Working breed, shepherd dog. She is active, cheerful and agile, famous for her sharp mind and agility, and is one of the three smartest breeds in the world, followed by the poodle and the German shepherd. She remains the leader in all ratings that determine the level of intelligence in animals. The Border Collie is versatile; she runs, jumps, catches a ball, herds sheep, and easily wins competitions in agility and other active dog sports. This breed is an excellent shepherd and a faithful human assistant.

History of the Border Collie Breed

From time immemorial to the present day, shepherd dogs have existed in Europe. Many of them migrated to Ireland with the Celts. Some Celtic tribes that settled in Ireland moved to the west coast of Scotland, closer to the mountains, where they could engage in cattle breeding. Perhaps, by driving herds of sheep across mountainous terrain, the ancestors of today's collies developed endurance, speed of movement, the ability to control the situation, quick movements and a sharp mind.

1881 The first Collie Club issued a breed standard and developed a system for evaluating performance in competitions. These trials introduced the world to shepherd dogs that had previously only been known to shepherds. The Border Collie's task is to lead a group of sheep along a specified route in a certain period of time, overcoming various obstacles. From the beginning of the competition, the dog is controlled by the owner - the handler, who gives commands from a distance by voice, whistle or gesture. The winners of the competition are chosen to prolong the breed. Over the years it gained great popularity, they were selected based on their working abilities.

In 1906, breeders created the International Society of Shepherd Fanciers, and club members sought to better develop their unique working abilities. In 1915, James Reid officially registered the Border Collie breed. In 1976, the English Kennel Club adopted a breed standard.

  • Head: the skull is elongated, the occipital protuberance is not pronounced. The cheekbones are not flat, but not round either. The length of the skull is almost equal to the length of the muzzle. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly defined.
  • Nose: black, brown or dark gray, depending on color.
  • Eyes: oval, expressive, brown. Individuals with merle coloration have blue eyes or different colors.
  • Ears: Medium, triangular in shape, set wide apart, erect or semi-erect.
  • Teeth: white, even, scissor bite. The upper jaw overlaps the lower jaw. The lips are black and close fitting.
  • Neck: moderately long, muscular.
  • Limbs: strong, smooth, parallel. The shoulder blades are inclined, the elbows are pressed to the body. The thighs are long, the angles of the hock joints are well defined. Fingers are gathered into a ball. Claws black or white.
  • Body: slightly elongated, muscular.
  • Chest: wide and deep.
  • Tail: saber-shaped, set low, covered with thick hair. The length reaches the hock joint. When at rest it hangs, slightly bending at the end. When moving, it rises, but not above the line of the back.
  • Movements: graceful, free, light. When walking, it is not noticeable how she lifts her paws from the ground; it seems that she is sneaking at high speed.
  • Wool: two types: short and long. The guard hair is thick, slightly coarse, the undercoat is soft, dense and close-fitting. In individuals with long hair, the “mane”, “pants” and “fox tail” are clearly visible. Short on the muzzle, ears, forelimbs and metatarsals.
  • Males: Must have two apparently normal testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

Photo of a brothel collie in different colors

Any color is acceptable, but white should not prevail.

  • Black
  • Black and tan
  • Brown with or without light tan marks
  • Marble

There are white marks on the muzzle, a blaze on the forehead, a collar on the neck, on the chest, white limbs, and the tip of the tail. There are dark inclusions in the white areas.

Character and description of the border collie

The Border Collie has a cheerful, cheerful and affectionate character. She is playful and sweet, but at the same time very attentive. She always monitors what is happening around her, she is used to controlling the situation herself. She is infinitely devoted to her owner and the family in which she lives. It is easy to train, quick-witted and intelligent, and easily follows the owner’s commands.

He loves children, loves to play with them, and is perfect for a family with a school-age child. He is able to independently care for, walk and play with her. The dog, in turn, will receive a companion with whom he can run, frolic and spend a lot of energy. Distrustful of strangers and outsiders. Does not show aggression, but will always closely monitor the person who comes into the house. She gets along well with pets and takes “patronage” over them, since command is in her blood.

Pictured is a friendly border collie

The Border Collie has excellent sense of smell, hearing and vision, which makes it an ideal shepherd. Innate qualities have been consolidated over many years through artificial selection. She watches any herd of cattle, and seems to hypnotize them with her gaze. She is very active and needs movement all day. The owner must prepare for the fact that he will have to walk, run, play and train a lot. A village or country house. Where you can freely run, frolic, or even graze cattle all day long.

Those who want to own a border collie and keep it in a city apartment should prepare for a hurricane of energy and activity. She is not fit to sit quietly on the couch and wait for you from work. Idleness will make the dog despondent and melancholy, but first he will play pranks and destroy your apartment. An active person is suitable as an owner, ready to spend a lot of time walking the pet, capable of teaching commands and giving the necessary physical activity.

Border collie photo on the grass

Caring for a Border Collie is not difficult, but the most time will have to be spent on cleaning during shedding, as the breed sheds profusely and litters the apartment. But fortunately this happens seasonally and you can fight it. Of course, when keeping a collie in a village, shed hair is less noticeable, and the owner only needs to comb it or bathe it.


Never brush dry fur. Dilute a little conditioner in warm water, then spray from a spray bottle, only then can you scratch.

When shedding, you will have to brush more often, almost every day. But this doesn’t help much, since with frequent combing the hair comes out even more. Experienced breeders do not recommend using a furminator or a slicker; they have a bad effect on the structure of the hair and skin, severely tear off the undercoat, and it immediately begins to grow again.


Border collies are bathed when dirty or once a month.

There is a good way to quickly get rid of fur during shedding:

  • In a convenient basin, dilute a little dog shampoo in warm water, place your pet there and moisten it generously with soapy water.
  • Change the soapy water again and put the dog in it for at least 5 minutes.
  • Then rinse the wool well with clean water.
  • Once the water is clear, place the collie in water with a heavily diluted conditioner for about 10 minutes.
  • The conditioner does not need to be rinsed off.
  • After bathing, wrap your pet in a towel for 20-30 minutes.
  • Dry it a little with a hairdryer.
  • Brush with a massage brush. Dead hair will fall off on its own quite quickly.
  • This procedure can be repeated once a week for a month.
  • The shedding will pass quickly, and the pet will begin to grow new hair.
  • Be sure to note that as soon as the main part of the spine falls off, start giving vitamins little by little for 2-3 weeks.
  • And remember, proper nutrition will prevent excessive shedding.

In the photo, a border collie poses on the rails.

Claws and paws

Trim the claws once a month with a guillotine nail clipper, be sure to remember the fifth dewclaw on the front paws. The claw on them is short, does not wear off when walking, and causes discomfort.

After a walk, wipe the paws with a damp cloth; inspect for injuries or cuts on the paw pads. In winter, wash your paws especially thoroughly after a walk; do not let snow and reagents be licked off them, otherwise the collie will get poisoned.


Wipe the inside of the sink with a damp cloth once a week, making sure there is no excess sulfur or unpleasant odor from the ear. The skin is pink, smooth, without rashes. Having noticed the accumulation of wax, the dog shakes its head, the ear is red, fluid is leaking from it, be sure to seek help from a veterinarian.


Examine the eyes and, in order to prevent souring, wipe them once a week with weak tea leaves. If there is severe tearing or excessive acidification, do not self-medicate, but contact a specialist.

Physical activity

The Border Collie's lifestyle is movement and activity. Be sure to find time for jogging; cycling will only benefit you and your pet.

Collie loves to tug for objects, tease him and throw a toy or stick, he will gladly bring them to you. Throw him tennis balls as far as possible, after running after them throughout the day, he will get pretty tired and sleep soundly in the evening.

Beware of ticks

If you notice that your dog is lethargic, refuses to eat or drink, or has a fever, contact your veterinarian immediately. The specialist will prescribe the correct treatment and the animal can be saved. But don’t be alarmed; not all ticks carry the infection. Therefore, after walks, always inspect your dog and do not forget to treat it with tick repellent. The drug is applied to the withers, closer to the neck, so that the dog cannot reach to lick it off. You can't bathe for 10 days, and don't let your children pet you on the first day.

Border Collie diet

Each owner chooses the diet for the border collie himself, based on the health and age of the animal. By choosing dry ready-made food, you save time on preparation; it is easy to take on the road or to an exhibition. The only thing to remember is that the food is high premium and of high quality. You should not feed others, it will have a bad effect on your health. When feeding naturally, choose fresh and healthy products. Don't forget to include in your diet the vitamins and minerals your Border Collie needs.

Foods you can feed your Border Collie:

  • Lean meat (beef, lamb)
  • Poultry (chicken, turkey)
  • Scar
  • Cook porridge (buckwheat, rice) without salt
  • Seasonal vegetables and fruits (give them raw)
  • Sea fish (without bones)
  • Fermented milk products
  • Low-fat cottage cheese

Prohibited foods for border collies:

  • Smoked meats
  • Sweets
  • Chocolate
  • Pastries and bread
  • Pork
  • Tubular bones
  • river fish
  • Foods that cause bloating and gas (legumes, cabbage, grapes)

Try not to mix dry food and natural food in one feeding; this has a bad effect on the dog’s gastrointestinal tract. Always make sure there is fresh and clean water in the bowl.

Border Collie diseases

  • Eye abnormality (collie eyes)
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Epilepsy
  • Congenital deafness
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Increased sensitivity to anesthesia with barbiturates
  • Osteochondritis dissecans or osteochondritis dissecans

Photo of border collie

Videos border collie

The Border Collie is a fairly popular breed of herding dog in our country and among foreign dog breeders, bred in the UK. Research conducted by specialists from a British university has proven that the border collie is the most smart dog among all breeds known today.

History of the origin of the breed

The first mention of the breed is just under 500 years old. It is generally accepted that the name of the breed was obtained due to the habitat represented by the border between the territories of England and Scotland. However, it is currently quite difficult to establish for certain the origin of the breed. The main version is based on the opinion that the ancestors of the Border crossed with local shepherd dogs, but were brought over by the Vikings.

This is interesting! Thanks to a very beautiful and thick coat, as well as an elongated, attractive muzzle, border collies had a very noble and aesthetic appearance. appearance, and Queen Victoria was madly in love with them.

The first full description of the breed dates back to the very beginning of the nineteenth century. The animals took part in a kind of herding competition, the purpose of which was to select dogs with excellent working qualities, regardless of their external characteristics. Nevertheless, the exterior of the Broder Collie is quite interesting - the animal is extremely charming and cute, not too large. In 1976, the breed was recognized by the English Club, and twelve years later the Border Cauley was included in the FCI list.

Description, appearance of the border collie

The Border Collie is a very graceful dog, characterized by a well-proportioned build and a strong and strong frame. The height of males varies between 47.5-55.0 cm, and the height of females is 45.0-52.5 cm with a weight of 13.5 to 22.5 kg.

The coat can be of medium length or short. In both cases, there is a well-developed and very dense undercoat, which serves as excellent protection for the animal in unfavorable climatic conditions. Standard coloring is characterized by a predominance of white color.

Breed standards

In accordance with the FCI classification, the following standards are established for the Border Collie breed:

  • a fairly wide skull with a not too pronounced occipital protuberance;
  • equal length of the skull and the front part of the muzzle, strong and tapering towards the nose;
  • there is a well-defined transition in the area from the frontal zone to the muzzle;
  • a nose with well-defined nostrils may be black, brown or slate in color;
  • eyes are widely spaced, most often brown, oval in shape and moderate in size;
  • ears are medium-sized, widely spaced, erect or semi-erect;
  • there must be strong teeth and well-developed jaws with an even and fairly beautiful scissor bite;
  • a strong and muscular neck has a slight curve and widens towards the shoulder blades;
  • body of athletic build, with well-springed ribs;
  • The chest area is deep and slightly wide;
  • the lumbar region is deep and muscular, not at all toned;
  • the back line has a smooth slope towards a slightly sloping, relatively long and wide, muscular croup;
  • the tail is set low, with good hair, without casting over the back area;
  • The forelimbs are characterized by a parallel arrangement and the presence of a strong, but not heavy skeleton;
  • wide and fairly muscular hind legs have a graceful curve at the caudal base;
  • The thigh area is long, deep and muscular, with good arching at the knee joints and firmly set, powerful, low-set hocks;
  • paws are oval-shaped, with deep pads, with short and strong claws.

The movements are free, but soft, with a slight lifting of the paws, which creates the impression of a “sneaking” gait.

The topcoat hair is quite thick, with average hardness. There is a well-defined soft and very dense undercoat. An animal with a semi-long coat has a clearly defined mane, “panties” and a “fox tail”.

The coat does not have a distinct odor and does not shed much during the molting process.. In the area of ​​the muzzle, ears, parts of the front and hind limbs, the coat must be short and extremely smooth.

Border Collie Personality

The Border Collie is a very fast and extremely energetic dog. The breed is characterized by receptivity, intelligence and insight, and requires constant physical and mental stress. He is wary of strangers, but in the family he is obedient, responsible and sensitive to everyone around him.

Training a young dog should begin at about eight months. The animal is extremely devoted to its owner, very smart and easy to train from a fairly early age. Does not show timidity or unmotivated aggression. Has excellent instincts.


If the border collie is provided with good care, a nutritious and balanced diet, as well as the necessary level of physical activity, starting from a very early age, then the average life expectancy of a pet will be thirteen years, and sometimes more.

The breed is completely unpretentious in care. Such a four-legged pet will not cause trouble even for novice dog breeders.

Standard measures when keeping this breed at home include proper coat care, periodic bathing of the pet, trimming claws and other hygiene procedures, as well as creating an optimal diet.

Care and hygiene

Puppies need to be walked several times during the day, which will allow the animal not only to actively spend accumulated energy, but also help to accustom the four-legged pet to the daily toilet.

As necessary, you need to carefully clean the eyes and ears, accustoming the animal to these procedures from a very early age. Ear cleaning should be done very carefully, using a soft cloth and hygienic lotions.. Grooming in the form of combing is performed two to three times a week.

This event removes dead hair and stimulates the growth of new coat. For bathing, special conditioning shampoos are used, which must be selected correctly depending on the type of coat.

Diet – what to feed a border collie

Providing adequate nutrition for the border collie is an important stage in keeping the breed at home. The diet must contain a sufficient amount of nutrients, as well as the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals for the growth and development of the animal. You cannot limit your dog’s access to fresh and clean water, especially if they are used for feeding. Daily food should consist of approximately 50% meat, fish and offal.

This is interesting! Feeding dogs of this breed does not differ in specific features, but should be guided by the physical activity of the animal and its age.

Formula-fed puppies must be provided with special milk formulas. Good result gives the use of a homemade mixture represented by eggs, sugar and milk with the addition of special vitamin and mineral complexes.

An adult animal needs to be fed a couple of times a day, which minimizes the risk of developing pathology of the digestive system. It should be remembered that proper digestion of the Border Collie directly depends on providing the pet with adequate physical activity, as well as regular physical activity.

Diseases and breed defects

The breed's characteristics are endurance and very good health. However, along with other breeds, border collies are also susceptible to some specific diseases unique to them, which can be presented:

  • congenital deafness;
  • ocular abnormalities, including retinal atrophy;
  • osteochondritis dissecans;
  • increased susceptibility to drugs from the group of anesthetics;
  • cancer diseases.

In order to maintain the health of a four-legged pet, the owner is obliged to provide the pet with regular veterinary examinations, as well as timely vaccinations against the most common diseases.

A special feature of the Border Collie breed is the genetic ability to perform the work of a shepherd, therefore animals sold by professional breeders are completely devoid of aggressiveness. Animals lacking independence or intelligence are culled.

World and national championships make it possible to actively identify animals suitable for use in further selection and breeding, so all serious breeders are interested in participating in such events.

Where to buy, what to look for

It is best to purchase a Border puppy from single-breed nurseries. An animal born in our country is in no way inferior in quality and all breed characteristics to puppies from foreign breeders.

In recent years, the breed has been classified as universal, so when choosing a puppy, you must be guided by the further purpose of the animal. You can purchase lively and active puppies as a companion dog and family friend.

Important! To participate in shows and exhibition events, it is advisable to buy a calmer animal with the most impressive exterior.

Border Collie dog price

The cost of a puppy depends on many factors, but the determining ones are the titles and regalia of the animal’s parents, its class, and the status of the kennel.

Pet-class puppies will not be able to participate in exhibitions and are not used for procreation, which is due to the presence of certain defects that do not affect the health of the animal.

The average cost of such a puppy starts from 15 thousand rubles. An animal belonging to the “breeding class” is most often purchased for the purpose of procreation. In any average nursery, puppies of this breed of breeding class cost at least 18-25 thousand rubles.

“Show class” puppies are especially highly valued. It is these animals that constantly participate in exhibitions and belong to the category of standard breed representatives. Purchasing a puppy of this class can cost a hefty sum, because the cost starts from 30-35 thousand rubles.

Dogs of the breed are gaining momentum in popularity. definitely don't go unnoticed. “Oh, what an interesting color! Isn’t this a marriage?” - This is probably the question I hear most often. In our country, the breed is “known” for its black and white color, and few people know that the border arsenal has a huge palette of colors in stock.

Border collie merle color

In addition to the main colors: black, black\white, brown (chocolate)\white, with or without tan, harlequin (merle) - there are many more variations. Even the merle color itself comes in the following types:

blue marble:

red marble:

chocolate (brown) marble:

golden marble:

slate marble:

lilac marble:

sable marble, etc.

Plus, tan can be found in all types of merle. Then, “with tan” is added to the main name of the color. For example: “blue marble and tan.”

This diversity is carried by the gene M (merle factor) in a dominant heterozygous state. Border Collies can have different color combinations, but the MAIN THING is that white should never predominate over others. The fact is that the predominance of white color (white factor) brings with it various genetic abnormalities. Sometimes occurs in merle-colored dogs and their descendants (partially blue eyes).

All these “phenomena” are completely commonplace. Such “delights” do not carry with them any additional “bonuses” or “cons”. Border collie merle color absolutely normal dogs and color in this case- just a matter of preference.

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The closest ancestors of today's border collies were the sheepdogs of English peasants who lived on the border with Scotland. Hence the name of the breed – border collie (from the English “boarder” - “border”). These picky and playful dogs herded flocks of sheep, guarded estates and did not annoy their phlegmatic owners with loud barking. At the same time, “farm collies” were not valued by the British nobility and for a long time remained typical rural dogs.

A chance meeting of its representatives with the Queen of Great Britain, Victoria, helped bring the breed out of the shadows. In 1860, English Shepherds took part in one of the first dog shows, after which they were introduced to the royal court. “Grandmother Europe” liked smart and loyal animals, so soon several representatives of this glorious breed settled in Buckingham Palace. Throughout Victoria's reign, many border collies lived in her chambers, but the queen's main favorite remained a dog named Sharp, who was honored after his death with an impressive memorial in Windsor.

The border collie breed was officially registered only in 1915, although the standard of appearance for its representatives remained unformed for another 60 years.

The most famous ancestor of modern border dogs is the Old Hemp Shepherd, born in 1893 in Northumberland. The handsome, strong, tri-colored male was distinguished by his outstanding intelligence and exemplary behavior, for which he was selected as a sire for subsequent mating. It was the grandchildren and great-grandsons of old Hamp who achieved their first successes at exhibitions, becoming prize-winners of international and European championships. Another famous representative of the breed is the dog Winston, recognized as the official symbol of the boarder club. According to breeders, all modern individuals carry Winston genes.

Video: Border Collie

Appearance of a border collie

The Border Collie is far from being considered a glamorous hunk. A modest spotted or marbled color, average size, light shaggy coat to this day identify them as typical “villagers”, whose main vocation is to run across the heather wastelands, drive away uninvited guests from their homes and herd sheep. But the lack of external gloss is more than compensated by the amazing charm and intellectual inclinations of the animal. According to the breeders of these charming, modest dogs, the remarkable intelligence of the Border Collie can be seen in their eyes.


Wide skull with a flattened occipital region. The cheekbones are normal, without roundness, not flat. The cheeks are medium, without excessive fleshiness. The muzzle is of medium width, tapering slightly towards the nose. The transition from the nose to the frontal part is clearly expressed. The length of the muzzle is approximately equal to the length of the skull.


The Border Collie's jaws are strong, strong, with a regular scissor bite (the upper canines cover the lower ones). The teeth are white and evenly spaced.


Oval, medium size. The distance between the eyes is wide. The color of the iris is brown, but blue eyes are allowed for border collies with a merle coat color. A wise, searching look.


Triangular, medium size, moderate thickness. Widely spaced. Both standing and semi-standing stances are acceptable.

Nose and lips

The Border Collie's lips are dry. The nose is black, slate (if the coat is blue) or brown if the individual has a chocolate coat color. The nose is of medium size, the nostrils are large.


Elongated, with excellently developed muscles, strong. There is a slight bend.


Wide and deep chest. The upper line of the back is characterized by a slight slope towards the tail. The lower back is muscular, the groin line is not tucked. The ribs are springy and round in shape. The croup is medium wide, elongated and slightly sloping.


The Border Collie's forelimbs are set parallel. The elbows are pressed to the sternum, the shoulder blades are tilted back, but do not close together. The hind legs are well muscled, wide, and have a sloping line at the base of the tail. The hock joints are low and slightly sloping back. The paws are in the shape of a regular oval with massive black pads and toes that gather into a “lump.” The claws of the paws are short and thick.


The tail of the Border Collie is saber-shaped, of medium length, reaching the hock joints. Fluffy, bends with a slight curl closer to the tip. In an emotionally excited individual, it often rises to the level of the upper line of the back.


Border Collies can be either smooth or moderately long-haired. Representatives of both varieties have a springy soft undercoat that performs warming and water-repellent functions. Unlike smooth-haired individuals, long-haired individuals can boast of having a lush neck “collar” and fluffy “pants”. Some dogs may have so-called “feathers” or “feathers” on the back of their front legs. In this case, the muzzle, ears and front part of the forelimbs should have smooth and short hair.


To date, there are no restrictions on the types of colors of border collies. However, black with white spots or tan, chocolate with light tan and white markings, and merle (blue or merle) are still considered priorities. White markings are usually located on the forehead, chest, paws and tail and may have a speckled coloration.

Important: animals whose dominant color is white are not allowed to participate in exhibitions.


The average weight of an adult does not exceed 15-20 kg. Bitches are slightly smaller than males, the standard height of a female dog is 47-52 cm, a dog is 50-53 cm.

Appearance defects and disqualifying faults of the Border Collie

The most loyal selection criteria apply to shaggy natives of English farms. Only an aggressive or cowardly dog ​​with an inadequate reaction to speech addressed to it and that does not meet the FCI standard can receive a ban on participation in exhibition and competition events. All other shortcomings are mercifully forgiven to borders.

Photo of an adult border collie

Border Collie Personality

Border Collies are observant, good-natured, hard workers with an extremely peaceful nature. English Shepherds will always prefer completing some important assignment or intense training in the fresh air to lying aimlessly on the rug. For these dogs, work is not a routine, but the meaning of life, so you should not try to transform an energetic border dog into a “couch city dweller.”

Border collies are not considered aggressive dogs, but the animals still experience a certain distrust of strangers. But these modest intellectuals love children quite sincerely. Of course, you can “graze” them all day long, tirelessly driving individuals who have strayed from the “herd” into a safe zone and not letting them out of it until permission is received from the all-powerful and respected owner. By the way, about the relationship with the owner: it is difficult to find a creature capable of loving you more than a border collie. These executive workaholics are ready to completely and completely dissolve in their owner, without demanding anything in return.

Education and training

Borders are dogs that require not only regular physical activity, but also constant training. They pick up lessons on the fly, and in addition, this is one of the few breeds that does not need to be endlessly stimulated with treats in order to master the simplest skill. And yet, discipline and perseverance in puppies are poorly developed: if an animal is tired of following monotonous commands, it will simply change the type of activity to another, from its point of view, more interesting.

The owners of boarders themselves call their pets the best fitness trainers for the simple reason that with them there is no time for passive rest. Standard walks at a sluggish, relaxed pace will not work with these comrades. The Border Collie requires a full run with games and complex tasks for intelligence and dexterity. Frisbee, flyball, bike joring, agility, diving - these are the standard activities that representatives of this breed very quickly get hooked on. Shepherds also respect hide-and-seek and chase, but sometimes they can lose control of themselves and, during the game, lightly bite the legs of the person running away.

Border Collies are good at listening to human speech and understand the meaning of many words. Some owners use this feature in games. For example, the names of toys are learned with the animal, after which the owner says the word denoting the object, and the dog must bring exactly the toy that the person asked for. Pets are no less delighted by hunting for a hose connected to a water pump and catching soap bubbles. Simply put, border collies love everything that involves the manifestation of at least some physical activity.

Forced idleness is fraught with mental disorder for the animal, and inevitable financial losses for the owner. A bored dog can turn even a perfect apartment into the set for a post-apocalyptic blockbuster. Border puppies are a bit headstrong, which is not a good reason to postpone training until a later period. The sooner you teach your pet the rules of behavior in the house/apartment, the less material damage you will suffer.

Usually puppies are ready to learn simple commands at the age of 3-4 months. Average duration training for a baby is 10-15 minutes, after which the animal begins to experience boredom and fatigue. Once the dog reaches 6 months of age, the training becomes more complicated, without forgetting to repeat and consolidate the material covered. You can train and raise your pet yourself, by trial and error, or you can entrust this matter to a professional. The advantages of the second option are obvious: the animal quickly masters a basic set of skills, and the owner saves his own time and nerves.

The ideal habitat for borders is a country house or farm, where nothing will limit the activity of the animal. Keeping representatives of this breed in apartments also takes place, but only under the condition of good walking. If this is not possible, you should choose a less active pet.


When purchasing a Border Collie puppy, it makes sense to invest in a powerful vacuum cleaner, since Border Shepherds shed, although seasonally, extremely profusely. During the shedding period, you need to comb your dog at least once every two days, otherwise you will have to deal with tangles. In the interval between molts, it is enough to do this procedure once a week. Before combing, the wool is slightly moistened with a conditioner diluted in water, which should significantly facilitate the process. The use of slicker brushes and furminators is not recommended, as their use negatively affects the structure of the coat.

To speed up the molting process, experienced breeders recommend using a simple recipe:

  • dilute a small amount of shampoo in water and bathe the dog;
  • repeat the procedure again;
  • fill the bath with clean water and dilute conditioner balm in it;
  • moisten the animal’s fur with the resulting solution (rinse off is not necessary);
  • blot the wet coat with a towel and comb thoroughly, thus removing the bulk of the undercoat and guard hair.

Border Collies love to swim in open water, but are uncomfortable in the bathtub. You should wash your dog with a special shampoo no more than once every 1-2 months.

Border dogs have their nails trimmed once a month. If the pet leads an active outdoor life, this procedure can be neglected, because during jogging and training the claw plate is simply erased.

To prevent the appearance of tartar and remove plaque, your dog can be given tomato juice or from time to time pamper her with “cleansing” bones. Close attention should be paid to the ears, which actively “collect” all kinds of pollution. The ear funnel should be cleaned with a cotton pad soaked in lotion, which can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy.


The Border Collie's daily menu must include meat (preferably not pork) and offal. The meat is served raw. If it is a frozen product, it should be doused with boiling water. It is allowed to include frozen sea fish in the animal’s diet, from which the bones have previously been removed. In addition, it is useful to mix fish oil, kelp and vegetable oil, serving as a source of essential amino acids and microelements.

Broccoli, zucchini, green beans, pumpkin, spinach and green apples are essential foods in a Border Collie's diet. They are usually served mashed or chopped in a blender. Sour milk and eggs are given once a week. The most useful cereals are buckwheat and rice. For training, you should choose treats based on dried liver, as well as any other delicacies with a reduced fat content, approved by veterinarians.

Of the dry foods, the most useful are options with salmon, turkey and lamb. Since the activity of most borderers is off the charts, the optimal diet for them would be a “dry” diet with a high content of protein (about 30%) and fat (up to 20%). In addition, the right food should contain chondroitin and glucosamine, as well as sources of Omega-3 and Omega-6. Varieties based on meat by-products, as well as feeds containing soy, corn and wheat, are not in the best possible way affect work digestive system dogs.

Border Collie Health and Diseases

The average lifespan of dogs is 12-13 years. An elderly animal can be identified by its attraction to a calmer lifestyle, while the appearance of border dogs remains unchanged even with age. As for hereditary diseases, there are few of them. The most common conditions that Border Collies suffer from are hip dysplasia, osteochondritis dissecans, retinal atrophy, and epilepsy. Some individuals may have a congenital eye abnormality, often leading to blindness. An animal affected by this disease can be identified as early as 10 weeks of age.

Border collies are sensitive to barbiturate anesthetics, which is due to the low content of adipose tissue in the dog's body. Extremely rare, but still occurring is a disease such as hypothyroidism, accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland and hair loss. Pets of lazy owners usually suffer from obesity, which is a direct consequence of a passive lifestyle, as well as overfeeding the dog.

How to choose a puppy

We choose an active, sociable, moderately well-fed animal and refuse lethargic, apathetic puppies with dirty ears and a dry nose. First, you should get acquainted with the parents of the future pet, and of course, clarify information about the vaccinations given to the dog. If pedigree and standard appearance are important, it is better to contact well-known nurseries.

In order to save money, you can go through virtual bulletin boards like Avito and buy a border collie puppy “from hand”. Sometimes unscrupulous sellers, under the guise of purebred puppies, sell mongrels of a similar color or mixed breed, so it is better to come to a meeting with the owner of the animal with a specialist who can distinguish a purebred from a pseudo-border.

Photos of border collie puppies

How much does a border collie cost?

An animal from a decent nursery will cost 50,000 - 60,000 rubles, and chocolate-colored borders are more expensive. In advertisements from single sellers, the average price tag for a border collie puppy with the RKF metric is approximately the same. The cost of babies from titled parents can reach 70,000 rubles. Purebred dogs with minor defects cost 25,000 - 35,000 rubles. Metis without documents, who are barred from entering exhibitions and competitions, are often given away free of charge or for a nominal fee.

Border Collie dogs are excellent herders, equipped with unchanging canine instincts. The breed is friendly and loyal. The dog quickly and easily finds a common language with small children.

It is not without reason that there is an opinion that the Border Collie is created for movement. A more energetic, playful dog would be hard to find. Ready to spend the whole day in games and active activities with the owner or other animals. When choosing a representative of the breed, remember that a calm, measured life is not for a pet.

History of the breed

According to history, the Border Collie was the first breed of its kind to be classified as a small herding dog. The history of the origin of the breed goes far into the depths of humankind. The breed was first mentioned in the chronicles of the Vikings who lived on the border of Scotland with the territory of modern England. Even the name says about the place where the breed was bred - border in English means border.

The first descriptions of the breed appeared back in 1570. Since 1873, competitions have been held among herding breeds for the title of the best shepherd dog, although the description of the breed and the evaluation system were developed only in 1881! The breed was first officially registered in 1915 by James Reid. Previously, dogs were called “collies” with the following notes:

  • worker,
  • traditional,
  • English,
  • farmer's

The year 1906 was important for the Border Collie breed because the International Society of Shepherd Fanciers opened. The society's goal was to support a working breed that was unique in nature. The emphasis in breeding was on the working qualities of dogs. The English Club adopted a standard for the breed in the 70s of the 20th century. It is known that the document was copied from real dogs. In the description, the main place is given to the working qualities of the breed, preserved by descendants.

Initially, representatives of the breed were used as herding dogs. Today, the Border Collie is more often adopted as a companion and family friend. However, the shepherd dog still has the leadership abilities of a dog, accustomed to managing a herd of sheep and protecting the flock from wild animals. The breed has not gained much popularity in Russia.

Description of the breed

Descriptions of the Border Collie breed begin with a fact: the dog is amazingly trainable. In terms of intelligence, the animal is compared with the famous breeds Laika and Malamute. The dog has pronounced herding qualities. A classic confirmation is the fact that, even living in an urban area, a dog tries to “herd” everyone, even its owners.

The positive characteristics of the breed do not end there. The dog is clearly capable of distinguishing between strangers and his own when we're talking about about a stranger - either avoids communication or seeks to “drive him out”. A positive quality that is ideal for a married couple - Border quickly finds contact with children. It is better not to leave a small child alone due to the dog’s energy and predominant weight. Accidental damage may occur.

The Border Collie is in excellent health. The hardy dog ​​easily adapts to any living conditions. The Border Collie is recommended for owners of country houses. Representatives of the breed are kept in an apartment subject to daily prolonged physical activity.


  1. The Border Collie exhibits proportional build.
  2. This is a strong and robust dog with short to medium length hair. The dense undercoat protects the breed from bad weather.
  3. A distinctive feature of the Border Collie is the equal length of the muzzle and forehead.
  4. There are different colors. The most common are dark and dark with tan. There is a brindle color called tricolor.
  5. The long tail is set low, the tip is slightly raised. When moving, the tail rises slightly, however, it is allowed no higher than the line of the back.
  6. The height of the Border Collie ranges from 47-53 cm, weight reaches 20 kg (depending on the gender of the dog).
  7. Average life expectancy is 12-14 years.

The only condition stated in the standard is that the white color of the coat should not predominate. Although white spots on the face, forehead, neck and paws are allowed.

Character and temperament

Energetic and demanding dogs always want to live “in business.” Moreover, it does not matter what the dogs are doing - herding sheep or participating in sports competitions. Under human guidance, representatives of the breed show exceptionally excellent results. If the dog is bored, becomes nervous and irritable, destructive behavior is possible.

The dog will not entertain itself. The owner must come up with activities for the animal. Representatives of the breed are extremely people-oriented. It is prescribed to be socialized at an early age. Collies mature late. At 2-3 years old they are able to exhibit puppy behavior and play pranks.

The breed is distinguished by high intelligence. Even an inexperienced owner can easily teach the simplest commands. The dog needs professional training. Border collies are calm with children, but they will not tolerate severe “bullying”. But they will quickly make friends with teenagers.

Outsiders are treated with suspicion. In the absence of a real danger to the owner or family members, they do not show aggression. Dogs of the breed coexist peacefully with other pets.

Representatives of the breed often show excellent results in sports competitions, becoming champions in agility and outdoor games like Frisbee. Today they are used as bloodhounds or rescuers. Herding instincts are highly developed.

Border Collie Care

The Border Collie is easy to train and gets along with children, respecting its owner. Your pet requires certain care:

  1. Wool. First of all, proper care of the Border Collie consists of monitoring the correct growth of the coat. The dog's coat is medium length. If necessary, the hair on the tail and paws is removed.
  2. Brushing - you will have to comb your four-legged friend twice a week; at the time of shedding, it is better to increase the intensity.
  3. Haircut - if necessary, the hair on the paws and tail is trimmed.
  4. Washing - Border does not like to bathe; frequent bathing negatively affects the condition of the coat. Bathed 2-4 times a year or when heavily soiled. After a walk, if the dog lives in the house, it is enough to wipe its paws.
  5. Eyes - Accumulated dust and dirt are carefully removed from the corners of the eyes using a cotton swab.
  6. Nail trimming - due to increased activity, this dog breed does not require frequent nail trimming.
  7. Intellectual development - animals are smart, however, it is not a fact that dogs will direct their minds to executing commands. With the right approach, in addition to standard commands, the Border Collie can learn interesting tricks. Training will require considerable effort from the owner and a huge amount of treats. For beginners, it is better to contact an experienced trainer who will recommend exercises to develop their intended skills.
  8. Walking - the breed, especially Border Collie puppies, is playful and requires regular and frequent walks from the owner. For an adult, two walks a day for 40-45 minutes are enough.
  9. Physical activity: fetching, jogging, tugging things are the dog’s preferred activities. The ideal warm-up involves catching a ball or plate. It is possible to do such exercises near a pond where the dog will happily swim. Regardless of the weather, the Border Collie needs two hour walks.

If the dog does not get the chance to release adrenaline on a walk, or the walk is too short, the family's life will suffer serious changes. When purchasing a breed, remember that a dog's instincts are primarily related to running and grazing. The Border Collie breed is a shepherd for whom a single walk is not enough. If possible, try to spend as much active time as possible with your four-legged friend.

The main thing for a dog is movement. Communication with a person will not replace physical activity for a dog. Choleric temperament and irrepressible energy make this breed an excellent companion for active people. They easily adapt to new conditions and cope well with travel and moving.

Diseases of the breed

Among the most common diseases of the breed:

  • Eye diseases,
  • Epilepsy,
  • Congenital deafness
  • Hip dysplasia,
  • Osteochondritis dissecans.

When buying a puppy, the future owner should inquire about the medical records of the parents. Often in dogs of this breed there is an eye anomaly, called “collie eyes”.

What to feed

How to care for a Border Collie is a burning question for a beginner. The answer lies not only in proper grooming, bathing, and nail trimming. You will have to follow a proper diet. First, you will need to decide on the type of food your dog will eat – dry or natural food. Initially, decide what to feed your Border Collie puppies; your choice will determine the animal’s diet throughout its life.

The Border Collie's menu is not much different from that of its relatives. It’s difficult to say which is better - dry food or natural dishes; each has its pros and cons. Please note that mixing dry food with natural food is not recommended! In spring and autumn, a complex of special vitamins is included in the dog’s menu.

It is highly not recommended to switch from one food to another. Try to control the quality of the food your breed consumes. If you have any difficulties, contact your veterinarian. Some people, answering the question of what to feed the Border Collie, are categorically against dry food, but sometimes decent food will allow you to completely maintain the balance of necessary vitamins and minerals for healthy coat growth, the main asset of the breed.

We emphasize that preparation proper nutrition It is problematic for the breed and takes a lot of time. In winter, purchase necessary products difficult. On the other hand, healthy food from a professional manufacturer is not cheap. Make your choice before buying a puppy; remember, the Border Collie dog breed is sensitive to nutrition and will not always agree with the proposed diet.


Border responds well to training. The enormous potential of the breed can play a cruel joke on the owner. Developing a dog's personality should begin from early childhood. Ideally, immediately after appearing in the house, immediately engage in training.

Despite his young age, the puppy is 99.9% likely to show signs of high level, but will do it his own way. The kid will begin to be cunning, perhaps play on pity - do not allow Border such maneuvers. If difficulties arise, contact your trainer.

Important! Before enrolling in courses, be sure to teach your child the basic commands - fu, next, etc.

Complex commands are learned with the direct participation of a professional. Don’t be discouraged if Collie doesn’t learn the right command for a long period of time. This characteristic feature breed - refusal to follow a command for many training sessions and suddenly executing several at once. With persistent training, the dog will quickly master the necessary commands. If you add treats to the training process, your four-legged friend will not leave the event unattended.

To summarize:

  1. To keep a dog of this breed, it is advisable to have enough time for regular walks;
  2. The main asset of the Border is its wool; it will need to be regularly monitored and not allowed to mat;
  3. The choice of food is a key moment in the subsequent life of the animal. Decide on the type of food - dry food or natural products. When choosing natural foods, build in a lot of cooking time for your dog in your daily routine.
  4. Border Collie training begins immediately from the first appearance in the house. You will need to find some balance between the carrot and the stick - you should not be very cruel and assertive, but the animal must understand that you are the boss of the house!