As soon as they call tomato juice! The most tender thing is the blood of tomatoes. Fans of horror stories also recall the dark past of tomatoes, because they were once considered poisonous to humans. Even today, when tomatoes have become an integral part of our diet, filling garden plots, supermarket shelves and markets, many people eat tomatoes only for the taste, not at all considering this vegetable healthy. The same opinion applies to tomato juice, although this is perhaps one of the most popular vegetable drinks. Let's find out the truth, is drinking tomato juice healthy or harmful? Who can drink it and in what quantities, and who should abstain?

In order for the opinion to be reasoned, first of all you need to look at the chemical composition and nutritional value tomato juice - this will immediately clarify a lot.

Calorie content and composition of tomato juice

100 grams of tomato juice contains only 18 calories, and this indicates the high dietary content of the product. Carbohydrate content - 3 grams, protein - 1 gram, fat - 0.2 grams. The same amount of juice contains 0.8 grams of dietary fiber, 0.6 grams of organic acids, and 2.9 grams of mono and disaccharides.

The variety of vitamins, macro and microelements contained in tomato juice is simply surprising. And this drink can still raise doubts about its benefits? Yes, it’s just a vitamin cocktail, nothing else! B vitamins are of great value in it; people often experience a deficiency of these substances, since their digestibility leaves much to be desired, and few products can boast high content vitamins of this group. Also in large quantities Tomato juice contains vitamin C, which promotes the absorption of many other substances.

Vitamins in tomato juice

— vitamin C — 10.1 mg
— vitamin H — 1.22 mg
— vitamin PP — 0.31 mg
— beta-carotene — 0.33 mg
— vitamin B5 — 0.321 mg
— vitamin E — 0.41 mg
— vitamin B6 — 0.18 mg
— vitamin B1 — 0.02 mg
— vitamin B2 — 0.04 mg
— vitamin A — 50 mcg
— vitamin B9 — 11 mcg


— calcium — 6.92 mg
— magnesium — 12.38 mg
— potassium — 239.67 mg
— phosphorus — 33.11 mg
— chlorine — 56.8 mg
– sulfur – 12.01 mg


— iron — 0.69 mg
— zinc — 0.21 mg
— manganese — 0.15 mg
— rubidium — 154.7 mcg
— boron — 114.98 mcg
- copper - 111.01 mcg
— fluorine — 20.5 mcg
- nickel - 13.34 mcg
— molybdenum — 7.1 mcg
— cobalt — 5.79 mcg
- chromium - 5.21 mcg
— iodine — 2.2 mcg
— selenium — 0.35 mcg

What are the benefits of tomato juice?

In addition, tomato juice contains organic acids such as malic, citric and tartaric. They are beneficial for the human body because they maintain tissue tone and fight signs of aging and fading. These acids also have anti-inflammatory properties.

Another substance from tomato juice, lycopene, is a carotenoid pigment and a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants help us maintain youth, remove free radicals from the body, and prevent cancer. Interestingly, heat treatment is not terrible for lycopene; on the contrary, after it it becomes more powerful. In many traditional medicine recipes and healthy eating You may come across advice to fry or boil a tomato with a small amount of oil to make it healthier. There is a rational grain in this and thermally processed tomato juice definitely has its benefits.

In some folk cuisines, tomato juice is consumed exactly in this form - with olive or flaxseed oil, herbs, nuts, other fruits or vegetables, and nutritionists approve of this diet. For example, rich in tomatoes and tomato juice, it is protected by UNESCO and is considered the healthiest in the world.

The complex of vitamins and microelements in tomato juice has a beneficial effect on nervous system. This drink can be called an antidepressant due to the fact that it contains serotonin; tomato juice can really calm down and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

If you regularly drink tomato juice, your anxiety will go away, your mood will improve and become more balanced. Blood circulation will be normalized, metabolism will be restored, hearing and vision will be sharpened, it will become easier to concentrate and engage in mental work. Antioxidants affect the condition of blood vessels, rid them of harmful cholesterol, this speeds up blood circulation and brings a surge of vigor. This is worth taking note of for people with cardiovascular diseases.

Tomato juice good for the stomach, it helps dieters get rid of the feeling of hunger, relieves spasms, saturates the body with necessary substances, so those losing weight do not experience a loss of strength.

Pregnant women Tomato juice often helps in the morning to get rid of nausea. Doctors recommend putting a glass of juice on the bedside table and drinking it without getting out of bed. You can add a pinch of salt to the juice - this also dulls the manifestation of toxicosis. Tomato juice is also useful for children; it does not pose any danger to a growing young body.

But there are still those who should refrain from this drink, since in their case it can do harm rather than good.

Harm of tomato juice and contraindications for use

Tomato juice improves intestinal motility, so people should avoid it after surgery.

Also it is not shown:

- for stomach ulcers and duodenum;
- with pancreatitis;
- for cholelithiasis;
- cholecystitis;
- for gastritis;
- for any poisoning, diarrhea;
- for some kidney diseases;
- for gout;
- for individual intolerance and allergies;
- children under two years old;
— you can’t consume tomato juice with animal protein;
- Do not consume tomato juice with foods high in starch.

Tomato is an amazing vegetable with many beneficial properties that make it indispensable in every person’s diet. This vegetable (although from a scientific point of view it is a berry) is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes, and it also creates the most delicious and tender tomato juice.

What are the health benefits of tomato juice?

Tomato juice is a source of vitamins and other valuable substances that the human body needs. The drink has antioxidant properties, therefore it slows down aging, and this is due to the lycopene content in the composition. There are many other reasons why you should drink juice regularly.

Vessels and heart

The drink successfully combines magnesium, potassium and vitamin C, thanks to which it protects against cardiovascular problems. Magnesium and potassium strengthen the heart and its functions, thereby regulating the heartbeat and improving cardiac impulses.

The drink helps blood vessels, strengthening their walls and reducing blood viscosity. This good prevention thrombus formation, and tomato juice is also useful for everyone to prevent blood pressure disorders, angina pectoris and even heart attack.

CNS and mental state

The French once called these red vegetables apples of love, as they contain substances that stimulate the production of serotonin. This is a hormone of joy that regulates the sexual functions of the body, increases performance and improves mood. Doctors sometimes advise depressed people to enjoy tomato juice, which increases the effectiveness of the main therapy.

Digestive system

Is it possible to juice during gastritis, ulcers or other intestinal diseases? Doctors recommend refraining from drinking the drink, and in some it also stimulates loose stools. An exclusively individual effect, however, in healthy people the drink normalizes peristalsis, eliminates fermentation processes, eliminates flatulence and prevents constipation.


The tomato juice we are discussing at diabetes mellitus, oddly enough, is allowed. This is generally one of the few drinks allowed for diabetics. It contains a minimum of sucrose, and the combination of valuable substances minimizes the concentration of sugar. For maximum benefits, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed juice if you have diabetes.

For the liver

Tomatoes have a positive effect on the liver, and juice is no exception. The fact is that they suppress inflammatory processes and prevent fatty degeneration internal organ. Tomatoes also have choleretic properties, so doctors often recommend them to their sick patients. The main thing in case of cholelithiasis is not to abuse tomato juice, otherwise excessively active movement of stones can cause dangerous exacerbations.

Other properties

In addition to the above effects, tomato juice has a number of other properties:

  • Organic acids regulate the acid-base balance and minimize the likelihood of cancer.
  • Tomato juice is recommended for women, as it relieves PMS symptoms and eases menopause. Vitamins are also important for hair and skin.
  • By drinking juice when losing weight, you can achieve your goals faster. This is largely due to the high content of pectin and dietary fiber, which regulate digestion and remove toxins.
  • In men, tomato juice restores sexual function and normalizes the condition of the prostate gland.

Some doctors even advise consuming the drink after surgery, as it saturates the body with substances valuable for a speedy recovery.

Tomato juice during pregnancy

Expectant mothers are often interested in whether it is possible to drink nutritious tomato juice during pregnancy or breastfeeding? This drink is even useful for pregnant women, as it protects against constipation and relieves symptoms of toxicosis, as well as prevents obesity and regulates digestion.

Thanks to the optimal concentration of organic acids with carbohydrates, the juice reduces sugar levels in the body, preventing dangerous diabetes during pregnancy. Tomato juice is also allowed for a nursing mother, but in small doses (a glass a day).

Tomato juice for children: when and how much to give

At what age are children allowed to drink tomato juice and in what quantity? In its pure form, the drink is not recommended for children under three years of age, although many mothers give the drink to their children earlier. In any case, the drink is introduced into the diet gradually and in minimal doses. For example, you can add a spoon to vegetable soup.

Children after three years old should be given a red drink every 5-7 days, 100-150 ml, but start with 50 ml to check the baby’s body reaction. If allergies or digestive problems do not manifest themselves, you can increase the portion every other day.

What is the harm of tomato juice?

The drink has a rich composition, but it has some negative properties. This mainly applies to drinks made from low-quality vegetables or with the addition of preservatives. In addition, juice abuse (more than 1-1.5 liters per day) leads to the following problems:

  • Increased pain due to spasms of a neurotic nature. Tomato juice is highly not recommended for gastritis and other digestive disorders.
  • In case of acute urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, you should be more careful with juice, and it is better to abandon it altogether.
  • If you have pancreatitis and cholecystitis, you shouldn’t rely on tomato juice either.
  • In case of poisoning, you will have to abstain from juice, as it stimulates digestion, which is why harmful substances are absorbed faster.

How to drink tomato juice correctly?

You can drink tomato juice even on a diet and at night, but you need to do it correctly. For example, in order for a drink to be better absorbed, do not rush to swallow it, but hold it in your mouth and chew it. Drink slowly and at least 20-30 minutes before meals. This will dull your hunger and allow you to eat less. This is especially useful on a diet when losing weight.

By the way, nutritionists have even developed a special one, so if you like these products, this option is for you!

To maximize the absorption of the drink, try supplementing it with a spoonful of olive oil (per 1 glass of juice). For the same reason, it is useful to drink juice with nuts or cheese, for example, during a snack. It is not recommended to consume tomato juice with starchy or protein foods. This combination stimulates the formation of kidney stones.

Do not add salt to the juice, as many people do. Salt reduces beneficial properties drink, and tomatoes also have diuretic properties. Salt, in turn, slows down the removal of fluid from the body.

Freshly prepared tomato juice is considered the best. After 1-2 hours, the beneficial substances begin to disappear, do not forget about this. But how much tomato juice can you drink per day? Healthy people can consume up to 500-800 ml - this way you will only get benefits.

Tomato juice: benefits and harms

The attitude of Russians towards tomatoes can be judged by the lovingly tied bushes in our garden plots, which are planted annually in considerable quantities. Every second resident of our country will enthusiastically give, probably, a million tips on growing and storing this vegetable. We eat tomatoes in any form, and, of course, we enjoy drinking tomato juice - it’s so dear. After all, as is well known, the most healthy products for humans - grown in native land. However, it may also be, let’s say, not entirely useful. What are the benefits and harms of tomato juice?

The popularity of this drink can only be rivaled by sweet fruit juices. It perfectly quenches thirst, relieves hunger and saturates the body with vitamins and various elements that our cells need.

Tomato juice is so safe that it is even served in kindergartens. Little children's bodies strive to grow faster and faster, and carotene, which this drink contains slightly less than carrots, can greatly help them in this endeavor.

This drink is also rich in pectin, which successfully fights cholesterol and helps normalize blood pressure. For these diseases, a glass of fresh tomato juice a day will be an excellent preventive measure.

If a person suffers from some digestive problems, tomato juice will be an excellent remedy to correct the problems that have appeared. This effect is due to the content of malic, citric acid and phytoncides, which also have anti-inflammatory properties. Doctors and nutritionists advise adding a little to tomato juice vegetable oil, which will contribute to the complete absorption of nutrients by the body.

However, drinking tomato juice in case of poisoning will not bring any benefit - only harm.

After a difficult day at work, or at the end of some important task, allow yourself a glass or two of tomato juice. Nervous tension will go away and mental balance will be restored. This effect of tomato juice is due to the content of special substances in it that promote the production of serotonin. And he, as you know, is the main fighter against stress and its consequences.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such an important element as lycopene. Tomatoes contain a lot of it, and with heat treatment it becomes even more. Scientists have proven that this important substance is a powerful antioxidant and is excellent at fighting cancer cells. Studies have shown that those who regularly consumed tomatoes and tomato juice had a significantly reduced risk of developing malignant tumors.

Tomato juice and weight loss

There is not a single girl watching her weight who does not know about the low calorie content of this wonderful product. Tomato juice is successfully used in various diets for weight loss, since the high content of vitamins (A, B, PP, K) and minerals (manganese, iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, iodine) ensures the vital functions of the body, but at the same time overweight You won’t gain any weight when using it.

To get a healing effect, you need to regularly drink 300 grams of tomato juice per day. It is good to take it half an hour before meals and preferably on an empty stomach.

There will be no particular harm from a product canned in boxes, but the benefits of canned tomato juice are certainly significantly less. Therefore, try to use it to the maximum during the season, and in the winter months it is better to lose weight in other ways :)

Contraindications and harms of tomato juice

Despite all the benefits of tomato juice, it can also cause harm, but for the most part it all depends on the quantity. Of course, if you drink a three-liter can of tomato juice at a time, a bad reaction from the body will probably immediately follow. It's all a matter of correct use. However, there are also medical restrictions.

  • First of all, you are allergic to this product.
  • If a person has gallstone disease, it is also better not to drink tomato juice. The acids contained in it can cause severe pain or even affect the movement of stones.
  • At various types poisoning, as mentioned earlier, this drink is contraindicated, because can increase intoxication and aggravate the process.
  • It is also worth separating the consumption of tomato juice and protein products (eggs, cottage cheese and meat). If you do not comply with this condition, you can disrupt the process of normal digestion.

In principle, the benefits and harms of tomato juice are not comparable. Fortunately :) The benefits are still many times greater. Drinking tomato juice can improve your quality of life and diversify your diet. Drink it with pleasure and for the benefit of your body:)

Tomato juice is one of the most popular and sought after vegetable drinks. First of all, it is valued for its invigorating sweet and sour taste, refreshing aroma, as well as for its rich chemical composition. This healthy drinking product typically has a thick texture and a rich, bright red color (see photo).

Today, absolutely all juice manufacturers are engaged in the production of tomato juice. It is usually obtained from red tomatoes. However, despite the fact that this variety of vegetables is seasonal, the described drink is sold in stores all year round. To find an explanation for this fact, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the types of store-bought tomato juice.

  • Freshly squeezed– a natural tasty product, the production of which is carried out exclusively during the tomato harvesting season. Unfortunately, such a drink is rarely found on sale today, so many people prefer to prepare it at home. You can be completely confident in the quality of freshly squeezed tomato juice. It has a rare vitamin and mineral composition, therefore it is very useful for humans.
  • Concentrated- a drink with a rare consistency. For its production, tomato juice is used, which has previously been boiled eight times.
  • From tomato paste– this type of juice is made from tomatoes boiled five times.
  • From tomato puree– a drinking product, which is produced using tomatoes boiled three times. By taste qualities, and is also very similar in consistency to freshly squeezed juice.

Tomato juice reconstituted from concentrate is less beneficial for humans, since during its preparation the raw material is diluted with ordinary water. At the same time, it is taken in the amount in which it was removed during the boiling of fresh tomatoes.

How to select and store?

To choose a good tomato juice, you should carefully study the product label. First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the manufacturing date of the product. As previously mentioned, a high-quality drink can be made exclusively in one time period: from July to October. Only during this period of time can you make real juice from tomatoes. If the product was produced in winter or spring, then the raw material for its preparation was reconstituted tomato concentrate. The composition of such a drink must include water.

Regardless of the method of preparation, tomato juice should be sold exclusively in hermetically sealed form. It can be contained either in cardboard packaging or in plastic and glass bottles. In the last two cases, it is possible to evaluate the juice externally. It must have a red color, as well as a thick, opaque consistency.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic technical requirements that, according to the current GOST, the product being described must meet.

During the examination, it was revealed that the best and highest quality packaged tomato juice of the Santal, J7 and Dobry brands is. First of all, they are valued for their high pulp content, and also for the fact that they do not contain preservatives.

As for storing tomato juice, a drink that has been pasteurized and preserved can be stored in a dark, cool room for up to two years. Freshly squeezed juice is best used immediately. After opening the package, the juice should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of two to five degrees for no more than a day.

Application of tomato juice

Tomato juice has found wide application in many areas. Thanks to its unsurpassed taste, this product is valuable in cooking. It is used in various cuisines around the world, including in many delicious dishes. In addition, tomato juice is a storehouse of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on human health, as well as on the condition of the skin and hair. It is for this reason that tomato drink is considered an integral part of such vital areas as medicine and cosmetology. More detailed information Information on the use of the described product can be found in the following sections.

In cooking

It is noteworthy that both fresh and sterilized tomato juice can be used in cooking. In both versions, the drink has a wonderful refreshing taste, which the tomatoes do not lose even after heat treatment.

In most cases, this vegetable juice is recommended to be drunk every day in its pure form. Firstly, it quenches thirst well and has a pleasant aftertaste. Secondly, this product has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, thanks to which it heals the entire body and gives a boost of energy for the whole day. If tomato juice is not to your taste, then it can be diluted with other vegetable or fruit juices, for example, carrot, beetroot, apple, etc. You can also overpower the main taste of tomatoes with the help of spices. If you mix processed tomatoes with cinnamon, pepper and sugar, you get a very tasty drink with both spicy and sweet notes.

Many chefs recommend using tomato juice in the preparation of meat and fish dishes. If this drink is used for stewing instead of water, then even the toughest meat will acquire a very soft and tender texture. The thing is that tomatoes are high in acid. For the same reason, tomato juice is ideal for creating marinades and sauces.

In addition, the liquid obtained from tomatoes can be added to water when preparing soups, as well as when cooking pasta. Even fifty milliliters of this juice will give the dish an unusual piquant taste.

Various salad dressings are often made using tomato juice. For example, if you add a little vinegar and any vegetable oil to it, it will be an excellent addition to vegetables. You can also prepare an imitation of French salad dressing based on a tomato drink. To do this, it should be supplemented with freshly squeezed lemon juice, chopped basil, garlic and ground paprika.

During culinary experiments, it was revealed that with the help of the described product you can soften the taste of even the most spicy tomato sauce. For example, if you find chili too hot, simply mix it with this drink (the proportion depends on personal taste preferences).

At this point, we can unmistakably say that tomato juice goes well with the following culinary masterpieces:

  • stewed cabbage;
  • potato casserole;
  • stew;
  • cutlets and meatballs;
  • stewed meat and poultry;

Using this product you can make so much delicious dishes that's just finger licking good. However, the use of tomato drink does not end there. Today it is extremely popular in the bar industry. It is used to create many alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. The most famous cocktail drink is the Bloody Mary. In the classic version, it usually consists of tomato and lemon juice, as well as vodka and spices. In bars, it is usually supplemented with two types of sauces - Tabasco and Worcestershire.

In folk medicine

IN folk medicine Tomato juice is used to treat many diseases. When consumed regularly, it effectively helps with heart diseases, as well as high blood pressure. This product has undeniable benefits for people with gastritis with low acidity.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the table below. In it we will tell you in what other cases tomato juice is useful, and also share the simplest but most effective folk recipes.


with vitamin deficiency

IN in this case It is recommended to drink one glass of tomato juice every day, it does not matter whether it is freshly squeezed or canned. Advice! The drink will be more useful if it is supplemented with a pinch of chopped fresh parsley.

for atherosclerosis

Three times a day, twenty minutes before meals, drink one hundred and fifty milliliters of tomato juice. Also, this use of the described product helps fight diseases of the liver, kidneys and intestines.

for cholelithiasis

Mix freshly squeezed tomato juice with cabbage brine (100 ml each). Drink the resulting liquid three times a day after meals.

for obesity

Prepare a cocktail drink from the juices of lemon, tomatoes, apples and pumpkin (proportion 1:2:4:2). You need to consume this fruit and vegetable composition daily.

Natural tomato juice can replace many chemicals without being inferior to them. In addition, today it is cheaper to stock up on the product described than on industrial medicines.

In cosmetology

As for cosmetology, only fresh homemade tomato juice is valuable in this area. The cooked product will not bring any results in this case. Most cosmetologists claim that tomatoes and, accordingly, the juice obtained from them are a symbol of beauty. With their help it is easy to maintain healthy skin and hair, as well as perfect figure. We suggest you deal with the latter first.

Due to its low calorie content and average glycemic index, tomato juice belongs to the category of dietary products, which means If you use it correctly you can lose weight noticeably. In order to achieve the desired result in this case, it is not necessary to follow a strict diet, because there are fasting days with this product, following which you can also lose a few extra pounds.

  • First option. Throughout the day you need to drink one and a half liters of fresh tomato juice.
  • Second option. In the morning and evening, you should drink a glass of this juice, and during the day, the portion of the vegetable drink should be doubled, adding one slice of rye bread.
  • Third option. In this case, the consumption of the described product is also divided into three stages. In the morning, drink two fresh tomatoes and a slice of cheese with a glass of tomato juice. At lunchtime, eat a serving of tomato soup (without meat). In the evening, eat a tomato salad with a glass of tomato drink.

Stick to the above fasting days with the described product is allowed not only for weight loss, but also for medicinal purposes.

You may also find recipes for tomato products for hair and skin useful, which we will be happy to share in the table below.



to narrow pores

Combine tomato juice (1 tbsp) with lemon juice (3 drops).

Blot the cotton wool well with the resulting mixture and then wipe your face. After ten minutes, rinse off the product with clean water.

for oily skin

Mix tomato and cucumber juices in one bowl (proportion 1:1).

Moisten your face with the prepared liquid, and after fifteen minutes, wash with warm water.

for sunburn

Add kefir (4 tbsp) to tomato juice (2 tbsp).

Apply the product to the burned areas of the body, and after half an hour, carefully rinse with cool water.

for hair restoration and strengthening

In this case, you only need freshly squeezed tomato juice.

It should be thoroughly rubbed into the scalp and left for five minutes.

Keep in mind that for cosmetic purposes only fresh tomato juice gives results.. Do not try to carry out the procedures described above using a store-bought product, as in this case you will be wasting your money and your precious free time.

What to replace it with?

Most chefs and others often wonder what ingredients can adequately replace tomato juice. First of all, it is worth noting that there are no irreplaceable products, especially in this case. For example, in cooking, an excellent alternative to such a drink are two ingredients at once - fresh tomatoes and pasta made from them. In the first case, the vegetables can simply be chopped and added to the dish in this form. You can also make juice from them yourself. To do this, just use a juicer or even a regular sieve.

If you use vegetable juice instead tomato paste, then before adding it to the dish, it is recommended to dilute it with ordinary warm water (proportion 1:2, respectively). The resulting composition is ideal for both first courses and second courses. Ketchup or some other tomato sauce is also good for stewing vegetables.

As for cosmetology and medicine, in these areas the described product can be replaced exclusively with fresh tomatoes. Note to those losing weight! Four whole tomatoes equal one glass of freshly squeezed juice. For weight loss purposes, you can also use low-fat kefir.

How to make tomato juice at home?

In order not to doubt the quality of tomato juice, it is recommended to prepare it at home. In addition, tomatoes belong to the category of easily accessible products. They are sold in any vegetable store, and many even grow them in their own garden beds. The advantage of this juice is that its preparation does not take much time and effort. If you use the tips below, you will make the most delicious and healthy tomato juice.

  • First of all, take the most responsible approach to choosing tomatoes. Choose the softest fruits, maybe even slightly crushed ones. Keep in mind that firm tomatoes are good for pickling, but not for juice production. In addition, it is better to take tomato fruits with fleshy and juicy pulp.
  • Classic tomato juice should contain only tomatoes and spices, but if desired, these ingredients can be supplemented with carrots, bell pepper, beets or even some fruit, such as an apple.
  • There are several ways to squeeze juice out of tomatoes. The most common method is considered to be through a juicer. However, in this case, only a mechanical juicer is good, since an electric device, as a rule, quickly overheats and requires a break almost every ten minutes.
  • You can also obtain the described product using a meat grinder equipped with a special attachment for separating juice. This method is advantageous in that very little waste is left during the juice making process, for which the previous method cannot be praised.
  • You can use the old method and obtain vegetable juice by boiling and then rubbing tomato fruits through a sieve. Despite the fact that this method is considered the most waste-free, it is also the most time-consuming and labor-intensive. It is for this reason that few people use it today. You can make the process easier by pre-grinding the vegetables, for example, using a blender or food processor.
  • The most popular way to obtain tomato juice at home is to prepare it using a juicer. When using this electrical appliance, you can do other household chores at the same time. The only thing you need to do in this case is to periodically stir the tomato mixture so that the vegetable skins do not clog the tube through which the finished juice passes.
  • If you decide to close homemade tomato juice for the winter, then be sure to pay attention to the cleanliness of the cans. Glass containers must be washed and sterilized very well. The last procedure can be carried out both in the oven and in a double boiler. As for the sealing caps, they must also be sterile.

Now we suggest going directly to the tomato juice recipe itself. If you strictly follow the technology given below, you will be able to make a real Soviet product, distinguished by its natural composition and natural aroma of tomatoes.

To make your own tomato juice, prepare one and a half kilograms of ripe tomatoes, preferably red, but yellow varieties will also work. The main thing is that vegetables should be juicy and meaty. Prepared tomatoes should be thoroughly washed, and then the juice should be squeezed out of them. To do this, you can use any previously proposed method. Add the resulting tomato liquid with coarse salt (10 g), granulated sugar (1.5 tbsp), and other spices (optional). Next, stir the mixture and boil. Carry out the last manipulation on the stove or in a slow cooker. Then cool the boiled juice and use it for its intended purpose. To prepare the product for future use, pour it hot into sterile jars and seal it tightly. After this, be sure to turn the workpiece upside down and cover with something warm until it cools. The yield of the finished product from a given quantity of tomatoes is one liter. We will share more detailed information about preparing the vegetable drink in the video below.

You can preserve tomato juice for the winter without canning. If the liquid is poured into containers and frozen, it will have a shelf life of up to six months. At the same time, the product does not need to be boiled to be stored in the freezer. Tomato juice can be stored at a temperature of minus eighteen degrees long time and in raw form.

Benefits, harms and contraindications

The benefits of real tomato juice are irrefutable. This is primarily due to the rich content of nutrients. This product contains a huge list of vitamins (A, PP, B, C, H, E), as well as minerals (Mn, P, B, Cl, K, Co, Fe, I) and organic acids. In addition, the vegetable drink is rich in carbohydrates and fiber, and it also contains starch, fructose and glucose.

Based on rich chemical composition we can safely say that tomato juice is incredibly beneficial for humans. Today it is known for sure that it has the following beneficial properties:

  • strengthens the nervous system and thereby prevents stress;
  • has a beneficial effect on digestion, cleanses the body of harmful substances;
  • regulates blood sugar levels;
  • helps increase hemoglobin, as well as cholesterol removal;
  • prevents the development of thrombosis;
  • improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, tomato juice has an anti-cancer effect. Women are recommended to drink this drink to prevent the development of cervical and breast cancer. Men need to consume this product to avoid prostate cancer.

Natural tomato juice is incredibly useful in other cases:

  • with anemia;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • with prostatitis;
  • with atherosclerosis;
  • with angina pectoris;
  • for hypertension;
  • for glaucoma;
  • for hemorrhoids;
  • for constipation;
  • with colitis;
  • with cirrhosis of the liver.

There are diseases for which the described product is strictly contraindicated and can cause serious harm to the body. These include gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers, gout and pancreatitis. You should also not drink tomato juice in case of poisoning, heartburn and diarrhea, and it is also harmful after undergoing operations and during breastfeeding. In the latter case, the product can cause a serious allergy in the child, accompanied by rash and nausea, and sometimes even swelling oral cavity and diarrhea. In addition, contraindications to the use of this drink are hepatitis and cholecystitis.

Despite its restrictions on consumption, for many people, tomato juice is a very healthy drink that is recommended to be enjoyed every day.