Rituals, customs and folk signs Christmas celebrations have long been very popular in Rus'. They were observed by everyone, both unmarried girls and married women, and they firmly believed that on Christmas Eve and Christmas night you can learn a lot about your future, enlist the reliable support of the spirits of departed ancestors and receive protection from higher powers. Modern people are for the most part pragmatic, but even the biggest skeptics try to find out in advance what rituals need to be performed on January 6-7 in order to bring family happiness, prosperity and prosperity into life. And this is correct, because real miracles happen only where people believe in them. So, we offer you a list of Christmas signs for health, marriage, pregnancy, money and good luck.

Folk signs for marriage on Christmas Day

Ancient folk signs for marriage on Christmas Day acquire special significance for young girls. Every free young lady on the eve of Christmas Eve begins to attach importance to all sorts of little things and vigilantly looks at the behavior of those around her, various words heard by chance and seemingly the most prosaic events. And this is not at all surprising, because it is during the Nativity of Christ that you can almost exactly find out by signs when the long-awaited groom will appear on the doorstep and offer marriage, hand and heart to the beauty.

List of marriage proposals for Christmas

  • At the darkest hour of the night before Christmas, bring a rooster into the house and let it out in the room. If he comes to the table, it means that matchmakers will soon appear on the doorstep, and if he runs away - the young lady will be without a spouse until the end of the year.
  • In the evening, go outside, approach the windows of neighbors' houses and try to hear the conversation. If the tone of the conversation is cheerful, warm and friendly, a quick marriage will be successful and will bring a lot of joy. When the voices begin to shout or swear loudly, a difficult family life awaits, full of scandals, betrayals and financial problems.
  • Take gold ring, shaped like a wedding band, throw it on the floor and carefully observe where it rolls. If towards the door, it means that soon after the Nativity of Christ the girl will be married. When the decoration goes inside the house, there is no point in counting on a wedding before the end of the year.
  • Take a piece of bread, a wooden block, a scarf and cover them with a ceramic pot or bowl. Sit at the table, close your eyes, remove the pot and randomly touch one of three things with your hand. If you come across bread, the girl will spend the next year alone; a scarf means she will get married very soon. When a piece of wood is in your hands, this is a very bad omen, and a serious illness or imminent death awaits you.
  • Beat the egg white into a glass of water and place in the oven. If the squirrel quickly rises in the shape of a tower, it means that the girl will soon walk down the aisle, but will remain at the original level - until the end of the year she will have to go as a girl.
  • Go to the woodpile and take out one log. If there are a lot of twigs and shoots on it, the girl will soon join a large, friendly family. A smooth tree means that the young lady will spend the next year unmarried and it will be very difficult to find a gentleman.

The most accurate signs for pregnancy on Christmas Day

The most accurate pregnancy signs will help you find out when the long-awaited baby will appear in the house on Christmas Day. There are not too many of them, but they are easy to interpret and almost always work. Knowing the correct prayers and signs for pregnancy on Christmas Day, you can turn to higher powers with a request to send a son or daughter as quickly as possible.

Current Christmas signs for pregnancy

  • Receiving pearl jewelry (bracelet, necklace, etc.) as a gift on Christmas Eve means a quick successful pregnancy.
  • If a woman passionately desires to conceive a child, on the night before Christmas she needs to sit in the chair where the pregnant woman sat. If you manage to do this, you can count on a speedy addition to the family.
  • On Christmas night, place a candle near the bed and ask the Virgin Mary to send down a baby. If the candle burns evenly to the very base and does not go out, the wish will soon come true.
  • If, on the eve of the Nativity of Christ, indoor flowers suddenly begin to grow in the house, you should expect the appearance of an heir in the very near future.
  • When you can’t have a child for a long time, you need to take a piece of bread and turn to the Almighty with these words: “As you gave bread to people, give me a child. I will love him, raise him, cherish him.” Then give the bread to the street dog. If she eats it right away, it means the prayer has been answered and conception will take place in the next month.

Folk signs on Christmas Day for health and longevity

The correct interpretation will help you on Christmas Day for health and longevity, and will tell you how to behave on the holiday so as not to harm your family in the future. Ancient legends will tell you what you should not do on Christmas night, and what signs and customs, on the contrary, must be observed for the well-being, health and well-being of loved ones.

Correct interpretation of Christmas signs for longevity and good health

  • If on Christmas Day a stranger comes into the house first, then all the fair sex in this family will be seriously ill.
  • A torn item should absolutely not be sewn up on Christmas Eve, otherwise one of the relatives will lose their sight in the near future.
  • If you place a clove of garlic at the four corners of the festive table, illnesses, ailments and ailments will bypass the family all year round.
  • Hunting at Christmas means illness and misfortune.
  • Light and fluffy Christmas kutia means a healthy and happy family, thin and flat means illness and imminent losses.
  • Place grain and water in front of the chicken. If the bird starts pecking, everyone in the house will be healthy; if it drinks first, the family will face serious illnesses.
  • To scare away illness and misfortune, on Christmas Eve the whole family goes outside and dances around the Christmas tree several times.

Signs and rituals for good luck on Christmas Day

The signs and rituals performed at Christmas will help ensure success in all your endeavors for the coming year. This wonderful and bright time is ideal for asking the higher powers for happiness, peace and prosperity for your family. It is best to do this with a pure heart and good thoughts. Then prayers will definitely be heard, and requests will be satisfied. As the Holy Scripture says: “Ask and it will be given to you,” and the Nativity of Christ is the most suitable moment for this, as popular signs say.

Variants of Christmas signs and rituals for good luck

  • On January 7, wake up and look outside. If it snows, success and good luck await you ahead, and all projects will definitely come true.
  • So that luck does not change, make your most cherished wish on Christmas night. If you don’t tell anyone about it during all the holidays, your plan will certainly come true.
  • Feed all the animals and birds in the house well good products. Then the year will pass safely and bring good luck.
  • If carolers who came to the house showered a person with millet or grain, great luck and success await him in all his endeavors.
  • To attract success, be sure to place a plate of holiday food behind the stove. The brownie will rejoice at the attention from the owners and ask the magical powers to bestow grace on the family.
  • In order for peace and prosperity to reign in the house all year round, be sure to put on festive table in addition to everything else, there are 12 lenten dishes and you must try them during the ceremonial meal.

Customs and signs for January 6-7 for money - what to do on Christmas Day to attract wealth

What to do on Christmas Day to attract wealth and how to “lure” wealth into your home on January 6-7, will be suggested by customs and signs of money. It’s not at all difficult to comply with them, and what can you do for the well-being and comfortable existence of your family. We have found the most “workable” signs and customs for money for the Nativity of Christ. Having carried out these simple rituals on January 6-7, you can forget about need for the next 365 days.

Christmas signs and customs for money and attracting wealth

  • Place bowls of grain in the corners of the living room and do not remove them until Epiphany. This will attract wealth to the family and financial well-being.
  • On the night of January 6-7, light the fireplace and large number candles so that wealth finds its way into the house and does not get lost among the snow.
  • Before preparing a gala dinner, place a copper coin on the stove. Then in the near future the family will eat well and live in abundance.
  • Before Christmas night, light candles, pray for deceased relatives and ask them for help and protection. Place separate plates for them on the festive table. delicious dishes. The spirits, delighted by such attention, will ward off swindlers, deceivers and thieves from the family.
  • Don’t borrow money before Christmas, otherwise everything you’ve acquired will soon be lost forever.
  • Before the first star, pay off all bills and collect money from debtors. Then your financial affairs will be in good condition throughout the next year.
  • On Christmas night, go outside and look at the sky. If a young thin month has risen, the coming year will be unprofitable in material terms. When the almost full Moon flaunts in the sky, money will flow into your pocket like a river for the entire 12 months.
  • If several people knock on the door at night, the coming period will be rich and prosperous in all respects.

Rituals and ancient signs for unmarried girls - rituals on Christmas night

All rituals, ceremonies and ancient signs for unmarried girls on Christmas night they tell you when love will come into life. Some of them give useful recommendations on what you can and cannot do to quickly find your happiness. It’s worth listening to these hints, if only because Christmas night is always accompanied by a special light magic during this period. higher powers often come to help people? contributing to the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

Interesting signs and rituals for Christmas for unmarried girls

  • Girls and women must put on festive clothes before dark. If you do not have time to do this, brides will not find rich grooms, and wives will not be loved by their husbands.
  • Unmarried people are not allowed to sweep the floor or take out the trash on the eve of Christmas. There is a great risk of scaring away gentlemen and potential suitors for the whole year.
  • It is forbidden to cut your hair and wash your hair, otherwise you will have to suffer from poverty and tears for the rest of your life.
  • It is very important for a girl to smile and be cheerful at Christmas from the very early morning until bedtime. Then her life will turn out well, and there will be no end to her fans.
  • You should definitely spend the Christmas holidays in new, but not black, clothes. Otherwise, you can bring mourning for one of your relatives.
  • On Christmas night, a girl needs to eat an apple and count how many seeds it contains. An even number will indicate a happy marriage, which will happen this year, and an odd number will hint that family happiness will not be found yet. If there are more than 6 even seeds, love and prosperity will come in huge quantities.
  • Go outside at night and look carefully at the sky. If you see a shooting star, make one most cherished wish, and it will definitely come true.
  • A hairpin or any other hair accessory lost on Christmas day guarantees that the man you love will soon appear in your life.
  • If, on your way to visit on Christmas night, you meet the same stranger twice on the way, it means that the young lady will soon have a groom.

Signs about the weather for Christmas Eve and Christmas

By interpreting folk signs about the weather on Christmas Eve and the Nativity of Christ, you can learn a lot of useful information about the near future and find out what forecasts should be made for the coming year. The air temperature on January 6-7 will almost exactly indicate when the long-awaited spring will come, and based on the amount of precipitation on Christmas night, it will be easy to guess the size of the harvest of vegetables, fruits and grain crops. Of course, these data should hardly be taken on faith as indisputable, but it is well worth paying attention to them. After all, it was not without reason that our ancestors did everything to preserve ancient rituals, ceremonies, signs and customs for future generations.

What weather signs portend on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

  • If Christmas Eve is warm and calm, the bread from the new harvest will be soft and fragrant.
  • Above-zero temperatures at Christmas mean a cold spring.
  • On the evening of January 6, look carefully at the sky. If it is clear, clean and cloudless, the year will be prosperous and rich. When everything is covered in clouds and light rain falls, problems will arise in business and it is unlikely that success will be achieved.
  • A blizzard blowing on Christmas night promises a quick end to winter and an early spring.
  • A thaw at Christmas means that few vegetables will ripen in the summer, and snow falling in large flakes foreshadows a large wheat harvest.

Number of entries: 8

Hello, Father! A year ago I sincerely repented and confessed the terrible sin of adultery, hated what I did and never repeated it again, very often I cry about my sin and ask God for forgiveness for what I did. But thoughts still come to me that maybe God will not forgive me (after all, this is not the right thing to do) and will still punish me in this life or, what’s even worse, punish my child for my sins. Father, please tell me what you think about this and what God says about punishment for repentant sins. Thank you.


Dear Christina! Please note that the word “punishment” itself comes from “mandate” - that is, “admonition”, “teaching”. Therefore, what we call “God’s punishment” is not legal punishment and not “punishment” in the proper sense at all, but rather teaching how to avoid sin, or a kind of bitter medicine. How exactly this measure is applied by the Lord in relation to each specific person, and whether he applies it at all, is not for us to judge. A lot depends on the person himself. As the holy fathers say, there are three basic rules regarding how to be saved and avoid God’s punishments. First: do not sin. Second: if you sin, repent harder. Third: if you do not know how to diligently repent, endure sorrows, illnesses or other punishments of God. What does it mean in this context: to repent diligently? This, as they say, means repenting with all your heart - sincerely and actively. Actively, in turn, means a qualitative change towards fulfilling the commandments of God, Christian good deeds in general. Have you sinned? We don’t just confess this and never repeat it, but we also try to do more specific good deeds to atone for sin. If for some reason we are not able to lead a more serious Christian lifestyle, then we can expect that the Lord may allow certain sorrows, the patience of which replaces the virtues that we do not practice. In general, somewhere there is such simple spiritual arithmetic. Moreover, we must keep in mind that grave sins inflict wounds on the soul that will continue to hurt after the sin has already been forgiven by God, thanks to repentance. For example, if someone got drunk, got hit by a tram and lost a leg, the sin of such careless behavior will be forgiven if there is repentance, however, of course, a new leg will not grow. It’s the same with mental wounds: even after repentance, they can continue to hurt. So, it makes sense for you not to poison yourself internally in vain: do you have faith and repentance? Already good! God is not without mercy! Try to continue to live as a Christian, and whatever happens! And thank God for everything!

Archpriest Andrei Spiridonov

Bless, Father! I committed a mortal sin today. I just can't live after this now. I am a believer, I confess, I take communion. Now I don’t know how to live! I'm dying spiritually. I cry, I repent, but now I won’t be able to go to confession. Such an abomination to God. I can't live! I stole it!!! I still can’t understand how I did it! Horror!!! How to survive until the morning? Lord! Forgive me!!!


Actually, dear Irina, confession in in this case is the only cardinal means of healing from grave sin. It is also necessary, if possible, to return what was stolen. If for some objective reasons this turns out to be impracticable, then you need to atone for this sin with alms or donations in favor of orphans or the poor. As for your internal state, you need, with God’s help, to pull yourself together, as they say. Ultimately, in this kind of unexpected sins, as a rule, there is an element of temptation from the devil. There may also be some reasons for the latter. Perhaps the devil does not like the very fact of your faith and attempts to live by faith. Or maybe somewhere you became proud, arrogant, or offended someone, so the Lord allowed this story to admonish you. In any case, having achieved some temporary success, the devil now wants much more: to plunge you into despair, tear you away from the Church and the saving Sacraments, and plunge you into spiritual destruction. For the sake of this, he will continue to feed into you thoughts of despair and despondency, largely based, by the way, on the passion of pride (like, “How is it possible, I’m so good and a believer, could I commit such a sin? No, I’m ashamed, so I won’t go to confession! "), trying to prevent active repentance. It is obvious that in this case one cannot follow the machinations of the enemy of the human race, but it is necessary to overcome excessively desperate contrition and quickly go to the Sacrament of Confession.

Archpriest Andrei Spiridonov

God bless you!! I have a very pressing question, please answer me because sometimes my souls have no peace when I think about this again and again... I was baptized in Orthodox faith at the age of 12 years old - it was 1989. My parents baptized me more for traditional reasons, since subsequently I did not receive any religious education, and, of course, they did too when they were there. All the time until I was 29 years old, I was unchurched, and for some time even an atheist. At the age of 29, I came across a Roman Catholic catechism and, after reading it, I believed in the Lord... but for some reason then I didn’t turn to my native Orthodoxy and began going to a Catholic church - to confess there and receive communion, i.e. was in full communication with Catholic Church(as I now understand heresy). I was even given additional names, as is customary in Catholicism... but time passed and quite recently, after much reflection, I decided to return to the fold of my native Russian Orthodox Church. I came to the church and told my whole story to the parish priest with a request to give me advice on how I could return to Orthodoxy. Father answered me that it would be enough for me to repent of this in confession. So I did, I prepared for confession, fasted, and at confession itself I repented of my sins and that I had been in communion with the Catholic Church and also said that I wanted to be with only the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. After confession, a few days later I took communion and now I try to go to confession and take communion often, I pray morning and evening. But one thing worries me - once on a TV show I heard Father Oleg Stenyaev say that for schismatics repentance in confession is not enough to join Orthodoxy, that for them there is a rite of joining the church. I ran to the church to see my priest, and he said that it was nothing to worry about, that my repentance was enough, that I was baptized in Orthodoxy, etc. and I keep thinking and thinking...please tell me if my father was wrong?? and am I already fully returned to my native Orthodoxy??? Thanks in advance for your answer. God bless you.


Dear Natalia! Since the Lord brought you in this way, or, one might say, returned you to Orthodox Church, then there is no reason to doubt this fact. Those whom the Lord has vouchsafed to join through the “rite” are good, but He has vouchsafed you simply through repentance and Communion - also Glory to God! You have no reason to doubt the reality of the Eucharist itself, that you are already truly Communicating the Body and Blood of Christ? And if so, then what else is there to be clever about? Be grateful here not only to God, but also to your priest, who opened for you direct paths to liturgical life, and also try not to become impoverished in this life!

Archpriest Andrei Spiridonov

Hello father. Why can’t you take pictures in a church without a blessing? The icons there are more beautiful than many people have at home. I have already taken photographs in the temple many times when no one was looking. But when they noticed, they said that this should not be done. I heard on TV, although I don’t watch it, that at the wax exhibition people also took photographs of saints, although they were not allowed to photograph them, and then there were no saints in the photographs. Could the Lord remove His images? If he could, then why doesn’t he take it out of my phone when I take pictures in church without the priest’s blessing?


Dear Catherine, you can take photographs in churches, but, really, it is better to do this with the blessing of a priest. A temple is a place where people come to take part in the Church Sacraments, pray, and be alone with God and themselves. There is no need for God to erase photographs. By photographing icons we do not insult Him in any way. The removal of the photograph from the exhibition most likely occurred for completely physical reasons. Moreover, wax figures cannot in any way be icons. Taking photographs in the temple is a matter of respect for other people. By filming in a church, you can disrupt the course of the service and confuse the worshipers, so it is very important to take a blessing and permission from the priest before doing this. He will be able to tell you when and how best to do this.

Priest Daniil Lugovoi

Hello, dear Father. Once again I want to turn to you for help. I am raising a 9 year old son. And for several years now I have been faced with the problem of feeding him. The fact is that he categorically does not eat many of the most common homemade dishes, such as soup, cutlets, dumplings and many others that we prepare and which are simply necessary for a growing child’s body, not to mention some healthy grains, etc. .d. Even if he is hungry, he will not touch the food. I could understand that this is an expression of character, but I see him choking on his food. What should I do, I would really like to feed my child normal food, but how if he, without trying the food, already turns away from it? His entire diet is limited to pasta with boiled sausage or fried potatoes, at best, mashed potatoes. I myself love to cook, and I cook well, but I would not like to eat what I have prepared and feed my child store-bought products of unknown origin. I hoped that over time, when he went to school, the situation would change, he would get tired and have an appetite, but nothing has changed. What should I do, please advise. Which Saint can you pray to so that your child grows up on normal food?


Dear Tatyana! To be honest, you have somewhat puzzled me with this question. Probably, this problem needs to be sorted out in some more or less serious way, since it is important to understand exactly what reasons are decisive for such unusual food selectivity that your child has. I myself have five children, among whom you can also find specific taste preferences or rejections, but I still have never encountered an almost complete rejection of most traditional products. Of course, it is possible and necessary to pray and ask God, the Mother of God and those saints whom you personally revere for help in resolving this situation, however, it probably does not hurt to enlist the help of certain specialists in the field modern medicine- in particular, perhaps in the field of gastroenterology or some other related field, but here my competence already ends. I would advise you not to leave this problem unattended, but, after praying, try to seek clarification of the situation through certain possible examinations and diagnostics of your son’s health.

Archpriest Andrei Spiridonov

A pregnant woman is beautiful, but this does not mean at all that you need to stop caring for her. Fashionistas and beauties, accustomed to always keeping themselves in shape, are worried about this question: is it possible to dye your hair during pregnancy? There is an opinion that it is impossible. You can’t cut your hair, you can’t dye it, use less decorative cosmetics, etc. But how can we do without all this? Is there scientific basis is this a “no”?

Why is it dangerous to dye your hair during pregnancy?

All pregnant women remain women during pregnancy, so taking care of yourself is not only possible, but also necessary. What about hair then? Famous secular ladies don’t even think about this issue, since their haircut and hair color is an image that they have been working on for many years... before pregnancy. So what now? Leave everything and be as it is? No... No one saw Gwen Stefani, Kate Winslet and other blondes with their natural hair color even during pregnancy. It turns out then that they were risking the health of their children? I think not. It's all about the paint that the craftsmen select for them. But more on that later. Let's look at which colors you should definitely avoid.

First of all, those that contain ammonia, nonoxynol, resorcinol. All these chemicals are toxic and tend to accumulate in the body, causing mutations in the fetus. So you should avoid painting with paints of this kind.

In addition, they are strong allergens that can cause a rash, burns of the mucous membranes of the fetus and the skin of the mother, and can cause hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body.

Ammonia is widely used in hair bleaching, so highlighting, tinting and dyeing lighter colors are prohibited during pregnancy.

Yes, and then, some manufacturers add it to the paint itself. So if you opened the paint and heard a strong smell, then it’s definitely ammonia. And you shouldn’t use this remedy if you’re in a happy position. And although in the salon, where you often went before pregnancy, they can tell you that no chemicals are transferred through the hair to the baby, the very fact that by inhaling ammonia along with the air, you transfer it to the baby, will stop you.

Also pay attention to paint components such as p-phenylenediamine, aminophenol, dihydroxybenzene. They are also not safe for a pregnant woman.

What hair dyes should you use while pregnant?

So, we choose paints that do not contain the above elements and contain natural ingredients. Beauty salons and stylists will advise you on this issue.

The most gentle paints, according to experts, include those produced by the Italian company Sanotint, the English company Organic Color Systems - organic dyes, as well as such brands as Koleston, Igora, Herbavita, Garnier, Loreal, Wellaton.

Which coloring method should I choose? Aqua coloring is recommended. What is it? This is a systematic procedure for dyeing hair in water with mandatory care both before and after dyeing. That is: the hair needs to be prepared using cosmetic procedures, then dyed and additional procedures carried out (moisturizing, etc.).

If you nevertheless decide to dye your hair in a salon using dye, then, in addition to the fact that it should be as gentle as possible, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • First of all, consult your doctor managing the pregnancy: his advice and opinion may be useful to you;
  • You should only seek help in this matter from a professional in this matter; you should not trust your head and the general health of your baby to a beginner;
  • in the first trimester of pregnancy, you should refrain from dyeing your hair at all, since the fetus is just forming, and any chemical influences can negatively affect it (if a friend tells you: “Well, I dyed my hair and nothing…”, you should think: “And another whole life ahead, and this may manifest itself in the child’s adult life. Is it worth the risk?”);
  • Plan a visit to the salon in the first half of the day (preferably in the morning), while the salon “breathes freshness” and not with varnishes, paints and other cosmetics;
  • it is also worth considering that hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman cannot but affect your body’s reaction to hair dyes, even those repeatedly used before, and the result of dyeing can be completely unexpected (you won’t get the color/shade you expected, rash, peeling, itching, etc. .).

What alternatives to paints exist?

But girls don’t use hair dyes alone. There are many alternatives to this method: folk remedies and modern technologies.

TO folk remedies include the well-known henna and basma.

What should you remember when choosing them? Only that they are persistent. And if you decide to dye your hair dark with the help of basma, then its color scheme, depending on the characteristics of your hair (structure, sensitivity to color perception, etc.), can appear on your hair as either a dark plum or a burning brunette. And henna is both a red beast and a wheat-like calm. But, in any case, these paints will not harm either you or the unborn baby. They strengthen hair, which is also important during pregnancy. In addition, these natural dyes can be mixed to obtain new shades.

But henna and basma came to us from distant countries: the homeland of henna is Egypt, and basma is Asia. How did our great-grandmothers manage without them? Another analogue of modern dye are the so-called folk masks for hair coloring based on chamomile, linden, rhubarb, walnuts or onion peels (just a cool decoction that was used to wash your hair and not rinse).

Of the modern options for hair coloring without the use of dye, tint tonics, balms, and shampoos are used for this.

Fashionable hair colors of this year

Let's look at another question like fashionable hair colors this year, so that after reading our article, you already know everything, make a decision and start improving your image.

As women's websites, stylists and hairdressers say, this year 2015 is at the top fashion trends There are natural tones: the whole range of brown, as well as bright blondes with highlighted strands, brunettes interspersed with red. So chocolate, copper, cognac and chestnut, wheat shades are held in high esteem this year.

In addition, it is worth taking care of the natural, healthy, radiant shine of your hair. This is much more important than any color.

So natural and healthy hair is now in fashion. Hurry after them, and you will always be interesting to others, attractive and attracting their gaze.

Why you can’t/can dye your hair during pregnancy, watch the video:

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Christmas, which is celebrated on January 7, is a magical holiday filled with the miraculous power of the birth of the Son of God. Therefore, the signs for January 7, the Nativity of Christ, are very important for later life throughout the year, and conspiracies read today are guaranteed to have a positive effect.

Customs for January 7th Christmas

Christmastide begins today - the next holy 12 days, when it is customary to rejoice at the birth of Jesus, have fun, spend time with family and around the hearth.

  • do any work: handicrafts, cleaning, repairs, labor;
  • argue;
  • take out the trash;
  • cut hair or dye it;
  • drink alcohol;
  • place empty plates on the table;
  • to be alone.

But today on Christmas you can and should:

  • celebrate with family;
  • rejoice and have fun;
  • receive carolers;
  • before dark go to visit all relatives;
  • make peace and ask for forgiveness;
  • share food with all guests.

Birth of Jesus Christ

Conspiracies for January 7th Christmas

There are bright and good conspiracies for today’s special day.

Popular articles now

1. Conspiracy for wealth. Take a coin with a face value of 5 kopecks, go to the window, rub the edge of the coin on the glass and say the magic words of the spell:

"Christ was born,

Piglet showed up.

How did he show up to me?

It would never have been translated that way.

Christ is born

My money is multiplying.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

2. A conspiracy for excellent health. In the morning, immediately after waking up, wash your face with water, while whispering the words of the conspiracy:

"The Savior is born,

The light of the world has appeared.

I, the servant of God (name), will also be saved through Jesus Christ.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


From this day on, you will be healthy both physically and psychologically, you will gain good health, and sick people after such a ritual quickly recover and no longer get sick.

3. A conspiracy to protect the house from all troubles. On Christmas, you need to go outside the threshold, turn your face to your home and read the words:

“Take away, Lord, nine arrows from me, from water, a noose, fire, judgment, a knife, a thief, from a slander, from an encroachment on body and blood, and damage to blood. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Now the house is reliably protected by divine power.

Signs for January 7th Christmas

  1. Anyone born on Christmas Day, January 7th, will be a very happy and lucky person. It is about these people that they say that they are “like God in his bosom.”
  2. A marriage concluded on Christmas will be strong and happy.
  3. Breaking dishes or spilling a drink today means family scandals.
  4. If the head of the family leaves home today, even for a short time, the family will scatter to different parts within a year.
  5. Drinking alcohol on Christmas means drinking away the entire year's harvest and wealth.
  6. If you go fishing or into the forest today, you will alarm goblins and mermaids and drag them into your house.
  7. Signs for January 7th Christmas say that if you make a wish for Christmas, looking at the sky, and pray, then any wish will definitely come true.
  8. If you stumble today, in 12 years on the same day you will become seriously ill. To avoid this, you need to immediately say the words: “I am not going to the devil, but to God, He will save me.”
  9. If two guests are the first to enter the house on Christmas morning, then the whole year will be successful for the family, there will be no grief, no deaths, no separations, no losses, no divorces.

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Most believers are concerned with the question: is it possible to get a haircut on church holidays? Will the Lord's punishment follow for this act?

Previously, old people said that hair should be cut as little as possible, so men and women had hairstyles from long hair, braids. And they didn’t cut their hair for one reason: if you cut your hair, you changed your life.

Is it possible to cut hair on Sunday?

The clergy explain: Sundays are given to a person so that he can visit a temple or church, read the Bible, and pray.

Weekends need to be freed from the daily routine in order to get to know yourself, go to a church service, relax and be among believers.

You can get your hair cut, shave, and do other things on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Traveler or Thursday, and not on Saturday or Sunday. It is also forbidden to work in the evening on Orthodox holidays.

There are situations in which cutting a haircut is not a sin, for example, preparing for surgery or removing a tick, when you have to cut hair from a certain place.

On the other hand, the opinions of modern priests differ from the reasoning of the old clergy. They believe that after going to church a person can perform worldly affairs, especially if he takes them on with prayer.

In addition, godly activities should in no case cause harm or be an excuse for laziness. For example, do not wash clothes and go to Orthodox church wearing dirty clothes or not cleaning the cat litter box, leaving it until the next day - all this will not characterize you favorably.

Is it possible to get a haircut on an Orthodox holiday?

To cut your hair on Orthodox holidays means to disrespect God and mock the greatness of a church holiday.

Because the church charter states: every Orthodox believer must go to church on a holiday, communicate with the priest and believers, pray and spend the day doing good deeds.

Prohibition various types activities, including cutting hair or carrying out repairs, on Orthodox holidays have more of a superstitious fear than a real threat. Superstitions take precedence over a person’s will and mind only when a person himself begins to believe in them.

On the other hand, visiting a beauty salon instead of going to church is considered a sin. When visiting a hairdresser on an Orthodox holiday interferes with going to church, interferes with confession and communion, then it is better to get a haircut on another day.