Reproductive (or fertile) age is the period within which a person is able to conceive a child. This indicator is different for men and women. The fertile age of a woman is less than that of a man and ranges on average from 15 to 49 years. Theoretically, a man's reproductive age ranges from 14-60 years. But practically men under 20-25 years old do not plan to have children for economic reasons (since it is problematic for a man to support children at such a young age), and for those who are already over 40 years old, the quality of sperm and, consequently, reproductive abilities decrease.

A man begins puberty at adolescence– from 10-12 years old. A man is ready to conceive a child at the age of 15. During this time, the male body goes through several stages on the way to full puberty.

  1. Interest in the opposite sex appears.
  2. There is a desire for physical contact (touching, kissing).
  3. Sexual desire intensifies.

During this period, boys want to communicate more with the opposite sex: spend time together, walk hand in hand and kiss. Then, in boys, sexual desire increases due to the fact that the amount of the hormone testosterone in the blood increases.

This hormone, in sufficient quantities for men, makes them attractive to women and promotes sexual desire. After a young man has realized his sexuality, he may decide to have sexual intercourse for the first time.

For teenagers, the age for first sex often depends on society and family: in this matter, they are guided either by the opinion of their parents, their recommendations or prohibitions, or by the experience of their older friends. In any case, for a teenage man, having sex is only a physiological need, not an emotional one. For sexual desire, they choose a partner who is externally suitable, in their opinion, without thinking about emotional compliance. But in the future, a man may change his opinion on this matter: he will either continue to be less picky about sexual relations, or he will decide to connect his life with his beloved.

During the life and development of a man, his reproductive function undergoes changes: of course, at a younger age there are more opportunities to fertilize an egg than at an older age.

For men, the most suitable age to conceive a child is from 18 to 35 years old. Within this period, men produce the greatest amount of testosterone, and therefore sperm, with good motility.

In men after 35 years of age, sexual needs are not as pronounced as, for example, at 20, which is associated with less intense testosterone production. In addition, at this age a man is negatively affected by stress and emotional stress, alcohol and smoking.

After 35 years, the following changes occur in the male body:

  • the concentration of androgens in the blood decreases (a group of male sex hormones);
  • the production of sperm and their motility decreases (for successful fertilization, 3-5 ml of sperm is needed, and each milliliter must contain 2-3 million mobile, healthy cells; deviations from the norm are called necrosospermia);
  • Diseases of the male genital organs and decreased potency occur.

This leads to the fact that as a man ages over 35, the possibilities of fertilization “on the first try” become less and less.

Statistics have also proven that women who have a partner over 35 years of age are more likely to have a miscarriage than those who have a younger partner. The number of successful conceptions decreases significantly in couples where the man is over 40 years old.

However, this does not mean that at the age of 35 a man will not be able to have children. It’s just that after reaching this age, men also begin to be influenced by negative factors (stress at work, bad habits, lack of sleep), which negatively affect reproductive function. But if you lead healthy image life since the beginning of puberty, then hypogonadism will occur much later.

The age of 60-70 years (on average) in men is characterized by hypogonadism - the end of the reproductive period, which is characterized by changes in hormonal levels.

In nature, the end of the reproductive period is necessary in order not to include the outdated generation in the process of reproduction of offspring. It has been proven that the number of mutations in offspring that were born by an older generation is many times more common than in those whose parents were younger.

Thus, hypogonadism prevents the widespread spread among the new generation of such genetic diseases as:

  • Down syndrome;
  • "wolf lip";
  • cerebral palsy;
  • mental disorders.

The reason for such negative dynamics is considered to be the production of low-quality sperm with damaged DNA in men after 60 years of age.

Nature specifically provides for the childbearing age for men and women so that they can not only give birth, but also then fully care for their offspring. After all, it is much more difficult for older people to physically engage with children than for young parents - which is why reproductive function disappears over time.

Statistics show that by the age of 40, a man’s testosterone level begins to decline by several percent. But this does not mean that this will happen for everyone by this age. For each man, the process of development and decline of reproductive function is individual, which means the time for favorable fertilization varies.

But numerous studies of the reproductive capabilities of the male body have shown that the average age for peak fertility is from 25 to 30 years. It is believed that it is within this age range that a man is ready for childbearing, both physically and psychologically. Further statistics show that:

  • in 17% of men, hypogonadism occurs at 43-50 years of age;
  • at the age of 65-80 years, 40% of males already suffer from hypogonadism;
  • representatives of the stronger sex who are over 80 years old experience hypogonamism in 65% of cases.

Hypogonadism can occur either before the age of 40 or later: some are sexually active at 65, while others cannot have children at 30. It all depends on the quality of life of a man, the characteristics of his body, and lifestyle and other factors.

A significant decrease in reproductive functions at the age of 50-60 is a normal physiological process that is inherent in a man’s body by nature. But the appearance of problems with potency at the age of 35-45 is considered early hypogonamism.

This may be due to a man's lifestyle or genetics, which directly affects virility. But the factors may be different.

  1. Injuries in the groin area.
  2. Unsuccessful genital surgery.
  3. Acquired sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.) and congenital pathologies of the genital organs (which were not eliminated at a young age).
  4. Severe viral and infectious diseases that lead to complications of reproductive function (for example, mumps or, as they say, “mumps”).
  5. Sedentary lifestyle.
  6. Constant presence of stress.
  7. Poor nutrition (excessive consumption of carbohydrates and fats).
  8. Presence of bad habits (alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction).
  9. Poor-quality sex life: promiscuous sex, frequent changes of partners or irregular sex.
  10. The presence of endocrine disorders and diseases ( diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, deterioration of the pituitary gland).
  11. Diseases of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease.

The presence of the above factors does not mean that someone will not be able to have children. However, in order not to have problems with the reproductive system, it is better to treat all diseases in a timely manner, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and be selective in sexual intercourse.

In order to determine the time of onset of hypogonadism, you need to pay attention to the signals that the man’s body gives. Symptoms that characterize the end of childbearing include the following:

  • decreased libido, difficulty getting an erection;
  • erectile dysfunction, which manifests itself in premature or interrupted ejaculation;
  • Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones in which they become brittle and brittle (which increases the risk of fractures);
  • frequent and/or painful urination;
  • diseases of the vascular system, which manifest themselves in facial redness, hypertension, dizziness, shortness of breath, sudden increase in temperature, etc.;
  • hormonal disorders, the consequence of which is the appearance of excessive sensitivity, irritability, depression, apathy;
  • memory impairment, sleep disturbances, general condition fatigue, regardless of the time of day;
  • increase in body weight due to adipose tissue;
  • hair loss, bald spots.

If any of the above problems are detected, you should immediately contact an andrologist or urologist in order to either refute a possible disappointing diagnosis, or promptly detect a disorder in the functioning of the reproductive organs and begin treatment.

Preparing for conception for men over 50 years of age

Difficulties in psychological or economic terms often lead to the fact that for a long time a man cannot plan to conceive a child and postpones it until a later time. However, as mentioned above, this threatens to reduce the reproductive capabilities of older men. Therefore, if a man wants to have children, difficulties may arise. So how can you help yourself in such a situation? To do this, you need to follow certain rules.

  1. Eat right. Eat foods containing vitamins E and C in your diet. folic acid, zinc and selenium. These include oranges, lemons, tangerines, seafood, nuts and grains. Eliminate coffee from your drinks and increase the amount of clean water.
  2. Maintain the correct thermal regime: try not to overcool, but also not to overheat (you should avoid visiting baths, saunas, hot tubs).
  3. Avoid a constant source of stress as much as possible (if your job is very stressful, consider changing to a calmer place).
  4. Engage in physical activity, but do not overload your body.
  5. Lead a healthy lifestyle without bad habits.
  6. Get as much sleep as you need.
  7. Wear loose underwear made of high-quality, natural material (cotton).
  8. Spend more time on fresh air.
  9. Monitor your health, treat diseases in a timely manner initial stage so that you don’t have to overstrain your body with antibiotics later.
  10. Have an active sex life (2-5 times a week).

Also, in order to exclude the occurrence of genetic diseases in a child, before conception you need to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examination.

Modern methods Treatments, even in the case of a damaged gene, can correct sperm DNA before conception and prevent many genetic diseases in offspring.

Despite this large number rules that mature men need to follow before conception, remember that the joys of fatherhood are much greater. In addition, in adulthood, a man has more financial and psychological opportunities to properly raise future children.

Reproductive (fertile) is the age at which a person is able to become a parent. A woman and a man have a different period of life during which they can (jointly) produce offspring. Physiologically fertile for women is considered to be between 15 and 49 years of age. But in reality, for most of them, the opportunity to become a mother is limited to a shorter period, which is 10-15 years.

A man, from a medical point of view, is capable of procreation from 14 to 60 years of age. But he shouldn’t become a father before the age of 20 for social reasons and a different level of development. After 35-40 years, men's sperm activity and, as a result, reproductive abilities decrease. Therefore, even with normal health, the period of guaranteed fertility for a man can be about 20 years.

Puberty in men

A teenager reaches puberty at the age of 14-15 years. But in the future, an alternation of certain periods occurs in the male body, affecting sexual life and reproductive abilities in particular.

From about 10-12 years of age, boys begin to experience physiological changes leading to puberty. Sexual feelings and thoughts become more and more noticeable. Conventionally, the process can be divided into three stages:

  1. Showing interest in the opposite sex.
  2. Desire for physical contact in the form of touching, holding hands, kissing.
  3. The emergence of sexual desire.

In the early stages of growing up, boys simply become friends with girls, then an attraction to touching and mutual caresses arises, which leads to erotic fantasies and strong desire sexual intercourse. After feeling his sexuality, a young man becomes more interested in the physiology of relationships; for most girls, feelings are more important in this regard.

On the way to puberty, testosterone levels in the body increase. This main male sex hormone contributes to the development of basic sexual characteristics in adolescents, making them both fertile and attractive to the opposite sex.

A teenager’s decision to have sexual intercourse for the first time depends on his upbringing and his social circle. The first sexual contact sometimes occurs under the influence of social stereotypes about male sexuality. This can lead to promiscuous sexual relations according to the established scheme “the goal is sex.” Emotional correspondence with a partner is not given much importance.

Subsequent growing up in most guys causes a need for more sensual and long term relationship, there is a desire to start a family. Other young people prefer to remain free both in life and in sexual relationships.

Many men claim that only after reaching adulthood did they experience true pleasure from having sex with their beloved wife. Moreover, the partners are already aware of each other’s sensual subtleties. Physical satisfaction takes on a more emotional coloring.

How a man's sex life changes with age

When a man reaches the age of 30-35 years, his needs of a sexual nature become less bright, because the body's production of testosterone becomes less intense. Sexual desire is affected by stress and emotional stress that arise at work and in family life. At this age, sperm activity also decreases during egg fertilization. Exposure to external conditions on the body and changes in health status worsen the genetic qualities of sperm.

The age of future parents is very important when planning a woman’s pregnancy.

In women, early and late motherhood may be contraindicated for medical reasons; in men, the favorable period for conception is slightly longer.

The male body generates sperm throughout the entire reproductive period of life, but conceiving a child is not recommended at any age. Planning for the birth of a baby is determined not only by the father’s reproductive health, but also by his ability to support the family. Socially and psychologically, a young man is capable of becoming a father after twenty years of age, but the most suitable age in terms of reproductive functions is considered to be under 35 years of age.

Sperm production in the male body, which begins at age 15, slows down after age 35 but does not stop until age 60. However, most medical experts believe that optimal age The age for conceiving a child is the same for both women and men - 20-35 years. In men during this period, the level of the hormone testosterone ensures the necessary activity of sperm.

The influence of a man's age on his fertility

Medical specialists have long known that fertility declines significantly in women aged 35-40, but the effect of age on a man's normal reproductive capabilities has been less studied. French researchers studied the medical records of more than 10 thousand couples undergoing infertility treatment and found out the extent to which the age of the sexual partner influences the possibility of conception.

According to statistics, if men have passed the 35-year mark, their partners are more likely to experience miscarriages than women with younger partners, regardless of their own age. The number of successful conceptions is significantly reduced in couples where the partner is over 40 years old.

In connection with the research results, the tendency of young men to delay the acquisition of offspring raises concerns. In the UK, the average age of men becoming fathers increased to 34.2 in 2013, up from 29.2 in 1972. Embryonologists explain the effect of age on male reproduction by an increase in genetic errors in sperm.

In young sexual partners of expectant mothers, some changes in sperm quality do not have a significant effect on egg fertilization. Older potential fathers experience critical DNA damage that can lead to miscarriage. Recent studies show that reproductive aging is not limited to female body, but also masculine.

Measures to increase reproductive functions

If a decrease in male fertility is not associated with various pathologies, then following some recommendations will change the situation for the better:

  1. Vitamin E, ascorbic acid, and selenium have a positive effect on spermatogenesis. Must be taken periodically food additives containing these elements. It is also recommended to take nutritional supplements containing zinc and folic acid for six months.
  2. The reproductive process of spermatogenesis is negatively affected by overheating of the testicles. In hot weather, you should wear loose underwear and loose trousers. Do not take too hot baths or steam in a sauna at high temperatures.
  3. Favorable conditions for conception also depend on the time of year. Sperm have the greatest mobility during the winter period.
  4. The restoration of sexual desire is facilitated by a balanced emotional state, the ability to withstand depression and stressful situations.
  5. Common bad habits harm normal fertility - smoking, drinking alcohol, and drinking coffee in large quantities.
  6. Significantly affects reproductive functions unfavorable environment, work in conditions of elevated temperature.

If self-help measures do not solve your fertility problem, do not hesitate to seek medical help.

Reproductive capabilities in adulthood

With age hormonal changes in the body of men, libido decreases; emerging health problems reduce energy and potency. Reduced testosterone levels weaken libido and the period of sexual arousal becomes longer.

Men who have crossed the forty-year mark have usually already established themselves as husbands and fathers by this time. For most of them, career growth reaches its peak, and there is a feeling that their role in the life of the family is not so significant, and health problems appear. Competition at work from young employees aggravates the psycho-emotional state. In addition, the spouse may experience irritability and fatigue as a result of menopausal symptoms.

Taken together, all these factors can lead to thoughts of approaching old age and depression. Against this background, low self-esteem, lack of sexual desire and impotence may occur. A midlife crisis forces a man to look for partners much younger than himself in order to prove his worth. Such relationships only allow you to briefly return the sensations of previous years and bring freshness and energy to sexual relationships.

But, despite the common occurrence of similar problems in middle-aged men, psychologists consider the age from 30 to 40 years to be a more difficult period in sexual terms. In their opinion, it is during this period that the head of the family experiences maximum emotional and physical stress - problems at work, small children, financial difficulties, etc.

At the same time, youth and age over 50 are considered a favorable period of life in this regard, provided that a mature man was able to maintain health in his young years. Healthy maturity, measured life and constant loving woman- the best circumstances for a fulfilling sex life.

A man's reproductive function depends on underwear and living and working conditions!

The male ability to leave offspring has a scientific term - fertility or reproduction. As it turns out, a man's reproductive performance is closely related to the underwear he wears. Male reproduction depends directly on the underwear and living conditions of the man. How does underwear affect male reproduction? It's very simple. Scientists have conducted studies that have shown that for normal spermatogenesis (the formation of sperm, male reproductive cells), the temperature of the testicles and scrotum should be 3-4 degrees lower than the normal body temperature of a man. This is why the male reproductive organs are located some distance from the body, so that they are cool and active.

Male reproductive function

There is one more important feature - if a man freezes, so that the testicles do not freeze and lose their reproductive function, the testicles are pressed closer to the body. If it is very hot, on the contrary, the testicles descend further from the body. Nature took care of our men.

Remember! Overheating of the genital organs negatively affects the reproductive function of men.

Living and working conditions are important! Certain living and working conditions for men can, in which overheating of the testicles occurs, can lead to certain diseases of the reproductive system. For example, living and working conditions associated with constant exposure to high temperatures or a forced sitting position of more than three hours in a row (drivers, office workers, etc.). A heated car seat is detrimental to men on long trips.

Men's underwear should maintain normal genital temperature. Housewives and loving wives need to pay more detailed attention to their man’s wardrobe, especially underwear. Avoid tight-fitting swimming trunks; thongs are especially harmful because they tightly tighten the genitals, preventing them from freely regulating their temperature for the normal functioning of the reproductive function.

Underwear for men

What kind of underwear should be for men?

The optimal underwear for a man is loose, spacious boxer-type briefs. They should be made of cotton or silk, without any unnecessary artificial impurities. Scientists also recommend sleeping naked, this is useful. Like this simple tips You can preserve male reproductive function and produce healthy offspring. After all, children are the true meaning of life. Let's preserve and increase the family - the unit of society! :)

ATTENTION! IMPORTANT! The information is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Self-medication can be dangerous to your health! Please consult your doctor before use! The need for prescription, methods and doses of use of the product (or method) are determined exclusively by the attending physician!

Material from S Class Wiki

Male reproductive system– this is a set of organs of the male body that performs the reproductive function and is responsible for sexual reproduction. It consists of interconnected external genital and internal appendage organs, and is also connected with the endocrine, nervous, and cardiovascular systems of the body.

Functions of the male reproductive system

The male reproductive system performs several functions:

  • production of male sex hormones (testosterone, androstenedione, androstenediol, etc.);
  • production of sperm, consisting of spermatozoa and seminal plasma;
  • transportation and ejaculation of sperm;
  • performing sexual intercourse;
  • achieving orgasm.

Also, indirectly, the male reproductive system affects the entire body, ensures the normal functioning of other organs and systems, and slows down the aging process. In particular, it is closely related to endocrine system, which also produces hormones, the urinary system, with which the male reproductive system has common elements.

External genitalia

The male reproductive system includes 2 external genital organs, which are responsible for sexual intercourse and achieving orgasm.

The penis is the male external genital organ, which is responsible for physiological copulation and the release of urine from the body. The male penis consists of a base, shaft and head. The top of the penis is covered with skin, which in a non-excited state covers the entire penis with the head. In a state of erection, the penis increases in size, exposing the head due to the movable foreskin.

The shaft of the penis consists of several parts: one corpus spongiosum and two cavernous bodies, formed mainly by collagen fibers. The head of the penis has an expanded and narrowed part. The urethra runs along the entire penis, extending outward at the head. It carries sperm and urine out. The penis is innervated by the dorsal nerve and supplied with blood through the dorsal arteries. The outflow of blood from the penis occurs through the veins.

The scrotum is an outgrowth of the anterior abdominal wall, a natural pouch-like formation located between the penis and the anus of a man. Inside the scrotum are the testicles. On top it has skin. The scrotum is divided in half by a septum. Due to its specific structure, the temperature inside the scrotum is lower than normal human body temperature and is approx. 34.4 °C.

Internal organs of the male reproductive system

Like women, the bulk of a man's reproductive system is internal. These are also accessory organs that perform the main part of the reproductive function.

The testicles are a paired organ of the male reproductive system, which is located inside the scrotum. The testicles, or paired male gonads, are asymmetrical and slightly different in size, so they are not compressed when walking or sitting. Usually the right testicle is slightly higher than the left one. The epididymis and spermatic cord are attached to the back of the testicle; on top they are surrounded by a whitish fibrous membrane. Hormones and sperm are formed in the testicles, and they also perform an endocrine function.

Prostate is a prostate gland that is responsible for secretory function, participates in erection and sperm transfer. It also prevents infection from spreading into the upper urinary tract and back to the testicles. The prostate is located behind the rectum and in front of the symphysis pubis. Consists mainly of prostatic glands with connective tissue. The prostate produces spermine, a component of semen that gives it its odor and is involved in cellular metabolism. The prostate also produces hormones and prostate juice. The prostate is interconnected with other organs of the male reproductive system, the adrenal glands, the pituitary gland and the thyroid gland.

The epididymis is a paired organ located on the posterior surface of the male testicle. One of the processes of spermatogenesis – maturation – occurs in the appendages. Here the sperm accumulates and is stored until eruption. Sperm grow and mature in the epididymis for about 14 days, after which they can perform their direct function - to fertilize the female egg.

The seminal vesicles are a paired organ to which the seminal ducts approach. Together with the seminal ducts, the seminal vesicles form the ejaculatory ducts. The seminal vesicles carry the secretion of the seminal vesicles and perform a secretory function to nourish sperm.

The vas deferens, a paired organ with an active muscular layer, is responsible for transporting sperm. Consists of 4 parts.

Ejaculatory ducts - carry sperm into the urethra for ejaculation.

The urethra is an integral part of the male reproductive system and the genitourinary system. It runs along the penis and is brought out at the head through a slit. It is approximately 20 cm long.

Cooper's or bulbourethral glands perform an exocrine function. Located in the muscle tissue of the perineum, they consist of lobular parts. The size of each gland does not exceed a pea. They produce a viscous mucous secretion, which gives the sperm a unique taste and facilitates the unhindered transportation of sperm through the urethra. This secretion contains alkaline enzymes that neutralize urine residues in the urethra.

Formation and development

The organs of the male reproductive system begin to form in the prenatal period. The internal genital organs are formed already at 3-4 weeks of embryo development, the external organs begin to form at 6-7 weeks. From the 7th week, the gonad begins to form testicles; from the 9th week, the embryo’s body already produces a small amount of testosterone. From 8 to 29 weeks, the penis and scrotum take their natural shape, the testicles descend into the scrotum until the 40th week.

From birth to 7 years of age, the peripubertal period lasts, during which intensive development does not occur. From 8 to 16 years of age, the period of active development of the male reproductive system lasts. During puberty, the external and internal genital organs increase in size, and intensive production of male hormones begins. Brain neurotransmitters, endogenous opiates, hormones of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and steroid sex hormones also play an important role in the development of male reproductive function and regulation of the system. The complex relationship between the genitourinary, endocrine and central nervous system by the end of puberty, it forms the reproductive system and function of a man.

The male reproductive system works quite stably. Males do not have any monthly cycle with a surge in hormone production. A man’s reproductive function declines more gradually; andropause is less noticeable and less painful.

Declining functions of the male reproductive system and andropause

The reproductive function of a man does not have such a close relationship with age as it does in women. After 30, a man may experience a slight decrease in libido, usually associated not with the decline of reproductive function, but with psychological problems, routine in family life, stress, bad habits. After 40, testosterone levels decrease and a physiological decrease in sexual desire begins. But some men retain the ability to produce viable sperm well into old age. At a very old age, a man can conceive a child if he does not have serious illnesses and leads a healthy lifestyle.

The main processes of extinction of the function of the male reproductive system occur in the testicles. However, even with testicular atrophy and a decrease in its mass, the male body continues to produce enough testosterone to maintain sexual function.

Most problems with men's health associated with pathologies, which include

The determining ability for a man to conceive a child is the ability to form full-fledged germ cells - sperm. The development of male germ cells is under constant hormonal regulation and is a long and complex process. This process is called spermatogenesis. At the age of up to 5 years, the male gonads (testes) are in a state of relative rest; at 6-10 years, the very first cells of spermatogenesis - spermatogonia - appear in them. The complete formation of spermatogenesis occurs at 15-16 years.

The entire process of sperm formation until full maturation takes approximately 72 days. The entire process of sperm formation occurs at a temperature that is 1-2°C lower than the temperature of the internal regions of the body. The lower temperature of the scrotum is partly determined by its position and partly by the choroid plexus formed by the artery and vein of the testis and acting as a countercurrent heat exchanger. Contractions of special muscles move the testes closer or further from the body, depending on the air temperature, to maintain the temperature in the scrotum at a level optimal for sperm production.

If a man reaches puberty without the testes descending into the scrotum (a condition called cryptorchidism), he remains sterile forever, but in men who wear underpants that are too tight or take very hot baths, sperm production may be so reduced that it leads to infertility. Very low temperatures also stop sperm production, but do not destroy stored sperm.

Spermatogenesis process occurs continuously throughout the body’s sexual activity (in most men almost until the end of life), but sperm is released into the external environment only at certain moments. During sexual arousal, sperm accumulated in the epididymis, together with epididymal secretions, move along the vas deferens to the seminal vesicles. The secretion of the epididymis thins the environment, providing greater sperm motility and nourishes the sperm during ejaculation. During sexual arousal, prostate secretion is simultaneously produced and released into the posterior section of the urethra.

The secretion of the gland activates sperm motility. This entire mixture (prostate secretions, spermatozoa, seminal vesicle secretions) forms sperm, and at the moment of greatest sexual arousal, this mixture is released outward - ejaculation. After ejaculation, sperm remain viable for a short time - 48-72 hours.

Sperm and its indicators

In general, the fertilizing ability of sperm is characterized not so much by its volume as by the number of sperm in 1 ml of sperm, the percentage of actively motile sperm, the percentage of morphologically normal (mature) forms and a number of other parameters. A fairly common misconception is that only one sperm is needed for conception, but, unfortunately, this is far from the case. Indeed, only one sperm can penetrate an egg and give rise to a new life. But to do this, it must travel a very long way in the general flow of sperm - from the vagina through the cervix, through the uterine cavity, then along one of the fallopian tubes to meet the egg. He will simply die alone. And he alone cannot cope with the egg in the fallopian tube.

The egg is large and round, and in order for one sperm to penetrate it, a large number of other sperm must help destroy its shell. Therefore, there are certain standards for determining the fertilizing ability of sperm. To do this, a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of sperm is carried out, which is called a spermogram.

To submit sperm for analysis, a man must fulfill simple requirements. It is necessary to abstain from sexual activity and masturbation for at least 48 hours, but not more than 7 days ( optimal time- 3-5 days), it is also important that there are no wet dreams during this period. On days of abstinence, you should not drink alcohol, take medications, take a steam bath, or take a bath (preferably wash in the shower).

It is better to obtain sperm in the laboratory through masturbation. It is very important that all the sperm ejected during ejaculation completely ends up in the laboratory glassware. The loss of even one portion (especially the first) can significantly distort the result of the study. As a rule, a spermogram includes more than 25 indicators. A deviation from these characteristics in one direction or another is not always a sign of a disease. Changes in spermogram parameters may be temporary and due to the negative impact of external factors.

It should also be remembered that based on one analysis one cannot draw conclusions about a violation of the reproductive function of a man. Therefore, if there are pathological changes in the ejaculate, it is necessary to retake the analysis and only then draw conclusions.

Possible causes of reproductive dysfunction in men

Reasons causing spermatogenesis disorders for men, a lot. The most common in practice are sexually transmitted infections (chlamydial, ureamycoplasma and other infections) and chronic prostatitis. It is characteristic that these diseases can long time be completely asymptomatic. The next most common cause is varicocele. This is a violation of the outflow of blood through the vein coming from the testicles, occurring in 10 - 15% of men in the population, and can be the cause of inhibition of spermatogenesis. Significant factors are some concomitant (or suffered in childhood) diseases, taking a number of medications, occupational hazards, exposure to high temperatures, abuse of nicotine, alcohol, and drugs. Less common are congenital or acquired hormonal and genetic disorders. It should be noted that thanks to advances in genetics, it has become possible to diagnose a number of previously unknown causes of male reproductive dysfunction. In some cases, even with the most detailed examination, it is not possible to establish the cause. In this case, we can talk about idiopathic decrease in fertility.