Do-it-yourself play equipment for a kindergarten summer playground

Summer is the most favorite time of children. You can spend your whole day on fresh air, which will strengthen the child’s body. Teachers are thinking about how to organize work with children during the summer in order to satisfy the growing body’s need for creative, cognitive and motor activity.
We prepared thoroughly for the summer. We thought through areas for children's play activities and made a lot of play equipment with our own hands. Parents were involved in this process, for which we are incredibly grateful.

Done health path for the prevention of flat feet.
We used logs of tree branches of small diameter, bottoms plastic bottles, slats from the back of a crib, old abacus, capsules from Kinder surprises. Walking barefoot in the summer will help strengthen the child's body.

Created center for the development of fine motor skills in the form of play equipment.

We used the back of a crib, plastic balls from a dry pool, pyramid rings and cubes. We secured the rings in such a way that they could move and rotate freely.

They took an old table and fixed half the bill on it. The bones were painted in bright colors. I did lacing game using small plywood, juice box rings and self-adhesive paper. The plywood was screwed to the table. The game required bright colored laces. You can lace in different directions: from top to bottom and vice versa, similar to lacing on shoes.
For games with traffic jams They made a cube out of plywood, inserted the necks of plastic bottles into the upper surface and secured it. We made overhead picture mats from universal napkins. You can select corks by color for each picture composition. A hook was attached to the table leg, on which a bucket with a set of caps and a set of picture rugs were hung. The chairs were taken from a warehouse and painted in bright colors. The equipment was secured on the table in such a way that a group of children could play at the same time, and the table could be approached from different sides.

At the center for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, they secured Sun. It is made of plywood. The eyes are switches. They can be closed and opened. The mouth is lacing. Also used were rings from juice boxes.
A rack with ribbons is attached under the sun. At the ends of the ribbons there are caps from felt-tip pens. Ribbons used for twisting (rolling).

Our center has locomotive.
There are various devices attached to it that can be closed, pressed, snapped, turned on, twisted, etc.

Next to the cow mini sandbox we made last year there is now a ram placed next to it.

Ram is a table for drawing with semolina.
The ram is made of plywood, wooden blocks are used for the legs. Plexiglas is fixed on top. Sand can also be used for drawing.

This stand for creative works .

The headboard from a children's bed, wooden blocks, wire, stationery nails and clamps were used. On the reverse side there is plywood attached for chalk drawing. A bucket for water is attached to the leg. There is also a cloth that children can use to erase drawings.

To teach traffic rules, markings were made on the asphalt and a traffic light was made from plywood and self-adhesive film.

This table for games according to traffic rules.

The road is made in the form of a cape, it is sewn from fabric. An elastic band is used, which is inserted along the edges of the road. It allows you to freely put the road on the table. The houses and traffic lights are made from waste material - cardboard boxes. Cars and attributes for the game are stored in a plastic container.
This FISO – corner.

It is installed on the veranda. And it is made in the form of a machine from plastic boxes of vegetables and fruits. The boxes are painted and mounted on wooden frames, which are also painted. The car stores attributes and equipment for PHYS - outdoor activities.
This lion - physical training equipment made of plywood for throwing at a target.

You need to throw it in your mouth. For this purpose, a round hole was cut out, a bag in the form of a bag of red fabric was sewn, which was secured using a furniture stapler. For throwing you can use small rubber balls, plastic balls, cones. They are easy to take out and put back in a bowl or basket.

On the veranda we decided to do girls room.
For this purpose, the walls were painted accordingly. One wall is the kitchen, the other wall is the bedroom.

Carpets were laid. They put up an old cot. A cradle was hung from a hook in the ceiling. They made it from an old stroller, which they covered with bright fabric, tulle and rope.

Every parent knows from his own example how difficult it can sometimes be to get children interested in something so that they do not interfere with their household duties. For those who spend time at the dacha or permanently live in a private house, there is an ingenious solution - a do-it-yourself playground made from scrap materials. It will captivate your child and contribute not only to physical, but also intellectual development. It's not difficult to build. You can do this from available materials, such as boards and logs, tires, fabrics, etc. Be smart, and your child will not be torn away from the new play place.

Choosing a location and plan for creating a children's recreation area

There are few rules for choosing a place, but their implementation is mandatory for the safety of the child and your peace of mind:

Do-it-yourself playgrounds in the country from scrap materials

Before you start building a playground, you need to decide on the territory and draw up a project.

Site size

The size of the playground depends on the age of the children and their number. For very small children, a small space of 4–5 m2 will be enough. On them you can install a sandbox, a few simple shells and a small pool. It would be nice to fence off such an area so that the children do not run away, and you can calmly go about your business. To do this, you can use improvised (wooden sticks) and purchased (chain-link mesh) products.

You can’t lock older children behind a fence. He will be redundant. They will be interested in something really worthwhile, a more serious projectile, a greater selection of entertainment and, of course, a lot of space. Ideally, 10–12 m2 is needed in order to create a comfortable playground for such children.

Photo gallery: variety of site fencing

A fence with a gate will give parents confidence that the child will not run away from the playground A colored fence that you can trust the children to paint themselves Playground fencing option

Site plan using improvised means

Now draw general plan future site. Think about what will be located and where. To do this, it is not necessary to make an exact geometric drawing.

Photo gallery: layout options

The playground plan can be schematic indicating the dimensions If desired, the playground plan can be drawn You can entrust the drawing up of a playground plan to the child himself.

Preparing the terrain and covering the site

First of all, the place needs to be well cleared and leveled. Then you need to decide what kind of coating you will work with. There are several options:

If you are limited in finances and make everything from scrap materials, then choose the second option.

DIY playground: ideas

What equipment to place on the playground is up to its owners to decide. There are some elements that you just can’t do without.


This is the most common children's fun that can be found in every yard. There is no child who would not be fascinated by the creation of sand cakes and the construction of all kinds of caves. In the sandbox, your child will develop his imagination and learn to create new objects. Previously, they looked like a square box made of unplaned materials. Today the situation has changed, adults are increasingly concerned about the convenience and safety of their children. The main innovation is, of course, the creation of a lid that hides sand from pets.

It is important to choose the right location for a given area. It should not be in the sun, but it should not be placed in an area that is too dark, so that the sand in it is not wet and cold. It is ideal to install it under the canopy of a large tree. But if this is not possible, then you will have to come up with a canopy.

The most common material for making a sandbox is wood. For boys, this could be a hand-made boat or a car for the playground.

A large tractor tire is also suitable for making a sandbox.

Photo gallery: sandbox made from an old tire, in the form of a car and other options

Children's houses

A very popular entertainment for children is the house. It could be a hut made of branches or a simple tent. The children will hide there. This could be their "headquarters". Thanks to this, a children's corner at the dacha made from scrap materials will become very cozy.

You can also build a house on a frame. This is also easy.

  1. On columnar foundation the frame is being erected.
  2. The lower and upper trims are made for the floor and ceiling, respectively.
  3. Then it is sheathed, for example, with boards.

You can show your imagination and make a porch, windows, hang curtains, put an old carpet inside, knock down a couple of chairs and a table. In general, a miniature version of a real house. The more you try, the more interesting it will be for your baby to play there.

Photo gallery: “housing” for children

A fabric hut will protect children from the sun and rain Shalashiz natural materials you can build with your children If desired, the hut made of branches can be disassembled and moved to another place A children's wooden house can be a copy country house Porch, windows and door are desirable elements of a children's house


Slides are no less popular among children. They come in straight and spiral shapes. But what is this pleasure made of? There are several options:

  • stainless steel is good, but a little expensive, and you shouldn’t leave expensive metal unattended;
  • ordinary steel - rusts too quickly;
  • a plastic tray is a great option, just try to find the right size;
  • wood - it needs to be sanded well or sheathed with something more slippery, for example, a piece of linoleum.

Few people make a separate slide. Most often it is built as part of a complex with ropes, ladders, horizontal bars, etc.


Swings are the most popular type of entertainment in the children's recreation area. Building them from scrap materials is not difficult. To do this, you just need a chain or rope, as well as a seat (board, wheel).

If you decide to use a rope for a swing, then it must be periodically checked for strength, since exposure to sunlight and precipitation has a detrimental effect on it. Chains will be more reliable, but the links may move during swinging and pinch the skin of your hands. The sensations are very painful. That's why in places where you need to hold on, you can put some kind of hose on the chain. The rope can be attached to the crossbar with a carabiner, which can squeak unpleasantly over time, or with the help of a bearing, but it must be welded.

A children's playground, made with your own hands from improvised materials together with your child, will be a useful and interesting acquisition, and the photos below for making it in the country will help you with this.

A playground for children to spend time at the dacha plays a role both in the development of children and is used for the older generation - older teenagers, youth and parents. The advantage of a well-equipped playground for children is that the child is under constant supervision, although he does his own things.

A children's playground at the dacha can be made from improvised materials

By creating a playground for your child, you provide him with a personal place where he is the master. Although his presence on it happens before your eyes.

The sandbox at the dacha can be decorated interestingly with stumps

By arranging a place for children, you let them feel your care and love, as well as show off your own skills. You can teach them to your child.

Having your child on the playground will allow you to take care of personal matters. And the child, using the devices independently, will develop imagination and intuition. Invite friends over and, without disturbing you, play and communicate with them, and feel the status of the owner..

The functional purpose of the site for the development of children is the employment and development of the child. There are a lot of variations of elements for this.

Probably all of them who are now adults built huts, climbing frames, and swings in childhood, although not everyone had enough experience and skills for this.

A car on the playground made from old tires, attributes of an old car, will really appeal to the boys

Today it is possible to fully realize children's fantasies... Although it is worth consulting with the child about his desires.

Don’t think about technical perfection, make your childhood dreams and desires come true as best you can, using available materials. This will allow the playground to be attractive, but also to engage in interesting activities together with the child.

Important! The choice of devices for creating a play area primarily depends on the age of the child.

For young children, the sandbox is primarily important. This is the least time- and material-consuming place for children to play.

The sandbox is very easy to install. To do this, you just need a few boards to enclose the area chosen for the sandbox and the sand itself.

A simple sandbox can be made from boards

It is worth taking care of sun protection by installing either a traditional mushroom or a canopy.

To prevent the child from overheating, it is better to build a sandbox with a canopy

Which will require a pole at least 1.5 meters high and 4 wooden triangles, together they will cover almost the entire space of the sandbox.

You can also use options for canopies made of fabric.

The sandbox canopy can be made of fabric

For young children, an ordinary car tire can be an option for fencing a sandbox.

A simple sandbox for kids can be made from a tire

Tires are also well used for making swings.

Tires make great swings

For this version of the swing you will need the following materials:

  • tire with a radius of 14 or more;
  • boards: 4 x 50 centimeters and 1 x 34.2 centimeters;
  • iron tube 34.2 centimeters long.
  • Cementing mixture placed in the tire.
  • A board at least 1.5 meters long.

The mechanism for adapting the pipe and the wooden product is also shown in the figure.

Car tires are a universal material for the manufacture of many devices for children's activities.

An example of a swing, as well as an option for using car tires to make various jumping ropes and climbing frames, is shown in the photo.

Jumping bars are often made from tires by half-burying the tires in the sand.

For the physical development of a child, simulators for the vestibular apparatus are necessary; they can be made from either wheels or logs. It all depends on the availability of the necessary materials.

Another interesting option for the physical development of a child is the installation of a climbing wall.

DIY A-shaped climbing wall for children

For its manufacture, the ideal option is an A-shaped wall, which can be moved if necessary.

Two frames are made from beams connected at the top with bolts. It is advisable to cover it with carpet or similar suitable material.

Grips will be required for support. These can be cobblestones collected by children, firmly glued to the wall, or they can also be purchased in specialized stores. It is advisable to attach them with bolts for greater safety.

In addition to tires, any broken piece of furniture can be used to make swings - chairs, benches and even a skateboard.

The swing seat can be made from an old chair

We make a rocking skate by removing the wheels and making holes in the surface for the rope.

Thread the rope through the surface of the skateboard.

In order for a child to confidently stay on a swing, handles are needed. We make them from two sticks.

The knots should not be tightened too tightly so that they can be adjusted if necessary. After attaching the swing to a tree branch or pole, check its strength, safety and functionality yourself.

Also, a fun element for children is a slide, which can be used not only in the warm season, but also in winter.

Do-it-yourself slide in the country

To make it, you will need boards treated from roughness so that there is no possibility of planting a splinter.

A swimming pool is a fairly necessary element in summer. The easiest way to purchase it is in a store and install it in the shade. Although doing the work of installing a pool independently, together with the children, will be remembered by them for a long time and will last for a long time.

This will require additional knowledge and skills, but believe me it's worth it.

Digging a pit and a drainage hole, attaching hoses to fill water - all these actions will teach your child engineering skills, and he or she may show interest in them in the future.

In addition to exercise equipment for physical development, places for quiet games are needed. These are gazebos or all kinds of houses, including, if necessary, with labyrinths.

Children's houses can be purchased in stores or built independently. An artfully landscaped structure can also be an option for a gazebo.

In addition to various equipment for children, you can come up with various calmer and stationary games. An example is tic-tac-toe. For which a regular stump is used. Or just various hemp for gatherings

An excellent option is to combine many elements into one, which will significantly save installation space.

Another unique, although less durable, are cardboard boxes, from which you can make various structures for children of any gender, both with rooms and towers.

It's very easy to make a house out of a box

Choosing a place to install a playground on a personal plot

One example of the distribution of devices on a playground for children is a clearly partitioned area for a full view.

Important! It is necessary to separate children's areas and planting areas so as not to worry about children trampling them.

The playground equipment itself may vary in the number of installed items. Although such scarcity is not the best option.

An interesting example is the installation of more devices:

  1. The sandbox is normal;
  2. Jung's sandbox, this is like a version of sand therapy
  3. Swing;
  4. Bench;
  5. Parasol;
  6. Tent;
  7. Table with chair;
  8. Inflatable pool;
  9. Place (bucket) for small toys.

A table and chair made from hemp would be a good option for a playground.

In such an area, a child, alone or together with parents, grandmothers or a group of children, can spend the whole day in the fresh air. Here he can play noisy and quiet games, take water treatments or engage in similar activities that are beneficial to him.

Additional decorations for the playground

A playground for children is made from various items and complemented with interesting decorations for a more varied pastime. These can be any cartoon or real characters: bees, butterflies, mushrooms, as well as cars, ships.

From ordinary plastic bottles, of which there are many in everyday use, you can create many interesting things, such as trees, animals and many fun crafts.

Also, your imagination will allow you to adapt any pieces of wood or logs to create jewelry. Which will be unique in their appearance, because you realize your fantasies, even using the examples of other people.

Let's present a video showing a lot of options for decorating a playground.

When arranging a playground for children, it is worth considering the convenience of the location of all the elements prepared for installation in the chosen place. It is also necessary to take into account the age of the child and the possibility of replacing elements as he grows up. A sandbox that is required for a child aged 2 to 5 years is no longer relevant for a twelve year old boy or girl. Although swings are in demand by children of any age, and even young people, for evening gatherings.

There are a lot of variations of playground elements, which can be made with your own hands. Some of the necessary elements will have to be purchased in the store, but most often everything is at hand.

All installed structures must be discussed with the child and it is advisable to make them together with him, taking into account, accordingly, the child’s physical fitness, character and temperament, and the desired direction of their development.

Much in in this case, depends on the family income and its composition. Male and female hands and the skills of an adult will be required to create an interesting and functional playground for a child. This will be a decisive factor influencing the choice of the number and technological features of elements.

The most important thing in arranging a playground is the desire of children and parents to jointly create a functional, interesting space for children to spend time. When installed with stationary options made of durable materials, it will serve well for perhaps more than one generation of children.

How to decorate a children's playground - interesting ideas

Do-it-yourself children's playground using improvised materials at the dacha 46 photos:

To prevent children from digging around in beds, flower beds and other places where they are not supposed to be during a country holiday, you need to have a special corner on the territory of the dacha that would be interesting to them. In most cases, such a corner becomes a small children's playground. It can also be an open-air sports corner. Much depends on the wishes of the children themselves and their age. A self-created children's playground at the dacha is distinguished by the fact that during its operation there is the possibility of its gradual transformation. Agree that games that 2-3 year olds liked are no longer suitable for 5-6 year olds. In addition, playgrounds, as a rule, are built with their own hands not in order to save money, but in order to please their child, because no one except the parent knows what is best for his child! For some, it is better to build a simple house with a porch, for others, a “castle” is needed, and for others, you can only please with a platform in the form of a pirate ship with the appropriate attributes.

During construction children's corner There is more than one difficult problem to solve:

  • The first step is to ensure that the playground remains visible from the house, and from the room where any of the adults will be long time. The ideal option is when the site is visible from several rooms at once;
  • In addition, the playroom should be located away from utility buildings, if any, on the site;
  • It is important to take into account the fertility and landscape of the land where construction is planned: for a children’s playground it is worth allocating an area with poor geology and infertile soil.

When building swings and other play structures, you do not need to dig deep into the ground; it will be enough to dig a trench 30-40 centimeters deep to install the pillars.

When determining a location, it would be a good idea to place the site near a permanent fence or near a wall. For example, it will look great here, besides, the listed areas are rarely fully used, remaining, as a rule, unused.

Alternatively, you can create a kind of design on the wall mini climbing wall, installing for children, for example, a slate board, various rope ladders and other interesting items for games.

You probably know what exactly your child likes most, and if not, you can always find out! At the same time, there are usually enough walls and fences on the territory, so install others at the dacha interesting devices, observing where exactly your child will spend more time. This will allow you to find out what specific games your child is passionate about, giving the right direction for the further development of the playground.

An important point is lighting level play area - children should not be in a poorly lit place or in the shade. At the same time, you shouldn’t leave them in an open area where the sun shines for a long time! Alternatively, you can place one third of the site in the sun, for example, an active games area or a swimming pool, and the remaining part in the shade, where a swing or sandbox will be located.

If it so happens that summer cottage If there is no shade, then you will have to take additional care of creating a large umbrella or canopy.

Don’t forget about drafts, which should not exist on the playground. Of course, children should be hardened, but drafts will only cause frequent colds.

In addition to outbuildings, it is prohibited for slot machines, electrical appliances and other similar devices to be located near the children's play area. Don't forget that children are extremely inventive and curious!

What should a playground be like?

A few words about the place where the children's playground will be located. Children do not need a large space to play - just a few simple shells with a sandbox are enough. If you wish, you can. It would not be a bad idea to have some flat area or lawn with a clean surface on the territory, where, if desired, you can always just lie down on a warm summer day. For all of the above, an area of ​​4-5 square meters is quite enough.

In the case of small children, it is recommended to fence the area! This approach will save you from the need to constantly be present with your child, because the baby will already remain safe and visible. As for the fence itself, it can be made of any materials. The same applies to appearance. Here the matter is limited only by your capabilities, desire and imagination.

The main requirement for fencing a children's area is inaccessibility for children, strength and safety. Based on this, you can use mesh which is shown in the photo below. It is equipped with a special multi-colored plastic coating, making the fence look less harsh than usual.

If chain-link mesh isn't your style, a picket fence might work. At the same time, the gaps between them should remain small so that the child cannot stick his head through the fence. In terms of height, the distance to the child’s shoulders will be sufficient. The finished design can be decorated with various patterns and colors.

Important point! Be sure to round off the tops of the picket fence. In addition, the material should be carefully processed so that the baby does not get splinters while playing. The installation of the fence must be done conscientiously, taking into account that children can jump and hang on them.

Fences made of ropes look attractive. This element meets all the requirements: it is attractive, reliable, and most importantly safe.

Examples of playgrounds using ropes:

For older guys, the fence is a relic of the past. Children can play both throughout the suburban area and beyond, and therefore, to keep the child engaged, you will have to come up with something truly interesting. The dimensions will also have to be increased. For 7-year-olds, it is worth allocating at least 8-9 square meters for games; 12-year-olds will already need about 12 meters. In the latter case, the shells will also be more serious!

Choice of coverage

This point is one of the most difficult, since the modern variety of materials can confuse many buyers. As long as the children remain small, it is considered an excellent choice lawn covering. In this case, the choice should fall on the sports version, and not the ceremonial one. In the first case, the composition will be characterized by greater abrasion resistance. Of course, such a lawn will not be the most attractive in the eyes of guests, but it will be able to withstand almost all impacts from your children.

The main disadvantage of lawn coverage was and remains that it needs to be looked after: trimmed, watered, etc.

This option is perfect until the kids grow up! With age, the impact on the grass layer will increase, especially in places of active games, be it a swing or a slide. As practice shows, these places are considered the most problematic. Leave them as is, and after the rain you will find puddles there, which after several “races” will quickly develop into a swampy mixture.

Alternatively, it can be done on site drainage crushed stone cushion, placing a rubber coating or sand on top. Everyone is familiar with rubber coverings from stadiums - they are very durable and, most importantly, durable!

You can rid the playground of moisture if you remove a 15-20 cm layer of soil in advance and place compacted crushed stone and sand in its place. Moreover, both materials should be placed equally, 10-15 centimeters thick. When constructing and arranging a suburban area, this will be enough. The only thing is that over time, the sand is carried away from the playground throughout the dacha area, so it will have to be renewed.

Another solution is rubber mat. This method is considered more serious.

Advice! When using a rubber mat, be sure to set a slight slope so that when it rains, water does not accumulate on the surface.

You can also limit yourself to small rubber mats, which are simply replaced during use as needed.

Some summer residents choose fine sand to fill the playground, which is sifted throughout the entire territory. It is worth noting that with this approach, sand will have to be added and leveled from time to time. However, despite this, this method is perhaps the most practical today.

A good solution may be to implement an embankment of crushed bark. Of course, not everyone can get bark, but if you are lucky, then feel free to use this opportunity - the finished coating is considered safe and soft.

When choosing crushed bark, you should make sure that there are no slivers left in the composition!

Among the more technological solutions:

  • Artificial grass . It spreads on a pre-prepared base made of rubberized crumbs and quartz sand. The coating needs to drain water. Based on the height of the pile, the cost can fluctuate around $40-80 per square meter;
  • Regupol . It is a factory-type rubber coating that is placed on top of a flat surface of asphalt or concrete. The issue price is limited to $25-70 per square;
  • Dense PVC systems of modular type . Made like slabs, held together like a puzzle. Cost per square meter – 50-70 dollars;
  • Covering made of rubber crumb and binder . The composition is poured over a flat prepared area, for example, made of crushed stone and sand. Price per square is about 25-80 dollars.

Of course, making a choice among the presented options is not easy - there are too many mutually exclusive desires and requirements. However, you still have to make a choice. Often the playground is equipped with lawn grass. In second place is sand. The remaining coatings, as a rule, are used by summer residents only in the most “loaded” areas.

Playground equipment

It is best to plan a playground together with children, since they are the ones who will frolic there. Based on this, you should listen carefully to their wishes. Often, parents try to do what they think will be the most interesting and exciting for the child, after which they wonder why their child spends time and plays everywhere except the playground you built with love. And the answer is that your wishes turned out to be realized, not your children’s!

Before building a play area, it is recommended to first visit friends and guests who already have similar buildings in their yard and observe what structures your child is playing near. Only then can you plan and create your own solution!

Slide at the dacha

The slides have always been of great interest to children. You yourself remember how a quick descent down gave you a lot of pleasure. This is where the first difficulties begin, affecting the features of the choice of material. The traditional one is, of course, stainless steel, which today has become not the cheapest material. In addition, there is always a risk that such a slide will simply be carried away. Ordinary steel is also not suitable, as it will soon begin to rust.

Available options include:

  • Any with a smooth surface, covered with a layer of acrylic on top. The idea is apparently experimental, but could pay off;
  • Ready-made plastic tray . Disadvantage - you will have to create a slide based on the existing dimensions;
  • Make a slide with your own hands made of wood , polishing all surfaces well. Of course, this kind of design will not be able to provide children with a high-speed descent, but it is absolutely safe. Also, when choosing, it is worth considering that older children are unlikely to find such a slide very interesting;
  • Alternatively, you can try cover the wood frame with slippery material , For example, . For this purpose, the trimmings offered at construction market. They will need to be well fixed on the sides of the building. The finished slide will last at least a year, it will be safe to ride on it, and the surface will remain smooth. Of course, the design of the slide can hardly be called presentable, but here everything depends on the skill of the owner.

As a rule, a slide in a country house is extremely rarely performed as a separate element - it is usually implemented in conjunction with other playground equipment, be it pillars with crossbars, rope ladders, swings, paths, nets, etc. Weight interesting ideas will be offered at the end of the article in our photo selection.

Suspended walkways with stairs

Stairs have always been one of the most important components for a playground. This element, similarly, connects various parts and components into one whole, making it possible to quickly move between projectiles. The stairs are assembled from carefully processed wood.

As for the steps, they can be either straight or round, and in the latter case it is better to make the diameter at least 5 centimeters so that it is as comfortable as possible for children to grasp with their hands while playing. Nothing stops you from realizing it rope steps which will stimulate the development of coordination in children.

Place a rope ladder or net along one side. Remember how often similar elements can be seen in various extreme television shows. They develop dexterity and coordination while remaining as safe as possible. At first, it will not be easy for a child to climb a rope, but it is precisely these “projectiles” that children are most drawn to.


A modern children's playground simply cannot be imagined without a sandbox. This simple element of the landscape promotes faster development of the child, simultaneously training his coordination. The simplest option would be a design consisting of 4 boards, which would not be difficult for even a novice craftsman to knock down. However, many will probably want to make something more beautiful and unique with their own hands. For example, it would be much more interesting for a boy to spend time in the yard in a sandbox in the shape of a car. Excellent as a material moisture resistant laminated plywood.

A great idea would be to place a toy box behind the hood of the “car”, accessible from inside the sandbox.

It would be a good idea to provide shade over the play area so that the child does not get too hot to play. To do this, you can fix a small rod at a height, and then throw an awning over it, thus creating a kind of tent.

DIY children's house

It's no secret that the playhouse is always the most popular on the playground. There, kids can always hide from the all-seeing adult eye. At the same time, the baby, as a rule, does not care what material it is made of. children's playhouse. A simple hut made of branches, a fabric tent, or a full-fledged one will do for the game. Today there are many different structures that are erected as quickly and easily as possible. In some cases, building a house is possible even with the participation of little helpers.

Usually children build huts to play. Moreover, in different regions of our country they can be called completely differently: halabuda, headquarters, hut, house, etc. Ordinary sticks with blankets and other improvised materials are often used.

The most budget-friendly option would be to build a summer children's house with your own hands. To do this, it will be enough to lay out several poles in the hut and plant a loach near them. After just a few weeks, the loach will grow, creating an original shelter. As for the shape, it can be done in absolutely any way, from a small cone to a full-fledged structure.

Fix the poles together using a plastic clamp or twine. Be sure to make a strong frame, otherwise playful kids may topple the structure.

In general, it is not at all necessary to wait until the wigwam grows, because you can cover the poles with a fabric cover, thereby creating a kind of wigwam.

It will be even faster and easier to make a children’s playhouse on the playground if you fasten the fabric over the hoop, for example, on a tree. Below there will be mats where children will play. This will create a cozy and cool place.

For boys, instead of fabric, camouflage fabric or mesh that imitates headquarters is perfect.

If your child wants to get a house similar to yours, then there are even more options for construction! Typically, such structures are built frame: pillars are placed in the corners, where strapping is made at the top and bottom. The top one is for the ceiling, the bottom one is for the floor. When creating a tall house, it makes sense to place a sandbox underneath it, which will be protected from the sun and precipitation by the upper component.

When deciding to build a house on the ground, you can go another way: place the blocks level, on top of which place a beam with a section of 100 by 100 or 80 by 80 millimeters. Make a rectangle, securing the corners overlaid metal plates. Finally, fix the posts at the bottom of the frame in the corners, thereby creating supports for the roof and walls.

Many children will love it if the playground at the dacha includes a house with a sofa, windows, doors and even a porch. Here the frame made of timber will serve as the basis. Sheathing is at your own discretion, but things will go much faster with sheet material, for example, plywood; you will have to work longer with clapboard and boards.


Hanging swings are very popular not only among children, adults also love to ride on them! There are many different options for the playground, from products for very young children to models for adults. Some possible options are shown in the photo below.

In general, for this kind of entertainment you will need very little material, just a rope or chain on which the seat will be placed.

When using a rope, it is worth considering that the rope becomes less durable over time when exposed to the sun. In addition, it can fray, so you will have to periodically check the reliability of the children's swing in the country.

Considering the above, many people prefer chain swing, because they are more reliable and durable. However, this choice has a different danger: the chain can move when rolling and pinch the skin of your hands! To avoid this, it is worth placing the hoses in places where your hands will come into contact with the chain. But don’t forget that kids love to pick at pipes, which is why the hoses will have to be examined after some time. Covers made of thick tarpaulin or fabric are also suitable for replacing the pipes.

Often, when creating a swing on a playground, a question arises related to the method of fixing the rope or chain to the crossbar. The most popular method was and remains the use carbines. However, they have a couple of disadvantages. Firstly, they are short-lived and wear out soon. Secondly, when rolling they squeak a lot, which is annoying. At the same time, the durability of carabiners often depends on the intensity of use and the weight of the child or children who do not like to ride alone. Both disadvantages are partially solved by lubrication. Alternatively, you can use bearings, but then you will have to tinker with welding.

You can find everything you need in stores that sell rigging.

The next question is the choice of material for the seat. You can do it yourself from any material, even from old plastic or wooden chair, tires, boards or tarpaulin. Some craftsmen even manage to use an entire chair for this.

By slightly modifying the original product and placing it slightly above ground level, we get a real simulator that allows us to develop balance. Boys will love the skateboard, on which they can swing while standing.

To sum it up

We have listed the main products that can be equipped with a children's playground in the country. For older children, place rings or a horizontal bar, because boys need to further develop their muscles. There can be many ideas for creating a play area with your own hands; some of them are presented in our photo gallery. We hope that in the end you will get a playground that will bring only joy and fun to your children, and as a result to you. Good luck!

A place with carousels, a sandbox and toys is not just a decoration for the site, but a whole world - children's; DIY playground, photo which you will see below or in the yard multi-storey building, or on your own summer cottage will be a gift not only for all the children, but also for their parents, because it will be safe, comfortable and cozy. All the best for children!

DIY playground ideas

On the list DIY playground ideas you can see things that are familiar to us since childhood. The main task is to make each element in such a way as to skillfully combine a safe stay on them so that children find this safety interesting. We will perceive the playground as a collection of the most necessary, favorite entertainment for children.

The first thing to start construction with is allocating the area itself for construction. Yes, you can just put up attractions, but remember that in order for them to last a long time and delight the kids, they must be stable and durable, which means it won’t work without leveling the landscape. The construction of this place can be approached as if it were a construction project - level the soil, fill it with crushed stone and concrete it. But then you will need to either cover the entire surface with some kind of safe material, non-slip and non-hard, for example, rubber coating. But it is much better to use an existing lawn or build it using roll technology. On do-it-yourself children's playground in the country both in design and in the range of entertainment, it is limited only by your imagination. Choose better place on the leeward side, so that under no circumstances is there a so-called air corridor or draft. It will also be important if there is shade in the area during the daytime heat; if there is no shade from the house or garden, then you need to organize awnings and awnings.

The main element and component will be the sandbox. It will be interesting to play with both very young children and older ones. Of course, it would be superfluous to talk about the quality of the sand, and it is clear that it must be absolutely clean and sifted, but this cleanliness must be maintained. Therefore, when you put together a structure from wood, provide a lid with which you can cover all this sandy wealth. As a cover, you can use a mesh, a flexible cover from an inflatable pool, etc. This is important to use for do-it-yourself kindergarten decorations. It is also very important to have wide sides, which will be used as benches, as well as for sculpting beads. For convenience, erect a roof high above the sandbox, which will allow you to play even in bad weather or bright sun.

Swings and carousels can be ordered ready-made; today there are a huge number of companies that specialize in installation and manufacturing do-it-yourself kindergarten playgrounds. However, you can make some of the types yourself. It will not be difficult to build balance beams - a swing on which two children ride, taking turns soaring up and then down. It is necessary to calculate the maximum load and, based on it, select options for materials and fastenings. You need to make holders and backs at the ends of the board so that the kids feel safe. It is important to make hanging swings from materials that children cannot injure themselves on; ropes and rubber would be optimal (the household version is a rubber tire, not very large in size).

Other traditional items that are often used include mini exercise machines. various types. This is very important, since they are the ones who help to spend at least a little of the children’s irrepressible energy. If you can’t make horizontal bars, you can dig car tires halfway into the ground so that there is enough space between them to jump over. You can also organize an unusual Swedish wall from rope ropes, intertwining them like a net. Be sure to consider a system of soft mats underneath with a coating that will not be afraid of moisture. If you have older children, and there are a sufficient number of trees on the site or in the yard, then it is possible to organize a miniature rope park with a set of boards, ropes, and ladders.

Make a playground with your own hands

In order to make a playground with your own hands not only a place for games, but also for quality child development, you can use the same furniture as when developing.

The table is necessary for creative work: drawing, sculpting, appliqué, creating crafts. DIY playground You can’t do without such a structure, whether you are making it for one or two children or for children from the whole yard. But an ordinary table according to standard drawings is not always suitable. If you want to achieve maximum safety and comfort, you can make the tabletop in the shape of a four-leaf clover, and make a small bench in each of the four recesses. Tree - good material for such furniture, however, it will need to be coated with a large amount of furniture varnish to avoid damage from snow and rain. Plastic is better, but it will be problematic to make something out of it yourself. You can organize master classes at such a round table, for example, teach kids,...

On DIY playground, photo which you see, it is the house that occupies the central place. The inside does not have to be empty; you can put benches there for children to play in the hospital, benches to place a counter or a cash register for playing at the store.

DIY playground: photo