A mini-farm for cows will help provide a stable income. Initially, you can purchase a small livestock. Gradually, the business will increase, the number of bulls and cows in the herd will increase. The following recommendations will help you organize and arrange everything correctly.

A mini-farm for cows will help provide a stable income

If you are planning to organize a farm, you need to carefully think and calculate everything. An approximate business plan for a dairy farm for 20 heads includes the main points of organizing the process and financial issues.

The main points include:

  • choosing a location for a future mini-farm;
  • rent or purchase land plot(if it is not available);
  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of initial livestock - bulls and cows;
  • organizing proper care for each individual;
  • maintaining cleanliness;
  • cleaning waste products - manure.

Financial issues include expense items and ways to generate income in farming. The required investments determine the amount of initial capital required to organize a business.

The main expense items are as follows:

  • purchase of building materials;
  • construction of a mini-farm;
  • purchase and delivery of livestock;
  • wages for hired personnel;
  • food preparation;
  • payment for veterinary services.

In fact, the productivity of these animals is extremely high

A mini-farm for 10 cows will pay for itself very quickly. Such an enterprise can generate income in several directions. It could be:

  • sale of milk and dairy products;
  • sale of high-quality beef and/or meat by-products;
  • sale of skins;
  • sale of bulls and heifers, i.e. young animals;
  • sale of manure as;
  • paid provision of breeding animals for mating to owners of other farms.

In addition, you can also organize the sale of hay and/or silage. Of course, subject to the availability of appropriate land plots.

Farm from scratch (video)

Choosing the right place

To avoid problems, you need to choose the right piece of land. This should be a flat and well-trodden area. The presence of a small forest belt near the mini-farm will protect animals from drafts and/or strong winds.

Natural bodies of water and/or springs drinking water According to the legal norms of the relevant laws of the Russian Federation, they must be at least 30 m away from places where mass livestock are kept, otherwise the owner may be fined a large sum. In this case, the mini-farm will have to be moved to another site.

An equally important point is the absence of residential and/or other buildings near the place where the mini-farm will be built, cattle is inevitable bad smell. You should not create discomfort for residents of nearby settlements. On its own site, a mini-farm for cows is set up closer to the place where fruit and vegetable crops are planted. This will make it easier to use manure to fertilize the soil. A modern farm should be located at a distance of 15 meters or more from a residential building. Additionally, the main wind direction in the region should also be taken into account.

To build a farm for cows without any problems, you need to choose the right piece of land

Saving money

For a beginning farmer to maintain, for example, ten or twenty heads, it is better to rent land. It will be much cheaper than buying it. You can select a site with ready-made buildings, which, after minor repairs, will provide proper living conditions for cattle. A rented plot and/or barn for 50 heads has such a significant advantage as the ability to terminate the contract without any problems. For example, if a more suitable option was found.

The farm design and initial estimate should be drawn up based on recycled material. Used bricks, wood, etc. can be purchased much cheaper. The main thing is to check the quality of the product - the degree of wear, safety, etc.

Sawdust is used for bedding in the barn. You can prepare them yourself. To do this, you can buy old wood - frames, boards, lumber that is not suitable for use.

Preparing for construction

A farm diagram that needs to be prepared in advance will help ensure proper maintenance and/or care of the cows. You can make it yourself or find a suitable mini-farm project from friends and acquaintances.

Markings must be made on the work site. At the same time, a place for storing building materials and tools must be prepared.

Self-construction Farming for cattle requires significant labor and time. You can speed up the process by inviting assistants. Hiring a construction crew will be very expensive.

Tools and materials

Before building a farm, you need to stock up on the necessary tools and materials. To work you will need:

  • dry concrete mixture or cement and sand;
  • brick, wood or blocks;
  • slate;
  • roofing felt;
  • insulation;
  • fasteners;
  • beams and/or beams.

The set of tools must include:

  • shovels - shovel and bayonet;
  • construction tape;
  • plumb and level;
  • technical knife;
  • hammer drill or electric drill;
  • construction mixer or concrete mixer;
  • containers for solution;
  • saw and/or hacksaw;
  • mason's tool;
  • wire cutters and/or pliers;
  • hammers and sledgehammers;
  • workwear;
  • rags.

To store supplies of materials and working tools, you can set up a small barracks or a fenced area with a canopy.

Mini farm (video)

Barn dimensions

The health of cattle directly depends on the conditions under which the herd is kept. In order for the animals to feel comfortable, it is necessary to plan the following dimensions of the barn:

  • main area - 500 m² for 50 heads (at the rate of 6 m² per 1 adult or 10 m² for queens with offspring);
  • additional space for storing feed, tools and equipment;
  • wall height - from 2.5 to 3 m;
  • height to the roof ridge - at least 3.5 m.

Experienced livestock breeders do not recommend building very large barns for a wide range of livestock. In small rooms for 10 or 20 animals, animals feel more comfortable. At the same time, the cows on the farm are healthy and produce good milk yield. If one or more individuals become infected, the main population will be easier to protect from the disease. In addition, a barn for 20 heads is easier to keep clean and tidy to obtain high-quality milk and/or meat.

Independent construction of a cattle farm requires significant labor and time

Construction of a cowshed

The selected version of the mini-farm and barn project needs to be studied and, if necessary, slightly modified. This will help tailor proposed projects to specific conditions.

A brick cattle structure must be built on a solid foundation. A lightweight version can be made for frame, wooden or block walls. The roof is made 2-slope with a high ridge. A hayloft and a storage system for the necessary inventory, equipment, etc. are installed on top. Another option is a modern hangar-type barn with an arched roof. The profile for it is gradually increased to the required size.

The ceiling of a cattle shed is usually made of thick boards. For cold regions, double decking is required. Sealing joints is done using clay. To maintain heat, you need to pour sand or sawdust. Layer thickness - at least 10 cm.

The floor in the barn is best made of concrete. It is diluted and poured conventional technology. Concrete floors are durable and comfortable for animals and staff. Maintaining cleanliness will not require significant effort and time.

Plank flooring will be cheaper. However, you will have to cover the joint seams with clay. The required slope for the floor in the barn is no more than 2 cm per 1 m. This is safe for cows and convenient for removing manure.

Inside the barn it is necessary to arrange stalls measuring 170 by 110 cm. The following materials can be used to make partitions:

  • board;
  • reinforcing rod;
  • log;
  • beam;
  • metal pipe.

The floor is covered with dry chopped straw or sawdust. Can be done wood flooring. A wide passage should be left in the center of the room for farm staff.

A channel or gutter is installed at the rear to drain manure. It is imperative to make a slope towards the container for collecting liquid manure. The gutter is brought out through a special hole (opening) in the wall. It requires a valve.

Drinkers and feeders are easy to make with your own hands. They are placed in front of the stalls. The width of the bottom is 40 cm. From the bottom up, the feeder expands to 70 cm. The height of the outer side is 70 cm. The inner side facing the animal is no higher than 30 cm.

Conditions of detention and sanitary standards

Microclimate is very important for cattle. Therefore, in the barn of a 50-head farm, windows are needed for ventilation. They are placed at a height of 120-150 cm above floor level. A ventilation system and heating device (if necessary) will help ensure temperature control and air circulation.

The area of ​​thermal neutrality, i.e. the optimal temperature regime, is ensured in the barn depending on the breed of animals. Usually +4 to +20 °C is required. Warmth is especially important for young bulls and heifers. Large rooms will require artificial lighting. Electrical wiring must be installed by a specialist during construction.

Nowadays, raising bulls for meat at home is experiencing another boom. But not all novice breeders clearly understand all the subtleties and nuances in keeping and fattening calves for meat. The result is wasted time, nerves and money. To be honest, the business is really profitable, although at first you will have to spend a little money and work hard. If this does not scare you, then below we will talk about the main points of purchasing, keeping, feeding and selling beef bulls.

Purchase of calves

The first mistake breeders make is saving on calves. People buy the cheapest calf from the first cow they can find. The fact is that there are dairy, meat and mixed breeds of cattle. So, for fattening for meat, you need to take either meat or mixed breeds. If you take a bull of a purely dairy breed, then by the age of one and a half years it will, at best, grow to 300 kg, which will barely recoup the money spent on it.

If we talk specifically about breeds, then in Russian conditions best results show breeds:

  • Charolais;
  • Kazakh white-headed;
  • Simmental breed;
  • Hereford breed.

It cannot be said that any breed is better or worse. But, for example, from Charolais bulls and from Herefords, with appropriate nutrition, you can get real marbled beef. True, you will have to spend a lot on feed, plus it requires special care, in general, for a small farm it is expensive.

There is one more point. It is advisable to take calves with all the necessary vaccinations. This information is in the documents for the bull, so if it is not possible to go to the farm with a veterinarian, then make inquiries and write down exactly what vaccinations are given in your area.

Arrangement of the premises

For raising bulls at home, one “seedy” barn is not enough. Remember - a bull is not a pig, and if you close it in a limited space and feed it abundantly, then at first it will begin to get sick. And then, if he lives to slaughter age, then there can be no question of any lean beef, the bull will simply become fat.

According to the rules, in order to raise one bull for meat, he must first build a barn measuring at least 12 square meters. m. For a good set muscle mass The bull needs to be taken out to pasture every day. If there are no pastures nearby, then you will also have to build a summer paddock with a canopy, where there will be at least 30 square meters for each bull. m.

Another problem is drafts and frost. In winter, the temperature in the barn should not fall below 10 degrees. To constantly maintain it, you will have to insulate the windows and doors, and then install a stove in the room. Gobies are even more afraid of drafts than frosts. Up to six months, a calf can catch a cold from the slightest draft.

It is advisable to make the floors in the stalls sloping and equip them with a manure channel at the end. Most effective way To keep it clean and dry is to clean it 2 times a day and sprinkle everything with charcoal.

Fattening dairy calves

Some novice breeders, in an effort to save money, buy very small calves. Indeed, a month-old calf will cost at least 2 times less than a 3-4 month old bull. But feeding such calves requires patience, knowledge and additional financial investments.

The calf is still a milk calf, so every day it will have to be fed 6-8 liters of milk. You cannot feed your baby milk alone, because his rumen (the storage part of the stomach) must stretch. To do this, he needs to be given oatmeal jelly and ground root vegetables, potatoes, pumpkin, etc. daily. In the warm season, from the age of one month, the calf can be taken to the meadow. In winter, be sure to provide hay.

By the way, in winter, even in cold weather, you need to take the calves out for a walk, at least for a short time; such hardening exercise will ensure your young animals good health.

From the age of 3 months, so-called starter feed is introduced into the calf’s diet. These mixtures make it easier to transition calves to roughage, plus they get the full amount of nutrients. By 4 months, the lion's share of the diet already consists of hay, root vegetables and mixed feed, and by six months the calves switch to the adult menu.

Fattening bulls

As practice has shown, buying dairy calves and fattening them yourself is no less expensive than purchasing a ready-made four-month calf. Add to this the risk of disease and the cost of vaccinations. It will immediately become clear that it is better not to mess around, but to immediately take grown and prepared bulls.

At 4 months, milk already acts as a supplement, and it is not necessary to buy real milk cow's milk, you can use dry mixtures and even whey. IN in this case It is important to concentrate on nutritious feeds.

In breeding farms they try to distribute the work so that calves are born in winter. Accordingly, by the end of April you can already buy a mature bull that can be taken out to pasture.

But fattening meat has its own characteristics. Even the most elegant water meadows will not give the desired weight gain. Moreover, the share of hay or succulent grass should be about 30-40%. The rest of the calves’ diet is selected from cereals, legumes and energy-rich feeds; do not forget about root vegetables.

From six months onwards, bulls can be given potato peelings, but in the first 2-3 months these peelings need to be boiled and crushed.

Is castration necessary for calves?

Currently, experts do not have a consensus on the castration of beef bulls. If a bull is castrated, he will become calm and peaceful. Accordingly, free-grazing calves will no longer injure themselves. Again, a castrated calf’s appetite increases significantly, which young breeders are incredibly happy about.

But experienced farmers know that good appetite a castrated bull does not guarantee the same weight gain. In such calves, energy drinks are processed more into fat mass than into muscles. There is, of course, the option to drive such a bull, but these procedures can lead to weight loss.

What you definitely cannot do is castrate a bull at an early age, you will ruin the calf. Meat breeds are capable of fertilization as early as 6 months, which means that at this time they become more aggressive. But if a bull is castrated at six months, growth will seriously slow down. Therefore, in order to maintain the ability to gain muscle mass, it is advisable to castrate bulls no earlier than a year.

Costs and profits

Let's start with the fact that it makes sense to engage in such a business only in rural areas. Moreover, it is desirable that the meadows be accessible. If you drive calves through the mountains, they will never gain weight. And near swamps, animals will simply get poisoned. To build a more or less decent barn, at least for 20-30 heads, you will have to spend 300 thousand rubles. Plus, good meadows may also have to be rented.

On average, it costs about 15 thousand rubles to fatten one bull. If you keep 5-7 heads, then although it is difficult, it is still possible to care for the calves yourself. When there are more animals, you will have to hire a shepherd and a couple of cattlemen. For households up to 10 animals, the tax office has no complaints; then you will have to register an individual entrepreneur. Plus, you need equipment for preparing and delivering feed.

In terms of profit, things go something like this. A beef bull goes to slaughter at 18-20 months. The useful yield from such bulls ranges from 60 to 80%. Normal slaughter weight is 400-500 kg. The profit from selling in bulk is small. Profitability will skyrocket if you slaughter the bulls yourself and sell the meat.

Use of medications

Another controversial issue is the use of medications that stimulate muscle growth. Such medications are divided into 2 areas. The first direction activates the work of the body, as a result of which muscles grow. The second is represented by steroid feeds and anabolic steroids.

Ideally, any drug intervention in this area is highly undesirable. But in practice, the use or refusal of this method remains on the conscience of the breeders themselves. The sanitary and epidemiological station on the market is indifferent to steroids, but supermarket owners, restaurant owners and advanced consumers can easily identify such drugs using special tests.

Plus, raising calves for meat at home means that you and your family will eat part of this meat. And now you rarely meet a person who agrees to feed their children meat stuffed with steroids.

The business of breeding beef calves will only grow. We will not say that this is extremely difficult, but there is nothing for a lazy amateur to do there. Share the article with your friends and perhaps your like will keep someone from making rash decisions or, on the contrary, will arouse interest in this business.

It is a known fact that only with the correct organization of an enterprise can you get a good profit. The article will discuss raising young bulls for meat - a business at home, which differs in many respects from production conditions. Calculating costs and the corresponding video will help you understand everything better.

Famous breeds

Livestock breeders divide cattle into the following breeds:

  • dairy;
  • meat;
  • meat and dairy.

Of course, the last two options are suitable for beef cattle breeding. These animals are endowed with the ability to grow quickly and gain weight well. An important role when choosing a breed is played by the ability of livestock to adapt to local conditions. Calves do well differently in different areas.

For the purpose of raising bulls for meat in the central climate, the following breeds are most often used:

  • Simmental - was bred in Switzerland. Refers to meat and dairy. The yield of clean meat after slaughter is up to 62%. Among the advantages, ease of calving is especially noted.

Simmental breed

  • Hereford is a meat breed. It was brought to the USA at the beginning of the last century. Bulls of this breed are distinguished by their calm disposition. Their meat is very tasty.
  • Kazakh white-headed - as the name suggests, was bred in Kazakhstan. Animals of this breed thrive in both hot and cool areas. Refers to meat.

Kazakh white-headed

  • Charolais - the breed was developed in Europe. Very different delicious meat with a minimum amount of fat. Disadvantages include a large percentage of infertile individuals and difficult calving due to the large size of the fetus.

Advice. It is better to purchase bull calves at the age of 3 months. Although this will cost more than buying younger calves, the animals will no longer need to be supplemented with milk and special feed should be purchased for them.

Where to start

The initial organization of this profitable enterprise will require the following activities:

  1. As in any business, the first thing you need to do is assess your strengths and capabilities. Raising bulls for meat will require full dedication. All free time will have to be spent on caring for animals, even if hired staff work on the farm.
  2. Business related to raising large animals requires a large territory. It is unrealistic to organize it in the city. The planned business can only be started in rural areas. Therefore, you definitely need to take care of renting or purchasing a plot of suitable size.
  3. Organization of constant monitoring by a veterinarian. There is no way to do without this on a farm that raises or breeds animals. Only healthy individuals can gain good weight.
  4. If you plan to sell meat to shops, supermarkets, restaurants, etc., mandatory registration of business activities will be required.

First, calculate all the possible costs of breeding bulls.

For a business such as bull-breeding, the following registration options are suitable:

  • Private household plot (personal subsidiary plot);
  • IP (individual entrepreneur);
  • KFK (peasant farm).

To register private household plots, you must provide the relevant authorities with documents indicating the ownership or lease of a land plot with an area of ​​at least 2 hectares. This option completely exempts from paying taxes, as a result of which the sale of products does not relate to entrepreneurial activity.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is beneficial if you are planning a large output of agricultural products, the implementation of which will require the creation of your own sales network with all the necessary certificates of product conformity.

KFC will require attracting partners to the business. This type of registration also has legal effect.

Advice. Before starting a business, it is worth visiting several similar farms, talking with the owners, and trying to work on the farm yourself.

Setting up a farm and caring for bulls

To raise bulls you will need a special room. The barn needs to be warm (in winter the temperature should not fall below +8°C), with good ventilation and the possibility of regular airing. Drafts should not be allowed - animals can get sick. Stalls need to be cleaned daily. They must be equipped with feeders and drinkers. If you plan to have a herd of more than 10 individuals, it is better to automate the supply of feed and water.

Take care of the barn arrangement

In addition to the closed premises, you will have to equip a walk. If bulls are constantly kept in stalls, there is a rapid increase in weight. However, without walking, animals become aggressive and more susceptible to diseases.

Attention! It is very good if there is a possibility of grazing bulls. But this can only be done until they reach puberty. Grown animals can pose a threat to the shepherd and other people looking after them.

The care includes regular examination of the wards by a veterinarian. Its functions also include administering vaccinations against certain dangerous diseases and recommending vitamin supplements.

Animals will be able to gain weight only as a result of a properly formulated diet. In addition to hay and green grass, bulls should be given:

  • beets;
  • potato;
  • grain crops;
  • melon vegetables.

The above products should make up 70% of the diet. If bull calves are raised to produce marbled meat, a special fattening technology will be required. Of the breeds, the Hereford is most suitable for this purpose.

Animals need regular veterinary control

How to calculate expenses and income

Drawing up a business plan for keeping 20 bulls includes the following expenses:

  • Buying calves. One individual costs from 6 to 9 thousand rubles. depending on the breed and region.
  • Construction, further arrangement of the barn and rent of land will cost about 500 thousand rubles.
  • The purchase of feed and veterinary care per year will cost approximately 300 thousand rubles.
  • In total, the purchase and maintenance of 20 bulls will cost approximately 980 thousand rubles.

Income. The average wholesale price for purchasing one bull, weighing 500 kg, is 40 thousand rubles. Accordingly, from the sale of 20 heads you can get 800 thousand rubles.

Raising bulls for meat is enough profitable business which allows you to earn decent money. The essence of the idea is to buy dairy calves and feed them to a certain weight and then sell them for meat. Recently, the demand for natural food has begun to grow, so raising bulls for meat as a business allows farmers to earn a solid income. We will tell you how to organize such a business from scratch in this article.

Breeds of bulls

Small calves can be purchased from large livestock farms, preferably from breeding breeders. If you want to start raising bulls for meat at home, it is best to start purchasing with 10-20 head of cattle. After you receive your first profit, part of the money should be invested in business development.

If you decide to start breeding bulls for meat, you need to know which breeds are suitable for beef cattle breeding. The choice of technology for raising bulls and the payback period for the business largely depends on this. Experienced livestock breeders recommend breeding fast-growing breeds, but the taste of the meat must also be taken into account. Before choosing a breed, find out which animals are suitable for breeding in your region, since the most expensive breeding bulls may not take root in any particular area.

The following breeds adapt best to our climatic conditions:

  • Charolais bulls;
  • Kazakh white-headed;
  • Simmental;
  • Charolaise;
  • Hereford.

The cheapest are dairy calves, but until 2-3 months of age they will have to be fed milk, so it is better to buy bull calves that already eat grass and other feed. It is advisable to purchase young stock in May in order to get the first profit from raising bulls for meat in the fall of next year.

Breeding Features

Experienced entrepreneurs know that the profitability of any business largely depends on the competent organization of activities. Before you start work, you need to develop a business project for a farm for breeding bulls. This will allow you to verify the profitability of the idea and determine the approximate payback period.

The main advantage of the business of raising bulls at home is the small start-up investment. But in order to provide high-quality care for animals, it is necessary to expend a lot of physical effort. Of course, financial investment is not the last condition, but if you are planning to set up a farm for breeding bulls on your own plot or in an abandoned agricultural building, the costs will be minimal. The full payback of the project occurs in 2 years.

If you decide to organize bull breeding as a business, you can choose one of two ways:

  1. Stall;
  2. Free-range.

When kept on a leash, calves gain weight much faster. But this method is unsafe, because without walking the bulls become aggressive. In addition, lack of physical activity can lead to serious illnesses. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan for breeding bulls for meat, it is advisable to include in it the costs of arranging a pasture.

Experts believe that raising bulls for meat as a business is a profitable and promising business, since natural, environmentally friendly products are always in great demand on the market. Meat from young bulls is purchased in bulk by slaughterhouses, supermarkets and restaurants, so there are no difficulties with its sale.

Farm arrangement

Raising bulls is a great option for rural residents looking to earn extra income. But in order to implement such an idea, it is necessary to equip special premises for keeping animals. Building a farm will cost you a pretty penny, so it is much more convenient to rent a ready-made livestock complex. If you take your search for premises seriously, you can choose a very profitable option that will not require you to make a serious financial investment.

Since such a business is highly profitable, all expenses for repairs and reconstruction of abandoned premises will be returned with interest. Over time, when the farm begins to generate normal income, you can build your own premises. It will cost you 250–300 thousand rubles. A video on raising bulls for meat will help you understand in more detail how to set up a farm.

Another important point that should not be overlooked is the acquisition of equipment and inventory. At first, you can do without buying expensive equipment, but over time, if you plan to develop your business, you will have to buy a mini-tractor, which costs 220 thousand rubles and a refrigerator - 1.2 million rubles. In addition, you will need automatic feeders and drinking bowls. Experts recommend not skimping on the quality of equipment and its functionality, since you are buying equipment for more than one year, so you must be sure of its durability.

Beginning entrepreneurs who plan to start breeding bulls at home should take into account the following important points:
  • Before purchasing calves, you need to show them to a veterinarian;
  • Animals must receive all necessary vaccinations;
  • Calves need to be accustomed to grass from the first month of life;
  • Young animals are taken out to pasture after the dew has gone;
  • In hot weather, calves should be tethered in the shade;
  • Make sure that the floor in the pens is clean and dry;
  • You cannot keep young animals without walking, otherwise the animals will be sick and aggressive;
  • The room temperature should not be less than +10 degrees;
  • At puberty, bull calves are stopped being put out to pasture because they become too aggressive.

If you take into account all these nuances, your business will flourish and bring you a solid income.


As mentioned above, small dairy calves can be purchased much cheaper than grown bulls 2-3 months old. During the day, a dairy calf drinks 6–8 liters of milk, so it is expensive to supplement the babies. In order not to spend money on buying milk for fattening young animals, you can organize. In this case, you can save a decent amount on purchasing calves and fattening them.

Adult animals can be fed with hay and grass, but with such poor feeding, the profitability of raising bulls for meat will be very low.

In order for calves to gain weight quickly, their diet should consist of 70% of:

  • Fodder beet;
  • Corn;
  • Cereals;
  • Potatoes;
  • Melon crops.

The remaining 30% is fresh grass and hay. In addition, the bulls are given silage, salt and, of course, water. If you do not have experience in this matter, carefully study the table for fattening bulls for meat at home.

Table of fattening bulls for meat

The Hereford breed is perfect for raising bulls for marbled meat. To obtain such a product, animals are fed using special technology and slaughtered at a young age. If you want to get high quality meat, you need to feed your calves beer for a certain time. In the last 3–4 months before slaughter, the animals’ diet consists of grain, corn, alfalfa and other components.

Marbled beef is valuable product, which is always in great demand. Such meat costs from 25 to 50 dollars per 1 kg. Most often, elite restaurants and wealthy people buy it, since middle-income consumers cannot afford such a product. The production of marbled meat is one of the most promising and profitable industries. But it requires serious financial investments, so it is not suitable for all beginning entrepreneurs.

Video: fattening bulls Video: fattening bulls

Financial investments

When developing a business plan for raising bulls for meat, it is necessary to take into account that running such a business will require a decent territory. To keep one bull you will need 10–12 square meters. meters. You will spend approximately 300-400 thousand rubles on building a barn and renting land. After you have equipped the premises, you can begin purchasing young animals. One bull costs 8–9 thousand rubles. The price may vary depending on the region, as well as the weight and age of the calf. In total, you will spend 160–180 thousand rubles on the purchase of young animals. If you plan to buy feed, the cost of raising a bull will cost 15 thousand per year. Accordingly, 300 thousand rubles will be needed to purchase feed for the entire farm.


If you are able to provide quality care to the bulls for 1.5 years, they will gain a weight of 400–500 kg. Animals can be sold wholesale for 40 thousand rubles. For the entire herd you will earn 800 thousand rubles. If you want to increase your profits, negotiate with restaurants or supermarkets to supply fresh meat at a higher price.

Another option is to sell the products yourself on the market. In this case, it is also advisable to organize

For many people, business is actually the main and extremely reliable source of income. The number of business ideas is growing every day. But only a few of them are suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs with relatively little capital on hand. And one of the most promising niches is breeding bulls for meat as a business.

Drawing up a business plan

A carefully worked out business plan for breeding bulls for meat is one of the main conditions for the success of this endeavor. Such a project involves the detailed development of an existing breeding idea and the elaboration of basic organizational issues.

A high-quality business plan includes information on the following points:

  • costs required to start a business;
  • main directions of product sales;
  • probable risks in the implementation process;
  • expected benefit from the enterprise;
  • profitability assessment.

Also, in a detailed business plan for cattle breeding, experienced entrepreneurs describe the degree of demand for their products, the associated costs of feed and wages, and the necessary personnel. It is also important to work out in advance the points relating to the construction and equipment of the farm, and the rental of pastures for grazing animals.

Advantages of the business of raising and fattening bulls for meat

This type of business activity has gained high popularity due to the advantages it offers. Among them the main ones are:

  • Relatively low startup costs. In fact, the first investments are spent only on the acquisition of a certain number of cattle, as well as on the construction of barns.
  • Beef is highly valued in the market. Accordingly, in any region of the country there are a large number of sales areas for such products.
  • The first profit appears six months after the purchase of the herd. Such a business fully pays for itself within two years.
  • Throughout the state there are a large number of unused farms that remain from the days of collective farms. You can locate your business there. This approach will save resources on the construction of barns.
  • In addition to meat, they also sell bull skins and manure for fertilizers. This direction involves additional income, reducing the payback time.

As for the disadvantages of this type of activity, the main one among them is the need for costs large quantity energy and time to care for animals.

Business registration

Breeding bulls as a business is based on the mass sale of meat and animal skins. Accordingly, such activities require payment of taxes on the income received. And for a business to be legal, it must be registered.

The breeder is registered with the tax service as a private entrepreneur. This status implies a clear list of rights and responsibilities that must be followed.

During the registration process, you also need to clarify which of the listed forms is most suitable for the breeder’s farm. With a small livestock population, it will be easier to register the farm as a peasant farm. In this case, the entrepreneur can also count on certain subsidies from the state. After registration, choose a suitable tax payment system.

Important! A mandatory point when selling meat on large markets is an official conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological station and veterinary service on the quality of such a product. Without supporting certificates, not a single large restaurant or supermarket will buy beef.

Construction and arrangement of a farm

An important point is the bull farm. Its main element is the cowshed. If there is no ready-made room, it can be erected independently. Brick, cinder blocks or concrete slabs are used as the main material for construction. The roof is covered with slate, tiles or any other roofing material. The floor is made of concrete or wood. Moreover, it is located at a height of at least 30 cm above the ground surface.

An important condition is that the barn must be located at a distance of at least 12 m from other buildings. The following nuances are also observed:

  • the barn must be dry and warm, which is achieved by properly covering the cracks and insulating the walls;
  • It is necessary to have high-quality ventilation;
  • sufficiency of lighting, which is achieved by a combination of the correct location of windows and installation of lighting fixtures;
  • the floor is made sloping, which simplifies cleaning the room;
  • The entrance to the barn is made spacious so that the animals do not get hurt when they enter.

To arrange the room inside you will also need:

  • iron or wooden structures for assembling stalls;
  • group and individual drinking bowls;
  • automatic feeders and feed dispensers;
  • a special machine for cleaning and trimming animal hooves.

Attention! The farm must be equipped with a pen for daily walking of bulls. It is better to organize a barn and a paddock next to the rented pasture. The list of other farm buildings is determined by its owner.

Purchase of young animals

The initial livestock of cattle is purchased after organization necessary conditions its content. Purchases are made exclusively from specialized farms or from private breeders who are able to confirm the quality and breed of their animals with appropriate documentation.

When breeding bulls for meat, the choice of breed is extremely important. Representatives of meat-only varieties grow faster, gain more weight, and offer better feed conversion. Accordingly, the profit from such animals will be higher, and the costs will pay off faster.

The most popular beef cattle breeds include:

  • Limousinskaya. The daily weight gain of such calves is 1300 g.
  • Hereford. During the day, the animal’s weight increases by 900 g.
  • Kazakh white-headed breed. Weight gain of at least 600 g per day.
  • Simmentalskaya. The weight gain is about 900 g.
  • Kalmytskaya. Young animals grow by 600–700 g per day.

Aberdeen Angus, Salers and some other breeds are also held in high esteem by experienced breeders.

There are certain rules for choosing young animals of the breed you like. When purchasing, pay attention only to those calves that have already reached one month of age and themselves feed on compound feed and concentrates. Raising younger bulls is not cost effective. When purchased, each calf is examined for signs of infection, malaise, and signs of skin damage. Transportation of purchased livestock is carried out with extreme care.

After purchasing young cattle, they need to be provided with proper care and maintenance. Calves are kept using one of two main methods:

  1. Stall.
  2. Free range.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of placing calves in a stall is that they gain weight much faster. But the disadvantages of this method include the reduction taste qualities meat. In addition, when constantly on a leash, bulls do not waste accumulated energy, which is why they become overly aggressive. Therefore, stronger stalls and chains are needed for their breeding.

In animals that roam freely in a pen or pasture, weight grows more slowly, since part of the energy is spent on physical activity. But the taste of meat in such calves is more pronounced. In addition, they behave calmer and are less susceptible to various diseases.

Whichever maintenance method is chosen, there are a number of general rules care that should be followed at all times:

  • there should be no drafts in the barn;
  • in each stall there is a thick layer of bedding or special rubber mats;
  • the temperature in winter should not fall below -10 degrees, otherwise heating will be provided in the barn;
  • Animal stalls are cleaned daily.

When breeding bulls for meat, they are required to be vaccinated. Vaccinations are carried out in accordance with a plan drawn up in advance. Also, all livestock are examined 1-2 times a month by an experienced veterinarian.

Cattle nutrition

The basis of the diet of cattle in the summer is fresh greens from pastures. In winter, bulls are fed hay. But since such food cannot completely meet the needs of a growing body for nutrients and vitamins, the diet is supplemented with the following components:

  • concentrated feed (mixed feed and grain);
  • potatoes;
  • carrots;
  • corn silage;
  • corn;
  • fodder beet.

This type of fattening bulls for meat is quite profitable, and if there is land for planting root crops and corn, it may even involve minimal costs. In any case, it is important to remember that the more varied a bull’s diet, the less likely it is to develop diseases, and the higher the average daily weight gain.

On average, in the summer, one adult animal consumes 30 kg of fresh green feed mixed with 2 kg of concentrates per day. In winter, during a period of vitamin deficiency, the diet is made more varied. Daily norms at this time suggest:

  • 20 kg of succulent feed, including silage and root crops;
  • at least 5 kg of hay;
  • 3-4 kg of straw;
  • 2-3 kg of grain or combined feed.

Be sure to supplement the animal’s main menu with mineral supplements. They use either ordinary table salt, mixing it with other food, or install special licks in the stalls.

Adult bulls are fed three times a day. The herd's first meal occurs at 5-6 o'clock in the morning. At this time, the bull's gastrointestinal tract absorbs the maximum amount of nutrients. Then the animals graze freely on the site. In the evening, the cows are fed at a time convenient for the breeder.

It is worth noting that grazing on pastures is implemented only for those animals that have reached 6-7 months. If fresh greens are consumed at an earlier age, the calf will develop serious digestive problems.

Also, cattle are turned out for grazing only when the dew or moisture on the grass after rain is completely dry. If this rule is not followed, the animal develops tympany, which can result in the death of the animal.

Attention! Be sure to install drinking bowls with a sufficient amount of drinking water in stalls and at cattle grazing sites. Moreover, it should be warm. This condition is especially important in winter. To maintain optimal temperature, drinkers must be insulated.

Hiring farm workers

The farm staff includes the following vacancies:

  • shepherd;
  • livestock specialist;
  • technologist;
  • vet;
  • workers for cleaning the barn.

Of course, the more specific number of employees depends on the size of the bull herd. In addition, you can save significantly if you do not hire a separate veterinarian, but agree with a local specialist on periodic inspection of the livestock and testing of products before sale.

Financial plan - income and expenses

An important point of the business plan is the calculation of costs and income. Opening a farm for raising 20 head bulls involves the following expenses:

  • acquisition of a small plot of land – 5 thousand rubles for each hundred square meters;
  • construction of a suitable barn with high-quality insulation – 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of 20 heads of beef cattle - about 180 thousand rubles;
  • feed for 20 bulls for a year - 200 thousand rubles.

As a result, taking into account the associated costs of salaries and other issues, the initial investment will be 600–700 thousand rubles.

It takes 12–14 months to fatten a bull to the required weight. During this time, he gains weight of 450–500 kg. If we take into account that wholesale buyers take each carcass with this weight for 40 thousand rubles, then the entire livestock can be sold for 800 thousand rubles.

Business profitability

Based on the obtained values ​​of income and expenses, one can judge the payback and profitability of such a business. The farm pays for itself in 1-1.5 years. Moreover, after the sale of the first batch of cattle, the breeder will receive a net profit.

Based on the above data, we conclude that the profitability of this type of business activity is at least 50%. If the entrepreneur has his own share, ready-made premises and other resources, this figure increases significantly.

Fattening bulls for meat as a business provides significant benefits to the breeder. Opening a farm pays for itself within 1-1.5 years and begins to make a profit. In addition, if you have pasture, there is an option to significantly save on the purchase of feed. But before implementing such a project, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the nuances of the activity and draw up a clear business plan that takes into account the main organizational issues and profit calculations.