Greetings, dear reader. Today I want to touch on the methods of Development of the Mind, the Intellectual sphere of life.

“A developed intellect is given to a person so that he deepens his knowledge in art, science, philosophy, physics, chemistry, psychology, economics, politics, and so on. By deepening this knowledge, human society can achieve the perfection of life. The pinnacle of this perfection is the realization of the Supreme Being, the Supreme Absolute Truth.”

Human beings are endowed with intelligence and if we do not use it to its fullest, it is equivalent to buying an Iphone 6 and only using it as a calculator. In other words, we have enormous potential and it must be used to its full potential.

It is sad to see people who live their lives like robots without using or developing their intelligence. Acting according to imposed algorithms.

Of course, there are different categories of people and each has its own abilities. Some have higher intellectual abilities, some have less. It's not that important. It is important to use exactly the abilities that we have.

Develop our intellect and mind from the platform on which we already stand.

It is natural that not everyone will become scientists, philosophers, thinkers or anything else. But even if a person is engaged in ordinary physical labor, he can develop his mind by deepening his knowledge in his field in which he works, acquiring higher qualifications, and also developing other aspects of his life. Study and read books that carry spiritual wisdom, communicate with more advanced people, create around yourself an environment of people who have high ideals and values.

Our environment often shapes our values. If we associate with those who strive for personal and spiritual growth, we ourselves can become enthusiastic about it.

At one time, in my youth, I completely changed my social circle, since my ideals and values ​​did not fit into the environment of my communication.

If a person does not use his intellect, then the Mind falls asleep. It's like muscles, if you train them, they are strong, but if not, they atrophy.

Like a water tap, if you don't use it, it will rust. That is why it is so important to train and develop your Mind. A strong Mind allows a person to make the right decisions, control the base tendencies of the Mind, you can read about this

Three simple methods for developing your Mind:

  1. Become a professional in the activity you are involved in by studying and deepening your understanding of it.
  2. Surround yourself with people who have high ideals and high spiritual values.
  3. Study of spiritual literature. It Strengthens the Spiritual Mind.

After all, if a person does not deepen his knowledge, at some point he can feel his uselessness. Finding Yourself, revealing your intellectual potential, deepening your knowledge and ultimately directing your Mind to comprehend Yourself is the true task of each of us. It will bring happiness.

The structure of the subtle body. Three aspects of existence. Levels of consciousness part. Supreme perfection. Mental stability. Finding a pure mind. Twenty stages of change of consciousness. About humility. Self-esteem under the influence of the three gunas. About non-violence and envy. Non-violence. Patience in ignorance, passion and goodness. Patience. External and internal simplicity.. Search for a spiritual teacher. Relationship with spiritual teacher. Determination. Renunciation. Selfishness and the fight against it. Our attitude towards birth, old age, illness and death. Finding spiritual happiness.

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1. Structure of the subtle body

The introductory lecture of the series “Development of the Mind” gives a definition of the concepts: “subtle body”, its main components, mind, intelligence, psychic channels - srotos, nadia. The concept of hierarchy: soul - mind - mind - psychic energy. True ego, false ego. What is happiness, what does the mind strive for, how does the mind control the mind? Explains the existence of the spiritual body, spiritual mind, mind, spiritual ego.

Oleg Torsunov – Ayurveda radio – June 24, 2007 (listened to 6856 times | downloaded 3327 once) text being checked

2. Three aspects of existence

Consciousness is the main attribute of the soul and has a spiritual nature. The energy of consciousness penetrates into different shells, structures of our psyche, our body. And depending on what level, what it comes into contact with and where consciousness is immersed, it acquires certain ways of understanding what happiness is. That. There are five main levels of consciousness; for each level of consciousness, certain mental centers – chakras – are provided in our body. Anna is Maya. Prana - Maya. Mana is Maya. Answer to the question about the specifics of tantra.

Oleg Torsunov – Ayurveda radio – July 01, 2007 (listened to 5228 times | downloaded 2773 once) text being checked

3. Levels of consciousness part 1

This lecture reveals the levels of consciousness of prana-maya and mana-maya. The author reveals the concepts of purpose in life, success in labor activity, describes in detail the aspirations of people (for example, to achieve fame, recognition, power, etc.) in a strong connection with mental capabilities and character traits. Considerable attention is paid to the topic of internal and external orientation of the activity of the mind. The topic of material wealth and life in the Hun of passion in general is raised, and the basics of behavior in a modern aristocratic secular society are described. The idea of ​​subtle, sensory perception of the surrounding world as one of the features of the Mana-Maya platform is revealed in detail. The nature of conscience, the activity of the oversoul and its significance in human life are explained. From the point of view of Vedic scriptures, the author explains the theory of the division of society into classes, the essence of power, aspirations for high position in society. Final stage conversations - a conversation about happiness, the eternal inexhaustible source of happiness - God, about our ideas about happiness, about the selfish desire to enjoy material objects or other people in this world.

Oleg Torsunov – Ayurveda radio – July 08, 2007 (listened to 3446 times | downloaded 2724 once) text being checked

4. Levels of consciousness part 2

The lecture is devoted to a detailed examination of the nature of mind and intelligence, the difference between these two concepts. In addition, Oleg Gennadievich focuses on explaining the functions of the main ten senses (hearing, touch, smell, vision, tactile sense, speech, movement of limbs, sexual desire, feeling associated with bowel movements) and explains which of them are most important for a person , how to use them correctly, what mistakes we make when using these feelings. The work of the throat psychic center, the methods of its development and the results of such work on oneself are described in sufficient detail. Particular attention is paid to such phenomena as clairvoyance, the so-called “evil eye”, etc. The author expresses the point of view of the Vedas on the activities of psychics and similar people with special perception capabilities subtle world. The lecture talks about the throat, heart, frontal mental centers and their characteristics. A separate topic is family relationships, the desire to enjoy a partner in marriage, the interaction of two people in marriage at different mental centers, the consequences of incorrect relationships.

Oleg Torsunov – Ayurveda radio – July 22, 2007 (listened to 2534 times | downloaded 2492 once) text being checked

5. Levels of consciousness part 3

Lecture on Anahata and Vishuddha chakras, the influence of planets on human life. The story continues about the unusual abilities of some people (vision of the subtle world, past, present, future), about the substitution of concepts in modern world, the desire of humanity to find a recipe for all diseases. The influence of Venus and Mercury is described in detail. Using life stories as an example, the author reveals cases of mental illness and proves that the occurrence of diseases is the result of improper use of the senses. Sometimes the topic of past and subsequent lives is raised, the conception and birth of children according to the Vedas, the way to give birth and raise a holy person or a degraded person. The conversation again returns to the topic of happiness, what a person needs for happiness, how to achieve it. Attention is paid to the nature of a woman, a woman’s responsibilities in the family and her opportunities to realize herself in external activities.

Oleg Torsunov – Ayurveda radio – August 05, 2007 (listened to 1808 times | downloaded 2477 once) text being checked

6. Levels of consciousness part 4

The main part of the lecture is a story about the ajna chakra and its features. In addition, the influence of the planets Saturn and the Moon on a person, the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain is considered. Much attention is paid to the development of abilities and character traits in men and women, and recommendations are given on the right lifestyle. The principle of operation of internal psychic channels is clearly explained. The author gives comparative characteristics lifestyle, development and state of consciousness of a metropolitan resident and rural people. Interesting description two types of personalities: “demonic natures” and “divine natures”, and separately men and women, how they manifest themselves, how to recognize one type or another in oneself. Regarding the development of the mind, the author talks about the “third eye”, the harmonization of the masculine and feminine principles in every person, touching on the topic again and again family relations, married life and developmental disabilities in modern people.

Oleg Torsunov – Ayurveda radio – August 12, 2007 (listened to 2107 times | downloaded 2574 once) text being checked

7. Supreme perfection

The author talks about the highest state of mind, the development of the highest mental center - the sahasrara chakra, and describes its activity. Some features of the female psyche and personality types are revealed: introvert and extrovert. Much attention is paid to such a phenomenon as asceticism, features and types of asceticism. Two concepts are revealed and compared - rationality and enlightenment. You will also learn more about self-improvement, love of God, highest happiness and the path to achieve it, material and spiritual mind, and its characteristics. The story ends with interesting answers to questions about the oversoul, with colorful examples.

Oleg Torsunov – Ayurveda radio – August 26, 2007 (listened to 2228 times | downloaded 2469 once) text being checked

9. Finding a pure mind

Five states of consciousness of the mind. The movement of energy in the human body. Solar and lunar paths. How to develop your mind. Ways of acquiring knowledge.

Oleg Torsunov – Ayurveda radio – September 16, 2007 (listened to 2686 times | downloaded 2671 once) text being checked

10. Twenty stages of change of consciousness

Spiritual and material mind. Stages of formation of spiritual mind and its signs. Submission to higher knowledge is the first sign of the development of the mind. Intuition. Artificial insemination.

Oleg Torsunov – Ayurveda radio – October 21, 2007 (listened to 2971 times | downloaded 2745 once) text being checked

11. About humility

Intuition. Paramahansa consciousness. Consciousness of a fly and a bee. How humility affects feelings. How humility affects the body. How does insubordination manifest itself in men and women? Humility in goodness, in passion, in ignorance and spiritual humility. Ways to develop humility in yourself.

13. About non-violence and envy

A story about violence, its forms and manifestations, about the reasons that cause it, about non-violence (ahimsa) and its first stage - refusal of meat food. How the energy of violence from killing animals affects us on the physical and subtle planes. About false pride, demonic and divine personalities, demonic and divine paths of development of civilization. ABOUT modern society and the development of matter, about true progress. Envy is a character trait that leads to violence. The connection between envy and jealousy and betrayal. The author explains why it is necessary to cultivate non-envy and the desire for spiritual happiness. Reasonableness, nobility from the point of view of the Vedas. It is described that punishment is not always violence. Many aspects of life are touched upon from the point of view of non-violence and the development of the mind, the pursuit of spiritual rather than material happiness.

Oleg Torsunov – Ayurveda radio – November 25, 2007 (listened to 2084 times | downloaded 2317 once) text being checked

15. Patience. External and internal simplicity.

The lecture is dedicated to simplicity, in all its manifestations. Describes true patience, its nature and characteristics. A character trait is revealed - simplicity, its types (in goodness, in passion and in ignorance), the features of each type of simplicity and human behavior are revealed. The relationship between simplicity and honesty and humility is shown. The following explains three types of lack of simplicity: pride, politics, anger. Particular attention is paid to how to achieve simplicity, what features arise in its absence (referring to Vedic works). You will learn what popularity is, why the desire for popularity and fame arises. It tells about the fate of a special outstanding personality - Bali Maharaja. An interesting sub-topic: “Simplicity and the search for a spiritual teacher.” At the end of the lecture there are answers to questions from the audience.

Oleg Torsunov – Ayurveda radio – December 09, 2007 (listened to 2607 times | downloaded 2457 once) text being checked

16. Search for a spiritual teacher

Who is a spiritual teacher? Who can be a spiritual teacher? What is the basis of the relationship between a disciple and a spiritual teacher? What changes occur in the life of a person who has received initiation from his teacher and how his fate changes. What happiness he can experience by serving his spiritual master. The question is revealed of how a true spiritual teacher differs from the person who tries to appear to be one. An example is the story of Srila Prabhupada. At the end of the conversation, he talks about the most common misconceptions associated with the search and appearance of a spiritual mentor in a person’s life; Oleg Gennadievich traditionally answers questions on the topic of the lecture.

Oleg Torsunov – Ayurveda radio – December 30, 2007 (listened to 1825 times | downloaded 2228 once) text being checked

17. Relationship with spiritual teacher

In the introductory part, Oleg Gennadievich explains the influence of spiritual sound on the mind and destiny of a person, talks about its power and saving role. The question is raised about who a believer is, what true faith is, the ideal of faith, and the misconceptions and stereotypes associated with this are described. Next we're talking about about the five levels of receiving spiritual sound and transmitting spiritual knowledge, what happens at each stage. These five levels are the levels of mentoring, the relationship between the spiritual teacher and the student. In a simple, accessible form, with live examples, important information is given on how to distinguish between a true spiritual teacher and an impostor. It also talks about the way of life, the signs of a real spiritual teacher, how to find him, and the misconceptions in modern society in this regard.

Oleg Torsunov – Ayurveda radio – January 10, 2008 (listened to 1245 times | downloaded 2070 once) text being checked

18. Determination

Determination is essentially focusing your attention on a higher goal. The lecture describes the types of purposefulness from the point of view of the levels of consciousness at which a person can be: anatomical, physiological, sensory, mental, recognizing, conscious consciousness. Oleg Gennadievich explains in detail how to increase determination, how this trait manifests itself in the relationship between a spiritual teacher and a student. A large block of information that tells about the technique of prayer, when and how to pray, what position to sit in, how to start and end prayer. You will also learn how to increase concentration on spiritual objects, what the state of consciousness “samadhi” is, why it is dangerous to focus attention and energy on material objects, and much more.

06 February 2008 (listened to 2422 times | downloaded 2572 once) text being checked
The principle of money. Secret practice of managing reality Smirnov Anton

Development of the mind

Development of the mind

Reason, in my opinion, is a broader concept than mind. The development of the mind, in my understanding, includes training the subconscious, forming habits, and mastering skills. By introducing new habits, we develop the subconscious and introduce new mechanisms there. How do we learn English, for example? We memorize words, phrases, do it regularly, only then is it effective. And subsequently we acquire the skill of constructing sentences based on English without hesitation. I was boxing: when I entered the ring, I didn’t think about which hand to use, which turns to perform, all this happened automatically. The mind and body were trained to behave this way. The mind, rather, is on the surface; it is responsible for the ability to concentrate and control one’s feelings.

To learn to include the observer, it is important to learn to quiet the mind. If the water in the lake is calm, then the bottom is visible, but when it boils, chaos arises. It’s the same with the mind: if it’s calm, you can see what’s there in the mind, what attitudes it has. Morning meditation helps calm the mind at the beginning of the day.

Developing your mind allows you to achieve your goals. If the goal is to develop some qualities, then by deciding to be generous and working on this quality, a person automatically becomes generous. If a person is cowardly, he can instill in himself the habit of courage, and this will shape his character in a new way. Character will shape destiny, and it will emerge from a position of determination and generosity.

In moving towards goals, difficulties are bound to arise, of any kind, including health and social issues. With the development of the mind comes the ability to solve these problems from a position of development, and not from a position of sacrifice, to accept them as just another exercise machine.

How can you practically apply this knowledge, how to develop your mind? For men and women, in my opinion, different approaches will be effective.

Men's practices are stricter. For the stronger sex, asceticism is effective - deliberately limiting oneself in something; practices that develop yang qualities, such as:

Individuality and independence;

Decisiveness and courage;



Leadership and Power;

Hardness and stability;

Activity and action;

Focus on social and external achievements.

It will be useful for men to intentionally get up early - for example, an hour earlier than they really need - as well as physical activity, food restrictions such as fasting and solitude: you can live alone in the forest for several days. It is important when performing certain psychological practices to learn to realize: “Are they developing the masculine principle in me? Am I, as a man, developing these yang qualities?”

What do such practices give? They help a man learn to set goals and achieve them. After all, between the goal and the intention to achieve it there is a will, a kind of connecting link.

For example, a man wants to conquer a woman, she is his goal. Intention alone is not enough; he needs to express himself and perform actions. You have to force yourself to do something by force of will.

At first glance, it may not be clear how the decision to get up early or go hungry leads to such a goal? However, if a man does not have the will to get up early and finds a dozen excuses to avoid getting out from under the covers, what will happen to a woman? Obviously, there will be excuses here too: he will decide that “it’s normal as it is”, let her go her own way.

This manifests itself in other areas of life. For example, a man has an idea for a business. But intention alone is not enough, you have to make efforts to implement it, and here different things arise: it’s not right, and it’s too difficult, and he gives up without starting. This is the lack of will. How to earn it? Various practices and austerities.

As for a woman, practices that reveal her Yin qualities are effective for her:

Care and support;


Feelings and emotions;






Humility and devotion;

Softness and flexibility;

Passivity and calm;



If it is natural for a man to achieve goals - active actions, competition, then it is effective for a woman to create attraction to herself. Women's way implementation of intentions - to reconcile, unite, attract. For her, the most effective practices for every day will be the ability to look good, create a pleasant atmosphere, please others, move beautifully, cook deliciously, dance, engage in the arts, and be charming.

Like male ascetics, they also develop willpower and concentration, but only in a different aspect - women's practices associated with beauty, grace, and the ability to please.

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The Power of the Mind With the help of the philosophy presented in this book, you will come to understand that thought, supported by passionate desire, tends to transform into physical form. The truth of these words has been repeatedly proven by events that have become milestones in history.

In a broad sense, the mind is distinctive feature of a person - his mind as a whole, including intelligence and the ability to reflect: reflect oneself, understand a situation, understand oneself in a situation, imagine oneself in the eyes of other people, and so on. That is why modern man is called Homo Sapiens - a reasonable person (or, more precisely, an understanding, penetrating person).

However, in everyday use in modern Russian there is a pronounced tendency towards some opposition between reason and intellect. Both of these words denote a person’s mind, but each from its own perspective. Intelligence is the ability to solve standard, academic problems, abstracting (distracting) from all secondary circumstances. Man with high level intelligence is able to solve problems in a short time (quickly, say, multiply two-digit numbers in your head). He is also capable of solving intellectual problems that most people cannot do (multiplying, for example, four-digit numbers in his head). This is, so to speak, the power side of the mind.

The “other side of the coin” – intelligence – characterizes the clever side of the mind. In physical education and human movements in general, agility is, first of all, the ability to effectively perform unfamiliar, unfamiliar movements: jump over a fence, dodge a robber, run around numerous passers-by, climb a tree, etc. Likewise, intelligence is, first of all, the ability to effectively adapt to unexpected life situations, and not only adapt, but even subjugate these situations. Someone started spreading rumors about you, and you don’t know what to do? The intellect will not help much here, but the mind will help. Don't know which profession to choose? Have you long despaired of finding a husband or wife? Are you going to be laid off? Has your son started using drugs? Confused about financial matters? A random passer-by asks you to help him? In all such situations, intelligence is not that useless, but it does not play a decisive role; what is more important here is your ability and willingness to use your own mind. Further, by intelligence we will understand exactly this – the clever side of the mind.

So, what are the general considerations about the development of the mind? Firstly, intelligence is certainly a general ability (not a skill, not an ability, not the possession of specific knowledge), it is not closely related to any activity. Therefore, we can safely say that the development of reason in some situations, in some types of activities will lead to the fact that you will be reasonable in completely different situations and types of activities. There are no such abilities as “intelligence in business matters”, “intelligence in love affairs”, “everyday intelligence”, “emotional intelligence”, there is simply intelligence, and this simple intelligence should be developed.

Secondly, you must be prepared to love the truth in its various unsightly forms for the rest of your life. The engine of the mind is logic: “Yes,” “No,” or “Maybe.” As soon as a person begins to deny the truth, to act selectively in relation to it, to distort it to suit his own needs, he is deprived of this motor; the only drivers he has are emotions, habits, and values.

Thirdly, sooner or later you will have to admit that the natural enemy of reason is emotions, and that you will have to learn to restrain them. If habits and values ​​get along well with the mind, they develop and complement each other, then emotions bring a lot of chaos into the life of a modern person. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that emotions are a manifestation of instincts, and instincts are a reflection of the survival experience of our ancestors. In some matters, instincts are certainly needed (are you hungry? – Eat!), but in others their competence is close to zero: what profession to choose? Which store should I go to for groceries? how to cure obesity? etc. Moreover, when the competence (compliance) of instincts approaches zero, they begin to conflict with each other, giving rise to countless internal conflicts.

Fourthly, and this is also a very important circumstance, a person lives among people, their behavior poses the greatest mystery to him. This is, perhaps, even the main subject of the mind’s activity: to understand the behavior of people around us, to predict it, to present modern social trends in general. It is a great art to understand the behavior of other people. This understanding requires a lot of effort, thoughtfulness, and objectivity. The most common mistake, by the way, is denial, belittling the qualities of another person’s mind: “He behaves this way because his father was exactly the same...”, “He just wants to stand out...”, “He’s just a demonstrator.” ...”, “He just has an inferiority complex...”, “He needs to show power, that’s why he drills us like that...”

Below are some ideas on how to develop your mind.

Forecasting exercises

People seem very smart when they explain in hindsight what happened: why did oil become cheaper? why did Ivan Ivanovich marry Evgenia Evgenievna? Why was I fired? Why did my husband take a mistress? Why did I get a sore throat? etc. Such self-deception is very insidious; it greatly reduces the quality of the mind and dulls it.

Train yourself in forecasting. This workout is very good at disciplining the mind. It teaches you to understand that any event has many reasons. Some reasons you can see in advance, but some you can’t. Forecasts teach you to think in terms of probability:

And, of course, forecasting in specific situations (“combat forecasting”) shows all those places in which you can put your efforts to change the situation.

Learn to be calm

Of course, a person without emotions is a dead person. In principle, it is impossible to completely get rid of emotions. Yes, this is not required. But it’s probably not worth indulging your emotions and exciting your imagination either. Emotions are triggered either by specific life situations (you are hungry, you have been insulted...), or by your imagination (you imagine that you will starve, that you will be insulted...).

In both cases, the intensity or even the nature of the emotions depends on how you think, how you control your thoughts. If you imagine how you will eat, the feeling of hunger will only intensify. If you think about cigarettes, the desire to smoke will only increase. If you imagine how your offender will celebrate victory, how they will laugh at you, the feeling of resentment will only grow. Many people can “meditate” for hours in this way, imagining how they will eat, how they will smoke, how they will be humiliated, etc. What is the practical meaning of this? Usually none. Therefore, it is better to take care of yourself, nip “meditation” in the bud, and direct your thoughts in the right direction. In the end, it is not so difficult to forget about the feeling of hunger for a while, and to respond to an insult with contempt.

Self-hypnosis helps to achieve peace of mind:

- “I’m calm, I’m completely calm”

- “I am calm with the calm of the early morning”

- “It doesn’t concern me at all,”

- “I don’t care about that”

- “Every year, every day, every minute I become calmer and calmer” and the like.

Listen to wise sayings

Yes, there is no such nonsense that philosophers and authors of aphorisms would not say, but many sayings are really useful, they expand the picture of the world, and instill confidence in the power of one’s own mind. The most useful for the mind are, perhaps, the Latin sayings (of ancient Roman figures).

Read fiction

You can, of course, watch movies in your free time. But these films give little to the mind. They only show the outside. In the film, for example, Raskolnikov is walking with a gloomy face, but where is he going? why is it going? what does he think? Films are very expensive and are designed for a wide audience - from young children to very old people, so they are usually flat, short, with a primitive plot. There is a lot of propaganda in films, even commercial ones. This is how this world works. Propaganda, at a minimum, does not develop intelligence.

Good fiction helps to better understand the psychology of other people, to see them “from the inside.”

Not all fiction is created equal. There is, of course, genre literature created primarily for entertainment. There is literature whose authors rely on emotions; they are mainly interested in the emotional world. There is, however, quite a lot of literature for developing the mind. What can be recommended here in this article?

W. Shakespeare. Each of his works shows the game of the mind, subtle cause-and-effect relationships of behavior, complex life situations. It’s just that some thoughts surprisingly accurately expand the reader’s picture of the world. Consider the analogy of a person with a flute in Hamlet: you, they say, do not know how to play the flute and will not learn soon, but you are ready to play (manipulate) a person, although a person is much more complex than a flute.

Russian classics. These are, first of all, L.N. Tolstoy and F.M. Dostoevsky. In their novels, they meticulously depict not only the characters’ characters, but also show the play of their minds. It is also important that many characters change over time: today they are one, and tomorrow they are different. It is not so often that such personal dynamics can be found in fiction. And this is very important for the mind: to understand that you are changing, and other people are changing too.

E. Zola. A supporter of naturalism in literature, he showed the biological basis of man. Against the background of this biological basis, it is all the more valuable to discern the manifestations of the characters’ intelligence. In the brilliant Rougon-Macquart cycle, consisting of 20 novels connected by characters and some storylines, a panoramic view of the wealth of factors that influence the life of a particular person and society as a whole.

A. S. Makarenko. His “Pedagogical Poem” is not only useful, by the way, but also a fascinating literary work. The word “mind” appears not once, but many times in its pages. And for good reason. Many times Makarenko emphasizes that everything he has achieved together with his students is the product of his mind, and not of abstract pedagogical theories. Having received six (to begin with) juvenile criminals in 1920 (one of whom immediately dropped out after killing someone), Makarenko ensured that in 1935 the children under his leadership produced 15 thousand FED cameras, modern for that time, in a year. The novel is told in the first person, and it is all the more valuable for understanding Makarenko’s way of thinking. For example, he reveals a complex dialectic: the characteristics of people influence their relationships, and relationships, in turn, influence the development of a person’s personal characteristics. And this influence is very great, especially in children's groups.

War novels. War very well sharpens the abilities of the human mind. In Soviet times, many first-class books were published about war and about reason in war. Among them, perhaps, two can be distinguished. The first is “People with a Clear Conscience” by P. P. Vershigora. The honored partisan talks about his exploits and the exploits of other partisans under the leadership of the legendary S. A. Kovpak and S. V. Rudnev. Thanks to their courage and intelligence, they defeated the Nazis throughout the territory of occupied Ukraine and got out of the most difficult troubles. And it was not the fictional elves or gnomes who were not afraid to go out alone against ten, but completely real people. Another book is “In August '44.” The book is interesting for a number of advantages, among which it can be noted that it reveals the meaning of little things, which sometimes become not little things at all (even a cigarette butt can affect the outcome of a battle, the lives of many thousands of people).

You have probably often heard the statement that the development of the mind has positive aspects for human development. I come across this thesis every month, but until recently I did not attach much importance to this topic. Some time ago I accidentally came across a page dedicated to the development of the mind, and I decided to delve into this material, grasping all aspects along the way.

Why is the development of the mind needed?

Let's say school lessons biology and physical education were not in vain, and we managed to remember everything that the teachers talked about, namely the interaction between the work of the brain and the body. Every body movement performed by a person, be it jogging at high speed, doing pull-ups, or reading a book, is first determined in the human brain, and only then takes on a physiological appearance. Usually this process is unconscious, that is: if a person plans his action, then he has no idea how he will carry it out.

Consistent physical activity will allow your mind to gradually adapt to the constant impact on certain parts of your body. The interaction between continuous action and bursts of brain activity will soon be reduced, and the process will become completely automatic, increasing the brain's performance in addition. The stronger the influence of the brain on the body, the more impulsive and faster it improves. The reverse process also occurs: the brain develops when a person performs physical exercise.

So we got the answer to the question posed above. The development of the mind is necessary in order to cope with assigned or unexpected tasks without hindrance and as quickly as possible. If this is understood, then a reasonable question arises: “How then to develop intelligence?” You can develop your mind in two ways: using mental exercises for the brain or physical training for the body. Choose the method you like, and we will provide the necessary recommendations.

Mental exercises

Childhood is also wonderful because a child who has never seen anything tries to understand the world, asking everyone around why this or that process is happening, what it is for, and what benefits this action brings and whether it brings. Brain activity increases from year to year, but many people give up on their intellectual development at a young age, as soon as they receive a university diploma. Obviously, this negatively affects a person’s mental abilities. But this situation can be easily corrected if you consistently perform training to develop your mind.

Quick Exercise

Your brain will really start to boil if you do an exercise like changing your usual hand when working with a computer mouse. A fairly ordinary task is an excellent stimulant for work and development of the mind, because performing unusual actions causes a person to experience stress, and at this time the brain receives additional nourishment.

Solving crossword puzzles and reading books

Over the years, a person’s information sources have changed; now everyone receives new information from audio and video media, without using the brain. Reading books and solving crossword puzzles will help energize your brain, synthesizing the information received and looking for answers.

Using the Imagination

Don’t forget about the power of your imagination; it contains great power. Such a phenomenon as visualization of desires really works and serves as another excellent motivator for taking any action.

Performing original tasks

Original goals do not mean crazy; you should not jump with a parachute or go on a safari, although these methods will give a huge surge of energy. Original means being unusual, unusual, being in situations where you will feel out of place and, perhaps, very nervous.

Introverts, reserved people who like to spend time alone can go out into the street and talk to passers-by, smile at them, and gesticulate in every possible way. Extroverts, open-minded and active people can temporarily moderate their ardor and spend time playing chess or reading a book, which will have a double effect.


As noted above, the full development of the mind is possible only if a person’s life contains a combination of both mental exercises and physical training. Active people who constantly solve some mental problems become more successful than those who sit at home every day doing absolutely nothing. And this is very logical.


Perhaps the most interesting and productive way of all possible is travel. It is difficult to imagine how much new information a person learns during a visit to at least one city. New people, unusual places, spontaneous acquaintances - all this can be attributed to positive aspects.

However, this method has one negative feature - travel sometimes takes a big toll on your pocket, especially when it comes to sending to other countries.

No sedentary lifestyle

The main problem of modern youth and people in general is that many spend all their free time sitting in front of a computer screen at home, at work, in the office. A large flow of new and interesting information does not let you go, but, on the contrary, attracts you even more strongly.

We walk more

Problems with the circulatory system and posture follow from the previous paragraph, where we talked about a sedentary lifestyle, so even regular walks will help you get rid of these unpleasant complications. Also, while walking, a sufficient amount of oxygen enters the brain, which may not be enough if you are locked inside four walls. The development of the mind can only happen if all the rules are followed.


The material turned out to be quite voluminous, so we will present the main points.

The following methods will help to fully develop the mind:

Reading books and solving crossword puzzles

Finding original problems and solving them

Change of scenery

Stable physical activity

Maybe you have your own way of developing your mind?

Try, practice, develop!

Good luck to you on your Path!