Why is clear. So that in speech there is no confusion of lexically similar, but semantically different words. So that speech does not interfere with the tongue.


At the very blue seas. But the sea is not blue. Gray crow? It’s also somehow doubtful, he’s black. That's really sad black... if something pointless, indefinite can have color.

And again the fairy tale poses a riddle for us. Was all this made up at some point? Or do we now not understand the ancient meaning of words? And the words are not particularly old. These are not the series of words that came to us from antiquity in a ready-made set, like these, for example: nose-ear-eye... and so on. Many, many words appeared literally before our eyes. It can be documented that five hundred years ago such and such a word did not exist or it was used in a completely different meaning, but now we cannot do without it at all, it is so important. Words, emerging in a language, enter into complex and contradictory relationships with each other, converge and diverge, flourish and lose color, each time reflecting the gradual knowledge of the world by the people speaking this language. The need to designate a new, newly discovered phenomenon or quality with an unprecedented word has always existed, and in ancient times as well. Many words, so familiar now, could once have seemed like a daring innovation, an incomprehensible whim, an eccentricity or a miracle - depending on the attitude to the matter. It is very convenient to trace such changes using the example of words denoting color.

From a physics textbook you know that the color spectrum consists of seven primary colors of the spectrum. Nowadays, of course, we distinguish many more colors: various shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

But until relatively recently, fifteen to twenty generations ago, people did not distinguish between, for example, blue and green. For them, it matched one thing that looked like black. Even in the 20th century, many wild tribes in Africa or South America only red - black - are clearly contrasted white A. Each of them has its own meaning, all are equally important in the representation of these peoples. They are designated by the word only because they are important in life - all other colors are meaningless, useless, and therefore they are not seen. They are not seen because they do not know. That's why they don't call it anything. And note: black and white are not in the solar spectrum; these are not colors, but colorless combinations of colors. In science they are called “achromatic”, which in Greek means “colorless”.

Various human groups different peoples in different eras they perceive the color world around them in different ways.

At first, the person did not distinguish colors at all; everything around him was white or black, sometimes gray. This is exactly how a dog sees the world - black and white. And the word white means anything: it’s ‘white’ in our understanding, it’s ‘transparent’, it’s also ‘light’. White-flammable stone- a stone that burns with a colorless flame, so colorless that it is not visible.

Then the color red, the color of the sun, hot sand and fire, burst into this achromatic world. The color of blood and life. He, this color, especially stood out later, in the following stages, when a person also began to realize the green color, the color of grass and trees. And only later, much later, another color began to stand out from the black. The one that we, speaking Russian, now call blue. It turned out to be much more difficult to separate orange from red, and blue and yellow from green. As for violet, it was first identified by the English scientist Isaac Newton - the same Newton who established the physical laws of the solar spectrum. In fact, until the 17th century, blue ended the visible spectrum. Everything beyond seemed black.

But you and I are not interested physical characteristics spectrum - not all of them are transmitted by language, and then modern science invents his own terms. We are trying to determine how the gradual enrichment of human experience was deposited in language, in particular in names colors. What orange And violet They entered the Russian language quite late, as the names themselves show - they are French. In the middle of the 18th century, the poet Antioch Cantemir, the Russian ambassador to England, first translated “Newton’s spectrum” into Russian, and this is what he came up with: violet - purple-blue - green - yellow - ore yellow - red. Neither orange, neither purple, neither blue no - they are still only shades of tones close to them, and the specific color of violet is not at all any purple. No, it is no coincidence that at the end of this century, through the haze of time, Pushkin saw an old disabled man who, sitting on the table, put blue payment for green cloth. For the heroes of The Captain's Daughter, blue is a dark shade of green, nothing more.

There is a curious French expression “White after red – nothing moves, red after white – everything goes to hell” (French: “Blanc sur rouge, rien ne bouge; rouge sur blanc, tout fout le camp”). Let's figure out how it is related to wine.

If we follow this expression, then we should drink red wine first and then white. But everyone around knows that they drink white first, and then red. And in general, does a headache the next morning really depend on the color of the wine, and not on the amount of drink? 🙂

In fact, this expression has nothing to do with wine at all!
It's just that over time we associated the colors from the expression with the colors of wines.

One version is associated with sailors, great drinkers.

So: if the ship’s flag* had white over red, the sailors remained on board, no one and nothing moved. If red was over white, then everyone got the hell off the ship... and got drunk in nearby taverns.

* according to rumors, a red and white flag hung on ships at that time; and depending on which side (which color was up) the flag was raised, the sailors either remained on the ship or went on leave.

Second version: other words

There is another version of the phrase: “White then red - nothing moves, red then white - everything is to hell (French: “Blanc puis rouge rien ne bouge, rouge puis blanc, tout fout le camp”).

So, why is the order of “absorption” of wine so important?

The reason is the different structure of the wines. White wine is more aromatically lighter, while red wine contains tannins, which give it a rich taste. Therefore, after red wine, white wine will simply be lost, and the whole taste will go to hell.

But not everything is so simple in the wine world.
For example, sweet white wine is drunk after red, pink wine is similar in structure to white, so it is served before red, and Beaujolais Nouveau, having the structure of red and the slight sourness of white, is best drunk before classic red wines. Another exception: a cheese plate, which is served after the main course, paired with red wine, most often accompanied by... white wine!

Wine: white after red or red after white? updated: December 22, 2018 by: Karina

Incredible facts

What color is this dress? This issue has sparked heated debate online, with users divided into those who think it is a white and gold dress, and those who see a blue and black dress.

The photo of the dress was first posted on Tumblr by Scottish user Caitlin McNeill after she noticed that her friends were seeing different colors in the photo.

The photo quickly became an online sensation due to controversy surrounding the true color of the dress. A label #TheDress (dress) began to quickly gain popularity all over the world.

The girl herself said that she did not expect such a reaction to the dress she wore to a friend’s wedding.

Optical illusion

There is actually a scientific explanation for why some people see a blue and black dress while others see a golden and white dress.

The photo itself is optical illusion.

Objects reflect light at certain wavelengths or colors, and the human brain determines the color of an object by taking on the reflected color. This perception may be distorted by the colors of nearby objects.

This is similar to Adelson's shadow illusion. In the image, cell A is the same color as cell B, but their surroundings make them look different.

In this photo, the surrounding colors are so chaotic that the brain cannot understand what color the dress is.

Is the dress blue or white?

Digital analysis of a photograph of the dress revealed that one of the stains on the black lace is orange in the photograph.

The original photo is in the middle. On the left, the brightness and contrast have been adjusted so that the dress looks more white and gold. On the right, the brightness and contrast have been adjusted to make the dress appear blue-black.

Thus, people who perceive the surrounding area of ​​the dress as dark will see blue, like white, and black, like gold. It depends on how the brain perceives and processes colors.

This dress is actually blue with black lace.

Alsou Gazizova

replacement matrix Red 7

Total 3.

Why do bruises come in different colors?

Lisa Subbotina 1

There is only one bruise, but its colors are different. The color of the hematoma depends on the temporary stage. Briefly about these stages:
1) In the first hours, the bruise has a purplish-red color. This is due to the destruction of small blood vessels and the flow of blood into the subcutaneous fat. Blood contains red hemoglobin, which is why the bruise is red.
2) After a couple of hours, the bruise turns blue (sorry for the tautology). This happens thanks to verdoglobin (during the stage, hemoglobin begins to break down and turns into a blue compound (actually, verdoglobin), so the site of injury turns blue).
3) After a few days, the hematoma first turns green (thanks to biliverdin)
4) and then takes on a yellow color (with the help of the yellow pigment bilirubin, which is subsequently excreted with blood from the site of the bruise/injury and the bruise/hematoma disappears).
very short, but I hope I could help)


Total 2.

What was first white and then became RED?)

Guest 3


Total 1.

Why did the monitor screen turn pink?

ins333 6

It is possible that the connector of the cable connecting the monitor to the system unit has come loose. And check both on the monitor and on the system unit. To be honest, it’s better to turn off your computer during this time. If this does not help, then the problem is most likely in the video adapter. Then repair.

fserg 3

Total 12.

An Olympiad problem in physics at medium speed that I can’t solve.

The traveler rode first on a horse and then on a donkey. What part of the journey and what part of the total time of movement did he ride on a horse, if average speed it turned out to be equal to 12 km/h, the speed of riding a horse was 30 km/h, and the speed of riding a donkey was 6 km/h? Guest 1

S-all the way; t-all the time
x-part of the journey on horseback
y-part of time on horseback


From the second, taking into account the first:

From the third, taking into account the first and the transformation of the second made above:

Guest 5

Total 1.

Why is execution by hanging considered shameful?

Guest 12

1) Execution by origin. Hanging was mainly used to execute commoners, criminals or nobles guilty of particularly serious crimes. Mostly people of high classes were executed by beheading.

2) Sacred meaning. Once upon a time it was believed that when hanged, the soul cannot leave the body, remaining hostage to it.

3) Death by hanging could be painful. This largely depended on the qualifications of the executioner. If a person’s neck was not broken, then he died in terrible agony and his death agony was presented to the onlookers gathered around. In the worst case, at the moment of suffocation, all the muscles of the body relax, which leads to complete emptying of the intestines and bladder.

4) In addition, a hanged person could hang on the scaffold for several more days, so that it would be discouraging.

A Little History 25

There is another version: the Middle Ages were extremely religious. Everyone interpreted the sacred books in their own way, but you can’t erase the words from the song, and in those books there is an episode when Christ was betrayed/sold by his disciple, this disciple then realized what a shame he had committed and realized his act, and immediately went and hanged himself. That's why they hanged those who were treated as scoundrels and traitors. Destreza 6

Total 5.