Since ancient times construction low-rise buildings in Rus' it was taken as an axiom. The first high-rise buildings appeared only in the era of communism. In the 40-50s, 7 famous Stalinist skyscrapers were built.


In the conditions of modern large cities, the relevance of the construction of multi-storey residential buildings has acquired enormous proportions. As cities grow, so do residents' needs for new, modern and comfortable housing.

Relevance of monolithic construction

The competition for the height and design of buildings is becoming increasingly widespread. Many developed countries are on the rise, showcasing the prestige and innovation of engineering. Monolithic construction occupies a leading place in the choice of method for constructing high-rise buildings with various architectural solutions. The purpose of buildings and structures can be high-rise residential, administrative, or industrial.

It has long story and durability proven over decades.

Krasnoyarsk is growing in height

1745January 28, 2015 City projects Over the past five years, more and more high-rise residential buildings are being built in the capital of the region, and such massive previously ten-story buildings are losing relevance. This trend is demonstrated by statistics on the commissioning of residential properties.

History of the Kazakhstan Hotel

Hotel "Kazakhstan" is the main attraction of the city of Almaty and all of Kazakhstan as a whole. Built during the times of the former Soviet Union, the unique 25-story building is to this day the tallest structure erected in a seismically dangerous zone. At the same time it has high rate seismic stability and has survived more than one earthquake. A very favorable location in the cultural and business center of the city offers a picturesque view from the window directly to the peaks of the Trans-Ili Alatau.

Having a height of more than one hundred meters, Hotel "Kazakhstan" is a unique architectural ensemble, without which it is difficult to imagine the city of Almaty.

Construction of shopping complexes: “smart” investments

The retail real estate market has formed in Russia over the past 12-15 years, but despite the visible number of shopping and entertainment centers, it is still far from saturated. The growing standard of living and consumption volumes dictate their own rules, so the construction of new shopping centers is still relevant.

Since ancient times, the construction of low-rise buildings in Rus' has been taken as an axiom. The first high-rise buildings appeared only in the era of communism. In the 40-50s, 7 famous Stalinist skyscrapers were built.

In the 20th century, high-rise construction received a new impetus. In conditions of shortage of territories for development, construction large quantity housing on a smaller territory aroused developer interest. And from the very beginning, developers planned to transfer high-rise buildings from the business class segment to premium ones.

Skyscrapers were built in the most prestigious areas of Moscow - on Sokol, Mosfilmovskaya, Khodynka, Begovaya, Leninsky Prospekt. Also, experts remind that the Triumph Palace residential high-rise complex was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2003 as the tallest building in Europe (more than 260 meters). Later it was eclipsed by the Moscow international center “Moscow City”: the Vostok tower (360 m) promises to become a new European top.

As part of the “New Moscow Ring” program (developed in 2008), by 2015 it was planned to build about 200 skyscrapers in 60 residential complexes. However, in real life this turned out to be more difficult to achieve. According to the Moskomarkhitektura, it is necessary to first create transport infrastructure facilities at the site of skyscraper construction.

Currently, the percentage of housing in high-rise buildings is about 5% of the total supply. However, experts note that recently the demand for this format of housing has become more vibrant. For example, according to the exclusive real estate agency Usadba, the level of demand accounts for 15% of the total number of requests.

As for housing prices in high-rise buildings, they correspond to their situation. For example, in the Vorobyovy Gory residential complex, a square is offered for 400 thousand rubles. Naturally, the panoramic view from the windows is also taken into account. According to the Usadba agency, the premium for the view from the window ranges from 9 to 30 thousand rubles per square meter, starting from the 20th floor. According to experts, the cost of housing depends on the type characteristics, and not on the floor. So, if the floor is below 20, and the windows offer a panoramic view of Moscow, then the price will also be accordingly.

The main contingent of this housing segment are people who returned to Moscow due to a long absence abroad, where the construction of skyscrapers is widespread and has long become the norm of life.

Basically, housing in skyscrapers is purchased to maintain status and prestige. The level of infrastructure in such residential complexes is at a high level.

According to some experts, an unhealthy excitement has been created around high-rise buildings, which is formed by watching American films (of which we have a huge number), which show luxurious life in penthouses. Experts believe that there are enough free territories in Russia so as not to get hung up on skyscrapers, increasing the already high level traffic jams in the capital. They also note that in high-rise buildings the level of comfort and safety is very far from high standards.

In addition, by comparison, analysts say that wealthier citizens in Europe prefer low-rise buildings. Also worth noting are the elevators. In Russia they cannot yet operate elevators in skyscrapers. This is especially noticeable in high-rise buildings built before 2006 - in a 30-story building there are only 4 elevators per entrance. Long waits in skyscrapers are legendary. Also, according to experts, residents of high-rise buildings cannot avoid everyday problems. For example, low water pressure on upper floors. In addition, as you know, all buildings sway over time, as a result of which the tightness is broken. For some, even the main highlight of skyscrapers - a panoramic bird's eye view - does not inspire delight. As experts say, this is not Dubai, and there are few apartments with unspoilt views.


In the last six months, the Russian Government has been paying great attention to low-rise construction, considering it as a real way to create housing for the middle class.

Dmitry Medvedev, as the person responsible for the implementation of the national project “Affordable Housing”, in the spring of 2006 proposed to the president to expand the project by introducing the law on low-rise construction, since its cost in most cases is comparable, and sometimes even lower, compared to “regular” multi-storey construction. Now we are talking not so much about a separate law, but about introducing an additional chapter into the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. According to the authorities, the construction of such villages will be carried out by cooperatives of citizens, who will be provided with various benefits.

New scales capital construction require rapid development and technical improvement of the construction industry, a significant expansion of production volume, improving the quality of building materials and maximizing the acceleration of construction work.

1. Affordable comfortable housing

Providing the population with comfortable and affordable housing is priority direction activities of the construction complex. In the current economic conditions, the profitability of the industry can be achieved through the maximum use of funds from specific customers - both legal entities and individuals.

But the severity of the housing problem is aggravated by the lack of financial resources among the majority of the population in need of living space.

This factor, as well as the relevance and importance of the task at hand, have at the present stage intensified the activities of civil engineering scientists in searching for effective ways construction of low-rise buildings. Thus, a technology for the production of self-fixing wall building blocks, which is fundamentally new for domestic practice, has been created and patented, and on their basis - process construction of a residential building, providing the necessary strength, architectural, thermal qualities, speed and ease of assembly of structures.

The construction of low-rise buildings from self-fixing wall building blocks is, first of all, intended for the most widespread, middle-income group of the population, which is not subject to social protection and is forced to invest its own funds.

Residential buildings of one or two floors can be built in villages, small and medium-sized cities, as well as in suburban areas of large and large cities.

The proposed technology involves the construction of all buildings on the estate plot. Depending on their purpose, the design of the block for constructing walls varies: warm is used for a residential building; semi-warm - for buildings that house livestock; cold - for garage, shed.

Thanks to the maximum unification of self-fixing wall products, simplicity and convenience of erecting walls without the use of mortar in the generally accepted way and high labor productivity are ensured. In this case, no special training of operating personnel is required.

The construction of facilities can be carried out by a person of almost any profession. The fact is that the building blocks have a special design that facilitates their forced and correct installation

. Relevance of low-rise construction

In the context of the developing crisis, it is low-rise construction that will help maintain the volume of activity in the construction industry. This was discussed at the round table “Relevance of using new energy and resource-saving technologies for low-rise construction in times of crisis,” held as part of the 3rd Moscow Forum of Real Estate Market Leaders MREF 2008. The event was organized by the National Agency for Low-Rise and Cottage Construction (NAMIX).

“Now, with stagnation and recession in the construction industry, it is low-rise housing construction, with all the wealth of choice of technologies, that will help maintain the pace and volume of construction,” noted the moderator of the Round Table, Deputy Executive Director of NAMICS Petr Kazmin.

According to a statement by Sergei Tsygamenko, president of the Ecopan Association, in the near future, the organization, based on its low-rise housing construction technology, will launch a pilot project to create economical, energy-intensive and environmentally friendly “autonomous houses” based on wireless heating and electricity supply systems using solar energy. In addition, the Ecopan association plans, along with the production of SIP panels, to build 3-4 plants for the production of OSB, which will halve the cost of one square meter of housing.

President of the NESST Association Yuri Shershnev presented a new element of the technology of monolithic low-rise housing construction - a specially shaped metal mesh as permanent formwork. “With this type of wall production, lightweight concrete takes on a specific shape, as a result of which the entire structure of the house becomes several times more earthquake-resistant than with conventional structures, and, in addition, the load on the foundation is reduced by 6 times.”

“The main task now, in conditions of financial instability construction market- to show innovation and efficiency of low-rise buildings, to clearly prove that even in an economy class it is possible to make a high-quality and comfortable product,” emphasized Sergei Zhuravlev, Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council of the “Russian House of the Future” project.

3. Space-planning solution

This residential building is a two-story, two-section building with parking in the basement level. The building is rectangular in plan, with dimensions in axes 1-9 - 49.2 m, in axes A-E - 19.8 m. The height of the ground and first floors is 3.3 m, the height of the second floor is 3 meters. The number of apartments in one residential section on the ground floor is 5 in section A and 6 in section B.

The cladding of the building's façade is made of ceramic hollow bricks on a cement-sand mortar 120 mm thick; According to technical and economic parameters, the designer (me) chose expanded polystyrene as insulation. Load-bearing walls made of ordinary clay brick, masonry thickness 380 mm.

The layout of all rooms on the second floor is similar to the layout of the first floor. The symmetry of the premises of the two sections is not complete - the sections between axes 1-2 and 8-9 are not symmetrical, as they have an individual layout in accordance with the requirements of investors and the customer.

The building has a living area of ​​980.50 m2, an auxiliary area of ​​740.20 m2, spacious rooms, mostly rectangular in shape, ranging from 14 to 24 m2. The interior decoration of the rooms is made with plaster on a cement-sand base.

Kitchens have an area of ​​10.5 to 17 m2 and are adjacent to load-bearing walls with ventilation shafts along the external axes.

In two corner rooms on the facade from the courtyard side there are two light openings, in the remaining living rooms and kitchens there is one window each. The windows are plastic with double glazing in single sash.

There are spaces for wardrobes, closets, household and utility rooms in all apartments, as well as rooms for managing communications of end consumers in the staircases (water supply, electrical wiring, communication cables, measuring equipment, shut-off valves, etc.). The bathrooms are separate, except for two symmetrical relative to the axis of 5 one-room apartments.

In the right wing, the three-room apartment has two bathrooms. The doors of all bathrooms open outward; the finishing of floors and walls with tiles or other materials is carried out by apartment owners independently in accordance with the requirements of established regulatory documents.

In section A there are four one-room, one two-room and one three-room apartments. The area of ​​these apartments is, respectively, 32, 32, 37, 37 m2 for one-room apartments, 50 m2 for a two-room apartment and 72 m2 for a three-room apartment. In section B of the building there are two one-room, one two-room and two three-room apartments with an area of ​​37 and 37 m2 for one-room apartments, 65 m2 for two-room apartments, 76 and 70 m2 for three-room apartments, respectively.

In all three-room apartments, with the exception of the corner apartment in wing B, there are “living rooms” adjacent to the “common rooms”, which can be equipped for an office or other needs without disturbing the convenience of the general functioning of the premises. The area of ​​each staircase is 26 m2; apartment owners can, in accordance with the procedure established by law, independently install partitions on the staircases to create a common vestibule. The entrance unit of the building consists of an external door, a vestibule and an internal door; the distance from the stairs to the internal door of the entrance unit is 890 mm. The canopies of the two front doors rest on load-bearing walls along part of axis D and along part of axes 2 and 8. In front of the entrance to the entrance there are decorative side fences made of brickwork changes 2100 / 240 / 750 mm (L/W/H).

The project provides for all the necessary measures to ensure explosive and fire safety buildings, thermal protection and protection of building structures from corrosion. In addition, conditions have been met to ensure the required comfort in the premises.

building design planning

4. Designs

The foundation is prefabricated reinforced concrete strip. The frame of the building (outer walls) is made of ordinary clay brick masonry with cement-sand mortar, insulation is polystyrene foam. The cladding is made of ceramic hollow bricks, the insulation and facing layer are fastened with anchors. Plastering with cement-sand mortar δ = 10 mm.

The 200 mm thick precast concrete floor slabs are positioned perpendicular to the main façade. Load-bearing structures along axes 2, 3, 7, 8 are made of brickwork 240 mm thick and additionally reinforced with steel frame

In a very difficult time for our economy, there are not many options for profitable investment. One of these options is. This can be justified by the stability of prices, supply and demand. Even more - the relevance of buying real estate is growing. With the expansion of the territory of Moscow (the emergence of New Moscow) and the construction of new infrastructures for accessible transportation in the Moscow region, a huge number of people consider buying an apartment in a new location a profitable investment. Demand for real estate in Moscow has increased more than ever, especially taking into account the fall of the ruble, which means that investing abroad is not at all profitable. There are few options left, among them the construction of residential buildings is perhaps the most profitable.

Of course, attention should be paid to calculating financial efficiency, analyzing competition in the market (demand in some areas (or cities) may be higher than in others), assessing the solvency of potential buyers, studying social aspects and creating a marketing strategy. A business plan requires emphasis and accurate calculations, but the most important stage, in any case, is the creation and implementation of the project - you need to choose a company that can cope with such a volume of work and will meet deadlines.

When choosing a company, you need to consider all factors. Of course, the most important factors will be experience in such work and the general specifics of the company, the ability to find suppliers for other services through it (which will save you time). It is important that the project meets all your requirements - you need to communicate effectively with the team, if it is a team of professionals, you will even be able to get some.

The construction of the facility itself requires a lot of time and special attention; here are the main stages of work that you will need to become familiar with.

  1. Choice land plot when constructing a residential building, it can determine the commercial viability of the project in advance - study the real estate market, if possible, consult with professionals and order an audit. This will help you find the location of your future home, as well as immediately understand how large it will be. You need to evaluate the existing infrastructure of the area, as well as potential projects on it.
  2. The second stage is topographic survey and geological examination. It is important to do this before purchasing a plot.
  3. One of the most difficult stages is obtaining a building permit - this requires a lot of time. Coordination of the plan, obtaining a decision on a construction permit, ordering a construction passport for the object, etc. Please review the procedure thoroughly before submitting documentation.
  4. Construction preparation is the fourth stage and is carried out after obtaining a building permit. At this stage, you need to conclude an agreement with the contractor and begin work on creating infrastructure for the accessibility of the construction site.
  5. The initial stage consists of vertical preparation of the soil layer, site leveling, laying out and digging trenches, transportation of soil, etc., as well as construction of the foundation of the building. From this stage onwards, personal supervision of the project by a team of architects is required.
  6. Next, the design, finishing of facades and interior work begin.
  7. The final stage of construction involves