The socio-political direction is one of the most basic and priority in the activities of institutions in the socio-cultural sphere, and we can observe its improvement in cultural and leisure institutions. Among the main tasks recently noted: the formation of the political and economic culture of the population; active involvement of the regional population in the public and state life of the country; development of positive socio-political initiatives of citizens and creation of organizational and legal conditions for self-realization of the individual in the sphere of socio-political activity.

The main tasks of the historical and cultural movement at the present stage are: attracting the population to participate in the protection and development of the historical, cultural, ecological environment of their region; preserving the historical memory of the people and educating young people on the basis of direct contact with history and culture; identification, study and protection of unique historical and cultural territories, museum, archival, art and collection funds; creation of alternative forms of communication and interaction between cultural, leisure and religious institutions in the affirmation and implementation of universal human ideals and spiritual values.

Recently, the historical and cultural movement has received a new impetus for development, which is associated, first of all, with growing concern for the fate of national cultures, the growth of national self-awareness of both representatives of indigenous nationalities and various ethnic groups living outside their national-state formations.

The main features of the moral direction are: the priority role of the moral principles of folk pedagogy; emphasis on the interest and initiative activities of various population groups in the region; development of cultural activity. The main emphasis in the sphere of morality must be placed on finding methods of non-violent personal development, returning a person to moral values, ideals of goodness, justice, and mercy. An important goal of cultural and leisure institutions should be the dissemination of ideas for a peaceful way of life and ways to overcome conflict situations. To do this, it is necessary to expand charity movements and create clubs for social and psychological assistance.

The physical culture and health direction in social and cultural activities has not yet found proper development, but the most common problem within the framework of this priority is an increase in information and emotional stress and the resulting deterioration in physical and mental well-being, increased anxiety, and alienation. The work of cultural and leisure centers should be built in close cooperation with physical education and sports institutions, secondary schools, parks, stadiums, etc. The main forms of organizing leisure time should be Health Days, weekend programs, sports competitions and much more.

The forms of cultural and leisure programs can be clubs for psychological training and auto-training, yoga, Chinese gymnastics, dating clubs and others, which are aimed at developing skills of mental self-regulation, harmonization of the psyche, and developing skills for successful human interaction with other people. Cultural and leisure institutions that organize their work with a family orientation are highly effective. Here, the most popular events include “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”, “The whole family to the stadium”, “Stadium under the windows”, “Country Spoprtlandia”.

Artistic and aesthetic directions are among the most important at the present time, and cultural and leisure programs in these directions should solve the problems of mass aesthetic education of the population, the formation of an individual’s artistic culture, and create conditions for the regular introduction, first of all, of children and youth to artistic values. The main goals in these areas are: development of traditions of folk culture, creation of conditions for cultural creativity of the population, revival and promotion of folklore, folk art, arts and crafts, support for masters and family dynasties in the applied arts; creating conditions for contacts with artistic values ​​and active perception of works of art; revival of local folk traditions.

The main emphasis must be placed on the development of amateur artistic creativity of the population and the use of reserves of unorganized amateur performances to promote traditional types and genres of artistic creativity, especially of an applied nature.

Cultural benefits are conditions and services provided by organizations, other legal entities and individuals for citizens to satisfy their cultural needs.

Cultural activities are activities for the preservation, creation, dissemination and development of cultural values.

Socio-cultural activity is the activity of social subjects, the essence and content of which are the processes of preservation, transmission, mastery and development of traditions, values, norms in the field of artistic, historical, spiritual, moral, environmental and political culture.

Creative activity is an activity that generates something qualitatively new, something that has never existed before. This could be a new goal, a new result, or new means, new ways to achieve them. An important place in creative activity is occupied by combining and varying existing knowledge and known methods of action. The need that motivates activity can be a source of imagination, fantasy, i.e. reflection in human consciousness of the phenomena of reality in new, unusual, unexpected combinations and connections. The most important mechanism of creativity is intuition - knowledge, the conditions for obtaining which are not realized. Creativity lies in that activity, the preliminary regulation of which contains a certain degree of uncertainty.

The term “socio-cultural activity” in everyday life is used in three meanings: as a social practice, which today involves many professions that are extremely necessary for the modern socio-cultural sphere; as an academic subject with a certain logic and structure; as a historically established branch of scientific knowledge, a theory that develops thanks to the efforts of a large group of scientists and practitioners. In this section we dwell on the third meaning of this concept.

The theory of socio-cultural activity is one of the components of the theory of pedagogy, the general pedagogical system of scientific knowledge. It is based on fundamental provisions for pedagogical science from the field of human studies, sociology, psychology, history, cultural studies, etc.: it transforms these provisions from their inherent general level to the level of the special, thereby developing them to a certain extent. In turn, the theory of socio-cultural activity is the basic branch of scientific knowledge for many narrower specialized disciplines included in the educational standards for training personnel in the fields of art, media, tourism, information technology and others.

The concept of socio-cultural activity has come to replace the concept of “cultural and educational work” in Russian science, which was generally accepted in Soviet times to designate one of the mass tools of ideological work for the communist education of the masses. It is no coincidence that the appearance of this term was preceded by political educational activities (political enlightenment), which were associated with the cultural revolution of the 20s and 30s.

The essence and meaning of socio-cultural activity lies in the focus directly on the active functioning of the individual in a specific social environment, on the formation of her socio-cultural status, the selection and implementation of adequate forms of her participation in socio-cultural processes.

As an independent, self-sufficient area of ​​human knowledge, socio-cultural activity took shape in the second half of the 20th century.

The first attempt to designate the meaning and essence of the functional need of society to comprehend and master culture using the integrating term “socio-cultural activity” was made in the mid-50s of the last century by the French sociologist and cultural scientist J.R. Dumazedier. This was a remarkable and in its own way a unique step towards introducing society (society) to culture using the integral term “socio-cultural activity”.

In the early 90s of the 20th century, socio-cultural activity as an independent educational discipline and scientific specialty for the first time received scientific basis.

With the change in ideological milestones of post-Soviet Russian society in the field of cultural and educational work, an intensive revision of scientific and professional terminology began. Thus, in the scientific literature, the term “cultural and educational activity” was replaced by versions where the word “leisure” was chosen as the key semantic term: “pedagogy of free time” and “pedagogy of leisure”, “cultural and leisure activity”, “cultural studies” leisure”, etc.

Other researchers, relying on the key term “socio-cultural activity”, expand its meaning by introducing into scientific use the concepts of “socio-cultural management”, “socio-cultural animation” (N.N. Yaroshenko), “socio-cultural design”, “socio-cultural marketing”, “socio-cultural rehabilitation”, etc. At the same time, practitioners proposed and used the terms “cultural and educational activities”, “cultural and educational activities”, “pedagogy of free time”, “pedagogy of leisure”, “organization of leisure ", "applied cultural studies".

Modern socio-cultural practice not only includes amateur activities in the field of leisure, but also, what is especially important, represents a huge pedagogical professional work at its core, extending far beyond traditional leisure to such labor-intensive social spheres as the professional education system and subsequent careers of specialists, professional art and folk art, mass physical culture and professional sports, professional social work and socio-cultural rehabilitation, intercultural, as well as professional, exchange and cooperation.

Only the integration of enlightenment, education and artistic culture, cultural studies and pedagogy (in particular, social pedagogy) can return a person to his original role as a creator, bearer and guardian of spiritual wealth.

The integration of cultural and socio-pedagogical principles, artistic culture and education has an extremely powerful impact on the entire process of preservation, dissemination and development of cultural values.

Of particular importance for modern Russian society is the activity of future managers, teachers, directors, cultural technologists as highly qualified specialists of a special type and special class, capable of actively working in various sectors of the socio-cultural sphere, teaching people a variety of skills in the field of culture, art, sports, folk arts and crafts, games, advertising, establish contacts between different groups of the population, organize their social interaction, initiate solutions to vital leisure problems at the local level.

Speaking about the integrative and essentially successive nature of socio-cultural activity, it can be argued that this activity is both science and art. As a subject of scientific research, it organically includes a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of a large range of related sciences, and also presupposes the skill and ability of specialists to effectively apply them in practice.

The relationship between the social and cultural, mediated by the activities of various subjects, gives rise to a special reality, captured by the concept of “socio-cultural activity”.

The relationship of the concepts that make up the category “socio-cultural activity” is of a complementary nature. This allows us to classify it as such terminological constructs as, for example, “liberal-democratic society,” where the first part characterizes the specifics of values, and the second denotes the form of government. In our case, “social” indicates the subject of activity, and “cultural” indicates the quality and scope of his activity, the relationship between social and cultural: social is a form of interaction, cultural is the result of interaction. The main product of socio-cultural activity is people, social communities and groups, societies that have mastered culture.

“Social” and “cultural” are dissolved in each other, because in any social phenomenon there is always a person as a carrier social roles and cultural values. A social role in this context is considered as a set of normatively approved behavior and actions of a person expected by people around him in certain circumstances.

Cultural values ​​are the source and result of socio-cultural activity, it is also a permanent object for their study, preservation, production, development, use and, as a consequence, the development and implementation of many adequate educational, informational, recreational, creative development, rehabilitation and other programs .

The basis of the content of socio-cultural activities is made up of universal human values. According to a number of teacher-researchers (V.A. Karakovsky and others), socio-cultural activities must be based on fundamental values, thanks to which good traits are formed in a person, highly moral needs and actions are born. These are Man, Family, Labor, Knowledge, Culture, Fatherland, Earth, World. Each of these values ​​is of great importance for the content and organization of socio-cultural processes.

The systematization of socio-cultural values ​​is carried out according to a variety of typological criteria.

The most common classifications are:

1) by the origin of values: artificial (man-made) and natural (created by nature);
2) according to their essential characteristics: material (materialized) and spiritual (immaterial);
3) according to their creators and users: social values ​​(creator and user - society) and individual values ​​(creator and user - individual, personality).

There are a number of other versions of the typology of spiritual values. For example, B.S. Erasov offers the following classification: vital (life, health, safety, well-being, strength, endurance, quality of life, natural environment, etc.); social (social status, hard work, wealth, profession, family, patriotism, social equality, gender equality, etc.); political (freedom of speech, civil liberties, law, order, civil peace, etc.); moral (goodness, benefit, love, friendship, justice, duty, honesty, selflessness, respect for elders); religious (God, divine law, faith, salvation, grace, ritual, church, scripture, etc.); aesthetic (beauty, ideal, style, harmony, fashion, cultural identity, etc.); scientific (truth, reliability, objectivity, etc.); military (courage, fearlessness, etc.), etc.

A.V. Sokolov, among the variety of spiritual values, identifies values: universal (universal); national (domestic); group (class, professional, territorial, youth, women, etc.); individual (personal)".

The concepts of cultural product, goods and services are organically adjacent to the concept of values. Since the creation of each cultural value involves the work of a specific person or community of people, the term “value” can also have a narrower interpretation - as the final product (or result) of socio-cultural activity, thanks to which the cultural needs of people are satisfied.

Among the many products of socio-cultural activity, tangible and intangible products stand out.

Material products designed to last for a long time include:

1) numerous “production” (for example, musical instruments, theatrical costumes, technical equipment etc.) and information (radios, televisions, tape recorders, etc.) cultural means with the help of which the production or reproduction of cultural values ​​is carried out;
2) cultural objects that are a product of spiritual production, but have a material embodiment (for example, books, paintings, films, sculptures and other works of art).

Intangible products are socio-cultural services that are designed to form and satisfy spiritual interests, requests and needs and, as a rule, exist for a relatively short period of time spent on their production and consumption (showing a play, holding a concert, showing a film, issuing books in the library and bookselling, costume rental, tutoring, etc.).

In those cases when all products of socio-cultural activity, both material and intangible, naturally acquire a certain consumer value (very often in the form of a commodity, i.e. an object of sale), they become, in the language of economists, cultural benefits.

In other words, cultural goods are conditions and services provided by organizations, other legal entities and individuals to citizens to satisfy their cultural needs. Cultural goods are the result of the labor of a huge number of people, professionally and non-professionally employed in the process of social (collective) and individual socio-cultural activities.

The genre and economic diversity of products of socio-cultural activity depends on the variety of types and forms of this activity in the field of culture, art, education, leisure, and sports. The concept of “creative activity” implies the process of creating cultural values ​​and their interpretation. Creative worker, subject of cultural activity – individual, participating in the process of identifying, preserving, creating, distributing and mastering cultural values.

The most important areas of cultural activity include: identification, study, protection, restoration and use of historical and cultural monuments; fiction, cinematography, stage, plastic, musical art, architecture and design, photography, other types and genres of art; artistic folk arts and crafts, folk culture in such manifestations as languages, dialects and dialects, folklore, customs and rituals, historical toponyms; amateur (amateur) artistic creativity; museology and collecting; book publishing and librarianship, as well as other cultural activities related to the creation of printed works, their distribution and use, archival work; television, radio and other audiovisual media in terms of the creation and dissemination of cultural values; aesthetic education, art education, pedagogical activity in this area; scientific research of culture; international cultural exchanges; production of materials, equipment and other means necessary for the preservation, creation, distribution and development of cultural values; other activities as a result of which cultural values ​​are created, preserved, disseminated and mastered.

In essence, socio-cultural activities are educational activities; it is human-creative in nature, focused on man, on the exhaustive disclosure of the spiritual potential inherent in him. In the process of this activity, social and cultural relations and connections between people, the people themselves and the reality surrounding them change directionally, in accordance with a given model.

Socio-cultural activity carries within itself the traits of individuality, determined by its biological characteristics and socio-psychological structure. This activity can take place both individually and collectively. She has a sense of purposefulness. It is a consciously set goal that sets the activity in motion: preliminary thoughtfulness of actions after its formulation, analysis of the situation in which a person has to act, the choice of ways and means to achieve the goal determine the sequence of individual actions in the socio-cultural sphere.

Socio-cultural activity, in a certain sense, can be identified with purposefully organized activity related to the preservation, creation, dissemination and development of cultural values. A person exhibits such activity, motivated by certain interests, needs, as well as tasks, rules and requirements, both in the sphere of work (within his working time) and in the sphere of leisure and free time. That is why it is legitimate to distinguish two parallel functioning types of individual and group (collective) socio-cultural activities - professional (main, production) and non-professional (amateur).

Both professional and especially non-professional socio-cultural activities are distinguished by freedom of choice, voluntariness, activity, and initiative. This activity is determined by national-ethnic, regional characteristics and traditions. It is characterized by a variety of types based on general cultural, artistic, educational, political, social, everyday, family, professional and other interests of adults, youth, and children.

Socio-cultural activity, in essence, can be considered as an independent subsystem of the general system of socialization of the individual, social upbringing and education of people.

The nature and purpose of socio-cultural activities are also studied in a number of other aspects, in particular:

Economic, where the predominant place in the characteristics of socio-cultural activities is occupied by such categories as self-financing and profitability, costs and the development of capital investments, efficiency, self-sufficiency, material security;
- humanitarian, covering a wide range of content and modern technologies of socio-cultural activities, which includes a whole block of original concepts social work, leisure, socio-cultural sphere, social purpose, principles and functions, private and industry methods, domestic and foreign experience;
- organizational and managerial, where the basis of meaning-forming structures are the concepts of management in the socio-cultural sphere, centralization and decentralization, democracy and self-government, control and reporting, socio-cultural diagnosis, forecasting and design.

All practically implemented processes in the sphere of socio-cultural activities are based on the interdependence and interaction of these areas.

The study of the theoretical foundations of socio-cultural activity as one of the pedagogical sciences shows that they are based on general theoretical patterns of the functioning of pedagogical processes. Pedagogy is a complex science that integrates data from both natural and social sciences about man, the laws of his development, educational processes, and the nature of social relations. The subject of research into the theory, methodology and organization of socio-cultural activities are the objective laws of social development organically connected with the processes of education, development and formation of personality and the organization of the pedagogical process. Social and cultural activities have enormous educational potential, which is formed and organized by specialists from cultural institutions and their activists.

Since social life and education, as its organic part, are combined together in the conditions of socio-cultural activity and become a kind of mechanism that identifies, systematizes, develops and transmits values ​​in society. Therefore, the system of socio-cultural activity, its content, forms and methods, expressive means brings into life a way to resolve this basic pedagogical contradiction, which is to, while preserving everything valuable and enduring in the educational process, consider it as moving and changing in its being a system. Therefore, all content, forms and methods, expressive means of socio-cultural activity should be considered in movement and development.

One of the leading theorists of socio-cultural activity noted that socio-cultural activity is a process organized by social institutions of introducing a person to the cultural values ​​of society and the active inclusion of the person himself in this process.

The most important goal of the educational impact of socio-cultural activities is the organization and implementation of a gradual, conscious transition by the individual from education to self-education. The task of specialists in socio-cultural activities is to form a person as a socially active subject, capable of analysis, assessment of events, choice of a moral act, responsibility, and creative initiative. Social and cultural activity creates conditions for the development of personality, primarily on the basis of reflective consciousness. This means the desire for self-education, self-education, self-training, self-improvement, self-control, self-control, self-conviction, self-punishment and self-encouragement. Socio-cultural activity lays the foundation for spiritual development, self-regulation, unswerving adherence to beliefs and implementation of ideals in a person. Providing the possibility of internal self-government eliminates the need for systematic external socio-cultural influences.

V. E. Triodin believes that specially organized socio-cultural activities should be understood as the interaction of people regulated by socio-cultural institutions in the production, distribution, preservation of cultural values ​​that are significant for the state or subjects of civil society, during which it is directed in accordance with a given model , relationships and connections between people, people themselves and the world around them change.

Socio-cultural activity is directly related to the economic basis, market relations of social interaction and relations to all types of property. Here are the most general and important trends that determine the nature of the requirements for the modern personality, its education, self-education in production relations. Here there is a natural change of generations, training and development of productive forces. The law of education at this level can be defined as the manifestation of stable trends - requirements that have a significant, determining influence on the nature and course of life processes.

Social and cultural activities most effectively influence the development of social consciousness, political, scientific, ethical, legal, aesthetic, and religious beliefs of the individual. Basic patterns, principles and rules allow the theory, methodology and organization of socio-cultural activities to develop objective-subjective influence, to substantiate the principles, rules and recommendations for the functioning of communication.

A social worker and leisure organizer is in charge of managing the behavior and activities of an individual in his free time - a specific social, pedagogical, psychological influence on the leisure sphere of a family, a child or an adolescent individually.

The modern middle class situation has brought forward with particular urgency the problems of fundamental change educational activities among children, adolescents, young people, profound transformations in family education, educational activities of labor, educational groups, work at the place of residence - the entire cultural and leisure sphere.

For the full inclusion of adolescents in life, for them to effectively and creatively perform social functions as members of society, to prepare the individual for self-development and self-education, an aesthetically and pedagogically organized system of comprehensive social assistance to the younger generation. Consequently, there is a need for appropriately trained personnel.

The problem of solving this problem lies in the isolation of existing specialists, their low wages and limited functions in the SCI interaction system.

Life has put forward the task of training a special category of leisure organizers– a social teacher working in the specific conditions of an open macro-social environment, specializing in providing assistance to families, organizing the diverse activities of children and adults in the field of leisure, solving educational problems, correcting behavior and social rehabilitation of certain groups of children, adolescents, and youth, capable of providing acceptable and appropriate social and pedagogical intervention in the process of socialization of children and adolescents.

The process of increasing the socio-pedagogical role.

A specialist teacher and organizer of SCS is necessary for the creation and functioning of a favorable leisure microenvironment that promotes the socialization of the individual, his development, his “growing into human culture,” overcoming the lack of communication, emotional alienation of adults and adolescents, and establishing their mutual trust.

Psychological and pedagogical systems of SKD.

P-p system SKD is a system of interconnected, complementary and interacting components, which presupposes the direction of organizing an individual’s leisure time at all age stages in various areas of the macroenvironment and with the participation of all subjects of education.

SKD is a holistic pedagogical system. It contains educational factors:

Making educational demands on yourself

Space of freedom and independence

The limit of independence

Satisfying socio-pedagogical needs


Exposure to influences from various social institutions


Active character.

SKD has endless pedagogical potential. Under pedagogical potential of SKD is understood as the totality of its social subjects that contribute to the emergence and development of new leisure interests and needs.

Components of pedagogical potential:

System of individual family choice and design of forms and methods of spending free time

Design and implementation of traditional and alternative forms of self-organization of leisure

Creating real opportunities for initiative and initiative.

One of the conditions for building potential is the creation at various levels of real conditions for the regional unification of various SKIs that solve pedagogical problems.

There is a wide system of psychological methods - techniques and means with the help of which certain didactic tasks are solved, facts and knowledge are collected and analyzed, used for the further development of socio-cultural theory and practice. The connection between cultural studies and social pedagogy, as well as the approach to education as the largest and self-sufficient sphere of SCD as a whole, provides grounds for highlighting the pedagogical component in it. SKD by its very essence is deeply pedagogical. Many social problems, one way or another, invariably acquire the status of pedagogical tasks. Psychological and pedagogical interaction and mutual influence are most clearly and deeply represented in the field of methods and technologies of SKD. The role of psychology and pedagogy is extremely important in solving such pressing problems for the sphere of culture and leisure as professional self-determination of future specialists, professional selection and identification of their professional suitability, as well as their self-actualization and successful career. The concept of the pedagogical potential of SKD as a broad set of its socially active subjects; others that contribute to the emergence and development of new leisure interests, hobbies and needs. Pedagogical organization of SKD in the region. Its diagnostic and formative stages. The need for the fullest use of socio-pedagogical potential. Overcoming the reasons preventing its full and effective use. Basic requirements for capacity building. Study of leisure interests and needs of the population. Creating a real opportunity for people to show initiative, initiative, and cultural and leisure activities.

Methods of social and pedagogical influence on leisure:

Inheritance (cultivation) method– ideological, moral, aesthetic and other attitude, generally accepted norm, rule.

Suggestion method– the object’s perception of information without comprehending it.

Infestation method, that is, hypertrophied excitement in the mass of people of the “herd feeling”, complete disconnection from personal relationships with the environment (panic, general exalted delight, etc.).

Social and pedagogical method of persuasion- a method of conscious assimilation by an object of the knowledge communicated to him, of inspired feelings.

Example Method– beliefs based on visual examples.

Method of organizing behavior, exercise, training. Its essence is the conscious, purposeful accumulation of personal experience by the object.

Methods of encouragement and reprimand. Requirements for them: validity, reliance on public opinion, efficiency, transparency, emotional design.

Study of leisure audiences. Methods of socio-pedagogical study of the audience.

Observation– included, not included, systematic, episodic, continuous, selective.

Conversation– as a method of studying an object. "Free" conversation and programming.

Interview. Experimental method. The object is basic and control. Other methods of audience research: content analysis, study of documents, spectators, readers, scientific-practical, reporting and other conferences.

Recreational technologies.

Recreational (restoration) and sports and health technologies are designed to ensure and preserve human vitality. They are universal in their use in the ACS process.

Modern recreational methods are based on the psychological and pedagogical principles of entertainment and gaming, physical education, health, artistic and entertainment activities. In the process of developing most recreational projects aimed at improving the quality of life and improving the health of everyday life, the main attention of specialists is focused on introducing the latest achievements of biology, physiology, psychology, medicine into the practice of mass and specialized leisure.

Animation SC technologies occupy a special place in recreational techniques.. These technologies came to us from Western countries, primarily from France. Using various types of artistic creativity as methods of “revitalizing” and “spiritualizing” relationships between people, socio-cultural animation is one of the most attractive types of leisure activities based on modern principles. The goal of animation technologies has a pronounced humanitarian orientation - to prevent the alienation of the individual in the culture of society, in the structure of social relations. The main subject of SK animation is personality.

Among professional animators, there are two types: manager-coordinators and specialist teachers who head clubs and studios, teach courses, engage in socio-cultural activities in the community, and provide psychological support in the structure of everyday social relations. The content of animation technologies includes a comprehensive assessment of a crisis situation (“good” - “bad”), assistance in determining and understanding which of the methods of action in a given situation is suitable for effectively achieving the goal, awareness of real opportunities and their choice, awareness of the likely consequences one or another decision (what will happen in the changed situation).

Methods of bioenergy, rebirthing (breathing technique), shaping, art therapy, the possibility of conversational psychotherapy, bibliotherapy, psycho-gymnastics, etc. are used. the organization of recreation and entertainment carries a significant social, educational, psychological, and rehabilitation burden.

When using recreational technologies, it is necessary to rely on the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of different age groups.

The informational, developmental, educational function of leisure activities aims to provide information and organization cognitive activity people, dissemination of a complex of diverse social and humanitarian knowledge, health education, instilling active recreation skills and physical culture, familiarization with the healing capabilities of health resorts and their most rational use.

The recreational function maximally contributes to the complete rest of people, the restoration of their physical and spiritual strength, the organization of active leisure activities and entertainment, providing a variety of activities, a change of impressions, a positive emotional mood, and the release of tension and fatigue.

According to its focus, the content of leisure in health resorts and tourist institutions includes: concert, entertainment and film services, library work, theatrical and sports events, organization of question and answer evenings, oral magazines, theme evenings, discos, gaming competitions, etc.

Lecture No. 13. Psychological and pedagogical foundations

The theory of socio-cultural activity is organically connected with pedagogy and psychology as sciences about man and personality development. There are close relationships between psychology as a scientific discipline, pedagogy and socio-cultural activity, since the subject of the study of socio-cultural activity is the patterns of spiritual and creative development personality by including it in the process of culture-forming activity. “The initial basis for the development of a pedagogical theory of socio-cultural activity is traditionally the idea of ​​it as a social institution, as a special system of spiritual production, functioning in the sphere of free time, as a means of reproducing the level of culture achieved by society in new generations.” Socio-cultural activity is related to pedagogy and psychology in the sense that its field of view includes the same processes and phenomena that are studied by pedagogy and psychology, but are considered in a certain specific aspect.

Psychology is called upon to play an important role in ensuring the humanistic direction of the development of society, in the formation of the humanistic mentality of people. The basics of psychological knowledge are necessary for every person in his daily life and activities.

Psychology as a science creates the necessary scientific and information basis for organizing various types SKD. The theory of socio-cultural activity includes in its structure the following psychological knowledge: general patterns of mental development; psychological characteristics of human activity and personality at each age stage; psychological mechanisms of human assimilation of social and cultural experience; psychological foundations personality formation in the process of training and education; the relationship between education and mental development person; studying the relationship between age and individual characteristics of people; methods and technologies of psychological assistance and psychological correction of individual behavior. Carrying out these general and related specific tasks, modern psychology works in close contact with pedagogy and socio-cultural activities. A number of specific branches of psychology - educational psychology and developmental psychology - interact with socio-cultural activities.

General psychology. A special place among other branches of psychology is occupied by the so-called general psychology. It is not a branch of psychological science that could be placed on a par with pedagogical, legal, medical, military, comparative psychology, etc. General psychology studies the laws of psychological formation, development and human activity. Its tasks include developing problems in the methodology and history of psychology, theory and research methods of the most general laws the emergence, development and existence of mental phenomena. General psychology studies cognitive and practical activity: general patterns of sensations, perceptions, memory, imagination, thinking, psychological self-regulation, character and temperament, prevailing motives of behavior, etc. The following concepts general psychology used in socio-cultural activities: mental processes, mental states and mental properties or personality traits.

Mental processes include cognitive processes: sensations and perception, memory, imagination and thinking, emotional processes. Accordingly, the management of the general mechanism of mental activity of both a specific individual and entire social groups, for example, in the situation of a holiday, ritual, evening of rest, theatrical play program and other forms of SKD, is built on this basis. Patterns of emotional reactions, perception and attitude of the audience to what is happening, mechanisms for including socio-cultural forms in the situation, etc. - all this cannot be ignored when developing a scenario for a pedagogical program of one or another mass form of socio-cultural activity.

Mental states include the manifestation of feelings, attention, and will. Mental properties or personality traits include qualities of the mind, thinking, stable characteristics of the volitional sphere, i.e. stable personality qualities. Of course, the individual psychological is assessed and taken into account by the teacher-leader when working with each participant in a leisure, artistic and creative group or socio-cultural association. Thus, the development of the psychological concept of “atmosphere” (holiday, club, sports) is impossible without knowledge of the general laws of psychology. The socio-psychological atmosphere of a leisure audience is manifested in the special mental state of its members, which is based on the participants’ attitude to what is happening, to each other and to themselves as a member of this audience.

Along with the data of general psychology, the theory and practice of socio-cultural activity takes into account the data of “Age Psychology”, “Pedagogical Psychology” and other branch psychology.

Developmental psychology explores age-related characteristics of mental processes, age-related opportunities for acquiring knowledge, factors of personality development - all this is necessary for the effective organization of informational, educational, artistic, creative and other types of socio-cultural activities. Developmental psychology is divided into child psychology, adolescent psychology, youth psychology, adult psychology, and gerontopsychology. Mental processes and mental qualities of a person, determined by age, must be taken into account when organizing various forms of SCD. Methods of working with various socio-demographic groups, first of all, require the organizer to know the characteristics of the human psyche in different age periods. For example, communication is important for the normal development of a child from birth. From birth and throughout the entire period of growing up, successively and periodically replacing each other, the leading activities and forms of communication ultimately ensure the development of the child’s personality (role-playing play / preschool age /, educational activities / junior school age /, intimate-personal communication / adolescence/, educational and professional activities /early adolescence/). Of course, a targeted impact on this process in children's leisure groups should be based on knowledge of the characteristics of a child's interpersonal communication in each age period with the use of appropriate methods of correction and management of activities and communication.

Educational psychology Its subject is the study of the psychological laws of human training and education. Her data is used for:

a) managing the process of intellectual and creative activity in leisure groups and creative associations;

b) organizing the pedagogical process in a creative amateur group or other leisure association, creating an optimal psychological atmosphere for the development of all team members, taking into account individual psychological differences;

c) building relationships in the system: team leader, teacher “subject of influence” team members (object of influence) taking into account feedback;

d) managing the process of interpersonal communication in situations of large and small leisure groups (socially oriented communication and person-oriented communication).

In the atmosphere joint activities, for example, in an amateur choral group, in the process of learning new choral works, actively searching for solutions to tasks put forward by the choirmaster to each participant, group of participants, choral party, male and female groups, the capabilities and abilities of everyone can be revealed in a new way. Activation of educational activities, taking into account the psychological laws of communication and human upbringing, will contribute to the implementation of the tasks of moral and aesthetic education of team members.

Social psychology studies psychological phenomena that arise in the process of interaction between people in various organized and unorganized groups. The structure of social psychology currently includes three areas of problems:

1. Social and psychological phenomena in large groups (in the macrosphere).

2. Social and psychological phenomena in small groups (in the microsphere).

3. Social and psychological manifestations of human personality (social psychology of personality).

All these problems are presented in the content and structure of socio-cultural activities.

1. Social and psychological phenomena in large groups in relation to the environment of socio-cultural activity are considered as follows. These are the mechanisms and effectiveness of the influence of mass communication on various communities of people. Activities and communication of audience members of mass forms of SKD (holidays, folk festivals, festivals, living rooms, etc.). In other words, the entire complex of phenomena associated with the interaction of people of a given community, emotional state audience, its needs and interests, features of interpersonal perception, interaction and

2. Social and psychological phenomena in small groups in a situation of socio-cultural practice can be qualified as follows:

a) the problem of managing and developing joint activities and communication in a leisure association of any type;

b) problems of the group atmosphere, the position of the leader and followers in the group;

c) perception of a person by a person in a group, value orientations, attitudes, etc.

3. Social and psychological manifestations of personality, their consideration in the organization of various forms of SKD make it possible with the greatest degree of probability to satisfy and develop the cultural needs of the individual. Human personality is the object of social psychology, and the SCD theory deals with similar issues. At the same time, it is considered how much the individual meets social expectations in large and small groups, how he accepts the influence of these groups, how he assimilates the value orientations of the groups, what is the dependence of the individual’s self-esteem on the group’s assessment, etc. Also, the problems of social psychology are the basis for studying the orientation of the individual, his self-esteem, well-being and self-esteem, the prospects of the individual, which manifest themselves, develop and are consolidated in the behavior of the individual as a result of participation in forms of SCD. These three circles of problems of social psychology cannot be opposed and assumed to be one another. In the structure of SKD, they are presented in unity, conditioned by the unity of the individual and society, the set of relationships in which the essence of the individual is determined.

Thus, psychology as a science creates a base of necessary scientific information, a base of basic scientific concepts for the development of the individual in his communication and activities in various socio-cultural situations.

If psychology studies the laws of development of the human psyche, then pedagogy develops laws for managing the development of personality. Pedagogy is defined as a system of sciences about the upbringing and education of children and adults. Pedagogy is inextricably linked with socio-cultural activities; its branch theories represent the basis for the development of methods and technologies for socio-cultural activities.

Modern scientists consider the theory of socio-cultural activity as an independent, integral, complex branch of pedagogical science. The subject of the theory of socio-cultural activity is the pedagogical process of development of socio-cultural activity of the individual and community in socio-pedagogical, educational, artistic, creative and other types of leisure activities. Accordingly, the subject of theoretical research of socio-cultural activity is its various aspects, for example:

The process or individual moments of preparation of certain forms of socio-cultural activity;

Relationships between participants in a creative group, professional group, amateur association, etc., an association of people functioning in the process of socio-cultural activities;

Separate components of the holistic pedagogical process of personality development of participants in cultural and leisure, or, more broadly, social and cultural activities;

Organizational interactions that arise between institutions of the socio-cultural sphere for the implementation of any educational tasks;

Psychological and pedagogical conditions for organizing socio-cultural activities of specific categories of the population (children, adolescents, adults, elderly people, people with limited mobility, etc.).

This list does not exhaust all possible aspects of socio-cultural activity that can serve as the subject of scientific research. And each of these aspects is directly related to pedagogy and its branch theories, such as social pedagogy, third age pedagogy, comparative pedagogy and others.

Social pedagogy contains theoretical and applied developments in the field of out-of-school education and upbringing of children and adults. Social pedagogy studies social influence on personal development. Personality becomes the object of social pedagogy when its development, formation, and upbringing are considered in the system of interaction with various social communities and when personal traits, qualities, and forms of behavior that arise under the influence of these influences are studied. This circle includes the following problems - the development of social needs, self-awareness, social attitudes, skills and interpersonal communication skills. In relation to the social macrosphere, social pedagogy is interested in problems of joint activities, intra-group and interpersonal relationships, value orientations, leadership, group reference, traditions, and mood. In this capacity, it is certainly connected with socio-cultural activities, since its developments are used in organizing the activities of socio-cultural institutions, organizations and associations.

Leading institutions of the socio-cultural sphere (museums, parks, clubs, libraries, etc.) fulfill their tasks by developing activity programs based on the patterns of individual behavior and social communities identified by social pedagogy. Thus, socio-cultural activities use some theories of social pedagogy, methods and means with the aim of purposefully influencing the behavior of an individual in society.

The meaning of the teaching profession is revealed in activities called pedagogical. It is a type of social activity aimed at transmitting cultural experience from older generations to younger ones, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing them to fulfill certain social roles in society. Pedagogical activity is decisive regarding socio-cultural activity. In the theory of socio-cultural activity, the following range of problems related to pedagogical research is being developed:

The pedagogical process, forms of its organization, methods of implementation, pedagogical technologies;

Education as a pedagogical phenomenon, the essence of education and its features, general laws and principles of education, the social space of the educational process;

Principles and methods of teaching;

Management of teaching staff.

Thus, socio-cultural activity is the result of the development of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, which forms its basis. It is obvious that socio-cultural activity in its essence is very close to pedagogical activity, but is independent and has its own specifics. To identify its features and connection with pedagogical activities, let us consider these types of activities in comparison.

Oparin Gennady Alekseevich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Samara State Institute of Culture, Samara [email protected]

Pedagogy of sociocultural activities in the field of leisure

Abstract. In the article, based on the study of the characteristics of socio-cultural activities, the goals and objectives of pedagogical work in cultural, art and leisure institutions are formulated. The main technological directions of socio-cultural activities have been identified. The structure of the content of socio-pedagogical work in institutions of socio-cultural activities in the field of leisure is presented. Key words: culture, sociocultural activities, cultural institutions, pedagogy, leisure, education, training, upbringing, development.

Socio-cultural activities in practice are carried out as professional, social and amateur activities of citizens. In the “Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Culture”, cultural activities are defined as “activities for the preservation, creation, dissemination and development of cultural values.” Socio-cultural activities in the field of leisure are carried out by libraries , museums, art institutions, institutions of additional education, social protection, club type, cultural foundations, creative unions and other state, public and private organizations. “Fundamentals of state cultural policy” orient the activities of cultural institutions towards effective cultural and educational work and achieving social significant results cultural development of personality. Professional sociocultural activities presuppose the practical implementation of state cultural policy in combination with the public and personal interests of citizens. The category “sociocultural activity” (SCA) is a basic one, denoting a range of phenomena and an area of ​​technology characteristic of a number of professions with a cultural and sociopedagogical orientation. A highly qualified specialist in the field of socio-cultural activities is a kind of intermediary, adapting the interests of the state and society to the individual, and contributing to the satisfaction of human interests in public cultural activities. The work of a specialist in social and cultural activities should be aimed at creating conditions conducive to the inclusion of people in cultural activities in the interests of progressive development. Institutionalized activities of people in the field of leisure are activities outside of social and everyday work, during which a person restores physical and spiritual strength, acquires knowledge and skills and develops abilities on the basis of free subjective choice outside of utilitarian motivation. Leisure as a sphere of sociocultural activity is a system that includes: cultural institutions; subjects creating conditions for social and cultural activities - employees of cultural institutions; visitors; program content; purpose and objectives of the activity; means; forms; methods and results of activities. The main goal of the activities of cultural and art institutions is the socio-cultural development of society and the individual. The most important basic component of sociocultural activities is social pedagogy. “Social pedagogy is a branch of pedagogy that studies social education, carried out both in educational institutions and in various organizations for which it is not the leading function. The subject of social pedagogy is the study of the educational forces of society and ways of their actualization by integrating the capabilities of public, state and private organizations in order to create conditions for the development and spiritual value orientation of a person.” “Social pedagogy studies the social education of a person, which is carried out virtually throughout his entire life.” Socio-pedagogical principles (lat. principium – basis, beginning) form the basis of the pedagogy of socio-cultural activities. The principle of conformity with nature means that in socio-pedagogical activities factors of natural human development should be taken into account. The principle of conformity to nature was formulated by Ya.A. Comenius in the book Great Didactics. In social and cultural activities, the following rules should be adhered to: taking into account age, gender, and psychophysical characteristics; reliance on the positive, development of initiative and independence of people. The principle of cultural conformity was formulated by A. Disterverg. In domestic pedagogy, his ideas were developed by K.D. Ushinsky. This principle presupposes taking into account universal and national cultural values ​​in education. The main goal of implementing this principle is to introduce a person to various spheres of cultural life and activity. Main social and pedagogical tasks: formation of everyday culture; physical culture; sexual culture; intellectual culture; political and legal culture; spiritual culture. The implementation of the principle of cultural conformity is based on the following rules: a systemic (holistic) approach to cultural development and assimilation of culture; creativity in the process of cultural development. The principle of humanism. Humanism is a system of views that recognizes the value of man as an individual, his right to freedom, happiness, manifestation and development of abilities. The principle of humanism presupposes compliance with the following rules: humane attitude towards people; recognition of individual rights; assistance to those in need. In cultural, art and leisure institutions, social and cultural activities are carried out in various forms. Each institution has an arsenal of universal, specific and variable forms of work. Forms of sociocultural work are expediently oriented, structurally organized sociocultural constructions united by a common plan of sociocultural development carried out in the process of sociocultural communication. Mass forms are: mass holidays, theatrical performances, festivals, competitions, ceremonies, concerts, literary and musical compositions, balls, entertainment and gaming programs, assemblies, show programs, presentations, flash mobs, promotions, carnivals, recreation evenings and others. Collective group forms are: amateur associations, interest clubs, studios, amateur groups. Individual forms of work are used in libraries, music schools, art schools in cultural and leisure institutions, when a personal approach to visitors is important. Personal culture is formed in the process of life and the influence of various factors. Human cultural development is a multifactorial socio-pedagogical process. In the field of leisure, socio-cultural pedagogy has a unique structure, organizational forms and methods of work. The sociocultural pedagogical process, when people visit cultural institutions, can include and practically implement the following tasks:  education is aimed at acquiring knowledge in the field of culture;  training is aimed at developing in a person the skills of cultural behavior, communication and activity;  education of culture is aimed at forming in a person socially approved, positive value orientations and developing abilities for independent cultural assessment activities in the field of culture and art, in the form of detailed judgments and conclusions;  development creative abilities of the individual as the individual’s readiness and ability to make original decisions and practical actions in the field of culture and in various life situations. The study of the pedagogical foundations of socio-cultural activities allows us to determine the features of socio-cultural pedagogy in the field of leisure. 1. Reliance on interest, development and elevation of the cultural interests and needs of people. 2. Emotional attractiveness of the process of socio-cultural activity, which is a condition for pedagogical effectiveness. 3. Organization of the pedagogical influence of the environment on the cultural development of a person. 4. Mutual influence of people on each other in the process of cultural development. 5. Conscious orientation towards socio-cultural values. 6. Taking into account the characteristics of the socio-cultural development of people. 7. Relevance of the content of socio-cultural programs. 8. Discretion of socio-cultural pedagogical influence.9.Variability and variety of means, forms and methods

pedagogical influence in the process of sociocultural activities.

10. The serving nature of sociocultural activities. Everything a person does corresponds to his needs. In animals there is a direct connection between a need and the way it is satisfied. In humans, needs are not satisfied as straightforwardly as in animals. This is especially true for social and cultural activities. Satisfaction of vital, social and spiritual needs presupposes cultural design of activities. Due to the emotional nature of sociocultural activity, for visitors to cultural institutions, the process of spending time, rather than the perceived ultimate goal of the activity, may be of dominant importance. The purpose of socio-cultural activities is comprehended and formulated by specialists - professional employees of cultural institutions. A conscious goal determines the direction of activity to achieve it. Holistic sociocultural activity is a system consisting of individual technological areas. 1.Cultural creative activity. The goal is to create new objects, phenomena and relationships in culture and art. It includes everything that is created in accordance with the needs of society and the individual: performances, festivals, exhibitions, holidays, etc. This activity is carried out by art and cultural institutions, artistic associations, where new works are created. 2. Cultural and educational activities are necessary because . a person is not born cultured, but becomes educated in the process of education. In particular, people learn the norms and rules of behavior, communication and interaction with other people, acquire skills social behavior. The goal is to form people’s ideas about cultural values ​​and the ability to independently develop attitudes towards various cultural phenomena. In sociocultural activities, cultural norms are absorbed organically on a positive emotional background in accordance with motivation. 3.Cultural and educational activities. The goal is to give people information and knowledge in the field of culture and art that interests them. To carry out this activity, there are libraries, museums, lectures, excursions, etc. 4. Cultural educational activities in the field of leisure. The goal is to give people a systematized, but complementary, basic education in their free time. This activity is carried out with children, adolescents and adults by out-of-school institutions, and for adults, courses and schools are created to teach practical skills. 5. Recreational activities in SKD. The goal is to create conditions, provide opportunities, provide services to restore the spiritual and physical strength of people. 6. Communication activities in the field of access control. The goal is to, through creating conditions for satisfying the natural needs of a person to communicate with other people, to exercise social control and social regulation of communication in cultural institutions of art and leisure. The formation and development of a culture of communication is carried out both in special trainings, in etiquette schools, and in the process of holding mass events that shape the culture of behavior and interaction of people based on the rules and norms accepted in society. 7.Management activities in the sociocultural sphere are aimed at managing institutions and organizations in the sociocultural sphere and guiding visitors to cultural institutions and participants in sociocultural events. This leadership is carried out primarily using psychological and pedagogical methods that do not limit the right of citizens to free time, but act through the creation of a cultural and leisure environment. Managing people's behavior in cultural institutions is pedagogically oriented and is carried out in the forms of cultural services and unobtrusive recommendations for visitors.8.

Commercial socio-cultural activities. The goal is to make a profit through the provision of cultural services. Commercialization of the socio-cultural sphere does not, in general, contribute to the orientation of culture towards higher achievements and values, but creates conditions for satisfying requests, mainly of a recreational and entertainment nature, in the market of cultural services.

Socio-cultural activities are aimed at the formation and development of human and society culture. The culture of society is diverse in content. Society offers people options. A person has the right to independently determine the direction of cultural development.

Based on the content, sociocultural activities are structured and carried out in the following main areas.

Moral development of the individual, aimed at mastering the moral norms accepted in society and developing one’s own moral norms, in accordance with the moral values ​​of society.

Formation of the legal culture of society and the individual. It includes legal awareness and education, the formation of people’s attitudes towards laws, behavior and actions in accordance with existing laws.

Formation of political culture of society and personality. The term political culture was introduced into scientific use by the German philosopher and educator I. Herder in the 18th century. The political culture of an individual is characterized by the knowledge, value ideas and activities of a person as a participant in political processes.

Natural science direction of SKD. It includes informing people on natural science issues, mainly of an applied nature, and is aimed at meeting the needs for knowledge necessary for application in everyday life and household activities.

Humanitarian and scientific direction of SKD. Promotes spiritual development, humanization, socialization and adaptation of a person. Carried out through the development of humanitarian knowledge and humanistic ideas, it forms the basis of cultural development.

The artistic development of society and the individual. Art is characterized by freedom of creativity and a variety of forms of artistic expression. There are “no prohibitions” in art. Art contributes to the liberation and emancipation of a person, because in the process of creativity it is not only possible, but also fundamentally important, for the artist to create something new in culture and make artistic discoveries. This means that the artist offers a non-standard view of standard phenomena and destroys stereotypes. The artist's work excites the soul of the audience. But, in order to perceive art, “you have to be an artistically educated person.” This is achieved in the process of artistic development and personal self-development. In the process of perceiving a work of art, the process of co-creation is ideally carried out, which has a comprehensive effect on cultural development. Aesthetic development of society and the individual. Aesthetic culture is manifested everywhere: in material objects, social relations, science, everyday life, leisure. Aesthetic culture of the individual is manifested in work, communication, activity, speech, appearance and manners. Aesthetic culture expresses the spiritual development of society and the individual. Aesthetic culture harmonizes, calms a person, bringing his spiritual world into balance. Aesthetic assessments of people are subjective and may not coincide, but these contradictions become factors in the aesthetic development of the aesthetic culture of society. Ecological and valeological development of society and personality Ecological culture influences environment, contributes to the development of humans as a species. Ecology – knowledge about housing. Ecological culture manifests itself both in a person’s home and in the natural environment. Ecological culture is necessary for the survival of humans and humanity. Environmental activities include educational, environmental, and nature restoration activities. Valeology is the science of human health and a healthy lifestyle. The main signs of a person’s valeological culture are: the absence of health-damaging habits; health-preserving and health-strengthening activities of the person himself. Formation healthy image life is one of priority areas modern sociocultural activities. Social and cultural development of man. Culture is passed on from generation to generation through socialization. Socialization consists in the individual’s assimilation of a system of knowledge and norms of values, which allows him to become an individual capable of functioning in society. Socialization presupposes the active participation of the person himself in mastering the culture of human relations, in the formation of social norms, roles and functions, and the acquisition of skills and abilities necessary for their successful implementation. Sociocultural development is the basis of the multifaceted process of a person’s assimilation of the experience of social life and social relations.

Social and cultural activities in various cultural institutions of art and leisure are of a specialized nature and are carried out in accordance with the main profile of work, on the basis of which a conceptual, dominant direction is formed.

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3. Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary /

chief editor B.M. BimBad. M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2008.–528 p.4. Mudrik, A.V. Introduction to social pedagogy / A.V. Mudrik. – M.: Institute of Practical Psychology, 1997. – 365 p.5. Social pedagogy/

Sub-general editor: M.A. Galaguzova. –M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2000.–416 p.