Need to increase your endurance and run length? The first steps can be taken right now! Start adding a few minutes to your daily workout to overcome fatigue. If you want to increase your speed at the same time, try sprinting and plyometrics. By alternating stretching and rapid muscle contraction, the athlete increases explosive power and the body becomes stronger. For more information on how these techniques can improve your running performance, see the tips below.


Increase time

    Check your fitness. Before increasing the distance, make sure that the standards are met. Improve the basics, because on short distances you can still get away with poor technique, but as the mileage increases, the situation changes dramatically.

    • Find a comfortable stride length and swing your arms as you move.
    • Try to keep the upper half of your body relaxed rather than tense.
    • Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
    • Make sure your shoes are designed for running and fit properly to keep your feet comfortable.
  1. Time your run. Before increasing the duration of the cross-country, you need to find out how long you are running now. Take wrist watch and time how long your next run will last. You will add time little by little, but you need to know where to start.

    • Run as long as possible. Try to continue running even if you feel tired and feel pain in your legs. Most people do not know the limits of their own endurance, and this is what is needed to increase the length of the distance. If you need to run longer, you should be prepared to overcome discomfort.
    • Consider setting goals based on your starting time. For example, if you are capable of running for 15 minutes, then your goal might be a 30-minute run, and if you start with 30 minutes, you might aim for a 1-hour run.
  2. Increase your running time by 5-10 minutes every week. The increase may seem small, but in this mode the body quickly increases strength (of course, a lot depends on the initial state). It is better to constantly and gradually increase your jogging time than to immediately give a critical load. Excessive haste overstrains the muscles, and they cannot develop effectively. You also need to adhere to a given regime, increasing the running time even when you need to overcome real fatigue - this is how endurance grows.

    • If your current rate is below 30 minutes, start adding 5 minutes weekly until you reach the half-hour mark.
    • If your first time is over 30 minutes, you can add 10 minutes (no more) each week until you reach your goal.
  3. Don't worry about the pace. You can work on your speed later, but now you need to increase your running time. Try to find a comfortable speed that allows you to have a conversation while running. Find a pace where you can continue indefinitely. In an effort to simultaneously increase time And running speed, a person runs the risk of burning out. If speed is also important, first increase the duration of your run to the required level and run for a while in this mode, and only then increase your speed.

    Provide your body with fuel. To survive a long run, you need to give your body the nutrients it needs and stay hydrated. What you eat and drink before your run affects the quality of your run. You can’t run for long with a full belly, but you need to provide your body with sufficient energy and fluid (important!).

    • Your body needs fuel to run, but you shouldn't fuel up on carbohydrates right before your run. In practice, this may even worsen the results. With the exception of marathon running, a non-carbohydrate rush is not necessary to successfully complete a run.
    • An hour before your workout, you can eat a handful of almonds, a banana, or half a bagel with peanut butter. This way you will get enough energy and not burden yourself.
    • Drink plain water. Do not use to restore water balance sports drinks– Your body can function effectively without added sugar. In addition, an abundance of calories is fraught with excess weight gain.
  4. Follow the training program. Develop a plan to improve your endurance and stick to it week after week. Missing a few weeks of training will set you back, and you will have to make up for lost time. But don’t worry if the long break is due to life circumstances. The main thing is to return to training and increase results when the situation returns to normal. Like everything in life, fitness is subject to the wave rule. From time to time there will be periods of "maximum" and also "not-the-best-form", these are the rules of the game.

    Don't push too hard. Trying to jump ahead an extra 10 minutes can have the opposite effect. The body adapts and builds strength gradually, and a sudden load will cause depletion of resources rather than building muscle mass and endurance. Therefore, in the long term, a gradual increase in loads is much more effective.

    • Don't forget to include rest days in your schedule. Don't run every day, you should have 1-2 days off a week to allow damaged muscles to recover and rest.
    • On days without jogging, you can continue training in other directions. You can try swimming, walking or cycling.

    Increased stamina

    1. Walk if necessary. When working on endurance, anyone can experience discomfort as they run longer. If it seems like you can’t run another step, slow down and start walking. Continue moving until you feel ready to run further, and then start running again. Continue working in this mode until the time scheduled for today's workout is over.

      • The run/walk strategy is especially effective for new runners. Strive to increase your running time every workout, reducing your walking time, and one day the entire distance will be covered in running mode.
    2. Practice sprinting. Training with short bursts of intensity increases the body's maximum oxygen intake. This is called VO2 max and is a standard measurement of aerobic fitness. Jogging at a normal pace increases your endurance for running at the same slow pace. Try adding 2-3 classes to your weekly program according to the following scheme, practicing in this mode for a month and a half:

      • Fully warmed up. During sprinting, the muscles are under enormous pressure, and a good warm-up minimizes the likelihood of damage.
      • 30 second sprint at 50% max. Rest 2 minutes.
      • 30 second sprint at 80% max. Rest 2 minutes.
      • 30 second sprint at 100% maximum effort. Rest 2 minutes.
      • Repeat first so that the total number of races reaches 8 (focus on your level of training).
    3. Do plyometrics. Many athletes have improved their endurance by practicing high-knee running, soldier drill, and other forms of intense exercise. Thanks to plyometrics, an athlete can run longer and faster. This practice helps build core muscles and tone the entire body. You can do an individual program with a trainer on machines in the gym, focusing on 2-3 workouts a day. If this is not possible, you can try the following complex as an alternative:

      • Run 20 meters using your shortest, fastest stride. Repeat 6 times.
      • Perform each of the following exercises for up to 5 minutes: one-legged jumping jacks, jumping ropes, and high knee jumps.
    4. Alternate hard days with lighter workouts. Marathon runners use this strategy as they build up their distance each week. During the week, do 2-3 intense workouts, doing more exercise and effort. On Sunday, run your longest distance at a calm, conversation-friendly pace. Over time, you will find that these long runs feel more enjoyable than shorter, intense runs, even though you cover more distance and run longer.

      Try runs at different paces. This workout starts with 15 minutes in an easy mode, then 20 minutes in a strong but comfortable mode (not sprinting), followed by another 15 minutes of running in a relaxed mode. Add 1-2 varying pace sessions to your plan and your lactate threshold (the point at which you feel tired when running at a certain pace) will increase.

    5. When competing or running together, you should team up with a stronger runner. By trying to maintain a certain distance, you will be able to cover a greater distance without paying attention to the thoughts of fatigue.
    6. If you don't have enough air, breathe through your mouth. Sometimes breathing through the nose does not provide sufficient oxygen for muscle function.
    7. Find yourself quality running shoes with good arch support.
    8. Take a water bottle and a damp towel to cool down.
    9. If you have asthma or other conditions that prevent you from running long distances, be sure to take your inhaler, or try alternating between short runs and walking.
    10. Don't dream that you can become the best runner in the world with little or no effort.
    11. Don't smoke. Smoking significantly impairs running ability.
    12. Start your workout with a brisk walk. Maintain a consistent rhythm and you'll be able to run faster and longer, improving your performance in the long run.
    13. Choose places for running with smoother road surfaces or areas with beautiful scenery.
    14. Try to set a goal for each workout (for example, run for a certain time or cover a specific distance). Having goals increases motivation.
    15. If you want to run further than usual, invite a friend to run together. This makes it easier to maintain a “conversational” pace and stimulate each other.
    16. Exercise with friends - it will encourage and support you.
    17. Try stretching after your workout. This way you can gradually cool down and relieve muscle pain.
    18. Warnings

    • If you feel dizzy or notice blurred vision, stop running immediately and walk slowly for a few minutes before stopping to sit down.
    • Drinking too much can throw your body's electrolyte balance out of balance, making you feel tired more quickly. This causes some people to vomit and lose consciousness.
    • Consult a physician before starting strength training after prolonged periods of sedentary activity.

To increase power under the same conditions and pedaling pace, shift to larger gears. Train with intervals, for example:

  • first, spin as hard as you can for 60 seconds (or less if you're a beginner);
  • then increase the interval to 90 seconds and so on.

Pay attention to cadence (pedaling frequency). If over time, under the same conditions, but in higher gears, it “levels out,” then you are not suffering in vain.


When descending, cyclists typically reduce their cadence and pedaling force. You won't get results that way. Therefore, to increase power, it is recommended to do the opposite - drive uphill. Start with a small climb, such as 300 meters. Then increase the distance to 1 km.

Another good way increase power - these are interval sprints when going up steep hills. Lasts no more than 60-90 seconds, then recovery, and back to work.

Against the wind

For those who have to travel 200 kilometers to the nearest mountain, you can increase the power in a different way. Namely: ride against the wind. Operating principle: as soon as you feel the oncoming air flow, screw it in as hard as you can - until one of you two weakens. If a stream of air constantly blows in your face, roll towards it with a stable cadence of at least 90 rpm.


Block training is rigorous training that lasts several days. Include (for example):

  • 1st day - riding uphill;
  • Day 2 - interval sprints;
  • 3rd day - day off;
  • 4th - day - recovery riding.

Typically, such blocks are used to facilitate the process of adaptation to the training regime and increase power. Important: after such a serious load on the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system, you need to take the restoration of the body seriously. Relaxation, walking, other sports, or non-sports cycling are recommended. One of these is in the following video:

Rule “75%“

According to this rule, 75% of the training time should be spent at 75% of the body's total power, with a heart rate of 50-70% of the maximum. Notice that the other half of this rule says:

“25% of your training time should be spent in the intense riding zone at maximum heart rate.”

Find out how to increase your speed, examples of exercises and training methods.

Everyone knows that running speed depends on genetic predisposition and there is some truth in this, for example, look at some people who are not keen on sports, but they have powerful legs and are not full, but with a large proportion of muscle mass, but on the contrary, there are thin ones like matches and quickly get tired from physical exertion.

But even if genetics played into your hands, nothing will work out if you don’t develop your potential, because it’s not for nothing that they say success is 1% of talent and 99% of work, only after that you can achieve maximum explosive power and furious acceleration.

Remember, to become faster you need to be patient and train from month to month, adding and improving every year, if you want to become, for example, a lightning-fast football player and an explosive sprinter, then work hard and make training your way of life. By the way, for those who have problems gaining muscle mass in their legs, running short sprint distances will help awaken sleeping muscles and force them to grow by engaging muscle fibers that are dormant during normal strength training in the gym.

How to increase your running speed

There are 3 most proven and simple ways to increase running speed:

1) STRENGTH TRAINING - these are special exercises in the gym for, the only exception will be working at a faster pace during the effort phase, for example, when performing a rise you need to quickly, even if the rise will be outwardly slow, but the acceleration specified at the beginning of the rise will feel like the muscles and the body will include additional work stimulation for strength growth.

2) BIOMECHANICS– it is worth improving your running technique so that the movements are more coherent and coordinated, the whole body should work as a single mechanism. What happens in most cases is that many people run around at random, their arms are dangling, their legs are in different sides, they generally look like drunk people.

3) STRETCHING- this is a very important way to influence the strength of the legs, remember that in the process of strength training, the muscles thicken and decrease in length, constant stretching of the legs allows you to maintain the original length of the muscle fibers, and accordingly maintain a greater amplitude of movements and strength, respectively.

The formula has been known since school:

a = v / t,

Where A– acceleration,

v- speed

t- time

To develop speed, it is necessary to comprehensively use all 3 methods to increase running speed; only a runner without strength training will always lose to someone who works according to the + scheme.

Exercises for running speed

1) ARM SWING– various movements of the arms develop the flexibility of the shoulder joints, which improves coordination of movements and contributes to the coordinated functioning of the body while running. While running, make sure that the angle at your elbows is 90 0; if it is higher, then the frequency of steps while running decreases, which slows down your running speed.

2) MOVEMENT TECHNIQUE– it is very important that the steps are wide and frequent, which is why long-legged athletes have a head start over others. The width of the step is perfectly developed when running in the forest or along other rough terrain, where you have to jump over obstacles or, on the contrary, jump further to overcome the obstacle. Don't forget about quick runs up the slope of 20-30 meters, this perfectly stimulates the body to take steps as wide as possible in order to cover the distance faster.

3) STEPS– this exercise can be performed in any weather, which makes it very accessible and simple. The explosive force will be higher, the stronger the push-off with the back leg, make sure that the leg is fully straightened at the knee joint, and the arms, bent at the elbows at 90 0, work in unison with the whole body.

Run up the stairs at a maximum pace of 30-35 steps, and then calmly go down with a light jog or walk, this will be your rest time, then immediately run up. Instead of stairs, you can find a hill 10-15 degrees high in nature.

Do not try to quickly run down the slope; the probability of plowing the ground with your nose is very high.

Before these tough runs, be sure to do some light stretching at the beginning to improve circulation and warm up your muscles, followed by a more comprehensive leg cool-down to speed up the recovery of tired muscles. Also remember that they play an important role in running.

4) PARACHUTE OR TIRES- Very effective remedy, increased resistance air forces your legs to work at full capacity, but if this is not possible and you live on a plain without hills, do not be discouraged - a pair of car tires attached with a cable to your belt provides excellent resistance and active load on the leg muscles.

Train using 4 exercises at the very beginning for two to three months, performing 3 workouts weekly, then increase the number to 5 workouts per week. Monitor the intensity of the work and the number of repetitions yourself, the state of the body will tell you the right decision, but each time you will be able to run faster, push off harder, and the time to cover the distance will gradually decrease.

I wish everyone good luck in developing the speed of the cheetah, the main thing is not to be lazy and the results will exceed all expectations!

Endurance is called a person’s ability to withstand high loads for a certain time, which depends on the degree of training of the body. This “skill” is necessary not only for professional athletes or law enforcement officers, but also in everyday life. Good physical shape helps in many everyday situations, for example, at work, during a long shopping trip, or moving. This is the reason for the high interest of modern people in the issue of developing good endurance.

A hardy and trained person is distinguished from the general mass by good posture, a toned silhouette, and the absence of extra pounds. His movements are fast, precise, confident. The changes affect not only the appearance, but also have a beneficial effect on the body. Concentration of erythrocytes - red blood cells responsible for oxygen saturation internal organs, increases, the condition of the respiratory muscles significantly improves, and the heart muscle strengthens. External and internal changes that occur to a person become the main motivating factors to become resilient.

Helps to cope with the task perfectly. Ancient people, as anthropologists have shown, were better runners. They could not only run fast, but also cover enormous distances. Compared to them, even Olympic champions would look clumsy. Of course, many associate this feature of the ancients with the fact that they were forced to “fight” for their existence and get food. Such a judgment is just another excuse for the lazy.

Developing endurance in running means learning to run fast and for a long time, improving your performance in many sports, including swimming, cycling, and cross-country skiing.

There are many techniques to help develop endurance. The main thing is to find the right motivation for yourself. If it is not there, then a person will achieve nothing but a waste of time and suffering from such activities. After all, first of all, you will need to change your usual and comfortable lifestyle to an active one.

For a motivated person who wants to become more beautiful and healthy, this is much easier to do. When such a desire is absent, it is simply impossible to achieve anything. To take the next step toward improving your fitness, here's some important information to read.

Existing varieties of endurance

The concept of “endurance” has a fairly broad interpretation, but in sports it has a clear classification. It is customary to distinguish two main types of endurance:


Represents the movement and work of muscle tissue. Its development becomes possible through long-term performance of various exercises.


It is carried out without the process of enriching the body with oxygen. All work occurs solely through the use internal resources. High-intensity training is suitable for developing anaerobic endurance, with fairly short recovery periods between them.

This division is more valuable for athletes. For everyday life, it is enough to know that endurance is divided into general and special. The latter is characteristic of a certain professional activity, and its components depend on what kind of work needs to be done. Some people need it solely for the purpose of staying in a certain position for the longest possible time, while others need it to get used to working with oxygen deficiency.

How to increase endurance when running?

This question is not something exceptional and is of interest even to those who do not intend to take part in competitions or take prizes. Thanks to running, a person gets the opportunity to keep his entire body in good shape and always be in a good mood.

To succeed, beginners should:

  • adhere to an acceptable - comfortable degree of load;
  • exercise systematically, do not miss training;
  • regularly, but gradually increase the pace with distance.

If you follow these principles, the result will not keep you waiting long.

Ragged rhythm according to the Craig Beasley system

It consists of changing the rhythm of running. You need to run at maximum speed for half a minute, and then switch to a calm walk for 5 seconds. According to the system created by the famous Canadian marathon runner Craig Beasley, you need to do 8 repetitions at a time. To strengthen your body and feel improvements in endurance after just a month, you should exercise three times a week. It is necessary to gradually increase the load by performing more repetitions.

Interval running according to the Bart Jasso method

The system from the manager of the Runner’s World Race organization assumes a slightly different approach. The distance run is divided into segments of 800 meters, and the time to cover it is divided into their number. The race, consisting of several intervals, is organized once every seven days. The idea is to run them in the allotted time, and then add 800m intervals each subsequent week until the entire distance is completed.

Endurance for everyday tasks

To be strong and resilient in everyday life, improving overall physical performance, all attention is concentrated on the most frequently involved functional capabilities.

You can take long walks, run, skate, roller skate, ski, or bike. The simplest, most effective, accessible exercise for everyone is buckles with a skipping rope. Alternative and much more interesting option Solitary activities will include organizing a team game, for example, football. Sports games like these are incredibly useful and bring a lot of emotions.

To develop muscle endurance, you need to perform basic exercises, increasing the number of approaches over time. Active activity will have a positive effect on your physical condition, mood, and well-being. This does not apply to professional sports, the achievements and rules of which differ from amateur sports.

Home endurance training

Among all the exercises available for independent performance, running is considered the most democratic and simple. Popularization healthy image life has led to the fact that running has become not only useful, but also fashionable.

Runners are looked at with a certain amount of envy, but only in the warm season. When frost sets in and snow falls, such physical activity evokes sympathy among many. However, overcoming snowdrifts and jogging in sub-zero temperatures provide the maximum load for the most effective endurance training.

Those who are not attracted by the prospect of running in cold weather can exercise on an exercise bike or treadmill. The main thing is not to stop training.

It is not necessary to purchase sports equipment. Jumping, push-ups, and pull-ups allow you to keep yourself in good physical shape throughout the year. The latter can be done on a horizontal bar installed in the doorway.

The most important

Having decided to become resilient, you need to start training immediately, without taking long breaks, being content with the results achieved. Any stop will simply undo everything that has been achieved.

Several weeks without the normal exercise of the muscles will cause serious damage to functionality. Exercises that were as easy as possible just a month ago will be difficult to perform or will not be possible at all. Therefore, you cannot stop.

Training after 50 years

Yes, yes, nothing new. But just listen to how much you can improve your results! I myself don’t like to prolong pleasure, and the desire to achieve everything as quickly as possible often takes precedence over caution. I'm lucky so far, and the only unpleasant consequences are hellish pain.

Some of my friends were not so lucky. There can be a lot of options for punishment for such impatience: starting with microtraumas and ending with fractures. Therefore, here is an example from the life of a person who was able to achieve amazing results through patience and perseverance. And soon he will achieve even more!

So, meet Craig Beasley from Canada. Craig started running two years ago and at that time could only run for 30 seconds before breaking into a walk and walking for 4.5 minutes. Then ran again for 30 seconds. He repeated this cycle eight times for a total of 40 minutes. He tried not to miss and trained three times a week.

30 weeks later, Beasley was able to run 30 minutes without stopping and completed his first half marathon in 2 hours 12 minutes. He decided to continue training and trained even in winter at sub-zero temperatures. In May, he was already able to run non-stop for 2 hours 45 minutes and do six sets of 400 meters in 1 hour 45 minutes. The first marathon awaits him ahead.

Try increasing the distance gradually. For example, increase by 1 km at the end of each week for three weeks in a row (for example, 5, 6, 7 km), and in the fourth week take a vacation, rest and recuperate. Then start adding 1 km again.

Option 2. Bart Yasso method

This training option was used by Bart Jasso, manager of Runner's World Race. It consists of running 800 meters at the speed at which you plan to run your first marathon. So if you want to run it in 4 hours 30 minutes, try running 800 meters in 4 minutes 30 seconds. This training was written about 10 years ago, and since then this method has gained many fans.

Doug Underwood is one of the many fans of this technique. He has only been running for three years and has already completed two marathons in 3 hours 55 minutes and 3 hours 53 minutes. After that, he really wanted to take part in the Boston Marathon and decided to take his training seriously. His training was based on the Yass method.

To get to the Boston Marathon, you need to do it in 3 hours and 30 minutes. So Underwood decided to train until he could run 800 meters in 3 minutes 30 seconds, and combine 10 sets into one run, interspersing 3 minutes 30 seconds of jogging between the fast runs.

Underwood ended up running the Baton Rouge Beach Marathon in 3 hours, 30 minutes, 54 seconds. This was quite enough to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

What's the best way to train? Try running the Yasso plan once a week. Start with 4-5 800m intervals at the speed you set as your goal, then add one interval per week until you get to 10.

Option 3. Long and slow run

Megan Arbogast has been running marathons for five years, and her best time is 2 hours 58 minutes. Everything would be fine, but there is one problem: while preparing for the marathon, she brought herself to the point of exhaustion.

And starting in 1998, she began training according to a program that was developed by Warren Finke, a famous trainer from Portland. Finke believes that marathon runners should focus on easy running that will help them achieve their desired level of endurance without injury every few months. He believes many runners train too hard, get injured and then never reach their upper limit.

Finke's program is based on learning that is built on effort. He believes that if a runner runs at 80% of his standard pace, he will achieve best results than if he runs at a speed that is 90%. Just a 10% difference helps you avoid injury and achieve the desired results.

And this program helped Megan a lot. Two years after starting training with this system, she improved her personal result to 2 hours 45 minutes.

How to train using this system? If you run 10km at an average pace (a kilometer in 7 minutes 30 seconds), then try running the same distance at a kilometer pace in 9 minutes 23 seconds. So you just need to take your pace and multiply it by 1.25.

Option 4: Record every workout

When you've been running marathons for 25 years and have a degree in physiology, you know some interesting things about training. Bill Pearce, Chairman of the Department of Health at the University of Fermanagh, has developed a program that works very well. At 53, Pierce runs the marathon in 3 hours 10 minutes - not much slower than when he ran his first marathon 20 years ago.

The secret is that Pierce runs three days a week, but on those days he trains hard. The remaining four days he just rests: he doesn’t run at all, but he can do some strength training or play tennis.

Pierce creates a work plan for each workout that includes speed and distance. One day he runs a long distance at a slow pace. On the second day he runs intervals, and on the third he does a tempo workout. He works at a higher intensity than others recommend, but by alternating his workouts, the risk of injury is reduced. This training plan has proven to be ideal for Pierce, and he has been practicing it for many years.

Pierce's training schedule: interval training on Tuesdays, tempo training on Thursdays, long-distance slow training on Sundays. Interval training - 12 repetitions of 400 meters or six repetitions of 800 meters at a pace slightly faster than the pace at which he runs his 5K. On tempo days, Pierce runs 4 miles 10 to 20 seconds faster than the pace he runs his 10K. And finally, a long, slow run - 15 miles at a pace that is 30 seconds slower than his marathon pace. You can calculate your schedule in the same way.

Option 5: Do plyometrics

Plyometrics is a sports technique that uses the impact method. In the modern sense - jumping training. Plyometrics are used by athletes to improve athletic performance that requires speed, quickness, and power. Plyometrics are sometimes used in fitness and are one of the main elements of parkour training. Plyometric exercises use explosive, fast movements to develop muscle strength and quickness. These exercises help the muscles develop the greatest force in the shortest possible period of time.

Dina Drossin is one of America's all-time top female runners. She once asked Weatherford, a trainer at the US Olympic Committee Training Center in Chula Vista, California, to develop a special program that would allow her to develop endurance and improve her speed.

Weatherford said he hasn't worked with distance runners, but he'll give it a try. He ended up coming back with two ideas that worked great. Weatherford and Drossin started with core strengthening and continued with explosive plyometrics for the legs, focusing on the fundamentals and choosing quality over quantity.

Drossin performed various types jumping and after these trainings ran the London Marathon with her new personal (and American) record - 2 hours 21 minutes 16 seconds. And this is 5 minutes faster than her result before this marathon.

Try incorporating jumping into your workouts. For example, running in short, fast steps for 15–20 meters. This is when you run in small steps, moving your feet quickly and raising your knees quite high, but not too high. Use your arms vigorously while running. Rest and then repeat 6-8 more times. Train in this way 1-2 times a week, adding 5 minutes of various jumps (on one leg, on two legs, etc.). Jumps are performed on soft grass or dirt.

Option 6. Long tempo workouts

Military man Patrick Noble ran his first marathon in 1986 in 3 hours 15 minutes, feeling like a hero. Noble decided not to stop there and ran 50 marathons without breaking his 3-hour barrier. But he managed to jump above his head 52 times: he ran the marathon in 2 hours 58 minutes 23 seconds. Patrick believes that his special approach to training - running at a fast pace over long distances - helped him.

The standard approach to tempo training involves running for 20 to 40 minutes at a pace that is 10 to 20 seconds slower than your 10K pace. Noble raised the bar to 60 minutes. In the end, this is what helped him overcome the barrier at the 52nd marathon. At least that's what he thinks.

Try doing long tempo workouts once a week for eight weeks. Start with 20 minutes at a pace 10-20 seconds slower than your average 10K pace. And add 5 minutes to the duration of your workout every week. After tempo training, do not forget to give yourself a complete rest for 1-2 days.

Option 7. Run fast and long

This option doesn't work for everyone and is the opposite of option #3. Meet Scott Strand, a fan of fast, long-distance running. He recently improved his marathon time by 4 minutes: his time was 2 hours 16 minutes 52 seconds.

During his training, he ran between 18 and 23 miles. And the last 9-14 miles he ran at marathon pace or faster.

Hard training at a fast pace over long distances was brought into fashion by Khalid Hanouchi, the world record holder in the marathon. And if previously it was considered important to stay on your feet for 2-3 hours, now many people prefer to take a high pace and run as fast as possible at the end of the distance.

Try running very fast for the last 25% of your distance, gradually increasing your pace. You'll probably end up feeling like a lemon at the end, but that doesn't mean you have to push yourself like a racehorse. Eventually you will feel your pace and can gradually increase it.

You can try all seven methods and eventually choose one or more. The main thing is that they really help you and not harm you.

Be careful, pay close attention to your gut feelings, and you can definitely run your first marathon or improve your next one.