Katya was born into the family of free artist Alexander Klimov and his wife, who took care of the house and raised two daughters. Katya has an older sister, Victoria, with whom she is very close.

Despite the age difference of four years and completely opposite characters, the sisters were always friends, played pranks together and could not stay angry with each other for long when they had a fight.

The happy family, unfortunately, was not spared from trouble: when the girls were very young, their dad was sent to prison for manslaughter. He was given 12 long years during which he did not see his daughters.

But life went on. Katya grew up, went to school, and in the summer, so as not to leave the girls alone at home, her mother, who went to work, sent them to camp. It was there that the first desire of the restless Katya to show off on the stage manifested itself.

Katya was so captivated by amateur theater performances during her summer vacation that by graduation she was already confident in her choice of profession. The experience of working with counselors-directors and the opportunity to perform in front of the children who were vacationing with the future actress in the camp gave her the opportunity to go to Shchepka after school without fear. Klimova got in on the first try.

Married student

film “Poisons, or the World History of Poisoning” (2001)

She ended up on the same course with actors who would later become famous - Maxim Konovalov, Pyotr Krasilov, but the most interesting thing is that her future second husband, Igor Petrenko, studied a course younger. However, then the girl simply did not notice him. The fact is that she was already married.

Katya got married for the first time very early. While still at school, she began dating jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov. First love was as it should be: pure and affectionate. He beautifully courted his first very young bride, and then a student, a future artist, was introduced to his parents, and touchingly asked for his hand in marriage...

The lovers got married, but the young wife kept postponing the birth of a child: she had to wean herself off. And then I tried my best to save the marriage - no matter what happened.

And, as in any family, anything happened. Having found herself in the student theater environment, Klimova finally felt at home there. Now she went to study with pleasure, because Katya no longer had to go to the hated mathematics!

Year by year she grew up, became more and more attached to art and increasingly moved away from her husband.


film “Sins of the Fathers” (2004)

After graduating from university, Katya had already managed to star in several TV series and had some recognition. However, her main roles were still ahead. There were big changes ahead.

On the set of Moscow Windows, the first sympathy appeared between the actors playing the main roles - Klimova and Petrenko. They were both legally married and were about to build a secret relationship, but the girl realized that she was making a mistake and stopped the nascent passion, telling Igor: “Enough.”

The shooting ended, they each went home. Katya, who loved her family with all her heart, tried to save the marriage. When the conversation once again came up about the child, she finally agreed, calling into question her newly launched career. In 2002, Klimova and Khoroshilov had a daughter, Lisa, and a year later Katya was invited to film the sequel to Moscow Windows.

A new meeting with Igor on the set again heightened the feelings of the lovers. Now it was real passionate love, from which it was impossible to escape. Klimova reproached herself every day for what was happening, returned to her family with a heavy heart and continued to smile at her husband. But she couldn’t do anything about her feelings, which were stronger than her.

And now she managed to end this relationship and, suffering and breaking herself, still abandoned Igor. The actress herself recalls that she could not imagine how she could suddenly take a child and leave her husband, because he was everything to her - from a very young age.

But the marriage was already breaking down. When little Lisa turned two, Ekaterina and Ilya filed for divorce.

Petrenko’s heart was also empty during this period. The man raved about Klimova, suffered without her, and finally decided to call - just to hear his own voice. It was this call that was decisive. In an interview, she will later tell: after hearing Igor, she realized that this person should be nearby.


They didn’t care whether their relationship was registered, so, having nevertheless decided to get married, they set the date for New Year’s Eve - December 31st, were late to the registry office and forgot wedding rings. The employees just shook their heads, and the happy couple, without taking their loving eyes off each other, went home to celebrate the New Year 2004.

They were called Russian Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, they were an incredibly beautiful couple and lived together for 10 years. During this time, they had two boys - Matvey and Korney. The couple was envied, admired and strictly believed: an idyll reigned in the family.

When news appeared in the media in 2014 that Klimova and Petrenko had officially divorced, the fan was shocked, and Klimova commented: they were an ordinary couple, with their own troubles. In their shared destiny there were moments of absolute happiness, but they also knew how to make each other’s life unbearable.

They parted, according to the actress, on normal terms, having experienced their passions to the fullest. They communicate, raise children together, organize family councils, where they decide where the boys will study, what additional classes to attend, and who will pay for it.


The paparazzi linked the divorce to Katya’s betrayal. Allegedly, the actress started an affair with another filming partner. In the film “Wolf Heart” she played with Gela Meskhi, an aspiring and very talented and temperamental artist eight years younger than Klimova.

Allegedly, he fell madly in love with the star and literally did not give married Katya peace, expressing his readiness to marry her and raise her children. But still, Petrenko took the blame for the divorce in his interview, only mentioning that Katya is the best wife and mother in the world.

Klimova refused rumors about a relationship with Gela for a long time, and a year after the divorce she unexpectedly married him. After some time, the couple had a daughter, Bella. Despite pregnancy and childbirth, the actress did not stop acting. On particularly energy-intensive projects during this period, all the stunts for Ekaterina were performed by a stunt double.

Russian actress Ekaterina Klimova left Igor Petrenko in the summer of 2013, and a year later the couple officially divorced. For fans of the couple, what happened came as a complete surprise. Klimova herself assures that they only looked like ideal spouses in public.

Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova reason for divorce: why the actress left her husband

The artist said that her husband rarely appeared at home, and if he did, he was mostly asleep. In addition, Igor Petrenko was constantly pursued by fans, including his colleagues. However, Ekaterina Klimova said that she could forgive the betrayal. This decision was not easy for the star. Firstly, the actress’s eldest daughter from her first marriage, Elizaveta, became very attached to Igor over the years. Secondly, the couple had two children together - sons Matvey and Korney.

The separation occurred on Klimova’s initiative, but the impetus for this decision was the behavior of her husband, who made her life unbearable. The actress had a presentiment that if she did not step over herself, trouble might happen. The main reason her decision to divorce was not at all due to her husband’s infidelity, but because they had become strangers.

“One act of Igor dotted all the i’s.” Igor went to St. Petersburg for a corporate event. And at the hour when my husband was supposed to board the train to Moscow, his phone stopped answering. I was worried, dialed and dialed the number. And a little later his friend called me, it should be noted, a man whom I respected, he was almost like a brother to me. Therefore, what he said could not raise any doubts... In an extremely alarmed voice, he said that Igor lost consciousness right at the station, fell and “ ambulance“Took him to the hospital,” she said.

The next day, Ekaterina Klimova looked for her husband in all the hospitals in St. Petersburg, and found him in a restaurant: “To this day, I have not heard from Igor either an apology or an explanation for that act: why and why did he do this to me? I always thought that people who love each other should feel what the other one is going through in certain circumstances. So, in general, I realized that they probably stopped loving me. For me, this whole situation was a real betrayal.”

Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova reason for divorce: life after divorce

Igor Petrenko was not single for long; already during the divorce, he began to court 24-year-old St. Petersburg actress Kristina Brodskaya. The girl was not free then - for several years she had a romantic relationship with her colleague Artem Krylov. But for the sake of Petrenko, she put an end to this novel.

Christina made Igor Petrenko the happiest - the actor dreamed of a daughter for many years, and finally his wish came true. The baby weighing 3600 g was born on December 24, 2014 in one of the St. Petersburg maternity hospitals. The girl was named Sofia-Karolina. Christina’s mother, actress Ilona Brodskaya, helps the couple to babysit the baby.

For some time, Catherine managed to hide her personal life from prying eyes. But the press still got into rumors about the actress’s affair with Gela Meskhi, who is 8 years younger than her. The couple met on the set of the series “Wolf Heart” in Lviv. The lovers refused to comment on their relationship, but in June 2015 the media reported that Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi got married. On October 2, 2015, their daughter Bella was born. The actress became a mother for the fourth time.

The beautiful actress has been dating men since the eighth grade

The beautiful actress has been dating men since the eighth grade

Recently, the Rossiya channel showed the multi-part detective story “Defender” with Ekaterina Klimova in the title role. There are several more works by this talented artist on the way. A lucky woman, she manages to do everything: she works a lot, raises three children and her husband, also a popular and charismatic actor Igor PETRENKO. Their couple is a model of love and tenderness. But on the way to her current happiness, fate threw Katya more than one sharp turn.

We only had three girls on the course,” says the actress. Yana Arshavskaya, who studied with Klimova in Shchepka. - Therefore, there were enough roles for everyone. But our boys were saddened when they learned that Katya had a husband - Ilya Khoroshilov. He came to every educational performance. And at the same time, the guys did not stop paying attention to Klimova. It was almost impossible to resist such a beauty.

True, according to classmates, the guys were afraid to look after the future movie star. Not only is she not free, but there was a rumor circulating in the acting department that Katya’s father was a stern man who served a decent amount of time for murder. (By the way, as we were the first to write several years ago, Klimova’s current husband also had problems with the law and even received a suspended sentence of eight years.)

In fact, when his daughter was still walking under the table, Alexander Grigorievich got into an unpleasant situation. During a party in a restaurant where a group of his friends were hanging out, a fight broke out. And Klimov, having clashed with a man who turned out to be a plainclothes officer, inflicted a mortal wound on him. The man was accused of manslaughter and given a decent sentence. The daughters, Katya and her older sister Vika, were drawn to their accountant mother. The girls also showed themselves to be great - they didn’t upset the parent in vain, realizing how hard it was for her.

Female attention

Probably, the lack of paternal upbringing forced Catherine to start her adult life with men early. Already at the age of 15, she met her future first husband, Ilya, and became a woman with him. However, even before this Katya had experience communicating with boys. But then everything was limited to innocent kisses and hugs in dimly lit hallways. The proud girl, who knew her worth, did not allow anyone to cross the line of what was permitted. And then I fell head over heels in love!

Katya always knew how to attract attention to herself and never went unnoticed, continues Yana Arshavskaya. - Even the master of our course Nikolay Afonin(he was also the rector of the Shchepkinsky School. - G.U.) told her: “You will be a star!” - admiring how amazingly Klimova sang with her voice Edith Piaf. But a successful career is not only luck, but also a combination of such important qualities as hard work, strong character and, most importantly, talent.

A year younger, in the same Sliver, I studied Igor Petrenko. They met during a student trip to Yasnaya Polyana. And under the crowns of centuries-old oak trees, remembering like an old man Leo Tolstoy He tormented his wife Sofya Andreevna with his sexual desires, and a future social unit was born. Then Katya and Igor only exchanged meaningful glances, driving away the thought of a possible romance.

And then, having already graduated from college, they met on the set of the series “Moscow Windows” and its continuation, “The Best City on Earth.” By that time, Klimova had already given birth to her husband’s daughter Lisa, and Petrenko had married the actress Irina Leonova(she later married a famous womanizer, artist Evgenia Tsyganova; despite Zhenya’s love of love, it turned out to be a real strong family in which children’s laughter can be heard) and in three years they managed to become disillusioned with the marriage. Catherine shared her hopes with her close friends that Igor was about to leave his wife. But Petrenko did not want to show his feelings, much less force events himself. Quite the contrary. When he called again in hopes of another intimate date, Katya began to beg Petrenko to leave her alone. And he... agreed.

Another daughter

They haven't seen each other for a whole year. During this time, the handsome man got divorced, and his future chosen one realized that she also did not love her husband. Igor took the first step - he called and made an appointment.

Katyusha realized that she had met her man, recalls Arshavskaya. “But she didn’t dare give up on her previous life either.” After all, she once felt good with Khoroshilov too. Katya’s problems in her relationship with her husband began as soon as she entered the theater. Years later, the actress admitted that she perfectly understands how difficult it is for a person in a non-creative profession to live with a performer. However, despite all the difficulties, she could not even imagine that her marriage could collapse. Katya, like a real wise woman, tried with all her might to return her old feelings, to establish peace in the family, but love was already gone...

Katya was very worried about her love triangle. I was afraid to tell my husband the truth about Igor. Ilya thought that something was wrong with him when discord began. He is a serious person with an analytical mindset. I tried to sort everything out, but the answer was too banal - another man,” shared the actress’s then-friends.

Soon the conversation with Ilya took place. And Katya left, taking her daughter. This was a strong blow for the man, because he doted on the little girl. Having gone to Igor with her little daughter, Klimova was in no hurry to officially divorce Ilya. And he tried to restore the old relationship: he showered him with flowers and gifts, begged him to return and even threatened to shoot his rival. Over time, everything settled down. Khoroshilov and Klimova filed for divorce a year after the separation. And Catherine went to the registry office with Igor after she gave birth to his two sons - Matvey and Korney. Meanwhile, Katya’s ex-husband three years ago found his happiness with another actress - Elena Biryukova, star of the series “Sasha + Masha”. Klimova is not embarrassed that her former husband lives with her friend.

Yes, we are friends with Katya Klimova, so what? - Biryukova said a little nervously when I asked how this happened. - I'm not in a hurry to get married a second time. Before Ilya, I was married to the father of my 13-year-old daughter Sasha, and after the divorce I realized: now there is no hurry. I have an amazing relationship with my man, but that doesn’t mean I necessarily have to formalize it. By the way, I recently took out a mortgage and bought an apartment in the Moscow region. There was not enough money for Moscow. Now the renovation has finished and I am moving things. I got into debt with this expensive purchase, so I don’t have money for furniture yet.

But Klimova and Petrenko are only thinking about buying their own square meters. Their large family feels great in a spacious but rented apartment. The couple jokes that when they have a daughter together, then they will definitely acquire real estate.

Ekaterina Klimova's father was an artist, and her mother was a housewife. An older sister, Victoria, with whom Katya was very friendly in childhood, also grew up in the family. The parents always vigorously sorted out their relationship, which affected the character of the future actress. In addition, her great-grandmother was a real gypsy who wandered with the camp. The girl didn’t like going to school, but she loved spending time at the camp, and she especially liked playing in plays there. Perhaps it was then that Catherine decided to choose the profession of an actress.

After school, she entered the Shchepkin Theater School, from which she graduated with honors. The young actress was invited to work at the Theater Russian army, where she played Desdemona, and in 2001 her career in big cinema began. The big-eyed beauty attracted directors not only with her appearance, but also with her talented acting. Klimova gained the greatest popularity after the release of the series “Poor Nastya.” Currently, the actress’s filmography includes more than 50 films, in which her heroines are very beautiful, charismatic women.

In the personal life of Ekaterina Klimova, perhaps, everything was present: numerous fans, passionate love, betrayal, stormy showdowns, pain from parting. She met her first husband, jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov, while she was still in school. In 2002, their daughter Lisa was born. But at that time, the young actress was building her film career and it so happened that on the set of the series “Moscow Windows” she played with, with whom she had an office romance. At that time, Petrenko was officially married to actress Irina Leonova, but the relationship between them was on the verge of divorce. Catherine had to lie to her husband and find time to meet with her lover.

In the photo Ekaterina Klimova with children

When filming ended, Klimova broke up with Petrenko, but a year later they met again and never parted. The actress divorced her first husband, and at the end of 2004 her wedding took place with Igor. In the second marriage, which lasted almost 10 years, two children were born - sons Korney and Matvey. According to Ekaterina, in recent years they family relationships were just a formality, and the ex-husband only came home to spend the night. The official divorce between the spouses was filed in the summer of 2014. And soon changes came in her personal life: on the set of the film “Wolf Sun,” the actress met her future third husband, actor Gela Meskhi, who is 9 years younger than her. Klimova did not want to get married anymore, preferring an open relationship, but the young actor very persistently courted her and melted her heart.

At first, the lovers lived in a civil marriage, and when Catherine became pregnant, they decided to get married. In the summer of 2015, the couple got married, and in October the actress gave birth to her fourth child, daughter Bella. For some time, rumors circulated in the press that the spouses were quarreling and were on the verge of divorce. But Klimova denied these speculations, noting that her personal life everything is fine, and so far the spouses are coping with all the problems. The only thing that overshadows her is rare communication ex-husband with children.

See also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 12/10/2015

Domestic cinema. Of course, she has many fans. Although she herself is a rather contradictory nature. Perhaps this is what attracts the most. She - real woman. Although she knows how to pretend to be a fatal beauty. Gypsy blood flows in her veins. She was able to inherit this emotionality from her great-grandmother. The biography of Ekaterina Klimova will be presented to your attention further.

Cloudless childhood

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Klimova was born at the very beginning of 1978 in the capital of the Soviet Union. The childhood of the future actress was far from cloudless. The fact is that when she was only one year old, her father, who was a professional artist, was sentenced to twelve years for manslaughter. Ahead of the curve, let us tell you that the next time they saw each other was when she was already a teenager. It is easy to calculate what Ekaterina Klimova’s age was at that time. She was 13. Unfortunately, her father passed away several years ago.

School time

When the father received his sentence, little Katya and her older sister were raised exclusively by her mother. And she raised them in Orthodox traditions. The Klimov family then lived in a 2-room apartment.

Despite the fact that the sisters were four years apart and had completely different characters, the girls turned out to be very friendly. Although, of course, they managed to fight. True, these quarrels never lasted long.

When Katya was at school, she was not at all an excellent student or an exemplary and diligent student. She did not understand the exact sciences at all, and therefore learned to bribe teachers with flowers, chocolates, and sometimes an ordinary kind word.

When the summer holidays began, the sisters went to children's pioneer camps. It was there that young Catherine actively took part in the activities of drama clubs. Her appearance in one form or another constantly caused stormy applause. As a result, over time, she began to form a firm conviction that she simply had to become a real actress.

Within the walls of the university

According to her biography, Ekaterina Klimova received her matriculation certificate in 1996. After which she submitted documents to the legendary "Sliver". My first attempt to become a student was successful. Such actors as M. Konovalov and P. Krasilov studied with her on the course. Their mentor was the famous N. Afonin.

At the university, of course, she liked acting classes most of all. Ekaterina recalled how students depicted not only animals, but also plants. At the same time, they must imitate their behavior. Many times those passing by stopped at the doors of the auditorium. This spectacle greatly amused them.

My diploma work was a play called “Romantics”. In the production, Ekaterina played the main role. The costumers gave her an old, shabby dress. Every night she had to restore and decorate it with lace and beads.

Be that as it may, in 1999 she received a honors diploma, becoming a professional actress.

On the theater stage

In the same year, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Klimova immediately began working in her profession. She played on the stage of the Russian Army Theater. As a theater actress, she made her debut at the same time. She played the role of Desdemona in the production of Othello. And she managed to cope with this role on the theatrical stage brilliantly. She was awarded a prestigious award for her game.

In addition, the aspiring actress played in such plays as “Much Ado About Nothing”, “The Stingy”, etc.

At the same time, Klimova had to work part-time in some projects of P. Stein and in the theater company of S. Vinogradov.

She also got a job in one of the children's modeling agencies. She taught children acting and stage speech. In addition, she was involved in advertising on television and radio.

Film debut time

At a young age, Ekaterina Klimova actively began acting (since 2001). So, she was involved in the famous TV series “Moscow Windows”. She then played the role of Raisa. By the way, Igor Petrenko also worked on this project. Although their acquaintance took place within the walls of Sliver. Her future husband studied one year younger.

In this fruitful year for the actress, 2001, Klimova starred in other films and television sagas. It's about about the film “Poisons or the World History of Poisoning,” where she worked with O. Basilashvili, about the series “Truckers,” as well as about a film called “The Best City on Earth.” In the latter case, she played together with E. Ksenofontova and I. Lachina.

First glory

At the end of 2003, the multi-part film “Poor Nastya” was released. The director of the series, Pyotr Stein, invited Klimova to play the role of Natalya Repnina. He worked with her in the play “Oscar”. By and large, in this film, actress Ekaterina Klimova even eclipsed the main character, played by Elena Korikova. Many critics actually believed that Repnina was the most charming female character of the entire project. The actress herself claimed that her heroine is one of the most strong-willed women in this TV series.

By the way, in the film she performed a musical composition for the first time, demonstrating to everyone her extraordinary vocal talent. She sang “Natalie’s Romance” there.

Be that as it may, this role brought her great fame. And the telenovela itself turned out to be more than successful. It was broadcast in 34 countries around the world.

Of course, after the triumphant premiere, Klimova began to receive interesting offers for many famous projects.

Career peak

Over the next four years, actress Ekaterina Klimova continued to appear in TV series. So, she was involved in the “Sins of the Fathers” project. And the next year she took part in the filming of the 4th season of the telenovela “Kamenskaya”. In 2006, she worked on several episodes of a film called “Storm Gates.”

But the second wave of her popularity occurred in 2008, when the film “We are from the Future” was released. She was invited to the shooting by director Andrei Malyukov, who would later repeatedly feature her in his films.

When the filming process was underway, Klimova was expecting a child. Accordingly, the stunt double had to do all the dangerous stunts for her. By the way, in the film the actress once again performed a romance.

The audience really liked the film. And in 2010, a sequel to this film was filmed. But, alas, he failed to repeat the resounding success of the first film.

At the same time, the actress took part in the 3rd part of the famous action movie Antikiller. Unfortunately, the audience reacted rather coolly to this project. But critics noted Klimova’s excellent performance.

A little later, the actress received the leading female role in the film “Escape.” It was a domestic remake of the film of the same name. The original version starred famous Western artists V. Miller and D. Purcell. Yu. Chursin and V. Epifantsev played in the new creation. Unfortunately, the project could not stand comparison with the original. But, nevertheless, in 2012, the 2nd season of the Russian “Escape” was released. Moreover, the cast was the same as in the first part.

The actress also participated in another film by A. Malyukov. Actually, Klimova has repeatedly admitted that this director is undoubtedly her best and favorite. The picture itself was called “Match”. She talked about the historical football match between the Luftwaffe team and Dynamo from Kyiv.

Subsequent projects

Meanwhile, Ekaterina Klimova continued to actively appear in films and TV series. She appeared in such TV series as “Dragon Syndrome”, “Once Upon a Time in Rostov”, “Defender”, “Mosgaz”.

She also took part in the filming of one of the New Year's comedies. It was called “Happy New Year, Moms!” In addition to Klimova, P. Volya, E. Boyarskaya and even Alain Delon were involved in the project.

A little later, for the film “A Gift with Character,” the actress played the role of Diana. In fact, this kind and bright film somehow reminded all viewers of the famous film “The Toy”, in which the main role was played by the brilliant Pierre Richard.

Historical tapes

In 2014, Ekaterina Klimova, whose films quickly found their audience, once again showed her extraordinary talent. We are talking about the serial film “Gregory R.”. And the film was directed by her beloved Andrei Malyukov. The actress admitted that the role of maid of honor Anna Vyrubova, who revered the elder Grigory Rasputin, was a real gift. For the first time she played a historical figure. Also starring in the film were V. Mashkov, I. Dapkunaite and A. Smolyakov. Klimova was sincerely grateful to them for their invaluable work experience.

At the same time, the series “Kuprin” was released. In one of the parts - “The Duel” - the actress took direct part. The director was again Malyukov. Klimova received a minor role. But she performed the seductive, flirtatious and slutty temptress simply brilliantly.

By the way, in one of the episodes Klimova again sang another romance. This was the composition “Why love, why suffer?” Note that this song is rarely performed at all.

Over the next three years, Klimova participated in several projects.

Critics and viewers especially noted the series “The Cancellation of All Restrictions.” In this film, the actress’s partner was I. Petrenko. They managed to very realistically play a married couple who strive to maintain happiness and prevent the death of their marriage.

Early marriage

The personal life of Ekaterina Klimova interests many of her fans. For the first time, the actress got married quite early. Her chosen one was Ilya Khoroshilov. He was engaged in jewelry making. They started communicating when the actress was only fifteen. After prom Ilya proposed to her, and soon their wedding took place. In 2002, the couple had a daughter. They named her Lisa.

However, when fame came to the actress, serious disagreements began in the family. They began to quarrel often. The personal life of Ekaterina Klimova was collapsing before our eyes.

The situation worsened even more when Igor Petrenko appeared. But then he was married.

Model family

As mentioned above, during the filming of the serial film “Moscow Windows”, Klimova became close to Igor Petrenko. It was then that mutual sympathy flashed between them. But Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko did not give vent to real feelings. Both actors were married, although Catherine at one time built a secret relationship. But then she refused this too. As a result, the lovers did not see each other for one year. But during this period, Petrenko divorced his wife, and Klimova was already literally in a state of divorce.

Igor was the first to break down and call Ekaterina. A month later they were already living together. Meanwhile, the actress’s first husband tried in every possible way to win her back. At the same time, he tried to use an arsenal of all kinds of tricks - from incredible bouquets to real threats. However, it was all in vain. The wedding of Petrenko and Klimova did take place. This happened on the last day of 2005. There was no grand ceremony at all. Moreover, the lovers managed to be late to the registry office. In addition, they came to the wedding without rings. They immediately signed their names and went to celebrate the New Year.

Are there any other children in Ekaterina Klimova, besides her daughter from her first marriage? Yes, the Petrenko-Klimov couple had two children - Matvey and Korney.

Many believed that this marriage was truly exemplary. At times their union was compared to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. However, in 2014 they announced their divorce to their fans. Catherine then said that they had absolutely no disagreements, but their relationship was already a thing of the past.

New Union

Thus, the marriage of Klimova and Petrenko lasted for ten whole years. After the divorce, Ekaterina Klimova remained in the status of a free and lonely woman for a very short time. In mid-2015, the media reported about the new wedding of their favorite actress. Her chosen one was Gela Meskhi. They met when they took part in the filming of a multi-part film called “Wolf Heart”. The film was about one of the Soviet intelligence officers. Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi were able to demonstrate true passion and love. True, for Klimova this role became very exhausting. Her character was repeatedly on the verge of madness.

Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi have a common daughter. Her name is Bella. For the actress, her daughter became the fourth child. All of Ekaterina Klimova’s children from previous unions live with her.

Recent history

In 2016, the actress was busy filming the continuation of the television series “Angel Heart”. She also continued to work on stage. The latest productions with her participation were called “Conspiracy in English” and “Boeing-Boeing”.

Last year, the actress greatly surprised admirers of her talent with a new tattoo. And one of the prestigious publications then named her the most stylish actress. In addition, she was awarded the “Most Tender Mother” award.