As step by step instructions. Debiting from account 10 in 1C 8.3 is done using the document “Requirement-invoice”. With its help, you can write off both consumables (for example, office supplies, household chemicals, auto parts and various low-value items - MBP), and transfer materials to production (sand, crushed stone, paint in construction), including through a tolling scheme.

If you are interested in writing off goods in 1C, read about it in.

Requirement-invoice in 1C for decommissioning of materials into operation

In the 1C Accounting interface, the document “ ” is located on the “Production” tab:

First of all, you need to create a new document. Click the "Create" button. A new Request invoice will open:

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It indicates our Organization, Warehouse, as well as materials and their quantity. Be careful - before spending materials, you must reflect their receipt on the 10th account using the document ““.

After the transaction, we see transactions 20.01 - 10.01, typical for writing off inventory items into production:

Here in 1C 8.3 you can print the act.

Watch also our video about accounting for office supplies in 1C Accounting 8.3:

Write-off of customer-supplied materials for production

To do this, on the “Customer Materials” tab, you must indicate the counterparty and what was written off:

At the same time, pay attention to the movements of the document:

Postings for writing off customer-supplied materials into production have the form 003.02 - 003.1. Off-balance sheet accounts are used.

On the bookmark General are entered:

MOL / Subdivision sender- CMO, which included the materials being written off.

MOL / Recipient division- CMO, to which written-off materials are transferred.

Debit account - the account to which the materials are written off. The choice of account depends on the selected business transaction, but usually it is account 401.20 Expenses of the current financial year With 272 KEC.

When selecting some operations, as is clear from the names of the operations themselves, it is necessary to fill in the field Off-balance sheet account.

To find input errors in the document, a check is provided for the compliance of the KPS of the debit account and the KPS of the credit accounts. The check can be performed using the button Check compliance with KPS toolbar of the tabular part of the document.

In the document you can print the Act on write-off of inventories according to f. 0504230, Act on write-off of soft and household equipment according to f. 0504143, Accounting certificate according to f. 0504833. In the field Document type you can select the desired option.

Postings generated by the document:

Processing that allows you to write off materials in the 1C: BGU program for any specified date.

1. In processing, you need to indicate the write-off date. Then you should select an institution; IFO - if necessary; MOL - if you need to write off for a specific employee. Checkbox By all set - materials will be written off for all MOLs.

2. After pressing the button Execute, processing will generate documents for writing off the Ministry of Health.

Attention! If you press the button Execute twice, a message about the lack of materials will appear.

Inventory assets (TMV) are materials that organizations use for business needs and for the production of products. Accounting for materials in 1C 8.3 Accounting is carried out by type of inventory items in different sub-accounts opened for account 10 “Materials”. Read here in detail about accounting for inventory items in 1C 8.3 with step-by-step instructions.

Read in the article:

Accounting for inventory items in 1C 8.3 is divided into two main stages - receipt and write-off. Receipt of materials in 1C 8.3 is documented with the document “Invoice for receipt of goods”. Write-offs are done different ways depending on the nature of disposal of materials. In this article we will tell you how to write off materials for production. Read on to learn how to register materials in 1C 8.3 Accounting in 6 steps.

Receipt of materials in 1C 8.3

Step 1. Create an inventory receipt in 1C 8.3

Go to the “Purchases” section (1) and click on the “Receipts (acts, invoices)” link (2). A window for creating an invoice for goods receipt will open.

In the window that opens, click on the “Receipt” button (3) and click on the “Goods (invoice)” link (4). An invoice form will open for you to fill out.

Step 2. Fill in the details of the invoice for receipt of goods and materials in 1C 8.3

In the invoice form please indicate:
  • your organization (1);
  • materials supplier (2);
  • to which warehouse the materials were received (3);
  • details of the agreement with the supplier of goods and materials (4);
  • number and date of the seller's invoice (5).

Step 3. Fill out the material part of the invoice in 1C 8.3

Click the “Add” button (1) and click on the “Show all” link (2). The nomenclature directory will open.

In this directory, select the material (3) that you received. Next, indicate on the invoice:
  • quantity (4). Indicate the quantity of materials received at the warehouse;
  • price from the invoice (invoice) from the supplier (5);
  • VAT rate from the invoice (UPD) from the supplier (6).
The delivery note is complete. To complete the posting of materials, click the “Record” (7) and “Post” (8) buttons.

Now in accounting 1C 8.3 there are entries for the debit of account 10 “Material”. To view the transactions for the created invoice, click on the “DtKt” button (9).

In the posting window, you can see that the material is credited to account 10.01 “Raw materials and materials” (10). Also, the debit of account 19.03 “VAT on purchased inventories” (11) reflects the receipt of VAT. These accounts correspond to account 60.01 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” (12).

So, the receipt of materials has been processed, now the next stage is write-off.

Write-off of materials in 1C 8.3

Step 1. Complete the invoice requirement in 1C 8.3

To write off materials for production costs in 1C 8.3, use an invoice requirement. To create this document, go to the “Production” section (1) and click on the “Requirements-invoices” link (2). A window for creating a document will open.

In the window that opens, specify:
  • your organization (3);
  • date of release of materials into production (4);
  • warehouse from which you write off materials (5).
Check the box (6) opposite “Cost accounts on the “Materials” tab.” This checkbox is checked when materials are written off for production.

Step 2. Fill out the material part in the invoice request

In the “Materials” tab (1), add inventory items to be written off. To do this, click the “Add” button (2). Next, select in the “Nomenclature” directory the material (3) that you are writing off for production, and indicate its quantity (4). Cost account (5) is set to 20.01 “Main production” by default. If necessary, enter a different expense account in this field. In the “Nomenclature group” field (6), select a group for writing off materials. In such groups they unite different types manufactured products, for example “Furniture”, “Windows”, “Doors”. In the “Cost Items” field (7), select an item suitable for write-off, for example, “Material expenses of the main production.”

To reflect the write-off of materials into production in accounting, click “Record” (8) and “Post” (9). Now there are entries in accounting:

- write-off of materials for production

Step 3. Print the requirement invoice from 1C 8.3

In order to print the document, click the “Print” button (1) and click on the link “Requirement-invoice (M-11)” (2). The printable form will open.

Click on “Print” (3) to send the invoice request to the printer.

Sign the document with the financially responsible persons. In the “Released” section, the storekeeper who released the goods puts his signature. In the “Received” section, the person who accepted the goods into the production workshop signs.

Every organization periodically faces a situation when it is necessary to write off a product due to damage, non-repairability, for business or office needs. It also often happens that during the inventory the goods are not found. The actions will be similar.

Write-offs can be made in two ways:

  • Based on inventory - automatically.
  • A separate document - manually.

In each case, a “Write-off of goods” is created, the only difference is in the process. When preparing a separate document, filling out is carried out manually, and based on the inventory, all data is transferred automatically. Let's first create the document “Inventory of goods”. Based on it, it is possible to create two documents:

  • Posting of goods.

Go to the “Warehouse” menu tab and select the “Goods Inventory” item. Press the “Create” button. An empty form opens:

Filling can be done by warehouse or by the person in charge. For example, let's choose a warehouse. Now you need to add a product. This can be done through the “Add” button by selecting each item separately. This method is used only when you need to account for a small quantity of goods. If the inventory is carried out for all the goods that are in the warehouse, then to do this, press the “Fill” button and select the “Fill according to warehouse balances” item. The program will enter into the document the entire number of product units that are listed in the selected warehouse. Pay attention to the display of the number in the columns “Actual Quantity” and “Accounting Quantity”. They are equal. And in the “Deviation” column nothing is indicated, that is, it is zero:

This document must be recorded, printed and sent to the warehouse to calculate the actual number of product units. Let's say it turns out that there is less of one product than is listed in the program, and more of another. The correct data is entered manually in the “Actual Quantity” column. And the deviation is immediately displayed:

For correct registration, you need to fill out the remaining two tabs in the document: “Inventory” and “Inventory commission”. We carry it out. The purpose of inventory is to align the balances of goods that are in the warehouse with the balances that are listed in the program. Therefore, it is necessary to create two documents - capitalization of unaccounted goods and write-off of missing goods. Let's focus on write-offs. This action is carried out through the “Create based on” button. Click and select the item “Write-off of goods”. The completed document form opens:

There is no need to change anything here, click “Pass and close”. Now let's look at the wiring:

You can see that the goods were previously listed on the credit account of accounting 41.01 (Goods in warehouses) and were written off to debit account 94. A similar posting in cloud 1C would have been formed when generating a separate document “Write-off of goods” (manually). In this case, you would have to enter all the data yourself.

When to write off materials from 10 accounts

The question of when to write off materials from the 10th account may arise for an accountant in two cases:

  • When it is necessary to send materials to production to create finished products, provide services or perform work. Common examples: write-off of stationery in the office, auto parts for cars and machine tools, concrete in construction, various low-value products (IBP), etc.
  • When there is a shortage of materials in the warehouse or the materials have become unusable. Based on the results, materials should be written off as other expenses.

Which document in 1C to write off materials for production

In each case of writing off materials from account 10, postings are generated according to Kt of the inventory accounting account (account 10). In the 1C Accounting 8.3 program, the following documents are used when writing off materials:

  • If materials are sent to production, they are used;
  • If materials are written off as shortages or have become unusable, the document “Write-off of goods” is used.

Document requirement invoice in 1C 8.3

So, the materials have been sent to production. Let's consider writing off inventory items into production step by step in the 1C Accounting 3.0 program.

Step 1. Form the document Request-invoice

Select the section Production – Product release – Requirement-invoice:

On the screen: List of documents. Press the button Create:

Step 2. Fill in the title of the document Request-invoice

  • In field Number
  • In field " from"– indicate the date, month and year of the document;
  • In field Stock– the warehouse where materials are stored is reflected:

Step 3. Fill out the table in the document Requirement-Invoice

Filling out the tab Materials. By button Add Enter the name of the material being written off and its quantity. The material account is filled in automatically with the following account:

Filling out the tab Cost account. In the column Cost account select the expense account for writing off materials (20, 25,26). Each account uses its own analytical accounting sections. For example, for account 26 you need to fill in the fields Subdivision And :

Step 4. Post the document

Press the button Conduct. When posting a document, transactions are created for the cost account Dt (field Cost account) and CT account (column Account tables Materials):

Postings can be viewed using the button:

Step 5. View printed forms of the Request-invoice document

In 1C 8.3, from the Requirement-invoice form, it is possible to print two forms:

  • Requirement-invoice;
  • Standard form M-11.

Selecting the printing form in the function Seal:

Printed form Requirement-invoice in 1C 8.3:

Printing form M-11 in 1C 8.3:

ABOUT possible errors when writing off materials, setting a ban on writing off inventory if there is no balance in the warehouse, see our video:

Write-off of damaged materials in 1C 8.3

If there is a shortage in the warehouse or the materials have become unusable, then based on the inventory results it is necessary to write off the materials as other expenses. Let's look step by step at how to write off materials if they become unusable in the 1C Accounting 3.0 program.

Step 1. Create a document Write-off of goods

Select the section Warehouse – Inventory – Write-off of goods:

The list of documents is displayed on the screen. Press the button Create:

Step 2. Fill out the title of the form Write-off of goods

  • In field Number– document number automatically generated by the program;
  • In field " From"– date, month and year of the document;
  • In field Stock– reflects the warehouse where materials are placed;
  • In field Inventory– select the Inventory document in which the shortage of materials was recorded:

Step 3. Fill out the table in the document Write-off of goods

By button Add enter the name of the material being written off and its quantity in the table Goods. The material account is filled in automatically with the account specified in the item card:

Step 4. Post the document

Press the button Conduct:

The document makes entries on Dt account 94 and Kt accounting account (column Account tables Goods). Postings can be viewed using the button:

Step 5. View printed forms of the Goods write-off document

In 1C 8.3, you can print two forms from the document Write-off of goods:

  • Standard form TORG-16.

Select a printable form using the button Seal:

Form “Report of write-off of goods” from the Write-off of goods form:

What to do if an error message appears in 1C 8.3 when posting a material write-off document

When posting a document, the 1C 8.3 program performs the following operations:

  • Determines whether the specified warehouse has the required quantity of material;
  • Estimates the average cost of material being written off.

Often, when posting a material write-off document, you may see an error message, for example: "Failed to post "Request invoice"<Номер документа>from<Дата документа>!» :

Press the button OK . Hint messages appear on the screen:

The 1C 8.3 program informs you that there is not the required amount left:

  • Specified material;
  • At the specified warehouse;
  • On the specified account.

A standard report will help you find out the cause of the error. Subconto analysis. Let's generate this report in 1C 8.3 and make some small settings for it.

Step 1. Specify the reporting period and type of subaccount

For our example, we set the period: 01/01/2016. – 01/31/2016 Select the type of subconto- Nomenclature:

Step 2. Fill in the report settings

Let's make the settings using the Show settings button:

Tab Types of subconto. By button Add fill out the subconto Nomenclature And Warehouses:

On the bookmark Grouping:

  • Check the box By subaccounts;
  • Select the fields by which the data will be grouped - Nomenclature And Warehouses:

On the bookmark Selection we include selection according to the required nomenclature. For example, the paper “Snow Maiden”:

On the bookmark Indicators:

  • Check the accounting box (accounting data);
  • Check the Quantity box:

Step 3. Generating a report

Press the button Form:

On the screen: Report Analysis of subconto Nomenclature, Warehouses for 01/01/2016. -01/31/2016:

Step 4. Analyze the report data

In our example, in the form of the Request-Invoice document, we tried to write off two packages of “Snegurochka” paper from the main warehouse, and the accounting account was indicated as 10.06. However, the report shows that in the main warehouse for account 10.6 there is 1 package of “Snegurochka” Paper, and in the production warehouse there are 25 packages. Therefore, the accounting account should be 10.01.