"...Housing and communal services include housing stock, hotels (except for tourists), houses and hostels for visitors, external improvement facilities, artificial structures, swimming pools, beach facilities and equipment, as well as gas, heat and power supply to the population, sites, workshops, bases, workshops, garages, special machines and mechanisms, warehouses intended for maintenance and repair of housing and communal services, social and cultural spheres, physical education and sports..."


"Tax Code Russian Federation(part two)" dated 05.08.2000 N 117-FZ (as amended on 03.12.2012)

  • - Leningrad Research Academy of Public Utilities named after K. D. Pamfilov, organized in 1931 as the Research Institute of Communal and Housing Economy and Construction...

    St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

  • - Power lines, transformer and other substations, distribution points and other equipment intended to provide electrical connections and transmit electrical energy...

    Commercial power generation. Dictionary-reference book

  • - accounting of housing and communal services property and its accessories, describing it according to its main characteristics, determining its technical condition, its assessment...

    Great Accounting Dictionary

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - "... - a product designed to meet the individual and/or social needs of the population, implemented in the private, public and transport sectors of the economy..." Source: "GOST R 51388-99...

    Official terminology

  • - services for the renovation of apartments, houses and the construction of individual housing, exchange of apartments: services provided to organizations and individuals for washing, cleaning and painting textile products, fur and leather products:...

    Dictionary of business terms

  • Large economic dictionary

  • - a branch of statistical science and practice that studies the presence, composition and condition of the housing stock, its improvement, living conditions of the population, production activities of enterprises and services,...

    Large economic dictionary

  • - housing and communal services...

    Large economic dictionary


    Great Accounting Dictionary

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - "...municipal drainage system - a complex of engineering structures for collection, transportation, purification, processing waste water and subsequent disposal of treated wastewater into water bodies.....

    Official terminology

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - named after K. D. Pamfilov, research center for housing and communal services. Founded in 1931. Located in Moscow. It is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Utilities of the RSFSR...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

"Housing and communal services facilities" in books


From the book Economic theory. Textbook for universities author Popov Alexander Ivanovich

Topic 4 COMMODITY ECONOMY. TYPES OF PUBLIC ECONOMY. FORMATION OF COMMODITY ECONOMY OF AN ORGANIZED MARKET 4.1. Commodity farming: conditions of origin and main features. Types of social economy: subsistence farming, commercial farming. Adjustable models

2.5. Occupational safety and health for housing and communal services workers

From the book Occupational Health and Safety. Ensuring employee rights author Bobkova Oksana

2.5. Labor protection of housing and communal services workers The housing and communal services sector is currently the least protected in the field of labor protection. Cases of non-compliance with basic safety and labor protection rules in this industry are not so common.

Academy of Public Utilities

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (AK) by the author TSB


From the book Housing Code of the Russian Federation author Law and criminology Author unknown -

Section V. HOUSING AND HOUSING-CONSTRUCTION CO-OPERATIVES Chapter 11. ORGANIZATION AND ACTIVITY OF HOUSING AND HOUSING-CONSTRUCTION CO-OPERATIVES Article 110. Housing and housing-construction cooperatives1. A housing or housing construction cooperative is a voluntary

author Ponomareva Natalya G.


author Author unknown

Chapter X OFFENSES IN THE FIELD OF INDUSTRY, CONSTRUCTION, ENERGY, HOUSING AND COMMUNAL SERVICES AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE TERRITORY Article 159. Violation of rules, norms and instructions for the safe conduct of work Violation by officials of rules, norms and

From the book Code of Offenses of the Republic of Moldova in force since 05/31/2009 author Author unknown

Article 417. Public utilities services (1) The offenses provided for in Articles 170–175, 180 are established by public utilities services. (2) The heads of public administration departments have the right to detect violations and draw up protocols.

Question 8 Budget financing of housing and communal services

From the book Budget system Russian Federation author Fedosov Vitaly Anatolievich

Question 8 Budgetary financing of housing and communal services The results of solving the housing problem in the country over the past decades have been disappointing: 3/4 of the existing housing stock of Russian cities consists of the most energy-consuming houses in the world. Similar

Chapter 2. Legal regulation of housing and communal services

From the book You and Housing and Communal Services: How to Protect Your Interests? author Ponomareva Natalya G.

Chapter 2. Legal regulation activities of housing and communal services Legislative regulation of housing relations in the Russian Federation at the beginning of the 21st century became a turning point in solving housing and communal problems. The housing and communal services sector is regulated by the following

Chapter 6 Statistics of housing and communal services

author Biryukov Boris Mikhailovich

Chapter 6 Statistics of housing and communal services General provisions Official statistical accounting of the housing stock is carried out by the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics and its territorial bodies based on a generalization of federal forms

Housing and communal services reform program until 2020

From the book Complete Legal Guide for Apartment Owner, Real Estate Agent, Home Buyer author Biryukov Boris Mikhailovich

Program for reforming the housing and communal services until 2020 The authorities do not stop building new plans for reforming the housing and communal services. Recently, by order of February 2, 2010 No. 102-r, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Concept of the federal target program “Comprehensive Program

January 19, 2007, Kazan Opening speech at the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council “On the work of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on reforming the housing and communal services and construction of affordable housing, including for low-income groups of the population

From the author's book

January 19, 2007, Kazan Opening remarks at the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council “On the work of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on reforming the housing and communal services and construction of affordable housing, including for

RUSSIANS WILL BE MADE HOMELESS (Conversation with the “shadow minister” of housing and communal services)

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 392 (23 2001) author Zavtra Newspaper

Section 5. Features of the functioning of energy sales organizations and the participation of organizations in the sphere of housing and communal services in the trade of electrical energy in retail markets

author Ryabov Sergey

Section 5. Features of the functioning of energy sales organizations and the participation of organizations in the sphere of housing and communal services in the trade of electrical energy in retail markets Question 1. When switching to service from an energy sales organization, a person

V. Features of the functioning of energy sales organizations and the participation of organizations in the sphere of housing and communal services in the trade of electrical energy in retail markets

From the book Rules for the functioning of retail electricity markets during the transition period of reforming the electric power industry in questions and answers. Benefit for author Ryabov Sergey

V. Features of the functioning of energy sales organizations and the participation of organizations in the sphere of housing and communal services in the trade of electrical energy in retail markets 83. When switching to service to an energy sales organization of the person purchasing

Housing and communal services facilities include
housing stock, hotels (for
excluding tourist ones), houses and hostels for visitors,
external improvement objects, artificial
facilities, swimming pools, structures and
beach equipment, as well as gas, heat and electricity supply facilities for the population, areas,
shops, bases, workshops,
garages, special
cars and
mechanisms, warehouses intended for maintenance and repair of housing and communal services, social and cultural spheres, physical education and sports. Art. 275.1 Tax Code of the Russian Federation

View value Objects of Housing and Communal Services in other dictionaries

Housing- The first part of complex words. Introduces value Sl.: housing. Housing and construction cooperative.
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Archaeological Sites— Archaeological objects are considered to be all remains and objects or any other traces of human existence that are evidence of eras and civilizations, the main......
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Making Changes to Application Documents for Industrial Property Objects- the applicant has the right to make corrections and clarifications to the application documents for industrial property objects without changing the essence of the declared industrial property objects......
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Public Water Bodies— - water bodies that are in public, open use. State-owned and separate water bodies........
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Military Objects— - combat positions of troops, command posts, training grounds, communication centers, bases, warehouses and other military structures. The list approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian........
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Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNKh)— - 1) the highest central body for managing the national economy, mainly industry, in 1917-1932. Created under the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. With the formation of the USSR - united........
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Geographical Objects- existing or existing relatively stable integral formations of the Earth, characterized by a certain location: continents, oceans, seas, bays,......
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Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers of the National Economy of the USSR (etc)— - a normative document intended for the tariffication of work and the assignment of qualification categories to workers. Tariffing of works is carried out in accordance with their complexity........
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Housing and Construction Cooperative— - an organization of citizen developers created for the purpose of constructing a residential building (houses) and the subsequent operation and management of it (them). Housing and construction cooperatives........
Legal dictionary

Housing and Construction Cooperative (housing cooperative)— - a type of consumer cooperative, non-profit organization, which aims to meet the housing needs of its members. Housing cooperatives can unite........
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Property of a Peasant (Farm) Farm- is owned by its members by the right of joint ownership, unless otherwise established by law or an agreement between them. (Article 260 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus)
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Holder of Exclusive Rights to Objects of Scientific and Technical Information— - the state as the subject of legal relations in the field of scientific and technical information, legal entities and individuals who manage and use documented......
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Separate Water Bodies- relate to real estate and are an integral part of the land plot. The provisions of the water legislation of the Russian Federation apply to isolated........
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Common Joint Property of Members of a Peasant (Farm) Economy— - legal form of joint ownership of property on the right of ownership of members of a peasant (farm) enterprise. According to civil law (Article 257 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)........
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Objects of Copyright— copyright extends to works of science, literature and art that are the result of creative activity, regardless of purpose and merit........
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Accounting Objects— Objects accounting are the property of organizations, their obligations and business transactions carried out by organizations in the course of their activities.........
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State Security Objects— - persons subject to state protection in accordance with this Federal Law. Objects of state protection include the President of the Russian Federation,........
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Objects of Civil Rights— - material and intangible benefits regarding which civil legal relations arise. According to Art. 128 Civil Code of the Russian Federation to O. g.p. include things including money and securities,........
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Trust Management Objects— securities and instruments for investing in securities, including: securities and instruments for investment transferred into trust management upon conclusion of an agreement......
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Objects of the Unified Air Traffic Management System— The objects of the unified air traffic management system are complexes of buildings, structures, communications, as well as ground facilities and service systems........
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Objects of Forest Relations— The objects of forest relations are the forest fund of the Russian Federation... forest fund areas, rights to use them, forests not included in the forest fund, their areas, rights......
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Objects of Monitoring [social and labor Sphere]— The objects of monitoring are specially selected (basic) enterprises, institutions and other organizations of various forms of ownership and sectors of the economy, regions,......
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Postal Service Objects- - as defined by the Federal Law "On Postal Services" dated August 9, 1995 " separate units postal organizations (post offices, railway post offices, transportation departments........
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Objects of Legal Relations of Subsoil Use- - subsoil resources. The rights and obligations that arise for subjects of legal relations of subsoil use depend on the type of subsoil resource and its characteristics.
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Industrial Property Objects- these include inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks and service marks, trade names and appellations of origin......
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Objects of Creative Architectural Activity (architectural Objects)— Objects of creative architectural activity (architectural objects) are: 1. planning and development of cities, other settlements and territories; 2. buildings, structures........
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Objects of Economic Security of the Russian Federation— The objects of economic security of the Russian Federation are the individual, society, state and the main elements of the economic system, including the system of institutional........
Legal dictionary

Objects Not Recognized as Patentable Inventions- are not considered inventions, in particular: discoveries, as well as scientific theories and mathematical methods: decisions relating only to appearance products and aimed at........
Legal dictionary

Specially Protected Water Bodies— - natural aquatic ecosystems that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health value. in whole or in part......
Legal dictionary

Specially Protected Objects and Territories- - areas of land and water that have special scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health value and are withdrawn by decisions of the authorities........
Legal dictionary

"Financial newspaper. Regional issue", N 37, 2003

Housing and communal services facilities (HCS) include housing stock, hotels (except for tourists), houses and hostels for visitors, external improvement facilities, artificial structures, swimming pools, beach structures and equipment, as well as gas, heat and electricity supply facilities population, sites, workshops, bases, workshops, garages, special machines and mechanisms, warehouses intended for maintenance and repair of housing and communal services, social and cultural spheres, physical education and sports.

Objects of the socio-cultural sphere include healthcare, cultural, pre-school facilities, children's holiday camps, sanatoriums (dispensaries), recreation centers, boarding houses, physical education and sports facilities (including tracks, hippodromes, stables, tennis courts, playgrounds golf, badminton, health centers), non-production public services facilities (baths, saunas).

According to the Housing Code of the RSFSR dated June 24, 1983, residential buildings located on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as residential premises in other buildings, form the housing stock. It does not include non-residential premises in residential buildings intended for trade, household and other non-industrial needs. In addition, the Law of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 1992 N 4218-1 “On the fundamentals of federal housing policy” determines that the housing stock is the totality of all residential premises, regardless of ownership, including residential buildings, specialized buildings (dormitories, shelter hotels, houses of flexible stock, special houses for single elderly people, boarding houses for the disabled, veterans, etc.), apartments, service living quarters. These objects are classified as fixed assets for non-production purposes, since they are used in the non-production sphere. In this regard, in accounting, organizations should separate them into a separate group and account for them separately.

The appearance of housing and communal services objects on the balance sheet of an organization is possible in various ways. For commercial organizations, these objects may arise as a result of acquisition, gratuitous receipt or construction for their own needs. But state and municipal property can be placed on the balance sheet of an organization in accordance with Chapter 19 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation only in cases where it is transferred to the economic management or operational management of state or municipal unitary enterprises.

Organizations that have housing stock objects on their balance sheet must keep records of these objects on account 01 “Fixed assets”, to which sub-accounts “Housing stock”, etc. are opened (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 29, 1993 N 118 “On the reflection in accounting of certain operations in housing and communal services" (as amended on 04/03/1996)).

Housing assets are accounted for at their original cost, the formation of which depends on the sources of their acquisition:

  1. acquisition of objects for a fee;
  2. acquisition of fixed assets in exchange for other property;
  3. free receipt of residential buildings;
  4. receipt of fixed assets as a contribution to the authorized (share) capital of the organization;
  5. construction of housing facilities.

When purchasing residential buildings and premises, their initial cost is the amount of the organization's actual costs for the acquisition, construction and production of these objects, with the exception of VAT and other refundable taxes (clause 8 of PBU 6/01 “Accounting for fixed assets”, as well as art. 11 Federal Law dated November 21, 1996 N 129-FZ “On Accounting”).

In accounting, the acquisition of housing assets for a fee is reflected on the basis of an act (invoice) of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets (Form N OS-1). At the same time, appropriate entries are made in accounting (Table 1).

Table 1

When exchanging property for housing and communal services objects, the cost of both received and disposed property must be reflected in accounting, and the value of the goods exchanged must be equivalent (Table 2). Otherwise, the party transferring the cheaper item must pay the difference in prices. The basis for accounting for these transactions will be the exchange agreement and acts of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets, as well as invoices to reflect VAT. The moment of implementation under the barter agreement is its execution by both parties.

Table 2

DebitCreditContents of the operation
62 90 The sales value of the exchanged item is reflected
products based on the presented invoice
08 60 The receipt of a residential building is reflected at cost,
equal to the value of the transferred products
19 60 The amount of VAT on the received object is reflected on
based on the invoice of the transferring party
01 08 The housing and communal services facility was accepted for registration according to the original
90 43 The actual cost of the exchanged item is written off
90 68 VAT is charged on the sold (exchanged)
90 99 The financial result from the sale has been determined
products under an exchange agreement
60 62 Settlement of the exchanged property has been made
91, 84 19 The amount of VAT on the received housing and communal services object has been written off

In case of gratuitous receipt of housing and communal services objects under a gift agreement from legal or individuals or on the basis of an acceptance and transfer certificate from state authorities or local self-government, they are subject to inclusion on the organization’s balance sheet at market value:

Debit 08, Credit 98-2 - a gratuitously received fixed asset item was capitalized at market value;

Debit 01, Credit 08 - the object has been put into operation.

Upon receipt of a contribution to authorized capital in the form of housing and communal services objects, the initial cost of these objects is determined according to the agreed monetary value of the founders and represents a certain amount of the founder’s contribution:

Debit 75-1, Credit 80 - reflects the amount of debt of the founder for the contribution to the authorized capital;

Debit 01, Credit 75-1 - the fixed asset item was registered at the agreed value.

These objects can be added to the balance sheet of unitary enterprises either in the form of a contribution to the authorized capital or transferred to the economic management and operational management from a state or municipal body:

Debit 01, Credit 76 - fixed assets received from a state or municipal body at original cost have been capitalized;

Debit 76, Credit 83 (84) - additional capital increased unitary enterprise.

It is also possible for housing and communal services facilities to appear on the balance sheet of an organization through contract or proprietary construction (Table 3).

Table 3

DebitCreditContents of the operation
Contract method
08 60 The cost of work performed is reflected
60 50, 51 Payment has been made for work performed
01 08 According to the transfer and acceptance certificate, the object was registered
fixed assets
Economic method
08 10 Materials written off for construction production
08 70, 69 Accrued wages construction workers, and
mandatory deductions have been made
08 02, 76 The costs of operating fixed assets are reflected
08 68 VAT accrued on completed business activities
construction work
01 08 After state registration the object is delivered
on the balance sheet of the organization

Like any fixed asset, housing and communal services facilities are subject to wear and tear during operation. But, since such buildings and structures are not industrial objects, their value is not written off by calculating depreciation included in the cost of production (clause 17 of PBU 6/01). To account for the amounts of depreciation accrued for housing and communal services objects by the Chart of Accounts of financial accounting economic activity organizations have an off-balance sheet account 010 “Depreciation of fixed assets”. This account summarizes information on the movement of depreciation amounts for housing facilities, external improvement facilities and other similar facilities (forestry, road management, specialized shipping facilities, etc.). Depreciation on these objects is accrued at the end of the year according to established depreciation rates.

When disposing of individual objects (including sale, gratuitous transfer, etc.), the amount of depreciation on them is written off from account 010. Analytical accounting on account 010 is maintained for each object.

Disposal of housing and communal services objects is taken into account in the generally established order, i.e. the count is 91.

To reflect the costs of service industries and farms on the balance sheet of the organization, the activities of which are not related to the production of products, performance of work and provision of services, the Chart of Accounts uses account 29 “Service industries and farms”. It is used to summarize information about the costs associated with the production of products, the performance of work and the provision of services by the service industries and farms of the organization. The debit of this account reflects direct expenses related directly to the production of products, performance of work and provision of services, as well as expenses of auxiliary production. They are debited from the credit accounts inventories, settlements with employees for wages, etc. Expenses of auxiliary production are written off to account 29 from the credit of account 23 “Auxiliary production”.

The credit of account 29 reflects the amounts of the actual cost of completed products, work performed and services rendered. These amounts are debited from account 29 to the debit of the accounts:

accounting material assets and finished products produced by service industries and farms;

accounting for the costs of divisions - consumers of work and services performed by service industries and farms;

90 “Sales” (when selling to third-party organizations and individuals works and services performed by service industries and farms), etc.

The balance of account 29 at the end of the month shows the value of work in progress.

E. Emelianenko

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Expert opinion

Housing and communal services facilities (HCS) are housing stock, also hotels, except for tourists, hostels, houses for visiting people, artificial structures, external improvement facilities, swimming pools, equipment and structures on the beaches, heat, gas, and electricity supply facilities for residents states, workshops, sites, workshops, bases, special mechanisms, machines, garages, warehouses, which are intended for repair, maintenance of all housing and communal services, physical education, sports, socio-cultural facilities.

Housing and communal services includes a whole complex of sub-sectors, which ensures the full operation of various buildings in populated areas, engineering infrastructure, creates comfort, convenience for living, staying in the premises of citizens, providing them with a wide range of housing and communal services.

Housing and communal services are the following services:

  1. Sewerage system where wastewater is discharged.
  2. Major renovation of buildings.
  3. Plumbing, where leaks in water pipes are eliminated, a water purification system is designed,
  4. Heat supply, within which residents must receive hot water and heating. At the same time, uninterrupted operation of thermal power plants and boiler houses must be ensured. If the functioning of the latter is disrupted, a fuel and energy crisis may occur.
  5. Current repairs of internal engineering systems and communications of buildings.
  6. Garbage collection, removal and further disposal.
  7. Electricity supply.
  8. Keeping local areas clean and improving them.

All these services must be provided to the population uninterrupted. In order to avoid misunderstandings and to have standards when resolving general and specific issues, there are regulatory documents Housing and communal services, which indicate how to act correctly in a given situation in order to provide the population with a full range of services.
Housing and communal services are greatly influenced not only by special documentation, but also by building codes and regulations. Even at the construction stage, all engineering systems must be laid to provide services to the population. All this is strictly controlled by special regulations, every violation is punishable by law.

From the extent to which all norms and rules are observed during construction work, during the connection of a particular system, further work on the provision of services and the quality of the benefits received depend.

Regulatory documents of housing and communal services are very important, their failure to comply can lead to serious consequences, therefore the state strictly monitors compliance with all norms and rules, starting from the construction stage and ending with the commissioning of the building. In the future, control continues, compliance with housing and communal services regulations ensures the uninterrupted receipt by the population of all services for a comfortable and convenient life.

Regulatory documents of housing and communal services regulate a wide range of works, services, rules; with the help of documentation you can find out about current tariffs, benefits, even standards for planting trees near an apartment building. Every step and every action is described clearly and in detail in regulatory documents.

Currently, housing and communal services reform is underway, the purpose of which is to simplify and facilitate the process of providing services. Housing Code obliged the owners of residential premises to choose one of three methods of managing an apartment building, in accordance with clause 2 of Art. 161 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Owners can choose a management organization, self-government, under which a legal entity will be created, for example, a homeowners' association, which will act on behalf of all owners. There is another option - direct management, in which each owner will enter into a separate agreement for housing and utilities and will pay for them independently. In the future, laws and regulations may be modified and amended, but the essence of providing services to the population will remain unchanged.

The housing management system is undergoing a number of serious changes; a reform is currently being carried out that puts housing and communal services into private hands. The state will only observe from the sidelines what is happening. But existing housing and communal services regulations regulate and will continue to regulate the entire stage of relationships between citizens and service providers. In any action related to housing and communal services, you need to rely on regulations.

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