The Law Institute (originally as a faculty) was formed in 1963 as part of Tomsk State University, and in 1973 it became the structure-forming and basic educational unit of Altai State University. Therefore, strong traditions of responsible and appropriate quality education have been developed here. From all educational departments of Altai State University only law faculty(currently a law school) at the time of the formation of the University was a ready-made structure, and it was on him that the main burden of work on the deployment of university infrastructure fell.

We have open and licensed all forms of multi-level legal education - bachelor's, master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies. At the master's level alone, the Altai State University Law Institute has licensed 6 areas and has already graduated five masters of jurisprudence.

This is the only legal institute in the South Siberian region of Russia, whose staff employs full-time 7 Doctors of Law sciences (S.V. Zemlyukov, A.A. Vasiliev, V.V. Sorokin, S.I. Davydov, E.S. Anichkin, A.P. Detkov, N.Yu. Lebedev), and behind each is a scientific school. The institute has 6 departments, which are headed by doctors of legal sciences. The staff of the faculty has no equal.

Graduates Law Institute of Altai State University in demand in all government and commercial structures. The diploma from our institute is highly rated by employers not only in the Siberian Federal District.

Law students study a wide range of humanities and professional disciplines, specially adapted to the needs of legal practice: from civil, criminal and administrative law to special courses on the technique of drafting legal documents and the interpretation of legal acts.

In the educational process of a law institute computer technologies are actively used. Modern computer classes are equipped. Students have access to the Internet and legal reference systems “Consultant Plus”, “Code” and “Garant”.

Law students have the following at their disposal: structural divisions of the institute:

  • codification room with library collection
  • duplicating equipment room
  • forensic museum
  • forensic technology laboratory
  • laboratory of tactics and investigation techniques
  • forensic testing ground
  • three computer classes
  • Veterans Hall of Fame

Altai State University Law Institute has more than three dozen practice databases(introduction, production, pre-diploma, etc.) in the courts, prosecutor's office, investigative committee, administrations at various levels, law offices, notaries, as well as in business entities of all forms of ownership.

The institute created legal clinic "Themis", its activity lies in the fact that students, under the guidance of teachers and practicing lawyers, provide qualified legal assistance and acquire legal consulting skills.

MGGTK ASU offers applicants not only the opportunity to choose from 20 of the most popular specialties, but also to choose the most convenient form of study: full-time, part-time or part-time.

Today, the priority in human life and the education system itself is its continuity. The first stage is school, the second is college or university, the third is advanced training. Education is inseparable from a career, and having an education becomes a prerequisite for achieving success. The peculiarity of the correspondence course is that it allows you to obtain a specialty, helping to build a career. Modern realities of fluctuations in the labor market, the need to master new specialty, changing the field of activity are now becoming arguments in favor of distance learning.

Correspondence department Our college celebrates a milestone this year - the 20th anniversary of its opening. Its head, Olga Aleksandrovna MELNIKOVA, talks about today’s anniversary of the department’s anniversary.

- Please accept congratulations on the occasion of the round anniversary and remind us when the correspondence department was organized?

This is the easiest question for me, because in 1995 I started working in college. In the same year, the first enrollment in the correspondence department took place.

What, in your opinion, attracts applicants to distance learning these days, what advantages or special conditions do you offer?

The main advantage of the correspondence course for a student is the opportunity to combine work and study. As it has always been. Second. Today we offer a fairly wide selection of specialties for distance learning.

Third. The academic year for part-time students in college is divided into trimesters. This means that there is an additional opportunity to meet with teachers, receive consultations, receive assignments and submit completed ones. The students themselves confirmed the convenience of this distribution of study time.

So, our advantages are obvious: convenient and flexible class schedule, on-the-job training, practical orientation of training programs.

- What does the college offer to a part-time student?

Everything that full-time students use is also provided to part-time students. Forms of education are different, but the rights are the same for everyone. A library, an Internet laboratory, other laboratories and workshops are all at their disposal. At the beginning of the academic year, we give each student a study schedule for the entire year. The schedule describes all disciplines, tests, exams, tests.

Upon completion of the correspondence course, our graduates receive a diploma state standard and can enter the university through an interview.

- What specialties does the correspondence department offer to applicants today?

The college is recruiting for 20 specialties. This year, 15 budget places have been allocated in the specialty “Economics and Accounting”; training in other specialties is carried out on a commercial basis. These are such specialties as “Law and organization of social security”, “Construction and operation of buildings and structures”, “Computer systems and complexes” and “Hotel service”. This is the most popular range of specialties.

The standard period for completing the program for each specialty has been increased by one year compared to full-time study.

- How is the learning process structured in the correspondence department?

The educational process is based on the curriculum. Curricula are developed by us in accordance with the Federal State Standards of Secondary Specialized Education with the active participation of the chairmen of cycle commissions. This approach makes it possible to construct a curriculum for the correspondence department that is completely identical to the full-time course.

During the academic year, our students participate in review and orientation classes, perform laboratory work and practical classes, course projects, receive advice from teachers in the disciplines, undergo educational and practical training. Between sessions, students complete home tests on their own according to the plan. The final state certification draws the line.

We provide students with a complete package of documents - methodological recommendations, plans, schedules, regulations. Additionally, everything is reflected in our department at the stand. After all, the main feature of studying in the correspondence department is, first of all, the high personal organization and organization of the student himself. After all, unlike a full-time student, he must build for himself a system for acquiring knowledge through “remote access.” The college's educational portal has a section on correspondence and remote forms training

- Who are your graduates this year?

These are specialists in the field of hotel services, systems engineers - computer systems and complexes, as well as middle managers with specialties in economics and accounting" and "law and organization of social security." There are 90 graduates in total.

- Please accept congratulations once again on the anniversary of the correspondence department and may you and your students always be 20!

Correspondence course involves studying large quantity material yourself. Students attend sessions twice a year (three in the first year, including the orientation session). In the 1st and 2nd courses, sessions last 20 calendar days, in subsequent courses - 25 calendar days. Each successfully studying student is entitled to a certificate of invitation to the session. The student must be prepared for the session: pass tests no later than 10 days before the start of the session and study the recommended literature on the subjects of the academic schedule. Courses of lectures and seminars are designed to address problematic issues in a particular subject.

Obtaining higher education (by correspondence) is possible both on the basis of basic (general) secondary education and on the basis of secondary specialized education.

The duration of training is 5 years.

Training is possible both on a free (state budget) and paid (contractual) basis.

Number of budget places:

  • History - 19.

To study under an additional set (for a fee), in addition to passing the competition, you must enter into an agreement with the University and pay the cost of training for the first year.

On the basis of basic (general) secondary education, admission is based on the results of the Unified State Examination in the following subjects:

  • Russian language;
  • Social science;
  • Story.

Training on the basis of secondary specialized education

Upon admission, persons with specialized secondary education are tested in the following subjects:

  • Russian language;
  • Social science;
  • Story.