Do you know what processes take place in a child’s body from the moment of birth until two months? While in the mother’s body, maternal hormones pass through the placenta to the baby, which influence the proper formation of the breasts and genitals in both boys and girls.
Breast tissue is the most sensitive to estrogen. During the entry of this hormone through the mother's placenta, they begin to form mammary glands in a child. After birth, enlargement of the mammary glands in children can be observed. Over time, estrogen will leave the baby's body, and the mammary glands will no longer be swollen.

What to do?

Moms and dads should not be concerned if they notice swelling of the mammary glands in their baby. This is an absolutely normal process that will be completed in a short time.

Do I need to see a doctor?

It may happen that a clear or white liquid begins to ooze from the swollen mammary glands. This is not any pathology at all. This is called virgin milk, which is very similar in composition to a new mother's colostrum. Under no circumstances should you squeeze out this milk, because such actions can introduce infection and various harmful microbes into the breast tissue, leading to serious consequences. You should not massage the mammary glands, as good grandmothers may sometimes advise, or touch them often. There is no need to do various warming compresses; on the contrary, they can provoke inflammation.

You need to calm down and remember that you shouldn’t rush to the hospital for this reason. But if, when examining your child, you find swelling around the nipples, if the tissue has become hot, or if one nipple has become larger than the other, then you can call a pediatrician and consult.

What kind of examination and what tests need to be done and what will the results say?

Usually no tests are needed. If you suddenly suspect that the tissue near the nipples is inflamed, the doctor will definitely order a blood test from the child. Sometimes a prescribed course of antibiotics can be prescribed without a blood test.

Is treatment required?

Enlargement of the mammary glands in a child, which is temporary and does not require any treatment. After a certain time, the glands will return to their normal state. If suddenly an infection appears in the baby’s swollen glands, the doctor will prescribe special ones for the child. Antibiotics are usually prescribed in the form of capsules or tablets, because in this form they quickly enter the body and exert their therapeutic effect.

Can complications arise?

One complication that can occur as a result of swollen mammary glands is infection. But usually, this happens very rarely and if swelling occurs, it is only on one side of the chest. Therefore, the main recommendation of pediatricians to young parents is to remain calm and not take any independent actions that could harm the baby.

After birth, complex adaptation processes begin to occur in the baby’s body. At this time, their hormonal levels are actively changing, due to which a sexual crisis develops. This process is manifested by swelling of the mammary glands. Moreover, such changes can occur in both girls and boys. Sometimes this condition of the body is also manifested by a rash, changes in skin color, and the appearance of spots.

After the baby leaves the mother's womb, the level of estrogen in his body drops sharply, which gives impetus to the onset of hormonal changes. Therefore, swelling of children's mammary glands is a consequence of hormonal changes.

Such changes first actively develop, and after 4 weeks they begin to disappear without special treatment.

Typically, a lump in the chest appears in 70 out of 100 infants. According to statistics, an increase in the pectoral muscle area occurs in most girls, as well as in 50% of boys.

Sexual crisis most often develops in full-term babies, and babies who are born ahead of schedule, are often not susceptible to this phenomenon. Some doctors say that the absence of such symptoms is more of a pathology than the norm. Therefore, this process does not require treatment.

Symptoms of sexual crisis:

  • enlargement of the chest area;
  • the appearance of mucous or bloody discharge from the vagina;
  • presence of rashes on the face.

Process Features

Most often, the mammary glands enlarge evenly, but there are cases when unilateral swelling occurs. The norm is an increase in the diameter of the chest by 3 centimeters, while there should be no rashes or irritations on the epidermis.

There are cases when children may begin to leak grayish or whitish liquid from the mammary gland.

Most often, the breasts begin to grow on the second day after birth, and inflammation begins to decrease by the end of the first seven days of life. This symptom disappears completely after a month. A process that develops in this way does not require any treatment. It is forbidden to put pressure on enlarged areas of the body, try to squeeze out secretions from them, and do not apply compresses. It is necessary to eliminate friction of the swollen parts on clothing.

Pathology or normal

Mastitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the mammary glands. Typically, mastitis in infants develops due to unnecessary self-medication of breast enlargement in the baby, and it can also appear due to poor hygiene standards due to prickly heat, weak immunity, or the presence of an infection that has penetrated through the nipples.

Symptoms of the pathology:

  • breast thickening appears instead of a decline in its swelling during a sexual crisis;
  • this process begins at 2-3 weeks of life;
  • the appearance of unilateral purulent inflammation.

If pathological mastitis is not treated, intoxication may occur, resulting in enlargement and hardening of the gland, and the appearance of pain.

The development of intoxication in children is accompanied by:

  • temperature rise;
  • the presence of seizures;
  • lethargy;
  • restless behavior;
  • decreased appetite;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • digestive problems;
  • redness of the epidermis;
  • pain;
  • the chest becomes hot;
  • sensation of fluid moving under the skin;
  • capriciousness.

The development of purulent mastitis in girls can lead to damage to part of the mammary gland and blockage of the ducts.

The appearance of these pathological complications in the future will negatively affect the lactation process. In the absence of therapeutic procedures, breast compaction enters a chronic stage, accompanied by the appearance of extensive purulent foci, which are localized on the outer part of the epidermis. Unfortunately, the treatment of such mastitis is carried out exclusively by surgery.

How to treat

If you notice that your baby has symptoms of pathological mastitis that accompany breast hardening, you should urgently go to see a surgeon. Only an experienced doctor can accurately diagnose the pathology.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the child is admitted to a hospital for treatment, where doctors take cultures of the discharge for examination and determine the sensitivity of the infection to the action of antibiotics. Based on the data obtained, the doctor selects effective treatment.

Usually medical procedures include the following:

  • If breast enlargement is not accompanied by the presence of pus, compress therapy is prescribed in combination with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Here it is necessary to distinguish pus from mucous whitish discharge. Pus has a greenish or yellowish tint, often accompanied by a mild or strong unpleasant odor;
  • if breast compaction is accompanied by the presence of pus, opening of the lesions and elimination of purulent discharge is required. At the same time, the gland tissues are preserved. The surgeon makes an incision near the nipple under anesthesia to remove the pus, and then prescribes bandages that have a resolving effect. Antibiotics and physical therapy are also prescribed.

Further treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of the attending physician.

Reddening of the nipples in women is most often a visible symptom of certain diseases. It is necessary to study the nature of its manifestation, determine the degree of intensity and possible provoking factors. The doctor will need to examine and palpate the breasts to understand what may be causing the reddening of the nipples, and check the patient’s mammary glands for possible lumps.

Redness can be localized around, under or above the nipple, covering the entire areola or the entire nipple. Sometimes redness is observed in only one nipple, sometimes in both at once.

In any case, without professional diagnostics, you will not be able to accurately recognize the cause on your own without a specialist. Sometimes, in addition to a gynecologist and mammologist, you may need a consultation and examination with an oncologist, dermatologist, dermatovenerologist and endocrinologist.

Causes of red nipples in women

  • Mechanical disruption of tissue integrity nipple as a result of injury.
  • Candidiasis disease.
  • Milk stagnation in the milk ducts of the breast during lactation, as well as lactostasis, in which there is a disruption of the normal process of inflow and outflow of milk.
  • Incorrectly chosen shape (size) of underwear. Most often in in this case redness of the nipples of the mammary gland becomes a consequence of friction against tissue, seam or decorative details bra.
  • Manifestation allergic reaction on synthetic material underwear, components of consumed food products, cosmetics, vitamins, preparations, washing powder.
  • Nipple irritation due to sweating or lack of oxygen needed by the breast skin.
  • A rash caused by the activity of a staphylococcal infection.
  • Inflammatory process in the peripapillary area.
  • Development of nipple psoriasis, an autoimmune disease that may cause burning, itching, changes in the color and texture of the skin, and redness of the nipples.
  • Activation of herpes virus 1, in which, in addition to reddening of the nipples, characteristic blisters may appear.
  • Neurodermatitis and periareolar dermatitis atopic form.
  • Breast cancer(eczema-like type).

What should you not do if your nipples are red?

If you notice reddening of your nipples, do not do these actions under any circumstances, as they can worsen the condition of the tissues, and in some cases, provoke complications:

  • do not lubricate nipples with medicinal ointments, gels, cosmetics, unless there was prior agreement with the doctor;
  • don't rub your nipples and do not exert any mechanical influence on them;
  • do not touch the nipple area so as not to increase their redness;
  • do not use alcohol on your nipples, antibacterial agents, shower gel, soap, do not use a washcloth;
  • do not wear synthetic underwear(wear a bra made of natural cotton breathable fabrics).

How to eliminate red nipples?

The doctor will choose means and methods of therapy depending on the factor that provokes reddening of the nipples. If the phenomenon is caused by ordinary mechanical friction or wearing synthetic underwear, it is enough to simply eliminate this factor.

If redness around the nipple or its entire area is a symptom, you will have to undergo full treatment.

  • For breast cancer An operation is being performed to stop the spread of atypical cells.
  • For candidiasis, eczema, psoriasis and herpes specialized drugs and antibiotics are prescribed.
  • If redness of the nipple of the mammary gland is a consequence of an allergic reaction, the patient is prescribed antihistamines.
  • To eliminate inflammation anti-inflammatory therapy is needed.
  • With stagnation of milk in the breast Physiotherapy and massage techniques are recommended.
  • When redness is caused by injury nipples and violation of the integrity of their tissues, the specialist advises the use of healing ointments and softening cream for restoration.

But doesn’t the nurse from the clinic come to you for lunch?

or go to the clinic on “healthy child day” so that there are no sick children and sit in lines.

so I'll sit until 10 and call the toll office

and it’s testosterone that’s playing pranks and is being eliminated from the body in this way - the main thing is that there is no fever, otherwise it seems like you need to see a surgeon..

It seems that if there is no discharge from the nipple, it will go away on its own..

In short, look at the condition, well, it’s better to be safe)))))

Today the doctor starts at three. I signed up and we'll see.

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Forum of the School of Parenting Excellence “WE”

Redness of a girl's nipple. Breast swelling.

Sonya4 Nov 29, 2009

Maybe someone has encountered this? why could this be?

I surfed the Internet a little, but everywhere there was the same answer - (urgently) to a surgeon or a pediatrician. But I didn’t want to go to the clinic now because of the quarantine. or is it still necessary?

Olison Nov 29, 2009

Sonya4 Nov 29, 2009

Maybe it really is hormonal? Actually, my thyroid hormones may be acting up (I haven’t checked for a long time), my cycle has just moved forward by three days - I wonder if this could have affected it through breastfeeding?

AnnaZinch Nov 29, 2009

Olison Nov 29, 2009

I won’t undertake to answer your questions, I’m not competent, I only wrote as we had. I just hope that there is nothing wrong with you and everything will pass soon!

Sonya4 Nov 29, 2009

Tatiana Sep 30, 2016

The baby we know is about two weeks old.

The pediatrician came for an examination and ordered to smear the girl’s chest with Vishnevsky ointment.

Mom’s words so that I don’t misinterpret:

“The pediatrician came and pointed out to us that the child’s mammary glands were swelling and told us to make compresses with Vishnevsky ointment.”

Otherwise, it may develop into mastitis.

Mom says that her breasts are really swollen. That “they (the mammary glands) have really swollen and become rough, this was not the case yesterday afternoon.”

We didn't sleep well at night. The mother thought that the child was hot, but the temperature, she said, was normal.

Is this hormonal and the pediatrician says “beware pediatrician” or could it really be dangerous?

klarissa Sep 30, 2016

Most likely hormonal.

The middle daughter has a swollen gland on one side. We applied ointment, it didn’t help, we went for a consultation with a gynecologist. The endocrinologist scared that puberty could lead a child to a nervous illness (Why?).

Everything has resolved. The child is now 19 years old.

Mammary glands in a child

Do you know what processes occur in a child’s body from the moment of birth until two months? While the fetus develops in the mother's body, maternal hormones pass through the placenta to the child, which influence the proper formation of the breasts and genitals in both boys and girls.

Breast tissue is the most sensitive to estrogen. As this hormone enters through the mother's placenta, the baby's mammary glands begin to form. After birth, enlargement of the mammary glands in children can be observed. Over time, estrogen will leave the baby's body, and the mammary glands will no longer be swollen.

Moms and dads should not be concerned if they notice swelling of the mammary glands in their baby. This is an absolutely normal process that will be completed in a short time.

Do I need to see a doctor?

It may happen that a clear or white liquid begins to ooze from the swollen mammary glands. This is not any pathology at all. This is called virgin milk, which is very similar in composition to a new mother's colostrum. Under no circumstances should you squeeze out this milk, because such actions can introduce infection and various harmful microbes into the breast tissue, leading to serious consequences. You should not massage the mammary glands, as good grandmothers may sometimes advise, or touch them often. There is no need to do various warming compresses; on the contrary, they can provoke inflammation.

You need to calm down and remember that you shouldn’t rush to the hospital for this reason. But if, when examining your child, you find swelling around the nipples, if the tissue has become hot, or if one nipple has become larger than the other, then you can call a pediatrician and consult.

What kind of examination and what tests need to be done and what will the results say?

Usually no tests are needed. If you suddenly suspect that the tissue near the nipples is inflamed, the doctor will definitely order a blood test from the child. Sometimes a prescribed course of antibiotics can be prescribed without a blood test.

Is treatment required?

Enlargement of the mammary glands in a child, which is temporary, does not require any treatment. After a certain time, the glands will return to their normal state. If suddenly an infection appears in the baby’s swollen glands, the doctor will prescribe special antibiotics for the child. Antibiotics are usually prescribed in the form of capsules or tablets, because in this form they quickly enter the body and exert their therapeutic effect.

Can complications arise?

One complication that can occur as a result of swollen mammary glands is infection. But usually, this happens very rarely and if swelling occurs, it is only on one side of the chest. Therefore, the main recommendation of pediatricians to young parents is to remain calm and not take any independent actions that could harm the baby.

Hello! My daughter is 10 years old. Her breasts began to grow at the age of 9, and for some reason only the left one. Now the right breast is a little swollen, but there is still a huge difference. Please tell me, is this normal or is it better to see a doctor?

hello, my daughter is 1.3! we were on IV! we noticed an increase in the mammary glands at 2 months! We immediately went to the pediatrician, we were sent for an ultrasound! ,5 times! We have now been referred to an endocrinologist! We haven’t contacted him yet, we are waiting for a referral from a pediatrician! Tell me, how dangerous is this?

Hello. My child is 1.5 years old. I began to notice that one of his nipples was a little red. Please tell me, should I be worried?

My son is 3 years old, his nipple is red and slightly hardened, what is it? Is it dangerous? Could it be low hemoglobin?

Hello! My daughter is 7 years old. The breast on the right side has enlarged. We had this when the child was 8 months old, then they said it was a release of hormones, over time everything went away, but now on the other hand, what to do, which doctor to see?

Enter the ages of the father and mother; if the father or mother had blood loss (surgeries, blood donation, childbirth), then enter the age at which this occurred.

If the baby has an inflamed nipple and the baby is a couple of weeks old, then there is nothing to worry about. Inflammation of the nipples in a child over one year of age may indicate a serious illness.

Shortly after birth, babies (both girls and boys) may experience breast engorgement and nipple discharge. Doctors consider this a normal phenomenon due to hormonal changes in the body.

Symptoms of nipple inflammation

Symptoms of nipple inflammation include: increased nipple soreness, hardening, redness and enlargement, fluid may be released from the nipples (most often white or transparent). The appearance of such symptoms is explained by the penetration of hormones that stimulate breast tissue through the placenta from the mother’s body into the baby’s blood. That is, if a child has an inflamed nipple, doctors do not believe that anything should be done: the symptoms go away on their own after one to two weeks without outside intervention.

If the fluid coming from the nipples is not white or clear, the baby may have developed milk duct ectasia (a benign blockage). In this case, symptoms will appear for several months.

How to treat sore nipples in a child?

Inflammation of the nipples in a child occurs in 5% of newborns and does not pose any threat to their health, that is, it does not require any treatment. At the same time, parents are strictly prohibited from squeezing liquid out of the mammary glands or kneading them, since these actions can cause serious consequences that will not go away on their own.

If nipple inflammation occurs in children over one year of age, or nipple inflammation occurs as a result of injury, then in this case, of course, you need to consult a specialist as soon as possible. Inflammation of the nipples can serve as a symptom of mastitis or breast cancer, and can also be a sign of developing inflammation. Each of these diseases requires immediate, highly qualified treatment.

URGENTLY! The baby's nipple is red

but there is no way to get to the pediatrician. We are in another city.

tell me what it was? and how did it go?

I understand that a lot of time has passed... but maybe tell me what it was like for you and when it passed? We have the same symptoms, only we are 7 months old

Damn, we have the same thing, the baby is three months old, yesterday I noticed that the areola on one breast is red, what is it all about.

Hello! Tell me, how did it go for you? It started for us this morning. ((((

Good afternoon, please tell me, did your redness go away on its own or what happened?

My son has the same thing today, what is it?

Mom won't miss

women on

Our pregnancy calendar reveals to you the features of all stages of pregnancy - an extremely important, exciting and new period of your life.

We will tell you what will happen to your future baby and you in each of the forty weeks.

1 nipple in a child is inflamed

My 4-year-old daughter noticed yesterday that one papilla on her right breast became red and slightly swollen, she has no pain and feels normal. Tell me what it could be and what should we do?

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Reddening of the nipples can be a signal with various etiologies.

An inflammatory process, mechanical injury, an allergic reaction, dermatitis, a symptom of lactostasis, as well as a sign of developing cancer pathology - this is not a complete list of causes of reddening of the nipple areola. In any case, this is not the norm for the condition of the mammary glands; only a doctor can determine and eliminate the cause of reddening of the nipples.

, , ,

ICD-10 code

N60-N64 Breast diseases

Causes of red nipples

The causes of reddening of the nipples are identified through timely consultation with a doctor (mammologist, gynecologist, obstetrician, oncologist). The symptom itself - redness of the nipples - is not always basic for determining the disease, so a woman needs an examination, a consultation and, possibly, some types of diagnostics related to instrumental examination and tests. The most common causes of reddening of the nipple areola are:

  • If a woman is breastfeeding, the most common reasons are:
    1. Mechanical injury to the nipple. This may be due to the baby’s incorrect position when feeding, the child’s bite forming incorrectly, or wearing uncomfortable underwear.
    2. At breastfeeding A common cause of reddening of the nipples is candidiasis, which develops simultaneously with the baby becoming infected with a fungal infection.
    3. Stagnation of mother's milk in the ducts of the mammary gland can also cause redness in the nipple area. Lactostasis is caused by a violation of the rhythm of the inflow and outflow of milk, redness is often caused by stagnation.
  • If a woman is not in the category of women in labor, the cause of reddening of the nipples, first of all, should be sought in an incorrectly selected bra. Mechanical friction provokes skin irritation and hyperemia.
  • The causes of reddening of the nipples may have an allergic etiology. In turn, an allergic reaction is a response to the following factors:
    1. Synthetic underwear.
    2. Linen washed with synthetic fragrances and washing powders.
    3. Allergy to aerosol anti-excessive sweating products.
    4. Irritation from low-quality body cream.
    5. Food allergies (the nipple areola rarely reacts to a similar factor).
  • Impetigo scabiosa - impetigo or rash associated with staphylococcal infection. Impetigo in the nipple area is quite rare and most often this disease is preceded by dermatitis or even contact scabies.
  • Inflammation of the gland of the areolares (Montgomery tubercles, glandulae areolares).
  • Nipple psoriasis. This is an allergic autoimmune disease in nature, accompanied by burning, redness of the areola and the nipple itself. Reddish spots, as a rule, do not have clear outlines, and at the beginning of the disease may not cause discomfort (pain or itching).
  • Herpetic infection, most often it is HSV1 (herpes virus 1). Redness of the nipples quickly transforms into the formation of characteristic herpetic blisters.
  • Periareolar atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis.
  • Eczema-like breast cancer. In 90-95%, Paget's disease is combined with another type of breast cancer. Most often, this disease is diagnosed in women of mature age, but in general, such neoplastic pathology is quite rare - no more than 5% of all detected breast cancers.


It is not possible to briefly describe the pathogenesis that would explain such a phenomenon as reddening of the nipples. The symptom itself cannot be considered an unconditional indicator of one specific disease. Therefore, we list the most serious nosologies, excluding mechanical injuries and physiological conditions, for example, those associated with childbirth and subsequent feeding of the child.

Symptoms of red nipples

Symptoms of reddening of the nipples can be considered one of the signals of the disease, but most often it is associated with physiological changes in a woman’s life, that is, either with pregnancy or with childbirth and the subsequent process of feeding the child. Oncopathology can also manifest itself as redness of the areola or the nipple itself, but this is extremely rare.

The most common symptoms are associated with the following conditions:

  1. Inflammatory process in the Montgomery tubercles. These are specific glands that are considered vestigial. The bumps become noticeable during pregnancy and become inflamed, painful, and may become red due to inflammation. In this case, the skin in the area around the nipple becomes very sensitive, any irritation causes itching.
  2. Eczema of the nipples (or eczema of the pigmented area of ​​the nipples). The skin in this area becomes inflamed; foci of a characteristic red color, covered with a scaly crust, are visually visible. Symptoms of reddened nipples are accompanied by severe itching and burning. The development of the process leads to the appearance of cracks and weeping ulcers.
  3. Herpetic infection. Symptoms of redness, blistering rashes, itching, pain, burning - all this can affect the nipples and the nipple area. The rash has the form of vesicles and is accompanied by severe itching, hyperemia, and a general poor condition of the patient.
  4. Nipple areola dermatitis. The process has clear boundaries, the redness of the nipples looks like a symmetrical circle. The skin is swollen, often eroded, exudation is observed, cracks are covered with a weeping crust.
  5. Candidiasis or nipple thrush. This condition is characterized by general nervousness; the nursing mother quickly gets tired. Redness of the nipples can be considered the first signal of the development of the process, then a white coating, cracks, weeping sores, itching and pain appear.
  6. Mechanical irritation of the skin around the nipples. Symptoms of redness are a consequence of wearing uncomfortable underwear that irritates delicate skin. The sensation is rarely painful, most often the redness is accompanied by mild itching.
  7. Nipple cancer or Paget's cancer. Symptoms of eczema-like cancer do not always appear early in the process. Therefore, any discomfort in the area of ​​the areola or the nipple itself should alert the woman and give her a reason to consult a doctor. Redness, less often itching, burning or pain is already an alarming sign. In most cases, the disease begins with small lumps in the mammary gland; they do not cause pain or discomfort. The hyperemic area near the nipple may look like eczema, and uncharacteristic discharge from the nipples is also present. As a rule, Paget's cancer is diagnosed in women over 50-55 years of age during routine examinations.

For any disturbing symptoms, including reddening of the nipples, a woman needs to determine the cause as quickly as possible by consulting a doctor and a full breast examination.

Redness around the nipple

Redness around the nipple, which is not associated with serious pathology, is most often the result of irritation during breastfeeding, and is a physiological postpartum discomfort. However, we should not forget about the danger of other diseases that a mammologist, dermatologist or obstetrician-gynecologist can determine.

We list the reasons that can cause redness around the nipple:

  • Eczema of the nipple. Redness is the initial stage and does not last long. The process develops quite quickly and is accompanied by the appearance of hyperemic skin lesions. The patient feels severe itching and burning with any touch or mechanical effect on the skin of the chest. Characteristic signs of eczema, in addition to redness around the nipple, can be considered small rashes (papules), they often burst, releasing exudate. The skin in the area of ​​eczematous lesions is swollen, cracks are covered with weeping crusts.
  • Mechanical damage in the form of cracked nipples. Redness as the first stage of the condition turns into bleeding cracks, which is inevitably accompanied by pain. Advanced forms of mechanical trauma to the nipple are potentially dangerous and can lead to an inflammatory process and increased temperature. Most often, this phenomenon is typical for the postpartum period, when a woman feeds a baby without first preparing the mammary glands. Also, the cause may be the incorrect position of the baby during feeding, or the bite of the teeth of a growing child. Cracks are dangerous because any infection can get into small wounds and infect not only the mother’s body, but also the baby. In addition, redness of the nipples and further inflammation provoke damage to the subcutaneous tissue and capillaries. Infiltration of the inflammatory process inside is a risk of developing mastitis.
  • Thrush is also accompanied not only by itching and burning, but also by redness of the nipples during the initial period of development of fungal skin infection. Later, after hyperemia, the woman experiences a painful sensation, especially while feeding the baby. The skin of the nipples acquires a characteristic red color with a white coating, is shiny and very irritated.
  • Redness around one nipple while the other is absolutely healthy and unchanged is a serious symptom that indicates a risk of cancer. Paget's cancer often does not appear in initial stage With clinical signs, pathology can be determined even when there is redness of the nipple and irritation of the skin of the areola. Most often, this disease affects one breast, but in the practice of doctors, there are also bilateral cases. A burning sensation around the nipple, serous discharge, or a change in the shape of the nipple is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Redness near the nipple

Redness near the nipple is not necessarily a symptom of a serious illness. In most cases, this is irritation of the areola (the area near the nipple). A mechanical reason (tight underwear), injury (bruise, fall) and other “everyday” factors can cause temporary redness of the nipples. Redness also occurs in nursing mothers if they have not prepared the mammary glands in time for the feeding process. However, hyperemia and redness near the nipples can be a cause for alarm, and this is due to the following reasons:

  • Redness near the nipple associated with pregnancy. During this period, many systems of a woman’s body change their mode of functioning. Pain, changes in the color of the areola and nipple are considered completely acceptable, transient physiological phenomena. Typically, the first symptoms of changes in the mammary gland occur 2-3 weeks after conception; due to hormonal changes, general sensitivity increases, breast tissue and ducts begin to “prepare” for childbirth. Any friction (uncomfortable clothing, underwear), mechanical irritation (carefully performed hygienic procedures) can cause both hyperemia and pain.
  • Redness may form near the nipple, and then weeping, pink blisters due to thrush. The areola looks like a solid irritated spot, the nipples swell and hurt. Candidiasis is usually associated with an existing fungal disease of a nursing mother (candidiasis oral cavity or vagina).
  • Redness near the nipple can be caused by incorrect feeding technique, when the baby is applied to the breast in such a way that latching on the nipple causes injury to it.
  • Mastitis is also a factor that causes redness near the nipple. This inflammatory process most often develops against the background of stagnation breast milk(lactostasis). Signs of incipient mastitis are pain in all mammary glands, there may be redness near the nipple, elevated temperature bodies.
  • Fibrocystic mastopathy periodically manifests itself with signs similar to mastitis. Pain appears in the chest and nipple area, the areola changes color and sensitivity. This disease is diagnosed in women before their monthly cycle (that is, not in pregnant women). The mammary gland increases significantly in size, the nipples also change shape, and the areola is slightly hyperemic.
  • Redness of the nipples and the skin around them may be evidence of the onset of a tumor process. Often, oncology in women does not manifest itself symptomatically, neither pain nor other signs, and may only have visual signs. Any change in skin color near the nipple or deformation of the nipple itself should force the woman to immediately consult a doctor for a thorough examination and identify the cause of the disease.

Nipple pain and redness

What can cause nipple pain and redness?

  • Puberty of a girl. At puberty, the hormonal system is rebuilt in leaps and bounds, all organs associated with its functioning react to the slightest jump. Pain and redness of the nipple at this age can be considered a physiological norm if these symptoms are transient. Otherwise, the girl should consult a gynecologist.
  • The period of menopause, during which hormonal levels affect the organs associated with it.
  • Pregnancy. While waiting for the baby to be born in the body expectant mother literally everything changes. Pain and redness of the nipple may be due to hypersensitivity the gland itself, a rush of blood and an increase in the size of the ducts. The reason may also be increased level prolactin.
  • PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Hormonal cyclic transformations provoke a temporary enlargement of the mammary gland, the nipple, as its most sensitive part, is the first to react to readiness for regulation. Pain and redness in such cases are considered physiologically acceptable and disappear with the onset of menstruation.
  • The period of feeding a newborn. This is the time of “work” of the mammary glands as a whole; if they were not prepared in advance, then painful sensations in the nipples and redness can be a consequence. In addition, during the feeding period, pain in the nipples may occur due to the appearance of a “milk vesicle (blockage of the duct). In turn, blockage carries the risk of developing lactostasis. Therefore, persistent pain and redness of the nipple should not be ignored; you should consult with an obstetrician, gynecologist and adjust feeding techniques (the technique of attaching the baby to the mammary gland).
  • Cystic mastopathy is a benign formation in the mammary gland. Seals in the form of cysts, pain in the breasts and nipples, their possible redness, discharge from them, uncharacteristic of the physiological state of a woman - all these are symptoms of mastopathy. Of course, the diagnosis must be made by a doctor after examination.
  • Purulent mastitis as an inflammatory process in acute form can also cause pain and redness of the nipples.
  • Intraductal (intraductal) papilloma is a benign small-tumor process that can develop in women no older than 50-55 years. The first symptom is considered to be any amount of purulent discharge from the nipple, but secondary signs may also be pain at the site of papilloma growth, redness of the nipple areola and pain in the nipple itself.
  • An inflammatory process in the milk duct not associated with pregnancy and childbirth - ectasia. Pain and redness in the nipple area are one of the clinical manifestations of inflammation.
  • BC (breast cancer). To prevent the development of cancer, any discomfort in the chest area should be monitored and immediately consult a doctor. A painful symptom, redness of the nipple is not yet a diagnosis, but a possible sign of a developing pathological process.
  • Psoriasis - redness and pain can be the initial signs of the disease, which is localized in the chest area.
  • Herpetic viral infection in the mammary gland area most often affects the nipples. They develop rashes, specific characteristic blisters, pain appears, and the skin of the nipples acquires a bright red tint.

Redness of the nipple and thickening

Redness at the nipple and hardening can be caused by an accumulation of either lipid cells or a sign of an incipient purulent process, but it can also be a signal that an oncological process is developing in the mammary gland. As a clinical manifestation, redness of the nipple in combination with the dense structure of the breast is a reason to immediately consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.

We list some factors that can cause redness in the nipple area and hardening of the nipple itself:

  • Atheroma or retention cyst of the sebaceous gland. The skin in the nipple areola is rich in glands, including sebaceous glands. In turn, the sebaceous glands constantly secrete a specific substance - sebaceous secretion. For various reasons, it is not completely removed from the gland and clogs the barely noticeable duct in the nipple area. The disease is not life-threatening for a woman; it is quite rare in the nipple area, but atheroma is prone to inflammation, can fester and often recurs.
  • Another type of atheroma is galactocele or congestion and subsequent blockage of the milk duct in women who are breastfeeding.
  • Cystadenopapilloma or intraductal papilloma. A small benign neoplasm that looks like a cyst. Such papillomas can form in all sectors of the breast and parts of the nipple where there are ducts. Papillary cystadenoma can be single (solitary) or multiple. If it is not treated promptly, papilloma can provoke an intraductal cancer process. Therefore, thickening and redness of the nipple is a signal to begin examination and treatment.
  • Fibrocystic mastopathy can also cause pain and redness in the nipple. The disease is characterized by the fact that a woman begins to examine (palpate) the breast on her own and discovers a lump in one of the sectors, perhaps closer to the nipple. These manifestations require medical consultation, diagnosis and treatment.
  • Hardening and redness of the nipple often appear in breastfeeding women. This condition is considered transient and associated with incorrect feeding techniques, as well as with natural hormonal changes in the body.
  • Pregnancy can be a factor that provokes redness, enlargement of the mammary glands and the nipples themselves. Nipples may become tighter and more sensitive. These are acceptable symptoms of a general restructuring of the expectant mother’s systems.
  • Mastitis. In addition to a hyperemic nipple, pain and a clearly palpable lump, mastitis can be accompanied by high body temperature, headache and general malaise. Treatment consists of neutralizing stagnant processes in the lymphatic system and in the mammary gland as a whole.

Itching and redness of the nipples

Itching and redness of the nipples is an uncomfortable and disturbing condition for women. If the redness of the nipple is accompanied by a burning sensation, itching, then we can safely talk about at least the reaction of specific neurons of the ANS (vegetative nervous system) to an irritating factor. The specific cause of itching and redness of the nipples is determined by a doctor - mammologist, gynecologist or dermatologist.

If the symptoms are transient and disappear with a simple change of synthetic underwear or clothing to cotton, comfortable products, then the itching was most likely caused by excessive dryness of the delicate skin of the nipple and irritation.

In addition, itching, burning and redness of the nipples may indicate dermatitis. Dermatitis, in turn, is divided into several types:

  • Neurodermatitis, allergic dermatitis.
  • Simple dermatitis (artificial) - develops only at the site of contact with the irritant.

It is quite easy to distinguish between these skin diseases, especially in the initial stages.

  1. Contact (simple) dermatitis is characterized by a clear localization of symptoms, that is, itching and redness of the nipples will only be at the site of contact with the irritant. If such dermatitis is not treated promptly, cracks may form on the nipples and an inflammatory, often purulent, process may develop.
  2. An allergic reaction to the skin of the nipples is characterized by a brighter, red color. Specific bubbles (vesicles) appear on the skin of the nipple, which are very itchy when opened.

Redness and itching can also be symptoms of developing nipple eczema.

How to identify signs of eczema?

  • Redness, erythema, itching.
  • The formation of small papules (specific nodules) and scales on the skin of the nipple.
  • Papules transform into blisters filled with fluid (vesicles).
  • The liquid in the vesicles becomes purulent, the bubbles pass into the pustular stage.
  • The blistering formations become wet, the redness increases, the skin of the nipple becomes inflamed and becomes crusty.
  • The process of a peculiar restoration of the skin in eczema is characterized by the formation of scales and keratinized elements.

Atypical coloration of the nipples and itching may be due to the following reasons:

  • fungal infection of the skin, most often this happens during breastfeeding in the presence of Candida albicans fungi in the baby’s oral cavity.
  • expansion of the ducts of the breast (breast gland), when in addition to hyperemia in the areola, the woman notices discharge, swelling and deformation of the nipple.

It should be noted that redness and itching of the nipples is one of the signs of an oncological process - nipple cancer (Paget's cancer), therefore, when the first disturbing symptoms appear, a woman needs to exclude such a serious, life-threatening disease.

Redness of the nipple areola

Redness of the nipple areola can be a normal, physiological phenomenon, provided that hormonal changes occur in the woman’s body - pregnancy, menopause. The areola is the skin surrounding the nipple; the color of the skin can vary from red to dark brown. Pigmentation is the “work” of melanin, which in turn also consists of several components - pheomelanin and zumelin, their ratio affects the shade of the nipple areola.

The color of the nipple areola depends on many factors:

  • Genetic factor.
  • Woman's age.
  • Nationality.
  • Taking certain medications (tetracycline group or salicylates).
  • The onset of menstruation.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Puberty.
  • Climax.
  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Viral, bacterial infections.
  • Oncopathology.

Let's take a closer look at the most common reasons that cause redness of the nipple areola:

  1. Pregnancy and changes in the color of the nipple itself, including the areola, are the most common cause. Redness of the areola can be caused by the intense production of melanocytes, which are also interconnected with the hormonal system.
  2. Elementary irritation of the skin around the nipple. The reason is improper attachment of the baby to the breast during feeding and injury to the delicate skin of the areola.
  3. Using an incorrectly selected breast pump while feeding a newborn baby.
  4. Often, redness of the nipple areola is caused by a rather joyful event in the life of mother and baby associated with the eruption of the first teeth. Inevitable irritation of the nipples and the skin around them is a kind of “payment” for the baby’s growing up. Fortunately, this period does not last long, and the child grows up, and the nursing mother, as a rule, quickly adapts to new technology feeding
  5. Intoxication of the whole body, often drug-induced. If a woman suffers from any chronic disease and takes a course for a long time medicines from the tetracycline group, one of side effects medications may cause redness of the nipple areola as an allergic reaction.
  6. Candidiasis during feeding of a newborn baby. Symptoms of candidiasis infection are typical - redness of the nipple, surrounding tissues, cracks, itching. You should also pay attention to the baby’s oral cavity; as a rule, candidiasis is found in both mother and child.
  7. Eczema is a fairly rare disease in the mammary glands. However, advanced cases can give similar symptoms when eczematous inflammation affects both the nipple and areola
  8. Herpes. A viral infection most often manifests itself in the nipple area, but the areola can also be subject to a pathological process and change its color.
  9. Atopic dermatitis in combination with dry skin of the nipple and areola is characterized by typical redness, itching and the appearance of microcracks on the nipple.
  10. Breast cancer. Redness of the nipple and its areola are very similar to signs of eczema or psoriasis. Early symptoms of cancer are not very apparent externally, which is why it is dangerous. Therefore, if there are any atypical manifestations on the breasts, nipples, or areolas, a woman should consult a doctor as soon as possible to rule out oncology or begin treating it at an early stage. Paget's cancer can appear in three forms:
    • Discoloration and dermatological symptoms in the nipple-areolar area.
    • Redness of the nipple areola combined with a change in shape.
    • Oncological process in the mammary gland itself without clinical manifestations in the area of ​​the nipple and areola. Redness and burning in the nipple and surrounding tissues are usually a sign of an advanced process.

It should also be noted that Paget's cancer almost never affects both breasts. If redness of the areola, itching, and pain are observed only on one breast, it is necessary to immediately be examined and begin treatment.

Reddening of the nipples during pregnancy

During pregnancy, reddening of the nipples is considered a normal change associated with the restructuring of the entire body and the hormonal system in particular.

Most often, it is not the nipple itself that changes color, but its areola, which becomes darker, sometimes almost brown. Redness of the nipples and areola is explained by an increase in the production of a specific protective pigment - melanin. In turn, the production of that pigment is needed to prepare the mammary glands for the process of lactation, for feeding. The degree of color change and timing depend on the trimester of pregnancy, most often this occurs in the middle of the period. Closer to childbirth, as the mammary glands enlarge and the physiologically explainable stretching of the horse's coat, the nipple and areolas acquire their normal, previous color. Reddening of the nipples can “bypass” a pregnant woman, just like pigmentation of the skin on other parts of the body (chloasma), it all depends on genetic predisposition and other individual characteristics.

What exactly happens to the mammary gland during pregnancy?

  • Increasing the brightness of the color of the nipple and its areola.
  • A so-called secondary areola may appear, containing Montgomery glands (tubercles that disappear over time after childbirth).

What symptoms may accompany reddened nipples during pregnancy?

  • Minor painful sensations associated with enlargement of both the breast and nipple.
  • Often the skin of the nipples itches and itches, this is caused by growth, enlargement of the mammary gland and stretching of the delicate skin.
  • Changing the size and shape of the nipples.
  • The skin on your nipples may become drier and more prone to cracking. This condition needs to be treated with harmless, neutral moisturizing creams and ointments.
  • The nipple areola may be slightly darker than the nipple itself.
  • The skin of the nipples becomes more sensitive and reacts to any irritation factor. However, it is during this period that a woman needs to prepare her breasts and nipples for the period of feeding the baby, so there is no need to fear that the sensations will worsen. On the contrary, the mammary glands should be “trained” by performing the procedures recommended by the doctor.

What symptoms should an expectant mother immediately consult a doctor for?

  • If reddening of the nipples during pregnancy is accompanied by persistent severe pain.
  • If the local temperature of the skin changes upward (skin becomes hot, dry).
  • If redness of the nipples is accompanied by uncharacteristic discharge from them.
  • If pain in the nipple area is localized only on one breast.
  • When the redness of the nipple is accompanied by the appearance of vesicles, papules.

In general, redness and enlargement of the nipples can be one of the first signs of conception, which is not only a normal phenomenon, but for many women a reason for joy in connection with the anticipation of the birth of a baby.

Reddening of the nipples during feeding

When breastfeeding, reddening of the nipples is considered quite a common occurrence. In most cases, this is due to improper preparation of the breast during pregnancy, the individual characteristics of the skin of the mammary glands, as well as non-compliance with feeding techniques.

Let's look at how the process of feeding a baby occurs in order to better understand how to avoid reddening of the nipples during feeding.

The production of breast milk is the process of active formation of a specific secretory fluid. In order to have enough milk, the mammary gland enlarges during pregnancy and its blood supply increases. The skin of the nipple is characterized by the presence of smooth fibers, which are also supplied with blood flow, so the nipple is capable of secreting not only breast milk after childbirth, but also various types secretory fluid outside of pregnancy or lactation. During the feeding stage, the nipple is subjected to additional stress, becomes denser, thickens, and due to these changes its color also changes. Such phenomena are considered acceptable if the skin of the nipple remains elastic, does not become cracked and, in principle, does not cause the woman any discomfort.

In addition, changes in women who give birth for the first time and in those who are included in the category of multiparous women differ both in appearance and in the activity of manifestations.

  1. The first birth - the growth of milk ducts, a change in the shape of the breast nipple, local pigmentation develops more actively, but at the end of the feeding period it also quickly recovers, returning almost to the original parameters.
  2. Repeated births - changes in the breasts and nipples induced by pregnancy occur slowly, and partially remain after the end of feeding.
  3. The third and subsequent births are characterized by the fact that reddening of the nipples, enlargement of the mammary glands, and pigmentation can remain unchanged for quite a long time (for some women, the changes are permanent).

Other factors can cause reddening of the nipples during feeding:

  • Abrasions and cracks are inevitably accompanied by reddening of the nipples during feeding. The cause may be abnormalities in the shape of the nipple itself (flat), dry skin, or incorrect technique for applying the baby to the mammary gland. Cracks heal quite quickly with proper treatment; advanced conditions can lead to infection and inflammation.
  • Lactostasis. This is not a pathology, not a disease, but a stagnant process, a blockage of the duct. The causes of lactostasis can be different, but the symptoms are typical - pain, a feeling of heaviness in the mammary gland, increased body temperature, there may be redness of the nipples, and local lumps are detected on palpation. Conditions of milk stagnation can lead to an inflammatory process, including mastitis. Therefore, if any signs of lactostasis appear, a nursing mother needs to self-massage her breasts, or even better, consult a doctor.
  • Reddening of the nipples during feeding in combination with changes in the areola, breast swelling, and pain may indicate mastitis or mastopathy. With mastopathy, redness of the nipples can be combined with their slight retraction, but without obvious changes in shape.
  • An allergic reaction in the presence of a history of allergies in a nursing mother. Reddening of the nipples during feeding with allergies is a reason to consult a doctor, temporarily stop feeding and receive adequate treatment, taking into account the fact that the need to feed the baby should come first (taking antihistamines is undesirable, the woman’s diet should be reviewed, the trigger should be found and eliminated reactions).
  • If a woman uses a low-quality breast pump, redness of the nipple and areola can also be explained by this factor.
  • Candidiasis, which is characterized by redness in the nipple area, pain, itching and inflammation of the areola. Thrush, as a rule, also affects the child; often it is candidiasis of the infant’s oral cavity that causes reddening of the mother’s nipples.
  • Very rarely, redness of the nipples and areola during breastfeeding may indicate Paget's cancer. This disease is quite rare among breast diseases in pregnant and lactating women.

Complications and consequences

The consequences of red nipples depend on the cause and severity of the condition.

If reddening of the nipples is associated with physiological changes - pregnancy, menopause, feeding a baby with breast milk, the consequences do not bother the woman because there are practically none. The red tint of the nipples and areola, as a rule, disappears, giving way to the usual color of the skin.

An exception may be the second or third pregnancy, when the hormonal background is transformed as usual and the production of pigment (melanin) is consolidated.

However, symptoms not diagnosed in a timely manner and not adequately treated can lead to serious illnesses, including cancer.

We list some of the most dangerous consequences for a woman’s health:

  • Melanoma of the nipple, the symptoms of which are very similar to ordinary dermatitis. In addition to redness of the nipples, there may be itching, irritation of the skin of the areola, and peeling. Often a woman begins to treat her nipples, believing that she will neutralize a transient allergic reaction. The result can really be achieved; the symptoms subside for just a few days, but then return and get worse. Recurrences of reddening of the nipples, peeling of the skin become more frequent, pain, burning sensations in the nipple and atypical discharge from it appear. The diagnosis of an oncological process is refuted or confirmed by a biopsy. The consequences of a disease not detected in a timely manner can be disastrous, therefore, if any alarming signs appear in the breast area, a woman should consult a doctor and begin treatment immediately.
  • Nipple cancer or Paget's cancer. In the advanced stage, the areola changes color, the skin becomes dark red, peels, and becomes covered with a characteristic crust. Nipple cancer most often affects one breast; this is its specific symptom. Therefore, if a woman notices redness of the nipple on only one breast, contacting a mammologist or oncologist should be immediate. A timely diagnosed disease and initiated therapy significantly increases the chances of recovery and reduces the risk of negative consequences.
  • Mastopathy. Its consequences are the return of symptoms, that is, relapses, as well as the risk of developing breast cancer. The severity of the consequences is directly related to the etiology of the disease. If the cause of mastopathy is hormonal imbalances combined with thyroid dysfunction, then treatment should be comprehensive. Without the use of specific drugs to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, relapses are almost inevitable. If mastopathy develops in the form of nodes, there is a high risk of the disease developing into an oncological process. It is believed that reddening of the nipples is not the main sign of mastopathy, but it may be a signal that the pathology is reaching a critical stage. It is possible to prevent serious consequences only through regular breast examinations by a mammologist and timely initiation of adequate treatment.
  • Eczema, neurodermatitis of the nipple. Its consequences often bring psychological discomfort, since the color, sometimes shape and appearance nipple, areola. For a woman, this not entirely aesthetic spectacle can be a reason for a low mood, even depressive. In such cases, it is necessary to reduce the level of anxiety through education about the consequences of nipple eczema. In fact, with complex treatment and compliance with all medical recommendations, the skin is restored quite quickly, and the redness of the nipples goes away. If neurodermatitis occurs for a long time in a severe form, or recurs, you can correct the appearance of the nipple and areola after treatment using cosmetic procedures or plastic surgery. The consequences of nipple eczema really don’t look very nice, but they are not life-threatening and can be corrected.

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Complications with reddening of the nipples are usually an advanced form of cancer. All other types of complications are not threatening, although they can cause quite unpleasant sensations, discomfort and are not visually aesthetically pleasing. If you begin to treat red nipples in time, properly care for your skin, follow all doctor’s recommendations and maintain personal hygiene, complications can be corrected, and difficult cases can be corrected with the help of cosmetic procedures or minimally invasive surgeries.

What can cause complications: and what they can be:

  • Thrush. A complication can be considered interruption of the baby's feeding, as well as quite deep erosive damage to the skin of the nipples, of course, if the disease is diagnosed late and is not treated adequately.
  • Milk ducts may become clogged if nipple redness is a symptom of mastitis. Changing the feeding regimen can help reduce the severity of the complication; it must be agreed with the attending physician. Blockage is not considered a terrible consequence, but leads to a refusal to breastfeed, and this, in turn, is undesirable for the baby (everyone knows that mother’s milk is the best remedy to strengthen the immune and other systems of the newborn baby).
  • Cracks in the skin of the nipples are also fraught with complications. An infection that penetrates the wound surface causes an inflammatory process in the nipple. The inflammation itself is potentially dangerous and carries the risk of inflammation of the entire breast (mastitis). In addition, Candida enters the nipple through cracks, so there is a “field” for the development of thrush, which is treated comprehensively - therapy is indicated for both mother and child.
  • Mastitis, which may cause reddening of the nipples, should be considered separately. Complications of mastitis are the infiltration form of the disease, and purulent mastitis is also possible. All such complications are dangerous due to inflammation of the lymph nodes; extreme forms of complications are phlegmon or a gangrenous process.
  • If reddening of the nipples cannot be treated, or the woman does not pay attention to the symptom and pushes the condition of the breast skin to an extreme degree, infection, even an abscess, is possible. Complications associated with suppuration are fraught with surgical intervention and a corresponding recovery period after it.
  • Sepsis. This complication is extremely rare, but it should be mentioned. Septic intoxication of the body is a consequence of an extremely advanced infectious process
  • Pagett's cancer. Oncological process.

Diagnosis of red nipples

Diagnosis of red nipples begins with a woman contacting a doctor. Next comes the standard procedure, which is performed by any professional doctor:

  • Interviewing the patient, collecting anamnesis. Reddening of the nipples is a sign that cannot be considered the only clinical manifestation of one disease. A gynecologist or mammologist may ask when the redness of the nipple or areola first appeared, what discomfort accompanies this symptom, and under what circumstances the redness of the nipples occurred.
  • Examination (palpation) of the breast. In this way, the doctor checks the breast for the presence or absence of tumor processes, lumps and other signs of serious pathology. Palpation examination is not the only method of examination, therefore, having identified alarming symptom, the doctor may prescribe additional diagnostic procedures.
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands to clarify the location of the lump, its shape and stage of development.
  • According to indications, a biopsy may be prescribed; it is necessary if Paget's cancer is suspected. Atypical cells can be identified in the skin material, and fluid secreted from the nipple is also collected for examination under a microscope.
  • If the redness of the nipples is caused by an inflammatory process, the woman may be prescribed blood and urine tests to identify the causative agent of inflammation.
  • It is quite difficult to diagnose reddened nipples when eczema is suspected. The process often develops quickly, and the woman does not immediately consult a doctor, trying to cure the problem on her own. When visiting a gynecologist, the patient demonstrates her nipples in such a way that the inflammation can be considered polymorphic, that is, the symptoms indicate several possible reasons. To specify the diagnosis, a blood test or skin tests for allergens are prescribed to rule out an allergic reaction.

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Tests for reddened nipples are usually not required. Most often, it is enough for the doctor to collect an anamnesis (information about the occurrence of the symptom), examination and observation of treatment over time. However, there are reasons that cause redness. irritation of the skin of the nipples, which need clarification.

What tests may be prescribed:

  • Blood test for hormones. Often changes in hormonal background provoke pathological processes in the mammary glands and, as one of the symptoms of the disease, reddening of the nipples
  • Blood test to determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process.
  • A blood test to identify the causative agent of a bacterial infection.
  • Allergic reactions that cause redness of the skin of the breast, nipples or areola require identification of the specific allergen. A woman may be prescribed allergy tests - both through skin and blood tests.
  • If a nursing mother notices signs of thrush in her child and herself, which is characterized by specific symptoms, including reddening of the nipples, the doctor may prescribe a test to determine the type of candidiasis infection.
  • In case of a herpetic rash, it is recommended to donate blood for examination and identification of the type of herpes.
  • If an oncological process is suspected, the patient is prescribed tests for tumor markers.
  • For intraductal papilloma, both hardware diagnostics (ultrasound, mammography) and tests (enzyme immunogram, general analysis blood, analysis to specify metabolic disorders).

Also, if the nipples are red, the list of comprehensive examination includes standard tests - CBC (complete blood count), biochemical analysis, liver test and other clinical blood tests.

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Instrumental diagnostics

Instrumental diagnostics for reddened nipples are prescribed as a way to specify the diagnosis. Reddening of the nipples can be a sign of many diseases, therefore, in addition to examination and blood tests, the doctor needs additional information and information.

What types of instrumental diagnostics are used in diagnosing the symptom - reddening of the nipples?

  1. Ultrasound of the mammary glands to identify or exclude hidden tumor processes, as well as clarify the location, shape, size of lumps (cysts, neoplasms).
  2. Mammography is a specific instrumental method designed to study exclusively the mammary glands.
  3. MRI - magnetic resonance imaging to visually clarify changes in the shape and size of the nipples, as well as to specify the type of tumor.
  4. Ultrasound imaging to visualize the condition of the mammary ducts and the vascular system, which provides nutrition to the mammary gland tissue.
  5. Biopsy. Analysis of tissue material of the mammary gland or nipple to identify atypical (cancerous) cells, their type, number. Biopsy as a method of instrumental diagnosis makes it possible to differentiate the tumor process and prescribe adequate, effective treatment.

Instrumental diagnosis of reddened nipples is needed to exclude or confirm Paget's cancer. Timely detection of oncological pathology significantly increases the chances of recovery in general, and also affects the patient’s quality of life even in the most severe stages of breast cancer.

Accurate diagnosis allows you to differentiate the type, severity of the disease, the risk of development and spread of the process to nearby areas of the mammary gland, lymph nodes and organs. Mammography, MRI, ultrasound, immunohistochemical scrapings (cytology) - this is not a complete list of instrumental methods that help the doctor diagnose accurate diagnosis and start treatment.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis for reddened nipples is necessary to specify the cause of the symptom and purpose effective treatment. This is especially important if a mammologist or gynecologist suspects the development of an oncological process in the mammary gland. Pagett's cancer has a characteristic feature - changes in the shape and color of the nipple. The sooner the correct diagnosis is made for such a pathology, the more successful the complex therapy is and the greater the chances of a positive result.

What is the differential diagnosis for Paget's cancer?

  • Gathering information about the onset of symptoms, the circumstances of its appearance, general condition health, including the presence of chronic diseases.
  • Examination of the mammary glands, palpation.
  • Ultrasound examination of the breast.
  • Mammographic examination.
  • The study of tissue material (nipple skin, adjacent area - areola) is a histological or cytological analysis. Cytology involves taking tissue or discharge from the nipple and examining the print using a special glass. The analysis technique is quite simple in contrast to further actions and interpretation of the result. The glass is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin of the nipple, the resulting imprint is stained and examined microscopically. Histology differs from the cytomethod in that tissue material is obtained using a special needle. Conduct local anesthesia, a needle is used to remove tissue and then examine it using a microscope. Diagnostic material can be obtained directly from the tissue of the nipple, areola, and from nearby lymph nodes, if the disease is advanced and develops for a long time.
  • Immunological tests are needed to detect oncoprotein compounds and cytokeratin. This allows you to confirm or completely exclude breast cancer, as well as clarify the stage of development of Paget's cancer.

If, during examination, the doctor finds, in addition to redness of the nipples, clinical signs neurodermatitis, eczema or psoriasis, differential diagnosis may include tissue examination to detect infectious pathogens. Such actions are necessary to clarify the diagnosis and prevent secondary inflammatory process in the mammary gland. In addition, redness, irritation, and itching in the nipple area can be a signal of allergies, retention hyperkeratosis of the nipple, lichen, impetigo, or a more serious pathology, such as melanoma. Differentiation is an opportunity to eliminate medical errors, select medications and methods for treatment, and restore a woman’s feeling of comfort and health in general.

Differential diagnosis distinguishes the following diseases:

  • Eczema.
  • Intraductal papilloma.
  • Pityriasis versicolor.
  • Milkman's nipple.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Eczema.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma.
  • Paget's cancer.
  • Mastitis.
  • Allergy.

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Treatment for red nipples

Treatment of nipple redness is directly related to the etiology of the underlying disease.

The most common causes of red nipples and standard treatments:

  1. Cracked nipples. This skin condition is usually diagnosed in breastfeeding women. Most effective way quickly cure cracks in the skin of the nipples - this is a preliminary preparation of the mammary glands for feeding. Prevention of the disease significantly prevents the development of deep erosive processes. Even if cracks appear, they do not cause discomfort, do not interfere with the feeding regimen and heal successfully. Treatment for reddened nipples due to cracks consists of careful breast care, treating the nipples with antiseptic agents, following a diet, and most importantly, changing the feeding schedule and technique. External medications are prescribed by the attending physician; these can be anti-inflammatory solutions, moisturizing lotions, creams and antibacterial ointments.
  2. Thrush. Redness of the skin of the nipple or areola is accompanied by severe itching, so treatment necessarily includes products that relieve irritation. In addition, the woman’s diet must be changed, drugs are prescribed that activate the immune system and eliminate the cause - infection of the body with candida. It should also be taken into account that thrush almost always affects both the mother and the newborn baby, so both the woman and the baby are treated.
  3. Allergy. First of all, the causes of the allergic reaction are neutralized. After diagnosis, when the allergen is identified, all risks of contact with it are eliminated. If reddening of the nipples is caused by a food allergen, the system and diet change. Elimination of an aggressive allergenic agent allows you to quickly eliminate the external clinical manifestations of the disease and prevent their occurrence in the future. Antihistamines can be prescribed, both in the form of external agents and in tablet form.
  4. Tumor processes in the breast, in which reddening of the nipple is considered one of the clinical manifestations of Paget's cancer, are subject to complex treatment. Therapy and procedures are prescribed by an oncologist. Surgical intervention is indicated for a certain degree of severity of the process, when the operation stops the development of the spread of atypical cells.
  5. Mastopathy, mastitis, in addition to external preparations and medications in the form of tablets, are also treated with physiotherapeutic procedures. Physiotherapy allows you to resolve congestion in the mammary glands and speed up recovery.

Women who experience reddening of their nipples often resort to traditional methods treatment. Such methods can indeed be effective, provided that they are recommended by a doctor. Self-medication and breast diseases are unacceptable, especially considering that breast cancer is still the leader among all cancer pathologies in women aged 20-25 to 55 years.


Medicines that are prescribed for reddened nipples can be either external or in tablet form. The category and classification of drugs depends on the cause of the disease, just like the entire treatment system. We list the most common medications that can reduce the intensity of the symptom and provide a therapeutic effect.

  • For cracked nipples, medications are prescribed externally. These may be ointments containing non-aggressive anti-inflammatory substances, taking into account the fact that cracks most often occur in breastfeeding mothers. Here is a list of the most popular remedies for the treatment of cracks:
    • Lanovit.
    • Solcoseryl.
    • Avent.
    • Bepanten.
    • Ointments containing beta-carotene or tocopherol.
    • Dexpanthenol.
    • Cream-balm for healing cracked nipples.
    • Desitin.
    • Sudocrem.
    • Lanovit.
    • Retinoic ointment.
    • We see.
    • Vulnuzan.
    • Actovegin in gel form.
    • Chlorophyllipt solution.
  • Nipple eczema requires long-term persistent treatment, since eczematous dermatitis is allergic in nature. Medicines prescribed for eczema may be:
    • Prednisolone, which has antiallergic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Hydrocortisone ointment. Effective medicine with an allergic form of eczema. The ointment has its contraindications, so it is not recommended to use it on its own
    • Dermasan, an effective drug, if neurodermatitis, eczema is diagnosed for the first time and at the initial stage of development.
    • Since reddening of the nipples with eczema is accompanied by severe itching and a deterioration in general well-being, patients may be prescribed tranquilizers and antidepressants.
    • Etimizole, which has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects.

Severe stages of nipple eczema require the use of corticosteroid hormonal medications. All types of eczematous dermatitis require medications that have an immunomodulatory effect:

  • Thrush on the nipples is treated with drugs of the antifungal group - fluconazole, diflucan and from the variety. Medicines are selected and prescribed by a doctor, especially if the therapy is intended for a nursing mother.
  • Paget's cancer. Medicines are prescribed strictly according to the type of cancer pathology. Thus, in case of ulcerative cancer, in addition to traditional antitumor therapy, external agents that adequately relieve skin inflammation may be recommended. If the cancer develops in the eczematous type, medications are selected as part of a treatment similar to that of eczema.

Medicines for reddened nipples are the prerogative of a doctor; only a specialist can differentiate clinical manifestations, make an accurate diagnosis and choose effective, effective medications.

Ointment for red nipples

Ointment for nipple redness is selected depending on the cause that provokes the symptom. You should also take into account the woman’s medical history and her state of health at the time of treatment.

Reddening of the nipples in most cases is associated with hormonal changes in the body or with pregnancy or lactation. Oncopathology can also cause irritation of the skin of the nipple, changes in its shape, but in such cases, treatment and ointments must be specific, like the disease process itself.

List of ointments for red nipples:

  • For lactostasis (milk stagnation), it is recommended to use cooling or absorbable ointments. Traumeel, all ointment preparations with arnica, calendula extract, chestnut extract, and heparin gel have this effect.
  • Cracked nipples can also be successfully treated with medications in the form of ointments. An ointment for reddened nipples due to cracks should have an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect in order to quickly stop the spread of infection and not “let it go deep into the breast tissue.” Solcoseryl, ointments containing lanolin, syntomycin ointment, Purelan, Bepanten, ointment with sea ​​buckthorn oil, Panthenol, Tsindol, Desitin and other drugs that can be very effective if prescribed by a doctor according to indications and after the diagnosis has been clarified.
  • Candidiasis, which causes reddening of the nipples, is treated with external agents that neutralize the fungal infection. Ointment for reddening of the nipples due to thrush is nystatin ointment, fluconazole, lamisole. However, it should be remembered that thrush is a phenomenon that occurs during breastfeeding. Therefore, any ointment can get into gastrointestinal tract baby, so only a doctor should prescribe medications, including ointments.
  • Eczema is treated comprehensively, like allergies in general. Ointment for nipple eczema can be effective if it is combined with medications in tablet form. Medicines for eczema belong to the category of antihistamines, and corticoids can also be prescribed if eczema reaches a severe stage - Prednisolone, Skin-cap, Soderm, Dermasan. An ointment with a drying effect is also effective.

Traditional treatment

Alternative treatment for reddened nipples can be very effective if the exact cause of the symptom is established and treatment is prescribed by a specialist or doctor. It is especially important to remember this for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Not all herbal infusions, herbal infusions, and decoctions can be harmless; in addition, if herbal medicine is not used correctly, precious time is lost, and the disease can become severe. Traditionally, folk treatment is used simultaneously with basic therapy, or after it as a means of consolidating the result.

Herbal treatment for reddened nipples includes the following procedures:

  • Lotions (decoctions, infusions).
  • Making and using ointments based on extracts from herbs and plants.
  • General baths for the whole body with a decoction of herbs and medicinal plants.
  • Compresses with herbal infusion.
  • Ingestion of specially prepared decoctions.

Herbal preparations should have the main properties that help neutralize reddening of the nipples:

  • Security and absence side effects.
  • Anti-inflammatory or antibacterial effect.
  • Softening effect.
  • Wound healing effect.
  • Drying properties for wet wounds.
  • Absorbing, anti-edematous effect.

Traditional treatment for reddened nipples involves the use of the following plants or herbs:

  1. St. John's wort.
  2. Mint.
  3. Plantain.
  4. Chamomile.
  5. Marshmallow root.
  6. A series.
  7. Oak bark.
  8. Snake mountaineer.
  9. Violet.
  10. Dandelion.
  11. Clover leaves and flowers.
  12. Sophora japonica.
  13. Birch leaves.
  14. Blueberry leaves.
  15. Juniper needles.

It is not possible to list all medicinal herbs or plants within the scope of the article, so we suggest studying several proven, effective recipes:

  1. Prepare a herbal mixture - 1 part each of oregano, mint, plantain leaves, juniper berries, chamomile, St. John's wort. 1 teaspoon of dry crushed herbal mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 40-45 minutes. The strained infusion is cooled to a comfortable temperature and used as a lotion to relieve itching, irritation and redness of the nipples.
  2. Dried geranium leaves, lavender, dandelion root, violet flowers and leaves, fireweed, centaury, celandine, oak bark - 1 part each. 2 tablespoons of the mixture are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and infused in a thermos for 10-12 hours (it is convenient to brew overnight). If the infusion turns out to be too concentrated or dark, it is slightly diluted with water and used as a wash for the entire mammary gland, including the nipple. Washing should be carried out at least twice a day for 10-14 days. The decoction also works well as a lotion. A gauze napkin is moistened in the herbal infusion, squeezed out a little and applied to the damaged, reddened nipple for 1 hour. This method is effective for cracked nipples and neurodermatitis.
  3. Taking herbal baths is no less effective. The recipe is this: take equal parts celandine and chamomile (25 grams each), add 500 ml of cold water, leave for an hour, then simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes. Strain and pour into the bath, dilute with warm water at a comfortable temperature, take baths every other day for two weeks. A traditional treatment for reddened nipples consists of bathing in a bath with an infusion of burdock root - the root is crushed, a tablespoon is poured into 500 ml of water, boiled for 10 minutes, poured into the base volume of water in the bath.
  4. A decoction that should be drunk for a month. Black currant leaves, nettles, herbs and violet flowers, chamomile, rose hips - 1 tablespoon each. The mixture is stored in a dry jar or linen bag. Every day a decoction is prepared - 1 teaspoon of herbal mixture is poured into 300 ml of boiling water, infused for 30-40 minutes. The strained healing decoction should be drunk in small sips throughout the day, the course is one month. The product perfectly cleanses the blood, strengthens the immune system and helps the body cope with inflammatory processes, including in the mammary gland.
  5. Go to category traditional treatment Recipes include applying raw pumpkin pulp, pea flour mixed with cabbage juice to the reddened nipple. Do not forget about the beneficial wound-healing and decongestant properties of cabbage leaves or burdock leaves. Purulent inflammation of the mammary gland, which provokes an increase in temperature and redness of the skin of the nipple, can be tried to be cured with a paste of freshly cooked beans. A dressing with steamed and mashed figs has the same effect.

Traditional treatment of nipple skin diseases brings results only if the cause of the symptom is accurately established and the herbal therapy regimen is drawn up by a doctor.

Herbal treatment

Herbal treatment for reddened nipples helps reduce discomfort, relieve irritation, inflammation or itching. Properly selected herbs can have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, as well as accelerate the healing of microcracks and wounds. At the same time, you need to remember that not all herbal infusions are neutral and safe, so before using decoctions or tinctures, it is advisable to consult with a specialist herbalist or your doctor.

List of means and methods that are included in the category of “herbal treatment”:

  • Treatment with St. John's wort. A decoction or infusion of St. John's wort heals small wounds and cracked nipples well. Decoction recipe: 2 tablespoons of dry herb are poured into 2 glasses of cold water and left to brew for 4-5 hours. Then boil the liquid for 10 minutes, cool to a comfortable temperature, and strain. The resulting decoction can be used to wipe cracked nipples every 2 hours for 2-3 days. Lotions are also effective - a cotton swab is dipped into the broth, soaked and applied to the skin of the nipple and areola. Useful properties St. John's wort oil (can be bought at a pharmacy) also has this effect; it is applied to a gauze pad, applied to the nipples, and left for 1 hour.
  • Redness of the nipples, inflamed skin of the areola, especially with eczematous dermatitis, can be treated well with pumpkin pulp. Boil the pumpkin and mash it with milk until it becomes a paste. The resulting poultice is collected in a gauze bag (or wrapped in thin cotton cloth). The pulp is left on the nipples overnight. This method helps relieve inflammation and activates the separation of purulent contents from purulent wounds.
  • Psyllium seeds are useful for reddened nipples as an anti-inflammatory agent. The seeds need to be ground in a coffee grinder or crushed, pour boiling water in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water. The cooled decoction is used as a lotion. Herbal ointment made from seeds is also effective - crushed seeds are poured with a small amount of water until the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the ointment to the reddened skin 2-3 times a day until the irritation is completely neutralized.
  • Japanese sophora beans are infused with an alcohol base (1:1). The tincture helps with weeping ulcerative lesions of the skin of the nipple (dermatitis, eczema). Sophora is effective as a means of drawing out pus and disinfecting wounds.
  • Linden leaves and inflorescences have an antiseptic effect. A poultice made from linden infusion is a great way to relieve reddened nipples.
  • Rice starch is effective for weeping forms of nipple eczema. Starch is applied to gauze and applied to the affected area of ​​the chest, leaving for 4-5 hours.
  • An infusion of sweet clover (a teaspoon of herb in a glass of boiling water - leave for 15 minutes) is used as a remedy to relieve redness of the nipple areola. Sweet clover ointment - crushed grass is mixed with propolis, applied to the chest for mastitis or to the skin around the nipple for intraductal papillomas.
  • Aloe juice can heal cracked nipples and small erosive wounds. The aloe leaf is left for 2-3 days in a dark place, ground or crushed, the pulp is squeezed out, and the juice is applied to wounds and nipple skin.
  • Herbal treatment includes the use of celandine. It should be noted that celandine juice can be both beneficial and have a negative effect. Therefore, using this method requires strict adherence to the recipe. 5 drops per 150 ml of boiled water is a safe concentration that has a wound-healing effect on redness and cracked nipples.

Herbal treatment is an excellent method that complements basic therapy for complex diseases of the nipples, as well as a means for the prevention of various damage to the skin of the breast.


Homeopathy is an additional effective method that consolidates basic treatment with medications. It should be remembered that homeopathy for reddened nipples must be carefully selected, and the course of treatment can be very long. Homeopathic remedies work well in the treatment of red nipples for pregnant or breastfeeding women, provided that the complex is prescribed by a specialist. Homeopathy is gentle, does not cause side effects and can be used for almost all categories of patients.

Here are examples of homeopathic regimens that can be prescribed to a woman when reddening of her nipples appears:

  • Calcarea carbonica.
  • Graphite.
  • Aconite.
  • Sulfur.
  • Mastopol.
  • Conium.
  • Bryony.
  • Phytolacca.

Homeopathy is effective in treating the cause of the symptom; redness, itching and irritation of the nipples as a consequence of the disease are often relieved in the first week of use homeopathic medicines. For example, treatment of lactostasis (milk stagnation):

  • Aconite is effective at the very beginning of the disease, especially with mastopathy. The dosage and course of treatment are prescribed by a homeopathy specialist.
  • Bryonia helps as a mild absorbent.
  • Belladonna works great for inflammatory processes that cause reddening of the nipples.
  • Calcarea carbonica helps normalize the inflow and outflow of breast milk, thus preventing the development of lactostasis and, as a result, irritation and redness of the nipples of the mammary glands.
  • Pulsatilla nigricans helps reduce the risk of breast milk stagnation and can therefore be considered a means of preventing various nipple skin problems.
  • Local homeopathic therapy is the use of arnica, calendula in various forms. These drugs help heal cracked nipples and minor wounds, including purulent ones.
  • Borax helps dry out wet, ulcerated sores on the skin of the nipples.

Homeopathy can speed up the process of treating reddened nipples and reduce the severity of symptoms even with serious pathologies of the mammary glands, but the course of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor who has special knowledge and experience in working with homeopathic medicines.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment for reddening of the nipples and irritation of the skin of the mammary gland is an extreme measure, which is indicated only for severe forms of serious diseases. As a rule, timely preventive measures, breast care, accurate diagnosis and conservative treatment produce results, and the woman has the opportunity to avoid surgery. Surgical treatment is prescribed for oncological pathologies or advanced stages of mastopathy. Besides, severe types Mastopathy is also treated surgically if the diagnosis shows purulent inflammation. The abscess is opened, drained, the procedure can be carried out both under local anesthesia and under general anesthesia, depending on the depth of the suppuration and the extent of its spread. Let's consider the option of surgical intervention for Paget's cancer:

  • The method of surgical intervention and its volume are directly related to the diagnosis and stage of the cancer.
  • Radical mastectomy is the choice of method for the invasive form of the oncological process.
  • Partial removal of a sector or tissue (pectoral muscle) is indicated for non-invasive cancer.
  • Resection of part of the mammary gland may also be indicated at the initial stage of the process, in which case surgery includes removal of the nipple and areola. After the recovery period, a woman can contact a plastic surgeon for mammoplasty of the breast, nipple and areola.
  • If atypical cells are localized only in the nipple area, this particular area is removed, and the spread of cells is stopped using radiation therapy.
  • As a rule, surgical treatment for Paget's cancer is accompanied by additional methods and procedures that stop the spread of atypical cells - chemotherapy, gamma procedures, hormonal therapy.
  • Lymph nodes may also be removed if cancer cells have spread to the lymphatic system. Differentiation of diagnosis and localization of the lesion is clarified using ultrasound, mammography, biopsy, and cytological tests.
  • Gamma therapy is indicated as an alternative to surgical treatment for patients over the age of 60 years, when surgery cannot be performed due to physiological age indicators.

It should be remembered that timely diagnosis and treatment can help a woman preserve her breasts or allow the doctor to prescribe an organ-preserving surgical procedure. In addition, early detection of abnormal cells reduces the risk of complications after surgery and increases the chances of survival even with the most severe forms of breast cancer.


Prevention of redness of the nipple and areola consists of a systematic examination of the breast, careful and careful care of the mammary glands in general. General prevention tips are identical to recommendations for preventing diseases of the mammary glands and pelvic organs in women. This is due quite high performance prevalence oncological diseases among the fair sex.

Tips for preventing reddening of the nipples and diseases associated with the mammary glands in women:

  • Careful breast care and hygiene standards
  • Wearing comfortable, preferably cotton, underwear (bras, T-shirts, tops)
  • The mammary glands should be protected from direct sunlight and heat exposure.
  • Usage natural remedies breast care, avoiding soaps, gels containing chemicals and synthetic fragrances significantly reduces the risk of irritation to sensitive skin
  • The prognosis for reddened nipples is generally one of the most favorable among all typically “female” diseases. Reddening of the nipples can be treated quite quickly and effectively, of course, provided that the cause of the symptom is accurately diagnosed and treatment is started on time.

    We list the options for prognosis for the treatment of reddened nipples:

  1. Thrush. Effective treatment completely eliminates reddening of the nipples, the prognosis for treatment of mammary candidiasis is favorable
  2. Mastopathy. The prognosis depends on the type and extent of inflammation in the chest, but in general the outcome of treatment is usually good
  3. Severe forms of mastopathy can lead to oncopathology or become a favorable environment for the development of breast cancer. The prognosis of treatment for breast cancer is directly related to when treatment is started and the severity of the pathology
  4. The prognosis for Paget's cancer is variable. The risk of a negative outcome is associated with the stage of cancer, its activity and the woman’s health status, more precisely, with the presence or absence of chronic diseases before diagnosis
  5. The prognostic panel for oncopathology also has a fairly wide range. Medical science does not stand still; literally every year new technologies, methods, devices and tools appear that help reduce the negative statistics of cancer. If atypical cells are stopped on time, there is no metastasis, patient survival is almost 90% for 4-5 years. The further prognosis depends on the likelihood of relapses and preventive measures taken by the woman.

Reddening of the nipples is not a life-threatening symptom, but as a sign, a symptom needs to be clarified to the root cause and adequate treatment. If nipple skin irritation, redness or cracks are treated comprehensively and in a timely manner, discomfort and pain go away quickly and without consequences. Taking care of your breasts, systematically examining and caring for them is the main way to help avoid many of the troubles associated with diseases of the mammary glands in general.