KBM is a coefficient that determines your discount on the OSAGO policy

On our service, a free check of the KBM on the PCA database is available, as well as a service for restoring the coefficient. To adjust your discount on OSAGO, you need to fill out and pay for the service, then wait for an email notification. Our task is to process your request and officially send it to the PCA on the same day you contacted us. The recovery period is 1-7 days; most often the answer comes the next day. We will notify you of the result as soon as your BMR drops.

CBM - bonus malus coefficient. When calculating the cost of an OSAGO policy, various coefficients are used, for example, such as KT-coefficient depending on the territory of the predominant use of the vehicle, KM-coefficient. engine power, etc... So, the KBM depends on the driver's accident-free experience, and its value can be either 2.45 or 0.5... There are 15 classes, and each class corresponds to a certain value, . Example: with CBM = 1 (i.e. class 3) the policy price is 7500 r, then with CBM = 0.5 (i.e. class 13) the amount will be 3750 r, and if CBM = 2.45 (i.e. M class), then the total cost would be 18735 rubles. The KBM value can be reset to zero, you can find the reasons below.

Today, the database of insurers allows you to check OSAGO in different ways: by policy number, by car number, etc. And vice versa - by the insurance number, for example, you can find out the car number. There are three verification options:

Attention, the last weeks of the verification forms have been working o-o-very slowly, they are not loaded the first time. This is a problem on the RSA side. If you want, you can try to download the verification forms individually on their website: one , two , three , respectively.

1. Checking the status of the form by its number. You can check the paper or electronic OSAGO policy in the database of the AIS RSA (Russian Union of Motor Insurers) and find out its validity period below.

This form is for checking both paper policies and electronic policies XXX series purchased over the Internet! Usually, e-insurance enters the database immediately after registration, but sometimes, due to the workload of the database, this can take several days. The correct status for valid insurance is “is with the insured” (but if immediately after the purchase the status is still “is with the insurer”, then this may be normal - the agent might not have time to make changes to the database, wait a couple of days and only then sound the alarm) . Definitely “bad statuses” of the OSAGO policy are “lost” (why exactly it has become invalid can be seen in more detail by checking below) or “lost”. The status "printed by the manufacturer" means that such a form was not even transferred to the insurer.

Such a check does not give 100% certainty that you have a valid policy in front of you (after all, fraudsters could make a “duplicate” of this form), but it allows you to reject obvious fakes and stolen forms. But in order to exclude “doubles”, you need to check which car is insured under your policy ...

2. Find out which car is insured according to a certain form. In addition to the license plate, VIN code or body number, the results show a more detailed status of the form, for example, why exactly the insurance is not valid (the contract could have been terminated ahead of schedule or the insurance policy could have been lost):

3. Find out the OSAGO policy number by state number, VIN or body number + check if the driver is included in the insurance. This check is the reverse of the previous one, here, according to the car, you will find out which insurance company it is insured with, the policy number and its type (limited or unlimited). The VIN check is the most complete. It is searched by license plate only if this information was transferred by the insurer (they do not always do this).

If the insurance is with a limited list of drivers, then the system will offer to check whether a certain driver is included in the insurance by the number and series of the driver's license (this option appears on the second step after).

If you recently added someone to your OSAGO policy or made other changes to the data, then according to the standards, insurance companies are required to make changes to the PCA database within 5 days. Therefore, do not be alarmed if after a couple of days the changes have not yet been displayed in the AIS SAR database.

The last check is also useful for checking a used car before buying. After all, the presence of two simultaneously valid OSAGO policies on one VIN number (or GRP) can be a “bell” that a car is a “double”. In this case, I also recommend (in this case, a bad sign is that the car regularly undergoes MOT in one region, then in another).

4. Assistance of a car lawyer on OSAGO issues:
If you are faced with the fact that your policy, judging by the database, is fake or you have other legal issues related to OSAGO, then you can get a free lawyer's answer in the form below.

The bonus-malus ratio (BMC) is one of the main indicators for determining the cost of a compulsory motor third party liability insurance (OSAGO) policy. Its use reduces the price of insurance for careful drivers and increases it for car owners with a risky driving style. KMB is closely related to the class of insurance assigned to the driver. The rules for assigning classes and calculating the KMB are spelled out in the current version of Appendix 2 of Instructions of the Bank of Russia dated September 19, 2014 N 3384-U on the amounts of base rates and coefficients of insurance rates.

What is KBM in OSAGO

The "bonus-malus" discount system changes the price of an insurance policy depending on the insurance history of a particular insured. The Latin word "bonus" literally translates as "good", and means a bonus, a gift.

For a year of driving without an accident that resulted in insurance payments, insurers reward insured drivers with a 5% reduction in the cost of insurance for the next period. This is a bonus. And, on the contrary, the perpetrators of frequent accidents, leading to payments from insurers, are punished with additional charges. This is a malus (from Latin "bad").

What is driving class?

The Bank of Russia has developed special table, linking the number of accidents made by the driver for the year that required insurance payments, with a numerical multiplier (the "bonus-malus" coefficient). You can also get acquainted with it on the official website of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RSA).

Table of KBM OSAGO based on RSA - discount class

The more accidents, the lower the class of the driver and the higher the coefficient used to calculate insurance. In total, there are 15 insurance classes that provide for the use of KMB.

For 10 years of careful driving, the driver reaches the 13th class, the highest, and OSAGO costs him 2 times cheaper, since the accumulated discount is 50%.

Upon receipt of the lowest, class "M", the price of the insurance policy is 2.45 times higher base rate. In order to return from the worst class to coefficient 1, the driver will need 5 years of accident-free driving.

How to calculate the bonus malus coefficient

How to calculate KBM on the basis of PCA? The discount or surcharge that must be applied when determining the final cost of the insurance policy is calculated by subtracting from the unit the coefficient corresponding to the class assigned to the driver and multiplying the result by 100%.

So, the CBM for the 7th grade is 0.8, and the discount is (1 - 0.8) x 100% = 20%.

Initially, the driver, in the absence of an insurance history, is assigned the 3rd class, which sets the coefficient 1, the price of the insurance policy is equal to the base rate. With each accident-free year, the class assigned to the driver increases, and the KMB decreases by 5%, respectively increasing the discount provided by the insurer. Conversely, the class will be lowered, and the cost of the policy will increase depending on the number of accidents that occurred last year.

HOW to correctly calculate the OSAGO KBM on the PCA base? If during the year the driver has not made a single accident that resulted in insurance payment, assigned to him initially the 3rd class is increased to the 4th, with a KMB of 0.95 and a 5% discount. In case of one accident that resulted in an insurance payment, from the 3rd class of the driver it will decrease to the 1st, from KMB 1.55, which means that the policy will cost the careless driver more than the standard by 55%. In case of two or more accidents, insurance will be almost two and a half times more expensive than the base rate, because the premium will be 145%.

For an experienced driver who has a high driving class, for example, 8th, the insurance for the first accident will not increase much, since his class will only go down to 5th, and he will receive a 10% discount when concluding an insurance contract for the next year, instead of the previous one in the 8th class 25% discount.

Checking the KBM drivers in the OSAGO database

How to check the driver's KBM according to the PCA database online? To check the Bonus Malus RSA coefficient online, you need to visit the official website of the RSA, where you just need to enter the series and number of the driver's license (VU), as well as the driver's personal data: last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth. You will also need to enter the date of conclusion of the OSAGO agreement.

The service is free and valid for drivers - citizens Russian Federation . You will first need to confirm your consent to the processing of the provided personal data by ticking the appropriate box.

Many insurance brokers on their websites along with online calculator OSAGO also offer a free check of the driver's KMB based on the PCA.

Subtleties of application

The KMB purchased by the driver is retained when changing the car or the insurer who draws up the OSAGO contract for the next year. Since all data is recorded in a single electronic database of the PCA. This is especially beneficial for experienced careful drivers who are guaranteed to be able to use their benefits. How to find out the OSAGO driver class online is described above.

1. Making changes.

When changing the driver’s data entered in the OSAGO policy, for example, as a result of replacing the VU, in order to maintain the previously assigned KMB, you must inform your insurer in writing about this.

In accordance with clause 1.10 of the Rules for Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners, the insurance company, having received changes in the information specified in the OSAGO agreement, enters them into the insurance policy of the insured, and then, no later than 5 working days, into the PCA information system.

If these changes are not made to the policy before its expiration date, the driver's KMB can be restored using the number of the previous driver's license indicated in the new VU in the "Special Marks" field.

2. If the discount is "lost".

  • 2.1. It is important to determine at what point and which insurer the KBM was reset to zero. This can be done by inquiries indicating the start dates of all insurance periods on the KMB verification page on the PCA website. It's a good idea to find previous insurance policies. Even those where the driver appears among the drivers of other cars will do, if there are special marks about which class he was assigned.
  • 2.2. Next, a complaint is drawn up and sent to the insurer who made a mistake in calculating the KMB. In the absence of positive results, the complaint is duplicated in the RAMI and the Central Bank of Russia, then filed statement of claim to court.

3. OSAGO with and without limitation of the circle of persons admitted to management.

  • 3.1. If the car is driven by a limited number of drivers, the total MSC for concluding an OSAGO agreement is determined by the driver with the lowest insurance class. But in the automated information base of the PCA, the drivers listed in the insurance policy retain the insurance classes individually assigned to them with the corresponding KMB.
  • 3.2. If driving is allowed to an unlimited circle of persons, the insurance class is assigned to the owner of the car specified in the OSAGO agreement.
  • 3.3. If the owner of the vehicle changes the previous policy without limiting the circle of drivers, to a new one - with a restriction, and at the same time was not the culprit of accidents in the previous period, the insurance company assigns him a lowering KBM.

The use of a rating system of discounts / surcharges with the assignment of an insurance class to drivers, which determines the coefficient for calculating the cost of an insurance premium when issuing OSAGO, allows insurance companies to reduce their risks when working with drivers who often get into accidents due to inexperience or aggressive driving style. And for experienced and careful drivers - take advantage of the favorable insurance rate.

Using the form on the website of the Union of Motor Insurers, you can check your CBM (bonus-malus coefficient) according to the AIS PCA database. I recommend checking it for it, and not for various unofficial accesses, because it gives the most complete information. In particular, this check tells where the current value of Kbm came from - which insurance company and by which policy number calculated such a value (the policy number, in turn, can be checked).

The request goes directly to the database of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers on the specified date(it can be chosen). This is important, because, firstly, when applying for a new policy, the insurance KBM will look at the start date of the new policy, i.e. it changes the next day after the end of the current policy. Secondly, if you are included in several OSAGO policies, then when applying for a new insurance, they look at the coefficient of last expired policy. Because of this, different values ​​​​may be different on different days, keep this in mind. .

How to calculate what should be Kbm?

The information in the PCA database can sometimes be incorrect, that is, the Kbm coefficient (aka “discount” for accident-free driving) may be more than you should. This happens most often when your previous insurance company entered the wrong KBS in the database when you issued your last policy.

“Class” and “Kbm” of the driver are almost the same thing. That is, now by class it is possible to uniquely determine K bm, and vice versa.

You can check your KBM according to the table below. Starting class = 3.

KBM table (OSAGO discount):

Class at the beginning of the insurance period Coefficient (K BM) Class at the end of the insurance period, taking into account the presence of insured events
Simply put, if you get into an accident due to your fault, next year your class will change to:
0 insurance payments 1 insurance payment 2 insurance payments 3 insurance payments 4 insurance payments
M 2,45 0 M M M M
0 2,3 1 M M M M
1 1,55 2 M M M M
2 1,4 3 1 M M M
3 1 4 1 M M M
4 0,95 5 2 1 M M
5 0,9 6 3 1 M M
6 0,85 7 4 2 M M
7 0,8 8 4 2 M M
8 0,75 9 5 2 M M
9 0,7 10 5 2 1 M
10 0,65 11 6 3 1 M
11 0,6 12 6 3 1 M
12 0,55 13 6 3 1 M
13 0,5 13 7 3 1 M

Example (how to calculate your CBM according to the table):
Let's say you insured last year on 11/10/2017. During this year of insurance, you have a certain class and KBM (it does not change during the insurance period and will be shown until 11/10/2018 when cbm verification OSAGO online). For example, you now have a class of 7 and a coefficient of 0.8. You want to know what the CBM will be for next year. For this:

  • We look at the seventh line (class 7 and Kbm \u003d 0.8). Further, depending on the number of insured events (last five columns) this insurance year you can find out your class for next year. In our example (class 7 current) this would be:
    • There were no insured events - so the class for the next year - 8
    • There was 1 insured event - there will be a 4th class
    • There were 2 cases - 2
    • Three or more - lower class M
  • Now we look at the first two columns again and, using the new class, determine the new CBM for next year!
  • In order not to look at the table every time, you can remember a simpler rule. If you do not get into accidents through your own fault, then the coefficient decreases by 0.05 every year.

KBM - coefficient "Bonus-Malus". This value is used by insurance companies to calculate the insurance premium under the contract.

Due to the presence or absence of accidents, the KBM is either step-down or step-up. We will learn how to calculate the KBM for OSAGO in 2020.


OSAGO policy is a document according to which the insurance company partially reimburses the damage to the injured party after an accident in which its client is to blame. The same conditions apply to drivers included in the same insurance policy.

The cost of an OSAGO insurance policy depends on the following indicators:

  • the age of the driver;
  • driving experience;
  • indicator of accident-free driving, takes into account the insurance history (KBM);
  • characteristics of the insured car (KM-engine power factor);
  • region of operation (CT-territorial coefficient);
  • coefficient of gross violations (KN);
  • from the general conditions of the contract;
  • the presence or absence of a trailer or restrictions.

Video: How to calculate a discount for KBM accident-free driving

Table and its correct application

Motorist class KBM class and insured events that occurred during the validity of the OSAGO policy
There were no payments 1 payout 2 3 4 or more
M 2,45 0 M M M M
0 2,3 1
1 1,55 2
2 1,4 3 1
3 1 4 1
4 0,95 5 2 1
5 0,9 6 3 1
6 0,85 7 4 2
7 0,8 8 4 2
8 0,75 9 5 2
9 0,7 10 5 2 1
10 0,65 11 6 3 1
11 0,6 12 6 3 1
12 0,55 13 6 3 1
13 0,5 13 7 3 1
  1. The left column indicates the class of the motorist. For all drivers who enter into an OSAGO agreement for the first time, the third class is typical, the KBM class will be equal to 1.
  2. Then it is determined how many insured events were during the validity of past insurance contracts in which the driver was found guilty. Beginners do not have such cases, so the number “0” is needed.
  3. The column showing the number of losses is needed to determine the class for the next year. For beginners class 4.
  4. Class four corresponds to the value of KBM 0.95.


Consider two examples. In the first, the motorist drove for a year without accidents, in the second, the driver had accidents. Let's start with the first example.

Suppose that at the time of the conclusion of the insurance contract, the motorist was assigned class 9 KBM. Those. 30% discount to the basic insurance rate. This means that the motorist has already used the services of an insurance company, and each year received a 5% discount more for accident-free driving.

A year later, the same driver took up the execution of a new insurance contract. There were no accidents. From grade 9 we move down the column in the table, the insurance agent looks at the new class. The driver receives class 10, the discount is 35% (value 0.65).

Consider another example where the same driver (class 9) had 3 accidents. From class 9, we move along the table to the right, to the value where 3 payments are indicated. And we get class 1, and the multiplying factor is 1.55. This means that the driver will have to pay the increased cost.

To independently determine the discount:

  • you need to start the calculation from the line that contains the third class;
  • after each accident-free year, you can go down one line below;
  • for each year with accidents, you need to go to the line that corresponds to the number of insurance payments;
  • if a motorist has not had insurance for a year, his class is three;
  • if the policy is open (unlimited number of drivers), the coefficient changes only for the owner of the car.

According to OSAGO, the maximum discount for accident-free driving is 50%. This corresponds to a value of 0.5 and a class of 13. A motorist receives the largest possible discount if he has not been paid insurance for 10 years.

Insurance payments are made only when the victim of an accident provoked by you applies to the insurance company for payment. If the damage is minor, motorists sort it out on the spot, and the cost of the policy does not increase.

If there is a limit on the number of drivers, the coefficient is determined based on the information for each of the drivers:

  • employees of the insurance company determine the KBM by the motorist with the worst class;
  • the discount is given to a person, not a vehicle;
  • the coefficient increases only for the driver responsible for the accident.

  • transit insurance;
  • insurance of a vehicle registered in another state.

The table provides the theoretical value of the coefficient. In reality, its value may be higher, since insurers do not always enter the MSC into the PCA database, which all insurance companies must rely on.

This is done to get more money. And a motorist who is not well versed in insurance payments is easily caught and pays more than required.

The discount is quickly checked independently through the PCA database.. This is very important, as insurance companies sometimes do not enter the coefficient into the PCA database in order to get a higher profit for the same insurance policy.

The Russian Union of Motor Insurers is a non-profit corporate organization that represents a single all-Russian professional association.

It is based on the principle of compulsory membership of insurers who are engaged in compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners. The status of the association is fixed by law. The structure includes 71 insurance companies.

You can check the coefficient on the PCA base on the official website: http://www.autoins.ru/ru/osago/polis.

You will need the following information:

  • Date of Birth;
  • data of an identity document, or full name and date of birth of a person who is allowed to drive a car;
  • driver's license information.

A tick confirms consent to the processing of personal data, verification is carried out.

If the final figure coincided with the value calculated by you theoretically, it should be so. If, after checking the value in the PCA, an incorrect result is obtained, the KBM should be restored.

The PCA database provides the most complete information. You can determine where the coefficient value came from, which policy number was used in the calculation.

When concluding an OSAGO agreement, an insurance company must use AIS information about previous periods of insurance to confirm the validity of the use of KBM.

Based on the database, you can also check the validity of the coefficient used by the company in relation to the driver specified in the policy. The system has data on drivers since the beginning of 2011.

The class of a motorist in the PCA system is changed only by representatives of the insurance company. Base employees do not change AIS data. Any adjustments are made by employees of the insurance company.

Since 2014, companies must transfer information about OSAGO agreements to the database within 24 hours from the moment the agreement is drawn up.

First you need to find out when the error was made in the calculation of the KBM. The policy itself does not indicate the coefficient, so the previous policies should be recalculated.

Do not throw away old insurance policies. They will be needed to recalculate the correct value.

Insurance ratios change every year. The price of the insurance policy must be reconciled every year. If you have already done this all the time, there is probably a mistake in the previous policy.

Reasons for the error:

  • the information in the database has not been corrected, there is a record with information on the old policy;
  • employees made a mistake when entering;
  • if the company went bankrupt or was liquidated, employees may not have communicated information about the PCA system.

You can restore KBM in an insurance company that made a mistake in the calculation. If the error is confirmed, the changes will be made in a few days.

If the previous insurance company made a mistake, you need to contact there. If it is liquidated, the coefficient cannot be restored, since other insurance companies do not correct the mistakes of their colleagues.

If ordinary employees refuse to admit their mistakes, contact the company's head office, file a complaint, send it by registered mail or in person. If you are submitting it in person, request that copies of the complaint be marked with a note that it has been accepted for consideration.

The document should describe in detail the circumstances confirming the incorrect application of the coefficient. Enter the employee's name, time, insurance policy number.

You have the right to demand written payment. You can also mention that you are going to file a complaint against the company with the authorities exercising control over financial settlements. If there are no results, contact the FFMS.

If one of the drivers included in the insurance has changed his driver's license, you must immediately report this to insurance company. This refers to changing any other information in documents.

If for some reason the insurance company does not receive information about the accident, drivers begin to cheat and keep silent about their accidents. When calculating, the inaccuracy of the information will immediately be detected in the PCA database.

The insurance company has the right to apply penalties for providing false information. The fine is 1.5 coefficients, the cost of insurance will be increased.

The motorist cannot hide from sanctions even when he decides to change the insurer.


  • KPR is not used for passenger vehicles;
  • KM is used only for passenger vehicles;
  • KP does not apply to cars that have been registered in the Russian Federation.

There are also other features. For this reason, it is always faster and easier to use any of the online policy calculators on various sites if you do not trust the employees of your insurance company.