Question: Is it possible to perform namaz on a painted rug? Arabic letters, with drawings of the Kaaba or mosque?

Answer: Laying a prayer rug on the floor with an inscription or even one Arabic (read Muslim) letter is makrooh. Laying something like this on the floor for any purpose is disrespectful and disrespectful. If they lay it on the floor intentionally, for mockery, then this is disbelief. Laying rugs on the floor with images of the Kaaba, a mosque or with Islamic inscriptions is also not allowed. (Hadiqa. Vol. 2, page 633)

It is not allowed to lay prayer mats on the floor with images of the Kaaba, a mosque or with inscriptions in Islamic letters, because this is disrespectful. But these do not include bedspreads, rugs, rugs with patterns. Ibni Hajar of Mecca said in his fatwa: “Images with living beings cannot be used in places where you need to show respect, but where you don’t need to show respect you can use them.” When bedspreads and rugs with images of living beings are laid on the floor, disrespect for the image is shown. If the image is not located where the head is placed for sajda, then namaz on it will not harm. If the image of a living being is located above the navel, then performing prayer in such a place is makrooh. If the image of a living creature is where one's foot steps, or where one sits, then it will not be makrooh. If it hangs above the navel behind the back of the person performing the prayer, then it will be tanzihan makrooh. (Reddul mukhtar)

This means that when an image of a living being is spread on the floor, then this is disrespect for the image and the prayer will not be makrooh. And laying objects with images of the Kaaba or a mosque on the floor is a sign of disrespect and is therefore not allowed. (Saadati Abadiyya)

Question: Is it makrooh to pray on a rug with a minaret on it?

Answer: It won't be Makrukh.

Question: Is it makrooh to perform namaz on a bedspread, rug, or carpet with an image of a lion or deer?

Answer: On such things, if the image is not located under the feet, where they sit, where the head is placed, then there will be no makurkh. The drawing lies on the floor, on the ground, and no respect is shown to it. But if the design is located where the head will be applied for sajdah, or where they will stand or sit, then the decision falls under the decision on the design on the body and clothing, and the prayer will be makrooh. Therefore, you cannot perform namaz in clothes with patterns of living beings! (Zauarij)

Question: Does one fall into kufr (unbelief) who does not believe that performing namaz in a rug with the Kaaba and a mosque will be makrooh?

Answer: It does not fall into kufr. It would be a mess if you put this on the floor. Muslims who use such rugs do so not because they do not honor and respect them, they do not even know that it is wrong. It won't be kufr because they don't know. Many people don't know this.

Question: Is it possible to lay a very old prayer mat under your feet where people walk?

Answer: This is wrong, disrespectful.

Question: Is it makrooh to step on the sajdah area of ​​the prayer mat?

Answer: No, it will not be makrooh. But this is contrary to the norms of decency.

Question: Is it permissible to perform namaz in a namaz rug that you sew yourself? Nowadays there are a lot of rugs that distract attention. Will it be makrooh to recite namaz on such mats? There are a lot of decorations on the wall of our house, which is located on the side of the Kaaba. Is it possible to perform prayer while looking at them?

Nowadays there are carpets in mosques that interfere with performing namaz with khushu. You need to lay a plain carpet.

There is also no need to hang verses, hadiths, or Islamic drawings on the wall that is located on the side of the Kaaba. Drawings and verses should be hung on the right or left wall of the mosque.

Question: The book “Saadati Abadiyya” says: “On a rug where the image of a living being is not in the place for sajda, it is not makrooh to read namaz. Because laying such a rug on the floor shows disrespect for the drawing.” In this case, is it possible to read namaz on a rug with a design of the Kaaba or a mosque?

Answer: Putting a drawing on the floor is disrespecting the image. Laying a rug with a design of the Kaaba or a mosque is disrespectful to them and therefore it is not allowed to pray on them.

Question: in “Saadati Abadiyya” it is said: “It is not permitted to pray on rugs with ornaments and drawings that distract attention.” Today's mosques have very beautiful carpets. Will it be makrooh to say namaz in such carpets?

Answer: If the designs on the carpets distract attention in the same way as on the prayer mats, then the prayer will be makrooh. Praying in front of a mirror or on a reflective surface also distracts attention and is therefore makrooh. If you do not see the reflection on the mirror or do not look at the mirror, the prayer will not be makrooh. This means that makruh here is measured by how distracting it is. Our prophet (alaihis salaam) performed namaz in clothes with ornaments. Then I noticed that these drawings distracted from prayer. He took off his clothes and gave them to someone. From this point of view, there is no need to read namaz wearing clothes with inscriptions and drawings.

Question: In the homespun carpet with ornaments there is an image similar to + (plus). Many people take it for a cross. Is it possible to read namaz on such handmade rugs?

Answer: Yes it is allowed.

Question: Should images with mausoleums or auliya graves also be shown respect?

Answer: Yes.


Question: Is it possible to lay down a newspaper with a pattern in order to perform namaz on it?

Answer: If the drawing is not located where the head will be applied, then you can make a prayer. By laying a mat with a picture on the floor, we thereby show our disrespect for the picture, i.e. because someone steps on it, it is considered disrespectful. If the drawing is not where sujud will be performed, then prayer on such a mat is permitted. (Reddul mukhtar)


Question: If a rug with a picture is covered with a cloth so that the picture is not visible, is it possible to perform namaz on it?

Answer: If the image of the Kaaba is not visible, then on the condition that they do not step on it, prayer can be performed. Those. Even if it is covered, you cannot step on it.

Important conditions for prayer are its performance in a clean place and the state of ritual purity that the person praying must comply with. If everything is more or less clear with the second point (every practicing Muslim is aware of the need to take this), then the point related to the cleanliness of the place needs to be commented on separately.

Muslims are not allowed to pray in only seven places:

In the restrooms;

In baths (bathrooms, showers);

Places where people keep livestock;


Crossroads and road crossings;

In the part of the house where women live (personal space of wife, daughters);

On the roof of the Kaaba.

Otherwise, Sharia does not in any way limit the believer in choosing a place to worship the Almighty. The main thing is that he does it from the bottom of his heart, with concentration (and therefore it is advisable to avoid noisy places) and in purity, as mentioned above. To implement the last point, Muslims use a special rug, called namazlik by representatives of the Turkic peoples (in Arabic the words “sajjaada” and “sajjadid” are used for this).

What is namazlyk

Namazlik (prayer rug) is a piece of cloth used by Muslims who pray to maintain cleanliness when in contact with the floor/ground during prayer. Contact with the surface of other parts of the body (besides the feet) occurs when performing sujud (bow to the ground) and quud (sitting between two bows to the ground and after them). The size of the mat is approximately 0.5 meters wide and 1-1.5 meters long.

The prayer rug, as well as the believer himself, should be directed towards Qibla. In general, Muslims should know this direction not only at home, but also when traveling.

Initially in two the most important sources Islamic law - Holy Quran and the Noble Sunnah of the Final Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.) - there was no mention of an object that would resemble a namazlyk in its functionality. Its widespread use began after the borders of the Muslim world went far beyond the Arabian Peninsula, around the 10th-11th centuries.

Is namazlik necessary in a mosque?

The attitude of Muslims towards the prayer rug, as a rule, is extremely reverent. This is due to the fact that it is on it that communication with the Almighty takes place in the format of performing a prayer, and therefore it is not allowed for impurities to come into contact with this religious item and to use it for other purposes.

However, do not forget about the original purpose of namazlik. It's about cleanliness. Therefore, situationally, Muslims can use other material as protection from uncleanness - be it a blanket on the sofa, a sheet, a large towel, and so on. Due to the fact that there are no legal norms or clear theological criteria regarding this subject, it is impossible to unequivocally prohibit the use of such situational materials for reading prayer. The main thing is that they themselves are clean.

In the conditions of Russia and the CIS, where weather conditions are far from the climate of the Arabian Peninsula, you often have to go to holiday prayers with your own prayer mat. This allows believers who were unable to get inside the mosque to perform the ritual of worship in full format (with the correct sujud) on the street.

As for the use of a separate rug inside the mosque, where the immediate place for performing prayer is already covered, in fact, with namazliks, this phenomenon is condemned by some theologians. This situation is not easy to comment on, because, as noted above, the use of a prayer rug is not regulated in any way in Islamic law. In this situation, a Muslim who wants to perform namaz directly on his mat, laid on top of the carpet in the mosque, needs to act based on the situation. If there is an understanding that in a given Muslim temple the establishment of new practices and/or non-compliance with existing patterns of behavior is not accepted (for example, elders often react very jealously to such moments, but there is no point in condemning them, since we are all human and have some weaknesses), then it is better to avoid a conflict situation and not use the rug you brought with you. If there is no one in the mosque or a more liberal approach is immediately felt on the part of regular visitors, then namazlyk can safely go into action.

What should a prayer rug be like?

If we talk about the appearance of this attribute, then there are no uniform standards. It all depends on the area in which the namazlik was produced, as well as the individual tastes of the craftsman who sewed it or developed the design. However, researchers in the field of material culture often find in old prayer rugs special symbols of religiosity and decorative elements characteristic of different nations, which is of great ethnographic value. When choosing a namazlyk, you should pay attention that the design does not contain elements reminiscent of objects of the animal world, as well as the face of a person or mythical characters.

Often, some architectural object is applied to the rug - a well-known Muslim temple in the area, in Jerusalem, the Forbidden Mosque in Mecca, or the Kaaba itself.

In general, it would not be an exaggeration to compare namazlik with a mosque. As a rule, the ornament on it geometrically demonstrates the presence of a top and a bottom. The worshiper stands on the lower part, and the upper one serves as an indicator of the direction in accordance with which the believer should perform prayer. Actually, this upper part-direction acts as a mihrab in the mosque, which also shows Muslims in which direction they need to turn their face during prayer.

A prayer mat is an accessory that every Muslim needs. It is convenient to perform daily prayers on a prayer mat. Namazlik protects clothes from dust, standing or sitting on it is more pleasant than on the ground or floor. This way you can concentrate on prayer and distract yourself from extraneous thoughts. You can buy namazlyk in our online store. Yaseen Hijab offers a wide range of prayer mats.

Types of prayer carpets

  • Children's namazlyk are models of reduced sizes. Muslims buy them for children in order to raise the younger generation according to the canons of Islam. Such models are made from natural fabrics, they are soft and comfortable.
  • Homemade versions of the prayer mat are decorated with embroidery and prints. They come in wool, silk, cotton, and with the addition of synthetic fibers. Sometimes the bottom is covered with eco-leather.
  • Road ones are light, compact, made of waterproof materials. They come complete with a case in which you can put the mat after prayer. They are sewn from raincoat or other fabrics that are resistant to getting wet.
  • An additional rug can be ordered for work - these are laconic monochromatic models or accessories with small prints. They are light, thin, comfortable.

How to order namazlik

In our online store you can buy a prayer mat with delivery throughout Russia or courier delivery in Moscow. We have accessories made in Turkey - these are the most beautiful and durable options, gift models. For each product the price, dimensions, and material are indicated.

Until the 10th–11th centuries, Muslims could only pray in mosques. However, later they were allowed to perform namaz almost anywhere. But with one obligatory condition - using a prayer rug, or namazlyk.

Each Muslim has his own individual namazlik, often made to special order. And they pray on it in strict accordance with the rules of prayer. But why are prayer rugs such a necessity?

What types of prayer rugs are there?

Common standards appearance Muslims do not have prayer rugs. There is also no centralized production of namazliks. They are made in small workshops scattered around the world. Therefore, the design of the rug often contains various religious symbols and decorative elements inherent in a particular region. But all namazlyks have one thing in common - their size. A prayer rug cannot be more than one and a half meters long and 60 centimeters wide. The choice of this size is not accidental.

This area of ​​the mat allows you to make all the obligatory bows - sujud - without leaving its boundaries. In addition, images of unclean animals, such as pigs, as well as the faces of fictional characters and real people. Often, in the design of namazlyks, floral ornaments surrounding the main design are used. On sajjads, as namazliks are also called, images of various architectural structures of religious significance are most often found. For example, this could be the Kaaba, the distant al-Aqsa Mosque, or the Forbidden Mosque. In addition, the namazliks depict a mihrab (a niche in the wall of a mosque) or an arch with two columns.

The pattern on the rug is positioned so that the top and bottom are clearly visible. It turns out that the person praying stands or sits on the lower part of the prayer rug. And the upper part indicates the direction to the Kaaba - the main Muslim shrine. Interestingly, if for some reason a Muslim does not have a prayer mat with him, and the time for prayer has already come, then he can use some other items instead of a mat. For example, it is allowed to pray on the skins of sheep and cows, large leaves like palm leaves, robes, jackets and other items of clothing, as well as on a piece of fabric or paper without typographical marks. The main thing is that these items are clean, since hygiene plays an important role in life for Muslims.

The role of namazlik during prayer

Before performing namaz, every Muslim must perform wudu - ritual ablution. In addition, he must wear only clean clothes and must choose a clean place to lay out the mat. Any impurity that gets on the body or clothing invalidates the prayer being performed. Impurity, or najas, according to Islamic law, includes various human excretions, such as semen, feces, urine or vomit. Menstrual and postpartum discharge are also considered unclean. They are classified as heavy sewage, just like animal excretions, carrion, alcohol and pork.

There are also light impurities that should also be avoided. This is the droppings and urine of livestock and the droppings of birds of prey. Therefore, Muslims are prohibited from saying prayers in slaughterhouses and areas where livestock are kept. Forbidden places also include baths, bathrooms, latrines and road intersections, as they may be unclean. Muslims who are zealous about hygiene will never perform namaz where there is najas.

And that is why a custom prayer rug is needed. It protects the body and clothing of the worshiper from najas. It is especially important to have a mat when performing namaz on the street, where there is no confidence in the cleanliness of the chosen place. Many people use a prayer mat at home, spreading it over an existing carpet or floor covering. The thing is that najas can only be washed off with running water. And it is problematic to completely wash a carpet that has been stained, for example, by a child or an animal. And to protect themselves from defilement, Muslims use a prayer rug at home. They are also quite zealous about the cleanliness of the namazlyk itself. If there is a suspicion that sewage has gotten on it, then the rug must be washed more than once.

The only place where the use of individual namazlik is not encouraged is a mosque. In all mosques, carpets are already laid out on the floors facing the Kaaba. Therefore, laying your own prayer mat on top of them is irrational. But there is no direct ban on this; everything remains at the discretion of the mullah or imam of the mosque.

How else is namazlyk used?

Until the 10th–11th centuries, there was no widespread use of namazliks for performing namaz. Moreover, until this time there was not even a mention of him in the Koran. However, there is a description of a khumra, very similar to a prayer rug. Before the advent of namazlyks, khumra was used not for performing namaz, but to protect the body and face of the person praying from the cold or heat of the earth. And the sajjads that appeared after the 11th century were used in some other cases.

Previously, many Muslims, when going to a house where Christians lived, were sure to take a prayer rug with them. They spread it over a chair or carpet and sat down, thus remaining on their “own territory.” If a Muslim had a long journey ahead of him with a woman on one mount, for example, a horse or a donkey, then the rug also played an important role. Namazlyk was placed on top of the saddle intended for a man. In addition, followers of Sufism (one of the main movements in Islam) believed and still believe that sajjad is a spiritual throne. It is inherited from one founder of the tariqa - the Sufi brotherhood - to another. It is noteworthy that Sufis, Sunnis, and Shiites do not refuse to use modern technologies to make their lives easier and perform prayers.

Sensory mats

Not so long ago, namely five years ago, the Dagestan inventor Eldar Klychev presented his brainchild - a sensory mat. According to Klychev, such a prayer is intended to help a Muslim not lose track of the rakats during prayer. Rakaat is a cycle of prayer movements and poses, which is necessarily accompanied by the reading of prayer formulas. All movements and poses necessarily follow each other in a certain order. And some of them need to be done several times. It is no wonder that some worshipers still lose their rhythm, and in this case the prayer is considered invalid.

Eldar Klychev and his invention

Eldar Klychev himself made mistakes more than once while counting rakats. That's why he came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a sensory prayer rug. Klychev created a prototype and showed it at the presentation. The principle of operation of this sensory lubricant is quite simple. It has built-in tactile sensors that record the number of times the praying person's forehead touches the top of the carpet. The number is displayed on a small screen located on the mat itself. If the person performing the prayer goes astray or makes a mistake in the shift, the mat begins to vibrate. This serves as a signal that you need to quickly change your actions. So far, the rug has not been released to the big market, but Eldar Klychev is going to correct this situation soon.

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