A modern student must be fluent in Kazakh, Russian and English, as well as IT technologies. Talgat Zhunusov, head of the regional education department, told the site’s correspondent how Akmola schools implement these tasks.

- Talgat Turlybekovich, what is the essence of the new curriculum standards?

In order for today's child, tomorrow's specialist to be in demand in the labor market. What we teach children today, be it reading and writing skills, mathematical, financial, cultural or civic literacy, knowledge in the field of information and communication technologies - all this allows us to solve only everyday problems. To solve more complex problems, in addition to classical education, children need to develop critical, creative thinking, communication skills and instill teamwork skills. Thus, classical education is aimed at knowledge and understanding. Updated - also on the application of information, analysis, synthesis and evaluation skills. The programs were successfully tested in two pilot schools - “Multidisciplinary school-lyceum No. 5 named after S. Seifullin” in Stepnogorsk and Nikolskaya, Bulandinsky district. And there are already good results.

- Robotics is an element of STEM education. How are we developing this science today?

STEM education is actively developing in the region; we pay special attention to the development of educational robotics. Today, as part of the “Digitalization in Education” project, there are 124 robotics classrooms, 4 humanoid robots, 19 3D printers, and 21 quadcopters operating in the region.

At the beginning of this academic year, a new IT lyceum for 900 places was opened with training in science and mathematics subjects. The Nur Otan party initiated three digitalization projects, one of which in the field of education is “Free IT classes for children” and now there are 58 of them operating in the region. Just yesterday, by the way, an IT center opened at the Higher College of Kokshetau .

- Unified information system "Kundelik". What is its essence and is it implemented everywhere?

Since 2017, its implementation began in the region; today, all schools in the Akmola region have switched to electronic document management. All information during the training process is available in real time. Parents can track changes in the child's schedule, current and final achievements.

- What digital educational resources do teachers use in their lessons?

The educational portal "BilimLand" operates in the education system of the republic and region. This is a universal, multilingual educational platform based on the advanced achievements of world leaders in e-learning. The BilimLand portal contains more than 40 thousand digital educational lessons and a million multimedia materials in three languages. They are used by teachers, students, and parents.

-Trilingual education is another sign of the modern educational system...

Firstly, learning foreign languages ​​is recognized as socially significant. This is the key to ensuring the practical and professional life of a person in the modern world;

Secondly, the place of a foreign language as a language of international communication is determined next to the state (Kazakh) language and Russian as a language of interethnic communication;

Thirdly, the need to introduce early learning of a foreign language is recognized

In our region, an “Action Plan within the framework of the Road Map for the Development of Trilingual Education” has been developed. Clubs for teaching English by volunteers will be created in rural schools. This is a wonderful party project, work on which has already begun.

To develop trilingual education in Kazakhstani schools, the experience of experimental schools for gifted children, NIS, and Kazakh-Turkish lyceums is taken as a basis. In our region, in particular, this includes the multidisciplinary school-gymnasium No. 3 named after. M. Gabdullina and the new IT lyceum "Bіlim - innovation".

Education departments have developed a schedule for the gradual transition of studying natural science subjects in English in the period from 2018-2022. According to the schedule, the transition to teaching natural science subjects in English in our region will take place in the following order: in 2018, implementation will occur in 41 schools; 2019 - at 56; 2020 - at 48; 2021 - 41.

- The introduction of updated educational content is, first of all, personnel. Modern, highly professional, fluent in languages, etc.?

Regarding the introduction of trilingualism and the teaching of natural science subjects in English. Targeted training of teachers is carried out in universities and colleges; advanced training for teachers of physics, chemistry, biology and computer science in English. Programs for student exchange and volunteer recruitment have also been launched. Our teachers have completed language courses and received levels B1, B2, C1. In 2018, it is planned to train more than 6 thousand teachers in short-term, level and language courses.

- How are schools provided with textbooks?

In connection with the transition to updated content of education for grades 3, 6 and 8, for the purchase of textbooks in this year. More than 1.3 billion tenge were allocated from the budget. Agreements were concluded with 16 publishing houses, which were identified by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. More than 877 thousand copies of educational literature have been purchased. To date, all textbooks have been delivered to schools in the region.

In connection with the introduction of the new subject "Local History", more than 36 thousand copies of a textbook on local history (Keleshek-2030 publishing house) and over 15 thousand - on natural science subjects in English ("Astana-Kitap") were purchased.

- Talgat Turlybekovich, as you know, in the region there are schools with three shifts of education. What measures are being taken to resolve this issue?

Yes, of course, due to migration processes and the movement of students, it turned out that at the end of 2017, 12 schools with three-shift education were identified.

In 2017, to reduce their number, at the expense of the National Fund, the construction of 3 educational facilities began (schools for 900 places in Kokshetau, for 800 places with a boarding school for 135 places in Shchuchinsk, Burabay district and an extension to secondary school No. 18 in Kokshetau for 420 seats). Of these, as of September 1 of this year. Two facilities were commissioned: schools with 900 seats and an additional educational building for secondary school No. 18 in Kokshetau.

In addition, to alleviate this problem, three more schools are being built in the region for 2,300 student places, with a planned commissioning date of 2019 (for 800 places in Shchuchinsk, for 300 in the village of Kazhymukan and 1,200 in the village of Koyandy, Tselinograd district.

The development of design and estimate documentation for seven schools is being completed (school No. 1, 4, 13 in Kokshetau; one project for 1,200 places for two schools in the village of Kosshy (school No. 1 named after R. Koshkarbaev and No. 2); No. 11 Semyonovka village; No. 37 Shubary village, Tselinograd district. Construction of these facilities will be announced for 2019.

- Are there emergency schools?

Unfortunately, there was a long-term problem with an emergency school in the Bulandinsky district. To resolve this issue, 200 million tenge was allocated from the regional budget for the reconstruction of the Altynda secondary school. To date, the work has been completed and students have begun classes in the updated educational institution.

- Talgat Turlybekovich, what is the technical equipment of the region’s schools?

This issue has remained in the field of increased attention for a long time. Every year, funds are allocated to equip them with furniture appropriate to the height and age characteristics of children. About 80% of schools are equipped with such furniture. This year, more than 19 million tenge have been allocated for these purposes from district and city budgets.

o education in subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, foreign language impossible to achieve without equipping schools with classrooms of a new modification. This has been done since 2005, this indicator is included in State program development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The dynamics of security from 2005 to the present day ranged from 16.9 to 49.6%.

Over these years, 986 classrooms of a new modification worth more than 3 billion tenge were purchased for secondary schools in the region, including: from the republican budget - 710 classrooms for 2,319.3 million; from district and city - 276 by 798.5 million tenge.

- And this year?

This year, 55.4 million tenge is allocated from the budget for the purchase of new cabinets.

- What can you say about connecting to the Internet?

All schools in the region are connected to broadband Internet. For these purposes in this year. 294.1 million were allocated from the republican budget to districts and cities.

For three years, funds have been allocated from the republican budget for schools to purchase sets of new multimedia equipment (computer, projector, screen). In 2018, 152.5 million tenge was allocated from the republican budget for the purchase of 305 sets of multimedia equipment. In 2016-2017, more than 560 million were spent to equip 466 schools. 45.6 million tenge was allocated for the purchase of computers and interactive panels in regional organizations. In e.g. It is planned to install Wi-Fi networks in all schools in cities and regional centers. In May, 44.6 million were allocated from the regional budget.

In general, I can say that the improvement of the material and technical base of schools is carried out as planned.

- Thank you for the interview!

14:47 — REGNUM

About 200 teachers from all regions of the North Caucasus Federal District took part in a meeting on the issue of updating the content of general education, which took place at the North Caucasus Federal University. The press service of the university reported this on December 19.

The event was opened by the Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the field of assessing the quality of general education Dmitry Metelkin, who reported on two subprojects of the national project “Education” - “Modern School” and “Success of Every Child”.

“We must create a qualitatively new educational environment that works for the child, so that he acquires the set of competencies that life requires of him, modern economy, he said.

Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Education, Advisor to the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Victor Basyuk in his speech, he reported on federal state educational standards and requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program, including subject, meta-subject and personal results.

Minister of Education of the Stavropol Territory Evgeniy Kozyura told the audience about the features of the regional component of the content of education.

In turn, the rector of the North Caucasus Federal University Alina Levitskaya, introducing the meeting participants to the activities of the university, said that one of the strategic priority projects of the institution is teacher education.

“We strive to substantively understand whether the university programs implemented in the areas of training of all subject teachers fully correspond to the requirements of professional standards, and to what extent the training of our graduate, a young teacher, meets the needs of a modern school” , explained the rector.

She also noted that the latest decree of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, and then the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2009, approved the requirements for the results of mastering the content of basic educational programs and the actual results themselves for each subject area from grades 1 to 4. And now it is the professional community that must take up and work on these issues for other classes.

After the plenary session, the work of the district meeting continued in subject sections. Teachers took part in the discussion of the requirements for the subject results of mastering the main educational program - primary and basic general education.

By the end of 2018, district meetings on updating the content of general education will be held in all federal districts. Let us remind you that according to the May decree (May 7, 2018) of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Russia should be among the top ten countries in terms of the quality of general education.

Currently, there is no more pressing topic in the pedagogical community than the modernization of the education system. There are still discussions between supporters and opponents of introducing updated educational content.

I would like to take the opportunity through our regional professional newspaper “Teacher Plus” to express my opinion on the pros and cons of the updated content of education. First of all, I will support the supporters of the “renewal”. The state has taken a political course to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OSED), the most powerful and powerful international economic organization of the developed countries of the world, therefore our education system needs to meet OECD standards, and for this we need to modernize the domestic education system.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development was created in 1961. The mission of the OECD is to promote policies to improve people’s well-being, which is reflected in the organization’s slogan “Best policies for better life.” OECD unites 35 countries. Kazakhstan joined the OECD in 2010. And the first monitoring, carried out according to OECD standards, showed that our 15-year-old students lag behind the average schoolchildren in OECD countries in reading literacy by two and a half years, in science by two years and in mathematics by one and a half years. The reasons for this lag were studied, and the analysis showed that our country does not meet international standards in the field of educational content. Therefore, first of all, the question arose about the need to update the content of education in Kazakhstani schools. To understand where and how much we are inferior, in 2019, for the first time, a comparative study of the quality of the teaching corps will be carried out, and in 2020, a measurement of the competencies of adults from 16 to 65 years old will be carried out.

In 2015, Kazakhstan adopted a Roadmap for the updated content of education, which consists of specific steps to develop competencies adopted by OECD countries: to be able to work with information, technology and knowledge, to be in a team with partners and society. The road map includes the phased introduction of 12-year education, updating school education standards to develop functional literacy, and introducing a new model of multilingual education in high schools and universities. Steps have been developed to develop critical thinking, independent information search skills, and the formation of IT knowledge. Work has begun on digitalization of the educational process and content. The policy of trilingualism and systematic learning is being introduced English language, the transition of the Kazakh alphabet to the Latin script is underway.

As we can see, the introduction of updated educational content is necessary in order to enter the club of the 30 most developed countries in the world. And this is the political course of the state.

At the same time, opponents of updating the content of education are also right. The implementation is taking place without taking into account the best Soviet and Kazakh traditions. It is impossible to formally “implant” Western models of education into our environment. In order for the renewal of the content of education to be more successful and effective and to be supported by the public, teachers and especially parents, it is necessary to take into account our experience - fundamental Soviet and Kazakh education. Lately we have been constantly citing the United States and Western Europe as examples. But for the sake of objectivity, it should be noted that the public there is very concerned about the low level of knowledge of its schoolchildren. The weak point in the Western education system for many years has been the low level of teaching and learning mathematics, physics, and chemistry. And in the Soviet school, according to Western experts, fundamental subject disciplines were taught more efficiently and thoroughly. And we need, by introducing updated educational content, to preserve our traditions in the fundamental preparation of schoolchildren.

At the same time, it must be recognized that in traditional Soviet and Kazakh education the emphasis was on theory and less attention was paid to the practical application of knowledge. As is known, international and domestic experts have repeatedly pointed out distinctive features our fundamental education, which is centered more on the ability to remember than the ability to think. This lack of fundamental training did not provide technological returns and did not develop competence. In the educational systems of the leading world powers, the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the basis is a competency-based philosophy, in which the emphasis is placed, first of all, on the technological approach and the formation of competencies. Therefore, OECD countries (Korea, Japan, Finland) have achieved great economic success due to competencies and technologies in education, which has led to high competitiveness of human resources.

I want to emphasize: competence-based, technological approaches do not cancel the fundamental approach. We cannot do without this achievement of the Soviet school. At the same time, we must understand that in the updated content of education we need to combine fundamental and competency-based approaches. Thus, the updated content of education implies a change in the paradigm of education: from “instructive” education to “constructive”. The result of modern education will be ways of actively learning and transforming the surrounding reality.

In addition, opponents of the updated content of education note a passion for digitalization and poor humanitarian training of students. Research shows that modern children have become worse at speaking and writing, as virtual communication leads to the loss of oral and written communication skills. Passion for “digital” forms “clip thinking” in students. Modern students do not even try to correspond briefly on social networks, but use simple emoticons or even exchange memes. Using information and communication technologies, we have created psychological problem deserted learning, since there is no real communication on the Internet: contacts with real people and with the real world. But anything is possible. Therefore, schoolchildren sign up online with fictitious names - nicknames - and post fictitious photographs - avatars. Such virtual life leads to fragmented live communication. Material textbooks and teachers are losing their positions as the main sources of knowledge.

Thanks to social networks Virtual schoolchildren become fixated on “their loved ones.” Let's think about why people have been so passionate about selfies lately: they take pictures of themselves even in the most primitive everyday situations. Because in a network environment you can talk about yourself endlessly, putting your pride on a pedestal. Only on the Internet can you assert yourself so easily.

Schools need to protect students from the negative effects of digital technology and the harmful information they receive. In 1994, Kazakhstan ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

It states in article 13 that children have the right to receive information as long as it does not harm them. In February 2015, we adopted the law “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development.” When implementing the updated content of education, it is necessary to maintain a reasonable balance between the child’s right to freedom of expression, freedom of access to information and restrictions on obtaining it. Today, when the flow of information becomes limitless, introducing updated educational content, emphasis must be placed on the ability to critically perceive information.

Thus, if during the modernization of the education system all issues are resolved and systematic work is carried out to correct it, then the pedagogical community, the entire community, will support the implementation of the updated content of education. Today, its implementation needs to be done in such a way that it allows answering all the questions of teachers, parents, schoolchildren, and therefore receives the support of the entire Kazakh society.

Advisor to the rector of KSPU, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, member of the Academy of Natural Sciences and Informatization

Today the school is dynamically changing its appearance. This is due, first of all, to serious changes in Kazakhstani education.

Teachers are faced with problems: “How to teach in the age of information?”, “How to improve the quality, how will the knowledge gained in the lessons help the student become a competitive individual?”

Updating the content of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan sets the main goal: improving the pedagogical skills of teachers in the context of updating the educational program and introducing a criteria-based assessment system. This program is based on the development of a spiral form of education based on the cognitive theory of D. Bruner. The spiral form of education assumes that repeated consideration of material that will become more complex throughout schooling provides a greater advantage in the development of the modern student than traditional forms of education

Of course, to be honest, it was difficult to rebuild.

Before starting to work on this program, I was faced with the following tasks:

The most important thing is to develop critical thinking in children, and in yourself as a teacher too;

Teach children to work with a problem, teach them to find solutions;

Develop in children the ability to work in a group, work together cooperatively, and learn at the same time;

Updated content on history subject

Spiral learning ideas (J. Bruner). The work of the American psychologist J. Bruner “Psychology of Cognition” was published in Russian in 1977. As stated in the preface to this publication, J. Bruner studies the basic forms of cognitive activity (concept formation, classification) that develop in the process of practical activity and learning. It shows how skillful pedagogical influence can lead to intensive development of human cognitive activity. One of the central problems of J. Bruner’s pedagogical creativity is the recognition of the child as an active subject of cognitive activity, a researcher of the world around him. The scientist saw the main goal of the school in the development of students’ thinking abilities, in the formation of qualities necessary for life in a rapidly changing world. In this regard, he developed psychological and pedagogical foundations for the development of intuitive thinking among students, published works on stimulating interest in acquiring knowledge, and using the method of independent discovery in the learning process.

The student, passing from year to year, repeats skills and abilities that are similar to those shown (1Slide)

1 Slide

Mysaly, orta bіlim take money "Kazakhstan tarikh" pәni boyynsha "Aleumettik katynastardyn ladies" bolimіnіn "Ethnikalyk katynastar" more than one boyynsha (2 keste) Or I take the bagarlamasyny spirals, I akushylardyn alga ilgerileuі aykyn korіnedi, myself sonypka zhogarylagan say oku materials kurdelene beredi.

2 keste

Bolim:Aleumettik katynastardyn ladies

More:Ethnikalyk katynastar

Takyryptar, mazmuny

Oku maksattara

5 son

Algashky adamdar kalay omir surdi algashky adamdardyn anthropologyson sipattau

6 son

Turki tildes halyktardyn migrations Eurasia tarikhina kanshalykty aserin tigizdi Turki tildes taypalardy atap, olardin kartada territorialik ornalasuyn korsetu

7 son

8 son

Unlikten uzhymdastyru sayasat “Uly naubetke” akelip soktyrdy demographics

9 son demographics

Tusіnіktі arttyru ushіn "Kazakhstan's economics ladies" more "Sharuashylyk" more (3 keste) saikes 5 pen 9 sonyptardagi oku maksattarynyn spiral leagues of sons. Búl tusta 5 sonyptan bastap 9 sonypka deyin kazak zherіndegі ekonomikany n lady sonyptan sonypka koshken sayyn kurdelene beretіndіgіn koruge bolada. Mysaly, algashky adamdardyn kasibi, koshpeliler men otyrykshylardyn ekonomikalyk baylanysy, kazak sharuashylygyna zhongar shapkynshylygynyn aseri, zhana ekonomikalyk sayasat Kenes үkіmetі kezіndegi aul sharuashylygy. Bul zherde nazar oku maksattarynda boluy says. For myself, I’ll take a bag of darlings from a small bag.

3 keste

Bolim:Kazakhstan's economics ladies


5 son

Don't forget to use a retoucher every time

6 son

qimaktarda kalalyk madenietinin damuyn kanday derekter daleldeydi koshpeliler men otyrikshylar arasyndagy ozara ekonomikalyk baylanystaryn anyktau

7 son

Not sebepti “Elim-ai” bukilkhalyktyk ange aynaldy

8 son

Don't forget Kenes ukimeti Zhana ekonomikalyk sayasattan bass derekter men dajekterdi salystyru arkyly zhana ekonomikalyk sayasattyn natizhesinde oryn algan ozgeristerdi taldau

9 son

Sogystan keying kezende kanday aleumettik-ekonomikalyk ozgerister oryn aldy Kenes үkіmetі kezіndegi aul sharuashylygynda oryn algan ozgeristerge baga take

Spirals from white I take as a non-separate product I take bagdarlamas archyly okushynyn buryn g bіlіmіmіmіmіmіmінімінімініміній, аңурлій үрдилі іділаргѓ қыснди злімін ауы suga mүmkindik beredi. Demek, okushy әr sonyp sayyn takyrypty әr tүrli dengeyde kaytalap zhane tolyktyryp otyrsa takyryptyn terenen okylunyna kop komegіn tigizedi.

Small school - this is educational, and often cultural center sat down. In such a school, the atmosphere of a large family is often created, diverse forms of cooperation between children and adults are organized, and interest groups of different ages are created. In a small village, all events at school become the property of the population. It is safe to say that insufficient attention is paid to the issue of the problems of small schools on the part of methodologists and practicing teachers.

But there are problems. The problem is the number of children. By closing schools, we are closing the village. After all, it is known that a village often lives through a school. It is necessary not only to define and set a task, but also to solve it taking into account the interests of the student, his family, and the teacher.

In a small school, it is possible for a teacher to get to know each student more deeply and calculate learning for each student. In such a school, such a common shortcoming of all schools as a lack of attention to the personality of each student is eliminated.

It would seem that in a class with five to seven students, or even two or three, everyone can be taught. Teachers are well aware of the individual capabilities of each child. The training system is essentially individual. Knowledge control in small classes is literally total. You can quiz all students every day during each lesson. In these conditions, the quality of knowledge seems to be at its best!

Rural schools are equipped with computers and have multimedia projectors, and other modern technical means to improve the quality of students' knowledge. There are funds, but there is no knowledge!What is the reason? In my opinion, there are a number of reasons that hinder the improvement of the quality of education in a small school. They are both objective and subjective in nature.

Of course, the relatively low quality of knowledge of rural schoolchildren is influenced by the low educational and cultural level of parents.

In a school with few students, each student has a huge workload throughout the school day. After all, the same students are asked in all lessons, and the same students are given different tasks. As a result, some students may lose interest in classes, become tired, and become overstressed.

I work in a school where class sizes are low, from 3 to 6 students. Children study from different families: large, low-income, single-parent and single-parent. Many students are quite slow to engage in the learning process and spend a significant amount of time understanding the goal educational activities, sometimes have difficulty completing tasks that require independence. Not to mention the updated program.

Used literature:

    Izgali Zholaman Izgali

"Orleu" BAҰО "АҚ branches of Atyrau oblysy boyynsha

Pedagogical education institutes,

Dengeylik bagdarlamalar ortalygynyn zhetekshіsі,

Tarikh masters

    Kyrgyz President N.A.Nazarbayevtina 2017 zhildyn 31 kantaryndagi "Kazakhstan's most important genres: zhandyk basekege kabilettilik" takyrybyndaga khalyk Zholdauy.

    Mugalimge arnalgan nuskaulyk. “Kazakhstan tarikh” zhane “Kukyk negizderi” panderi boyynsha teacher kyzmetkerlerdin biliktililigin arttyru kursyn bilim take bagdarlamas. Astana. 2016.

    Predybailo Tatyana Ivanovna

Teacher of history and social studies MKOU Shramovskaya secondary school

    Updating the content of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan


In the 21st century, it is not the person who is considered illiterate
who does not know how to read and write, and who does not know how to study.

Alvin Toffler

The teacher is called to perform miracles. Students expect them from him, and this happens if such conditions are modeled under which the child’s personality receives the greatest development. Society sets the task for the teacher to provide conditions for the harmonious development of the student as an individual.

In a 12-year school, teachers of a new formation need to teach children to think, to develop a personality capable of living in a dynamically developing environment. The teacher is no longer a source of information; the teacher no longer has to stand and retell reproductive material and demand the same from the student. The student must constantly make small discoveries for himself. This is a creative approach to learning.

Based on my teaching experience, I saw that children gradually lose the desire to learn. Children begin to feel burdened by school responsibilities, students’ diligence decreases, and interest in learning decreases. How to increase motivation for learning among modern schoolchildren? How to involve students in the educational process? How to teach learning? Every teacher asks himself these questions every day.

7 training modules – 7 Kazakhstani teacher assistants.

My math lessons cover all seven modules:

1 module

The children were very happy with the Module " New approaches." In my math lessons, I incorporated interactive learning in the form of cumulative conversation in which each student accepted and agreed with what the others were saying. The “Faces of the Cube” strategy was used, where each group, when throwing a cube, was given a question drawn up according to Bloom’s taxonomy, and then students must create thick questions (Suggest Why?, Prove?, Explain... Share.. Think up..). At the end lesson, when studying topics, children made up questions for other groups using the same strategy, this task acquired a competitive nature, where students were interested in composing and finding the correct answer to the question in training. Also all kinds of trainings that charged the children with activity.

2 module

All lessons developed skills critical thinking. When planning the structure of my lesson, I thought, first of all, how the selection of tasks at all stages of the lesson would develop critical thinking skills. If you follow all the tasks through a series of 4 lessons, you can see how they gradually become more complex, how new tasks are built based on what the children have already learned.

The result of implementing this module:

– development of critical thinking skills: the ability to reason, analyze, draw conclusions, compare, generalize, evaluate and explain

– students themselves look for ways to solve problems in the classroom;

Ø Teacher. Understanding what to teach and how to teach.

Ø Assessment of learning outcomes.

Ø Understanding the importance of creating a “collaborative environment”.

Ø Vision of the benefits of training in NP

Ø Raised her to a new level

Ø critical thinking


Ø Increased motivation of students to

Ø Actively engage in conversation

Ø Answer with complete answers

Ø Students’ mental activity has increased

Ø Enriched vocabulary

Ø Improved communication skills

Future plans

Continue to develop speech through dialogue through new approaches.

Develop students' critical thinking and ability to formulate high-order questions. Don't stop there.

Speed ​​up the pace of work.

3 module

Module Learning assessments Formative assessment methods also help relieve anxiety and increase children’s activity in the classroom. In my lessons I used self-assessment based on criteria, peer assessment in groups and pairs, non-verbal assessment, and assessment using a key. Such assessment helped students better understand the level of their progress in studying this topic. In addition, in my lessons I used formative assessment, a sweet prize, oral comments, “Thumbs”, gestures agree, disagree, “+” clap, applause, stickers.

At the end of the lesson, I used “Two stars, one wish.” In their reflective sheets, the children assessed their knowledge gained in the lesson through self-assessment, mutual assessment, and group assessment. I liked the children’s answers: “How did I feel at the end of today’s lesson?” Dima writes: “I liked the lesson because we worked in groups and assessed ourselves and others.” Moreover, if in the first lessons the children answered the question Did you like the lesson in monosyllables, then in subsequent lessons they answered why? Results of using the ODO module:

– Students’ interest in assessment: evaluate yourself or a classmate;

– The level of knowledge is determined

Anxiety decreases;

– Feedback effectiveness;

– Assessment affected students’ motivation and self-esteem.

– Acquired skills in assessment criteria.

4 module

Using the ICT module– this is an expansion of the student’s information field, increasing motivation. With the use of an interactive whiteboard, lessons become interesting and rich

5 module

Module Teaching gifted and talented students.

The purpose of this module is to involve gifted and talented children in the learning process and create conditions for the realization of their potential. Talented children were taught through deepening and expanding tasks. In order to create comfortable conditions for them, multi-level ABC tasks were prepared, where level “C” meant a task of increased complexity. These students completed the tasks with interest and tried to help the weak; the gifted children felt themselves in the role of a teacher-consultant. In the first lessons this can be seen through pair work, in subsequent lessons it can be seen in group work. Every child was involved. If in the first lessons the children asked me a lot of questions on assignments, then in the end they worked independently and were my right hand.

6 module

Age-related characteristics in learning were evident in the trainings, which were very popular among schoolchildren. The rules for working in a group were worked out, and responsibilities were clearly distributed among groups.

Reflection on the results of the “Age Features” module showed the following results:

1 Psychological comfort has been created in the lesson.

2 “Bored” students became more active (took part in the dialogue)

3 “The Quiet Ones” began to open up (dialogue)

4 Students diagnosed with mental retardation became a direct participant in the educational process.

7 module

Module Management and Leadership in Education was traced through training for the work of leaders in a group, the development of student initiative, the ability to express their own opinions, for example in the “Tower” strategy, organizational skills in the group are well demonstrated. If in the first lessons the children could not assign roles independently, then in subsequent lessons, when working in groups, the students showed leadership qualities and assigned roles themselves. Many students showed themselves to be leaders. Also, when creating and protecting clusters, children revealed their leadership qualities.

After teaching mathematics lessons, I made many conclusions about what students are capable of, and I myself learned to think about the effectiveness of the strategies used at one or another stage of the lesson. I taught children to reflect on their knowledge and, together with them, analyzed my actions in the lesson. New experience of working with students, even if I am not completely satisfied with my actions, but that’s why I am a teacher, that I can improve my activities “A teacher learns all his life.” I will no longer be able to work in the old way, but in a new way I will try to gain positive experience and make my contribution to changing education. So far I am just starting to follow the chosen path, but as the popular wisdom says, “The one who walks masters the road.”

This program, according to which we conduct lessons, has helped teachers and myself understand the essence of the learning process: why we study, what we are taught, what we have learned and how to evaluate the learning process. There was an interest in the lessons of the new format. The advantage of this program is that students do not study in isolation from each other, but together in a group. After all, working in a team makes its own adjustments to the consciousness, education and cognition of the student. In the educational process it is necessary feedback to understand how students worked in the group, how they assessed themselves and others, and what influenced them during the assessment process. Reflection is the main thing in my lessons personally for my further planning and students’ understanding of the learning process. At the end of the lesson, it is mandatory to provide everyone with the opportunity to speak, as well as summing up the results and conclusions by those leading the dialogue. During the lessons, students began to work independently and even asked not to help them for the reason that they themselves wanted to find out their capabilities

During my 30-year teaching career, I had to deal with various models, technologies, and methods of teaching in which children showed a clear interest in the process of cognition itself. But, in my opinion, the greatest effectiveness of the educational process is achieved when using active learning methods, when all participants are involved in the learning process. Active learning methods eliminate the predominance of any one opinion over all others. Students in the process learn to think critically by comparing, analyzing information, evaluating different opinions, communicating with others and making responsible decisions.

The main thing for me in this method is the freedom of creative imagination of both the teacher and the students, the opportunity to give children the opportunity to express their personal opinions, and the opportunity to discuss a lot of interesting issues with classmates.

We need to use new forms of teaching, which would contribute to better assimilation of the educational process and improve the quality of students' knowledge. We live in such a changing world that we must understand that we must change. Lessons should become lessons of searching for truth, discovering truth, joint activities teacher and student, when together they try to answer the questions that life puts forward. A school cannot teach a child everything for the rest of his life, this is impossible in principle, but a school can help a child learn throughout his life. And therefore, the teacher must help the child master various ways of independently obtaining information, teach new types of activities, make the child a thinking, reflective person who will not be afraid when encountering difficulties in life, and this will help them become successful in their future lives.

Mathematical literacy - the ability of a person to determine and understand the role of mathematics in the world in which he lives, to make well-founded mathematical judgments and to use mathematics in such a way as to satisfy the present and future needs inherent in a creative, interested and thoughtful citizen.

Using this program, I was able to take a step towards teaching students how to how to study, that is, it has created an educational environment through which students will actively participate in the educational process.

Dear colleagues! Take note:

Teachers must continually learn and develop different approaches to teaching. Teaching will be effective if teachers enjoy what they do. To avoid “burnout, teachers must take time for themselves.”


When teachers

stop teaching

students finally

will be able to study .

You can’t survive in school today without optimism. It takes a lot of effort to teach children to love their homeland, read, count, write, draw, make friends and live according to school and universal rules. And I like it, I like being needed. That's why I work in elementary school, and next to me are my colleagues, talented people. One thing unites us - we are teachers!!! Together we overcame changes in standards, programs and approaches to education, but remained devoted to the common cause - our favorite profession.

If a teacher is not lazy to grow professionally, then his students will be successful and in demand in modern society. The school day is multifaceted. Before my eyes is an eternal gallery of dear faces - my students. We mutually need each other. But it’s so important to give your all to the end...

1 pic.Group work

2 fig. Module 3 Assessment of learning

Isina Kaldykul Tamabaevna

primary school teacher

KSU "Comprehensive secondary school No. 13 of the education department

city ​​of Zhezkazgan"