The “buffet (line)” (Smorgasbord) form of consumer service is widely used in hotel restaurant establishments for organizing breakfasts, brunches, lunches, and dinners. The name "buffet" is universal and combines both terms. Most often, the concept of “buffet” refers to a line of specialized self-service counters, which are made to order and are integral elements of the interior design of a restaurant establishment. The main difference between a buffet and a self-service counter line is that here the quantity and weight of a serving of each dish is not limited for the consumer. The term "buffet" refers to a temporary structure on which all dishes, drinks, and necessary tabletop equipment are placed to keep certain dishes hot. Tables with specialized sections for short-term storage and display of dishes and products on the “buffet line” are mounted in a straight or broken line, in accordance with the interior of the restaurant (Fig. 3.56).

Rice. 3.56. "Swedish line"

They can be stationary or mobile. To speed up service, the line can be installed with one- or two-way access from consumers. The distance between the buffet and the eating area in a restaurant hall or cafe must be at least 1.5 m.

Buffets can also be of non-traditional sizes and configurations: round, oval, square or rectangular.

To organize a buffet, a separate room or part of it is allocated. Information about the opening hours of the buffet, breakfast (lunch, dinner), and product range is posted in a prominent place.

The assortment of products on the “buffet line” is placed on the table in the appropriate order, first an assortment of juices, soft drinks, then dairy products, butter, margarine and oil mixtures, salads and vinaigrettes, cold dishes from fish, meat, poultry. Above the counters with cold snacks, a shelf can be placed on which bakery products (including those made in-house) are placed in baskets covered with linen napkins. Baskets with regular, national and dietary types of bread are placed at the end of the buffet line so that consumers can take into account the selected dishes. Sauces and spices are placed either next to the corresponding dishes or in a separate place in the buffet. To prepare hot snacks, a tabletop or mobile stove is installed in the line. To keep soups or main courses hot, the line includes counters with built-in food warmers with space for gastronorm containers, or when organizing a buffet - with tabletop food warmers Chafing-Dishes (shafendishams). Mobile heating trolleys are installed for the corresponding utensils.

When organizing a buffet, in the absence of appropriate equipment, buffet tables or special tables are installed. In this case, the length of one line is 3-4 m, width - 1.5-2 m, height - 0.75-0.9 m. Tables are covered with a white or other color tablecloth and a “skirt” is created of the appropriate length (0.5 cm from the floor). To save space, use suitable dishes (rectangular, triangular, square, multi-story, shelf type, etc.), create a slide in the middle of the table along its axis or in the form of stairs (two or three) when placed near the wall and with a one-sided approach.

The buffet selection depends on the service time (breakfast, lunch, dinner). In the morning, it is recommended to use one of the options for the weekly menu of continental breakfasts: breakfast cereals (cereals), muesli, corflakes, fish gastronomy (herring, sprats, cold and hot smoked fish), meat gastronomy (ham, boiled pork, sausage, sausages, etc.). etc.), natural vegetables, salads and vinaigrettes, pancakes, pancakes, casseroles, different types of hard and soft cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurts, kefir, fermented baked milk, milk (cold and hot), cream, egg dishes, milk porridges, pastries, tea, coffee, cocoa, etc. Sets for transferring are laid out on multi-serving dishes - table forks and spoons, spatulas, tongs, etc.

During breakfast, a steam table is placed on the table for heating eggs, in which shot glasses made of refractory material and a toaster are mounted.

The lunch menu includes 12-16 types of cold appetizers, 2-3 types of soups, 4-6 main courses, sauces, desserts (jelly, creams, compotes, fruits), pastries, hot drinks, juices and specialty drinks.

The dinner buffet menu includes 8-10 cold appetizers, 4-6 main courses, sauces, dessert, including fruits, pastries and hot drinks.

Range of dishes and culinary products belongs to change according to the days of the week and spend the weeks national cuisine(domestic and cuisines of residents of the hotel complex). It is advisable to organize a separate dessert table for dessert, flour confectionery, hot drinks, on which stacks of dessert plates, tea and coffee cups with saucers, dessert, fruit sets, napkins, rearrangement sets, vases, cake racks, dishes with a lid made of transparent material, sockets for jam, etc. For hot water, it is advisable to use electric kettles, electric samovars, thermoses, boilers, and the like.

Preliminary table setting depends on the type of service (breakfast, lunch, dinner). Bottles of non-carbonated mineral water or jugs of melted water, salad bowls with ice (in summer) on a pie (snack) plate with a linen napkin are also placed on the tables.

During lunch or dinner, the hall can organize the sale of drinks and tobacco products for cash through the bar counter or using mobile carts.

To serve a buffet in a restaurant, teams of cooks or waiters are created. Each worker who is part of the team performs a specific job (setting tables, receiving and replenishing the assortment of dishes and snacks during breakfasts, lunches, dinners, preparing hot dishes, setting the dessert table and replenishing it with dessert dishes and hot drinks, cleaning used dishes and etc.).

The buffet operates on a self-service basis. At the beginning of the line, the consumer takes a tray, places it on the guide lines of the table (or counters), selects snacks and dishes and moves along the self-service line, accepting dishes with the help of cooks. Next, he sits down at the prepared table. Dessert and hot drinks are chosen independently. At the consumer's request, the waiter can serve him at the table.

The advantage of this form of service is to speed up the service for tourists and other residents of the hotel complex. On average, guests spend 15-20 minutes on breakfast; for lunch, dinner - 25-30 min. Breakfast on the buffet, if this is the main and only service, is organized from 7.00 to 11.00. When organizing other types of meals, the following operating hours are established: breakfast - from 8.00 to 10.00, lunch - from 12.00 to 15.00, dinner - from 18.00 to 20.00.

Cooks and waiters bear collective (team) responsibility. The financially responsible person receives snacks, dishes, hot drinks from the cold and hot shops, flour culinary and confectionery products from the confectionery shop, and products from the bar according to daily collection sheets, which are issued in duplicate and signed by the director, chief or senior accountant. The first copy is given to the person who received the product, the second remains with the production manager. The financially responsible person submits the collection sheets to the accounting department with an attached receipt for the delivery of proceeds.

History claims that some Russian innkeepers organized a service in their establishments that was similar in concept to the current buffet: a visitor to the inn, for a fixed fee, could choose any of the dishes displayed on the table. In the 18th century, an innovative service technology in Sweden acquired the name “sandwich table”, and then spread throughout the world. Nowadays, a buffet is one of the most common forms of serving breakfast in hotels, a favorite way to hold brunches and banquets in restaurants.
The following service schemes are traditionally adopted at public catering establishments:
1) Order a la carte(a la carte) - the traditional organization of the work of restaurants and cafes, when the service is exclusively individual.
2) Buffet— the client himself can choose the snacks and dishes he likes from those presented on a specially arranged buffet (table, serving line), put them on a plate in the required quantity and bring them to his table.
3) Buffet(translated from French as “fork”) - all kinds of dishes are prepared and served in such a way that their portioning and consumption does not require any other cutlery other than a fork. A buffet usually involves free movement around the hall.
4) Distribution line- on one side there is a client with a plate, and on the other there is a cook, ready to serve him what he chooses. Most often, this form of service is used in canteens of various organizations and in rest homes. The advantages of this scheme are that the client can receive advice on the composition of dishes and benefit from the help of a chef.

Buffets have deservedly gained popularity primarily in hotel restaurants, since this is the fastest form of customer service, which can significantly save visitors’ time. The second advantage is that the buffet allows you to visually evaluate the menu, the composition and consistency of the dish, the smell and appearance. Another advantage is that the serving size of the dish you like is limited only by the size of the plate. The right of choice is an important prerogative that the client can count on - the buffet provides it in full. In addition, the law of the human psyche comes into play here: it’s nice to think that you got more than you paid for - and that’s exactly the feeling the buffet leaves. This is often the restaurateur’s marketing ploy - to allow guests to get to know the restaurant in one way or another and then attract them there with la carte service.

Existing standards in Europe determine the minimum amount that should be spent on food per person per day, but they are all recommendations in nature, and the last word in determining costs remains with the hotel owner. From the main criterion for evaluating a buffet follows a less reliable, but still relevant criterion of seasonality. For example, a small 4* hotel with 100 rooms spends an average of 5 euros per guest on breakfast. Considering that two people live in each room, it is easy to calculate: when the hotel is packed to capacity during high season, you can see on the table food and drinks purchased for the amount of plus or minus 1,000 euros. However, at 40 percent occupancy of the hotel, the price of the buffet drops to 400 euros. Maintaining the range and quality of dishes with such arithmetic is quite difficult.

Organizing meals on the buffet principle is convenient when serving large groups of visitors, participants in conferences, congresses, etc. On average, 15-20 minutes are spent on breakfast, 25-30 minutes on lunch and dinner. When served, visitors do not have to wait for the ordered dishes and the bill. To organize a buffet, a separate room or a part of it convenient for service is allocated. Information about opening hours and the cost of breakfast, lunch or dinner is posted in a prominent place at the cash register. The assortment of the buffet depends on the time of meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and includes a variety of dishes, which allows each consumer to create his own diet. If necessary, the restaurant can provide clients with special (dietary and vegetarian) dishes. To organize a buffet, special commercial and technological equipment from various foreign and domestic companies is used, which includes:
* counter for trays;
* refrigerated counter for cold and sweet dishes;
* counters-bain-marie counters for soups and main hot dishes;
* counter for hot drinks;
* trolleys with squeezing devices;
* counter for cutlery, etc.
Visitors, taking a tray from a special table located at the entrance to the hall, select and portion food on their own, but if necessary, they are assisted by a consulting chef.
Now we can say that buffets are popular both in family restaurants and in beer clubs; salad bars have become widespread in snack bars and pizzerias. To be fair, we note that almost all establishments have their own restrictions, be it a limitation on the number of approaches or other additional conditions. But, of course, such a service scheme is that rare case when both the client is satisfied and the owner is profitable.

Whether for a formal occasion or for friends, buffet food is easy to prepare, easy to serve and should be easy to eat too. Your approach to organizing a buffet should be practical so that everything goes smoothly.

menu options

The buffet menu can have two or three courses, or a portion of appetizers that are placed on the table at the same time. Show the menu or explain to guests what to expect and encourage self-service. Although the dishes should go well together, a buffet is a rare pleasure, so balanced, low-calorie and healthy dishes are not the most important thing.

If you're hosting a buffet with alternating courses, serve the first course on a separate table and place the main courses on the main table to avoid confusion about what to eat first. When there are relatively few guests (10-20), it is easier to serve the first course on small plates with appropriate cutlery. They can be placed on a side table or distributed from trays.

For a stylish main course, choose one or two recipes and add a few main sides, such as butter mashed potatoes, rice, pasta or couscous. To avoid huge portions, limit yourself to one or two salads that highlight the taste of the main dish.

When serving just appetizers rather than a change of course, choose dishes that are distinct rather than complementary. However, make sure that there are no incompatible foods, as guests usually try to try everything, not just a couple of dishes.

Desserts are unlikely to be confused with hot dishes, so they can be placed at the far end of the table and pushed to the center when the plates are cleared.

Cheeses can be confused with main courses, so if you want the board with cheeses to be a separate dish, for example, with wine, place the board with cheeses and appetizers on a separate table.

practical ideas for buffet dishes

There's nothing worse than struggling in vain with food on your knees, balancing a glass of wine and maintaining an intelligent conversation. To prevent this from happening, try to follow a few rules:

  • All ingredients should be finely chopped or easily cut with a fork.
  • Choose dishes that are easy to pick up with a fork - unless, of course, you want to pick up green peas throughout the house after guests leave.
  • Juicy dishes work well, but too much thin sauce is difficult to eat and risks ending up on the floor or carpet.

    best products

    The following products are always popular:

  • Baked pasta, such as lasagna or cannelloni. In addition to meat fillings, you can make fillings from vegetables, seafood, poultry, and ricotta.
  • Dishes of small pieces in slightly thickened sauces - curry with lamb or chicken, beef Bourguignon, boneless coco van, ratatouille...
  • Minced meat dishes - chilli con carne, moussaka and meatballs in tomato sauce.
  • Juicy dishes with rice, such as risotto, rice salad in a light creamy sauce.
  • Potato salad with creamy dressing, coleslaw, tomato and mozzarella salad.
  • Unsweetened mousses, seafood and vegetable soufflés, delicate egg dishes, aspic.


    Desserts are often forgotten about at buffets, which is a shame as there are many very tempting options. Small ramekins or dessert cups work especially well, although they take up a lot of space. The most practical ones are large vases with a common dessert from which everyone can take a spoon.

  • Fruit salads, creamy and fruit desserts.
  • Light pies ready dough(puff or filo) with soft cheese, fruit, nuts or chocolate.
  • Airy meringues, velvety chocolate desserts in portioned molds, delicate desserts with whipped cream
  • Miniature portions of desserts - small cheesecakes or cottage cheese casseroles, individual sponge cakes, small shortbread cookies or baskets with fruit fillings.

    see also

  • Chapter:
    Sandwiches daily and holidays
    37th page

    What's the best way to set the table? The best and most enjoyable thing for training is to set the table for coffee and tea. Why?

    Firstly, beautiful sets - it’s interesting to choose tablecloths and napkins for them.

    Secondly, it is interesting to group vases with sweets, cookies, cakes, halva, pieces of cake or waffles on the table.

    Try choosing two or three “settings” for the same coffee (or tea) set and show your family or friends which one they like best.

    It's good to train and cover the cold so-called buffet- cold small appetizers, small salads, sandwiches, drinks. The difference between this table is that there is no need to provide each guest with a personal utensil: the plates are stacked on the buffet table, the knives, forks and spoons are “in a pile”, and the guests serve themselves, taking turns and approaching as needed. table.

    All you have to do is choose a tablecloth and beautifully prepare and arrange the food.

    It is better to train not alone, but with friends: one head is good, but two or three are better. And now watch films and magazines more carefully: no, no, yes, they will show you a beautifully set table or an interestingly decorated dish; use every idea, and you will have no equal in matters of table setting, and this is the most important art after culinary art. Welcoming guests at home is one thing. What if in the summer, at the dacha? It's even more fun and interesting!

    Buffet table setting.

    See page section:
    The table is decorated not only with beautifully selected tablecloths, napkins, and sets. The table is decorated with the served dishes and snacks.

    For example, we serve cheese for breakfast. Cheese serving options:
    a) cut into thin, translucent slices with a cheese slicer and place on a plate like a fan;
    b) put a leaf of parsley, cilantro or a sprig of dill on the “fan”;
    c) next to the greens or instead of them on the “fan” we place a slice of tomato, red or green bell pepper;
    d) cut the cheese into bars or cubes and stick a special colored plastic fork into each;
    e) take an apple and make a “hedgehog” out of it: stick decorative colored forks with cheese cubes on the sides;
    e) put the cheese cut into cubes “sun”, and put black olives or green olives in the center, etc. - there can be as many options as you like.

    Another example of how best to serve bread. It is better to cut the bread thinly, into equal slices. If the loaf is small, it is placed on wooden board and cut into thin slices. You can serve it this way if there are no guests or if the guests are very close people. If the loaf is large, it is cut on a board into equal thin slices, they are cut further in half crosswise, transferred to a special plate and placed on the edge of the table. Or cut a piece 10-15 cm thick from a large loaf, and then cut slices from it in the same way as from a small loaf.

    You should not put a lot of bread on one plate: it is better to spread it on two plates.

    If several types of bread are served at the table (and different colors), then it is more beautiful to put several slices of all varieties on the same plate (for example, slices of white, black and gray bread or white, black, white).

    Bread looks best in a special wicker bread basket.

    Options for serving a buffet table.

    Place butter in a butter dish or on small plates. The butter can be served as a block, a whole square, it can be whipped and served as a cream, you can cut out various figures (balls, stars, roses) from a piece of butter, you can cut the butter into shavings with a special knife.

    Sausage, especially dry sausage, is cut very thinly and slightly diagonally so that the slices are long: they are placed on a dish or plate in a roller or in rows (flat). On the same dish you can put different types of sausage, thinly sliced ​​ham, arranging them in rows, rollers, triangles, squares. Boiled sausage is cut into thicker slices (and boiled meat is the same) so that they do not crumble, the jelly is served laid out from the mold, making sure to remove any congealed fat from it.

    For breakfast or dinner, boiled eggs are served covered with a napkin to keep them warm, or in a special warm “warmer”. Scrambled eggs are served in the same container in which they were fried, if possible.

    Herring and dishes made from it are served in special herring bowls. If the dish is prepared with a rich marinade, it is served in a deep herring bowl or a small salad bowl.

    The fish is served on a flat oval dish. Caviar - in special dishes or on very small plates. Caviar is usually not decorated: it is elegant on its own.

    Smoked or salted fish is served sliced ​​diagonally, garnished with lemon slices or herbs (preferably lemon).

    Small smoked fish is served whole or cut into pieces, but it is not recommended for a special occasion.

    Canned fish are carefully transferred from the jar to a plate or dish; they can be decorated with herbs.

    Vegetables, if they are small, are served whole; large ones are cut into slices.

    On each dish you need to put a spoon or a fork for serving, and sometimes both, since you should not take food with your spoon or fork (or knife) from a common dish.

    Dishes are placed evenly on the table. It is believed that it is better to group them by color.

    Serving sandwiches for a buffet table.

    1. Salad with cucumber slices
    Red onion - 1 pc., celery stalk - 1 pc., shrimp - 250-300 g, mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l., unsweetened yogurt - 1 tbsp. l., fresh cucumber - 400 g, a few arugula leaves, green onions for decoration, salt and pepper to taste.
    Chop the onion and celery very finely. Chop onion and celery into one bowl. Add boiled peeled shrimp there. Season with mayonnaise and yogurt, salt and pepper to taste. Cut the cucumbers into slices about 8 mm thick or, if the cucumber is thin, into long slices and place on a dish and add salt. Place a leaf of arugula on each cucumber slice and top with a pile of shrimp salad. Sprinkle finely chopped green onions on top.

    2. Buffet salad
    Grate the raw carrots into thin slices. Place two slices of carrots side by side, add a salad of grated cheese, boiled egg, garlic, mayonnaise and herbs. Secure with skewers and sprinkle with Korean carrot seasoning.

    3. Cheese snack
    Grated processed cheese mix with a finely grated boiled egg, add garlic and mayonnaise. Form into balls and roll in finely chopped dill.

    4. Canapes with curd paste
    Mix curd cream, grated sausage cheese, crushed garlic, herbs, mayonnaise. To pieces rye bread spread the prepared pasta.

    5. Refreshing snack.
    Cut a lemon slice in half, place a slice of avocado and a spoonful of black caviar on top. Decorate with greens.

    6. Lavash rolls with caviar
    Mix a package of soft Viola cheese with sour cream and finely chopped herbs. Spread on thin pita bread. Spread red caviar on top. Roll it up, wrap it in film, and put it in the refrigerator overnight. Before serving, cut diagonally.

    7. Fish canapés
    Spread a mixture of chopped herring, red onions, dill and soft cream cheese. Garnish with caviar or herbs.

    8. Hot sandwiches
    Grate hard cheese on a fine grater, add herbs, raw egg, mix everything. Spread the finished mixture onto pieces of bread and place in a hot frying pan with a small amount vegetable oil spread mixture down. When the cheese is browned, turn over and fry the other side of the sandwich.

    9. Light toast with cheese
    Fry the toast, spread with butter, add a square piece of cheese, green peas and a sprig of parsley.

    10. Original fruit toasts
    Place a round slice of canned pineapple on a piece of toast and a slice of cheese on top. Place in the oven for 5 minutes at 200 degrees. Place a cherry in the cavity and garnish with pine nuts.

    11. Holiday sandwiches
    Cut off the crusts of a slice of white bread, grease the sides and top with butter. Dip the edges in chopped dill, add pieces of red fish and garnish with lemon. Fish can be replaced with red caviar.

    Figured mini-sandwiches for buffets
    Using shaped molds or a knife, using a stencil cut out of whatman paper, we cut out various figures (for example, hearts) from slices of bread.
    If desired, the cut out slices of bread can be lightly fried in oil and allowed to cool.
    Brush the top and sides of the bread slices with butter. Roll the sides generously in finely chopped herbs.
    Place a little caviar on top of the butter, place a thin slice of lemon, plant a rose out of the butter and decorate with a leaf of greenery.
    For curly sandwiches, you can use all sorts of other products depending on your taste and availability. For example, see page .

    Setting a buffet table outdoors.

    At picnics and any country receptions, sandwiches or bread with products suitable for sandwiches are very appropriate.

    Fresh air, sun, even a light breeze, as well as swimming in a lake or river stimulate the appetite, so you need to stock up on food in advance and properly.

    For such a case, it is best to make large high-calorie sandwiches and put them on top of each other to make “towers”, make puff sandwiches or prepare “match” snacks.

    It is better to use vegetables raw, whole, as if they had just been picked from the garden, and in some cases, if you are organizing a holiday at your dacha during the season, this will happen.

    Products can be beautifully laid out on a table set on an open or closed veranda, on the grass and even on the sand, on the shore.

    For fun, you can distribute sandwiches and other products in different places: for example, put them in boxes made of colored paper, similar to lanterns or bird feeders, and hang them on bushes and trees.

    You can come up with different games and drawings, for example, who will collect the most boxes of the same color or who will be the fastest to make a rainbow from boxes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple flowers; You can place one or two among the boxes with prizes - sweets, or leave them empty - for a draw, or insert a piece of paper with a task or a riddle - in a word, everyone can come up with something.

    It is very beautiful, practical and convenient if the products for such a holiday are placed in low and wide wicker flower baskets with long handles. Such baskets look like trays, and you can beautifully arrange sandwiches in them (in the center), and on the side - piles of radishes, young carrots, herbs, cucumbers, tomatoes, green onions with white heads, bunches of berries, apples, pears, plums, etc. p.

    Other products - meat and fish, hard cheese - do not have to be placed on bread, they can be served separately, but butter and pates must be spread on the bread in advance.

    And, of course, don’t forget the special drinks that go with the sandwiches.

    If one of the local residents visits you during a picnic,
    don't forget to treat him.

    For children from broccoli and matches or suitable sticks
    you can build a fun toy.

    In the dense forest in New Year's Eve, if you're lucky,
    You can join the 12 month picnic.

    a) the cheese is not cut in advance, as the pieces dry out and lose their taste and aroma;
    b) before putting the cheese in the refrigerator, it must be wrapped in a special film - foil, or in polyethylene, or in foil - the cheese dries quickly in paper;
    c) in the refrigerator, cheese is stored in the place furthest from the freezer. If there is no refrigerator or it is full, the cheese can be stored in a clean cloth (linen or calico) moistened with salt water;
    d) hard cheese can be stored at home for no more than 10 days, soft cheese - 2-3 days. On boxes of Camembert, cream cheese, and on some cheese wrappers, production dates and exact shelf life are indicated that must be observed. Such cheeses cannot be stored unsealed for more than two days.
    Processed cheeses have different shelf life depending on the type, but they must be carefully covered with foil, since the sections of such cheeses very quickly harden, become oily and turn yellow.

    Canned food:
    a) after opening the jar, compotes should be poured into a dry glass container, in which they should be stored, but not for long: they should be used as quickly as possible - within one day. Enameled or porcelain dishes are also suitable;
    b) it is better not to put the products removed from the brine back, because this can spoil all the pickles;
    c) the rule for jam, marmalade and jellies: first we finish one jar, then we start on the second. We take the jam from the jar each time with an absolutely clean and dry spoon so that it does not spoil.

    It is better to fry all types of sausages, with the exception of completely fresh ones, as well as leftover sausages before use, especially in summer, over low heat in vegetable or butter for 15 minutes. You can easily get poisoned by fresh sausage, because the spices added to it take away the smell of the meat, and it is not always possible to determine by the smell whether the sausage is of high quality. So it's better to be safe. It’s even better not to buy kilograms of sausage, but to buy hermetically sealed, cut several pieces: it’s more reliable.

    Milk is preserved better if it is boiled. Moreover, in winter, before boiling, you need to add a little sugar to it (half a tablespoon per 1 liter of milk), and in summer - soda on the tip of a knife.

    It is better not to store the salad, but to prepare it before serving. Well, if that doesn’t work out, remember: it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two hours.

    Greens that have been sorted but not washed should be placed in a plastic bag along with two unpeeled onions, but cut into four parts. The greens will be fresh for two months, you just need to take them out of the bag every 4-5 days, wipe the bag dry and replace the onions with fresh ones - also unpeeled and cut into four parts. If there is not a lot of greenery, you can put only one onion.

    Summer tomatoes can be stored until January. To do this, in the fall you need to select green, healthy, strong fruits. Wrap each tomato in paper (not newspaper!!!), place in a box or basket lined with straw, and store at a temperature of plus 11-13°C in a dark place.

    Radishes will not shrink and will keep for several days if you wrap them in a wet towel or put them in a plastic bag and keep them in the refrigerator.

    Sew a bag out of linen and put it there. onion skins, then garlic and keep the bag in a cool place (you can at the very bottom of the refrigerator).

    Pies, cupcakes, rolls that are left over from the holiday can be preserved if desired, wrapped in plastic and placed in the freezer. After defrosting, they remain fresh, tasty and soft (for greater effect, you can also reheat them in the oven in a covered pan).

    a) they stay fresh for a long time if you keep them in a large jar of water and change the water every day;
    b) if you wrap a lemon in tissue or parchment paper and place it in dry, clean sand, it will keep for several months.

    Sandwich miracle of nature:
    Wild fox builds a multi-layer sandwich (sandwich)
    from the bread and sausage that people gave her

    Making a variety of shaped sandwiches together with children is an excellent family activity for developing children's motor skills, nurturing a penchant for creativity and strengthening family ties.

    Sandwiches can be prepared on crackers - round, square, rectangular.
    You can put anything on them according to your taste and the availability of products.
    The sandwiches shown above use three types. topping(i.e. what you put on the sandwich):
    1. With salmon
    The salmon fillet is marinated for about an hour in a mixture of lemon and orange juice, then cut into pieces, herbs and the remaining orange pieces are added.
    2. With tomatoes and olives
    We cut cherry tomatoes into quarters and season them with olive oil, herbs and a little vinegar. We also cut the olives and mix with garlic. Then we combine everything and put it on crackers.
    3. With cheese
    Various dried herbs to taste - basil, oregano, rosemary, etc. - combine with a small amount of olive oil, then pour it over the cheese cubes. Add some fresh herbs on top and put in the refrigerator for an hour and a half to soak.

    Lightly toast the bread slices on both sides. Rub hot pieces of bread with garlic, put a layer of cheese (preferably mozzarella), tomatoes and basil on top and serve immediately.

    For cooking large quantity For such sandwiches, it is convenient to use the oven, preheated to 160-180 degrees. With, or microwave.
    OVEN ROASTING OPTION. Make a hole in a piece of bread, lightly grease it with butter, then crack an egg into the hole, add some salt (you can add a little pepper), place the sandwiches in the oven and cook until done.
    ROASTING OPTION. You also make a deep recess in a slice of bread, lightly grease the slice on both sides with oil, beat an egg into the recess, add salt and place in the roaster for 5 minutes until done.
    Fry the remaining bread crumbs in oil and sprinkle them over the finished sandwich.
    OPTION OF ROASTING IN A FRYING PAN. Cut a through rectangular “window” in a slice of bread. Fry the bread in oil on one side. Then turn the slice over, crack an egg into the “window”, add salt and pepper, tightly close the pan with a lid and bring to readiness over very low heat.
    Then cut a slice of bread from the middle into cubes, fry a little in a frying pan with butter and set aside - you will have delicious croutons for your future lunch. These croutons can be stored for up to 2-3 days.

    Wash the radishes, peel and chop very thinly.
    Wash the green onions and chop finely.
    Wash and chop the garlic greens.
    Peel the horseradish root and finely grate it.
    Mix all the vegetables in a bowl, add cottage cheese and yogurt and stir.
    Season to taste with salt and white pepper and stir again.
    Lightly fry fresh buns in a roaster or over coals, then cut off the “lids” and lay out the vegetable mixture.
    You can decorate with radish pieces and onion feathers.
    Use the “lids” cut off from the buns for other sandwiches.

    Bruschetta is an Italian sandwich snack. The bread for it must be dried on the grill or in a dry frying pan (without oil) and then rubbed with garlic.
    For bruschetta topping, only fresh seasonal products are used.
    We offer classic recipe summer snack set of bruschetta (3 sandwiches):
    1) with tomatoes and basil,
    2) with mushrooms,
    3) with ham and zucchini.

    Sandwiches on crackers with butter and red salted fish.
    “Ladybugs” from cherry tomatoes and pieces of black olives, “antennae” from green onions.

    Sandwiches on slices of bread with butter and red salted fish.

    Sandwiches on slices of bread lightly toasted in a frying pan with cheese and salted fish.

    Sandwiches with butter mixed with grated cheese and garlic.

    Sandwiches with sausage.

    Sandwiches with butter and carbonated slices.

    Sandwiches on crackers, spread with soft cheese and decorated with finely chopped herbs.

    Sandwich on a slice of fresh black bread, buttered with finely grated cheese,
    topped with lettuce leaves and garnished with egg slices.

    Sandwich with cheese and ham rolls.

    Keep soft cheese, ham and butter at room temperature.
    Cover a cloth napkin with film.
    Place thin slices of cheese on the film, brush with softened butter (you can add garlic and herbs), lay out thin slices of ham, brush with butter again and use a napkin and film to roll into a tight roll.
    Wrap the roll in film and place in the refrigerator close to the freezer for 1.5-2 hours or overnight to cool.
    Before serving, remove the roll from the refrigerator, cut into slices and place on sandwiches.

    Sandwich with salted herring, egg and cucumber.

    Hot sandwiches with cheese and egg mixture.

    Lightly beat the egg, add a generous portion of grated cheese (the mixture should be thick), crushed garlic and finely chopped herbs, add salt to taste and mix well.
    Place the egg mixture on slices of fresh bread and bake in the oven at 180 degrees. Until the mixture is ready.
    Serve hot.

    Toast for soup.

    Grease slices of fresh black bread with a thin layer of a mixture of herbs and crushed garlic with the addition of a small amount of softened butter, as well as salt and pepper to taste.
    Top with a mixture of grated cheese and a very small amount of heavy cream.
    Bake in the oven until the cheese mixture melts.

    Attention! The techniques used in this example will be useful for making many of the buffet or children's sandwiches shown below.

    1. Make a hole in the bread.

    2. Fold the sausage as shown in the photo.

    3. Attach the folded sausage to the bread using a straw.

    4. Make a semicircular cut in the center of another slice of sausage.

    5. Fold the sausage as shown in the photo.

    6. Insert the sausage into the hole on the bread.

    7. Make small circles of cheese - “eyes”.

    8. Cut the pea in half and use butter or mayonnaise to attach the halves to the cheese slices.

    9) “Pupils” can be made from eggs or tiny pieces of olive. Cut “ears” from a slice of sausage and cheese.
    Insert the “teeth” - two kernels of corn, attach with butter or maynes, “nose” - raisins.
    10) Insert the paws from the garlic arrows, place Brussels sprouts. Garnish with parsley.

    What holiday or celebration could be complete without festive table, the menu of which was painstakingly worked on by the hostess of the house. At the same time, many are faced with the problem of seating guests, lack of space, and add to this the constant care of each of the guests and, finally, mountains of dirty dishes. And so the cheerful feast turns into constant troubles, hard work for the hostess. Therefore, it is worth considering an alternative - a buffet.

    At first glance, it may seem difficult to prepare, unusual, and inconvenient. But this is not so, having prepared a buffet at home at least once, all its positive aspects are immediately visible. Firstly, it is more comfortable for guests; most likely, many have encountered awkward silence at a table where people of different ages and with different interests are sitting, and talking only to a neighbor is not entirely respectful towards others. This problem disappears by itself when organizing buffet at home. Everyone is divided into groups according to their interests, no one gets bored, everyone communicates and no one needs to participate in forced topics of conversation that are not interesting to him.

    Preparing food for the buffet is also not difficult. You can limit yourself to only appetizers, or you can also prepare the first, main, dessert. Don’t worry about recipes; there are plenty of them for a buffet table. At the same time, everything can be arranged in small portions. Many may be confused by the first course. How to serve it at a buffet? Everything is very simple, the main thing is to choose the right recipe, for example, gazpacho. It can be poured in portions into special cups. Using the same principle, you can serve thin cream soup. Second courses can be completely different. As a rule, meat, fish, various pies, rolls are prepared, and then everything is cut into small portions that will be convenient to take. They also need to be served with a couple of side dishes. The choice of side dishes must be approached carefully; it should be such that it is easy to pick up with a fork. That is, peas are not the best option. The ideal option would be pieces of boiled or baked potatoes or pasta. It’s good to think about sauces for all dishes and appetizers; it’s better to use gravy boats to serve them, and place them near the dishes for which they were prepared.

    Salads don’t have to be served in salad bowls, and besides, it’s not very convenient. They should also be divided into portions. To do this, you can buy ready-made baskets or prepare them yourself using shortcrust or puff pastry and put the salad in them. In the same baskets you can serve some snacks, for example, pate, seafood. There are quite a few types of decoration for snacks, but the most convenient ones are in the form of canapés, as well as on wooden skewers. As for their quantity and varieties, this directly depends on the menu. If only appetizers are planned for the buffet table, then it is worth preparing many varieties of them; if there is a more extensive menu, including desserts, then it is enough to make three or four types. But in any case, you should try to cook them with compatible products. Because guests often want to try everything. As desserts, you can bake small cakes or muffins, as well as prepare soufflés, creams, jelly with fruits in beautiful wine glasses; many such recipes can be found on the Klumbarium women's website.

    What should a buffet be served like?

    When all the dishes are ready, they need to be placed on trays or plates, if necessary, cut into portions. It is worth considering that everything should be of such a structure and size that it is convenient to pick it up with your hands or prick it with a fork. Large fruits are also cut into pieces, and grapes are divided into small branches. Another important requirement for food and portions is that they do not need to be cut additionally, that is, the guest should not, sitting somewhere on his knees, try to break a piece of meat with a fork. Everything should be eaten in one bite. Cold and hot dishes are best served on metal plates, as they retain their temperature well. Of course, you can use porcelain plates, both for dishes and for guests, but you can take disposable dishes. In addition, it is now made quite beautiful, openwork. This will help the housewife avoid washing mountains of dishes.

    How right serve a buffet? It is very important to arrange everything correctly. The first thing you need to start with is the table. As a rule, it should stand in the middle of the room or near the wall, if space allows, it is better if there are several of them. This is especially true when not only appetizers are served, but also hot dishes, main dishes, and desserts. All these dishes must be arranged correctly, that is, the buffet setting must be grouped. Snacks are placed on the edge closest to the door, followed by bread. It is served in a basket, covered with a napkin. After it they put the first, then the main, and at the end dessert. A very useful tip for housewives would be to use multi-level stands for serving snacks and desserts; this is not only beautiful, but also saves a significant amount of space. Wine and soft drinks should be placed on a separate table, this also applies to dishes, cutlery and napkins. Paper napkins should be used so that the guest can take a new one at any time and throw away the old one. Cheeses and wine to go with them are also served on a separate table. If there is not enough space in the room, which makes it impossible to take everything out at once, then you need to warn guests about the change of dishes and take everything out one by one. It is worth thinking in advance about where guests can sit and relax, especially if the celebration will be long. For this you can use a sofa, benches, chairs. You also need to allocate a place where guests can put used dishes. Also, the buffet can be decorated in some style or color, decorated in some original way, the main thing is to use your imagination. The guests will definitely appreciate all this and the holiday will definitely be a success.

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