Breakfast is the first meal of the day, which saturates the body with the energy it needs for the whole day. You can’t skip breakfast; you won’t be able to lose weight that way, and your body will gradually lose weight throughout the day. A unhealthy breakfast will have negative consequences for the body, so it’s best to stock up on recipes healthy breakfast.

  1. Filling the body with energy. On average, a person sleeps about 7-8 hours at night, so he does not eat. In the morning, he needs to recharge with energy, which the body will take from a hearty breakfast.
  2. Increased brain productivity.
  3. For good metabolism. Anyone who is used to eating well in the morning has a more productive metabolism.
  4. Starts metabolism.
  5. To regulate blood sugar. After awakening, it is at a low level; you should not allow it to drop even lower.
  6. Breakfast has a beneficial effect on heart function.

What is healthy to eat for breakfast?

  1. Eggs, preferably boiled. Less often - fried, scrambled eggs.
  2. Porridge.
  3. Apples or bananas baked with honey and nuts.
  4. Cottage cheese with fruits and nuts.
  5. Cheese pancakes or homemade yogurt.

Hearty healthy breakfast, list of products

  • Porridge with milk with fruits and honey, porridge with milk + boiled eggs
  • Cottage cheese with fruits, cottage cheese casserole or cheesecakes
  • Sandwich from rye bread and cheese


  1. Milk
  2. Fruits
  3. Berries
  4. Rye bread
  5. Cottage cheese
  6. Yogurt
  7. Hard cheese

Light healthy breakfast, list of products

  • Sandwich: bread with cheese + green tea
  • Fruits and berries with yogurt


  1. Bread
  2. Berries
  3. Green tea
  4. Fruits
  5. Yogurt

The healthiest breakfast for weight loss, list of products

  • Buckwheat porridge with water + boiled egg
  • Oatmeal with water + fruit


  1. Porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal)
  2. Fruits

What breakfast is good for weight loss, recipes

  1. Boil in water oatmeal. Wash the raspberries and add to oatmeal, seasoning everything with honey. Place a piece of low-fat cheese on whole grain bread. You can wash down your breakfast with a chicory drink.
  2. Boil the chicken fillet and chop finely. Wash and chop the tomato. Place the tomato and fillet filling in the pita bread; you can add sour cream if desired. Make a smoothie - beat yogurt and berries in a blender.
  3. Grate the apple. Add cottage cheese, egg, semolina to it. Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes. Brew green tea.
  4. Beat milk with eggs. Pour the mixture into a frying pan (non-stick) and fry. Halfway through frying, add chopped dill and feta cheese. Brew a cup of coffee with cinnamon.
  5. Prepare buckwheat porridge. Make a cucumber and tomato salad, add olive oil. Prepare a cup of black tea, add lemon.

Top 10 healthy breakfasts for weight loss

  1. Oatmeal with water or oat flakes instant cooking. Oatmeal is absorbed quickly and fills the body with essential microelements.
  2. Smoothies are a quick and vitamin-packed breakfast. Add fruits or berries to low-fat yogurt and blend with a blender. For satiety, you can add oatmeal.
  3. Steamed omelette with bell pepper. It is easy to prepare, and omelet is also healthy.
  4. Low-fat cottage cheese with honey and fruit. Beat all ingredients in a blender.
  5. Homemade muesli. Fry the cereal in a non-stick frying pan, pour low-fat milk over it and add any nuts.
  6. Fruit salad. Finely chop any three types of fruit (more is possible), and season the salad with yogurt.
  7. Hard cheese with whole grain bread + green tea.
  8. Low-fat cottage cheese with tomato and dill. Season with sour cream. Can be spread on a sandwich.
  9. Apple baked in the oven with nuts and honey.
  10. Lavash dessert. Grease the pita bread with honey, add cottage cheese and banana. Roll into a roll and bake in the oven for 8 minutes.

Delicious and healthy breakfast for a child, recipes

  1. Pumpkin rice porridge. Rinse the rice and place in the multicooker bowl. Add grated pumpkin, a little sugar, milk. Cook for 40 minutes in the “Milk porridge” mode.
  2. Lazy dumplings. Add flour, one chicken egg, salt or sugar to the cottage cheese. Knead the dough. Cut into small squares and press down a little with a fork. Boil in salted water for 2 minutes after floating. After cooking, season with sour cream.
  3. Omelette with vegetables. Finely chop the pepper, tomato and carrots and simmer lightly. Add the beaten milk and egg mixture. Cook on low heat.
  4. Cottage cheese casserole with cherries. Beat two eggs with a glass of sugar, add 400 grams of cottage cheese and a couple of tablespoons of semolina. Remove the seeds from the cherries and add to the resulting mixture, you need about half a cup of cherries. Place in the oven for 30-40 minutes.
  5. Carrot cupcake. Mix 100 grams of flour with half a tsp. soda Add 90 grams of sugar, 1 egg and 90 ml of olive oil. Knead the dough, to which you should also add grated carrots and 20 grams of chopped walnuts. Pour the resulting mixture into muffin tins and bake for 25 minutes in the oven.

Top 10 healthy breakfasts for children

  1. Omelette muffins. Omelette with vegetables is baked in muffin tins.
  2. Dessert with cereal. Add layers of yogurt, corn flakes and fruit into a glass.
  3. Pumpkin and cottage cheese casserole. You will need flour, pumpkin, cottage cheese, and an egg. Bake in the oven.
  4. Fruit salad. Cut the fruit into slices and pour in yogurt.
  5. Pancakes or pancakes with fruit or curd filling.
  6. Whole grain porridge with fruit.
  7. Fish balls + vegetable salad.
  8. Baked vegetables and chicken fillet soufflé.
  9. Cheesecakes with cherries inside.
  10. Boiled eggs, hard cheese and vegetable salad.

Is cottage cheese good for breakfast?

Cottage cheese does not lead to excess weight gain and saturates the body with everything it needs in the morning. It also stimulates both physical and mental activity. The main thing is to know when to stop and not use it excessively and regularly. Excess protein in the body can cause kidney disease.

Is muesli good for breakfast?

Muesli is a product that is rich in fats and carbohydrates, so it is not very healthy for the body. Many of them contain excessive amounts of sugar or salt. Since muesli consists of cereals and dried fruits, they will be healthier if you prepare them yourself.

Are cereals good for breakfast?

During the production of cereal flakes, most of the nutrients disappear. Most cereals contain excessive amounts of sugar. If you do not eat cereal every day, then there will be no harm from it.

Are eggs good for breakfast?

Eggs perfectly cover our body's need for protein. The substances contained in eggs stimulate brain activity and support physical endurance. Therefore, eggs are one of the best breakfast options.

Is porridge good for breakfast?

Porridges are a complete storehouse of useful microelements and vitamins. The feeling of fullness comes instantly, but there is no burden on the stomach. The most beneficial for breakfast are rice, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge.

Is yogurt good for breakfast?

Helpful. Yogurt is easily absorbed by the body; the beneficial bacteria it contains help maintain the proper microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Healthy breakfast cereals for the whole family, recipes

  • Semolina-coffee porridge
    Add sugar and semolina (3 tbsp) to 300 ml of boiled milk. Add a tablespoon of cocoa and simmer for five minutes.
  • Oatmeal with cinnamon
    Pour oatmeal into salted water and boil for ten minutes. After removing from heat, add cinnamon, vanilla sugar, nuts and jam.
  • Rice porridge with apples
    Pour 200 grams of rice into the multicooker bowl, add grated apple, sugar, vanillin. Fill with water until it is one finger higher than the cereal. Start the “Porridge” mode.
  • Garlic corn porridge
    Place 2 tbsp in a saucepan. butter, half an onion and a clove of garlic. Add a little water and cook until the onion is soft. Add water, a glass of milk, add corn porridge, salt. Cook covered for 20 minutes, stirring. Add grated hard cheese to the finished porridge.
  • Rice porridge with almond milk
    Rinse the rice with water and boil with sugar. Pour in almond milk and add coconut flakes.

Top 10 healthy breakfasts for adults

  1. Lavash with vegetables and chicken fillet.
  2. Crispbread with red fish and cream cheese.
  3. Sweet sandwiches. Spread peanut butter on bread and top with sliced ​​banana.
  4. Avocado and salmon sandwiches.
  5. Cottage cheese with fruit.
  6. Oatmeal with berries.
  7. Baked apple with cottage cheese.
  8. Funchoza with pepper and asparagus + boiled chicken eggs.
  9. Baked chicken fillet with bulgur and broccoli.
  10. Berry pancake cake.

Top 10 healthy breakfasts for men

  1. Whole grain porridge with berries.
  2. Low-fat cottage cheese with fruit.
  3. Omelette with herbs and mixed vegetables.
  4. Milk buckwheat porridge.
  5. Protein and vegetable sandwich.
  6. Muesli with milk.
  7. Buckwheat with baked chicken fillet and vegetables.
  8. Chicken and egg muffins with mushrooms + rice + vegetable salad.
  9. Boiled egg + rice.
  10. Cheesecake and oatmeal with fruit.

The healthiest breakfast recipes

  1. Egg in avocado. Remove the pit and some pulp from an avocado cut in half, beat in an egg and bake in the oven.
  2. Muffins with mushrooms and cheese. Fry the mushrooms. Beat the egg with milk, mix with mushrooms and add grated hard cheese. Pour into muffin tins and bake in the oven for 20 minutes.
  3. Dessert in lavash. Grease the pita bread with peanut butter, add chopped bananas and kiwi, low-fat cottage cheese. Roll up and bake for about 8 minutes in the oven.
  4. Oatmeal with cheese. 2 tbsp. Mix oatmeal with 30 ml of milk and egg. Add salt and beat. Pour into the pan. After finishing cooking, add grated cheese.
  5. Apples with cottage cheese and fruits. Cut five apples in half and remove the core. Put cottage cheese and fruit inside, add honey. Bake in the oven.

Delicious and healthy breakfast for every day, recipe

Baked toast in the oven will be a tasty and healthy breakfast.

  • half a sliced ​​loaf
  • 100 ml milk,
  • egg,
  • 50 grams of hard cheese.

Form the ingredients into cutlets, grease a baking sheet with oil and fry in the oven until golden brown. The finished dish can be eaten with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Proper nutrition is the right path to healthy image life. After sleep and a long stay of the body without food, breakfast should fill the body with energy and nutrients. Take your breakfast food choices seriously and you'll feel energized all day long.

Most people love surprises, and not only to receive them, but also to give them to their significant others, especially pleasant and tasty ones. A quiet weekend morning is ideal for an unexpected surprise, because breakfast for your loved one in bed is a classic of romance, talking about love and care! A beautiful tray or even a specially purchased table is ready in the evening; all that remains is, almost without breathing, to sneak into the kitchen and start creating!

Romantic breakfast - options and ideas

If you have long been planning to please your man with breakfast in bed, then a table or tray should really be at your disposal. As well as beautiful napkins, flowers and a full refrigerator of products for the implementation of specific plans.

If the idea came to mind impromptu, it doesn’t matter! The main thing is inspiration and competent initiative, and you can improvise a table! As for the lack of tablecloths and flowers, your beloved sleepyhead may not notice it at all. Especially if his attention is absorbed by something tasty. The main thing is to think about what to cook for your loved one for breakfast, and we will be happy to help you choose!

What should I cook for my husband for breakfast?

If he prefers hearty, “serious” food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, then pancakes are clearly not an option. The following recipes will suit you:

Scrambled eggs in bell pepper or bread

  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • White loaf or toast bread – 1 slice
  • Black pepper - to husband's taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying


Pour butter into the frying pan and, while it is heating, cut out hearts in the bread. They should take up almost the entire space so that the egg can fit in it. Place the bread in the pan and brown the pieces on one side. Turn them over and immediately pour an egg into each so that the yolk remains intact. A lid is not needed here and, if desired, you can sprinkle the top of the bread with grated cheese, black pepper or herbs.

Bread can be replaced with red bell pepper (1 pc.). It needs to be cut into rings approximately 1 cm high. They must be even! This is important, otherwise the egg will simply leak out. In the same way, fry the pepper on one side, and, turning it over, drive an egg into each ring. We decorate and add spices according to the taste preferences of the man we love.

"Hearty" scrambled eggs

For such a manifestation of tenderness and love you will need: sausages - 2 pcs.; eggs – 2 pcs.; frying oil; salt, spices, herbs - to taste; matches or toothpicks.

While the oil is heating up in the frying pan, we clean the sausages from the film and cut them lengthwise, but not all the way - leave about a centimeter - one and a half so that they do not tear when we roll them.

For better elasticity of the sausages, keep them in hot water for a couple of minutes. We bend both ends in the opposite direction so that the shape resembles a heart, and fasten them together with a match or toothpick.

Now the oil is hot enough to add! Just like with the bread and peppers, we only need to brown one side. Turning it over, break one egg into each form, add salt and pepper and fry without a lid over open (slow) heat.

Sandwich with omelet

For such a breakfast for a man, we need: toast bread or regular white bread - 2 slices; eggs - 3 pcs.; processed cheese; tomato, cucumber, parsley and dill; oil for frying.

Beat the eggs with salt and spices, pour them into a heated frying pan and, while the omelette is frying, cut the cucumber and tomato into thin slices and chop the greens.

If we have bread for toast, cut it in half to make triangles. Cut the well-fried omelette into the shape of bread. Everything is ready! Now spread the melted cheese on the bread, sprinkle with herbs and place one slice of cucumber, tomato and omelette on top of each other. Cover with another piece of bread, spread the cheese again, but on top. Sprinkle with herbs. Bon appetit!

Salty croutons

A great option for a romantic breakfast for your loved one!

Ingredients for making croutons: half a baguette or a few slices of a regular loaf; milk – 30 ml; egg – 1 pc.; processed cheese; salt, spices, oil for frying.

While waiting for the oil to heat up in the frying pan, beat the egg with milk with a fork, add salt and add spices. Dip pieces of bread into the mixture, hold for a few seconds, letting them soak, and place on a hot frying pan. After frying the croutons on both sides, transfer them to a napkin to absorb excess fat, and then spread melted cheese on one side. Decorate with greenery!

Secret: if you want to prepare a romantic breakfast, you can cut heart-shaped pieces from the bread. It's not difficult - just take a paper stencil, put a slice on it and trim off the excess along the edges. Then you will get golden, salty hearts!

If your man is partial to desserts, he will love the sweet version of croutons. With them you will get a real French breakfast.

Sweet French toast

For sweet croutons we will need: 4-5 slices of baguette or muffin (any bun will do, preferably a slightly dry one); egg – 1 pc.; milk - 30 ml; sugar – 1 tbsp. l.; cinnamon and vanillin, butter.

We do the same as in the previous recipe, but instead of salt, add sugar, vanillin on the tip of a knife and the same amount of cinnamon to the egg and milk mixture. Sweet croutons can be fried in butter - this will give the dish a special taste and aroma that goes so well with butter dough. The loaf slices will soak faster than regular bread, so we won’t keep them in the egg mixture – just dip them. Fry the croutons on both sides and, blot the fat with a napkin, place on a plate.

You can serve sweet croutons with honey, cream or fruit, or you can simply sprinkle with powdered sugar and garnish with a mint leaf.

Oatmeal, sir!

Don't be alarmed, it's not so bad - it can be an amazingly delicious dessert!


  • Oatmeal – 1 cup
  • Milk – 1 glass
  • Salt - according to taste preference
  • Sugar (or honey) - to taste
  • Walnuts – 5-6 halves
  • Large fresh or frozen strawberries - 4-5 pcs.

Pour milk into the oatmeal, bring to a boil, add salt and sugar. Leaving the porridge to simmer over low heat, cut the strawberries into quarters and chop the nuts. After 5 minutes, add most of the chopped berries and nuts, leaving a few for decoration. After letting it simmer for no more than one minute, put the porridge on a plate and decorate with strawberry slices and nuts.

Heart shaped pancakes

This is a great option for a romantic breakfast, say, on Valentine's Day. It is prepared in a very original way.

Required products: water - 2 glasses; egg – 1 pc.; flour - 400 g; sugar – 1 tbsp. l.; salt - as much as you like; oil for frying.

Mix all ingredients and beat into a batter. We check it for salt and sugar, and then pour it through a funnel into plastic bottle. We make a hole in its lid (with a hot nail or an awl) and, pouring the dough in a thin stream onto a heated frying pan, draw hearts. They can be made openwork, or you can fill the outline completely with dough.

Your imagination will not leave your loved one indifferent!

If the man you love doesn't eat breakfast...

After so many goodies that you want to cook and try yourself, the most offensive thing is to find out that your loved one categorically does not like breakfast.

It happens! He casually said that he couldn’t swallow a single crumb before noon, or that you’ve been living together for a long time and you know for sure that the “room” with a romantic breakfast won’t work and after sleep he really can’t eat anything. Then the most that will arouse in him your zealous desire to feed him is an embarrassed: “Darling... Can I leave it until lunch, huh?..” There will be no limit to mutual disappointment! Meanwhile, this is a common phenomenon - almost a third of the population of the civilized world does not bother their body with food in the morning.

Don't despair! There is a magic remedy! You can brew your loved one a cup of coffee for breakfast! Yes, yes, it's that simple! Find out what varieties he prefers, whether he drinks coffee with milk, cream or black. Or maybe he likes it without sugar, but with a slice of lemon.

It is not necessary to draw hearts on the lush creamy foam or try in a panic to give this shape to a spreading lemon. You just need to prepare what he is used to in the morning and serve this breakfast in bed. Men are not so picky about appearance eating like women. They pay more attention to its taste and timeliness. Try it, you will see that your loved one will appreciate your care!

Men love a variety of sandwiches and sandwiches. This is the most bachelor food. After all, what could be simpler than putting a piece of something fatty and high-calorie, like sausage or cheese, on a slice of bread and eating it right away. Fast and satisfying. This is especially good in the mornings, when there is absolutely no time to prepare food. We offer you a healthy variation on the theme of sandwiches with whole grain bread, tuna and lettuce. The man will love it!

Recipe Kirill Berger, restaurant brand chef Forte Bello

  • Quantity: 2 servings
  • Time: 20 minutes
  • Complexity: low


  • 4 slices whole grain square bread
  • 70 g canned tuna
  • 4-8 pcs. maslin
  • 1 tsp. grainy mustard
  • half a red onion
  • 4 leaves of green salad
  • 1 boiled egg (optional)

Preparation: Toast whole grain bread in a toaster or oven. Mash the tuna with a fork, mix with mustard and chopped olives. Brush 2 slices of bread with this mixture, top with lettuce, thinly sliced ​​red onion and sliced ​​hard-boiled egg. Cover with the remaining two pieces of bread. Cut each sandwich diagonally into 2 parts.

Many men have been accustomed to eating porridge for breakfast since childhood. Pamper your hero - prepare him a delicious, satisfying and incredibly healthy quinoa porridge with coconut milk and maple syrup. To make it even tastier, add a couple of slices of fresh mango and tender avocado.

Recipe Saida Fadli, restaurant chef Have A Nice Day

  • Quantity: 2 servings
  • Time: 30 minutes
  • ​Difficulty: low


  • 200 ml coconut milk
  • 200 ml water
  • 120 g quinoa
  • 120 ml organic maple syrup
  • 60 g mango
  • 20 g avocado

Preparation: mix in a saucepan coconut milk and water. Bring to a boil and add quinoa. Cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes and add a little salt, add 100 ml of organic maple syrup and, stirring constantly, bring the porridge to a thick state (about 15 minutes). Place the porridge on a plate and garnish with diced mango and avocado slices. Drizzle with remaining maple syrup.

Brunch requires a dish that is more filling and high in calories, such as fish combined with a healthy side dish.

Recipe Viktor Apasiev, brand chef of a restaurant chain "Rugola"

  • Quantity: 2 servings
  • Time: 20 minutes
  • Difficulty: medium


  • 400 g sockeye salmon fillet
  • 150 g bulgur
  • 80 ml vegetable broth
  • 1 bunch spinach or fresh herbs
  • 200 g pumpkin
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • soy sauce and salt to taste

Preparation: Cut the pumpkin into 2x2 cm cubes and bake in the oven, adding 1 tsp. olive oil, grind half the pumpkin in a blender with vegetable broth. Boil the bulgur until tender. Mix bulgur with pumpkin soup and pieces of baked pumpkin, simmer in a saucepan until it becomes risotto. Add soy sauce to taste. Fry sockeye salmon fillet in olive oil or steam it, add salt to taste. Place the bulgur on plates, next to the fish, garnish with spinach leaves or fresh herbs.

Men often abuse animal protein and eat too much meat, fish, eggs, and cheese. Such a diet threatens not only high cholesterol levels, but also problems with the gastrointestinal tract due to insufficient fiber. Therefore, whenever possible, feed your man plant foods with good protein content, such as beans or lentils. Dishes with them turn out tasty, satisfying and very healthy.

Recipe by Victor Grimailo, chef of the Tchaikovsky restaurant

  • Quantity: 2 servings
  • Time: 20 minutes
  • Complexity: average


  • 250 g green lentils
  • 120 g sun-dried tomatoes
  • 2 pcs. shallots
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. oils from sun-dried tomatoes or other vegetable oil
  • 60 g spinach
  • bunch of parsley
  • salt and pepper to taste

Preparation: Rinse the lentils and leave in water overnight. In the morning, drain the water, add new water in a ratio of one to two, and cook until tender (all the water should be absorbed). Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion over medium heat until soft, add chopped parsley, stir, add the prepared lentils. After a couple of minutes, add whole or chopped sun-dried tomatoes. Simmer the dish over low heat for 5-10 minutes under the lid. Add salt and pepper to taste. Separately, fry the pre-processed and washed spinach. Place lentils on plates and top with spinach.

Chicken eggs, on the one hand, the product is dietary and rich in easily digestible protein, vitamins and minerals. On the other hand, they are very high in cholesterol. Really a lot! High level cholesterol poses very serious health problems. So you should limit the number of eggs to 2-3 pcs. per week. If your man loves scrambled eggs or omelettes, make him a frittata with lots of vegetables. Tomatoes and zucchini will add volume to the dish and will significantly reduce the number of eggs.

Recipe Michel Lombardi, restaurant chefs "River" And Nord 55

  • Quantity: 2 servings
  • Time: 30 minutes
  • Complexity: low


  • 400 g vegetables ( bell pepper, tomatoes, zucchini, defrosted peas or corn, eggplant)
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. l. coconut cream
  • 1 shallot
  • 2 green onions
  • 1 tsp. mustard
  • 1 pinch ground paprika
  • 0.5 tsp. wine or balsamic vinegar
  • 1 pinch ground cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp. olive oil
  • salt to taste

Preparation: Peel and cut the vegetables and shallots into small cubes, chop the green onions. Using a mixer or whisk, beat eggs, coconut cream, mustard, vinegar, paprika, cayenne pepper, and salt to taste. In a frying pan suitable for the oven, heat the oil, lightly fry the onions and vegetables for 2 minutes, pour in the egg mixture, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, then put in the oven for another 10 minutes, preheated to 180° C. Cool the finished frittata in for 5-7 minutes, carefully transfer to a plate and cut into portions.

Read more interesting blog articles Alexandra Novikova

In our unstoppable age, little attention is paid to such “little things” as rest, sleep, proper nutrition, a timely, healthy breakfast for a man. Often the only thing men have for breakfast is smoking a cigarette. And if you also drink a cup of strong coffee, then this is a complete breakfast! True, no one thinks that in a few hours absent-mindedness will come, nervousness will appear, a feeling of weakness and inability to concentrate will appear. What do we get as a result? Fading of business activity, loss of the first half of the working day. What does a full breakfast provide for a man? Let's find out.

As a rule, having skipped breakfast, a man has a hearty lunch, after which he wants to rest for another hour and only after that can he return to work. What do we have? Having saved 30 minutes on breakfast, he then loses 5 hours of normal working time. At the same time, we deal a crushing blow to our health. Sometimes a man doesn’t have time to have a proper breakfast and snacks on the go, but this is better than starting his day with an empty stomach.

Many men ignore breakfast, explaining that in the morning they can’t get enough of it. In fact main reason lies in the fact that a person does not have the habit of eating in the morning. If you decide to start eating right, then developing this habit will not be difficult. If at first you do this “by force”, then after a few weeks, the body itself will demand full breakfasts. He will begin to produce digestive juice and if a man does not have breakfast, then a rumbling stomach and a feeling of hunger will haunt him until he eats.

In the course of their research, American nutritionists came to the following conclusion:
a person who has had breakfast is better coordinated, copes with intellectual tests faster, has a clearer concentration of attention, and has greater physical endurance than those who skipped breakfast.

Choosing a healthy breakfast for a man

We won’t reveal the big secret that not all breakfasts are equally beneficial for the stronger sex. It is not difficult to imagine a person of the opposite sex when a man is served yogurt, fruit or muesli for breakfast. Without a doubt, this food is very healthy, but it is unlikely to cause the same joy as in women. The first meal for a man should be not so much tasty as healthy. A proper breakfast includes as much protein as possible and as little fat as possible. It’s a good idea for breakfast to eat an omelet, a sandwich with low-fat ham and cheese, oatmeal, salmon with a slice of bread, lean meat, low-fat milk or a boiled egg. Thanks to such a breakfast, a person will not be very hungry by lunchtime and this will keep him from overeating.

Morning meal is a natural factor. Having received a natural vitamin-mineral complex, a man provides intensive metabolism, protection of the liver, heart, improves his immunity, which will help him overcome all challenges. It is worth paying attention to the entire biocomplex, consisting of dozens of microelements and vitamins. But this is only a small part of everything necessary, because the absorption of nutrients entering the body is entrusted to fats, proteins and carbohydrates. We get them thanks to a full breakfast.