Eccentric Spain is the dream of any tourist who is looking for hot, thrilling sensations. Holidays in Spain mean staying in luxury hotels, relaxing on the best beaches in the world, dining in world-famous restaurants, tours of medieval castles and other attractions, and of course communicating with extraordinary Spaniards.

The last thing is most likely the most memorable and interesting thing that can happen during all the time spent in this beautiful country, but there is one thing, but in order to communicate with the local population you need to know at least a minimum of Spanish, or have our Russian at hand -Spanish phrasebook. Our phrasebook is a great help in communicating with the local population. It is divided into important and common topics.

Common phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
enough / enoughbastantebastante
How much time?Que hora es?Ke ora es?
I don't understandNo entiendoBut entiendo
I'm really sorryLo siento.locento
Could you speak more slowly?Mas despacio, por favor.mas-despacio, por-favor
I don't understand.No comprendo.but-comprendo
Do you speak English/Russian?Habla ingles/ruso?abla ingles/rruso?
How to get/get to..?Por donde se va a..?pordonde se-va a..?
How are you?Que tal?Ke tal?
Very goodMuy bienMui bien
Thank youGraciasGracias
PleasePor favorPor Favor
How are you doing?Que tal?ketal?
Thanks, great.Muy bien, gracias.Mui bien, gracias.
What about you?Y usted?Juste?
It's very nice to meet you.Encantado/Encantada*.encantado/encantada*
See you soon!Hasta pronto!asta pronto!
Okay! (Agreed!)Esta bien!esta bien
Where is/are..?Donde esta/Donde estan..?dondesta/dondestan..?
How many meters/kilometers from here to..?Cuantos metros/kilometros hay de aqui a..?quantos metros/kilometros ah de-aki a..?
No smokingProhibido fumarProivido fumar
Why?How about?spanking?


Walk around the city

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Railway station / Train stationLa estacion de trenesLa Estacion de Tranes
Bus stationLa estacion de autobusesLa Estacion de Autobuses
Tourist OfficeLa oficina de turismola officena de turismo
City Hall/Town HallEl ayuntamientoel ayuntamiento
LibraryLa bibliotecala library
ParkEl parqueEl Parque
GardenEl JardinEl Hardin
City wallLa murallaLa Muraya
TowerLa torrela torre
StreetLa calleLa Caye
SquareLa plazala plaza
MonasteryEl monasterio / El conventoEl Monasterio / El Combento
HouseLa casaLa Casa
CastleEl palacioEl Palacio
LockEl castilloEl Castillo
MuseumEl museoEl Museo
BasilicaLa basilicala basilica
Art galleryEl museo del arteel museo delarte
CathedralLa cathedralLa Catedral
ChurchLa iglesiaLa Iglessa
Tobacconist'sLos tabacosLos Tabacos
Travel agencyLa agencia de viajesla-ahensya de-vyahes
Shoe storeLa zapateriala sapateria
SupermarketEl supermercadoel supermercado
HypermarketEl hipermercadoEl Ipermercado
NewsstandEl kiosko de prensael chiosco de prince
MailLos correosLos Corraos
MarketEl mercadoEl Mercado
SalonLa peluqueriaLa Peluceria
The dialed number does not existEl numero marcado no existeEl numero marcado no existe
We were interruptedNos cortaronNose cortaron
Line is busyLa linea esta ocupadaEa payback line
Dial a numberMarcar el numeroMarkar el nimero
How much are the tickets?Cuanto valen las entradas?Quanto valen las entradas?
Where can I buy tickets?Donde se puede comprar entradas?Donde se puede comprar entradas?
When does the museum open?Cuando se abre el museo?Cuando se abre el museo?
Where is it located?Donde esta?Donde esta?
Where is the mailbox?Donde esta el buzon?Donde esta el buson?
How much do I owe?Cuanto le debo?Cointeau le débo?
letters to Russiamandar una card in Russiamandar una card and Rusia
I need stamps forNecesito sellos paraNesesito seios para
Where is the post office?Donde estan Correos?Donde estan correos?
Postal cardPostalPostal
down / belowabajoabajo
upstairs/at the toparribaarriba
directlytodo rectotodo-rrekto
lefta la izquierdaa la Izquierda
righta la derechaa-la-derecha
leftizquierdo / izquierdaIzquierdo / Izquierda
rightderecho / derechaderecho / derecha

In a cafe, restaurant

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
red winevino tintowine tinto
rose winevino rosadorosado wine
white winevino blancowine blanco
toast (fried bread)tostadastostadas
dry / dry / oeseco / secaseko / seka
cake(s)pastel / pastelespastel / pasteles
orange(s)naranja/naranjasnaranja / naranjas
vegetable stewmenestramenestra
shellfish and shrimpmariscosmariskos
apple(s)manzana/ manzanasmanzana / manzanas
smoked hamjamon serranojamon serrano
ice creamheladoelado
large shrimpgambasgambas
dried fruitsfruits secosfrutos sekos
fruit / fruitsfruta/frutasfruita
The check, please.La cuenta, por favorLa Cuenta, Port Favor
Well doneMuy hechomui-echo
Medium-roastedPoco hechoPoko Echo
Dish of the dayEl plato del diael plateau del día
SnacksLos entremesesLos Entremeses
First courseEl primer plateauel primer plateau
DinnerLa cenaLa Sena
DinnerLa comida/El almuerzola comida / el almuerzo
BreakfastEl desayunoEl Desayno
CupUna tazauna-tasa
PlateUn plateauun-plateau
SpoonUna cucharauna-kuchara
ForkUn tenedorun-tenedor
KnifeUn cuchilloun-kuchiyo
BottleUna botellauna-boteya
Glass / Shot glassUna copauna-copa
CupUn vasoum-baso
AshtrayUn ceniceroun-senisero
Wine listLa carta de vinosla carta de vinos
Set lunchMenu del diaMainu del Dia
MenuLa carta/El menula carta / el menu
Waiter/kaCamarero/Camareracamarero / camarera
I'm a vegetarianSoy vegetarianosoy vejetariano.
I want to reserve a table.Quiero reservar una mesakyero rreservar una-mesa.
Orange juiceZumo de naranjaSumo de naranja

In transport

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Could you wait for me?Puede esperarme, por favor.puede esperarme por favor
righta la derechaa la derecha
Stop here please.Pare aqui, por favor.pare aki por favor
lefta la izquierdaa la Izquierda
Take me to the hotel...Lleveme al hotel…L'evem al otel
Take me to the train station.Lleveme a la estacion de ferrocarril.levéme a la estacion de ferrocarril
Take me to the airport.Lleveme al aeropuerto.levema al aeropuerto
Take me to this address.Lleveme a estas senas.l'evem and estas senyas
What is the tariff until...?Cuanto es la tarifa a...?quanto es la tariffa a
Can I leave my car at the airport?Puedo dejar el coche en el aeropuerto?Puedo dejar el coche en el aeropuerto?
Where can I get a taxi?Donde puedo coger un taxi?donde puedo kocher un taxi
How much does it cost?Cuanto cuesta para unaCuanto cuesta
a week?semana?una semana?
When should I return it?Cuanto tengo que devolverlo?Quanto tengo ke devolverlo?
Is insurance included in the price?El precio incluye el seguro?El precio inclue el seguro?
I want to rent a carQuiero alquilar un cocheQuiero alkilar un koche

At the hotel

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
2 (3, 4, 5-) starde dos (tres, cuatro, cinco) estrellas)de dos (tres, cuatro, cinco) estrayas
HotelEl hotelel hotel
I have reserved a roomTengo una habitacion reservadatengo una-habitasion rreservada
KeyLa llavela-yawe
ReceptionistEl botonesEl Botones
room with square/palace viewhabitacion que da a la plaza / al palacioHabitacion que da a la plaza / al palacio
room with windows to the courtyardhabitacion que da al patioHabitacion que da al-patyo
room with bathhabitacion con banoHabitacion con Bagno
single roomhabitacion individualhabitation individual
double roomhabitacion con dos camasHabitacion con dos camas
with double bedcon cama de matrimoniokonkama de matrimonyo
two-room suitehabitacion dobleHabitacion Doble
Do you have a free room?Tienen una habitacion libre?Tenen unabitacion libre?


Dates and times


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
0 cerosero
1 unouno
2 dosdos
3 trestres
4 cuatroquattro
5 cincoCinco
6 seisseis
7 sietesiete
8 ochowow
9 nuevenueve
10 diezsharp
11 onceonse
12 docedose
13 trecetrese
14 catorcekatorse
15 quincekinse
16 dieciseisdyesisays
17 diecisietedesisiete
18 dieciochodiesiocho
19 diecinueveDiesinueve
20 veintewante
21 veintiunoVeintiuno
22 veintidosVaintidos
30 treintatrainta
40 cuarentakarenta
50 cinquentacinquanta
60 sesentasesenta
70 setentasetenta
80 ochentavery much
90 noventanoventa
100 cien (before nouns and adjectives) / cientosien/siento
101 ciento unosiento uno
200 doscientosdossientos
300 trescientosTressientos
400 cuatrocientosquatrosientos
500 quinientosquinientos
600 seiscientosSeissientos
700 setecientossetesientos
800 ochocientosococientos
900 novecientosnovicientos
1 000 milmiles
10 000 diez milsharp miles
100 000 cien milcien miles
1 000 000 un millionone million

In the store

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Can I try this on?Puedo probarmelo?puedo probarmelo
Too expensive.Muy caro.mui karo
Please write this.Por favor, escribalo.por favor escriballo
What is the price?Cuanto es?Quanto es
How much does it cost?Cuanto cuesta esto?Quanto questa esto
Show me this.Ensenemelo.ensenemelo
I would like...Quisiera..Kisiera
Give it to me please.Demelo, por favor.Demelo por favor
Could you show it to me?Puede usted ensenarme esto?puede usted ensenyarme esto
Could you give it to me?Puede darme esto?puede darme esto
What else do you recommend?Me puede recomendar algo mas?Mae puede recomendar algo mas?
Do you think this will suit me?Que le parese, me queda bien?Ke le parese, me queda bien?
Can you make a tax-exempt purchase?Usted puede formalizar la compra libre de impuestos?Usted puede formalisar la compra libre de impuestos?
Can I pay by credit card?Puedo pagar con tarjeta?Puedo pagar con tarheta?
I'll take itMe quedo con estoMe kado con esto
(smaller) size?grande(pequena)?Grande (pequeña)?
Do you have a bigger one?Tiene una talla masTiene una taya mas
Can I try it on?Puedo probar?Puedo probar?
What if I take two?Si voy a tomar dos?Si boy a tomar dos?
How much does it cost?Cuanto vale?Cointeau bale?


Greetings – all the words necessary to greet or start a conversation with a resident of Spain.

Standard phrases - a list of all kinds of phrases and their pronunciation that will contribute to the development of the conversation and its maintenance. Here are collected many common phrases often used in communication.

Orientation in the city - in order not to get lost in one of the Spanish towns, keep this topic with you, it contains translations of phrases that will help you find your way to the place you need.

Transport - when traveling on public transport, you need to know the translation of a number of phrases and words, these are the words collected in this topic.

Hotel – so that you don’t have any difficulties when checking into a room or communicating with room service, use this topic.

Emergency situations - if some kind of misfortune happens to you or you feel unwell, seek help from passers-by using this section.

Dates and times - if you are confused about what date it is today, and you urgently need to clarify this issue, ask a passerby for help, this topic will help you with this. You can also check what time it is.

Shopping - words and their translations that will be needed in stores and markets.

Restaurant – When ordering a dish at a restaurant, make sure that it contains exactly the same ingredients that you would expect using this section. You can also use it to call the waiter, clarify your order and ask for a receipt.

Numbers and numbers - all numbers from 0 to 1,000,000, translated into Spanish, their correct pronunciation and spelling.
Tourism is the main selection of phrases and words for tourists. Words that no vacationer can do without.

Hola, Me llamo Alex. ¡Bienvenido a bordo! Hello, my name is Alex. Welcome aboard Spanish from Scratch! Our lessons are published every week, so subscribe to our channel so as not to miss interesting lessons.

Watch video lesson from the course: Spanish from scratch:

Today we will look at 10 useful and popular questions in Spanish. They will be useful not only for students of Spanish, but also for people who travel or go on vacation to Spanish-speaking countries.

And we will start with the most basic question, most likely for most this is a long-familiar and worn-out question. But we simply must consider it.

Question one: What is your name? in Spanish it says: Como te llamas?
If you watched the video carefully, you already know that answering is as easy as asking, for example: Me llamo Alex - My name is Alex.

Question two: Where are you from? - De donde eres? - If you were asked this question, you can answer: ¡Soy de Rusia! - I'm from Russia. or ¡Soy de Moscú! - I'm from Moscow.

Question three: Do you speak English? ¿Habla ingles? or do you speak Russian? ¿Habla ruso?
Please note that this is a formal question, more formal. If you are speaking in an informal setting, is it okay to say ¿Hablas inglés? those. add the letter S [ese] to the end of the word.

Question four: Where is the toilet? - Donde está el baño? - Of course, if you press hard, they will understand you without words, but it’s better if you speak and not show. Moreover, it is a very good design. With its help, you can ask any question, for example: Where is the exit? Donde está la salida?

In Spain you will often see a sign with this word: Salida

Question five: What time is it now? ¿Qué hora es? - Everyone has phones and watches, but anything can happen, the phone is dead or the watch was left at the hotel. You can answer this way, for example, you want to say that it is now six o’clock, say son las seis. Don’t worry, in the next lessons we will go over everything in detail and many times, subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss it.

Question six: Is there a bank nearby? Hay un banco cerca? - Please note, this is also a very good design, with its help you can ask about any institution or place where you would like to go. Another example: Hay un supermercado cerca? - Is there a supermarket nearby?

Question seven: How can I get to the beach from here? Como llego a la playa? or Como llego a el supermercado? How do I get to the supermarket?

Question eight: Would you like some tea? ¿Quieres un té?

You can answer: Si - i.e. yes, or say this: Quiero el té con limón - I want tea with lemon

Question nine: Do you have money? Tienes dinero?

And the tenth question: Could you help me? ¿Me puedes ayudar?

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Detalles Category: Spanish Grammar

We look at the grammar in phrases like “I don’t know what time he will come” (indirect question).

The question can be asked directly, for example:

– ¿ Cuántos años tienes?
– ¿ Qué Quieres para comer?
– ¿Quieres venir con nosotros al cine?

Or indirectly, for example:

– Me gustaría saber qué llevas en esa mochila. I'd like to know what's in that backpack.
– Te importaria decirme cuántos años tienes. Tell me, if possible, how old you are.

In this case, there are no question marks. The question word is written with accent, as in the direct question.

– Me ha pedido mamá que te pregunte que qué Quieres para comer. Mom asked me to ask you what you want for lunch (what do you want to eat).
– Dice que no sabe qué hacer. He says he doesn't know what to do.

If there is no question word, a conjunction is used si.

–Andrés dice que si has comprado la cena. Andres asks if you bought dinner.
– Ayer hablé con Jesús y quería saber si Quieres venir con nosotros al cine. I talked to Jesus yesterday, he wanted to know if you wanted to go to the movies with us.


Dime si Quieres quedarte aquí. Let me know if you want to stay here.

Me pregunto qué le ha pasado. I wonder what happened to him?

No sabía donde lo había puesto. I didn't know where I put it.

Pregunta si has recibido la carta o no. He/she asks whether you received the letter or not.

Me pregunto por qué Venden el auto justo ahora. I wonder why they are selling the car now?

Puedo imagine de donde salió ese chisme. I can imagine where this rumor came from.

Me interesting saber cuánto gana I'm interested to know how much he earns.

Le pedí que averiguara donde se pueden comprar esos repuestos. I asked him to find out where I could buy these

Interrogative pronouns Always used with emphasis.

Basic interrogative pronouns

¿Qué – What?

¿Qué vas a comprar? – What are you going to buy?

¿Qué – Which one?

¿Qué película vas a ver? – What movie are you going to watch?
¿Qué color es? – What color is this?

¿Quién – Who?

“Quién está aquí?” -Who's here?

¿Dónde – Where?

¿Dónde lives? - Where do you live?

¿A dónde - Where?

¿A donde vas? -Where are you going?

¿De donde - From where?

¿De donde vienes? -Where are you coming from?

¿Cómo – Which one?

What do you think? – What kind of boy is he?

¿Cómo – How?

¿Cómo están tus padres? – How (do) your parents?

¿Cuándo – When?

¿Cuándo nos llama? – When will he call us?

¿Cuánto(s) / ¿Cuánta(s) – How much?

¿Cuánto cuesta? – How much does it cost?
¿Cuánto se puede...? / ¿Cuánto se puede repetir? – How much can you...? / How many times can you repeat?
¿Cuánto quiere ganar? / ¿Cuánto le gustaría ganar? – How much would you like to receive?
¿Cuántas personas hay aquí? – How many people are here?
¿Cuántas clases tienes hoy? – How many classes do you have today?

¿Cuál – Which one? Which?

¿Cuál es tu color favorito? – What (which) is your favorite color?


¿Cómo – Which one? How?

The question "¿Cómo?" may refer to noun or verbs. By asking a question with this word, we are asking characterize any object, and in the case of verbs - an action.

¿Cómo es tu casa? – What is your home? (We ask you to describe the house: is it big, what color is it, is it cozy, etc.)
How about son las chicas en España? – What are the girls like in Spain? (For example, are they beautiful? What is their character? etc.)
What is it like in Russia? – What is winter like in Russia?

¿Qué – What? Which?

¿Qué dices? -What are you saying?
¿Qué hace tu hermano? – What is your brother doing?
¿Qué quieren Vds. de postre? – What would you like for dessert?

¿Qué – Which one? (What the?)

Asking a question with "¿Qué?" in this meaning, we do not ask for a description of any object (unlike “¿Cómo?”), but we ask for it specify, name his name. Therefore in in this case the question “¿Qué?” similar to the Russian question “What the?”

¿Qué coche tienes? – What car do you have? / What kind of car do you have? (This does not mean the color of the car, not its external or driving characteristics, but the brand. We ask you to clarify the brand of the car.)
¿Qué libro lees? – What book are you reading? / What kind of book? (What is the title of the book?)
What do you think? – What day is it today?

¿Cuál? ¿Cuales – Which one? Which? Which? Which?

The word "¿Cuál?" we ask highlight an item from a number of similar items.

¿Cuál es tu coche? – What's your car? (For example, we are in a parking lot with a lot of cars, and we want to ask which one belongs to this person)
¿Cuál es tu actor favorito? – Who's your favorite actor?

Often the meanings of interrogative pronouns “¿Cuál?” and "¿Qué?" very similar. To understand the difference, you need to remember that after “¿Cuál?” must definitely go verb ser. You can’t say “¿Cuál capital es de España?” While after "¿Qué?" we must deliver immediately noun, and behind him anyone verb:

¿Qué hora es? – What time is it now?

They don’t sound or say “¿Cuál es hora?”

¿Qué película veis? – What movie are you watching?

All interrogative pronouns in Spanish are written with a graphic stress mark, which is retained in an indirect question (see “Indirect speech”). Basic interrogative pronouns:

¿qué?+ verb What?

  • ¿Qué quieres decirme? - What do you want to tell me?
  • ¿Qué va a tomar, té o café? - What will you drink, tea or coffee?
  • What is it? - What is this?
  • ¿Para qué me lo dices? - Why are you telling me this?

¿qué?+ noun which one? Can be used after prepositions:

  • ¿Qué hora es? - What time is it?
  • ¿A qué hora empieza el partido de fútbol? - What time does it start football match?
  • ¿Qué monumento está en la plaza de España en Madrid? - Which monument is located in Plaza de España in Madrid?
  • ¿Qué color te gusta más? - What color do you like best?
  • ¿En qué curso estudias? - What course are you studying?
  • ¿En qué hotel se ha alojado usted? - What hotel did you stay at?

¿quién/-es? Who? This pronoun has the form plural. Can be used after prepositions:

  • ¿Quién es el autor de esta obra? - Who is the author of this work?
  • ¿Quién ganó en los últimos Juegos Olímpicos? - Who won the last Olympic Games?
  • ¿Quiénes son esos muchachos en la foto? - Who are these guys in the photo?
  • ¿A quién has escrito la carta? - Who did you write the letter to?
  • ¿Por quién pregunta usted? - Who are you looking for?
  • ¿Con quién está hablando Pedro? - Who is Pedro talking to?

quién used when you need to ask about a person’s name or family relationships, and qué- when they want to know about someone’s profession:

  • ¿Quién es? - Es mi padre. - Who is this? - This is my father.
  • ¿Qué es usted? - Soy arquitecto. - Who are you? - I'm an architect.
  • ¿Quién es esa muchacha? - Es Maria. - Who is this girl? - This is Maria.
  • ¿Y qué es? - Es estudiante de la facultad de letras. - What does she do? - She is a student of the Faculty of Philology.

¿сuál/-es?+ verb which of...?, which of...? The question can refer to both persons and objects. Has a plural form:

  • ¿Cuál es el más difícil de estos problemas? - Which of these problems is the most difficult?
  • ¿Puedo probar estos zapatos? - ¿Cuáles quiere probar, los negros o los marrones? - Can I try on these shoes? - Which ones do you want to try on, black or brown?
  • Me preguntan cuál es mi amiga. - They ask me which (out of those present) is my friend?

¿cuánto/-a/-os/-as?+ verb or noun how much? When used with a noun, it agrees with it in gender and number:

  • ¿Cuánto dura el viaje en tren de Barcelona a París? - How long will it take to travel by train from Barcelona to Paris?
  • ¿Cuánto cuesta una habitación individual en este hotel?- How much does a room cost per person in this hotel?
  • ¿Cuánto tiempo nos queda? - How much time do we have left?
  • ¿Cuánta gente llegará al mitin? - How many people will come to the rally?
  • ¿Cuántos años tienes? - How old are you?
  • ¿Cuántas facultades tiene la Universidad de Moscú? - How many faculties are there at Moscow University?

¿сómo? how?, how? Used only with a verb:

  • What do you think? - How are you doing?
  • ¿Cómo te llamas? - What is your name?
  • ¿Cómo se puede llegar al aeropuerto? - How can I get to the airport?
  • ¿Cómo se escribe esta palabra? - How is this word spelled?

What? Where? Used alone with a verb. May be used after prepositions What? Where, What do you mean? where:

  • What do you think? - Where are you now?
  • ¿Dónde vive María? - Where does Maria live?
  • ¿Adónde va usted? - Where are you going?
  • ¿Adónde te marcharás para descansar el año que viene? - Where will you go on vacation next year?
  • ¿De donde vienes? - Where are you coming from?
  • ¿De donde eres? - Where are you from?

What? When? Can be used after prepositions ¿desde cuándo? since when, ¿hasta cuándo? until when (until what time):

  • ¿Cuándo podemos visitar a nuestro amigo enfermo? - When can we visit our sick friend?
  • ¿Cuándo empezaron a editar esta revista? - When did this magazine start publishing?
  • ¿Desde cuándo estudias español? - Since when have you been studying Spanish?
  • ¿Hasta cuándo vas a decirme esas tonterías? - How long will you continue to tell me these nonsense?

Why? Why?:

  • ¿Por qué me lo preguntas? - Why are you asking me this?
  • ¿Por qué no está Miguel en las clases? - Why isn't Miguel in class?

Interrogative pronouns in exclamatory sentences

Interrogative pronouns qué, quién, cuánto, como used in exclamatory sentences. At the same time, the graphic accent mark is retained on them:

  • ¡Qué maravilla es esa catedral! - What a wonderful cathedral!
  • ¡Qué bonitos ojos tienes! - What beautiful eyes you have!
  • ¡Qué frio hace hoy! - How cold it is today!
  • ¡Qué gusto verte sano y salvo! - I am so glad to see you in full health.
  • ¡Qué antipática es esa dependienta! - What an unfriendly saleswoman!
  • ¡Cómo te has cambiado, hombre! - How you have changed, my friend!
  • ¡Quién lo pensaría! - Who would have thought!
  • ¡Cuánto habla esa señora! - How much this lady talks!
  • ¡Cuánto me alegro de que me hayas invitado! - I'm so glad you invited me!