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An anal fissure (anal fissure) is a tear in the mucous membrane of the large intestine, often located near the anus. Many people do not pay attention to such minor damage, believing that it cannot pose serious harm to the body. But this opinion is erroneous, since any damage to the skin and mucous membranes opens free access to the body for all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms.

In this article you will learn the causes and symptoms of anal fissures, how to treat fissures in the anus at home and with what means.

Causes of cracks

The most common cause of this disorder is frequent constipation and hemorrhoids. With constipation, the intestinal walls are forced to stretch, the pressure on them increases, which often leads to ruptures of the mucous membranes. With hemorrhoids, a person is forced to strain very hard during bowel movements, which also increases pressure in the rectum and can lead to rupture of the mucous membrane.

The causes of anal fissure can be considered:

Symptoms of cracks

The main symptom of such a disorder can be called the appearance of sharp and quite severe pain during normal bowel movements, after which the pain persists for quite a long time, on average about one hour, causing quite serious discomfort to the person. At the same time, the characteristics of pain and its intensity change.

Severe and sharp pain appears when defecating, but after the end of the act of defecation it becomes less pronounced, dull and acquires a pulsating character.

If there is a crack of sufficiently large size and depth after a bowel movement on the toilet paper, you can find a small amount of scarlet blood. If, every time you visit the toilet to defecate, the amount of blood released increases, and the pain becomes stronger and persists for a very long time, then you should consult a doctor immediately.

Anal fissures are treated by a proctologist. and on initial stage In most cases, patients need treatment with conservative methods and at home. When the condition is advanced, surgery is often required.

Oral medications for treatment

Small anal fissures that have appeared relatively recently can be cured with conservative therapy at home, which is carried out gradually and necessarily comprehensively, including many drugs and procedures.

Drug treatment of anal fissures at home does not require hospitalization of the patient.

If the patient experiences severe pain, then he is prescribed painkillers that also have an antispasmodic effect, for example, No-shpa or its domestic analogue - Drotaverine. In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that accelerate wound healing and tissue regeneration are often prescribed.

Among the internal medications, a variety of laxatives should also be noted., which in most cases form an important part of the treatment, since they provide unloading of the intestines and easier bowel movements. The use of laxatives at home allows you to speed up the healing process of cracks in the anus naturally, preventing secondary rupture of the mucous membranes.

An important point is that antibiotic tablets are not prescribed for the treatment of anal fissures. For this purpose, local agents are used, which are more effective and do not have a systemic effect.

Ointments and creams for external use

Among the means for external use in the treatment of anal fissures at home, pharmaceutical ointments and creams are most often used.

Effective remedies for anal fissures among ointments:

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Rectal suppositories

Rectal suppositories are a special form of medication for treating various diseases of the rectum and anus at home. It is the introduction of suppositories that allows you to quickly deliver medicinal substances directly to the site of the lesion, which significantly speeds up treatment.

In addition, almost all rectal suppositories contain fatty substances, which also provides a kind of laxative effect, significantly alleviating the patient’s condition.

Most often, when treating anal fissures, the patient is prescribed suppositories:

Laxatives and their uses

Very often, anal fissures appear due to frequent constipation, so various laxatives are one of the main points of drug therapy. The use of such drugs allows you to unload the intestines, facilitates bowel movements and, due to this, accelerates the healing process.

All laxatives can be divided into several main groups:

  • Irritant drugs.
  • Preparations of osmotic action.
  • Prebiotics.
  • Enteric fillers.

Irritating drugs are considered the most effective, but if there are anal fissures, their use is prohibited. When treating this disease, in most cases, prebiotic drugs are used, which not only gently solve the problem of constipation, but also restore the balance of the intestinal flora, which also contributes to treatment.

An important point is that you cannot prescribe laxatives yourself; this should only be done by a qualified doctor.

It is very important to take into account all the features of the course of the disease and the general condition of the patient. The dosage of drugs is also determined by the doctor individually.

Folk recipes

Often, when treating anal fissures at home, they also use folk remedies, representing a harmless but highly effective therapy option.

Cook many recipes traditional medicine This disease can be treated in normal home conditions.


It may not be strange, but one of the most effective traditional medicines for the treatment of anal fissures are suppositories made from ordinary raw potatoes. To prepare them, you need to take a strong raw potato, peel it, cut a slice as thick as your little finger and cut out a regular-shaped rectal suppository from it.

Introduce suppositories before bedtime, lubricating them with sea buckthorn or rosehip oil before administration.

There is no need to worry that the injected potato suppository will get stuck in the intestines. In the morning it will pass freely along with the stool.

It is also recommended to use candles made from dandelion or plantain leaves. To prepare them, you should take a fresh leaf of the plant, wash it thoroughly, and dry it. Then tightly roll the leaf into a tube (the plantain leaf must be folded in half before doing this), dip it in sea buckthorn oil, let the excess drain off and immediately insert it into the anus.

Ice suppositories are also used in treatment., prepared from strong decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, calendula flowers, tansy, yarrow, oak bark. Herbs can be brewed and frozen individually or in groups. The cooled and strained broth for making ice candles can be poured into special molds of a suitable size or the little fingers of thin rubber gloves. Such suppositories should be administered at night, before bedtime.

Sitz baths

An excellent remedy for treating anal fissures at home are sitz baths, which help prevent the appearance of suppuration at the site of damage to the mucous membranes, as well as eliminate inflammation and significantly reduce the intensity of pain.

In most cases, decoctions and infusions are used to prepare sitz baths. medicinal herbs, but, in addition, a solution of potassium permanganate also has an excellent effect.

This solution very quickly and effectively relieves spasms of the external anal sphincter, which reduces pain and speeds up healing due to increased blood circulation in this area.

The potassium permanganate solution should be weak and warm. Decoctions of medicinal herbs should also be used only warm. To prepare decoctions, it is recommended to use medicinal chamomile or calendula flowers, St. John's wort or yarrow.

The temperature of any solution, decoction or infusion for a sitz bath should not exceed 40 degrees. To carry out a bath, you will need at least 3 liters of medicinal solution, which must be poured into a basin of sufficient volume so that a person can sit in it.


Helps in the treatment of anal fissures and applying compresses of strong infusions of medicinal herbs, sea buckthorn or rosehip oil. To prepare such a remedy at home, you need to take clean gauze or a bandage, fold it in several layers, moisten it in the prepared medicine, squeeze it lightly and apply it tightly to the anus.

The compress should be kept for at least 30 minutes, while the patient should be in a supine position on his stomach and be relaxed.

They also make special compresses based on vegetables. For example, you should grate fresh beets and carrots on a fine grater and mix. Take 3 parts of the resulting mixture and add 1 part of fresh bull or pig bile to it. Mix thoroughly, then place the mixture on a prepared clean cloth or gauze and apply to the anus. Keep the compress for about 20 minutes.

In addition, for compresses you can use aloe juice and pulp, special ointments prepared independently from natural ingredients.

Features of nutrition and diet

The most important problem with anal fissures is normal bowel movements, which cause severe pain and other uncomfortable symptoms. A person who has anal fissures must follow a special diet, the purpose of which is to facilitate this natural process of bowel movements and prevent constipation.

An important point in treatment is a complete change in your diet and a revision of your nutrition system.

The daily menu must include plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, as they contain fiber necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system and prevent constipation. Fiber helps soften stool, making bowel movements easier.

The menu should also include bran. They can be added to porridges and baked goods, for example, when making bread. You should definitely include a variety of fermented milk products in your menu, primarily kefirs and natural live yoghurts.

Dried fruits, which retain healthy fiber in large quantities, also have a laxative effect. It is best to eat dried apricots, prunes or raisins.

You should eat often, but in small portions, so as not to create unnecessary stress on the digestive system. Overeating should not be allowed. Also, you should definitely exclude heavy and fatty foods from your diet, foods containing large number proteins, in particular legumes.

You should also avoid eating various processed foods and fast foods., carbonated and alcoholic drinks, dishes with a lot of spices and seasonings, salted and pickled foods, all kinds of smoked meats and sausages, avoid spicy foods, as well as cottage cheese, cheeses and eggs.

Prevention of cracks

Of course, every person knows that any disease is much easier and better to prevent than to treat it and experience discomfort and pain. Anal fissures are no exception here, since with the help of some preventive measures you can avoid the appearance of such an unpleasant disease or prevent its recurrence after treatment.

Since the risk group primarily includes people leading a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, one of the main means of prevention is movement and exercise.

It is very important to maintain sufficient physical activity, take daily walks or jogs, drive healthy image life.

Second important point prevention is compliance proper nutrition, excluding or severely limiting the consumption of foods harmful to the digestive system. In this case, it is necessary to chew the food consumed thoroughly, since large pieces cannot be completely digested in the stomach and small intestine and are often excreted in an unprocessed form, thereby injuring the mucous membranes of the rectum and anus.

For this reason, in order to avoid problems with fully chewing foods, it is important to regularly visit the dentist and promptly treat your teeth if necessary.

How does an acute anal fissure differ from a chronic one? There is one significant difference between these two forms. An acute fissure occurs spontaneously as a result of a rupture of the intestinal mucosa and goes away very quickly (subject to proper treatment). But the chronic type of disease is more serious. As a rule, it occurs with regular manifestations of the acute form, when a small gap begins to expand and become populated by a large number of pathogens. An anal fissure of this type can be observed for several weeks or even months.

Signs of an acute crack

An acute fissure of the rectum has several pronounced symptoms:

  • Pain in the anus is severe, but short-lived, and occurs with mechanical irritation, during bowel movements and within 15 minutes after it. It can be stabbing, pulling, burning, pressing or pinching in nature. The intensity of the sensations directly depends on the depth of the cleft - the deeper, the more painful. Later, as the inflammatory process progresses, the pain can become permanent and appear throughout the day;
  • Itching and severe discomfort are caused by synthetic, uncomfortable or too tight underwear. The longer the crack, the larger the itchy area and the greater the discomfort;
  • Spasms of the anus (sphincter) - accompanied by severe pain and difficulty during bowel movements;
  • Minor discharge of scarlet or dark blood - appears during a trip to the toilet, when dense feces pass through the rectum.

Causes of the disease

The development of sharp cracks can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • Chronic constipation - they force a person to strain hard, which leads to increased pressure in the rectum;
  • Mechanical injuries caused by exposure to low-quality toilet paper, the passage of dense feces, instrumental examination of the rectum and rough anal sex;
  • Labor accompanied by strong pushing or other complications;
  • Improper or insufficient hygiene - leads to the appearance of diaper rash, which causes the development of sharp cracks;
  • Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa that appears against the background of helminthic infestation, proctitis, dysbacteriosis or diarrhea;
  • Poor blood supply to the anal area or blood stagnation occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • The presence of hemorrhoids - they weaken the walls of the anus, which increases the risk of injury;
  • The specific structure of the rectum;
  • Pathological changes in the central nervous system.

It should be noted that for an acute crack to appear, a combination of several reasons will be required.

Diagnosis of the disease

Acute and chronic anal fissure are diagnosed using the same medical research, which can only be performed by a proctologist.

External inspection

In most cases, an anal fissure is noticeable upon a quick external examination. Outwardly, it resembles a longitudinal line or a small triangle of a bright red hue.

Finger examination

This examination involves palpating the walls of the rectum with a finger inserted into it. This allows you to assess the strength of the sphincter spasm.


The most accurate and most popular method of examining the rectum. It is carried out using a sigmoidoscope, a device that allows you to study the mucous membrane at a depth of 30 cm from the anus.


Involves a thorough examination of the final section of the intestine.

Treatment of anal fissure

How to treat an acute anal fissure? There are several effective options therapy – both surgical and non-surgical. Let's look at each of them.

Non-surgical methods


When treating an acute fissure, it is urgent to reconsider your usual diet and diet. To bring your stool back to normal and speed up the healing process, follow these recommendations:

  • Load up on fiber found in fruits, vegetables and dried fruits. Rough plant foods soften stool, facilitate bowel movements and prevent constipation;
  • Drink more clean water - 1.5-2 liters per day;
  • Eliminate salty, fried, spicy, sour, sweet, canned, fatty and smoked foods from the menu. Replace them with boiled, baked and stewed counterparts;
  • Forget about alcohol and cigarettes;
  • Eat porridge every day - buckwheat, oatmeal, barley and pearl barley are especially healthy. But white rice and semolina cause constipation.


The following medications are used to treat fissures:

  • Vitamins E and A - accelerate tissue repair;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (Salofalk) - relieve inflammation of the anal fissure.


Medicines aimed at facilitating bowel movements are divided into 3 groups:

  • Emollients - Norgalax, preparations based on sea ​​buckthorn oil and Vaseline;
  • Increasing the volume of intestinal contents - products based on psyllium and agar-agar (Mukofalk, Naturolax, Fiberlex) and cellulose-based (Fibercon, Fiberal);
  • Polyhydric alcohols - Duphalac, Sorbitol, Normaze, Lactitol, Lactulose, Macrogol.

Sitz baths

Anti-inflammatory or antiseptic sitz baths will help relax the sphincter muscles. They are prescribed after bowel movements and before insertion local drugs. The water temperature is about 30 degrees, the session duration is 15-20 minutes. A decoction of oak bark and chamomile (1:2) is used as a medicinal solution. They allow you to relieve inflammation in tissues, speed up the healing process and dry out the edges of cracks. Less commonly, potassium permanganate is used for sitz baths - a faint pink solution.

Another effective recipe is to mix 20 grams of calendula, yarrow, St. John's wort and sage. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over them, wait 30 minutes and filter through a sieve.


To relieve exacerbation of a chronic anal fissure, reduce pain and eliminate severe itching, use antiseptic, bactericidal and healing ointments - Levomekol, Vishnevsky ointment, D-panthenol, Bepanten, Ultraproct, Aurobin, Dexpanthenol, Panthesol, Solcoseryl, Actovegin, Methyluracil, Proctosan , Emla, Kategel or Nitroglycerin.

Ointments for anal fissures should contain a fatty base, combine anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties, and not cause allergies or irritations. The product is administered twice a day after going to the toilet and taking a 10-minute bath. The average course duration is 10 days.


A good help in solving this problem will be anal suppositories - Relief, Natalsid, Proctosan, Procto-glivenol, Anestezol, Posterisan, Aurobin, as well as suppositories with sea buckthorn, methyluracil or belladonna extract. They should be used after bowel movements in the morning and evening.


As part of the non-surgical treatment of acute anal fissure, enemas can also be given. By placing them during the urge to defecate, you can make defecation easier.

  • Water enema. Mix boiled water with a small amount of salt. Fill Esmarch's mug about halfway with this mixture. Insert the tip of the mug into the anus, having previously lubricated it with rich cream. Raise Esmarch's mug as high as possible - this will ensure free flow of liquid into the rectum;
  • Oil enema. Combine 150 grams of water with 50 ml of oil. Use according to the scheme known to you;
  • Enema with sea buckthorn oil and calendula. Pour 2 tbsp. l. dried calendula flowers 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, strain through a sieve and pour in 2 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oils.

Surgical methods

Surgical treatment of acute anal fissure is used when all of the above methods have not given the desired result, and the patient’s condition only gets worse. In this case, the attending physician may decide to perform an operation under general anesthesia, during which a sphincterotomy or excision of scar tissue located in the area of ​​the crack is performed. Sphincterotomy can be performed in several ways:

  • Classic - involves the use of a scalpel, which leaves a bleeding wound. The disadvantages of this method include large blood losses, as well as pain and duration of the procedure;
  • Laser excision – cauterization of pathological tissues with infrared rays. The advantages of the procedure include the absence of bleeding, a quick recovery period and the speed of the procedure (up to 20 minutes). Unfortunately, laser excision cannot be used for severe sphincter spasm;
  • Electrocoagulation is the burning of altered areas of the skin under the influence of current. The procedure is characterized by a complete absence of blood loss;
  • Electroradiocoagulation - removal of scars under the influence of high-frequency radio waves. A virtually painless procedure with a short recovery period;
  • Divulsion is a compromise option between conservative and surgical treatment, which is also performed under anesthesia. During anal divulsion, doctors widen the sphincter, which solves part of the problem.

Qualified surgical intervention significantly reduces the risk of recurrence of anal fissure - the probability of recurrence does not exceed 2%.

Anal fissure is a change in the structure of the anus and mucous membrane, which leads to ruptures. More often, this condition affects the front and back walls. The length of the defect is small - within 20 mm. If treatment is not started on time, then delay can cause serious harm to health.

According to ICD-10, the disease code depends on its course. If we are talking about the acute stage, then this is K60.0, and the chronic form, then K60.1. In case of an unspecified diagnosis, code K60.2 is given.

Tissue damage is accompanied by pain and bleeding, which intensifies during defecation and immediately after it.

Symptoms of a fissure in the anus

It is not difficult to determine the appearance of the first signs. The clinical picture in this case is eloquent:

  1. Painful sensations in the anal area that occur at the time of bowel movement and continue for several minutes after the end of the process. Characterized by intensity and pulsation. The chronic form is characterized by less acute, but prolonged torment, often provoked by prolonged sitting.
  2. Bloody discharge from the anus. Sparse, having a scarlet tint.
  3. Difficulties with defecation based on a psychological barrier. A person, fearing to experience an intense painful attack, tries to delay the moment of excretion of feces. If the resulting crack is not cured quickly, then chronic constipation will develop over time, which, in turn, will lead to suppuration in the intestines.

All this has a strong impact on general condition and the patient’s well-being, causing irritability, aggressive behavior and insomnia. Problems of an intimate nature are complicated by urination disorders and the occurrence of nagging pain in the sacrum and perineum.

In this video, Elena Malysheva explains what this disease is and why it occurs:

Causes of the disease

Proctologists identify a number of factors that provoke the formation of cracks and crevices in the rectum. Among them:

  • Mechanical injuries. They appear due to difficulty in defecation, constant constipation, compacted feces are unable to pass through the anal sphincter voluntarily. Ruptures can be triggered by anal type of sexual intercourse or a foreign object that has penetrated the rectum.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Inflammatory processes that cause irritation of the mucous membrane and bacterial damage to erosive formations increase the risk of cracks. They are more often diagnosed in patients with gastritis and cholecystitis, digestive disorders (constipation, diarrhea).
  • Haemorrhoids. The cones that appear as a result of the disease are damaged during bowel movements. And stagnation of blood and disruption of the blood supply contribute to the formation of clots and weaken the walls of the anus, resulting in cracking.
  • Bearing a child and giving birth. The fact that during pregnancy the uterus constantly puts pressure on the woman’s perineum limits the supply of nutrients to the mucous membrane and increases the trauma to the rectum.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Atrophy of the pelvic muscles.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Uncontrolled use of laxatives.
  • Spasms in the rectum. Increased tone that persists over a long period of time leads to disturbances in blood supply and nervous processes.

Acute and chronic anal fissure, the doctor talks about the necessary treatment:

How to treat fissures in the anus

Therapy for anal fissures is often complex. There are many drugs in different forms that can help the patient get rid of unpleasant symptoms.


For oral use the following are used: medicines:

They performed equally well in the treatment of acute and chronic forms of the disease. They have tonic properties, prevent swelling of the walls of venous vessels, relieve inflammation, itching and swelling. Reduce the level of pain.

These drugs should not be used during pregnancy or lactation. They are also not prescribed to elderly people.


The most reliable rectal medications are:


All drugs for anal fissures in this form of release are produced on a fatty basis. In this way, it is possible to relieve the patient’s suffering and avoid the development allergic reactions.

Rectal suppositories

The same as suppositories for insertion into the anus.

Folk remedies

In cases where traditional medicine does not help, you can use alternative methods to treat anal fissures at home as an additional method.

Popular recipes:

  • Celandine – stimulates the body’s protective function and promotes wound healing. 25 gr. chop the herbs, add 75 g. St. John's wort, the same amount of chamomile and yarrow. Pour one third of the resulting mixture into 250 g. boiling water. Wrap the container with a towel and leave for 2 hours. Take the strained infusion half a glass before meals.
  • Propolis is the basis of an effective homemade ointment. 75 gr. fat is placed in an enamel bowl, and 25 grams are added there. beeswax, melted and mixed with 25 gr. grated propolis, flax oil and liquid honey. Beat the mixture well and place it in a jar with a lid. Use three times a day to lubricate the anal fissure. Store in the refrigerator.
  • Aloe leaves are used to prepare an infusion for washing the anus and microenemas. To do this, chopped mature leaves of the plant are poured into 250 g. boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and filter. The product can be taken orally, a quarter glass before meals.

From this video you will learn everything about anal fissure, the program “Doctor and” on TVC:

Surgical treatment

If the methods described above are powerless, and the condition does not improve, you have to resort to more radical measures.

The doctor may offer the patient an anal fissure excision procedure. To do this, the patient is given general anesthesia, the sphincter is cut and the defective area is excised. The surgeon then stitches the wound.

After the operation, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs, because if pathogenic bacteria enter the wound, suppuration may begin, the body temperature will rise, and it will not be possible to do without antibiotics.

The next method of getting rid of anal fissure is to perform an operation using a special laser.

Before proceeding with removal, the patient is given local anesthesia. After this, the damaged area is treated with antiseptic agents, the crack is grasped with a clamp and excised with a laser. If it is not possible to avoid involuntary contraction of the sphincter muscles, they are cut.

After completion of the manipulations, a tampon with disinfectants is placed in the anus. It should be changed at the end of each bowel movement.

The process of rehabilitation and full recovery after surgery takes about a month.

Crack in children

The occurrence of an anal defect in a child is often associated with helminthiasis. At night, the worms move towards the exit from the anus and leave eggs in its folds. This process is accompanied by itching, discomfort, swelling and inflammation.

A child, scratching the affected area, injures the mucous membrane, and during the act of defecation, the parameters of the crack increase.

The remaining reasons for the formation of gaps completely coincide with a similar condition in adult patients:

  • chronic constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • intestinal pathologies;
  • frequent use of rectal suppositories and enemas.

Fissures are more often diagnosed in children younger age: from infants to two-year-olds.

Dr. Komarovsky, trusted by mothers of newborns and older children, insists that anal defects arise as a result of poor nutrition. If carbohydrates predominate in the diet, and too little fiber and clean water are consumed, constipation occurs. According to Evgeniy Olegovich, a therapeutic diet and adjustments to the child’s nutrition will help solve the problem.

To do this, you should increase the amount of fluid you drink and feed your baby healthy food. To quickly establish the process, the drug Duphalac is perfect.

Treatment after childbirth

Most women begin to experience symptoms of a fissure in the anus during pregnancy and childbirth. You can help yourself by folk recipes. But many of them can cause allergies, so you should be careful and carry out preliminary tests.

An effective remedy sea ​​buckthorn oil is considered. It is applied to a cotton swab and lotions are applied to the damaged areas. The procedure is carried out several times a day for a quarter of an hour each. The disadvantage of this method is the appearance of greasy stains on underwear, so it would be useful to first protect it with a panty liner.

You can replace sea buckthorn with coconut or flaxseed oil.

Another method of getting rid of cracks at home is medicinal baths. You can add potassium permanganate and herbal decoctions: calendula or chamomile to warm water.

Provided that the birth of a child did not result in complications, you can use self-made rectal suppositories from raw potatoes to treat unpleasant symptoms.

Medications during breastfeeding should be selected by your doctor, since lactation is listed as a contraindication for most medications.

To eliminate cracks, creams and suppositories with anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties are used. Means safe for the health of mother and child include: Vishnevsky ointment, suppositories based on sea buckthorn oil and preparations for rectal administration “Natalsid” and “Relief”. When using these medications breast-feeding you can't stop.

Prevention and diet

To avoid having to be treated for this unpleasant disease again, it is important to follow your doctor’s recommendations:

  • Eat right, respond in a timely manner to the condition of your stool and delayed bowel movements. The norm is to have a bowel movement at the same time every day. In extreme cases, you can resort to one-time use of laxatives. Abuse can lead to problems in the opposite direction.
  • Sport should be made a way of life, and walking fresh air- a good habit.
  • Fans of anal sex are advised to use more lubricant or Vaseline to avoid the formation of cracks in the anus, or it is better to give up perversion altogether.

Following these simple rules will prevent a new manifestation of an unpleasant disease and will have a positive effect on the body.

To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient is recommended to follow a therapeutic plant-dairy diet. It is aimed at normalizing the patient’s stool, eliminating periodic constipation, and getting rid of diarrhea.

Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of fiber, which is so necessary for normal digestion. Their use will improve intestinal motility and improve the bowel movement process. Lactic acid products contain lactobacilli, which are responsible for microflora.

The following should be excluded from use:

  • spicy dishes;
  • marinades and canned foods;
  • flour products;
  • fried and salty foods;
  • alcoholic drinks.

A distinctive feature of this diet is that under no circumstances should you give up consuming fats of animal and plant origin. There is an opinion that anal fissures and other problems of a similar nature are more common in those women and men who prefer a “low-fat” diet.

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Proctological diseases often have very pronounced symptoms. This is due to the fact that quite a lot of nerve endings are concentrated in the intestines and anus. Such pathologies do not allow a person to lead a normal lifestyle. People are trying their best to get rid of the symptoms of the disease. Sometimes it works out well. However, it is worth recalling that eliminating symptoms is not the main goal of treatment, because the problem still remains with the patient.

In the article we will look at the symptoms. You will learn about the varieties of this pathology and methods for diagnosing it. After reading the article, you will be able to answer the question of what causes anal fissures in an adult and how to treat them. It is also worth talking about the course of the disease in children.

What is an anal fissure?

Symptoms of pathology may be different for each person. It all depends on the pain threshold and the size of the damage. Before getting acquainted with the main manifestations, it is worth saying a few words about this disease.

An anal fissure is damage (divergence) to the anus. In this case, it usually occurs not inside the intestines, but outside - on the anus. A crack is a depression that is about one and a half centimeters long. The distance between its edges can reach one centimeter. In this case, the depth is usually measured in several millimeters. Despite its relatively small size, the damage causes severe discomfort to a person. The bottom of the anal fissure is muscle fibers. The gap can be longitudinal or oval. It is worth noting that over time the anal fissure becomes wider. Symptoms of the disease become more pronounced.

Types of damage to the mucous membrane

A crack has different symptoms. Much depends on its type. The most pronounced manifestations of the disease are in the acute course. This is because this is the first time people experience such discomfort. However, chronic damage is much more dangerous. A qualified proctologist can determine what exactly you are dealing with.

The age of the scar is always taken into account. Chronic anal fissure has the following symptoms: long-term (more than 1-2 months) location in the specified location. If we're talking about about the acute course of the pathology, the wound usually heals within 20-30 days. This is the main difference in damage. You can also determine the type of scar during an examination. In this case, an acute anal fissure is characterized by smooth, clear contours. Chronic damage is lined with already hardened tissue, on which so-called tubercles are formed. It is worth saying that the symptoms of anal fissures are very unpleasant. Some patients are even forced to go on sick leave due to this illness, since the pain does not allow them to live and work normally.

Manifestations of pathology

Medicine knows many symptoms of anal fissures. However, this does not mean that the patient should have them all. Also, people all have different powers of observation and sensitivity. That is why the manifestation of pathology may vary:

  • Symptoms of anal fissures are always painful. Without this sensation, no injury has yet been diagnosed. Due to the fact that the anal sphincter contains a mass of nerve endings, damage to the mucous membrane is always felt very acutely. This symptom occurs more often towards the end or immediately after defecation. This is due to the fact that feces irritate the surface of the intestine and the nerve endings located on it.
  • Blood after defecation. Anal fissure in children often has the following symptoms. If the child does not talk about pain in the back, then the parent will probably notice in the baby bleeding on toilet paper. Adult patients may also have this symptom. However, not everyone notices it. Droplets of blood can be present not only on hygiene products, but also on the waste products themselves.
  • Acute anal fissure in children may include burning and itching symptoms. As a rule, with a chronic course of the process, the condition worsens significantly, and the child simply can no longer remain silent about the problem. If you notice that your baby is constantly trying to scratch the anus, then you should definitely make sure that it is not a crack. The transition from acute to chronic can be quite dangerous. Let us remind you that itching and burning in the sphincter area can have other causes.
  • Chronic anal fissure symptoms often have already established symptoms. Thus, over time, the patient begins to fear a banal bowel movement due to the expectation of pain. Moreover, the longer a person endures, the coarser and harder the stool becomes. During defecation (which is inevitable anyway), the mucous membrane is injured even more. A vicious circle arises.
  • Emotional manifestations. Patients with chronic anal fissure often experience nervous disorders. Due to the inability to empty the intestines normally, such people suffer from depression, sleep disturbances, and deterioration of the skin and hair.
  • An anal fissure in a baby will have the following symptoms: constant anxiety, crying, constipation, tension. Also, the mother can look at the child herself and see the damage described. Remember that an infant is not yet able to say what exactly is bothering him.

If you suspect that you have an anal fissure (symptoms are present), then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The acute course of the disease can be treated quite successfully using conservative methods, while in advanced cases surgical intervention may be required.

Anal fissure: causes (misconception)

Patients often agree that scars are caused by hemorrhoids. Actually this is wrong. (internal or external) and anal fissure are two completely different diseases. However, quite often they occur simultaneously. These pathologies are practically independent of each other. They are treated with different methods.

Many patients believe that eliminating hemorrhoids leads to healing of the fissure. This opinion is also wrong. You shouldn’t guess on the coffee grounds yourself. Contact an experienced specialist who will tell you about the reasons for the development of pathology and suggest modern methods treatment.

Why does damage actually occur?

It is impossible to name the main and only reason for the development of the problem. A number of factors can influence the occurrence of damage. As you already know, an anal fissure is damage to the mucous membrane at the entrance to the intestines. It develops as a result of thinning of the walls and the inflammatory process. So, the first cause of anal fissure can be called tissue degeneration and inflammation.

Violation of personal hygiene rules often leads to scar formation. Cleansing procedures must be carried out after each act of defecation. If this is not done, diaper rash will begin to appear. The delicate mucous membrane becomes thinner and inflamed. As a result, it breaks.

Constipation - main reason appearance of a crack. Moreover, this fact is a symptom and a consequence. That is, fecal retention is closely related to the formation of scars on the intestinal mucosa.

Damage to the shells can be mechanical. They often occur due to the use of inexpensive and low-quality toilet paper. Also, lovers of anal intercourse often suffer from the symptoms described above.

Pregnancy and childbirth in women sometimes lead to the formation of an anal fissure. However, this does not mean that every expectant and new mother will face this problem. Pressure on the pelvis and tight intestines are prerequisites for the formation of pathology. It is worth noting that an anal fissure is most dangerous if it occurs in the direction of the vagina immediately before childbirth. This type of scar can cause a 4th degree perineal rupture.

Medical examinations (rectoscopy, colonoscopy, etc.) sometimes cause a crack to appear. In this case, we are more likely talking about unprofessionalism and violation of rules during the procedure.

Treatment of pathology

Depending on the symptoms of an anal fissure, treatment should be selected individually. That is why you should not struggle with the problem on your own and try to try medications that have helped your friends. You may need an individual approach to scar correction.

Anal fissure has different treatment methods. The acute course of the disease is usually eliminated by conservative methods. If we are talking about the long-term presence of a scar and a chronic type of pathology, then you may be offered surgical intervention. During the operation, the doctor excises the altered walls of the scar, after which it grows together on its own. There are also now a variety of minimally invasive technologies that help cope with pathology.

What can you do at home?

Often patients do not go to medical institutions with this delicate problem. People try to cope with the disease on their own. For some people this is quite successful. However, it is worth remembering that there is no single cure for eliminating anal fissure. You will need complex therapy. At home, you can adjust your diet, physical activity, use medications and resort to traditional recipes.

With all this, it is worth remembering that if your efforts do not produce results within 10-15 days, then you should immediately visit a doctor. Otherwise, the disease risks moving into the chronic phase. In this case, the path to your recovery will be long and thorny.

Diet and physical activity

If you have an anal fissure, treatment methods (at home) may vary. In this case, you should always follow a diet and moderate physical activity.

As you already know, constipation is a common accompaniment of scarring. It can have an acute and chronic form. Adjusting your diet can help improve your stool and soften your stool. Avoid spices, salty foods and fried foods. Alcohol and carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited. If you can’t do without sweets, then choose natural dark chocolate over buns. Try to eat more vegetables and greens. Bread must contain bran. Liquid food in the form of soups is required. Contrast nutrition helps the stomach and intestines to activate their work. For example, you can drink a glass of chilled juice for breakfast, and after a while have hot oatmeal.

Moderate physical activity normalizes the functioning of the entire body, in particular the digestive tract. Nobody forces you to run cross-country. Just choose to walk to work or walk home (no elevator). With a sedentary lifestyle, the risk of crack formation increases several times. If you have to sit at the computer for a long time during the day, then somehow you need to compensate for this.

Rescue for expectant mothers

If an anal fissure occurs during pregnancy, then one of the stages of its treatment will be the use of a bandage. This is especially true over long periods. A retaining belt will relieve stress from the pelvis and intestines. Also, expectant mothers can perform simple exercises that normalize blood flow in the pelvis.

Get on all fours so that your stomach sag. Stay in this position for several minutes. There can be many such approaches per day. It is worth noting that such exercises not only reduce pressure on the intestines, but also relieve the back and kidneys.

Using medications at home

For this you can use medications. However, it is still recommended to consult a doctor before doing this. Some formulations may simply not suit you or may cause side effects. Currently, the arsenal for fighting scars consists of ointments, gels, rectal suppositories and tablets. Among them are the following:

  • Ointments. This type of medication is applied up to two times a day immediately after a bowel movement. First you need to clean the anal area very well. Ointments have a healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Among them, the most common drugs are the following: “Ultraproct”, “Bepanten”, “Solcoseryl”, “Methyluracil” and others.
  • Suppositories. These drugs are perfectly combined with products for external use. They help relieve spasms and eliminate discomfort. Also, some compounds have a laxative effect. These products include “Relief”, “Proctoglivenol”, “Methyluracil”, sea buckthorn suppositories and so on.
  • Pills. Oral medications are intended to relieve spasm, inflammation, and improve blood supply to damaged tissues. Among them, the following medications can be distinguished: “Drotaverin”, “Spazmalgon”, “Actovegin”, “Curantil”, “Detralex”, “Phlebodia” and others.

Remember that all of the above medications have their contraindications. Check them with your doctor or in the instructions.

The use of folk remedies

What are the possible treatment options for an anal fissure using folk remedies? The patient's task is to alleviate his condition. To do this, you need to relieve pain and inflammation, normalize stool, increase immunity and have a healing effect. Below are some effective recipes to combat anal fissures:

  • Baths. It is effective to receive such treatment for a newly formed crack. To do this, prepare a decoction of chamomile and oak bark in equal proportions. Yarrow and calendula also have a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Some patients prefer a solution of potassium permanganate. This option is also effective.
  • Take two streptocide tablets, a spoonful of honey and aloe juice. Grind everything and mix. Apply compresses before going to bed and cover them with a bandage.
  • Prepare one part each of badger fat, propolis and alcohol. Mix everything. Peel the potatoes and shape them into a thin stick. Apply the prepared medicine to the tuber and insert into the rectum for half an hour.
  • Make a concentrated chamomile decoction and add sea buckthorn oil to it. The prepared composition should be used to make microenemas with a volume of 30 ml.
  • Melt 100 grams of butter. Add 10 grams of propolis and cook for several minutes. Cool the resulting substance and use it as an ointment.
  • Take the yolk of a chicken egg and mix it with a decoction of bay leaves. Add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil. The resulting composition should be lubricated with the damaged area several times a day after thoroughly cleaning the anus.

Brief summary

From this article you learned about what an anal fissure is and in what cases it can occur. It is worth making a reservation that during exacerbation of the disease, research manipulations are not allowed. The pathology must first be cured. If you have such a delicate problem, don't wait. Please note that within a month, your inaction can transform the pathology into a chronic, more complex form. In this situation, all the doctor’s efforts to cure you with medications may be powerless. Take care of your health and don’t get sick!

A fissure in the anus is a defect of the large intestine, namely the rectum, which is a small rupture of the mucous membrane in the anus.

It is considered a shameful and sensitive issue due to its location. Moreover, this is a fairly common disease, one of the top three in proctology. Both adults and children are susceptible to it.

Despite the fact that the disease is common to people of any age and gender, there are predisposing factors for its occurrence.

These include:

  • frequent constipation or diarrhea (usually constipation);
  • diseases, mainly of the large intestine (colitis, proctitis, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids);
  • unhealthy diet (abundance of spicy, salty and smoked foods);
  • alcohol consumption;
  • physical inactivity;
  • restriction of physical activity;
  • passion for anal sex.

The immediate reasons for the development of this defect are:

  • childbirth (natural childbirth can create unnecessary tension in the rectal area);
  • mechanical injuries that occur during anal sex, passing hard feces during bowel movements, using hard toilet paper, as well as inaccurate instrumental examination;
  • chronic constipation also creates unnecessary tension on the anal area;
  • physical activity;
  • vascular diseases (hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, vasculitis, etc.);
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

Symptoms and signs of cracking

There is a main triad of signs:

  • pain in the anus;
  • rectal bleeding (blood in stool);
  • sphincter spasms.

Also, anal fissures are characterized by irritation of the anus - this is a consequence of infection of the fissure.

There are acute and chronic forms of anal fissures.

The acute form is characterized by:

  • intense pain during bowel movements, goes away after 15–20 minutes, has a pulsating character;
  • sphincter spasm that increases pain;
  • bleeding (bright red blood, drip or stream);
  • during the examination - a painful, inflamed area on one of the walls of the rectum.

The chronic form is characterized by:

  • unexpressed pain after defecation (disappears after 2–3 minutes), during straining, or if the diet is violated;
  • blood on the surface of the stool;
  • pronounced compaction on one of the walls of the rectum;
  • the edges of the anal fissure are raised;
  • replacement of the sphincter site with a connective tissue scar;
  • cyclical symptoms.

Diagnosis, which doctor should I contact?

If the symptoms described above appear, a person should immediately consult a proctologist. In some cases, a referral is made by a physician. A nutritionist and gastroenterologist can also help.

In order to diagnose a fissure in the anus, it is often enough for a specialist to conduct a thorough survey and examination. During the examination, the patient is in a knee-elbow position, or in a gynecological chair, lying on his back. Sometimes, due to sphincter spasm, manipulations are performed under anesthesia.

In addition to the examination, laboratory tests are also performed:

  • general blood test;
  • general stool analysis.

Sometimes there is a need for instrumental examination.

This includes:

  • anoscopy,
  • rectoscopy,
  • irrigoscopy,

All these additional methods are carried out for differential diagnosis. The doctor needs to rule out other, more dangerous diseases, such as AIDS, Crohn's disease, cancer, syphilis, colon fistulas, etc.

How to treat anal fissure?

There are several approaches to the treatment of the pathology discussed, based on its severity. Treatment can be conservative, folk or surgical. And even though treatment of an anal fissure without surgery is usually quite successful, we still consider all options.

Drug treatment

  • Almost all cases of acute form of the disease are treated with medication.
  • Conservative therapy is carried out independently at home. The duration of treatment is 2–8 weeks (depending on severity). Both tablets and other forms of medicines are used.
  • Laxatives are prescribed in tablet form (if the disease is caused by constipation), for example, Duphalac, and antispasmodics, for example, Drotaverine. The patient is also advised to take vitamins A and E, which improve regeneration and skin condition.

Other forms of therapy are prescribed based on symptoms. These include:

  • Baths. In acute cases, it is recommended to do them with a solution of potassium permanganate or other disinfecting solution.
  • Candles from cracks. They have a healing, analgesic or laxative effect. They are quite difficult to use in case of severe pain.
  • Ointments. They have a healing or antispasmodic effect. Apply to the area around the anus.
  • Enemas. Prescribed as a course of treatment.
  • Injections. Blockades with antispasmodic and analgesic effects are introduced under the base of the crack.

Folk remedies

There are a large number of folk remedies that will help alleviate the condition of a patient with an anal fissure. It is important that before using them the patient visits a doctor who will offer the main treatment option, since folk remedies can only be used as a supplement to it. Alternative medicine medications can help relieve pain, inflammation, or speed up healing.

To prepare microenemas at home yourself, it is important to know the basic rules:

  • The temperature of the liquid should not exceed 37°C.
  • The volume of the future microenema will be 30–50 ml.
  • Before administration, it is advisable that the intestines be emptied.
  • The contents of the microenema should remain in the intestines for at least an hour.

The following microenemas are applicable for treatment:

  • Oil based. Sunflower (to facilitate the process of defecation and soften feces), olive, flaxseed and sea buckthorn are used.
  • Based on decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort and yarrow (they have an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect).
  • With honey (has the same effect).

Ointment for cracks in the anus is prepared based on the same decoctions (with chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort), adding sunflower or olive oil. They also make ointments with propolis, spruce resin, and empty pumpkin flowers. They will have the same effect.

Ointments are stored at home in the refrigerator. And if desired, they can be rolled into suppositories to be administered rectally.

For home baths, in addition to the already mentioned decoctions, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate; it has a disinfecting effect. The main thing is that the water temperature for the bath should not exceed 40 degrees.

Operative method

Surgical treatment is prescribed for chronic anal fissure. Or in acute cases, if drug treatment did not have the desired effect. During this manipulation, the edges of the crack and the bottom of the ulcer are excised, removing all tissue that interferes with the natural healing of the wound.

The operation is performed under both general and local anesthesia. It does not require specific preparation, and the postoperative period lasts on average 7–10 days. Full recovery is possible a month after treatment.

Diet for cracks

Before starting any treatment, your doctor will prescribe a change in diet. Because maintaining this predisposing factor will not help recovery.

The diet is selected individually, but there is general rules, applicable to almost all patients.

  • Nutrition should prevent constipation. The following breakfast will be useful: cold juice and after 20 minutes. hot oatmeal and also a teaspoon vegetable oil on an empty stomach.
  • Eating beets, bran bread and fruit helps normalize intestinal function.
  • Drinking at least 3 liters of fluid per day and avoiding dry food prevents hardening of stool.

What is contraindicated with such a diet is alcohol, salty, spicy, fried, and fatty foods.

Anal fissure in a child - treatment

Cracks in a child are not uncommon. This is usually an acute form that may go away on its own.

The predominance of small cracks puts the normalization of the child’s diet in the first place in treatment to avoid constipation and diarrhea.

It is advisable to increase the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy products. We need control over the amount of fluid consumed and personal hygiene.

The first cases of such a problem in a child can provoke fear of pain and, as a result, constipation. In such a situation, it is advisable to consult a psychologist. If the fissure does not heal, you should show the child to a proctologist or surgeon.

How to cure after childbirth?

In general, the treatment of a fissure that occurs after childbirth is similar to the treatment of small children. These are candles, laxatives, baths with a healing effect. If the edges of the crack have become keratinized, surgical intervention (devulsion, cryodestruction, sphincterotomy) is indicated.

Possible complications of anal fissures

Frequent consequences of an untreated acute form of the disease are:

  • paraproctitis;
  • rectal fistula;
  • posterior pararectal abscess;
  • itching and inflammation of the damaged area.

In the chronic form, a process of prolonged spasm of the sphincter, its weakness, and also suppuration of the wound are possible.

Thus, a seemingly insignificant disease can cause many unpleasant moments and serious complications. In addition, similar symptoms can hide more dangerous diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to lead a healthy, active lifestyle, and at the first symptoms do not be afraid to consult a doctor.