Evening, the city quiets down and turns on the night lights. The guy is standing at the girl’s house, preparing to say goodbye to her and thinking as he goes: “Should I just say “bye”? Or muster up the courage to hug and kiss her on the cheek? What if you take a risk and touch your lips? How will she react? Will he suddenly get angry? And if I don’t do anything, he will think that he is inexperienced and indecisive. How can this be?!” So how to kiss a girl? How to prepare for such an event and guess that your chosen one is also waiting for it?

How to behave before a kiss?

1. General rules.

Before the kiss, she probably wants to get a dose of romance. for a girl it means to trust him. She uses all the time up to the moment “X” to check whether the young man deserves her trust.

To meet her expectations, it is important to monitor your speech and behavior. This means no vulgarity, provocations and aggression, topics about exes or problems. Better instead:

The most important thing in art nice words- this is sincerity. No matter how good an actor a young man is, his chosen one will certainly sense a lie.

4. Touch.

Flying towards a girl with a bear hug as soon as she appears on the horizon, or constantly squeezing her around the waist, or even lower, is impossible. In proper approach, all movements are smooth and gradual. It is important to give your partner freedom so that she has a chance to accept some kind of touch or refuse it. What can you do:

  • while walking, “accidentally” touch her hand a couple of times. If she doesn't object and doesn't move away or put her hand in her pocket, it's time to try to gently take her hand in yours;
  • invite her to take your hand. You can ask directly or simply put out your bent elbow and smile;
  • tuck her unruly curl behind her ear, brush away an eyelash, wipe a spot on her face.

But just before you kiss your companion, you can openly take her hand and move closer. But even at this stage everything is done as smoothly as possible. Otherwise, she may get scared, feel awkward and recoil.

How to understand that she is ready for a kiss?

You don't want to end up in an unpleasant position trying to kiss someone who doesn't want it at all. The mark from the slap will disappear quickly, but the shame and feeling of humiliation will not dissolve so quickly.

Here there are several signs that a girl wants to kiss and ready for it:

  • she looks at her partner’s lips, licks and bites her own;
  • plays with his hair, exposes his neck and strokes it;
  • looks intently into the face, does not avoid eye contact;
  • leans closer and lets you come to her;
  • touches the guy’s shoulders, chest, face, hair;
  • looks flirtatiously from under her eyelashes and smiles when their eyes meet.

It would be nice to analyze and find several such signs at once. Individually they may be random or mean something else.

How to kiss a girl for the first time?

1. Approach.

  1. Shut up. Look into her eyes. Reduce the distance to a step.
  2. Take her hand or gently by the waist and gently pull her towards you or get closer to yourself.
  3. Take a short break. Leave your hands on her waist or gently touch her face.
  4. Smoothly bring your face closer and touch your lips. Before this, you can quietly say about the desire to kiss her. Most likely she will answer something like “So kiss me” or just smile.

2. Main action.

  1. Gently and lightly press your lips to hers. Make several short and soft touches in this style.
  2. Wait for her to respond. Before this there was no pressure.
  3. Start gently capturing her lips with yours.
  4. If everything is fine and she doesn't mind, you can lick her lip with the tip of your tongue.
  5. Does she use her tongue too? You can go to . No? It's better to continue with the simple technique.

3. Completion.

  1. Was there a French kiss? Go to simple.
  2. Slow down the pace of movements and the force of lip pressure.
  3. Gradually move away so that your mouths barely touch each other.
  4. Loosen the hug, slowly move your face away.
  5. Look into your eyes and smile pleasantly.

By learning how to kiss a girl correctly, when to do it and how to finish it, a guy will significantly increase his chances of a relationship. Of course, you can please your companion with a better and more pleasant second, fifth, or thirtieth kiss, but she will remember the first one. And why be nervous and correct later what you can do perfectly the first time?

How to prepare for a meeting?

It is desirable that this be planned, then it will be possible to prepare for the “battle” in advance. And it’s even better to appoint a meeting place yourself, since not every location is suitable for a couple’s first kiss.

Kissing means seriously violating personal boundaries for the first time. This means that the entire action will occur more successfully in comfortable environment, away from the bustle. To move to this stage of the relationship absolutely not suitable:

  • loud concerts, parties with large crowds;
  • sports competitions with emotional fans;
  • home environment involving ambiguity;
  • friendly meetings or gatherings with relatives.

However, You can kiss after the same discos or performances, but after the hormones and noisy music in the ears have subsided. The next kisses, of course, can take place in such conditions, but only when the level of trust is higher and the awkwardness is lower. For the first time, the following alternatives are suitable:

  • cafe, quiet, calm bar;
  • cinema (not necessarily the last row);
  • a walk in the park, square;
  • individual attractions (Ferris wheel, but not “orbit”);
  • area near the entrance.

Choosing a location isn't the only dilemma, which remains to be resolved. More importantly, hygiene. Getting ready to see a girl, a neat guy:

  • take a shower and use deodorant or antiperspirant;
  • brush your teeth and grab a mint or gum just in case;
  • washes his hands (they will most likely have to touch the girl’s face);
  • shave or tidy up his mustache and beard, if he grows them;
  • will give up cigarettes, alcohol, and food with a specific smell.

Women have a well-developed sense of smell, so a girl will probably notice if a guy has ignored at least one of the listed points.

How to kiss a girl for the first time. So, you've found your match. You like her, she likes you too - the ideal balance of power. If she spends time with you and gladly accepts your advances, then be sure that she is waiting for a kiss no less than you. But you are a man, which means you must take the first step. Women love confident men, so don't hesitate or be embarrassed. Your excitement may scare her away, and she will begin to doubt you; under no circumstances should this be allowed to happen!

As soon as you decide to kiss a girl for the first time, you will immediately gain confidence in your abilities, and in the future you will do it more and more confidently and calmly. As they say, the first step is the most difficult.

Choosing a location.

Think through everything down to the smallest detail. Call her on a date - just on a date, and not on a walk, which may be attended by some of your or her acquaintances. There will still come a time when you will kiss her in public. Now you (and especially you) need intimacy. No one should distract you or embarrass you. Therefore, a cafe is also not suitable for a first kiss. As a last resort - the last row in the cinema. More romance, don’t forget about flowers and compliments. For the first kiss, the slow walk to her house after a wonderful evening is perfect. But you shouldn’t wait for the very last moment: after all, someone might interfere with you at her house.

Let's get down to business.

The place has been found, the romantic atmosphere has been created - what now? Now, in fact, you will learn how to kiss a girl for the first time. You sat down on a bench on a quiet alley, you hugged her - and then!.. Don’t worry. Yes, this is almost impossible, but try to show your excitement as little as possible. Believe me, the girl understands perfectly well what is going on and is no less worried than you. Now look into her eyes and slowly lean towards her lips. So, you're almost there.

It is very important to be mentally prepared for a kiss and not be afraid of it. A sensitive girl will probably notice that the guy is nervous, acts too constrained, or, on the contrary, tries to hide the constraint with the help of rudeness and aggression. These emotions will be transferred to her, so that as a result, it is unlikely that either of you will enjoy it. To the girl, behave confidently, don’t be too scared. But remember that slight excitement and trepidation at such a moment are completely appropriate - they will only demonstrate your feelings and become additional proof that you are not indifferent to the girl.

Choose the right time and place. If someone interferes with your first kiss, it can leave a bad taste in both of your souls. Noisy parties, clubs, crowded places are not very suitable options. It will be better if you are alone, or at least there are no people nearby who can interfere with you. For example, you can kiss for the first time during a romantic walk in the park.

Make sure the girl is ready for the kiss. This is one of the most difficult moments. If she doesn’t move away when you take her hand or hug her, allows you to touch her, looks into your eyes and sometimes glances at your lips, there is a high probability that she will react favorably to the kiss.

Features of the first kiss

The technique of kissing, as well as the ways to achieve it, depend on the character of the person. However, if you are nervous before your first kiss with a girl and don’t know how to act, use a simple algorithm. Try to get closer to her so that your faces are close. If she doesn't recoil or turn away, move on - slowly and gently touch her lips, kiss her softly several times. If the girl likes it, she herself will support you, and the kiss will become more passionate.

Do not force a girl under any circumstances if she clearly demonstrates that she does not want to do this. This may not be a permanent failure and you may be able to try again in the future with great success. If you act rudely, after that harmonious relationships, most likely, there will be no more speech.

If the right moment for the first kiss has not yet presented itself, try to do it spontaneously. For example, when walking a girl home and saying goodbye to her, touch her cheek with your palm and quickly kiss her on the lips. The girl will probably remember this exciting moment, and later it will be much easier to try again.

It is not surprising that many young people are concerned about how to kiss a girl for the first time, so as not to push her away, but, on the contrary, to attract her to them. Improvisation, of course, is a good thing, but it is still better to prepare for such an important event as a kiss.

When preparing for a kiss, one should not forget about the physiological side of the process. By penetrating a girl’s personal space, you become closer to the girl both spiritually and physically.

Therefore, at the moment of intimacy, it is necessary to remember not only the kissing technique, but also hygiene and accuracy.

  1. The pleasant aroma emanating from a man is truly an aphrodisiac that can turn the head of any young lady. So be sure to use a good men's cologne, but don't overdo it.
  2. Another logical point that should still be mentioned is brushed teeth and fresh, pleasant breath.
  3. Chapped lips are an extremely unpleasant sight that can negate all the romanticism of the situation. Agree that you wouldn’t like the chappedness and unattractiveness of your partner’s lips.
  4. Women's opinions on facial hair are divided. Some have a positive attitude towards a beard, others like clean-shaven men, and others do not pay attention to such a beard at all. male characteristic. Of course, if you have a beard, you still shouldn’t shave it off, but giving it a well-groomed look is a must.

For everything to go well, you need to stop worrying and “shaking.” Your excitement will definitely be transferred to your partner, who may think anything - even to the point that she is unpleasant to you.

Therefore, pull yourself together, cast aside unnecessary doubts, because by agreeing to a date with you, the girl showed some sympathy.

Despite the apparent simplicity of this intimate process, we must not forget about several important points, which can contribute to the development of relationships or, on the contrary, destroy the sympathy and “chemistry” emerging between you.

For some guys who want to appear cool and macho, a kiss on the first date is considered mandatory or completely natural. We will not argue with this opinion, but there is still no need to rush.

Many girls consciously or unconsciously follow the following rule - a kiss on the first date is considered a kind of taboo.

Some young ladies do not want to show their availability, others just want to make sure of the seriousness of the gentleman’s intentions, and still others have not kissed at all, so they are somewhat scared.

Of course, there are liberated young ladies who are not averse to kissing even at the first meeting. In this case, the girls themselves will clearly hint at their desire.

If the young lady is shy, it is better not to take risks, so as not to break the connection that has arisen between you.

It sounds a little funny, but if you haven't kissed young ladies before, you need to practice a little. Having learned all the intricacies of the process, you will become less worried when it comes to actually kissing on the lips. It happens, for example, that lovers become embarrassed when their noses touch each other.

There are a lot of techniques for touching lips, and the kissing process is very diverse, so describing them is a thankless task. So rehearsal is extremely important, but don't forget about expressing your true emotions.

Your sympathy and sincere desire can smooth out any missteps.

It is extremely important to choose the right moment and time to kiss on the lips. Determining the signs of a girl’s “readiness” is not so difficult if you carefully monitor her facial expressions, gestures and behavior.

We can say that the young lady is ready for a kiss if:

  • it allows you to enter your personal comfort zone (less than 50 cm);
  • When communicating, she twirls her hair and touches her lips;
  • looks at your lips during a conversation;
  • does not avoid eye contact;
  • reacts positively to short touches (does not move away).

In addition, it is important to choose the right place for this “sacrament”. Many girls are embarrassed to kiss in front of a large crowd of people, fearing that their friends will see them.

The last rows of a movie theater are not always the ideal place for kissing, since for some young ladies it is important to see their partner at this important moment.

Therefore, it is best to choose a quiet place and a time when the number of people rushing or walking past is minimized.

Honestly, the kissing technique is not as important as your tenderness and respect for the girl. You should not push, let alone force, this process, as this will create a characteristic impression of yourself. You need to create the most romantic aura possible, to let the young lady know what your intentions are. The ideal option consists of three components:

  • get closer to your lover (enter your comfort zone);
  • catch her eye by looking straight into her eyes;
  • Touch your lips slowly and gently.

When you approach the girl's lips slowly, this gives the young lady the opportunity to evade if she does not want to kiss you or is simply not yet ready to move on to such a close acquaintance.

Girls may react to your initiative in different ways. For example, someone feels discomfort when other people are looking at her at this moment, others simply do not want to kiss specific guys, others want to test a man’s reaction to refusal.

Important! Despite the girl’s reluctance to kiss, you need to behave with dignity. It doesn’t even make sense to remind people that insults or other similar actions are simply unacceptable.

It's important to show that her decision doesn't hurt you, so continue the conversation and be positive. You can turn an awkward situation into a joke.

On the Internet and in the male community in general, there are two completely different opinions about whether you should be interested in a girl’s permission before kissing.

So-called pick-up artists claim that men who ask permission to kiss look like weak and insecure individuals in the eyes of young ladies. “Be the alpha male, man!” - say such advisers.

This opinion is extremely common among guys and probably has a right to exist.

Let's talk in more detail about the opposite point of view, which says that a kiss is an action that takes place by mutual consent, especially when it happens on the first date.

And if a man kisses without asking, the girl may decide that her partner is not very interested in her opinion.

The main arguments in favor of asking a girl’s permission before kissing:

  1. This is an indicator of male education. When a guy asks a young lady if he can kiss her, he shows respect for her personality.
  2. The young lady may not be ready for a kiss or simply not want to kiss right then and there.
  3. Some girls show their initial sympathy for a guy only in the form of conversation and communication; sexual attraction and desire to kiss may appear only after a month or two.
  4. There is an opinion that touching lips without the other person's permission can also be classified as sexual violence.

Which of the above opinions is more correct is up to you to decide. Most likely, in the process of communication you will be able to determine how your interlocutor will react to intimacy. Will she be against a kiss on the first date or will she say a firm “no” to any inclination on your part?

When thinking about how to kiss a girl, you need to understand a simple thing - love relationships it is necessary to be guided, first of all, by intuition.

If you managed to win over the young charmer, were gentle and romantic, other meetings and dates will soon follow, and only then the first kiss. All you have to do is enjoy the process itself!

Most guys are shy and afraid to take this step. There are cases when a guy manages to ask a girl for permission. Please note that this cannot be done! Now you will learn what and how to do to kiss a girl for the first time.

How to kiss a girl for the first time - get rid of nerves

Before you know when it's okay to kiss a girl, you must learn to control your emotions and nerves. Most likely you are too you bother and you just freeze in front of a girl just from the thought of a kiss. Only the right attitude can help you. Don't forget, it's just a kiss! This is not an exam or a test that you must pass perfectly. Act confidently, take your time - relax. If a girl comes to you on a date, it means she has some kind of sympathy for you. Even if something doesn't go according to plan, it doesn't mean that everything is lost and your relationship is over.

How to kiss a girl for the first time - proper preparation

You definitely need to prepare for the first kiss - everything should go smoothly. top level. Yes, the first kiss is not as important for guys as it is for girls. If you don’t want to prepare for yourself, then take care of the girl. Be sure to keep your mouth fresh, as this is the most important point. Any girl will lose interest in kissing if a guy's breath smells bad. The first kiss is an impression of you. Before a date, try not to eat foods that could create a specific or bad smell in the mouth. We're talking about garlic, onions, dumplings with vinegar, salted fish... To protect yourself, chew chewing gum or a mint candy on the way to a date.

How to kiss a girl for the first time - looking for a reason to kiss

Rapprochement will happen without unnecessary difficulties, provided that you have done everything that depended on you (achieved mutual understanding and used all the methods of seducing women).

A simple trick

Start a conversation with your girl about kissing. Talk about “types of kisses” or “how they kiss in African tribes.” Girls usually fall for this and try to keep the conversation going. At this moment, invite your companion to try one or another option and reward her with a sweet kiss.

Ice cream

This method has helped many guys kiss a girl on the first date. Ask a girl if she likes ice cream. Every girl likes it, so she will ask: “Why did you ask me that?” You should tell her this: women who don't like ice cream They experience no feelings when kissing and kiss with their mouth closed. After that, French kiss her and ask her about her impressions.

How to kiss a girl for the first time - why you shouldn’t ask permission

Most women cannot immediately enter into a relationship with an unfamiliar man. If you ask permission and receive a positive answer, then you don’t even have to go to the fortune teller to see if she will respond to your proposal to make love. Silence, a vague “I’ll think about it” and the absence of a categorical refusal are clear signs that she is not against kissing, but is restraining herself due to stereotypes instilled by society. Don't ask, just say “let's try” and give the girl the best kiss in the world.

What if when you try to kiss, she moves away and says “no”? Say this: “Wow! You ruined such a moment! Surely all your former boyfriends left you because you don’t know how to kiss.” This is a risky move. The girl may no longer answer your calls, but this is the only way you will save yourself from a drop in self-esteem and confusion. There is a chance that she will reconsider her behavior and agree to a kiss on the second date.

The right moment depends only on you

Young people are constantly waiting for the right moment to kiss a girl for the first time. You shouldn't be passive and sit on a date waiting for a miracle. It's up to you to create the right mood!

Make the date romantic. Music, flowers, candles... This may seem banal to a guy, but not one girl yet resisted the attention. Do you think this is a tired topic? You are mistaken, girls have only seen this on TV. Create a cozy atmosphere, do everything that depends on you. Have a great first kiss.