A lover's wife is a symbol of suspicion, fears, and worries. Often we transfer our experiences, our secret life, to our dreams. First of all, people who have relationships with married people experience enormous stress.

They always have to keep their relationship secret, even when the love is so great that you want to shout about it at the top of your lungs to the whole world around you. So why does the lover’s wife dream about it in this case?

What if you dream about your lover's wife?

Often such dreams indicate the possibility that a secret relationship may be revealed. Or maybe it has already been revealed, so you should lie low, be careful, and maybe even think about whether you should continue such a relationship that brings you nothing but stress and worries (however, like the other side, that is, the wife and family of the lover).

If you dreamed about your lover’s wife, it is quite possible that she began to suspect that something was wrong in her family. You may be the first suspect, so be careful.

If your lover’s wife talks to you peacefully and calmly in a dream, most likely she will not take any extreme actions against you, even if she knows about your secret affair. You can't expect any aggression from her.

What does it portend?

If in a dream you and your lover’s wife had a major quarrel, you can expect major troubles, main reason which could be your lover’s wife.

If you dream that your lover’s wife is standing aside or minding her own business, but you do not come into contact with her in any way, this may be a hidden hint that right now the moment has come when you have a chance to take your beloved man away from you. his family. All you have to do is decide whether you need it?

A dream in which a lover’s wife appears cannot be classified as pleasant. It ruins the mood of the woman who sees him and promises trouble in real life. personal life. However, there are several important details that you need to pay attention to in order to correctly interpret the dream and extract as much information from it as possible. These details can significantly affect the overall symbolic meaning of the dream.

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      Why do you dream about your lover’s wife?

      A dream in which a lover’s wife appears is in most cases targeted, and is rarely dreamed by girls and women who are not connected by secret relationships with a married man. Real events penetrate the subconscious, and what a person experiences and worries about in reality is reflected in his dreams.

      • If a woman dreams of a rival who is the wife of her lover, she should seriously think about the advisability of a relationship with this person: is she unjustifiably spending too much emotion and energy on him.

        But in addition to the psychological aspect of the dream, its symbolism is also important. You need to pay attention to the following details:

        • what mood the lover’s wife was in in the dream;
        • what clothes she was wearing;
        • what actions she performed in a dream;
        • whether other people were present in the dream.

        Key interpretations

        A dream that evokes strong emotions in a person is often remembered in detail. This type of dream can also include the one in which the spouse of a loved one appears. That is why it will not be difficult for a woman to remember the key details necessary for the correct interpretation of the dream.

        In most cases, such a dream draws attention to the sphere of personal life. The only exception, which is quite rare, is such a dream, dreamed by a woman who does not have a married lover. In the space of a dream, a reality is created that differs from what exists in reality: a woman dreams that she maintains a connection with a man who has a wife, and she sees her in her dream. Such a dream indicates the presence of a multifaceted problem in real life, and this problem is directly related to deception towards a person. If a woman has a dream with a similar plot, she should pay attention to her surroundings both at work and in her personal life: she is being seriously deceived, deliberately misled. Moreover, this deception promises much more trouble than it seems at first glance.

        If the appearance of her lover’s wife in a dream is not accidental and has a direct connection with the events of real life, the woman needs to try to remember her dream in as much detail as possible.

        What mood was your lover's wife in?

        If a cheerful, joyful wife of a loved one appears in a dream, this means that in reality you should expect a surge of strength and pleasant emotions. It is not at all necessary that these emotions will concern the sphere of love relationships. Often such a dream promises inner peace in the soul of the woman herself: she will like her reflection in the mirror, a new dress will fit perfectly on her figure, and a feeling of harmony with herself and the world will appear.

        The crying, upset wife of her lover promises disappointment in reality, most often of a love nature, to those who see her in a dream. Such a dream foreshadows that in the near future the beloved will show himself with not the most the best side or the woman herself will doubt her feelings.

        Seeing your lover's angry wife in a dream means a scandal, a showdown. There is a risk that the secret connection will be revealed, and this will lead to trouble.

        What clothes was she wearing?

        If your lover’s wife was wearing dark-colored clothes in a dream, you should expect unpleasant news in real life. It is better not to do anything in the near future, and to postpone important decisions for a few days. Such a dream promises quarrels with loved ones, especially with your lover, so now it’s worth controlling your emotions and words.

        Seeing the spouse of a loved one in light clothes is a sign of joyful events. Such a dream is not talking about something global, but you should count on pleasant little surprises. Moreover, the more elegant and lighter the lover’s wife is dressed in a dream, the greater the number happy events will be in reality.

        Bright or multi-colored clothes on your lover’s wife in a dream indicate excessive emotions in real life, both positive and negative. A woman who has such a dream runs the risk of being pulled headlong into a cycle of events and feelings with which she should be careful. In the near future, you need to be more attentive to new acquaintances, carefully weigh the pros and cons of your planned trips: rash decisions can lead to trouble.

        Lover's wife, dreamed of wedding dress, is a fairly obvious and transparent symbol that promises a break in relations with a loved one. Such a dream suggests that love relationship the lover’s family will be restored in the near future, and the woman needs to be mentally prepared to break the connection. It is worth considering that even in the case of a dream in which the wife of a loved one marries another, its symbolism does not change: the relationship with the lover cannot be preserved.

        If a lover's wife dreams of without clothes, this means that she will soon become aware of a secret relationship. Such a dream warns a woman, gives her time to think in advance: is it worth taking care of keeping a secret or is it time to reveal it.

        What did the lover's wife do in the dream?

        Seeing your lover's wife at your home is a sign of serious worries. The more details a woman sees about her rival’s presence in her home, the more unpleasant emotions await her in the future. Such details may include drinking tea, watching TV or photo albums together, discussing the news. In real life, a woman should behave as calmly as possible and try not to get upset over little things.

        Coming home to your beloved’s wife means unexpected news of both a positive and negative nature. Meeting your lover's wife in a dream promises unexpected surprises. Something in the near future will surprise the woman who saw such a dream. If she doesn't like surprises, you should be careful and not take any steps for several days.

        Watching your lover's wife from the side is aggravating negative emotions that a woman experiences because her loved one does not leave the family. If you don’t want to break off the relationship, you should try to pay more attention to yourself, try to accept the situation and not be overly upset about it.

        Seeing a funeral or the death of a lover's wife in a dream is not a completely favorable symbol, although it is quite obvious. He foretells that the beloved man will leave the family for his mistress, but he himself will not be happy about this and will soon return back. If a woman values ​​relationships, she should not rush her lover in the near future, insisting on his leaving the family; this will not lead to anything good.

        Were there other people present in the dream?

        Often appears in any dream large number people who may be unfamiliar in real life to the dreamer. In a dream connected with a lover’s wife, you should pay attention only to the appearance of several people:

        • lover;
        • his children (or child);
        • someone's (the woman herself, her lover or his wife) close relative.

        If in a dream, in addition to his lover’s wife, he himself appears, the woman should listen more carefully to his words and take a closer look at his actions in real life: there is a possibility that he is not telling something. Often such dreams are experienced by women who are sure that their lover will soon get divorced, although the application for divorce has not even been filed.

        A dream in which the children of a beloved man appear is an indication to a woman that she should seriously think about whether she really needs a relationship with a married man. Such a dream requires you to think that not only the lover’s children, but also the future of the mistress may suffer from a secret relationship. The relationship has dragged on, and it’s time to decide what to expect from them.

        Seeing a relative in a dream (one's own, a lover's or his wife - provided that the dreamer is familiar with them in real life) - means the appearance of someone outsider in the relationship who, having learned about them, will risk blackmailing the lovers or will immediately tell everything about them communications. You should be more careful in expressing your feelings, especially in public. The woman is surrounded by a man who, without a doubt, on occasion, will tell his lover’s wife that her husband has a mistress.

        If a woman dreams of her lover’s wife with a different face, then there is a serious chance that her lover will soon leave the family and propose marriage. According to Miller’s dream book, such a dream is not so common, but it is the most favorable when interpreting dreams in which a lover’s wife appears.


        Despite the fact that a dream in which a lover’s wife appears is almost always closely related to real-life events, sometimes he will be able to tell about events from a completely different sphere. One should not expect predictions of grandiose changes from such a dream, but it often warns, hints and draws a woman’s attention to some details of her life that she does not think about in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Lover's Wife

A wife's mission in the human world is not to please her husband. The wife is a symbol of honor and the good name of the family.

Dream clues

The image of a lover’s wife in dreams represents suspicions, serious worries, and concerns about some matter. This image hints at the dreamer's revelation of his secret life.

We’ll find out in more detail what the lover’s wife dreams about from sources of past and present days.

Former sources

Many classic dream books agree that images of lovers’ wives appear in dreams at a time when the waking person is experiencing extreme stress. This may be due to some secret that weighs heavily on his heart.

Miller's Dream Book

Did you happen to see a lover with his wife, or just his wife? This indicates doubts that overcome the dreamer due to the uncertainty in his life. The dream confirms the dreamer's state of being on the verge of disappointment.

If you dreamed about your lover's wife

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer said that the wives of lovers come in dreams precisely at a time when the dreamers themselves begin to experience internal conflict due to fatigue of being in constant tension, hiding their relationship from everyone. Often such dreams serve as a message for their breakup.

Current sources

Soothsayers, our contemporaries, associate the appearance of this image in dreams with the likelihood of exposing secret relationships and the accompanying consequences.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The esotericist points out that when you happen to see your lover’s wife in your dreams, it means that soon the connection between him and the sleeping woman will be revealed. To prevent negative and unpleasant consequences, it would not be a bad idea to go for frank conversation with the lover’s wife, the dream book calls. Together we will figure out which of the two he has stronger feelings for. If to your wife, then modestly and quietly step aside.

Dream Interpretation of I. Melnikov

When compiling his dream book, the psychologist and oneiroman took into account many features of the psychology of women, as well as the experience of recent research in the field of dreams.

He believes that when you happen to see in a dream the spouse of a man with whom you have an intimate relationship, it means that in reality you will have big troubles at work.

Step by step along the path of dreams

The love triangle is a theme as old as time. In life you can hear many different and twisted stories about this. And even more so in a dream. And what you dream about doesn’t always carry negative forecasts. Let's see what stories our subconscious can prepare for us:

Did you happen to see a lover and his wife circling together in a passionate dance? The dream calls you not to play with fire.

In reality, the wife of the man you are secretly dating suspects that her husband is unfaithful. And she wants to damage you. IN in this case she will resort to the help of professional magicians.

If you dreamed of sex between your gentleman and his missus, during which she laughed, then her husband’s infidelity is due to his inability to satisfy intimately. By going to the left, he is simply trying to assert himself or gain experience. Having achieved the desired results, he will break off relations with you.

He needs you only to experience thrills and maintain intrigue. He has an ideal soul mate with whom he feels good. He just likes to experience pleasure with new partners. And perhaps you are not the only one with him.

Seeing your boyfriend's girlfriend in a dream, with whom you had to talk nicely, without raised tones and any excesses, means that in reality she is not embarrassed by your relationship. She doesn't mind adultery.

If you happened to see a scene where your boyfriend’s missus set the table, entered into a conversation with you, and behaved as if she knew nothing about your close relationship, then this is a good forecast for you, announcing their imminent divorce.

Being a guest of honor at a couple’s wedding, where your lover was the groom, means that you will soon be disappointed in your partner. You yourself will want to break off the relationship, realizing that he is just a gigolo.

Constantly seeing a dream where your boyfriend’s wife was in poor health, lying on the bed in a shabby robe, promises future troubles for all participants love triangle, which may be related to the field of health.

A similar forecast, indicating that the sleeping woman’s affair with someone else’s husband will become a grief for the three, is given by a dream in which a frozen fragment with his deceased wife was observed.

The likelihood of being drawn into a dangerous scam is warned by a dream where you had a chance to talk with the wife of your non-existent admirer.

The dream encourages you to be careful with new acquaintances. Do not rush to agree to dubious offers.

The lover's wife may visit the dreamer for many reasons. Such a dream cannot be ignored and must be interpreted correctly; for this you will have to strain and remember all the details of the dream.

A woman’s behavior, outfit and words - everything has weight. From these details we will be able to put together a complete picture to draw up an interpretation from various dream books. So why do you dream about your lover’s wife?

Dream Interpretation of a Lover's Wife - Interpretation of Individual Stories

We invite the reader (and also the dreamer) to extract the maximum benefit from your dream and find the most correct interpretation based on the clues that the depths of your subconscious so kindly provided. Find the interpretation of your dream below:

  • The beloved's wife did not take any action. In this case, it simply personifies your anger at the man due to the fact that he pays little attention to you. There's no need to do anything.
  • Her lover kisses her in her sleep. In the near future, severe disappointments await, and a sudden break with a married man is possible.
  • Your lover's passion was crying in his sleep. In real life, you are predicted to have troubles and bad luck.
  • In your dreams you saw your scandal with your wife young man. Soon you will have to sort things out with people you dislike; the possibility of a repetition of this scandal in real life is possible; you should be careful.
  • Pregnant woman lover. Such a dream means that you are tormented by pangs of conscience. It is recommended to talk to the man and find out everything.
  • The lover's wife stands between you both. The subconscious mind hints to you through a dream that it is difficult for your beloved man to make a choice between you and his soulmate. You need to encourage him and help him.
  • Hugs. If a lover lightly hugs his lawful wife in a dream, then such a dream speaks of his fatigue. Yes, he is tired of his double life, and very soon he will make a choice between you.
  • She quarrels with her husband. You are about to hear unpleasant news about a person you know, they will disappoint you.
  • Laughter. If your lover’s wife manages to laugh at you in your own dream, you will be disappointed and humiliated. Gossip from neighbors, illness or even theft cannot be ruled out.
  • You have received a request from your lover's wife. Listen to the prediction - if you listen to some advice in the future, then a huge number of problems await you that would not have happened if you had not trusted stupid advice.

  • Wifey's smile. The subconscious mind gives you life advice - you shouldn’t do those things and start those projects about which you are not 99% sure, because in most cases they fail.
  • Your lover's wife came to your house to start a scandal. Your relationship may soon be revealed, your double life may end.
  • The scandal turned into open personal attacks, and the wife also had a child. She came to your house with her offspring - indicates your imminent breakup with your young man. You will have to recover from this event for a long time; illness, delays in projects, or even dismissal are possible.
  • The wife was covered in blood. The bloody passion of your lover gives a sign that soon your connection with your lover will be finally revealed, he will be exposed without trust, and you will remain alone for a long time in the midst of a cruel world.
  • Direct conversation. It so happened that the secret man’s wife found you in an unusual place (in the kitchen, in the closet, on the beach) and started a simple, everyday conversation, without scandals. The dream, quite optimistic, even somewhat ironic, turns out to carry a warning from the subconscious - you should not go with the flow, as the relationship may be revealed.
  • Fight this woman. In such a dream, your mood plays a role. They fought out of hatred - it has many advantages over you, and you are afraid that your beloved will not resist and will defect once again. If you played your blows with a grin on your face, a pleasant surprise awaits you, besides, in such a situation, it is you, according to the subconscious, who has all the trump cards up your sleeves.
  • A message from Casanova's wife. If she told you that she is pregnant, in real life you should be 100 times more careful, do not participate in adventures, lotteries, do not drink alcohol, and generally think about it seven times, make important decisions once. Dangerous dream.
  • Seeing your sick woman married man. In the near future, you will experience a tarnished reputation, gossip from neighbors, or even betrayal by someone from your circle of seemingly close friends.
  • Find out about the death of your lover's wife. Again, the dream foreshadows an incidental situation in which your face, a tarnished reputation, or even a divorce from your current spouse will appear.

Interpretation of sleep by psychologists and dream books - a lover’s wife in a dream according to Tsvetkov, Miller and Freud

  1. Dream book of psychologist Miller. You are overcome by doubts about the correctness of your decision. The same doubts plague a married boyfriend. It is quite possible that you just need to take a break from each other for a while.
  2. According to Tsvetkov. Your love affair will be revealed, says a famous psychologist. However, this is how any dream plot with the wife of a lover/mistress is interpreted in this way by a given somnologist.
  3. According to Freud's dream book. A completely new acquaintance awaits you, which will outshine your married boyfriend and allow you to leave him alone, alone with cockroaches and an evil wife.
  4. French dream book. But according to this dream book, a wife with her lover means joy and good luck in all endeavors.
  5. Loff's Dream Book. White Mage clearly warns that the deception will soon be revealed, there is no point in dragging on this disastrous relationship any longer, it’s time to end it.
  6. Muslim (Islamic dream book) Eastern dream book warns that in the near future one should expect tough tests from dreams with such a plot, which will test the dreamer’s endurance and ability to be in such a relationship for a long time.
  7. Family dream book. In this case, the lover’s wife predicts the receipt of a letter that will talk about something important to you. It is possible to receive an inheritance, have a child with distant relatives, or something completely different.
  8. A dream with a lover's wife according to the interpretation of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. The dreams created by your subconscious, in which the passion of your lover appears, literally scream: stop! The relationship has reached a dead end, dreams only symbolize the dreamer’s doubts, it’s time to end it.
  9. Modern dream book. Such a plot modern dream book- this is a sign: the other half began to suspect something.

For a woman, a dream where she dreams of a lover carries a hidden meaning, and a meeting with her lover’s wife threatens troubles that haunt her. To understand what it means to see your lover’s wife in a dream and why someone who sees such a dream should beware, you need to look online at the dream book of esotericists who know the interpretation.

Miller's Dream Book - dream of a lover's wife

A woman may dream of a lover, angry that in reality she lacks love and support from a man (friend, spouse or boyfriend). A lover with his wife (or seeing your lover’s wife in a dream) - to conflicts, doubts living in you, uncertainty that has appeared in life. Such a dream promises disappointment.

Vanga's dream book - I dreamed about my lover's wife, why?

See ex-lover– uncertainty at this stage of life. The one who regrets the breakup can see her man’s new mistress in a snow-white wedding dress and hear her voice in a conversation. The man who pushes her away, hits her, or argues with her is still yours and wants to come back. Dreaming of a lover's pregnant wife or the appearance of their child is a conscience saying that it is time to break off the relationship.

Freud's Dream Book - married lover

Seeing in a dream the person who introduced you to your lover or who takes photographs of you is a sign that you would like to go back in time. A dream where you receive a phone call from your lover's wife at night will bring a new acquaintance, followed by a rather long affair, and if you receive a message saying that you have been exposed, stop the adultery as quickly as possible. If you dream of a man calling you by the name of his wife or daughter, he will never leave his family. The lover introducing you to his wife is too sexually active.

Dream Interpretation - Lover's Wife

A relationship with a lover causes stress and obsessive fears in a woman, which are encountered in dreams. Seeing your lover’s legal wife in a dream means a secret relationship has been revealed, humiliation. Even if you think that there are no people who know about your novel, there are already many people communicating and hearing about it. Similar dream, as the dream book says, is news of damage. This is a dream that means that the relationship with your lover must be ended. A lover experiencing an orgasm with his wife in a dream is an image that brings the news to the girl who sees him that the lover will not leave his family. A man hugging or returning to his permanent wife in a dream carries the same meaning. But a man leaving or even running away from home is a sign that you will be glad to see. I dreamed of my lover’s wife chasing him away - this woman will be in big trouble. If the lover's wife in a dream looked smiling, talking calmly and sweetly, for her he is an ex, and she does not mind cheating. Seeing a sick woman lying on the sofa in a battered robe with a stain or a nightie promises trouble for both of you and the man who cheated on her.
It’s a good sign to see your loved one’s wife setting the table, preparing food, feeding the baby, washing dishes or styling her hair, cleaning, as if she knows nothing. This is a sign that this family has long broken up and they are facing a divorce. Seeing a quarrel with your man’s wife means secrets will soon be revealed. If you dream of a lover, and with him his wife, daughter and son, to a woman who does not have a lover, you will be drawn into a scam. The opponent who hits you has an advantage over you, and the one who kills you with one hand will bring back her departed husband. The lover’s wife becomes a friend from the first meeting; this is a dream that means that you have a chance to take the man away from the family. Being a seated guest at your ex's wedding means you will be bitterly disappointed. A lover who kisses the bride in your dream will soon leave; a lover who gives a white pendant loves only her.
A former lover who is divorcing or separated from his wife regrets that he is not with you. If you dreamed about a photo or portrait of your ex’s wife, it means an unexpected meeting. A naked lover in an apartment means the sincerity of his feelings, and a clothed lover means a man hiding from obligations and hiding his true feelings. A drunk (blue) lover on vodka - expect an unexpected gift. A frozen interior with a lover’s deceased wife or a disabled person - your romance will be a grief for everyone. I dreamed of a husband who took you by surprise and caught you several times at home with your lover - your husband is not sure of love on your part. If you dream that you are going to see a gynecologist with your lover’s mother, this is a dream about very big troubles. Dreaming unmarried girl ex, old and angry lovers or common-law husbands who are starting a showdown here - the fighters have started a fight for your heart, a rich suitor will appear on your horizon, giving up everything for you and calling every minute.