forcible straightening of the limb is not allowed.
  4. If you don't know how to apply a tourniquet correctly, don't do it. Minor bleeding can be stopped with a tight bandage, finger compression, or tamponing. When applying a tourniquet, observe the duration of clamping.
  5. If there is an open fracture, do not touch the bone fragments. Foreign objects should not be removed from wounds.
  6. In case of injuries to the spine, hip bone, or skull, extreme caution should be taken.


Immediately after an injury, several important rules must be followed. It is important to identify a fracture in a timely manner, since often the signs can be similar to a dislocation or bruise, and several days pass before going to the hospital. It is necessary to clearly know the symptoms. Of course, its manifestation will depend on the complexity of the injury, but you should pay attention to deformation disorders, unnatural condition, excessive bone mobility, pain in the injury area and the appearance of swelling with hemorrhage.

When performing first aid procedures, it is necessary to take measures to restore integrity, stop blood loss, treat the wound with antiseptic substances and immobilize the limb. After this, the patient will need to be transported to a medical facility.

A cracked or broken bone (no matter where: in the arm, leg, ribs, pelvis...) is not always obvious. Meanwhile, its sharp edges, hidden under the skin and inside tissues, can disrupt the integrity of large blood vessels or even pierce vital organs. Therefore, although in most cases fractures are not life-threatening, it is better not to joke with them. They always Fractures (broken bones) require professional medical attention.

Depending on the severity of the injury, you must either go to the emergency room or call an ambulance.

How to tell if it's a bone fracture

Often it is disguised as ordinary bruises or minor injuries. But there are signs Understanding Bone Fractures - Symptoms, which indicate a fracture. Here they are:

  1. You just fell, got hit hard, or were injured in some other way.
  2. The damaged area is very painful, especially when moving.
  3. Sometimes the pain is moderate, but the injured area goes numb.
  4. A large purple bruise appeared (this is a sign of extensive hemorrhage) and swelling.
  5. There is a visible deformation: the arm, leg, finger take an unnatural position or acquire an unhealthy bend. A very obvious symptom is when a broken bone breaks through the skin and its sharp edges are visible to the naked eye.
  6. When the skin ruptures, severe bleeding occurs.

It is not necessary that all of the listed symptoms coincide. For example, with an injury to the ribs or pelvis, the deformity may not be noticeable, although a fracture in these areas is extremely dangerous. But, if you counted at least four points, most likely it is him. We need to take urgent measures.

When to call an ambulance

You can understand that a fracture is life-threatening based on a number of signs:

  1. The bone has pierced the skin, fragments are visible.
  2. The bleeding is very profuse, or the subcutaneous hematoma is rapidly growing. This is a symptom that a person is losing a lot of blood.
  3. Even a light touch to the affected area causes severe pain.
  4. The limb or joint appears obviously deformed.
  5. Fingers, hands or feet become numb to the point of complete loss of sensation and/or turn blue.
  6. The victim does not respond to questions, does not breathe or does not move.
  7. You suspect that the injury may have damaged the bones of the neck, head, or back.

Even if the injury seems minor to you and, after checking the symptoms, you only suspect a fracture, we remind you: at least a visit to the emergency room or to a traumatologist is mandatory.

Only a specialist can assess the real extent of the damage and eliminate the danger to vital vessels, nerve endings or organs. This will most likely require an x-ray.

How to provide first aid for a fracture

The sequence of actions may vary depending on the specific situation. If a person screams in pain, first he needs to be given a painkiller. If the sensations are tolerable, but a lot of blood flows from the wound, then first of all you should apply a tourniquet and only after that proceed to other points.

Calm down

To overcome shock, it is important for both the victim and those who help him to breathe correctly - deeply and measuredly. Remember: very soon doctors will take care of the fracture.

Try not to move the damaged area

While you are waiting for an ambulance or going to the emergency room, try to keep the injured part of your body still.

If there is a suspected fracture of the bones of the neck, head or back, movement is prohibited! Otherwise, new injuries are possible.

Stop the bleeding

If it exists. Apply a sterile bandage or clean cloth (this could be clothing) to the wound to block any leaking blood.

If we are talking about the limbs, you can use a hemostatic tourniquet. Use it to tighten your arm or leg a few centimeters above the wound.

Apply a splint

If the limbs are injured, try to immobilize the joints above and below the site of the suspected fracture as much as possible. As a rule, for this purpose a splint is applied - a board, a ruler, a rod, a rolled up magazine or newspapers...

The splint must be secured tightly, but not tightly, with bandages, tape or tape. You can see how to do this in this simple video:

Reduce pain

You can give - the most powerful of those available to you. For example, based on ibuprofen, paracetamol or ketorolac.

To reduce swelling and relieve pain, apply an ice pack wrapped in a thin towel or other piece of cloth to the injured area.

What not to do if you have a fracture

  1. Try to straighten the bone or, if it sticks out, push it back.
  2. Deliver the victim to the emergency room or to an ambulance according to the principle “as long as it’s faster.” Even if we are talking about a damaged finger, transportation should be as gentle as possible so as not to accidentally aggravate the situation.
  3. Trying to give painkillers or water to a person who is fainting may cause them to choke.
  4. Ignore the fracture (they are listed in the first section) and hope that it will pass. Even if vital organs and blood vessels are not affected, the injury can affect the nerve endings, which subsequently develops into impaired mobility and chronic pain.


It is useful for everyone to know what emergency care should be for fractures, since his life may depend on it. Injury lower limb– this is a consequence of an industrial or domestic injury, in the event of which it is important for the injured party to help in a timely manner, through coordinated actions to prevent complications.

What to do if you have a fracture

On the Internet you can find a huge number of videos that show in detail the algorithm for providing first aid in case of open or closed fractures. If everything is done correctly, there is a chance to prevent the patient’s painful shock and damage to the integrity of the soft tissues. Timely provision of first aid for fractures promotes rapid restoration of the damaged bone and reduces the risk of displacement of such hard structures.

What to do if you have a fracture

Actions must be quick and coordinated, but the main thing is to understand what to do. For example, the first step is to exclude any movements of the victim, and be sure to immobilize the suspected focus of the pathology. Otherwise, the clinical picture only gets worse. Before helping with a fracture, it is important to make sure that the bone is injured.

To do this, listen carefully to the patient’s complaints, in which he reports the inability to move the injured arm or leg, an acute attack of pain, and other symptoms. There is no doubt that this is most likely a fracture. If no visible wound on the body is visualized, it is closed; and in case of violation of the integrity of the skin and bleeding - open.

What not to do for fractures

When applying a splint to a damaged area of ​​the skeleton, it is important not to attempt to arbitrarily set the bone. Otherwise, the injured person experiences a painful shock, and the soft tissues are injured and bleeding begins. In order not to aggravate the clinical picture, in case of first aid it would not hurt to find out what should not be done in case of a fracture. So:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to transport a patient without first applying a splint to firmly fix the affected area.
  2. You should not use dubious alternative medicine to treat fractures, since the patient needs the help of a certified traumatologist.
  3. You cannot ignore the signs of a fracture, referring to a simple bruise. This problem does not go away on its own, but improperly fused bones lead to serious health problems.
  4. To fix the splint, it is better to use thick material or bandages, but not tape or other sticky surfaces.
  5. It is not recommended to avoid medical assistance, since one of the mandatory measures successful treatment fractures is the application of plaster.

How to determine a bruise or fracture

Some patients doubt that the bone is broken. It’s easier for them to believe that it’s a bruise that will go away after a couple of days. To dispel all doubts and eliminate dangerous delay in this matter, the characteristic symptoms of a fracture are presented below. This:

  • attack of pain at the time of fracture;
  • painful shock when trying to move the damaged area or when transporting the patient;
  • swelling of soft tissues, formation of a hematoma at the site of bone injury;
  • deformation of the affected area;
  • open bleeding (for open fractures).

As for bruises, the pain is temporary and weakens when exposed to cold. The swelling goes away within the first day after the impact, and the joints retain their partial mobility. If the patient is put to bed and adheres to bed rest for at least 24 hours, the next day the positive dynamics are obvious, which cannot be said about closed and, especially, open type fractures.

Immobilization for fractures

The use of rigid restraints for this type of injury is mandatory; this is first aid to the victim. If such an orthopedic device is correctly applied, the patient can be transported without problems, first to an ambulance, and then to the emergency room. After determining the area of ​​damage, immobilization of limbs or other skeletal structures is as follows:

  1. If the femur is injured, the splint is placed on the inside of the injured limb, the ankle and knee joints are fixed. The splint should reach the groin, where a soft cushion should be placed as a stop.
  2. If the shin is broken, it is necessary to prepare two splints - for the outer and inner surface injured limbs, which are tightly bandaged together. Fix the ankle and knee joints.
  3. If the collarbone is broken, prepare a scarf on which to hang the sore arm. When the need to apply a bandage arises, retract the forearm and secure it tightly in this position.
  4. If a rib is broken, a tight bandage is applied to the chest (in the sternum area), but first the victim must be given painkillers and urgently call an ambulance. It is necessary to ensure breathing through the abdominal muscles.
  5. In case of a broken finger, there is no need for a splint, since the fixator becomes the adjacent healthy finger, to which it must be tightly bandaged. Additionally, give the victim a pain reliever.
  6. Fractures of the pelvic bones entail damage to the internal organs of the characteristic zone, so internal bleeding and painful shock in the patient cannot be ruled out. Legs must be spread apart different sides, place a soft cushion of clothing under your knees.
  7. If this is a severe skull injury, it is necessary to stop the bleeding, apply a tight “Cap” bandage to the source of pathology, and then immediately transport the victim to the hospital.
  8. Splinting of the jaw for a fracture is carried out during urgent hospitalization of the patient; unauthorized measures to realign the bone are strictly contraindicated.

Types of transport tires

This is an important means of transport immobilization, which functions as a durable and hard pad. Splints for fractures have different classifications, but one purpose. Traumatologists distinguish the following types:

  • improvised tires (made from scrap materials);
  • specially designed (purchase at a pharmacy).

According to the design features of the tire there are:

  • staircases;
  • pneumatic;
  • plastic.

Providing first aid for fractures

If there is no doubt that this is not a dislocation at all, you need to act quickly. It is necessary to take a board as a material at hand, which can be used to firmly fix the injured bone. Additionally, you will need painkillers, local antiseptics, bandages and cotton wool. If necessary, you can use the participation of another person. First aid for fractures is a guarantee of a quick recovery for the injured party.

First aid for an open fracture

In such a clinical picture, an open wound is visible on the surface of the body, and venous or arterial bleeding is possible. The first step is to prevent large-scale blood loss by the patient, and then immediately carry out immobilization for further transportation of the victim to the emergency room to provide professional medical care. So, you need to do the following:

  1. Disinfect the open wound.
  2. Apply a pressure bandage or tourniquet to avoid large blood losses.
  3. Apply cold to the bruised area to relieve swelling and reduce the intensity of bleeding.
  4. Additionally, give the victim analgesics in the form of Analgin, Tempalgin.
  5. Apply a splint and wait for doctors.
  6. In case of an open fracture with bone displacement, the first step is to exclude unauthorized attempts to straighten the damaged structure.

Providing first aid for a closed fracture

These types of injuries occur at every age, and with proper first aid they do not entail serious orthopedic problems. Distinctive feature injuries - no visible wounds or bleeding. The sequence of first aid for closed fractures is as follows:

  1. Immobilize the damaged bone.
  2. Choose an object that will become a rigid fixator.
  3. Tape it to the damaged area with a bandage or dense material, but do not try to correct the damaged bone structure.
  4. Additionally, apply cold to the sore spot against swelling.
  5. Give the victim an analgesic as a pain reliever.

First aid for a spinal fracture

This is a dangerous injury that can cost a person his life. If done incorrectly and without first aid, the victim may remain disabled forever. PMP consists of immobilizing the patient in a position that provides minimal load on the injured vertebrae. First aid for a spinal fracture includes the following procedure:

  1. Carefully place the victim on a hard surface on his back.
  2. Give a pain reliever.
  3. Place cushions made of dense material (can be made from clothing) under your neck and knees.
  4. Secure the patient's body and then transport him to the traumatology department.

First aid for broken limbs

If you are unlucky enough to injure your hand, even the victim himself can provide first aid to himself. After this, immediately go to the emergency room. Fractures of the limb bones are tightly fixed, and for this it is recommended to use a scarf or bandages. If the forearm is injured, you will need two splints for fixation - on the outer and inner surfaces. The upper limb should be immobilized, and it is important to reduce the load as much as possible.

What to do if you have a broken rib

Damaging the chest is especially dangerous, since several important organs and systems are concentrated in its cavity. Providing first aid for rib fractures must be timely, since internal damage and large-scale hemorrhage cannot be ruled out. It is important to understand that the focus of the pathology must be immobilized, and the ribs move when breathing.

It is necessary to apply a tight bandage of elastic bandages to the chest. In the absence of such, you can use a sheet or other dense material, which is secured with a belt. After such manipulations, the patient will immediately experience long-awaited relief, as he will begin to breathe through the abdominal muscles. Then he urgently needs to be taken to a traumatology department, preferably in a horizontal body position.

Assisting with a clavicle fracture

This is a dangerous place that is difficult to capture. First aid for fractures shoulder girdle consists of placing a small cushion under the arm and hanging the affected arm on a scarf. In this case, it is important to tape the injured limb to the body with bandages, and transport the victim to the traumatology department in a sitting position. Otherwise, displacement cannot be ruled out. First aid for a clavicle fracture should be provided by a physician.

Assisting with a hip fracture

If you are unlucky enough to damage your femurs, the first thing you need to do is immobilize the person. To do this, lie on your back on a hard base and be sure to give pain relief. To provide first aid for a hip fracture, you need to perform the following simple manipulations:

  1. Place two identical splints on the sore leg and wrap them tightly together with a bandage for further transportation of the patient.
  2. If there are none, tape the larger limb to the healthy one, but first place pads made of a thick layer of cotton wool between the bones of the feet and knees.
  3. Transport the victim exclusively in a horizontal position. Upon arrival, the first thing doctors can do is use special inflatable tires.

Video: Types of fractures and assistance

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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First aid for fractures and their types. How to provide first aid and immobilize the patient